Whitby Reporter, 24 May 1851, p. 2

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'eôi bnuity la, ilisi tise ccming 3oibas 'ilibe shorti, ifnd tisat ia ta 'bort session, Wmerstisan all, itat nous- uîg imprtartt.wilSe done. A flotrish if temspeta 'is ailtisaiprobabhy villibe uadri prepTtrVteyt he dëpartusce cf 'le' ICireu" lcr;tbLoweKPs'vipce. WVe lieu otf snopreparations 0n1isepari attie ~ ty~'fôrsaunydeiclded or ,ue- ut e~llgtPbi~qtthe occasion ; uer is i tishyibt nsv fha've been miatIe.' Tise Toronto ,?art/c American nmeftionn;the Ã"l ' folit*.h s mtise probable, liai cf méa- aureasi e e cariéd eut. 1. Mr. Lafetain's Representation Bil - tiobe tinkered! 2. The' farce'cf tise Retrencisment Commit tee te be tinkered! S3,'ho Jury fBilte ho liaikered! 4. Tise Asesament Bilte ho tinkeced! 5. Tise Agrictiltîscal Bil l obe tinkèecui I *.6. Tise Connty Division Bill te ho tin- kered 1 Tise bungling lecgistatioinwhictisese precictits ' Reformera' have exhibited han necsced toem th ie uînenviable nase f' Tinkers', for pelitical Tutikors, * tbey undoubtédly aie et tIse voi>]iný.ý Tisey foins me"tibres- and masoliuuvn; iici, when eompjseted ne uneeau tira- derafand"--uoi eveastisenselves; tisese mmese attise vecy nexi sesion -bave te bhorevined, explaitïed, and ins-facu ie evy »sesotftise wod,' inired' ao. As te -renades' 'tiem pLtaialpracticsuble. Thaty,,ave mat given, a sinigle inistusuce of ,god itemýmaneluip le arnîy mensuire they Isbwe avec caîried osi. -Every.. .tiigiacésftssiee'-and experime!si. We -rýpebi, liserefore, lise comnig seasion whlt be of disertýdLumtioq, aud excessive- Iy-baren. . Stick refeirmas theso ad r -reofBadwia and IHinciks carry cîJ mnaývwe«uicausae sprii injtoe xistotsée coliataly fRda spprers ot th iseuors Grit'usrty, tar esedet ltai nam efot tisey-perpetrate tise greateat amounit pf bungling and! confisient oui Province oves' witaeneL--Brcratt. ConHer SN QJJ E ST. * niqseut was iseltI yeslerdny mcmn- iug ai .Gea. lat Taiverai, Markset Squitre, beora Doctor Eing,,on viow cf thehbofetan ttnnown female cisild, wbieh iwcs eued ira lie maraissotitis cf thse bon Bridge, on tise previotîs day. T~he jsedy was net aI ci deconsposcd. lt appeared front evideece, isaIaisouti tise middieaaf Manda lest A Mca. KitIg- stot,resi(kot ira tisaiiseigliberisond, one0 evening,jast beore geing te bede iseard a nnndas if a chîld isad screansed 'Vexy viclentiyp, infise directiont viere tise bout'Wan tound. Sise tld iser husisand et týeci&xlumstauce, andI a soarcla waa atithe time. instituted, but notising was dimmsyqse4i andth ie uflair pnne470- Cot%$tap4 oisJoisestesi .w ee boit oU" tebora andtI iey eeapd sur4eihituglying amng tilt lu seeIpim tise unarab..On oxansinalicra il ttirned ouit*ls Ie tise body efthtie ciild lu tise istate '*IreaLdy deseribed. In formation wab serti telise Police Office sud tisah' body, vu&s cetîvyeu to tise CityHalli, vise, afler ceesiderntioss by Dr. Kiîig, it-vas eeetuicied isy Dr. Herricks, as tise Dr. was desirous te have lise tcstîmcny cfa aedicît gentlemaîn usa teits appeau 'ance svheui fuind. Tise fesiimoisy of -Dr. Ilerack vas le tise effeci usai tise chiid had 1lived et iceast a mentis, andI ihad,'beau wsll nourisised dsring tisai 'time, and!ltat ils deatis bcd been occa- 's oued isy a iseavy btov frein sorme bluet instrument. Tise jury re.trned a verdict accordingly. This n is e bec- cn utcae .tf infanticide lu tisai neigis- *souihoid, itisin lise lani six or ciglat itlIatIir. Globe. >1 IRE BISHOP 0F EXETER. Inutu. Houssasecf Gommons, on lise 2& .offMay, thse folewing conversation tîsOk ,plae in regard te tise exlrpordiuary értsorIitgn cf tise lisop of Exeter- Ms'. Childer catie the attention ofthe JleuS e16 a lettes' publisised a fea dayn ago by tise- Bis5ôt cf Exetery,,annue- iug bis.iiteantion te beitI a Diocesan :Syïa'od iu juisé next. IHo obnerved tia hum intention' wotIld havetlise efrcct ef .Mparaitsg tise ciergy cf Exeter fron thtsa t sest cf tise, clorgy efthtie-establisisment, sud hoiskuaied tise Goverumeail boy tiey iuteuded te nec itusrespecit tiste con- îeesplated Syncd iratise diocese cf EX- Ierd 3L.