Whitby Reporter, 31 May 1851, p. 2

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t ~ - - n - d pormuttdm:ai ttiss ed, -1 leuîheasvent in- ýp ofi lis geierel pn.inci- 1ç stisplbreakingi tii wihtseTrust anti y' ; and-.éfiesdth ieJn- -istry fort uir sbare ta tise, asge af - ftes' a few more remarksa, tise ua- hiou ymjîut, and l. Messrs. De- witt, Mackenxie,'Tache, anti Letlhiir, otly vading la ils favor,. ,i; lie neya wez~ 7, - tiesay, May 27. o'clacic«1> tookiiohieChair aItihre A anumiser ofpetilions were brauoti,,, t, - - ILLS !î5hD À FIRST TINE. 'The foiowiag hibils were reat a final Court% of Arbitratiejti pi ,hMr. Prie, tub provide for paietter sjye,,emai disipline ad foýr a mare econajýié1 tcelnagensent of thts o~lseecltoiin andimain-1 tenat!c of i Hanse ,cf Cor'tian ft ti- ta amend tise ÂA ai lest Session, chsap.1 37, reltise t tise Slaries'ai certain( Oflcrs.fJusttice-le Laýw-er Canada; of( Mr.-~'oe,~T-o-Mountains) ta pre-i - "st:dprdaton ly Rafisaca;of .Mr. Loa ÏÏiere,ta aneU the ls ontreai - -Triîsity ýHoua. Àct; aif.Mr. Hî'ncks hO1 make r~in alterationsaiù ýlisp Territo- rial IDivisions'atJpperàCanada; ai .WVr. Richardis, v) prevent es'ielty ta Ansmas; oi .Mr. Sattn, tu pr9vtie a-' ore ef-, feettsal-praes ta - acqoire posession ofi ileal Prapenty iiiegally deteined, ini Lover'Cauda ; anti ai .Mr. Snborn ta renderExecutor'y Jutigmeals aiflise late Couirt for -liseInferion District ai SI. Fraaeisï ndtifor thee B.cmoval i tire Re- cord of lhe, said Court imti thie Circuit Coârt et Sherbroke Ns'. Baldw in presented taulise Harse1 a -meage ai tise Governor Generai,1 leying before tise House despatches rel- olive 1'i tise.Ciérgy Reserves, Civil-LiaI, &o. Tisey were ardereti ta ho pintedl:1 .Vr. BàldWn eùir idl naw-er la.11Mr. 8sieh (afiDnrisln)-That it was nal tise iatention aiflise mitsialry ta bringi lna ay mea sure, dnning tise prescîxl Ses- sion; *for appointing CoUnty Atorneys for Gprtductin g tise Cinsinai business ai IJpper 1Canada. < tbiemotion ot Mhr. Richards, tise Un : ýe wept ,intuaCoamilîe of thse wholeo's.lison a resaoltiaao on wlhých la foq' a , ý1 gfr tise îs4ymeut of Jurors i M,~î~Ciada. T ha hon. tuènabes' expined tise abject of hisbhil w-asto î~4ertijseesandi fines aaw. psid ta 1 talm 1 p1erCanada, andi puy thorn Sdollar a da in lien tisereof.. Tise res- oisilon was,cari-ét, and lise Commnitîe " aiand re1îosleil ta otise Houa.. tie'betag ssotlinir fartiser on tise ordéis ai tise day, tise Hoose adjaurueti ut %sqparter petfour. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Toronto, *May 28. Bon. .Mr. Leilie laid an lb. table e snedag ir'ons Hlis Exceiioney, annîtun- cing -tise resignathian by tise Hon. Louis £1 sane ofibiss seat in tise Counil. -A number oi petitions were presenled. Tise çmmittee en tise bill taannex the " Old estrvey ai Westl Gwiliambu- 1y1 te ti. Couuty ai York, reported t r9gis lispHén. lIr. Irvsing, 'recani- jupnçing tiseadoption ofils. 3311 wils- oltaoeesdieut. ilo,,iWrIrisn uovedthlie third>reati- iug ofthie bâtlou Fridey. Hmn.. M'r. cEay moved, ini emend- l t*t àhathtsebill end'pelitian lie te- ferrwd - toa aconsnsilee.of tise-w-iole R~ot=. on Friday.