(la BD S£AT iitî %1_ noliv!1 q.xpIIý,if)1 A. few dilvs ttnio star njIlýs if deblors for saine nôtlésa glacial nue roillisi ci- more FI Tt ES IN COBOURG, lis tivell U-N I T_ ahuri týenIy-five liciiiiiis.'ui;ty lie sallat-là -dand lwizý of n ti- 1 a Cri 1 a iie .41 1 lýI "I e a- f Cobo plirr %vit.i disrovvr(d ait Ille Lake 1;ýt Within Ille fast %vo-eL-ï,the tnwlr 0 urg bas riiidermia id. ý1iwus sairexi flti.t. 1 ie N' -r es ira- i .Clritr dini(Iii.ý;iq-iis were the saisie par ly. elaims é1a -ùltl. heell Visites four lises, saisi Io be Ilfer0IlsexI*ý( llsivut'-Mrtlvtllg"tllel"sl ýilitilli Tilt ilews front Ille Tjil i Il aloi lie tiolit d ait 1 Ily [la les$ Illan. 1 tI;îéý ý 1- ov- rois in a lied iii Ille 'curtiuls cf 1 r- avd -.1ild Illitillitiq,-, effilais -N- fiqýt loit«. -cati$ ar! -of inveiidiai ies. -cil (1, %Villa the C - j le, illir tif plîsnity'hui ullent-ilez, a lie woi il Ois Wediiesdiay the Dis n - >sI , ' ' ' Tir \vitii,»!ý.,; fet-I il)-ek. ,tittllitils 01, C 18111 ilisifint is nos verv, iiotsaiffirît ibi-lo.sillisly the wholethé pinceeds.bliull' triviSthônl %vas I)qti-tied, 'Ois Fi idav a flanie liuild- e ýnIr ipridiably tliree Iiiiiid . red bê in ploportion Io illeil châtras. ý Any lit Ille action of tbe 'l iliblillitig etey Juil---e ci officel fi-,- iiear Ille bridge ois the Court roud. &raid Mr. MeKenviè did il(ai-itlltf(le - las ALPITTý'!T.,iz sýrUART, :fiifý tht: Illint. S have 11(st %,(,t, tll(., ppiépose tir Legîsltttliire, tipbii Ilie Erie luiiiýg ile,;,Iiitig et 'aid 'Cotait, is Stindiy fflght the,à t.able hi, tire 1 rýar f Ilnsey's i!litr.,Ilie tend or Ille top liable Io a fille hot eltreptI 7 but fier tiré iind-nlipi-optiùlmn- -erv was set on firei but exiinguished béldle '-el-irt'ris ýzT-V-I-RANC.E, ba k fat., failli ifý irriniediffle, pl y iiielit.: ici à Ili iýzot1r Jet e tir Eriv Comil. '.1. ul. PF 1,11ariv Dveils aisi naucla rlins s iîj&rý7'clfùmcs ai misoi fief- flot li)il-,ei ahuri oeil! iiiï)itih. 'Ajiy tlima!rewas ci sday the huild- fil' le; Wý' le lit a hi ont-. On Tire t il; PH 1--N; LUCE. inole'.1haiiÃheýf- 1-ill--O"tlext Iiit-Iless tg ussi, lits 19 111(-Ill 1 ".a SIi )%ver UA DCOC[ç, 111101,ei h.- ili Salonil, Nvils disroveied to'be e 1 slllt.,sud zaid fia vvei, il& -apn file ira 11.1mes. hut inz Io thL r4pmpt atteaidince >,nl$[ a %ýij fil. main NvIits sait -niibts Io (Il,. serai Ili y Ille cI'lseiniZempIoýedfjudei Ibis Aét. E ROBFRT LýCc)-rT. P 0 11T E' ýR and Ili!-,Il i.ýUlUrIvs, silliply il lilial bi-vil dvelztred Ail ruse). lit. lie en-ille fi niav sis' -l'irritaient, the- neiâboilling leilildili on tli'ýa'err( fait(] flint illuse evil:s lktive 1jec-Il ire flic- ýTtirv flint il,( ýWHITI3Y. SATLTRDAY Gcil. ofille stalle illiconstiiiiiit Tt %vais proveil 1),.r, .Illtlvl 83 1. te ilitet, stý(,nis-.-fta have -be(n ta ElIgilleers long .11ati tolui-tllo'tt on v ,"tývo ).'il 1- ý_-- ý ...... iitrà ,tid 1!()%V j;f %v triais, Ail ot's, of- --- --- off, :, chanoisatifi illesailit! ývJjo nfouvy sêtui, ity niiiv'be. lakeit La t-xe--ti'ioit é -zelir stop; li) di.scaver tire peilletral cry e 1 le -Dýetii(tc-t-ilie 11, ""ýroIj' feie £2159 for their jjIjVý ths.rt 1;,re. a V e 1*'itl(lillqr finit -Were nieil or«-"(4btl.liùi)it.q. fili- mie litiv, SYNOPSIP OF TIM DIVISIONCCURT ACI7.