'v ui~1 'Y omminrhgTlie«.ly tiext.) peiy eîy Weather pervli:tIinir-.*,uq~uaç WiiIaeROC IlESTFI f$srolnNtC, çcal- 44ib"btth.ov,1ie ,(%Vt thorrpritiuc)eiy rTins i. the. IifoATIiT, .XUIIANTNST. suaid CbtICI roleta>-New York. Tir». trot»To- ronl&t-New ok. forty batisi. Royal M" 8 teasr-Pa.'keî tOfice, ? w11tbyl Joa. 25, 1~3U 41.U1. ÉINE NE IIO0NEY, Ft,r Salo by J.S. IL .G FRI!!. 4XXVmOUXCEMýE.XT! e'>tpsred ltg) pave te Stipets'aWlitby w-il Clliqrnisi'Gold, s yet dc:ermirred bin iyhi' eusto »eri* with Gfods a: saîclu 1,ow Rates' Ihà they iaybe enatttiedooilth'wst.tota 111e <esat r~vinr($i'îeil ly his rra'au; rt lih. woolrl assure hi% numxerous livntals. thait eorttar lao thre asual mode 'pt;î'lacr'd( hy liew romers, ah4 qaaliyothim G"oIswill rithi'r improverboît othei', Wi', ut hi. aîiiully Low Pr'..'.; andi os le îh- w*SpOsl -cýariwielil,le wilt maki: il lte ivteres oi ail tu parrhtae (rom him. by rtipplyioig tiowni wilh hettet qîadiiities-of Gads. amnt41L,îweî Toat îhsyiany ither EiularinlWs i ouel ,'Rit elehruttl MOQUA. YoUNG IIVîrw anrd h. TEÀS, wilt be foun,! ino maintain Ithvir hicih eelsî' rity 'für r'heapniesoi. rîilhacas, stiength aitd fiei. lb warè, -Mines, Larjios, &&c, kia, ê..' , wattitý te Most saaaîgîsineraa 'ctatilisa n i S, , ,' Tataerntkft-lerisandl 1h.'l'rt',a a f. lvlaLON% liîte), c anapur ch a ' ei il à C!W W Illt 4y va l 440, jÀ.r. 21, 11. 41-ii NE.» CLIEAP HAT S'I'OJI Neary crpoia. te"Globe,'office, Miat. Straa, Toronto,. r Subscribar, havîiua hait long eliesienct. Tlinlte hisines., reaip.'a'tfîtty arnriuac.s tb îh public that ho has opeit-erith ala'wae î m.rxis îtil au excellent au.ortmneni-ol' 1LA.Ts, atidal ot<a ftr <tipo,, tffatca Rob-es, Laditiafum of 1rviry, frserip1ou twn y ýr vie piict! uai it foit ilatttnia 'JIACOB BASIYL}O0. inerit basan- fi ver been known i ~ " 't .i pnti , 'h ae u at bar P. i. ( L fi { '".] tawevetiý hoii'lor oi4,alg T% re5) et Per Box. r; Whaîtay, De.'. 7 18'Y. 43.'t'. TO LET, THE' IVUITBY T1 mi, offert. ta SELJn'r LET. fr atrn Yeni, ril- o kaaonaî aute WIIJTBY AI RL*OE FdC OlR Y. rnnsilsîiaa of, Oifire. 1wd ~a~Wui-ranms, Wopathop, aiu arr4 an4 'Ta'iu'iiu 5op, -al i ia nue (dork. AIse,- t tetmth ohôp h For Forges, teparaîe floit enilSt9hiè, wit.b Huîf an ArroofLntad.ý Anyllaea- éon T.ntiag the, Sap irop. om Lrighî i et ha;e lIhé Dwelic. lait as would l t'it bett. The eii*rlbein1ts-ra lu .t.ll i y 1i1't'tOt. un! i#r< fhtbaboyé-, or1'el'a Mrai, cî-iila,. Tvno v uoad Sok eusîagc iaaaaitîv ra f IN udaaaij1 âmrg Taole 'anal Blor'Isîiîh 'r oei; or tim tt fii - e ~aiiasd xa birt, quaaait~il ('ant .,a lia Laber. .Aîry pei son m-ibihrîsrie ,o iontthfti- nem'çuw;ord 66 W<iito caUI uîad .'xaffiîi' b'if trt t 1 2 , 1 , 2'A< t11Ã" 0 UQ1R HOLTN'E, eOLBOJ'i.NE rREET9, - NOTICE spfi la îmer Faiîtons for 1RJi. WIdtijax, A prît 19. 