Whitby Reporter, 26 Apr 1851, p. 4

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s-. * _______oe THE STEÀMER. ADMrR A L - aptain Kerr,' lITILL, until, furiher notice,eo enigu 1.- SATURDAY, the 1Sth just., leave MTuo for--Rothseer, ons Wedletsdiayu end Saturdsys, nt ELEVEN, A.M., celisîac t Port lVhitby sud Co- bnurg,and interruediate Ports, weather perméilting. Wlllileaqi<etochester on Mondays and Thusdays. at NI N E ït naizbt,, eallin .g e1t Cobourg aud other Ports. WiUi leave Cot)our« on Tuesday and Frî- daj. Momi 8 1 SX o'clock for Toronto. OPx FFÀz iCplE, Toronto: le 1%qoD-h,j85I . S49-y esrs<,rnifla. S«> ' l'scrilîcr las nnw <uonlîund, an :Qusntîty or is Cetebrated £ XTR.4CT of' 8.*RSAP.RILL.., in Quart Bottes. GILBERT B. WEEKS. Whmty, Jan. 25, 185 1. 41-tf. FINE NEWV HONEY, For Sale byJ.MIS. H. GIiRR IE. Booek 4-Drug Flore. JIl' AU STARTrLING TE lE Sîilsecrihs-r. nlhlistr i ait btexuvly A prepari lu opuve the Slrea-5snailWbilby i-ih Cliforia Gold. lu yet sîtermine. le, oappiy bis custumess ith.- Gis ts ii stanLois-Rates,îtha tbeyamy haie abt-d to do su ii'tbcy %siu, roaagbh th. greal uavi-ig efltcted lîy bis aeas-s; snd he saoulai ssuire is numreraus tria-asts, that cuitrary tet heusiat mode praIrlt b y neiscornera, the quality of bis Gonds vritt1r.alher imnprovetb haiailier- wslu, at bis .ssuuualty Lois Pri-es; sud us lhe is well susare Ibsi solf-iaeresî is the'imuet poiserfuls cepneoas isielsl, heo ili mate il the iateresî ofall arheaie troisnbis, by supplyiiag abs-n iiat,ter.p qualities of Gotais. and ut Luwer rates tbadany other Establishmenst West ot Moatreai. fllic eetehitdd MOQUA, YOUNOG H ysoXasisal oher TEAS, will le fnunetl(to mairaiai heir bisrb releli- rity for cheapuess, richass, strength aisi ins- s tor, bis large sud generat assortmnt of CoNs-s-s, Sagaru.Tobsccoa, Faisaits Spica-x Gtassvaa e, Hard- ware, Miues, Liqunre, 1Kr. &L. &c , %ilitaalise the miantssuguiue oxpectatiotni ofparcisera. Taverokeepers and tise Trarle, soppiied as Lois su hey eau purcisaïe in Canada.. H. B. 0'CONNOR. Wbilby Vitlage, Jan. 24, 1851. 41-I. 'NEW CHEAP BAT STORE NYerly Opposieth 1e Il Globe" Office, King FSreet, Toronalb. T scrber avinz bud long evlaerienc,. publicIt ha i- bau epeued 1ihe abuse premisessailli -sn excelleut assatraint of IIATS, anal alan Ladies'Flirx of every irsrriptioo liyays on b;tnsl. t3l The haiehiest priepuid ia cash for Hattirag sud' Stipping Fora. - , JACOB BAýSTEDO. Haller aaid Fus-ries-. -Toronsto, Oct.. 1850. 