-Rusoel stid ise hauia ti the, opinion ofthtie IaW offlcein ot tise cevavwits regard to the hoding of di- oceme synotla, but ho dîd net tisinisthée asseasbly proeoý~d to be called, by tise bWwhopiad tise cisaractes' or was calIed in manines' cf a piovrincial synod, visich eqtsld oct bcecalied'togoliser %Vitisott tise Qaeqta'srît, noreî ulud tiyput in io f«eS, aasycanosn vitiout tise Qtteeit' panaiuon'tuder tise penalty of napria. .aaaeaL The. bisisej,,iever, ts ex- pegsWi dec3ared tIat itvwunot the ini tento&*éý& ropsedaase nbl y toean - WA gc Ma*, ndthat- had id net mea n vvbat couirse the bishop took inxéelation to ihat decision herore any te-its otld be decide.d on as, te Qse proposed aiser- biy.-"4fter a:,vÉort disctioin the sub- ject dropped.: fllank Dees & Mencoîlals for sale atthis Office. THE RE-PORTE.ý WHiTBY, SATU -ILAY, MA 24, 1851.1 NOTICE. .RZpersons èeitrusted witlithie circulation of thé neu' (ounty Pe- titions, are respectffrllyrequeated by the Standing C9amttcee, tofor- toarod them IMMEDhM~LYr, directed to titis Office. MR. PERRY'S HEALTR. We bave plensure in stating that Mr. Perry bas s0 fat recovered from sthe sevère relapse adto which he had falleas lately, in consequenc-i of a tco early attention to, business during ihe absece.cf Dr. Ford, s.le b alto s it up. Haiïssiosa tair way of rscovery, aithougli yet vsry weak. 1 poning of Pariament. Toroanto, 201h Mayr,.1851. This:day at Three o'clock, P. .M., His Excellency tise <overner Genem* à pro. ceeded in state to the Chamiser of the Lepjisative Ccsutcicî in thé Partiament buailding, The members of the Legis- lative Counceil beicg asseiinbled, His4.Ex. cetllency .was pleused îo command thse attendance of thse Legislative Àssembly, anod thd House beiag-present, Hila Ex- cellency opîeaed the Fouîrtis Session of thse Tlsird Parliauneait ofthe Province of Ci.nada. with thelbullowiîsg speeeh fin t1 e Throae: Iontntsaebie aastlssasao.f the Legùiw ieCeusa- ci:Grl.as f the Legislsstire JMWeasIY- Ie agtala esetinq yen for thea disebarge of our Legiatativa duties, it afords me musch satisfaction bo congiatalate youson the generat proeperity of the~ Province. The ('top o est iysar safaboanadant ; the rev- enue frons Customa, andI the trafic on the Provin- cial Canais, are ateadily incresing; andI the accu- rides cf the Provinceecosornand a high price. 'Tise efferet ofreent changea itu1he Jmjsenai Navigation Law ii alos begitnneg toe e laits the nie traquent raseet ot Foreign Shipping tn out $,ra Ports. It fa allegeal bowevsr hy persons cen- nected wigth the Shipping latereat thai certain pro- visionSof the Immigration Act are «fIavorable te tise extension cf a vaîsale brandi cf our Import Traite. Tbe sssbject is an imeportant one, andI 1 recommend il te yenr censidesation. Under theae fsvonrst'le circumsiences, thse t ai thbr improvement ntfhedia nsaof internai com- musnicatiosn bas rrcenty engagesi a large'share et publie attention, laxusany parts cf Western Can- acta tapital bas haen arled extsssiveiv and witb mach advantaga bypersona intereated 'in the aev- erat localitisand tly othara te) the consirnetion of godcountry roads; and measurea have tsaen ta- keas n i btb sections of the Province, with the viasa of pressing focward inmpertant lices ef Rail-. i.ea s snt busJgaay e t las hodias- visicl i ara clculaÏteiltoe ise leneficiat letbe Pr;.- inra, snch aid as eau ha prcperly given te the*i, saithout isnpairing tisa Provincial tredil, or an- eoursging improvidenrt*asenlation. 