1850. A'L FiX. P riN(G ,E. IVI1 17B Y VIL LJ~GE. llaîri1r alias litte"Vrbnîîtly csecrIî. The(a test Fashtions al wuys on hiand. %'lùibyi, April M9 1850. BROC K.STREET, WH.ITBY. 'liii ~ 1111 Ai.iIBt\ V l A IND)TRUNK 1'11a1E 'îhe litra nritanity en tond îhe- UIho)vfealicive, Nlhir'h lie v iil seîl clitap foi ash or crenit. ROBERT GAIITSIORE. Whitlhy. Jane 7th. 1850. 8 TEJS'! TEE/fS!I TE4S!! HIl CNIY LUNE, GRCEft. Corner of ,Duwsands nlByron Btre«ts. * ehoice atioortment of Grnwrea anal otecFeria. Steve Pipes. &c. Witîiy Village Jan. 11, 1851. 39-3m Intared frj-bhe areatF1orer'jn Remnedy RULMONIC 1VAFERS! AfVTamd. Bjtcl!lTLs, PULMON' 1<Il, 'CONs0MJ-1IQNy. Ofiad aicl I'ionrofthebr 1a .'cà tb-,aad LU'aai d ,iijill5 IbfEL. aylort, a Nahe'e, yN .t. he Only tillbia' at enuille Pro- 1 , ;flt aritln laittl ta the. Cn»titîert ni AinLe la'a*i,~ assigunent of rîghtit roat JAMEb- Tiis1L> attealrenuaiy Lefor sale -by . W. -Sî;- TON t iga.OshaWa; 'fîîos. $UTTON, aid t-~asN&Co., 1vli'-auttville, R. A~LrG JAMES il. GEUIziir., MAINS~JANTI41(30Y PaurneiW a1îrnilu il. C4 C4JJTION. lirs, manut"4etuared 1)y wa Wç,I, aesxaii l leil ror. maniif4eciuriiasr iheé hblcu gninlsi EP.Greena. rî%uormnalion, he seýwlfaers w1U whieh lie cals Bvnl ieatisfa eicry evidencel LIYljU4IFCSOJEY j~~~ OAPTA toQoOp tr!iig. Medca~.Ezmiu,-R WCLARK, M. D. Pampphlèts, Blanks, andi ait requisite inioman' tion may be l*adIon arplkatl'in b JOHN IIAM'I'ERRY, L A W, OIrIC-E. 0l.J. M ACfDONE' 6L9 Attor'zwv and Ooanollor-at-lo»W, SOL ICITOR-lINCHANC ERY! &Ç. &C. &C. WHTBY VILLAGE? CANAD'A WEBT, Will give pro pt attention to ail business of his Prok*ssaon etittustealIo him. - :3oirace olopobite the residence of Peter Pert y, Eà q. CAnLETON LYN DE, 1 j»A been14te y apitted Agent, by lte Mani- i I'IrfflTVT. fr he ioeosll f several new iaflerti stoves. whifh were patenied ibreu MoDlba NIAGARA FAIrb,. He ha. on hand à geaîeral u.sirtment nf Tigbt Air. Patlour. and Cotikinit Stoveo, Po ta#h Keti les. Gr1dtftios.: Dog Irait*, DoorSrprP&etC, terri Pt«npý,ý&t., &e. I*ho no-fw, paîtieu;ld ,qve s made on the OL» ýpIUNCIPLE 0F Pd4KJNG THE PLATES f,»Eli Y THJCK, oad thé. file plates are go ion.? ,'ta îwtatlhaari.the'dlut cornit iiijure litemai.This ~i',.. s tl, o i hah, îira welve mantbs, or ai -0011ali il beroara,.s geîîertrlly knowii, Tha' ilvantaire it posses etoftakinti in o long &tck of od<ra a - alartie a and airia.