--Amendment cas'-1 Ili&e4flelency's message, saaiîîg1 t-.1e , H .lir. Jîasas.c'.resigaatioms, m#a reiiorred te tise Comniîtee ,on Pri- vileges. -- Thi e eosatreading aifte bil l tovestl in oetaiu pernsà. aveil aiiowance in thse County oi York w-asposîposset tili Mosaneaî. -tHn..?r.DeBloluiere wied te hat<w iron tise Provinciali Secrebary aI - qSiauêime il w-tse intention of Gov- erhmt te latrdue.the, Clergy URe- ..v. ýqusti 1- MNuX*5li. LaIÏ#. repied, t Ilie lbe- jlqvee it wuasnet t.e itteetiautofiGov- -etmmms oeîeictredeýthe s dassmea w'bis qutise uesingthe>rateeaa ImF* f Ms'.' llucks w-ont ou--auj ssked Mr w-e bave corne lp 1 SiseÏwoad if be apDrovedof lise views ensiarge tise Reporl in tise lettes' ho bad rend?1 If ise wish- TretuEoeastisaer, ed te give up tise whisle ai autrifonlier dtties, anti do away w-us ail oas' Cus-wilieaepbe toîsihouses? If nat, lie titi ua see w-hase patronage W1 w-lat w-as his object in remding it 1 , le be 1gratefuiaszdt Thse han. Menthe; iconcludleti by st-whi liag tisaI dsritig the sesions gaverons ýt w lich, o pins wi wtld lie preparc tu iausoîace dias' part.As tise feidt tilictly wioiît wud te tlseis'puiicy with grelitly elarged 1)I rfterccû te retailatioe or ntÎmlrw-l.lis 1-fr. Hop$àu mavâed hritusg coa tenl ouy gma.rt ? mmbr eofthse jixrueja of tb amuais of inprovia& Jiofl q tise peupss ofa yÂn 40 the rosir own3kli i te hon. gelatlemn ste for- retrenchnient. otînled thie cost, &o. miws in ravour of retrenc h' 'te for the moiidn, ir the"'x- DThe SJôts lspeectr-GOO. information f hg mwshed 10 ]that. na taot wisf~ihe Marks from hoeýisemnbei8, an afnendment for rwferrliig ir of.spreading î0lormaiiOf but hothottht the botter ho journal$ end other d 9M- nt carried witboot ttivisioO. orials for sale at Ibis.Office. liebrônil ýtiuoaitîtuediate ensît s vitls us, a-rteater slaanaof-attentlin 10titeir local itlrests, and to tle deveiopeitis ai thoso resolurces %vhiels hava mn on bren kept in tise busek grotund by tise absor:iin. iisterests, "of lie 01ol etioîed Tovnsluipsai tise front cf tis iltie Cuunly. 'Vh beitsg otîr aim, and en- coutraged I 1 ît ~arly co-operattin ai tise, peoples, weolie o sec, erc.e iàog, tise Couinty ai Ontrino ana of lite Most ~influeniial aiitsdIrivin -acctivuss of tue Province. Tise stbseri pltinpice aftlie - Wetincsday, May 28. itoîrs and Miînicipi coi. Prince presented a pcltiaao fron Mt.- Hissckgs sit 3Mr'. Mua1slgomery, a, Tnveru-keeper ai W-as a greatl advoct Toronto, setlingr forth, tisat in 1837, lie le shnnîld havéec tw-as lise - owuler ofa, Ilotel. ors. Yonge 1f.H ' oLo Strméet wshich lhe hud- ]et Io a tenat fur ~~tùint, tait ha 'Would vo pnewdutld lie £500 350I. per aunum, .Tisat.i armed par- ddbtwish ta spreid 9îyenterçd the hieuse iis Navemiber aifusiake o rreacisuuteut o -tisat*ye r, and" staléd tisaI tiey came èoutYtay see hi, voft With -tl e-intention o- achàî uon Aller a ew eçore ton tnre1,ig 1r ihutcks asoveda Toronto'. fle. bèjugsboarde'r andhiv- ltsemalter to-bhe Conta ingau contratîl ,adv ised tisons ta gontwusy ted ibal h@2 was in favoi It-hbicýh he ,y efnîseud o and tise. prty as widety as possible, béing afterwardstacked by tem taplan woutd'(1be bt It û tieni mtarent an-a îow rate. liseé prernise, Nere isurst ly lise, latter Miotion (,f amneodmen