1 feet con- fient that ie eny lusrlhpr legisiation wbcb ou mnaysaee lit te ado pt on ibis subjeet yen wil i sd- hera te the principUes of ibis jndiciens poliiey. A censiderable sucase se corcep.sasdence hà 1 amc happy tiinform yen, taken place snce tbe new postage taw rame irise opeastion. Thia tact, wbich furnisbes conîclusive proof uf the advantage sccrsis Iotei commsssiiy fcem lie mase, warranta moreorer tie expectation tint the re- cripta cf tie dapariment witl belore long recovar fromn the depresx osuenn ie eadoption ci greatty reduser ates et postage. IJider the operallen e! the ineasares which bave be cecenciy. adopted b>" the Legialatures of the sevecal North American Prosvinces, the inter- colonial tracte , is ssamisîg proportions o etm es. ieg msagnitudle, andI promises tu beceese a consid- arable tsraueh of cisc inalustcy. 1 shahl lay belore youa edesparchb je saici Ber Majestla sprincipal Secrelacy ef Stats for tbe colonies enbmitç tor con- sieration a proposaI foc tbe construction cf s Railway istween Hialifax and Quebe or Mon- treui, wbicbuliaua important benne5g on tbias eli- jeet.a Thedispute respeeting thaelioundacy, sahicl lias bea nsa long pendîng lsecween Canada and New Brunswick, bas bae lproductiveofet a nisit- coasvenience tle hprovinces, andlcf neoanaI bardahip te those who are ieîeresied je the terri- toey whicb ta tbe snhiait cf coatlicting cdaims. Ie acedance with aasggestion made by tie Serre- tsry of blaIr, 1 ceqaiestad the Lieutenant Governor cf ew, Brunswick te mont me hiere lait autisme, IWith thesa wwof acrangiegihe detala cf a acharna cf arbitration for the settlemeni '>1tti question. The report ut tbe arbitrators, sabo wera appointed 1 puace cftus agreeament uscierrul mie at'that li by ttgevermeeta of the twn provinces, wili in baera o e lieve, ha presasitedalt an esany With tisa concurrence cf thse Execative cf Iiai roinc mprmistion bas been granted by lier cfte pseialgoverniment te thse geveroment le S aes, t earec t a ligb t b o u se ce th e Iers SheReeain tehie Niagara River, ai the ouilet cf Lake Erie, whirb teii,'kely te prove bigbly ad vauitagoaatu thesbipîîng that traquent. cfpbic nsoneynet previousiy au¶boi. m eduby Parliieset AIse, cf a bill te tix tise time fortise meeting aot Paîliametit. Hon. H. S/ceritood gave notice of in-. quiry cf tise miaist'ry, whetIsac il is thse intosntion cf goverinment te rénsovo, te Quebeci afier lise close cf tise present session, or nsd tilt four years afier tise ronsovai te Toronto. M11r. Robînens gave notice tisai ha uvould, s'n Tuea4ay nexi, oqic f tise geveinmont visetseritat i=einjen. tien te introduce à bill duriug tisapros- éni nession le> lower tisa duties on gouda imported by non.' Sevemal other notices isavsng ben given, tise Speechs vas thon reaJ by tise Speaker. I- Mfr. .TtcKenzie gave notice ef a bill te repeal se, ntch of tise Trust and Loan Company's acc ns enablea tises tebtaise grealor interest on mrorîgagea tisan ais- ersarne aleuved te taise; AIse cf a bill te ostablisis courts ef Consciliation ; Aise cf a bill for tisa paynient cf ju. cors. .Mr. Rosa rose te move an addreas un auswer te lise Speech.,-,; Hon. Mr'. SAeriooeel bjected te pire- ceed ing e. once vils -lise consademation cf tise address, an novera members bad net yet arrived. Hlon. 3Mr. .BqIdiin sala biera vas iv,a555155 >551.Urvcows Ag u litedlis1eL the consideratijn et tise eddress - cnd quoled prBecedents te, show tise correct- uess cf Ibis smaternent. But ns tisiisshad not beon tise practice here, tise motion bc.d soneviat laken tise fouse hy sur- prise. Sir .fflan .Ic.a6 sanegentedtisai tise censideration cf tise addrée s h delayod tilt Friday. Mfr. Rosa thon. read his address, an