> )ver;. hudti'aj rwtuiers of' 1 -baead plis, and bliig 'aoted fer tanirxcellenat ba.kîia veni. are far sape- it toanty, stove hli ast, aod eiocfore-, Fi ead! DoWt l..ay .l'ewhere withoat v atlingc anal exenliraiaaur, asthe, arailal aîves are onîy t li e'îalat Bîyali's Sc% e u ir, nlitt flcuria.hivet llaeof %Vhuahv, wlac 'ooMs ni aitl iara.ait .)li downl Iohoruest puces,.anti tola it the tirate. sroae- i tor ofrroaltre, fat toride, Ium- avi. coadtwood, &C, &C, tat<en i xrhatnge. The Sîrbscriber tas' aImn ani re lime ince prucrd a Xs \ 1 hî l T.ri lîre Mbcbert, Nexidoor tb Mr Hurd's Store, %Where hl it 1%0 ' 1'1 a tat a gr'nerr asenrmneni )f louilfor % Ilii unts anal oî'er "pao<u.e wîll lie ake'ni in payrnt. .NB. Don't paf ronise -Pedirs, F'or t/iey make you pay projfit - nd lo.'s. Mriihv andl Pi inre Albert, ()ctober 9th, 1850. Ç2 IÃŽUGII FIA-SER,- M Pl. B. FIL EY; A L L, lIAS à gSMCWZD TO' ___WIIITBY, C.,If. 8ÇJJRGEON DENTISTI. H21 AS the honosraiof annaîaraing his arivai in Two'~ronto, wath the itennil ofai'esabtisiiinag hjrns,'It in te rily as a SuimGos DENTrisT. Dr, F. eets 'confident tai froam ematty yeans' il qtdy tander smrn i the mostI celetraleti Strgeoia -Deaiistâ in Enrlcant ai Scelanti. anti froma muta- ma'qu-tnib prai'essioal -1procliçe, of tÇve yeors ira, iluitaita. le witi 1w able b givé ample seatisW4cioný ti al wito ma>' itn6r hlm with bieit' confidenée. Dr".has, onrtïlerespaat,ireraiteti the prerni*sea., .Nd) 40, Km;d Street WVest, arjoiring the Cabint Warehoîjse ai' Messrs. Jacques & l-ly, m-here lhe wvilI be founni at ai) houri of ltetay, devoffig hirneli' etclasjvely t0 the sevenal ,brancheg pi, Deral Surgery. Toronto, 1850. 24ry 'LA; 0 FI C, à rris tr and Attornoy, pgCTlSES hie professinn in ailte Courts au srsaal. exnrept ite 'QaeenlaS' ench. .He vvili Ptznctually attend' b any 1brainesseon; tinsstedl le bis care, ira he- Comman Pleam. Chan,- very, Colinly. tfnioven, or Divi»ion Courts, aîso in> Ag.nry arÀ Coma veyatreing. OFFICE - OiaerONcl' Clobling Store, oppgste th.éNew Murket .Brsîdisugs. -HÂIWIER~S MAGAZINEý-- 4TýPP4 EDî to tbibeilrs--montiy, Sby - JAS, 13. GERRIE.- A f#ew copies for Navember stili on hkurd. Whib ilz.Ntiotv . AQI 1RM 31. BI 14Ste is tlQlfttlig Dly,iou] isso flouse te Toronto, ieaving a: Seven î9clock uslte Moln- ing, andi retumnîiag thre sanile £veiiing. Every acoÀratatotcazs. be aflorded le Tua- velleys, wiihgod ýta41'srg al attentive Hosttes CAUTION* A-LPCTsoai re harehy cattioned fflanst purchosipî a Note matie b4the Sab- ueelw, in favrof Joha 'Vltipby a- arer; ýfor- £12-0 payable on thaelot May, 1851 asuDo value ha# beanrf«4vyedfor.lte ane. Pickering, MYarch 20, 1851. 49-3itl. xo TICE. L rsouîî ndel id te the Estate oaf te fate ASAlPeST, Of PiCkenng, are herel'y notifle-i lu corne furwat rd nrneniateiy, antI make piiymetl l i..iM POST, who is authorizeni la ne- cetve lte arne, anti ;raaat arqaittanrceâ. -AIse, ail thosa' haviai4 ctain'as ia-,inst the miti Estate, are requesteti to present them,tialy aotttteal, tohbirn Io payrtient. -ui ni EXEcuToRS, JOHN TOOL," C. LYND, l ejic ker innr, March 20,1851. 