ý ilit. %vemingappal;I salut lit-fttiita,- ill'bilý,-It per.ýOil fil iiii(r ilhosv. and the foolb atiti inileit inellisoi IV oJIpf,ýs(- Ille thev týi)tjtd flot Iý ing clvir2e of the tylbllble.tl -,y in cur reielers thiq %ý-eek twelv IL strielly tegnl)erà lIre fer ro arol0ý Io allie V. Tu 114o Eililar u Ille -.1 lie (IV. , 1111:11> ýf lo.IIIY 'rite jtIrr1ý ive fnt OcëlliiYine 80 mach of clair spire Iviih a roicise qtidsheil, &-c., fier %% suit ci* lý), ru. is elirp-lit livre wliiell Il f ir 17VII(Ilivi, WhiVII. front y-ilir rviiiarks ira fille 1.1,t Ili ( . Il'(. IN il loilit a slifficient quortit e synopsis of the neW Division è fils, dsiys ol'prercilent islit- 'c' rfý-"rcf tir thp limiter Il 1 11, 13 y . '-il iii Iiii' voui rv Ille h1là . fil :a etilst froill the- 1 Il t -Ili tri v r. * parest s groinid. lisait 1 lait il,. 'iqii vi-v iiiiiiilwi il ilotiomil týstiol0l'iv 1, r.,,. rame in force IstJinii-.ti-v fast. Itwillbenimerv- ln mentioi il-LI a foW wreks >ince. aliter in ,orne (Il ai a1lIizýfuf.tll -.11-lielv -;il& fi JjsýN%- Thf, A 1 Il reprm t il -ai Il a 1 Is %% - rit - . -d. flint avristints in the nuantatit or twenty-fivp lhe.p.il, ilal, a' las, filet. 111.11 tir(- (.1,11 lit Sir Vat Illieni, nltxrlv fir rai i-ir.- .1 % el lit-rt- lire- cxli lisiv( IV eire etititi c lt:c esof exiinil, l'oit iitiliilur tif tilt- 08hieilva. Reronner, Ilille volitit-illilvd q0d ILýlitIr:illl NI q lilq*ll a iliv. e elityitlf"'r front Trov, tenfindra. rannoiv lie -fard nuit colieriedwilli as ille l'ire 113.D.C." il) \v -&-iliortaistril ni peil more thait qitz)iir'iiple Iha"f Poil Obhaway %ve cet' Ili(.Ji Ili 1)(I bonird ait 1 liv :falir I*ur u ilicurs ce( exiiiiiiiiiiiion of fil(- fo-W rosi, as il betoro ro3t p,)unds; and if have lerought clown raison lis the whole iniellertija 1 "la allils;o a is malle to a rilivied 'ailliielit will aloi Ilow lie -.ai tri DuIllille dq rutile m si w% Io lsVý tlé Inuit r. lz-rit)l lait il, fither ratty ehonsffla 3tuy 'ail t* slimn.nn ira lire %villa ri lit, ilt fý,r Ili(' -t 'l la d of five t - weizlit of the effilas- of ilie Rrfuriteer*s-- ra'is "ri(] - liolifit -il in ai y the cas@» whien il amoiuaq over dive poiffids. fi,,o' d (il'rel«t,(. Pfi nuit airs-, iliiis, Iiiililit.1% Illeil ( f Ille lýl*(-.-ý(-I.l li.1vu I.t d flivil t,ýr&lert il tilt, ýI( fi fer -'ýIarl11iek, il sô ee.ý " Io pi-ove abat Ive aie %viong, andio sel 111v the .11&tllttjýSilil) ut' file 11U'rc- 11, livre RI thev Ni,\%. leut to luilv(I file- il 11int Iht- Thiç law isan important aile, and shtiiii(l hi- abc. il Ille cnnaintinity iight. Now ue 1 US ai. al.e Pei - s tic] art.ele I111(i il"'Sil.1.1i illit-Ilvels aud ;zýlid tli:it %tws illiundtil I;j 'Waol I'f il - iiiiv hv tilt -011ehly tir:cli-r-innd Iby'lhose havinir fi-c 11 y e;tli-,fit:tl ilial oser fiiei(lý eiisl%%ziid ,hoii!d luaist «111.11 fi) illist. td' ally 'lirtviciii.