and property destroyed ho tise ansotmît ai 70001; 'that ho -%vas after'wîrds iadicted f lîak Deeds & Menn, for M~gh treasîn,, ant iat as a caisse- qtîence of tisese eveis, he lied been rts- T [J E RF iinedilaheittisâand properly.. IBe,tisere- fore, prave'ltise coasideratiua af tise. WHITBY, SATIUR -Hanse. aa*d -siieh re1i6f asý mi-ht be ARI tl igînt pralpër. .ufr.MIachtnii gave notice Of a atmn- On Wednesday ber of questionis, %with regard ho .tise enagaged. oûrausai UJniversity. Aiso aiftan address for a Goerm tga feltn. rèlebuve ta the Division Courts, duotion ît a o &tc. &o. ; aise for a retura ai poiînnersdcino uiso &c. also ofian nddress of lte names oai tappears that halls persans canfined fer debi- la Upper leclion jissvoted i Canada.- Mr. Holmeir gave notice ai ab iii ta te- pratechive dulies. peul tise Usîîry Laws.. stated expiicibly, . i la tn nswer to Mr. Slserwaodd, Mr. wiii lic removed rat Baldwin said, il w-os tise intenstion of tise alan aVd declines b Gaverameat ta remove tise ',eat aiGov- ~ erumenit ta Qnebec,befaretie expitiirin cifiedtlime naIt'hi of fonur years irans tiselime afitis settie- Toronto. Tise gra- ment at -Toronto, at sose li me after tise' 'esterns Canada 'a expîirationsai tise preseat Session. tarded la proportic Tise foliowing Bill was rend a firat lime, vis :-To amend tise act for lise mains aItishe exîri formation ai Joint Stock Canspanies for Province, in causer tise construcetion of ronds. insurw.otintablediff On a muotin n v Mr. Rîtbinsons for an tra yns eî address la tise - Goverîsor Generai for edbytwstt copies -of carrespondeuce respecling lise ho transitet w-th t r.ecîprocily aeg9ti'alions sith tlie United allier departmenîs, Statesu-- Mr. Lesiie, il arr Mr'. Hincks sîaled, thsat bhsis certes.- pouidence culnudaie cpublisised aI pros- sbtted tisaItise CIle r ont -wiîisout prejnînice luthie puîblie ser- ho banclsed hy tise C vice, la proofoaifithe inuieyai' ptub- sien. Mr. Merri tt1 iisiig sncb documentls, hoe refcrred ta, the putblication - ai recenl despalcises mîîleeof aieliseiii froîisu ir Jahns Harvey ho Lord Elgin, i noxl, a series ai rese wlsichitise exretao terniswiticls Nos'ia Majesly te reconîmui Scotia waa realy tla caticede ia arder Parliamouil, lu ena ta obtain luis reciprocily -wýere aotenly steted, s se ttistheiembers oaieFIte - nsssy hscituefortli ba ican Governnent svcre mautde aWvare ex- dîîctions of aIl nolin acly aitise views of tuse cabsinet oi No- ito Great Britain, ra! via Scolie. Tise Huse usiglil ney upon lhisaegatialîous heing pressed by tian nny insposeoa lishe Provincial Govemnimeal as oariss- pronduiction ai tise ci ly as possible. tended la strike ntl t Mr. Robinson expresse] on intention dnly ai Brolluer Jots gf.itihdrawiitg his msation.ada -Mr H Skewood, however opodan tiser products. tse witbdrewal. Tisepepers were re- Enlargement oi inseni lest year on lise saine prehî?ace. '['boail w-as reasonahie tealalege sncb "Go a-head " 18 t a cause for the refusai; but tise isel 'Viene is no more w-as tat lise peauple were oaiy auw olsti'îctionisîs lunlis beiug dehsded by tise hope ai obtasa- ,tln Tmeso ing tise reciprocity wben ira fact lisera Justln u'gesa w-es na praspect ni abteitîing