49;6d D1SIUIVERY 0 F A 0011) MIM4E1, 0f NKew York, have dîscovered a rzchet place than any in Califurnia, TpIiE firtat Enlition ai' the Fif;h Nurnler of .1 ii ..nt'w IMonthl 'Martrazi rae having reachedti te ex'traoîdinany circulation of k'orty'.five thloasatt C e i e î ,a n d l M ID I t h e le ita d o f t ti r i à ' a . w h i c h r a il ?III b aci'oatated for l'yIthie fact'îof its prtsentitag' îin ha n dsameiPstyle, and al t clearpt. Tala titata rY alter perioaîîcsinl,;ublishe(d lin he World. ~te choicest portion of' that vast iratllectual westth wtit'h oltains curretiay thrugh thê periodical pre'ss ah the -present day. The prescrt itritintaer contaisis upwarals of nhirtY articles rom the. irst cortribirtoas aof tht.aeNO lices cf New Woukz3, oaMtnthty Record of Cuir- rerît Evenrs. Poe*i-y, Fashions-for Atiutna, EtitgravinLas, &c. For sale uit teBOSTON BooK STORIe.t' l'ric*ls 3t. Backnuamb-»rs supplietiia ry quan- 'tty.'ý TCOi4GROVE, Gencral JOok and, pei.j0diccldg<flt, WH'AÉLt y &an ETAL Toronto, Octobeî, 1850. 26b 3lammotiîStock of! ,ius and Siis BROWN & CIIILDS 'HAV E rec(eîvtcal item Spa irmar tok 'fBoat: ilanti Shon'mtram the& ataifroYai t ua treal, anal will E"Tl aIt heir umsaal toW rutie. B. & C. e mptový six haînaîreal oper-tîves. andl orotite'fron SOC501)to 1003 pairs niait v. Theia nresa'nt stock htslaeen înaale withgCaIieehc 'ni tae want af' Coèada 'Wesi. andi ailI eompenhate- indivinîaaals or fïrnaliçs lfor semniiTeatadisance. By se'nding Ithe î-eqaired Iongth, a fit wullhe gniau- eriedt. Merehanîs to have flot patrbnliîe(t the above Lestablishffenl shotaldlobae tno ime, 8as tiey con it e flisruisheti(ut'orne haif lte tt of cuantîpproduttn- ioni -dii!' utreasonable fai!ure repaired wWuoaut -ehearr. N. B. Btt.wN & Culr.as. 88, King Street, ne-nty OPPosîtthe ,Engflksh Chancit. 1:1*C.dSH PAID' FOR LU.THERI. . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UE I N TElit TOiUI', RIL'E9 PAVER MAINUFACTVRER O>F SOLE. UPPELi, AND HUMNS5 LEATIIER, &c. C'ash pflid for Ilides and Skins. Wkeat. Oits, Pots -and Peaurl/lshes. Whitby VillaLre, 71ht aâme, 18,50. ByJohn 3akcrg West Si/e of .J1arket Sqýuare, TORONTO., NORTIL AMIERICAN HOTEL PORLT 130PZ C. W. Cr ENEnIL-TA GE OF FICE. t-r rrua5ty Poiler4 al ways in ottendaceala the bons. l'aming.'uaandltheir t'irg;aagvconiveyedt anti fronitahe bouts ftee of charge. port Hope, JuIy. 1850. 12'ly WI 1LLI1 A M J EF FRIlEY, AGE&NT P04 'E'E Wabiiîîgtoi t L'ouuIi Llntuw IIJIINEItTill~PlNProprieior Excellent 'hccommodations for îi'avellers. Goed Stab'irag l'or lirmes. il L-and AIgent, ./Icountant, Cou- veyancer and Draughtsman, .Strvey'or of Rcands for lte Townîshaip- ofta ia iîd Rî'ach. OFFICE-LOT 21, 7Ttu COIN, W'HîTBY. whitby, Orloher, 1850. 29 'ORKMAN BROTHE~RS & Co IV"'. 