-ý i a 1 i I! % . is 11 . Il lis. t q ditit, cir 1% il" 1 - 1 f le e ma 11 o o tnu ras. lin a le a t a hey %vnt i Idbe qi 1.11 i fi od c Rciiiain vour M'heil Ille. nt" 1 stick up thrii huilior to the 1'tl;lt.st tIxit-git of ilj lilas aise- elllll!L tuer it themsrIvés, and ilsserel)v prevetit tho 111.1 tc) lliNi, le. car .] fat (1tii(ti, while lie ALLI1*z0ýý'. iý('kjtt%%I(dgv iliv titi 1110 il fatoust Mes 1 tétu-yers floral rettiliz a fmt-holif, Nvliirh felit th@ filiterart the n-afty improvements the fiamei tif hy. the supejioi adviiiiiages of veLivil aie foc, %tell Brookl;u, A r Il 8.) 1. .1 rail (IN Il( Flêiice 1 -l' 1 lit ir irf-tle 1-t t lit ptirts. walcar ins canines %%'itll hot iri)ti.lle. efillf - Io ddillit of a i3oii. %Ve said ilia; illifil ait.(. wiffilig lie t'ai illi.s f*lill(i T'rit, Enilrolid is nt lest sf,-qiivà i,,oýq tel M ailla --tro 'hi> bill aliticiptaied. A caré-fill pertisal "i the rol- tt.e more lisait q1i.idis pleil client iii Ille expoit of' PICK 1-Al 1 ýN(, 1 11 IN MATC 11 ' f k1ioý% If dîle ilitil Inis et nie (14-wil 'tif tendrai firoill 011IL' lit-st iiitltflrilNy il,. lntiii-, 'Vriorsis Ive rallit.tl!arly recommeild Io .11 lit ales 1't-i In fil(- pisi. ilicv. il tlif,ý liltýl( fi fr, ait Pii dnic lit Io Diini , flint Ille pill. illal Lo lis mýe-iii Ille ailicle The ii- art- ilié-eviini; file trains bave ixoilfm, tif tire C'teintes %vere *111(br(ilitrilli nelesit fi. .(.IlIl il,, il salir, voils-dur 1 lit ir a il sillit (I liv ovt»rl)*.Illlfcf nn(j tes . ed eqirioig tilt There ià rot Io Ille Irais thau th . erre, tir grarriole [lie yevii lis5t). 1 hose %Vere ý1ippt il fi (.an file. Pirkt-riliff, t-t! ille iiiiiii %\ hu ut-fild Ili( liq't if- col tifir 1'l av q-f Jeisjiy Liý odne of the lxst falld M(%.%t exIberierle, d Poil Whill)v 107.101 lion, Poli ilie 23rtl Aliril. 1851, viz; et te(- -rl-.ý ira C«Iieiilll-titi uniot tt%,elve Division C oilltsiile;irbcg)ulty. Cniiriste) thulli lo this ur whi) wolild 4 33-1 bushelb, licaving in Lvur os' Port X en- --Je sq la Lav, fon, -Ftigirièerti in Clanilda, levélià lironotince(j lie held cure il# itro monilias or nfiener. in lire iii-z- tl, llli(It-ýiviiiii- tu bivil tif( ait tu lie tretiortof the J4ed--,e therpent. 9781 litshels more than qiadii-iple the aniw I, iiliiit.r ;lIld lii,,;Iitiiiioi)s ý% Iiieli fiais kilo.%% lvdve 1, ro 1 fi sa 1 1 tre ai fil v il d he Cils 1 1 JoIll: It is flot 1)('Iiev(,d flint aitiv fiatilf raid, ýIjijpvd ai 0ehaua ! ThL, is case of Ille fI pinci- îq ilad r. J%;(. Est.-Ilzie sec 17!s dIr a-, befilare file 1 in General Quariei 1,ýeeinR s go d.-ler- aliti I J'ail. azerilk-d to the stefficer., tif tire lu nt. pli aiticles." Slaves bltil,,Ietd 1.0111 l'oit %% lailley. le. Il(. Pici, vald 1W fra,111111IL, (if flint **ýl.1Ie. 'l'lie futltitviliý ýIt intist ho llil!lllv mille the extent and number tif *Di% isiort. Ji:(]--,e 474 9JO '%l ; di). fioui 0ýha%% fi, 215W Isi, letit iijg, DOI/8---.Jtbllii .1.11 Alil fet-lill!!s tir -file oivi)* eoll.,;fllillcr 01 CoueityCnititto pre,-idenver Divi.,:it)tgCotirt. 1 fer. A . o-i-li'tl 1 'ilkie.afid Bro \%-a!. fils Addriss ilà I..tritioikv %%Itll il, Iiiiz 1-roposi-ti laisis '(Iflllf' relirest-Ili, ers of tilis 111111-artil. ci in case tel' the alist-iire or illueSS of the Jtifl.