Whitby Reporter, 10 May 1851, p. 1

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~tï"v. I "i. JUHED 'P5ieO1 111 8T45101 VîUegup. I 1 1 M - , 1. l , n s i d t l l ge-n u 'a3montAt i Twelv. ifaùig esc t A lose -6j < e e . .ettéra addressed Io -tiis Offiti rm u 0ic taioe oper4 )ming Agents for the Rejore ~. t *1 <Zamn a mon. a"ln otig u t WIIITBY, CANADA WEST, SATUILDkiV, 1AY ~4~VI <t I #i~ 'w A cire ohun evhe ancd t ~e hq tAeniu r ip ount sigteb ~vun h ht byo h ns Frar afa thi tiàthe l suel. vlgt b>'ua c Su-pceo EAND FEIENDSIIIP. portion of -tise sies c f France. At1 -3OLIItLGIT lecgt tihe land apuueuMs red su nea r lit laîd' is~tWKLSAK ECQT?. thaï,tthe grapnel 1, -as iowercd. The i iidnh, lubén *inter duaWesthe sky, soeweCti bnlf yc IYopr4eiee aay the ebsbing of'tbp tide, aned thse sandsc utisu *nqll, isunsinli, werefuido et greal extent. Twoj erýbmët play.mecn ee à jeî wajoirig ponthe sanda,c mioitunaa'an id %and uatebieipased over 15cm, aitafleidif a londiappeer, ivitîs ils guide lice trtilicg beinid, one iddi before tie sborsi. ocfilern a aghî at il, and vas inîredi- uhum fusis i DItëes bowling piall, tely seen to ise dashed vioienîly rgainst açj% etber waniirput, tise earth. Tise rojse got under the féee*t litte amov-bird stItl reinains, of bis comîiaaioe, wlso ftbrtlîwitlî perfor-. d eh* irja idst thse biset. med-a consîsete 9omersault. in the air, s, lkg tisaI bird, woni ftioàpa shiPa U10&and vins speedily llaced hors de combat. 1s5h fotn' un depart,Te on"ax vitis thse iesfia Sn, heunfortuinate pour, however, wvere >4 neties on the he«Lt.&son able tu regain their legs. doubless . - . _ _az« - covinced (if tise Filacy of endeavornugs L ôY, S ILO0VE. tucatch abaloon. The land in the vi- 0: - cinity of tbeshore, wasubserved by Mr. cumstmnce anlon occtrred whicli Green t.)lbc of ail sndîulmtisg csarecter, lis nearer tueaccis otler, and spparecfly ifl adnptcd for tihe psurpose of ci our attssclimcct. Jîusî ati 4sk a descent; ise,thierefore proceedcd osi-1 fore Lise candles were brougbt werd tluIt estrnsounted a Il hi hier bervantusiered two of Aire'.srummsiit cf wisieb lie cleared et aus oIe-y triends mb to te rocs, nd- it vation of abotut 50 feet. He tlien des-t l resoived tisat we should bave cended rapidIy. lutIse valley nppeured at forfeits. whuhst my sister vias a village, from iwhicb score% of peopsle d dispenser of tise penalties. were seen speedily tu esnerge. 'l'ise ual of tise garce, tiserellire, able Duke laid buld of bis spenkiuîg trummîset dfolded, ansd began to canse tisemuid shouted directions to tIhe liesautry lnt4 whieh encis one ia tu te- bow tu act. The lballoons re'jcîmed the fore tUlse foufeius coîuld lie ne- earîhî almost wilhiuua shock acd abusmi S-Nusw, I lhedtucade .evermi (lance.of aissisce heîcg îroniîtly rels- ja thse gae, and istd qevermi dercd, 1 ie aerizul visitor wus Roon ue de » p.ly ; mcnlitse happeced tisaItfast,and tiseDlibe md GU.Cren al- My penalties wer. cocnected igbted, findicg thensselves ie tbe fildsa ,wmy vits Alice. Oece I ismd