itltai. and tise arts. Th( Tise production oai hiese papers w oId met îa aanifestit proistbly praveobisaIthuasretIur2tesmy couid nat lue abtained, and %'aotîki show itingeven in tise w-base fenlt il -%is ait tey cotid mot. whichi is sleadiiy Aiteraliuding tetise negotAiatiois in tise soute ai' at colemi' speech trmth ie tiron<, 1aI lsessions,indi"ntinn," at de and going ao'er lte severai enîhassies o hy Messrs. Tiffany, i\lerrill, &c. Heo chiera in regtnîar se read a letter in tise Wasingtnn Repttb- tis ize(i a Jîue lic, stating tuat if reciprocity were es- ordinar e ln tahliabeti t ai, il must ho reciprucal in eyhdbin every liig-liset if ail Caîtadiaut pro. dotîbt, lîsat a eorrn ducts were, aeîi-tild imb lise United brasa ridues, head-iiî Stqtes, free ofiu ty, al A merican goda pint are necessar mstlb. adnsitted mb tistea Cnadas pint like mnannes'. TisaI article lie lisatinu puce wvith tise inu, doutîb, exîuresaed tise sentimnts of tise tise Canadian press Amnenicae Congreas. 'Visis was lise op svîh ils trans-O- lasI session ai Paniiensent, andi if ltets correapoadence w-as niol now givetî,tis e addiition, bowi Counatry vould ho kest is entire ignu- depti ai' taise and ïpi rance ai tIs aate ai thia qtuestions, ansd wiseliuer wilb an eq wviîhout -tise iîîmsatiuîs tise y aouid ?u -e, ildl hsave et:tise noxt election ta etuahie îaussr ald tisen lu decide nîpou their relureseista. ing teste for poluienua tivos. iedge an lthe part ci Mr'. Hiicks condemnedth ie tane aiwearofndt a .1ms lteAteic.t..Vie a e lie prcip ea as et present; andt t comp1enstl for tise ndd ti'oni. l aia aîi' vcel y expeluse sve iooh far a lange lîscrease of patronnge. 0ur Suliscribers -will plensa bo remnitais tise ansait ldue, 50 as toi eîsnn fus te ecli- octte desireti arrangement aI ait ariy day. _________ To CORPESPONDENTS.-Tte. commus- nication ai Mr. Mitccel of Piekering,' arrivedeas w-e sîero gaing lu sress. Il w-ihiappeer next%-sveek. Wa are "chasv- ed uip'"-qtîii end scîssors.1 Il fleeverton" %viluli e aîteuded ta ils aur ccxl. WMe ccktîasletige, irom the Maisrcai Gazette, thie receipl orf a Mai-, lîy Flous- ing, exhtibiting tise roule ni' tisa roposeti Rairoad frotîs 2lrit reni to> in i-sstoti,1by ss'ay of Byto%%.,'urtnd iPertht, suitît ait nx- tension 10 Georgins lBay mndindiîtsor. IVaul ai'roata buis xweez, 'pre-vetuta uts i'rom Iakimsg notice of lise rcIsâ r of Mr. ' Flemsing oustise sîuhjecl. s Crovn Lands, and Mr. lincks' Territorial Divisin Bill. of Isle Govertimeul. it wili lc seeti, lias alre;udy bien nemil sonna, bas diahinctuy tIse first tinne, atsd will, no diutui, rg eeFs vil net srseeniily liecunte a law.. %Ve sviîl en- , RC 1_ -s deavor tu p-rocture ttan îslîutt tififIs lprto- -overutuujuuLehuis Ses- visiuts, ab rtus lteso ltn tsîtîii wiii p-ropsose in Cons-lare cotîtPý11ii<<lç 4-10ir1', po-ulle ole onùXVediesday Tise Bey. Dr. Wiiis ssiIllIsiaci (D. oluiiotus praying lier V.) intshie -Frce Cliiuîrchlisntisis Village, iind la tiseImperia]on tsStundy tlislt Jâmte. - :se bIsai a luize dtily Fs- the tt7zlby RCIjtuuter. imposrd. on thie pro- 1Ma. ED-tTOR.