-,e, iii fdvoi of Port %VhitI)y.,38j 9aïa M. ovel qiiùdg et- soreust'l'ill si clir( d ille culifidt lice ci, Ille 1000 iiilllfl)il vessel 1.) k-noV Ilial Ille vordiet I'f« Ille Ille ;troquait of abat of* Ozilfau f Ihililiiiiand. lits a t - 11:1% Cerfs. ruprom and -n forelgril Jurv, lx Jll(lgê fiont ijiko'.he-r Cubutity, or dtityatifilitt(-tf il' 0" reilvlien, 2iiil Gcorge 3rd If)itll'Fttl)y exi)oiled Io 7ý_)60J0ý flil!.ýIt 'l'iiiii fi, that Ilitvit. sait -bu cils- All U00 iiil:itliit trV, has etitirëlv si ai 1*ý,iej' tua lie appointed uha, vrcièld have like 1-eulti-ded. lots llave two itutiv(s, et y feetai0sliawa. Ili the as-ticleoi: oalmeul Ive quad- Boý1/8---lst prize, Jt-Iiii courtire, 211(l !blzillli.. The ltf>ijf-rs pnwer and J,4ci-ý-e inalilaiiit nue Cieik illore for clicli .1tl(lititalial 5090. Cieniet werv tiot tjeýý, , I)llt (ývnr% atid cite ne more Bitiliffs fier earh Di% ison. No raille Oshawa, and là barrots nver. These aie W ililitii MilIvr, «airs(] 3rd Areli'd Pilkie. P L C) E _G 1 1 -1 -N _Gý l\ 1 A T C 11 A T .ill, Iv.ýs ilizin 1000 inhulriitas , lits Pains Werfi le, 814ir P-artiri,,Lr Bairititer. Alforilvy ci Soli ilor, cati lie soute os' the principal articles of expert: trom the parize Itiiies \Vren, 2iid ili A Il K Il A M a,, niauv lut ives il) tell ed, to filetai il rear townships of Ibis section of constat v, and the .11dil) D(Ilitihim'n, 31-d Joseph Clark. ý 2( sied Wz 11 P %V. Mr. appointeil in the cilice ni Clet k. Clet k illey litive hillidreds of inhabititi Roberts, -ai hip! " Y 'P- Mf ýrme, %% il 1 olises ve i hat we aie vorrert. Ptizt.-S l' r 158-, Raid The lo'll!! talked tif" J'Itiligilil-.g ýf:i*eli -and Nvf'ti- poiil a Depuy u ho wili lie sul-jpci in like clades. %%' tt-l(»Lr.iiiii despacli froni Bi in--forme(l engiRillEýr .il Poil %%"Iiill)y;tninitiiis: lielwevil tire of' Viti 1 f, 11 'Ili Ille ftigitive, (in r aud I.-ive th-- sius-e prii ileges. Tieu- a-) £25-751 1 ls. 11. over ili..1 al 06li.iti-d for the '-ivailliali, niude ta to a r fur Stalliotis-£l 10s., £j mid Marlilitain, valite ('i'l'oil rridav :Icst. te inakv ta stlrvtl%" Illail sièrer tif Coiiity Io 1) 1 rertiv r-zei oral fil fi-es,- lait Ille 2.5111 in file ol, ai idi-r- ju' 'l'lie above is il Correct fh(ý dulluillicilit-tile Aboi dee s s 1:11 y in be flot lune e ilian £')i)J or lebs -bain, ÃCId of, 1)1)tttt 30 an ri Cieik and lLiýifï Io lie Ille iýroiwrtV of, ý7iîIr. ;1 ' ('a*, Iil- -Vhis Ili- lititliýitihk il. (lie. à i..l l'oi le r "'et kfinivil in silippers senti Ail iii, eveiy 1 1 ce ail( r 1) rinift( d Ili treud tilt thriti In everV r(,%Ii e I)rr- illý,'!O thet-X.-elleure hie Il is so el! BEATON, rk in il fi 10 1 by clelk's I;ook-s S(*Cl'('turv. tilited. abolit illilus front ilifI Vil. fier 11r.fsr tif tilt, I)IJ.111*,, ri 3ziff,,;iiýdit)lliecoi-n!i), sis a-,-.,, r-,,iti. Ile wu slurtifig of] lit -riil.ir blisiiie:.N, lie -iir hy the Pori Whith% & Lakes if, jail rend Ille listial rel Mf et t-ill, -ivrilav. to pa-vviotis il- tilid the date ýM1dTI(1 vit fron- 'Itrtoillib a-- -y iliree nit)iiih.