unissusaliy servile copy cf tise speech. .Mr. Jdorriso s econded tise address. Ho hoped tise eddresa vould ho taisen up lo-unciiow, ansd h o ond iberefore. reservç tise romnanisbhiad tb maise tilt thon. Afior seme ftither routine business tise Heuse udjotîrtcd tilt to-meîcow (Wednesday) ut lisree o'ctoek. IIOUSE 0F ASSEMBLY. - WICxNESxs,Mbay 21. Sir A. N. JfcNab cave notice cfserrerai sceeed- menIa tu tas A&tresa te aesaer ttesaSpeech from tise Tirons. Mr. W. L. McKiunz gve noticescf a blIle previsie fer tisa alaction of Cean' s by the Freshotl- ara j UpprCanada. MI.J . Ceuusron brosîgbt in a bllI for fariits- inq.bIc drasaing o e tsa; anal explaiseal ha a fas acralsthe oject cf the measure, sahîcli asa te se- dama the languis ami verbiage et tIens dcs.umsnta: aIose m other bill# te improve tha practirseut tisa iasa-espeeially onelcoamend tth asa cf statute stable. Ha explainal, tisai ai prasaci, saien the Crosan obtainasi rigîts ovec lands by record or ape- cislly altbosgi the Croan sui net ragiatan theclaim - it contincel te ha valial over any nucciar of Jears. anal tacugis taslans a ail possal tîroagi the isads et seveal innocent purebaseis is tas maeantime. Tisa prasanu bibI, bisrefere, sas, insaxisieu tdmpt tisa Cccae te register ils claa le inte tasme way as any othercîasrmn: aisea&bill tteanabla dait. crs l tu nr anto a compostin ailtlther reditora isy wasycla aubtitula for tis'a hnkraput luy. By liis il he asccasitorsmigifisadameoeUeg-rcsoiva isy liseir majrity tu acrapi certai erce-appelit trsatees te wanrk the estats-ana obliin tise sea- ien of s jualga., saici aboasd i*t bsai aitpartesto thair agreement utisout any <fassI enlitise ispan- sas. Tieosa nuaitsaadjowearsd. MýEITING IN PICKERING. An asti-divii Ward neeting wusisls in tise CoutHoum attise village et Canion, on tise I4tli iit.. te taise imb eesisideralicus lie importance of divlding tais Conty. NicislasBrowns, EAqqaWs causal te the chirt, andl Wss W. Leavis appoint- ed Sscs'aiay. Tisa metinagsai large, analsastisa subjbdetwusoftinterest tetise people ni avery Towe- sip; ecaiempliteal ie theatiement,une of tise getdeumsaa hm Wlitiy --ore tnvita e alsies tisa meeting, abusEzrahenis, Eeg., aveileil hmi- self Of tise OPP5stmiaty Of expliinisg an mret. isg maay of thé neduUteausubin tselitba llab of Mr. Mitchel.Tisefioaig resoutioes suis- '-"my put andl <rrisM iy tise reetalent aoftie Wafd aimait aaihmomy. féaeisu@d-Tbtotne oeaeausofaIthe <s'ai azI cmuts nsg popaation., and Idm cd sthte Cotten & Rosas, te pty on Lake Srugng, isatween the bead ot tas LaIke andl Lindsay, made ber trial trip a short time ainces, lving on boardt a large compeny et gentlemen, and saicb proveal mosi setiatactory, comlng fuly up to île anticipation of ber canera. The large ad iucreasg traffic ha- t'veen tisosus important points, impeuatively de- mandeda aSteamer le mat ite urant,sabici object bus ait engli iseen oliuaineai, andI ne docit, ailha justly apprecisteal hy die inlabitants on tish sores cf tihe sabota engti cf tle Lake. lu formecty. ca. quirsa tao dsys te travel froan Lindsay te Toronto, abici eau baesaifly accomptisied in fiftae houra, iaaving Liedssy on aubes' Monday, Wednesdey or Frislay et 9 n'cdock, à.M., arriving ai Port Paccy haiaaen Y afid 2, s.x., taeca te Port tVlitby per Scciptus' & htay's Stage, meeting tise Steamer Ad. mirai et 8 o'clcWk, on beiripsacd trip te Toronto. The *cadanan ratures te Lindsay on Tnesday, Tbnruty anal Satucasy mornieg at 9 >..a., touci- ing et Hoe.!&, Dartieglen, andI Amirose Landing. W. unaieratanal it La propossé te place a Lina cf Stages on the nortiecneanal cf lha roule hetwes Lindsay-and Peteîburo'5 ahich isatlmemplaeebth LUne, making it a pleasacu ands peasly reste for lia danizans cf île nsîeg anal louisbing tcwn cf Peterboro'. le ceach the abores cf buse Ontacio. 