26 ,> va heen iauown 10 fuiÎl in a Pingle ins- 6p lsalicewberge il bas RK. eauthorouly P. LM. RL 1 trie . howver se- vere the case May bave bers, or nf ~ ~ -howlnug standing. e 'Te Price St0 reuts 'peruox a.. Wiîby, Der. 7, 185a. 43-st. HARPER'S MAGAZINE ,tJI>1>LL l.D tu SuîbSrilxrs inrintillys s ly JAS. H. GERRIE. A iew copies for November alill ou baud. WViîby Villa4e, Nov. 1iOtb, 18à0 31 DR. A.. L. STRAGRAN, NOTICE. NOTIE ISIIEÉEBY GIVEN tIsat M Napictnuslthea de 10 ilieLegistalure. etis ai esin for the formaiîon asi a nes aund andapendent Cosaty nul ni thle îeuensuern bien- Ibipa of tie Coauiy ni' York, aud for allachin; isat part ut Cartw-rightlaIyng uorth ni' Laka- Scu- an;q ta lise township nof Maripasa, andl tbe forma- tion of a ew townsip out oftIhousa portions nf Cartwaright sud Reach, saiis comapose Scngo laad; undl tht tisaial ew tosanship heatsîachea allie propaeal nasa cony. Wh ItlyN1or. 15, l850,31 TWEN1Y THOUSANI) DOL 1. 'AR StLL.XaG OFFAdT COSTI! T F P t ,aI'lorof se CHINA 1'EA STORE, WliTV ]iVarLeo. Isains <eler -mined t10 close bis busI.neslu the Sprissg, offesrthe abovea SniOu t fGund aIe COST PRICE. His Stock tas atilveroyws.l ssarta-t. rocsspriinz tfser,-fhr-.fyna auna the hsatr. a.s~1s p9rceant cisempei than <an ha cot ian auy orber tà- tubtalihment an the a, ue, calt ithis it4Saoae. a.d tbe S-tes-siber saitI îariasatli.-factinas.! as aa &lfe. By <alun; aere, ynu oas) ilad Rend--tode Clw. bine. Fanala, Fur Caps. Sbluffs & Bois, Sti- fltta, Tiekuass, Gaey & Bts-as-ha-il Cottos. Striped Shîrdiag. Oai-às, Sluded, Fiarua-eu&- Plain Lusties. Cobuirge. Velveîs, Riuosas, FIns s, Caticaies. Cloaho anald eases-es, JMoleukin. Linon, White Btasakuis. Soe Lenthemr, AMIi 8wu, li, Gtaus, eCrooker. Shah' Hardware, Naitc, H iig ea. Ls.1 Gins, Bras & Pateist Pails, &c. &r. I&C,, ail otf wbehi e ptedges binssr e se!> as abuvs ieai. f goebusnomenmoreaof tlissTEA, toot, at2L6d. Cali*and lie consinced. J. EL PERRY. 30*IN TUCKERt, .(Lete Of Mecirei) Importer allb iD eter in HuR, aiuA, T2WuA«d thsr bramae.; SkIf '.. a'gihory CeAU e hler Dses- frîCdh«y; >imargCsa; eq P*aw-r czmog. esqM *arO. zd4et 8MM; V>a. sE * a Fu-Mamau. g5ur OCam, NU&. mdu U Bab. ocWmal Iboeu JMP.ýX«"t Sbd %-ut XW Ome a" ulfkr P4ký I'pýPb" O&trT *CS- r JENIMY LIO H WiJBY! Bý. BRYAN JAS been lately appoited Ageni, by the Mais- 1- sifaclurecu, for the disposaI of sec ecal neur pattern stoves;%vhis-h %ere pateuteal three months a.-o, sudd aint the prize aI tise lte NIAGARA FAIRI. He bas an hàtbd a greieral assarîmeuf sut Tigl Air, Parlour. sud dookiag Slaves, Potasb Kottea, Gýria Irons, Dog Irons, Door Scrapers, Patenut Cie- tern Pumîsu, &C,'4&. The sew psieauted stase is made un the OLD PRINV'IPLE 0F 1MdKING THE PLATES V'ER Y TRICE, aud the ltare pistes ccce5sOn- straateuel thut the flace è -anot injure thean. This stove is tbenewc bi, ini twelre i othu, or as sos os il hecome.s gcaemtiy kaouu, Futrwrs i iIlîiiave no otiter Stoye. Thue sdvsntaze il possesses af satine lu s iong stick oaf i-t.u.and hs-iialsarge aaîd rapariaus us-s-a, botlltiawvo tiers ai' breal -pans, sud lhein-,- noteal for au excetsl lst aing oses, are tar îupe- rier tu ay tore ho bas ootd !-eltora-p, Faienals! 1Don,u Itayssishere-wilbosat eaîtira; fOuanst Bryas se Rouis, an thal flourlisbiiasr, village nof Wilby, slcu ano i al sors$are puat dôanIoluotaculprires, as ud 10 suit the times. STE ILs.