-s Io Coititty ,;in)Cnv & litanie Rnadý %% hirh is fief), in i t Ille Foilliflation of lý fWe, ilit of iriade a larial drill doives lie ( )ýcrjlg.l zism-iii Urd f4e \\.il 1 ý,Ijnr.I1 "lit' pay over fees actes filles là eloligiiig tu file rt-p-ziii- by lheenterpii.,itig Cointiony. %%'Ijitly ie T-illitý Ilix if >.s 1 lie ru- say iio fW thê eostit. IbIi rfý ,8f. tif te %tim., 1).% work rat fl-e fond. Cuuiity Treas-arr to accolant soi, and deýlined to ho the szteat nattier of [ho Vasa cotifitty ý4lliJb Ille- B:ý1jf1J) (ýl«,Iorgiiiii" ira fil(- prts- (d Ille tl*.,ki!l. Il ý\lIS Ili- l' cutild liiiv Iiiiii tube rg 74 Isfoilers fSvre filera. Illid sas tilt, tilli v Payoverlothe Re,ý#,iver-geneas,.sijijlue fresluice Io Ille unifia and norils-tvem of Ibis section ci' the (IlleC serai I.IrLtI (Tille CI(-r!-,v atid plitc(l Iloit 111)1 Iv's titilla 5900 ,uf, the aeeideni, Ibrt nullllef.(l hy flint il) eveiy yveur. fit-aeliter, Clerk-s, and Bailiffs. Io rolinty of York to, the -1 Caitadian qeaboaid.11 Laity of the Clitireli tif EiiýgIî1nd.-p(it. T . lie 1 I(il1._ý1111i.g \\ il"z (.a-(.- TIve] v te Selinflors of Ille Nom very liegi etjj(lititeil ; allid illi. Mettait- give secuiify, tvhich must !le approved ci by'lhe to Ili \:11*1(1(1> (le illl't'liti rs. el Ilv 1ýholy lo.-S of life. to"(.Iller Witil the ExcuRsioN.-Tlie Sonsof the Ilis-hit- 0l"'INTIONS OF fil _;ý.c; 0'.\ (..il a.- fill(.nc(ý t-l' Il il ull('Illlýt tu Ias a Jtg(l,-e. Juiisdiction of Division-('ontis shail ex- L dilmbgettilige to tire ve-.9el, ti-ils(ler.1- tend Io ail ciiinis and clerriands of debi, accourut, ci bY Division ira con-neclion %viril those of' 11ALDIAIAND ELEC1110'1\7. rtetiLli tow w7d Ilw J'ropt ri ' Il il :14141 iliffv illillit-ils C'I«(Iollllrs to il -sioned. nul Iby Ille weakiiessortlitr salir' 111(I d( illilii.:Irt d t.. le(. lit 10. 1;-r erS.: but hy Ilieir lavis)- bref -re 1 a- -ch of contruct or corenant. or inuneydriiiand l'lie f-difor q f Iliis piprr. ](,fi Cnvitgn 110(illiux.t. (I ait. Tile lis( w -'rit à ,Crime 4.11.1biy and iiearlj%, red Ille? heil %%ehere ai)#- union t of balance rWimed shuil tact ex- plation lait E\cttrsioii to tire Falls, (Ili a ai 9 t)'clfeiz ho4t' niflit. and iiirrive'd il, :111 il-oli, Nvitil file Set-IvIl sw1wy, soinu (lud hy fille l'ill'tititi t'l'Ille parvss. thp, colil wulter is j);btlre(j ici. Tir is flict "ed£'Zý5. and in alltùrts Io 1&à soiialchatiel.-in t-rriiiid wale, to talie place su Nmoari ait 6 thi.3 inurjiiiiz. liavill", illiport(d, IIti('Iýiirv. The rtstlit nitiv be tg Ille verdict of Ille jury fiiliv £10. No garrablingdelli or spirUuousor itietime ib elve ted I)v a fliajority 4,1 128. cri ics t (I 'ue0îl ý 1 malt Il- ' Taille, or eltrIv il) Julv Ilext. It is ira- ll(ltl)e 1 ait(, enlar-elliclit. riti'lititir(ei) nets Jike .Iln- quors di flots iii a laverai, or afty cartu involving, the 1 olilv Nioli(Ig'r is Illut iif, ffot a volv .91 ill ;111 01-illioli, filai lis(- suprritir lit-ritr:ti- 'I'lirce huritiveslaveis linve iwi ""r If leild(Id so Io arrange tire limiter ras Io, fi,,. ' ý,I ýOVdt.Ç,, ù'ntt.tite like explosion lita% ce(.