-It s enerauiv îp cas, %yhers importani posed tisat our 1ircsenit rolirnescitative usi rail saucis oeii a-Pariiemeul usili tnot, cuiter thse itrs 0oeiîs terni, enter anin iitl iti ulic lui', ifl'lt si ike articles, lise lirst aisti fren test cujeet iof' lis usissiots- flotsics. 'Vhis is in- vis: lte Division ef tisa Cotuuty-slsousld hie tweaty per cent. M~acm-iiiu In~ls tuetSs athsan, on on ss'heat need, a #àewurnmbier oi' Parluimeut. It lias, for santie tusse last, isecîs requenîhy cskr-d in lte Coturse ci' consve-sations, tise "Reporter."i W/sa is ta luc our ssext mestsrr? 1 nît lue or der of(the aie. tIsa qnestionîs las neyer yel-prtups 0 from soute sort of faise dcîieaey-hecu roona for actiqualeti. propoanded liv tiseTIO3I, nor lins it e oc'aard, crow-ded, ever yet iseen'nsked Iîrugh tise Press. ,fscience, litenaîsire Tiemi, for lise final lune, ]oItnie ask iltus ie piit f iiiprve-IlSovereign peaople "-yho 15 1 ha otîr s sirt f iuiroe-new usenber 1 TIhe time is tîtt nsalîv îg mIaou iin everY monlus isefore tus, sshsets ue tîtissl tro l'pii o-heprs," aim tenaine over tIsa Provisîce, oxpandis itiseli- wiuli s it ansseer tisatiiuîîiry. S1sali tnt sîuggest atsy iadividzro/ as toranies in IlvirurnsaIafit cuiff1-routerui)ersois," lit I lutie litîquent polilicieus, îo isestialion ii n sying, tisaI sshnteven erial gradations irons usemier ni tise present Parunin mil ih 9 intmsdstce a bihl u set asant Itise Cotnty acelbtîge leat' ta an of Onstario, titnristucese i s' it, il, i-/Ihi ket, catisitlening, ne sure qf being elerted in t/sut Count!, if :spondiug dispiay af le desir, il. Titis tissernt msay aututr ant oxhunatitsdaruîsglv propiîetie, iîi se shail sec ses adecmtion1sosv v ei ofils fîiifiîsuent lte isext y, unordtiet keop nite ie asoslsel niford. ses. la lisis respect ~~ttv ANOTHER ELECTOR. î srrdl'apinir Whtb, May 27, 1851i. rver, ai a stsperion ual ativantage ltisah )ed upon bise grow. tti dliterary know- E' tise peaple. Tisa, y,' is aapidîy exîeud- Uii cissaî o Sai acety sisted, bv tise grat Sbeea giv'en ta il by icai seilt-govern niet entoibe, tisnîngb tiseir îsisip Counceils, anti effectualiy, muai ho 111a. u lis res- ftise C'onnty ai York are w-itb any part id ta, encourage liss id afierd every fiacili- these jiastera Town- and important duties xo upa 11km. in lise înr Coîitly affaira, on int a new Caîinty, thse determinatian ho ter ta tise ise ai tise Titis,,w-etrust, eta aur'resaera, -for se bave every resason to citendtLni-ti uae )Y theoraton ofr satralio.is lieu Bolton's (if Trsnis) Resolutlons For Di§soiviisg tise Union, itrctprsed iii Couîîîsiltec ofvie lte svi n Wît~ edtiesc hlst. i. Resaolve /,--Tluat wvieis tise Trilisit Goverunuttit prcssed te Uninîsf'tise Provinces of U;iter and Lnwi-r Csanînl un 18410, sîuis tuagaints te usiîes-ai te people, te prt-(e(tigwsus tilin-tIas affrrinir tise reniel means n rt-i ieviîî g Upper Catiada irons liecr fluancial ullli- cultica, andti estountr' trsusqttlitylu. Low-er Canada: at i i sas tîrge thattt hîy tise estasblishmnent of a genenai Go- veomment mare elosaiy assimitsted tu thaI (if Great Britai, ise tise-aiftise sine iaws asd lise E ntlislti angbuage wotid unmteth ie peoplue iy commnnîy ofi intereat, anti atrengblseus tise eelîus'- ouf eticlsmealaready existnîg lu Bi- liis Instiinîlioîsa tnt Britisîs Connexins. 