-AI11 corîs nof rroiluce, fut ratlite, luan- ber, coriiirood, &c &c, taken in axs-auge. The Sutscriber lissu also some time sinre (Iped a Store Sliop la PrinceAlIbert, Ncxi dooer lu Mae Huaad's Store, Wbere ho alo teep on uaaîlsgens-rai asuorîmeol nof B o ula, to r c s i o s a ns d o l-or préalu e e sailil iel taea inliapaymeîat. X., B. Don'tpatrûisýe Pedlaïs, for they make gou pay profit -end tous. Whilby und Prince Alhert, October 91h, 1850. B. BRYAN. 26 IIUGII FRASER, IVHIT.BY VILLAGE. 8prlîîg ad immrr Fashions for 180. Nhitby, Aliril 19, 1850. ALEX. PR.INGLE. WHJITB Y VILLAGE. Ail orders ini bts line pronsîaly exectted. Tise !atest Fashions always on hensd. litby, April 19, 1850. BROCK-STREET, WHITBY. DONALD .UINI% Preprirter. 1VH IVB Y SADOLE, iLIRNE'i. COLLA, AND TRUMI àu&11"£kg~%umb THE Stakeriber bas conetantly os baud the1 T asave articles, usirbh %il elcha o cash or cesit. wl d ba o ROBERT GARTSHORE. Whitby. Jue 7[b. 1850. 8 TE.J8! TE IV ! TE.4S! HIENRY LYNE, URIICER. Corner of Dundas andl Byron Sireels. (N'fxl lu H. Gerrae's Drsg Store,> ks-upsaun baud a s-oire aEsortisesni' Groreries sud Cbefectîuna- ries et Toronuo priccu Alun Woodc & Tin ware, Store pipes, &c. Whilby Village Jan. 11,1M51. 39-3m Reief iii Teîî linlîes-Iîîre i ia Fel iiays Iii sureal by lthe Grerat Furei;as Rcuucdy, ]Dr. Locock's PIJLMONIC WAFERS! Pott 1.tise' cure nI OOLJf)S, COURHS. ASTHMA, BRONYCHITIS, PULMONV- AIRY CONSUAIPTION, asadlal affectiun isofte hiseatis asd Lungs. Mautaxcttired by E. Taylor, Ronchester, N. Y, the onuiy ue, sd tiesuitie pro- prieler anal Muaufactuarer onu he Continent ut Ameries. by asaiguareni ut rigLIItran JAMES J<)HNSTON. Tiis seebrssed remes-ly in for sale by W. Su-s- TosN Drauacact. Osaaao; Tasos. S and ea Dss'aaisori & Ce., Buaiossasiie; R. DACItecir- s-oaa, Brook-lin; LuoaRs, 1>D I'sCrak; unI iJAMES H. GERRI, Wlsalpmsle andl Rtait .4eal, MAsse SritaEET, lv5IT5T. Whitby, 8tb Nov., 1850. 30 CAUTION. D. DOierelsv cauation the paallc ua isi uà;ang a sparnus article calied Dr LOCock's Puloionic Wafeaa, mauufacttareaj by B. D. Green, Hlamiite.n. Canada West, as aliltbe information ho eser received for mansfacluring tbeee wat'ers was by heinq in James Bryan'c DrugSore, Rochester, tus-twomasnnlbs.JsmnesBrymas tisa aconter- fiter of Lcsocki'sVatera, whiclc Iails Bilmeas Paauosic Il t!ora. I amn prepareal tlogis-e aueitidactory evidesse syý mss respectable Physiins sud Agents, ap- pointes frcthe aaaa ai the aacheeaaasereila, ai tha pernietoatueffocîs îtey have hastou hs salis base lsd tise minfortuna ta use thems Ptesse rater Ia Ihard page 6f tay pamaphlet fer tetfcar is î>Py ienry Paluserlati- Surgeona «di' e 11h Bnegiaent nof erSàajMi y'sW.iLagt lussr,(atDoser, C. W.) leule esai anisas isadL"My E. Taylor. Racheter, N. Y. JAMES JOÛBNSTON, Doéiter, 'N. y.