36, King Strelt. Torrnto1 il. MW. CU FF, Decler in GRfCE RIES, Liql'i ,,AND PNOViS1DNS. PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Betuwe Sbroud's andi Platt's l'avern, East Sicle mjr 0 u ý s- vie(P>ý 26-Y 5.1y 1U ý.,WOODe, North Side of Kin; Street, Wtr cf ~ g4-y j. F OST E R, LADIES' AND'GENTLEMbE-N'S No. 4, City Balldn;'s, Kinrg, *r;et, TORONTO. 24-Y .o.37,, King Street West, Toronter. ;3- Aitt kintis of Ship Flaga on- banal, ar manIe la ortier. ?4-y WHE4-T, PL4TYORllf, tç EUÇHER Par Sale by WORKMAN 311TIfets & CÃ", 4gceint, .Vo 36, Ki4q Stcet East, Toronto. BrIUsk Canad~qn TE E iiOEGEoN PEINTISTI onro OSLM WAYLV. W. are ec flaritig the year 3853, Mat. RWIN iatelids h tn being5f the WAVERLY flOUSE, Bowrnaalville, waler ri» oasIle firt MONDA'( of each mentit, anti r." For fi fflit1ifl (Profe#icnuI[y an eutire week. onth ie Pl 7 - ---- - - e-' 27,1850- VALLABLE PROPE RTY IN FO-R SALE? J3EING1 the Front laives utf Lots Nos. 5 andi G, in the 31'd Conéession. .AppIy 71h CONCESSION.- 2.Ã"t AAIN-TEI) ly tt 1st r(fur 0 1wich thighest >Market prire m ill b ire en.) eiter in Cash ai trade, at Cash pu icat5 200 . Z1 I. E. PERRY. Whiabv M'arrh i3th MI5. 44' lAMES- Il. GERMIE hasiststBrecea - veti a supply of ANNUALS, andotiter COS O1BISTDIAS & NEWYEARE GIFTS. ldvauîrcs on UoiiýigomcJiL> o! AbIies 1 T II bcbe is prepared fo a-t AIWANCES IN CASH out POT _ANI1) PEARIL ASHfS corasiaçaeit to Montreai.- 1 ROBEÃT lt. LAWDER. l'ot hith)Y. itIAueuatt. 0. 17 1 T B Y 'fEsuisiber lbas conistailiy 01,t hiand, 1and(1contintues tu dîufoîr Wvaggmts, Buggies, Rockwrfyys, Chariot- teeg, and Family (arriage8, OF DIFFERENT DESCRIPTIONs, Wieh lae can sei Chleaper - fur Cas.,h than any.other Establishment iii Whit- by-or surrotitnding country. For stipe- riur Style and: Dtirabiility. lie feel-s çonflderu-t of giv'ing fit itisfc to N. Il. PAINTING.&4 IING dont 1p #rdrr- Iltpairing lu ail ils vrosb~ ce tieati>' execut-ed on short notice. Y ATUANIEh r-,AY. Whitby, April 1t9, 18.50. farmors9 Protection!I OGDEiYSBURGI, Ny. y 'gise lion, Ir-"Vanraiisiler, 'gdens<ntrgk, N, y P.Vankoaghfnet, Cornwall, C. Ir Sidney Smitit, Emq,, L!obutur'. Ormron içAles, Esq., Brocidle. A. Farewell, Esq.-, larmnn. P. Perry? - WAilqy, -Be.MMurrich ~Co,,T~~o Dr. Alli4on, iR. Campbaell, -Brookliii. IDitiieiâ,_. 'ça Mo1ses Bartlett, -f Dr. Ft'ote, ' John [lit, Lewijs H Charle, Prosaiet Col Auc. 24,1 -G F .Wy IPORTEIGt leFoie ad1 18, King St. EaYt, N'ext doon t(> t Tenonto, May, 80 -K. M. SUTIU] CALI] tbinig bette:, t tie at ltare'( lily a~5 M. $. ak..,a Il. &. ha Asins, for Gudas, at a Soap alir Whitity VIII 4th De eltry, liruci ;Nu? awauq Ion, and Opi Iwitt 116t ae-qa -Ait le above ta WH O Columkans. Oshawa. >farkhçu~s. t' -la thoaTtiag orofNe1wcatle, appi$a' CLA'RKE. Cnpy J4E. TEPNBLflr, PUOPRi2TOR. agent&. oppoîlt ic he Mrket,iUn-av strcch loron1#imp -iý Torainto,31ay 1, 1850. .1. *Iiiff, 1 TérontP, 27th &pt, 1850. Z-6 1 .. f., iý