ceai Neulcîsatef, aboutî tee mi' es souttisl bier hanil, acd dance with iser west of Bourogne. A rmilwauy statioun sual round tlîdroom î thon egaisi eppeared lîmîf a msile of sit uctcd oni the îlered te go dowa on my kuices Boulogne acd Amienss railwav. Hfil ei,,mcd wait tlhcre til ise bad. Higbnes pruceded i once to tise sin-a- and tisese pietty appoictssleets Lnoni,mcd ahesost immediately tob luiso 3 tu furtisur ocr love than ausy seat in m train ens route for Paris ; Mr. l nIld have donc. My last prs Greeni, having discharged bis gars, gotil was le biss altishe girls iii tie the balloon packced uip and rceeded t 'lien I came.tb Alice -my isearItbchrewitb in a carito Bonlogne. visere il hin mue, an dOj dauteMoles oarrived at.sisouet ton pclock ut ri»bf. ti r. The ubosgbt cf FoeTillch Thue descent iras made nt a few Min. racle me, and 1 rtoold for a stes aller six o*cioci, ftse voyage lav- gaingtpon lier ivitis passion- iug occupied nearl>' five hiur, %wliule il ireshte eyes. She sau- my the disanace traversed %vos reckotued ati h , acd looked su binkl>' and full 60 miles. MIV. Green styles lis s lpon me, thal I wau re-ssssred trip an aque-aunai voyage, aund des- il %ant: -mcd olseying tise %ild im cribes il aâ3lîaving blPen cîosLi deligtutfluh my-heant, I fluu- grsYself UuanutcoL oly tu bimself, buL ahsu (o His im, muid weliî aloîud. Tîsere Higiscess, tou vlsom one great accumtno- rribhe s r ie tbp nouma ater tisis dation vas tise obaclece or ail sensihîle explSion, auad every-,oiie but uàîîon. Thse gag furnishîed hy tlîe uXbt I waa lsurL, or thiat 1 was Hastings Gas Company, is statcîl by lMr. ildeuîly ill. 1 do ccnot so w Green, tu bave been of excellent juai. tl of thisemrpe, bjut 1 rememlber ity, the clerk cf tise works, Mn. Giccer. 11 pice's warm lirs tPolk MY fore- and bis forecian, Mdr. icbpen, haviuigi iilst my arme were clasped carried outthie vshsof lMr. Green. lu di ier, mnd 1 cared very littie for bave a sutpply of gusea free cf carbouîd elýse. 9o»nçtfter Lbis osîr litle as possible.- Tis.- be up, aed Alice accoînmied Çs'<Raz Or THE %'oaLD.---he Stafes rmcd me tu Lise end of tihe lacse, of North Acierica aretu ho tihe cons- 'a> home.--Jeu>', $eales$ mercimil centre of thue globse- This des- ci a nsd Jbroad. in>' seemus goinevitalile,lsait osie liisnt :NGLIS CHANN Lhy requires more tlirn an insplecin of )SSED IN BCANO NEL Ibemcapto perceive iL. Bts siles ut 3SsE IN ALLON- Lbe globe, lise twohemipieresare omrS. i ilsucApril , 2. b>'Our position, for %ve are the land of two oceans. Frorn unr iitlier shoîre we laes Green, viso l1d Ibis toWn bail fthe Etsropemn and Africamu Contin- s eoria Blloon, with the Doube ents; from otir tiither shore we greet ýwick, cm Monday allernoon, thie Ocenuca and A,%imtic Confinent. ueo, rrived here again lest Acd ail between the ucaans is cuir owuî; train. IL appearw from tise t.