2. Resolted--Thet lte assetoth Ie Repreetatives cf tise e of i'Up1îur Cansada lu lise aeasure, %vas îredicted an. te contitunance nifliseSeat oi Go- vernument w-itin tise hauits ai tise Upper Province. '. Resove,-Thaî bas sent aifte people <f Low-er Caiada w-es Dot souiglîl, auti could not have been expeucled, upots iny ternis short o ail ;iii tuLoe Canada intoresha. JtttOh oo 4. Retolved,-.Tisnthlis tiptulabiog. matie an lehsaif ciflpper Leneda bas iseen wholiydiitegarded,îatjw Union isas signaily fallet inl secuntIhose ah- jee-Ls, o<ista.ia wis ichiilw-as proiessedly brqughî about, amat in thier stead nauchs jedlousy anti bitter feeling lat e licou engectieredtilew-eeilt lîvucountries, irons w-hase proxÎmily oaiposiionanad titubai dependeusce, the kiridlest feel- ings sisoolt bave lieeeoraget, andi wlich, but fur tisat sueied fur ansd sui- haSppy ssteetrence, w-onsit undoubhsedly bav pre< -Tlt b.ged.1f4 Cntrtadjotirncd tîntîl tan o'ciack. Ten a'cloek came, the cout h ionise and atairs1 and lobby %vert: iteraiiy tlsroîged, lte1 exciteniseutbring intense. WVleî ltet Jtid'go wîts sealud tlise Slîeriil'wns order- Id lu asceriaits wlieî lier tîte jury isad ag-reeni; wiien il was anderstud teyr iîad, lise exeileuseut becanie actttaliyt piioful. VTe prisonèr pale emaciatled ansd evsdeîtîiy suliering the tmost 'mentai torture was.hroughî jîsto court.t Witén the jury came Jin,lise niast op-E - pressive sileuce was ohserved, <îvery ý"ye was strained lowards tîsein. Th'eE Prisoner's Cunsel sat to-ether evident-j iy feeling the fearfnsl respoasibiity*cfa their ".iloun. Thse grave ansd impas- sive appeurance or Iîo-Judge, Ihe calams- Unrauiag aspeet <if the jur~y ; ts tlw..illng. excilement cf tbe crowdedm court rom, the iml ed volauI foyer et tîi ii ben days, and five tiPffl as maasy idong the coast and ina Zin-51 tersor.1r In Frar.ce Ihe namnes of M. Lacrs2aB and M. Peugenet, have beeu ofthred la tise Legi*imaLes as their cadidaflteu * Vice-Presiden t ho the assemtbiy, in OiR" of M. Leon Fauches, apOiRtOd UiDiM la tiseinlerior. Tise Mouniteur ltUil5h- es a decree <if tihe PreSidettt of. lbe Be- publie appoistingGeaelm i ww(ov ereor Gênierai ofAigarîs- t itic", il% p1tseOf GeB-ý TD.Hart pont., Iwe in* UA sien is termirnated. M. LMUML S troue, bas depohit%îd 1lete4m l a - 1 night, thie'lotise wos Admiss ta the Homne ast thae propoed re- sn Baltia timnber; and àfree-tradlers§ and pro- togeter in 'favor of Mr. Bflaia is Lhat the Goveru ment tthe close oft' he Ses- to annotindo the spe- ehi il will rettnrn 10 )wtt tùi prqsperîty af xi11, therfteÈq,,he re- an ta theltirne it re- -me eost ensd of t-be îuence of the almost fictîlties ta uc eticouin- cers having business enuergeti Reporter will renitsinte sume lier Caljad a ire iikedhy thic strattgcst ties of' attnclunélit inite'tcst, tui i'irgif to lte totier country, andît tiltliotigli in Lower Canada thiese relationis arc ie- cessariiy utificd by te great prepoti- dertitce o<f ishlalhtitns of French cQx- traction, thtero is every granind for, as- sutranîce thl a a tatioii tif Laws and Institutions to îL.e local and social requiretisents ai tha twa sections of Canada respectively, wonid prptl- ttte te exisîinîg connexiotn with (Great 1Britot, auâd cîsure lu lite colonies tlit protection and suîpart bcst calcîtiatcd to sectora t1iir- ba1pînlless aud 1runiote îi4eir advantcoecnt. 