- H.I B. OÇCONNO1RY IMOT'E1tR r r Goods. Groceriesa- WHRTIT IL&AaD - 61 CJAPITAL £.00,00 0 Striug. Nedical Ereainwr,-R.,W. _CLARK, 311. D. Pamphlets, Blanks, snd >ail reqoisite informae- itounssy h bed on application to JOHN HAMt PERRY, jIetfor WHlTBY.14 ]LAW olipii. Attornes and Counsoior-at-L*ZW, SOLICITOR-IN.CH ANUEIY, . &c.. &C. &C. WHIITBY VILL.qGE, CA'NADA WEST, Wifl give pro Pt attention to eil business ut bis Profession entrusted tIobim. t3-Of1ice oppouaite the resideace ed Peter Ferry, Esq. CARJLETON LYNDE, WIIOLESALE .AND BETAIL DEILER IN TEAN, TOBAVrOS, RIME P.WER MNANUFACTURER 0F SOLE. UPPER, ANDI HARINESS LEATIIE-R, &c. Cash poid for Hides and Skis, , VAet, Olits, Pots and! Peuri ,/ske.s. Wbitby V'illatre, 7th June, M80.8 By John Baker, IYest Side of ,Market.Squre, TO 11054TO. NORTH AMIEIICAN HROTEL PoRT BO0Pm, C. W. GENgR,,L STAGE OFFICE. t3- Trusty Porters aliursys in atteudance ut the boas. Passenga-rusud tîseir lIngago courcyrd t10 and irnm tbe boats f'ree nof charge. Port Ihope, Jnly, 1850. 12-Ir WJJsTEiirN HOTEL., iVelleagtor Sftreet, Toronto, lu the immediate viciuily ni' the Batiks, Post- Office, aud ail the Steaniboat Iadinga. J. M»tURPHY, Propriel or. Toronto. April, 1850. WVI L LIA M J EF F REY, AGENT FO> t TUE UJaslinsîon (EouuiD lflttal Jnurance qromipanLi, ~DiY 's~Ta 10tY SCARI3OLO'. &LEXIIDER TIIIIIIPMIN, Proprietor Excellent accoamodations for traellers. Gond Slahting for Homss. Il Poriocucal Literature. rIIE futtowing Ma,aziues sud Perioaials wil Tbha deliverosl at Publisber's Prices lu Subscri- bers in Oshawa sud ils sicinilyr by G. BuRNs, EsjPosîmaster. Edey's Ludy's Book, - £0 15s per aaanum S'arin'sUnCioun Magazine, £0 15 Graham's Magazine, - 0 1ý5 Littell'e Living A-e, - I 10 Hàrper's Magazine, - 0 15 « Internsational Magazine - 0 15 B. COSGROVE, Generat Bonk sud Periodicaf Agen Whuis-sate sud Retail, IVeUiugtorn Builings, Kisg Street, Tortmto. Toruatu. Oelotr-r, 1850. 27 Landi .Agent, ..ccountant, Con- veyaîîccr anîd Draughtinan, Stirvevor or Ronds fur tise Toviisîaiis or %ýVlitlsy and Rvnch. OFFICE-LOT 21. 7Tsa CON., WHITBY. Whaîby, 0,-lober, 1850. 29 WORKMAN BROTHIERS & Co Ndo. 36. King Street. T r nto, H1. 'W. CU FF, Dealer in UROCERIES, M IIS AOPROVISIONS. PRODUCE BOUGIIT AND SOLD. Retvirent S s ad Pl Fait'. Tairer, Est Fids osf lthe M.arket, IP(T ~C0I (Et !Cf " (D 263-y M R. B. FItEY BALL, m'as SESosE» TO Broek Sinet, mcxl door 10 Rryeu'î Tin Shop, WHI TB Y, C. W. SUR GEON DENTIFT, TAS the honuir nifsn an ia; itarrisai lu FlToronto, %iils bthel-uint o' s-slablisùisîg iimlci in tisa city as aSUOsN oDILST. Dr F. boels esnida-ut thai f(rom msuy veara' aitudy 1siader&orne ot the amoât melebratasi Sargenta Deutints in Entciunt sud Sa'otlamd, andi froin a sub- UesOii roeMiomai pracice oft leayears un Brtuin, ha sili heale In Cive ample satisf'action tn att sabo may houer isien saitly teir confidence. Dr F. Sta, for tise presenî, roea lishe promises, Nô 40, Kin; Street West, adjoining