- rigU or tek Io refil estille, os trustons or lull. shali lind to Conit-ild willi torics. alice 1 l' ibu party \%ils 1*11 I;tj liirod air and hande r . ard be latrought ci Iiied in the Division Collet. Silni_ aff -v' lu 01U 8111 a matais. .en a vessel wiluse boile 1 e ord the party finie fur visifing rail Ille Bro\% rs. 11141 ý%ili-"Illdv!_,l ( ta 'urloril V Ili Ilivir el. Lit rge, crutiv 1113PILI for 111V fjr.,t finir. triol]$, siotire, &-c., to be ses ved ai leust sert days places of iiiterest, stieli sis Li )(1v's Laine C(.qflllv iv:11-dell. the Revves, ille Ili' Ilivir 'FURTLIER ýÂr,ýrj(_,jýjýNj -ç(.F IIlp herme taial, wi-tich may be lest willas any «Iown #11c"Silslýe"ion Bridgi.s. Ili- iiiiier Vir, exciternen te Lit iio d ist tirbance. tliv Dticti-r iiiitl ira [:ici fil(. PIOV',llh7nfn.- M'. AT Fip p, If) aile house, excviii u lieu aise :11 \Vlit-lu swaroi of iiffloisk's, .111(j tu Ire (,fli- Jno. Cruiiv, \Vni. flood, J.1illes Weir, A lelegraph desliaeh (rom Boste etIs oll'iloie ira illui 1) ýniat.rtiI .1ilist 111111- a Ili, Il(-Iirv Fruin 1 h te C.'t r 0:, i rit, 4 V, I»e. le. s-it-il for excet-il loity avvd ile. Iloud. Barir la. About liait-Past 1 o'clork. titi fi#- 22mi if.ýAi1.A 1 il* '. b.wh ýtèlltlk oi.li là .ti.t lie se& %;t-tl 011 ilq.oti, rfiliriiiii-, lat'ille Hi fille vvelling. ilitfst Al.eliill;ll(l ']*Ilcliill-e't'il, il% cornac aissil ,the iiibabitailla 'of Prittcêss-st t tet %%elv by Ili.- massa lie biooulit ait il&eDivisioia rhe- purly as 17rtel,(;.m ci mil; lit- lice( fil- e cave colle %vilh gaitillion alid billikillil le\- the lfii!e Illirk, 'I'litiiiiis crolie, all ll.lllds probuhl the sallikarairs of file. %vi,.h il %V-14 latuid liad 1-ink-pri ilit-el. týItleâ,ort!et)Z coi.tiurtd .%ilhin tilt- V.1rriq.(l ho lief11)11-'N but il .111 Plit1cistpil, Alideuw (if Lie New 0 ýoQt in a Stable belongiii« in iisir. Rosirke sii t.atfti panical liv a haird uf niti.-sir, nt un a yitint ira the rear ni 1 VV;18 iiil;iviu Spo- .1-011 il cric \1 Ji, 1 Delta. %% riting oti flic, 11.111> My ail sucli laits nus Mccou il il, J. S. ollier arran-vIj1ee)tý, inade tas m ill aild t l'allui.stil, vai's, Ji -occupied hY a Pérënn ent the lacune of F allier. who thvjutizi.lit-tioia of this Act. bus. the exre>.-i abuve £2a7 e- " 1 tif-11 Illi4inIV aild liqbiii-Ntiv, lli(.r(, is ai,, E Ile INý as once more j1el therp kept a livery-sialite. bill who, in ihe stuaranier niay beahaudoiied. No taiseilleti arrosant abine is mis ;a 11;11 'a die plivustire of Ille mrty. artifil litisilikt. illis rime. 'l'il Ii* - W in. Aildis en, Itjliii Wu aild -lire agilill Illovin'y ilitu sued for. Miiiots suay bue sol- vi aÃeb 1,11:11 et'jeYm('tit f-f Ille orcasitm. The titi,. farev. jNIcKgi.zi(, is riot lit, V(luýhr,,n 111 1 lie course or Iwo wese the th- iglt)illià l!? 1.1si fligi_,,tz flot excveilim, -c lie-iii-- vil( cis Cr( toirit.s. fille fori-s worked liird fer Ilivir Willitilli lowil will l)-ý dry. £2à . ln cases of lori or il --pass ý_ 1 111:111, and did not throw il vole, iliali, Waltur DulzcIl, sibrr-iad with'aý,twij hin, 91 11% 11". ti"jý il-oe £2* étial uiher rétâcs igiseme £5, eithei clit (,il thiýsiiii vos-ýth.