6. Resored,--Ti(t t he raliid inercttse 1ini wealth and population or' the twvo sections of lise Prov.ince, tise veuriy selt- ilement or frcsh tracts of countsry, Ise- crcatiois of' ttevDistricts,ttue Mtinicip)ai 1arrangemetls and the cxtension ai' the ;jîtdicial systeni conseqitentti leretipoti, 1denmand ready atccss lu, and consstant attention aoflte Govcrnnictst ; ihftl lte Vast extent ni territory enibraccd inth ie îrsent lirnits af Catiada frotis e Gutlf or lise St. Lawrenca tai Lake Stiperior, Ihe exislingtlornt of cntral Governituent, reqtîîring a referenica tl lcad qitarters oi tIhe snmaiiest minui io delail, ihle d ifficnlY of obtaining ticcîtral i n forma- tion froni rioto settietiets, lihe varied tentire of ]atnd, te social etustons wido- ly (ifrcnt, lte frecltciitliy coulhIctingf îîritîciîuics of lawî anti civil rights wisicis, obtain in tht' lwo sections of ltepro-, vittee,ara iecl etilated tb iîn1tede lte :iction oir Coveýrîsîuetîl andi retard t-I-e adatirientl ite cotuntry. 7. PResolved,---'liiit lucciticote 1Uîion, evratt nl to letii<Xste for tis e coj>hs ssstti'uiclti utinoii or (Aller sectin of Ile Pronce. anti Careit dsv's exlierience shtows mort cleiriy lise ittiprnct ît'ialiil lv f nirvînigutit the scîtenfe nfIllte Uition initier ilýs orig1inal condtionts ; tisutl le Provisionîs ad1teüt lu ne sectionts(if tlite Provinîce Ihavebeetslibtitîti tsisniiy itni- aplâîcabic or iitoperatîve lt tiîrt lier ti nd taI tlise svstei is gnuIiîiiy olit iîtgc of le-zislatiîsg st'iutrattiv fur ELasteris tatd Westerni Catntdta,rs txo il istiltl tutt itlîdepeiileil Provinces. nif tlise UCiliînît1ou1tIl is sctara te 1egisisîa iotti is, ton freqtlieiitiy, butîcele uvrt ili utgpoeur isnlte Ili sil' I lue nu titurit% inus ne secction tifrIle Provinîce, anti liîereiuy tlumcle i agrosvittgttslsî îi l t a ~ lsnsysterti ni gnverilnsiît ~'iii ofl'crs, stier tn itocît tiussiti ecs a -tsou- aile irospeet cf laruiotitoits nettiît. 9. Rcrovd,-TIit t l s iie I1 exlitc1 tisaI ail attiiiallltouy ;oîertîtr utitiCoItit- cil, rsiîeritnite Plriirnitis, taud sliifu i îu offices. hoiditsg tîteir siut iigs l'Urbrk' andti tisequia ini ods ii tItIcrejt larts of, tlie Provinîce, cau fuifiliaîîy aise cnntili- lion essentiad luise liatrmnîioîîs ork-.I iîîg« of a vîg«Orous stable, animp itîartîial Govertîntenul; lsat stil a sysîcîn, is ciui- ciiatets ntlnSolîser liani tlu tisetlie nsots's ittitits ; il upetîs tise dut r lu.spvcti' haiti nandt rickery,inist neccnssarily le atlendeti iil mss ofnile ntt wsaste cf I!tt)ie iistey, antd restîlt iniionîrs ii- jutry tiste geiseral untcreslaf tise pro- vîtîce. 