the Cabinet Waseiouse ut Mesuira. Jas-ques & Hay, M'bore ho w111 ha toundal aitIlbouas ut tise day, devonc1 siisaIt exclusively la tlise aeerai branches il Dental Surgery. Toraonto, 1850L24y. LAW OFFICE. -B arrlatr MdAni ÂUr, PlACTLS Sbu profaeinea is ail tIse Couiraais ui4excepCtheb.Qume esa rch. K. wali pestsmtuliy attend itaaisy busi em-e mi11 ta lis mcema ite" CommunapPlu".Cla". ery, coasly, lasitvuaix, o« BisaesCaourts, aa *o Âgeeey and Comvymcisg. - p sit Me erlu-s tlda 7bmI.*,Sepe. J2, Il». 2.l üUUSI coinîbstable ut3 le. well supplied %with the lies .with the choiceot in' Il Hia Stage is stili runului to Torooto. leaving at Se' ius, and returuwog the sacf 1Every accommudislion1 vellera, wiîh god Stâblisi A LL Persons ar irgainsl porrsiiig a scriber, in tvur ni' Jobn £25. payotate ou these th bas beau receivea fur tise ai Pickering, Slurch 2D,,18 flt l, Oh!,,eGd.!-YUie Fsuti---DRY GOODS A»D G E. y JENNY LIND,'ECLIPSE-D t t !G o eIa acquaitth Ie travelig W"1it noekt II'he Sobecribers would rep«ecuhl ,ose is stll kept in it aHESibcibrbs pne 0 .acqusiét ther inhabitant aof WhitJby, Reaei Bis, Bar wi meoüd. IuVy Pcerigd albwr5 e t atleg' CoIte:r t Liqors, andl bis Table ©1'I1RDm~~1! Pcen a sud Ue iditlt tleFi'bcm ;me thaiaket affurai-. AndI GROCERY, tn tis0-8110s1tocierly occnpied are woai;cldslnddsdsslIer tg Dil, finis bis House b Sc.Gerg Walce were he wiii1e wibhle t aecio ut Dr G otànds aidml ki Us*tte sal to fic iiieSoris- supply bis friensl u h uîi eoa~ markuet, together saillithe liest alcis iGi se Eseming. to Freh Oysera, Cod(Ifhi, lercings, Groceria ofailcemees e 1r brossglt iaut h. ueighbooisoo ma- cau tie asOoraleal Tru- kindu, Tinssare, Slose Pipes, doufectaiaaly, e andal semive oW ers. Bread, Tcm perauce Drinks, &c, , & , at re - Esitlle;oft.Te e, Sug ars, To lu coa, ap esa, ~ .. - i4L sosnala eruL W. K. FORSYTH. Lumber, andýAsbea wîll lie takena for psy. PIN.wiliI aill ians i e paid tar OATS. IO . - Whilliy Village, Nov.41ht, 1850. 30> è, NOAH RUCEINS, &Ce. lierehy cttoned TETI E H!TETI ButIota Corners, Oth Cou. Note made Iîy the Sub- TE T TE HH EETE iy,Jasury la, 1851. 38-4f .Murphy or biearer, (or FRSL BT ~AE blay,1851, as no valueFO SAE R L S. aaarne. t HUGH QUIGLY. For a terni i l irse or ive jesatliut hleMda S51. 49-sbn. ~ commodious XO TICE. hALL pro, indehtcd to thse E&tnte of the ateAs-&Po t Pickering, are herebY notified tocone forward immediatoly, and rmake puymeur 10 HIRArt PasT, suho is atborized 1o re- ceive te sme, sud granît acquàittance. Alan, ehi thuse haviug edaimns against the said Estate, are rcquested to present tbem,duty uttesled, îohim lor paymoot. RA POT SAMNL. COCHRAN', EXECUOTOEN, JOHN TOOL, t C. LYND. èPicterinur, Marcb 2f0,1851. 49-6 ri DIS COVERY' 0F A GOLO MINE! TUE MsESSRS. HIARPER BROTHERS, -0f XNeto York, have discovered a riche, place tisai any in aCelfornia, T HE tasst Editiounif the Fifth Number ni' Iheir JLneis Mootbiy Magasine bosiug rearbeai the exlranreisary circulatinof ort sy-fire thoasasd Copies, aundtltise deisial s-euliuss. sihics rau osly le arromiaiald for b>, tbe fart et ils preseati.