-libcfilled vithi onmr ovepeople,cntkr 0 cf tise aerouiatitic veteran comun insiutions, speaki sig oneisulm- blloon, vhsdbh eft Hastisîgbguauge. The literior strusctusre of tbiS enty minutes 1iet one in tise. contient peculiarIy fils it tu be tlios î' ietined a soutWhetsterly Lhe mari of tis, glob)e. Isrveso et tabout eleven miles fronitishe tise intenior, frume almost every plent.l mre. Tisewicd thon cartied acd give nattral omutlets; ts labes are ithisard. -'Wboa aouisslwissiemhosomed oceans, givingtu tise cor- nid.chanel, thse balicosi *»a.tierc frostier a third shsore, mcd aü nis- f ialreed, mcd lobk a 1ev level, land commerce,' scarcel>' less tbac tise nasof a epemkicg tiuipet Athectie or Pacifie shore- Sucis artifi- le ethtie eer cold converse cial ways as are needed, especimlhy tbe y erew ofet unie fising boae t reat tisorotîgilfares froni ocean to ocean, lM1ze4 iseeatis tienus. Ona gel- thse inblsud histhway, frointise Atlanstic n or frein the Englisis <NUS thée te the pacifie are vithin our ovin bouuids. 9 WAit gel loto a correct seitig W. have ne prussia on leuirborder;i nu ibesat.Tise gois aIthsi tlme Russia beqouidlber. 0cr vasltictenior peck cxpanded 5> tise aMieuis not' groîspet!inf o national estauca, t 'a taysamiid tise halloo sacella- iloehitsg each obiser cp, acd vasting i sjuigs of 4m0 feet. Tihe emeis othsersMeans by mocstroua ai- teat theb.otons of tise bahloegs mies eft ael or attack. - We can asb »~ te bat, oieg to the great cf CoMcmerce 'viat she needs, and %visle.a 1 fthm gasi, ad tise eu M'Mie ir il la crtisward or sonîhu-ard, eosa- uredca Via rdmdseeet ivud or vestu-aWi, ier paf5hies amoeg ýPPeàfda?4 0the @ t id e-liuse, eut avis people. Sherti>'1t11P carrYmîsg Mr. oroom ths' e 4 S pnliattradle outhtisglobe nmuet be in mur ibands! yét fuuind ont, wiIl soôu lie added to the reinlogue. Our ogriosîltural produciîs, -in vnriety. suîrpass compàtafn, and in qiantity.defy the imaginaion. %Vere ail inur fieldsje in ii, and the produtt given fa commerce for diutribution. we cldsplthe globe, thotigheveiry foreign Fr' rieled.for a tsisuya A GOOD ONE. Judge F-, of, W-couty, and Baîrr S.C-, from 6'op eorth,' are bath gssojd ÇllowS. mand are always fond of a giod 'oke. It is not ofien they ger bii, bait the following cireumitaeoe, it is suspected, occîîrred Iately: It %vas in, tiis wise: Burr and the Jiîdge -wiere cominfr fonts Milwatikie tu- wards Waukeslîa, one evening, propel- led I)v a fine horse of the judge's at- tached to a buggy, and wben about a mile enst of Wasiwatoqa, on thc lilank roiad. wbhiSh is peral!el wifh the rajîremi tlîey hieard the locoînmouive puffing and rosariîg out ils return tu Milwutukie. 'Iiîey were elarri'ed on actuut f (lie aversion eft heirpony ta lucromotive.% and to avoid diimster. bof h lîstened te disenguge the horse from (ho carniage. As the cars did tiot corne aloig tmame- diatîely, and thev were iximewhat, in buste, one led flic horse wlsile tse olher tîigged nt the buggy, occ.nsionally res- leilitig cadli other by 1'cbanging worpk@' aind travelled Mibs ut the rate of 1 tour- leen miles in fifteeii days.' As tlaey pulled and paddled, and ftrg- ged etthle- vebicle, they solrliqîizectoit ilie character of railrouds ingenemi. sud tIse great advatitcges tlwy offered over thii tlen preseit mode 0f trate!