- _î, Ille Ãemti triste (If, tho'e 1% ho cun- Arrest of a iitlil!! tif Robbers. Inecoý fý s 'lii et.. 1 lie siiiek tg> Brint, ai, Vill, \\'ait. 13.irt(iii, \\.art. Ruh- MWithin lie i4,i ýfâ' i- 1 Q,.. ý,e .,.Ily ni.fy ilqi-i.e a jet y. ALEUÀtiibid là .481.1eb CtIlVed il. W e llave 110 doute, firofil 11;0 1 fi) Ille, ho't aind vored 1« kr latin wlit-Il ilq-V vi-1. . ..... jfy I)e hy J-itlý,e %% ilhoul 1si jià il,4à clà oli - el In t v.c. fi iz lei, %%rh I.D. m.11. ý ai above Li. Il a juiy 1. rite Al- airt-itely io Faites e i Il,-alaliility (.1 tire parlies sulect(ý(1 l'Il klit-w that he Coilld il:ft. be elvett'd. 1111,1 (1(>01*!-,(ý Dill'ez the exri-laition el ý%h- li.ýtit.letf failià l _,lie tas %%à iiiitz, i-j aile Citrè, l'lie Detroit Tribanedff file 21st. t'il rrv Ilint there great: clall!rer of' ý%jeKijj. (i,(.orL,(! '-twills, Arclilljald ;he c,.brtbe, ai P. et ittl.i M lis. .1 lh'. litue fer viiiel iii-ý- 1 lie billi. te$ tleti.udtil, U lits- (bill ille thal il ivill lie [lois Weille ilillelititi111(l AWý11illenjusvpli Wh te ofihe arrest, in :i-»,l týy de .1il) aha el F le, lit .. qLýý à J I.-I 1r(.týijtl ,a titi! el le îUs. 1;ý4:'tit"$eoy-ýhý)ý.il-?ilý.qllblllel- 1 d J4- y flfi4ýi 1 .1y Ji . r "itil .11-c: Lo Ille %villa 1 lblbl)lv lb-ilitie;al qijnek.,; U 11aill K(eléï, Jas. cet-prinressittid - Ili in --, CI elle Ili gel, a rra liep -nivi, as nod d'iliiil Ili Il. railrond r(,Ijljt. -i; amI ý!r. jeq -k-_ f_.ý . é, oýt ald lit'l ltà ,*ié il, Ili iii'l. 'I ite jet, y 8.) lio Fur 1 lie hast 11!ytas; nt th,- (-nrté--e et %V,.i- Lotil ai-- 1-t-ii, -il ;11'(' A. PAREU ELL, VqQ., rt.tllt.llt.(l liv ille výbdrs ('l holicsi Judesfoi- Jollil twi) ilivy have tý,rlI 111, 1 lie 1 rack mârioté and %%jllj t%%n o. fie Il 1, 1,ami dil peabolib Loi l% ut-1. i lie- ý-I- tel 1 U. fil). n , 1 - ' I*Irill(.ri, ýIvKt'liziv :11(ýv Nt-Ili Gilisteil, Aitii-lýillilli 1r. Eut-, '1'(4ujju ; -'iltial ruait, fil Detroit, th three'&«,nn 1 Wý»eeI-4f blitl.iiil-,s in ;lit- oi.t. iitid 'ixty. ai.d olie 01 lier a itlj. c.b. .1. JIAM l'EnttY ESQ, Serif-rt(iry -l'ri "'(Illial ive. Weir. of oi, the rails l'orthe pli Xf. %Vllit*h qui aria 0 1 y qiiiiiiii-d lo st-ile. \tt)i igies Ilwri Iiiitt i le. %vil tf!llv witl t11:11 11:1 - 1'(,rtt,,h(in. Ille Cars, and carried thé "Ilerat %vrerk. In p iilt*f$S-ý,1..ýq a the fil- ai leabi direct, d.I). lit selle ttit'..t 1..4 - Mr. W. Laill- ' lý' \ \\'lie r. C. Canq Jet Il. Ju dces fw lû%A-ikig holwes and shopsupre il île il (-'flots. Ll;ià t!l fi(- 1 rt-ild (T 1 Ile ri still, Viflgara soli, Bellialle %% 111-lèle r(,tail-svý,tem of pli The lluilifilga nWi.ed alpt ne f - qi j.,d I)v ýj Jiiiol N.. I1Iqj&èý allait. Pl. Ca rt , le Il là Os 14.14,11. ail Jt-illilligs, which is flair" sl'oli(I1) of' hy Ille XcsrIeý es sas ;oel ri týf' b, I-J glit-ilit. Io a filer clos e.x(teull.i; -,ýt vie Kiliz; Mr- el. Chirk, Pickerili r 7ri fille salodit indsssîted for 1 (jaý); ý hi, hi i difiz sent i', U el lit le prixe È)f tt'.) 