'is dimensions cf the Wonslman, sabichis ha dm- mandeal by Capi. il. Chsudes, ara as follows: tangtis of keel ninety'fiva (et ; oer ait oeabun- dîsal (ast; tsarnty f(est hase; extrema aidtb tiirty tet,; depuisof isola ire and al isptactdraft et astr tïIIIitltIanengana tsaenty-iva herse power;âfvethetairoke. Hec boiler is censtructeal ons a nra pntnciple,only censumieg tiras corda cf Woefodelier trip up anal doan, a distance cf shoot saxly mitas. Har moatel foraaete!f hec ize, is rcaliy beautiful, habving a fine antrance anal clear rua, I allicg tas asters luse s taieg of lita," ai tisa rata cf nias mites par bouc. Tisa cabte is on tise matas isck, saiicis, conaiderisg tis ixe cf the boat, ha large anal rcomy, fittad anal furnetbd ita atyle tisai acela favesabty compare saitis steamers cf mucl <rester pretansions. Tiose aise inteinalmahing s p!easoeratlur cf s day or two v iIi f nal ai aligbt induccaseis le ltie thai route, ýthece blin aisnsy abjects cf inlarest te axamire, anal isb and al eainiabundance. Fnaz us Ceoaa.-Ancibar lice ccifrealin tbis town on Saturdsy avetng asat, aisicb a'e ru- gres tesasy desircyssi mcci property, laying saasîe neecty an acre,whicb sacs but s fasa heurs hera coersal sitb buildingsaiteaheari cf tisa ban.- Tise follesaing are tas carnmsci tiesa anIerasaiicb saa cep y con tiesafr.-A Bs ick bouse halonging te, Mc. Mcliii, et Toronao, inhisec by J. Butter, asd Tics. folesstar, propenîy almesu ail saveal, building insureal. Stone building osanmi ly lise atme, oneart renteal by Mr. S. Hoayý, foc <ce- cecy, aetbaa by Mr. Pearson, for naddtaî's nhop, hniteing-insuredancd Mc. S. Hooey tesureal; prt cf lie saime store buildingosanca b y Mr. J. Ban- necli sureel siti <oda foc L54)l.--A great deal cf tise stock cf ihe ahova parties sais onveel, atill blair lessea are ceidrabte. A targe (carne huit. ding ccmmonty knonan a- Bceoik & Beaaty's, esawa by the bau'. John Beatty, insureal for L3c0; -otta anal ccusied liy Fergssaan & Vaudusen, wolie re net tesureat. A (rame buniling, dsael- ting, Shop snd Bakary, camail hy Mr. J. Jlooey, not inaurail. A (ramai building csaced by Mn. Jef. fiey. sad occapica b y Mc. Whitlaa, naithar pai îy inaureal. A brick daeiling andl sisp, canait ly Mr* Hal"uad, ae believe tiwas. luaealfor £210. AJL.t:a aties are hmuvy lasers, anal lut hi7e a ato a irlit. TwJcVO&eONAer y STzTE.-Wie m» plesscal le In ~ta a CcmplimeatryDontion vifi.nte Ce itemplatio fur Tuesdaly tise 3d efouesasnex, 10 oui aocthy analindefaîhgaisi a Pster, tise 2ev.1J C. Geikie, cf the CongregtksatCisurcisof tlisa vilage. Wetrugat iaft heon selargaal lits- ea i eas. te doecidt te biscoasngtioo. Sosa'Excuairose seTIsE Fe±AU&-Tii ain. did kaiiis atae aaagee toe aes offonMon.. day thse iSth Puma, Wa andaraf tisathesteamer risca ROY4 ilth ue blat cisartered foc thaoc.- casicO. Tisa tickets area lit dte four hiundredI, S u.alenanurie eParty pieuty eofsummste sueMs tisaelves aiilai»"L Biàtaof progrsisau ail shatisuad. & Great pleaisrs bai eipeta. lise B»mW& magasays "vsmw J.B* Warren, Essj,Of oaisaae, lately, Md a appearad1 qik tmaie.» TY làa I au tis sy bqildings onxtbiau4eh eS1 Te o asa .asrs'a.- BD.' &É CL an" at Puam« u crerasasi at0Tiae gd nme et lissasgeammn lIas m-asperser" bus tisa U Seehe hà» is a.-< # g-- yuntnaK, ugn tebe he ast person encouragement, as net o leuve the in tise Towship te ciceulate tisaiatupid aligisiesi doai, but thsai this t t hand bill t -No doubt, you vealI narne iug evil, and unuatural bu=,e laà - tsai ciara ets eysa iadid during-tise-prom eutmn ie es i,3o',t itviz Xr .~6~0~ Fes'îpe ansd tisai tise lotig setîglit fà o>s Titis woruhy wasbeen tmvelling vs-havîng cco tovar Our OwS 11i115 was'd, juste-day,.