- Iing, occsisionaliy wondericg tst the roc horse did not corne along. 'Burr Lliougbit the cnr travelled uwftl slo)w in Ibis counfry, and giîillhuyîulle-4 spd Lngged, until they had(bLf1tjU ga good mile l'y hnnd; ,wbee comîcng ini siglit of' Wanwatosa, they found liat iiisiead of thie locomotive, they lied Eeen frigbtened by tise engice of llartis stram saw mii! They- agrerd ta sny iotlinig ablouit il, lit il. lias leaked oi. Wanke.ska Demtocrat. AbE L L . Two gentlemen of no liltie note in a neiglubornîg county happeried, ini their ranbles tbrouîgh Washington, fo get miretty tight, as nien are raid lobe when uiiicomfttrtalîly loose; ced, iiav~ery lais- lalîle effort to returîî Io Ibeir Isotel, bîsîn iercd iîîto the door of a roora in which a steemn enginuelied worked ilself iiî a toleralîle rage. 1 Cîsu-chu-chu! luhîz- 7P' wenithUe nmachîine, wle a great lnsim wliizzed aroutîd most firiously, whiu one of tlem exclaiucd: 6 liat's i(lis?' 4<A steaniboat,2 said the otiier. "lTo be suire it jq,' said the first; 1 did- s 't I knuw Iliat. Boy, wbat but is bhis?' 'Thie Phoenix,' said the phocetie boy, :seakimig in twosyllables. 'WlîaLt' the passage, boy l' 'Que fifty,' said tIse knowing imp. 'Weil, here's the eîocey,'1 said the n-ectiemae;- show us our berthe.' 4'Walk ait,' snid tbeboy. The gentlemen walked aft, and thse boy walked forward, and is perbalis still (bing se, with a cooil«'tbree je his îocket.' 4 Say, Mr. Higfiier, wo>i't you let a eller go with you -ie that ere bel_ ooc 1' 1'1 couid not posmibýly accommodate you, mcy dear frieed.' 1 Weil, then, be bled evougli tu tae cy card alosig, for 1 amn defermiused te gcI my caisse up sme how or otiser.' Wien Lieutenant O'Brien %-à blona tîp jen tho Edvar, mmd tlsrowc un board lie Adeiral, all black and. wetlieh. mid ta thse commander, with pieamuatry,. 6I iope, sir, you wili excuse csy dirty ap. "c'rCe' for 1 leP. tise ..shîp) in sa grat la lirry but, 1 badil e hetiait 1 %bauge, my drema.' 6Marin, nmyn't I go oct and play horse to-day ?' No, ehd4 you mst sa y in them 1---- , l1hrmrni a o' 'Mr. 8s!itýissuilittie felowlise 1 inisi i tit ail, elegîsnt1oking'Wtait otiser eveuding <o his aister'a beau, «I shtirtro'ker, vas consigneil tài:Sing wishyvo'~uuîldn'I lirmire out Atifs Ma- Siùg for five 'yemrs. aie faily, once >rua a eyes,"e ynte. Yoc've madie her te ecputo slni ýcin sti'prouds4sv, tisaIase vont speak tu vilS tiseir' eqel*ipaire at-icoracacd.haqe consin Lu*a, cor holp metiser tise leat drmuk tise bitteridregs oiiwrrew mcd pov-, bit ' criet But' uffe tit clives, alUhi'e aWueu.tise;ueatierthsecioser"tise crimes a fatiseMna>' Ïenetrae. - Ris' girls-cing'to yen.- Withl tietibeumon- lIî= -~ismiov acbed tte ntieatiea, cIcr eL zero, caîico's attachiment tub'cor- md upetntesofhisudaghter.