'J'oroil to - ".No sper 'es (If cri Ille no ,JrbisIbuibling lieie#2.lt rileextremily or the .,alibi: sel t%'Ià lè ta ilivy lire biteoilà . fle jl.106. tu It ri-om the Uuron Si,,nage. ingeni - 4secarans gerbe' the, fi" o- iiiiint Fil. crée ve lisIf. W Il 1 'JI 13 Y F A 1 'rrl E SPI Ri ['fi 'OF TIE AG L. Wp1soli, v or Seal Mort ýy -uoi o. M h0ae vri(lit-I mutes tell U#à atýiii.ut4.i.'gist tics. 111) -trait (il*-)I](,uils fortheir lit .... ....... . * ' * - - 1 The retimi i-j' M aile rIt)itt,11- fliree Jtitie(ýStbf'[' logeai *twit bliÉti go lim bar,* eà trà à t A the 3trÉ-et r -il, ;Slcc IlsÃtIl lilial il )v peuce, five Pbý 4wngw X(XWS f'oýU 1 kK. np' ;qditýtt 1.ýi ai ait%% * ;, jiulge mid f-lails. fille ai] «raiped howelter, haî F--ýý1s* boit k fi"tt>e du âl'Y foi lie eui-ei lot Il bâildr tirgiect 1 1% ilit(li'r Ilic. Il( Iliar circulai. - 'l'lie A-rictil g CoaïligNé and 8ý Si Fe, %%,h«lcb %%ete : - 1 ilstrative (If' e y tras replied k-, hy Mr. W01,4, Wilob 1 a Ici lie lit, tc r beluil -iti 2 tu the tt)woshlj, -le .1 1 - M Ji liait allier. CW),801, teluitiday, file verv iiiiittrt- :ttla,ý' ricitltu rai kenS d7V _-G(Mi ýjtjr.. rý1(t 1 -_ v t y (te(l"al SI il es- iSLi(iuiv1èriý illld Mot ai) t'fficer t'of wilieb, lit iîajie f ýî tait atuuuia ut jui.-ezi4etot - a a puve the lit-alil, ter fitell. fliat lie re(lible tif . s was ae the ajbd rhatiel 'acclion with the P. Perry I,:,,q., M UIeli(-r Cuit. Ctemà ty of yý 'SO pt)stm lier,, e t LI athall lotit be tintai % ilh!« tight st;ci. 1 eî(-ties." &Theurk-P.rlè.,ýs.ll'IleAnftë.rxt XvIlleil Clay tfiv*tà i fêle c(n 1 K. labri)iiylciu)alj were 16 The TuWnsliii) Agriciiit Ili tilîs çity",4yashl lie imphocated in the'u&ir-1 Nu:ic" tu lie l ut top et d"rîà i-tmg au-d ple.% t esceped witiv-til ihic srt;;Itýe>t 1,Jwy. 4-ty -i oi the meeting br-,ke ngten fil fof reality--tlie ititet gihie, vlalfum me of pro"tv, tà y, ai m ilaffme détrrietoi I;wcei - 1%0 ImPlâ III). Tu-fite Pitriot Enisitis !Sin ith %vere a #iîted on -Aý fiwe tweti irmel-fl ;;1 'Atel tîdirei of'.Dt,.Ibom t,-âuà t 14. 1 kt éà l'y wives, and Farmer.% tlà (ïruttali retrenclaitieti-L.- if IVediimla last %vu are ind t iloi Imm of tba wf Farmers rerterni and y 't-bied lfor dav, aiý4 ïa of -,he jrin-fston tatent f), the, flartf,ýrt --ule "fi eletiliý&II. ( l.. L Of M,ý tUr of "e ýNIcKekizié-'s iliélilislied Addressit ý4)rne uf tige alpuve l'articulars.-Colo- impwrffl la, op liiiunitre Companies z £1 DOU at M, ýU1.j lot là " a-ijouiik-g Ille Elect-ors tif Huidiiiiasà d. is tt plait). aigt. btlilditr oimt= ce f4r the G4>ý,"; "-ilt-bitie Ilà due "-ýèY ýbj-rè ajjýritpri:îte solle,, mid the enit-r- n mie -Cgtijni- ýqjjma Odib ni 0, ÉM4 "tuiti.1 If KziUx"ý) 4 the jýil1y ý r t itelli-,ril)le, siraiht- t)rward appeul ------- à #, %4 tmmr tà %:,.tLr épcii pdceîJriýi t"i be go, cii, liott) the lirtýjitdice mir tu the Irdrty A Ne ami, York ý t, mililary cd* Y lins settili- 1 ýO ia, apf 04het nietýs, Ill- imoiritioltais W abat h, as fil daug" fil kba4t atie un.X»41-t la turn- Pret-ident J'i'l)tni bas iâméfad feefillonsi, litit lu Ille commct senieý tif tilt. norcelited . an.iovit;ltl()LI tu 43.1 liq lýeepmb«r 'UbwIeimm w wut Liu" Ȉ " Icim of xà bceWà ug gaina thr Cà kian Expedùionlý peuille. lit 'Was, in fuct, micb app«I Q(le.bee, th&tÃŽthe depot