- yul5 a fui! freigisi orbusimesa, il!, ai lenue beel,< aiane&.by tie. aname "letttes Ofet redit" sud givuug thse pepoed nov CS ceificatee cf depeait." Hoe vuas a- visionci Municipal Vtil àft *- tend in bis chivairç oumo'ey by nsea sy Off.., at us hpuest Sauco, WhWhonsseerthse pis'tiheCowty < arrived ai a dwelliaLa osnm é. ',r.i.f- le 1 Tha ediancy cftaaeding uhiýýe' Si abid tahe unyow Municipal Laws of Esterne 'C1&ssd&,in soeofa s f aereidy.petitioned fr." Ibeir datait., ails lie view sa c aring in 's more ampla manner foc tfiat section oethîe Province the NOB.WOOD MEETI.NG.- bèeefité wich tbasa acnarimants are dasigneal te éonafer, wipoabyegge yeur attention. Ans auti-elivision meetinig ais isad ai Nerwoedu às tIha Province salvances sn;eaiensd popi!. by Mcr. Mitchell, on Wedeesday lait, ai whicl h ta is4tion. andI théeautherity cf -tise local Parliament sa gntmn ntstc nil~nagbsadec u aýtendedandI coeirmed, thae rsonsiiitieb gentil emnnta felgteibs uineo altaci, Ie Membeca et tiiLegiasînsc> become ie- lisegreat social anI Pol itisaI changes sahlci bad eeeariy ilé. nacsa Th peplelCaua, .0produceal ancl a somet -a-ii'ha bis opinions ce the wvule tissy jusî 'ly ppreciea tisahe reqoiremanta et i _ftistuèý-teae ,hpepet an ageol pFoga" àattacihoite tisear institutionavso sien Coctoiet a iepel e acd, fthft t rir early tradilicura, andalm r léngtliy defence of bs can cliarcter, commesscinff confidaîtthiat yens ahît esrnestty andeavoor, in anal ending hy denousscing theia "sianders" of tise humnblereliabsea on tise Divhne'bîesaa epicesebe ie ibis spiritauseir hasieteresta. Reporter. The pissa ha a tuesi effectuai angine in ctccumsccibing'the arrogant pretensions of aculd' LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY* ha grat men. Mr. Mitchsellthueavidently lest cast - hcintise estimation of tise peopla, s. butlasa attend- TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1851. *ul ue e ainrtra iseaIemetni Tise speechL baving beon read, tise id migýh ha sledtonea,ais organizeal. Ezra An' members cf tise Legialativo Assembly nia and J. H. Èerry, Esqms., of Whitliy,spolce af.er retuceed. C b- Mc. %itschetl, ahicis ocompltely confoundeal un TiseChei ron tis coice sns-tiha t aite fall back eun local Township business, hors since lutat sessions. .f. Letellier, havieg taren tise catis hy aay cf pisting a stop te tie Wlitby speakers, wa' introdîsced by Mens.'- Pouleit andI-but hafore hs manoeuvre coutlha afaeciad, hae ad Ciseatîveitu, and teck bis seat for Kctm- te icritse and twsta, and suffraamental martyrdomu arassa. fromttise watt aimol iome-thrusti ef Mr. Ferry. Wm. Lyona 3fcKeaîzie, liaviaig taken Aiea very hli eux, aise saarly every mac had tIse catis, vas in fcodsaeed hy Messi. De gene te bis hoeme, a division was. c&W~s for, anda Witt anodDr. Smih, and t'teoie s eat mjoiyofthra.f thievillagerasais round le cf- fer Hcldimand.*' position te the propoed Divio. lBe isaci for H. J. BeuIton gave notice'tisi ýho thea bava cf ta. "8deoed Towshlip," s. Mr. uvould, on Monday next, euh for a ce- Mitceali designatas Pickerneg. iun relating te tise recent sale cf tIse puibtie woriss; * THE STEAMER WOODMAN. Also, tisat on Foday ho wvilli ire- Tisa aboya Steamec,temmsssded by Capt. Chis- dnea bill te prevent tise expendittirco1isoles, buhît la anss otFry o eas ý 1 Wa regret teanecuece tidealli, on unday lajit, impulses ho* often bau tise blundé'ig o)j inflamaion o f tas, lunga, aftar afew dayulltes., activity of this Ward-ses'Vhlg Wutflmn cf Richard Lee HollansI, Esq., Barriater. shown itsel1f in this single imbjèct Or' "dDivision"? 