-[AI-' Aiuroy, is emil> equahled b>'tise. teeacity bau>' Kniokî viiis xista between a chesnist-bur ana a.flanehoveretut.'ELOPEMENT, Acoticîry man sowicg isie gionnd, ANDS ARES? (OP TUE ARTrEsSET TRE Ltva amant ILhiows came iding ssioig POLICE. > %lhea one cf tiseni eslleil'o bun vus bI. àa curins falihou- icfatuased an insolent air, 1 Wei, honest mac, if yocng girls isecome in tiseir attacis- is'your busiaes.ta sovi, but vie reap tise mentà, visen, oui efiection, tiseir, gond fruits of yucr sard hbri'" iIt is ver>' sense u-ouîdcitate tisaitise ver>' mourse likehy yon nia>', for J amn souing hempt ptlusued u-auld lcnd tisem ah oece bu was the îeply of tihe fermer, rein ;. but u-ithouît refiection, or the A qeaint quiisbler soysaliat îhe-world' alighbcst idea cf the m-fti ,reamlta. con- u-as tiret governed by cou. and bisou sequent on sîsis -buld mcd despux-rte hi1 cemmoa,-ih ar sdtiten lvtels, ilie>' une diagged frein fise.patla nître-.-by Saint Peter and tisen. by 'ofvirtume,mindultimatelyiseco)mc egrd- Salt Pire.y ed outcis O f socuiet>'. We are led te tise above remgrtàe,.froe"ýthesëUt cf il ARENCONT>*RE WITII A.%V-HALE.extraordinmry ce e ut, n.hitded Io in - yesterday's- lerad, bise eircumstaaces Rie de Janeiro, Feis. 14 1851. ,Of visich wvo havei more fiiy asceruia- Tise flloving stateunent cf tfIs-ecx-. d finoetise proceedings lsed before Mn. ploits of a visme acd hie attacie upona MelselI, GChef cf Pelice, by visose or- vessel, ia alistracted froni.lise proteet of ders tise ranway parties vete ajipre- Ca1,l. Joseph Dias, of tise viale ship isecdéd. It apipeuruthat some Lu-e * Picalontaq.' of Tisbutry. madebefor. viceba sicce, a very pretty and gecteel tise U. S. Consuml at Rie de Jaceiro in Youneg girl, aged eigliueen yaa yts Jasumryý,. 1851. It je raid te bu lise come of Margaret N. Smith, residing- seconid 'insssu'ce beovin of a direct et- vif h ber parente ini Montreal,cosuseated *tacb on avNemseb>' a visale. Tise ohIot elope wiLIs John Richard Jackson, a vise ia..ehîip'Essa' jef hi Pa i 'iuîeant je tise Britishs anis>'locaited uvisthevas îir &El>' i.flcai e,, atMontreal. Jackson is a gond lui- says, tisat on tise l2ueof December 1850, ucg yocng man, 26 ycars cf' mgo,, acd in lutîmlude about. 33o 47 Soctis, mcd Ion. raid lu lie a mme of large fkrtune. Tise '48n 35 West, at 5. P. M.. ha mu- a arrangement mode betveert tise larties, about. ofi penvIi'-wbmlrm cg thse lée. lxias alleged b>' Miss Smith, et heuist as kawered tu-o huas-tise harboorc llshe mnderstuod it, vmste acconpan>' Ljtffb-anid is eea fast 15 te 20 min- 'i. tc eEtlmdt iil lc n'A-cie'-a ~ L. u~ as caihejs;rin beco uimsd tu te tise bouts, wviicilice tise uhale sÊttnntierrîený.ai'va~x-)e-io suconded out, ini fthe a9ierept te, lance tise - niedcaîsain; acd aller a short bume visale, sise furmsed upon ftie bluca md lbey vere tu e mried. Margaret, it lteralIy cruslîed it te atoms viuh ber sems, rciwmed imhlicit confidence in *%ws, anîd emli bengietu, if, exeeputie tise bonor cf Mr.-Jackson,--fuît>'ieliew- crewr, vise su-mInth ie other huis- ing h. vochd fuifil miise promimd.