îg, in handsonie style, ansî ai a chesp-ýr rtaa hanas ay uther periodiral p.tbtished in aise surtd, ahe choicesl portionof thal sost intelcctuaai îealsh saLis- b oiains s-srreaasy tisrough lise periedirsi prssnta the preeent day. éhs-preucuul unirber rontaitus upNoarelaofuthtirty articles Iromi ie firrs-t ,ilittorsof the- aie. No- tirs-s of Ns-w Ios,.-s Slontbty Record oh Car- ra-ut Fe-rs. Pua-h-y, Fasbions for Autuann, with Eurrasings, &c. For sole uI Ihe BOSTON BOOK STORE, Pris-e lu 3d. Bact nurubers supplia-I in any qoan- lity.B. COSGROVE, Gosses-ai Book ansi Pes-i ais-al Agent, WEFO<LEOALE & iRETAIL. Toronto, Ocloler, 1850. 26 Ilaminoiît Stk of Boils and Shoot. BROWIN & CHILDS H AVE rceaire. tiscir Spriuirg Stc etBouts sud Sisoa-s royn their manuntsstory ai Mout- treal, and suilI seil ai liseir usuelltous rote. B. & C. emplov six tnIred uperatives. anda prostate- tran500 io 1000 pairs dsilv. Tiseir presa-ot stockt baubeen adie sit spa-cia! reterenre lu tise suast of Canada Weast, andî,ilil coispenste iudividitasior iamilies for sesling-a -Teat distance. B>, suing the roquisel louglh, s fit will ha guar- sael. Man-iat sho bave nul putr?nimod the aboie establishment shaîttî loue nu lime, asutbay rai e fariise.!for oea al tise ,-osl of.coutry prosls-- lins. Aay unreaosabtc faitsre repaire.! trthosl chas-ge. N. B. BRoies & CruaLus. 88, King Street, soarly opposite the Enib ishCurrh. 13- CASH PAID FOR LEATHER. .g Toronto,MLtay1, 1850. 5-1 y MR. WOOD, Nocifs Side of King FStreel, Wai of Bay Street, 4I~7~J~Q 24-Y J. FOSTER, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S No. 4, ïliy Buildinga, Kinag Streeti, ',TORON~TO. 21--Y CHARLES BAKER, ileit catît (taitor, .Tso. 37, King Street W'est, Toroiito. t3- Ail kiuds ni' Sbip Flaqs on bonad, or made te ordor. 21-y IPAI]RDANVKSI'S WBEJIT, PLATFORM, 4r OTHER For Sale hy WORKMIAN BROTHERS & Co,.4gents, No 36, Km;n Street Lasi, Toronto. Toronto, 27îb Sept, 1850. 25-6 British Cantadianm Ua the Vwfago of NowcaStlo, CLAR.KE. J. E. TENNEsiY. PROPREETOR. Auguaî 12, 1850. 18 1 LÏL=om mamm Opposite the market, King Street, Torouto TROBAS TH0EPS0Oq, pr GOODS & CIeOTHIG, BONNE TF, CLOAICS, BATS3, CAiPS, PURS, BOOTS AEND SHOES, 4-c., 4-c. WIIOLESÂLE & RETÂIL. Torunto, September, 1850. 24-y Public flougre Cas heasuppieal aii a ait rtai aicla af Mie or Stroagu er on m MnauaTernis, tor CASH, ut CLARKS BREWERY. Wiîby Villae, Jais., 7. 18M. 1 WHI lUT,0. W. L. IH. SCROFIELD & Co., JMPORTERS 0F 1 WOES ALE 1 OSILqW., V. W. During the year 1851, Mit. IRWI1V iutends hein,- et tbe WAVERLY IlOUSE, .Bowmenviite, ou the firut MONDAY of each monils, and ce- maiîîing (Professionally) an entire week' Whitby, Dec. 27, 185. 