'First ha would,send theu To thte flor cf the WhistbI, Resoritr., he would not, snd now agaMn, b. Winl s SiRI-Wctbin., the lasý féW datys, we and tbcii reminds ase, of a, gentlemnu ave been called te witîxess the advent who, while at a theatre, 'Jsring ,the cf a Very pitky handbills which, I ams farce, was àkted i, awhiapès'., by'.pe. told, aIse niaies'ÃŽts appearituCe' on suR- son -at- bis elbow, !4,whois thbat frightusl, dry sîîmmps, rùm potes and snake fonces, W ugly wouian nsext you 1j»Tho an- throagsotst tise prorsosed*new County cf sweér was, 11,my rhotiser, l Ilno, 1 mnan Ontario. 1That preciola sheet contaitis the womnsl ne3iit f'b e',5 ay *ife, et a correspondence, betwen John B.- Il ne, no, the one neit' te raËàgmiu, Waren, Esq., cf Oshawa, asud J- S. 0well, that lu xny, ister;"e the, quesion- Hloward, Esq., Treasurr of thse CountY er did know whaitt O ,o et. c f Yock,by which tise public are inforin- MI'. Ectitor, de you ýreinember t'lielait ed that-certain moneyed gentry cf that Townshiip et .ecioli, whea Don.Abramn finisliec i tile l'îlilge aboya named, have cf La Has'mon y, was ,pu.t up "'foi t 1é. ssdiscribtd ttith more cationI than wis- honous' of a seat in the Mnnicipality o dem, a sain cf money sufficient toeeet hie Township 1,1 yen, and yon aime re,. the ptublic buildings, in tise event cf member a certain latter fi'o, theiet IlOshawa being saide"I tise metropeilis cf tisat gentleman whichisppe-a.'-- - cf tise new Connty. Tise first lettes' s little tee soum, andI in which hoe deéISft8r' from Mr. Warren, wlse, it appentis, on, along'with a ioînewsai prelix eu.y up-. tise 3rd inst., inclosed te Ms'. Howard on butter, creasn, lied egga,.thit ho was.'ý a papes' containiing sîrbscriptienà for and ci lvsseeo I sèd 6e"I opposed to tI, the sus cf £2,873 10n.," whichprince- Division efthtie County of York; of' 1 y amouint is fui.wied (1) fer tise purpose course, on acceunt cf the aforeadgp c f building a Gitol, Court Honne, Cinty and buttes'. -Hall, &C., in Osliawa, 'In that lettes' AIu tt ishssould l ar ihave bleci, rMc. Howard is rèuueneted te ces'tify that "Tiat notliing protid,' r 'gbt is à 5" tise formidable "pacpes'» was filod in "But il liaih puas nspar etit .~I tIhe office cf tise CeuntyTt'eaitiier. Mr. Now in "la littie montb bhold th." Howard, isoweves', in bis weply ef date change!1 At ibis tinte,!Mr., F. bar', 5th Aiprii, 1851, (what is tise sauter? broken ail tise oggs, ho hau corne cubt the reply is nearly a mont/c eider than fmen amon g tise shelîs, and with- some ' the lettes' whics calied for it) declares cfet in stili clingin g te bis sIçir.lo, thse- himseîf nnwillingte certify, untit Mr. more potent agency of -9 breaci aM .tbut- 1Warren willtI"peint eut gany clause in eroc"bas*sent him sneakiing through tise any art, rorsdering this course aiccessa- country scatten'ng, wilh lavish bauds 1cy." Tise manifeste tîten informs us tise above corresponalence,oharact erize4t 1tisai the Ilrcqsired explanation was by folly and impuadence, rgiven"I on tise 7th May inat. Finally, Wlsat, sir, siutishe tax-payes's of o 1ur Sas tise peroratien cf this pespous farce, wealtisy Tewn!ship think Ofethis aSot .tise certifidato is forwaîded, ccnlaiuing, disinterested. sud acomonimdating pst.-_ iby tise wny, this very pendent reserva- it 1 Last Janwary ho told them, ho tien, aiht nÃ" pacty ta ccmmittcd hy cbjected te having the Couaty.dividaJ, 1the reception cf'tise document, or tise and gave many sage, very sagereous.. 1gcanting cf this cectificate." Weil, ici why tihe in-h âhtants should .