- tise viale ail lise tume amying round Aecordingyte staled for Newi Yorb, the -fragmenti- Tbestarsourd bout cosnte ie>' y veotut emisori for Europe; down, but psdîed beck tu tIihe hipin'aod ounsîeir arrivai la Ibis cil>', put tmp compny wth te wast b up, -ut bise lHou-ad otol. oruier cf Mmidem crewe. Àller tise>'camle on board-, sad1 Un iad Broadway, wheeternn bouts Isoisted op, the vessel wus eqcmred' ere eetemed on tiseregister as Mr. acd in mcd ran for tise visa le (visicb eilh JMrsJmckeon asd servant. Tise areaf e contiiid usbuint the place wisere ah ise Smith, muIhis larmcd at the dis'. siove tuelse aI) fuil>' ieured vusithnl-! aparacce of Iheir daugbrer, havicg ces, &o., remdy lu niak. a,-dmrtt, le escentined 5<u roeabeus by Jackson, abut tfifleet i ciietes vole tîme h)sh e efaîlser iseneil in pîmait, maid mx- bea toard th whlehavng ver- li ere a tevi daya since. andeaboute ti eadyt oardta vIsaIt, bmvnhe >' OWedfor aid 'teseChiot d Police. harboard teck mcd visalo om iung te lee- Tii.case beiusg a unaLLer of frequent uic. yard ef tIhe ship. Wi-eun about tvoiecatreece ini Ibis cit>' uhse Chief placed hx ats leuiutba off, tise wliule rrudcd tise ffii intise sands cf tu-o sbrevd- tovisid tise eesoand-spu-auid si muidmec5 aficers Paltersea towlîhs susies uc sestmrwau t u m ed Caliow, mud cre long tise iviere. plnsadbra n rtuo imbens abotuts it f the leyers vas ascertaiccd tu un te àar"d ade liste bau- atishe lie atthuteieh as ahove staîed. TIse> water liste, catsicg lise yesselte hnk vere bLotitakon ieto omtbdy, mcd >es- etocentrhe ate of2 turs pet teJ0nioting eouveyed before tise btonc t tie.t f24 tii Cif fPolice, vise.the charge uf Under lise.cimçsmem tise Captain adcinhdbe rf.rdaan- bor Ut fr Ro, he prperý epareJackson 4bthls a br of tise girl. Tise bore mpfo ivsnpoltrpiaDistrict. Ateie-_M. al , scn veto made. H sieilagmin on bis asîcdaste isentRafi sou.ec; croise about the 101is of Jqpuary. sâtdat h aueu h wne Wisetlscr ise viiimeai-l'us- aid £eai O rmutleasI,,viscler aun lcre b e.le on 'doumlittuh, but if he duos Se vilI g.ive ferpetrâîed aist tise lau- cf tise State isim battle.-Co o A N.York j 'Ã"f Nov York, b>' abdceîngtishe girl un preu-tamcmda,and brniging isericttistate. ____________Judge Beisee vmRs lîkevuse coneulicd on PELeÇAL?? Or Cautu-Couxvrmvmnrmm is e havi, cd tise matter vas iseld unudcr PAsuosm»-.-ov. uet Sas -jusut par- au!vssent for emeorn int tinse, lt-vas doneed aelden Brinaril, wvia isin - biag ftoal-lyadjudged fluat if ould beadotilt- S.ng' Pr;aod for11Ève yemus, for contier- (il mter t6 ocumin a conviction unuler featscg. It vas 'donu tishe eurnest lise circumotancea cof tise cas enmd Mu. personal solicitation ufcime of hisdungis- Jacksou u&.ms tisrefore, mlleu-ed lus do- ter&, aut esteented and excellent ycasig partmnd <lie girl vas iandeul over te lady. It excites asuasement te tisiek ber father. At the decismoe aude tise. tîat S3lden &aatsard mbohd have 151- Iiot5i fl si mSgcio. aud vepui itterty' heiu su lu in degramiatio uni-viee..