37-tf For Sale. A SAW MILL, wtth 14Acs o Concession of Picketing. The Saw Mai is buil i on Dufflit'e Creek, the mess durable etreani iii the cnuntry, always having a sulicienry of isoler ttî stive the - Mit nîght sud day. It us surrounded with ablindaaîce on ille 'Iitrber. Alsqo,-50 Acres ni' LAND, ssith a large Fraise House and Barn, or Lut-Nb. 9, the front oI the 9tb Con.GetthesasmelTownsbîp. The above propehty will be 501(1 tugether or separstely In suit purchas- ers. For i'urther particalara apply Ith le proprie- toron the promises. AMOS WAY. Pickering, Der. 4, 1830. 34-tf1 JF MSES.11- GleRRIE iastjssîrccei- "edasauppîy ofA:N'JUALS, andotberBOOS in Elegant Bindings, suitabte for ORRISTIIAS & NEWYEARS GIFTS. Whitby Village, Dec. 12î1h. 1850.- 35-I Adiantes on Coîîsignmeoîs of ashts Io M onîireiil, T' HE Subscriber is prepared to mats- J-AIVANCEs IN CASH on POT AND PEARL ASilES consuired tolu nutreal. ROBEIT H-. LAWDER. -Port Whitby, Iut Augusî, 1850. 17 WHI1TEB Y CABRIAGE,,AND LIGET BUGGY TJHE stabseiber lias constaaitly oat Iîrnd, asnd continues to àlttrafct tare l'Vaggoess, Buggies, Rockways, Chariot. tees, and Faesi!y Carriages, OF DIFFE8ENT DESCRIPTIONS, Whlui lie cati selI Chieaper for Cash tthan any otîser Estabi isli nent in MVls il- hy or surrotndiîsg couiîtry. For suts- riur Style and Dtsrubility, lie fecis conkfideiit of givissg fit satisfactioni to ptrcîsasers. N. B. PAINTING à YRIJMING doue go orier. Repairing ini nil ils varions branches ncatly executed on short nutice. NATIIANIEL RAY. Wlsitby, April 19, 1850. Farmers' Protection!I QHje 6t. £awrence 0ronn una JllOllroUc (o., OGDENSBURGJ!, N. Y. NINE MILLIONSI INSUIlANCE. CAPITAL $100,000. 14,000 iVIMBERS. Refereuces. The Hon. HI. Vauransiter, i'gdensbaasgia, N. Y. 46P. Vanku.ugbet, Corn waltl, C. I. Sidney Smitlh, Esq., Cbosursg. Ormon Joaces, Esq., Bs-ockejlle., A. Faiesseil, Esq., Bas-aîoay. P. Pera y, 1'ialby. Bryre. McMurrich & do., 7orosatû. Dr. Autieon, 4 H. R. Camptbell, B,-nnkljué. H. Daniets, 49 Mloses Bartet, f Dr. Foute, f John Ssdiler, Pickering. Etisisa Dooitîle, Columsbus. John Highland, Oht.a Lewis boas-k, Mas-kham. 'aVili arn Kiasock, . Charles Lista-r, Esq., Bosoaauelle. Prosper A. Hurd, Beaîch. Samuel Davidson, Masaposa. N. B. The members ufthIis Comnsy recoan- moud parties wisbing 10o ffert inaurarahoe, mat-e applicatins, in att cases, lu the lsoal ageuts ni' the Comspany, wbeu sucli exisi, anIdni 10ltravelling agents. Cssa:s-r sDsss.sa, AgenateiBsoolia, Wlilby, C. W. Bmnoklin 25ths.an'y, 1850. Importations of Spring Goodi for 18»0. weIt kuosas nthe HALF-WAY HBOUSEpsitaste: on tise acres ut Laudl- on the Sssuth Wesît corner of Lot No. 22,Vth Coni. Whithv. TheÏme are excellent sedu sud s large bain attachadiW<o tise stanai, and two n ues failia; apritigusof geai' wster rise ou the #Fernista. For furlber pkitscuIarsspply ta thse SuAsserber, - oas ise reanacu.GEO. CLIFF. Wbitby, Sep. 6, 1850. 