(but they 0truts, cisc Oshnwn statesmen have yei did'nt) embruice tise samne notions; but, a dca! cf Ilnucthod in their madncas ;" forsooîh, noze he tilla bis sacis with illese 'see howv leverly they behave! Admi- hand buis, and in company wîih his. 1rable feu'ethougst --- thcy stibberibo 80 faitlhful 'Squ.ire, scours tise eountrv a"d 1libocaily, aend yot I"ne party is commit- pedd les about tise chartes' cf a silly ian- ,ted." Weil, dene, 66' most excellent trigue, by wbich certain worthiea are- Theophilus.'5 seeking to til t tieir own purses, andI, ai'. Now, sir, that widely distribisted tise sarne lime, soilthtie interest ef thse. document is wusrthy cf a short ravicw, publ ic for thseprSe sto puy £.2,873 lot.,. nct only id relecence te ils Jeep policy whieh prèmise is ai lait te, binci "t. an a "astate paper,"Lbui alsn can acCotnt party."3â cf tise' prominent and Il"side surete"Il ar- 1'hoeela net oeeof tise sereral villa-. tors, andth ie sauner in whieh they gos, which are Striving obr lise locality' have perforrned their sevorai parts. efthtie Coîsnty tewn, bust weuld hbave- Whsite viewing, by ilseîf, Mr. War- macletise very sanie effos', and witi ren's cct cf dcpositing tise subscripîicn eqitml ability and willinunste perforra. isi in tise Colsnty Treasury, and chIain- il, isad they Dot witis rensen, have con- inga a cettificate cf isavtng dane se, tisece sides'ed iî toc dunit atool for mmesuto work- is certbuinly but little te censure. Rec with, en tise one bsand, and an insult té- huas, cf course, a s'igkt, if ho chose te tise peuple on tise othes'. 1exorcise it, te file tise papes', and take Tex payeysof tise propos 1ed new Coun- 1ail tise stops which have been cduaed ty, 1 do net fear tisai you will hb sind- by tisai act. Un han pcecisel y thsane d by this sifly attempt te mislesd jets cat he maycn.d oaut prennnaîcd en-T do net fear but that yeua eae u or clî homyfldouetîe iapr' sieb' ienand cospletely analize tise soe"mkr, us-' 7o rgpoprishve beceme ob- gredients cf ibis sweet anodyne. . Teh tmsed; yci wo wouid feel semewisat sur- these calculuuling mon that ihere are liv. prised at îlsss beisavieur, if, tise day bes- tsuadmtepyreitienwCu lfoie hoe had mai!cd tise cat te Mr. How- îy, and atsaema i tise Coniy but ard's address, ho ied expressed a greai ings wilt impose a tax cf ton shillings~ share cf affection for bis feline tenant. per head ou you, (divided, cf ceuui. iSnroly, we would tisinis lie had net loueg accecding te tise amotsit cf ypur seves'ak bhalted beiweeu two opinions,"l but hadi properîy) and, tisai bis sîsm 'wiit, be'di-_ 1hopped frens oeo te tise cuber uvitis Seat vidcd mb to n, fifteen os' iwenty çquat metcvellous înpidity. lb is but a few payments--teIl tisenitata you do nei- montisssinceoureffiictecd'cesntnîive, choose te have tise rici meofe h wa wiîh tisai vigetîr of applcation whics uit te yen in tisne te cee is08at goy Sbamps ail bis public conduet, bocamne antIntd eboetseepne ofttiey tis eaocts'ng luetitions te ho cir- public buildings.NoIfelstsed caîate Iîcugistie cuutyasking Par- tisai you, wili ai once sOO tise offeci eof, liament te divide the Ceninty cf FYSrk, tisstricks,by wbiaistise Oshaswa senatoras. anmd te decilain W/citby lise metropolis cf ho1ie, tirai te tîy you as marketable ont- the new Couinîy. Thoîîsandsof persens tic, and wisen tisai istIosso, te load yeal setad wcsnnsattshshaew s corn aed insuli. I ams confident 0i0cdtîtat poîstion, and amnongsî cilîcra, yenwI oi ie luitay'hhn ncr Mst consistent noigsiscar John B. saul terlatem sicctey s ea lng- WarrenEg 1 an]s uire yens' ceadora gardly fecling wisich they, ina ta a woutd ho deliglaled tu know wviat bas mous state pîaper, bave plaily enougs0 se lately opened Mr. Wairen's oyea te taken thse liber'ty of assumlngU you e tise meritseor Oshawa, or by what chance poasess-vou, will pcliiely infcorm lthent, dtd ho nllow tise vooi te ho purlled over that they"wiil net be pes'mitiod te, imump.- tcern when ho signed tIse Wisithy poi- et over-tsePrinothtisCott ier-wiliho iJoau u t ut tise 1pa-cf Ontario is tee peer te puit np iun pub.- per wich ansexnmining, toIlls us lic buildings in an hnrbemuea

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