-mitiemUOlratsoin *, ecr u at Si tios. ifteen yeanss aine..eyvry fair day woshld nover retuto bock Lu ber, home, mu chegaxitprivate eqstipmge woumhdhe té receive bethe tt,o ber otheraisterit seen standing in front of a ltge atone -U mislmociaMe neighlsqs "N,»mud aunsion. nov next don te lise eleisma. -.ilarPmt, " 'I lgo te a 'rsobut ted Revers noeas. a in Bwg,ý4%,~thse nover rentia ernoe;as tisrow MçSpît cchs, vilS iverieul ervalapaamd ijaSe srivýer. 1 devotedi>' love lilas tigh tis sreetsatstciy vs ad vil I(iehlo isail or te wu-. . mlîhMetIt vsSldi 3oma , £&W S*ep, usail1Iam bouoniltu mai. a 4a. anexleemmebtke n8me iaemsusoe eLt vita y nia>mp The (Qmenaof Glas. Palace oe lU., 1851. -luti TBy in bos as a drems mÈkeseý ý'Uef alot tus e poîd thé,us. 0fîm~%hI~ tise fetepe -Trom îe, bande oft tWdpolitOT i reîdeficitions ofcerttain ebsà&ieýWI jFraÊFaLwms.-The anS! Whl4,- vfrtises le otpaîseu'.the manwlso à.. ver reftuse% to e frd yiAesy tfie fellow uho ii Oplrtiag Yeur 4igg?4 ,Whe lef s kher mthe'i do lte Irm 1 feer et spruding hot, htndsý, ýIJ.~a wiso wearsthimmheesofl at w hyd ilfi and the Yougl,,geaitlemaii W- Wb' ashamed to le e ent wmlkiùg with filr- &tiser. Iziisveýtoua Pzofta.--The îjota* V dy Who reada romanceis in béd friend, who iï ali.uys en b1a. yacali, mxci -tIbe orbepn ' emanot La, lime te enswer Plnï'hiü in au onsnibusa lait Mmnçis w uJA smud a short maaW on parade., thse question,-a mnàwhé doe otike to be shot at, and a steamshat comüpuq~ with a choIera caseon, Iardi. by Diocity a Icr.-ýA dti ' lors, adsip mdma redpeo l. and s fhoulMagmmiitnnes 'itn.ïtiôit cy otniuet iuts plîc quits làis party because he, canuoât go an- ofice, thse boy wio eitietai te be Ps'esidesst. ME1Ajq Ptstoz.--Thenpmn whokie&.' îueoîule- whee they are don, tisp àuWf serier whocegleets to',f&' sft iW pa per, mcd daddy *oheoh.refuses th o A MONSTS.R Thse London Times cf <ho S gik l gis untpeaceount of BaWosfm1n, i~~ tSarah CeesernnWho wst'lë]W cunteil for crimes uhse Ipili~I ufrocity. Sie was îried -f tietuh of14,for ioimnig twuof erli1 tIrets, acd acquilted. A short terwmards, sie v*as siil.ed1 r Sic & carge of luke nature, lout ~ îironouriced gtsitlemt. On. the- pwmlU* occason,, e. uaa indicted fri.ms~ der of lier huSlsmid, and- a ver" '~s been obtieed agiast ber. Siné. 180, 41 issnapposed that eise hua lsemMàd a lesu than thirty pemasasi$h. 0wf%4&ê abot luzenges or t'mseie%' I*Miébdw SUlip ie thse rtsm of 5< h9liut-> îhay.ý The nmrder ofischu%" nIau4 acmpliahe nmealuamer stmàatU> terrile te think of. 8h. Pma uvaà0 miet a, bug aut uice. and smiz>0' na wh.le vus sous a, Cure tisai veyýééR glo ÃŽnainc txi e wa atuuulad, lwtbWz mueh ussaom as il vetsld 1aus$ 8h>FJ tliexi gave il tu ler hamhuidr tiIuIeMvw anid in arnaîl domei, contsusmig m lsali1 slobw tortures. mnd' leavmng im uaht j,- «iter six ots.' l srsng, villa so litàa île -armessie In hie "oY, tisat ifS pzeeâoi was -aearteey disoverable is W*eI' iSiog suumeeted to th ius ut wahiugi temeuae cesisry. Titis oamm h» t htwbw a autorious ad alumoot ptsbi ca .gIl Opu-ards of lSur yeams 1

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