0ô 10. P.solvrd,-Tlmntaiuts ittîtniie ad- dress bli lrt-seit.cdlu olier liaestîy ciii- hodying tise fnrego(iiiug resouitots, tutd prayîng thnl Uler iVljcsty îviiibc gfl- Ciotîsiy tu tîîke ltli1rese(4tt 1ate nf'Iler Loyal Provuticeuol'Cttan(ail ttu lier insI strions Cotssitieî'nilot, svill a vuesv nf sc t5rtgleteBrituis andiiitci ,pî latuin resîseet iveiy, tle eitjoyllictit uf stîcis Ljaws anti Institutîions s atre îîostt cois ftribtsictate cnstonis, tusages, ît habits cf ecl, anti hest caletiet uni b etistire tîteir mciutand moral weifisre. hotofainit, ail cônltribtiled tu 3naki' tise 5en painfilly, excitiag. _The" Clcrk ilavitsg plt, the qutesîlan n luthe .itsuai fois,,:a aomefllaty Pasê enMêue1_ý ** titan the anssver came distiacly,'eans forcibiy, Not Guily. Wo watched, ndrro'.vy tise irisoiiei"5 couinte.tu[ttSx - lisisusueut ; aflash af hectic lightasee- me(ti la o av e::played ov.er it-then sho snblted,_ or rallier moatsed eudibi.-- Tlisa the juty-tilia -1rg e majorily of tisent, in tel]igeî slirewd'fa rmers, acted conscientiltsly aînd accorditsg tu, th evideusce we fîîliy blcieve; it imust bas ieft ta tinte ta develope the dark inys- tory of the case. Dnîring the reading Oi lte indicinsenltishe prisoner had tu sit---.slteliîad ta be carried bath in and ontI of couirt, -and lu tise dock wvas seat- - ~e iiia rekin ,c!air prapped t1p wii' piiiows.---SiO îwas very respectably ut-, tircd. Thie ruexl day, Wednesday, she left in lise United States steamer'4 Nor- tiserner, 'for 'Ogdensbuirgh. A large crosvd was asseaubled oithlie wharf to iticess hier deparloire.---KTtgsion Her.-, Id. APJVAL OF TRI: CANàA Halifax, Teiegraph Office, May 26, 8 -P.M. - VThe 'Canada' lias jîlsh arrived,ý will,., M3 passengers for Boston, and heu for Hatlifax. sSîse expericîîced vcry rctugh wealher ts-tieefirsl'days oiit. '--T T iietcw's generally is unimport- aist.1 ,Crows scontinîeta bpres mb 1he Crysîni Palace. Tise Quets cuntltîes o ruake a diluy visit jirivatelý. Tise reccirîts fuir une day htave been as Iigil ns £3,000. Sctasoti tickets stili sou eat .firsl lrices. In the loise of Comusatis, after somne detlission, the füther tiisctsssion of lhe Ecclesiaslictsl Tille Bui, by consent cftise Pretuier, %vas puslptbned lu tise 'ie Liverpool Jonîrnai savs, we ie.. lieve we are ii a condition tosale that in a wcekc or lwo ldiiiisterswill reaiga., ansd Lordl Stanley accepul office. XV, are at aili events qoilte certain that ihist oectirrenice is cxpecîed lîy allishe Gov- t-inittens tifficîtls, b ftuiiow immediabe- y ons Sr. Ilaylie's Ceylon motion. '-ltltid il pass, ts s calcndlated an, Miný islers will lie left ini a miitority. Lord Stanley is now prcpared Io foinm ais adminsistrationî. Tha toue of tise Mu-acheser market lias iuiîîroved. Iit Liverpaol and Mon- chuester il is beiicved tis eoxîrenie païint ut'tieprussio.-n la passod, and thtat huasi- tîcss wi sii etnse ils cotîrse. I-lotir otmred ais ensier terma. A dCi- cise ni' 6d pertbM. in sanie instances luas lueu s tlinittcd la. Inîlsun Corn uin good request. NYVieat in fair dcmnand et previotus rates. Beef dtil, svilhonst au y aiteratio in prices. Pork lu moderato dctnand. Transao- t lotis cl)sielyi in ishs, Froeh, &o. 0%,- il"g tulise shtort stîppliics, Anserica inaisarcjus reqîutesýt.- AieicnLardti aiitaiuet luhst eeks advitsce. t 'rallosv, 3d lowor. Teas inactive, and priees are in flîvos' of liivers. Asises-.-a siiglîl advance la pols. CUTTIN MARIKE'.---Oll the 16t1tlite dniîsnd iieing large and tise snipply re. tlped lnces recuvercd 1-4 lu 1-8, I'tam tle exîrcuse poinît of depression.- Boston, May 26. W'e have Iayhie ate 'àta ise5h.

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