1 Ced Liwer Oilf reasouable rate. JAMES-- H. GERRIE, Aug. 24, 1850. 1 G EO. B.* VYLLIE, *IMtPORTERt OF BRITISH! AND FOREIGN4 DRY 600113 18, KinA- St. Eest, .Bdeloide Buildisegs,. Next duor le Scolie & Belfour. Toronto, SIay, 1850. 7 K. M. SUTIHERLAND & Co., KINKG SIREET, TORoNTO. 24-y CALIFORNIA GOLD!!1 NRY sSIUP, of 1tlais Village, or psýy bisssay wiihtbe rosi California,orcine.. thing hlelter, and offiers an bis fiaiendsansd the pub. tir at large Oasj4 »0WII for anyqua.. lily ni'GRoSE Or I.sLO.n 1.S. lakeq 'bis opportuuisy ai' cetoming Iliaka te ait wiso have favoute.! is sitb tis"ieqaatmfor Ibe past year, aud ho nl ha always caady 1»gse satisfactaoon tn asti ushomay iil avour hiaiv. H. S. bas Ii-n Partis cnstanlý out collectialg AunEs, for wbirbha iswill puy in "op or allr Gouds, aI sfair raIe. 8017P alwosys on kassd ast Tormio pr'ier4 by thse Box. WbithY VIllag,-P Ashery No. 1, ~ 4làa Derember, 1850. S 3~t ,Wd Land to Lean.. rrH Sbsrierbas A rEW THOUSA&N» oug0vushîpu. Re«ai. Ucbridge, NorI a Civlis lsssrg. Brock, 11!oreb, È"aires Oiu, 2Tc", 2k's Nuit-3srsamu Coliagsaoud, Nasupos,Ejdes,Feu Ion, and! Opa. The muet ai' abase lMnda ae el thea bes ul ity, snd iliti haleasedral tienom aitram. ive Insevenasera.atepending aspan tliesituetioc, Ii lots osf t140-20 lu 100 acres oaci, lu any aone Whli. sait obop, clear, sud teaica, iu a ood sud work- mauean Iner, saithuai the sta x- ltime, aquantity- not lesua thun 20> sMes on esclo li. Att lettea-,,poc-pai, desirin; iarruatioln con. comm; gauy uf the îaricular lit in aither ni tise ebove towntships, saili ha anUwured wsitbout dly.. Wbitby, Juiy, j8»4. J T lii%. A. V. EROWN &c-- WHOLBS-IL.E GROCKR'$ TORONTO. sûreEys Those Whti are sfflisînd îvitb Sure Eyas. cuis lInda CBEAP anal EFFECTUAL reinady ù,v the Wellngton Bye Witt.r, Stauiatrd sud isept on Iband, focsale ly lbe propriesor, as Wfowna -. ()ne ouate vial,.. ....7 11-2d- Tien du. do.. . ....l.is. . CHARLES CLARKr. SB.-Scnres on itviug sîita eau li e Pro.. ducedi1lu tesiiJy ai'the effin-ay of the Bye Water, seseral of sabnnfaowa ceaide u ift is Village. Sad, Bal, amis is04o siat!for DEitîis s peaiss, lleg- lion Crampe, Aicue ias the Braes, %eald i1d,,, Sadsllegails, &,.-&,. Clork'sBreoesY, Wbiîisy Vllage, 71b Jaîary, 1850, ~2tf WHITBY BEPOITEg, -1 Ckeap Weekly X«»ipavp, ..Ai -11r &i fouad ase e*cdleag mediumr e ..deverïiag ,Mercantile» Commerial Fersaingeadilocal bassinesead gram. -actiong of e"eydeaciplîog. TEIZ OF suBCli0I. 108. per loaisl, payable ta thu est mi. ls. 6d. at the Cod etthIe y.ar. Ait NO. CsyBidsig of lise CuIdes ' RPRTHE ~ 15 Fleece, King; sl. Easel t "o-so,neur tlhe Markcet REPOTER ss ptibsec sanbrierwutî inforan bis a-tstumrs ove Satnirday moring, in thjo THI'imrs adth pie atgna-rsy, sat i bs Village J Wib..J .SpaOWLi nowrecivd atatrean wel-gletedsjrtofProprietor. iFaucy sud Stapte DiY> Goods in Bonuets, Parasols, RATES 0F ADVE.RTISING. Rlous.' ushiasDresu Good,Hosiery, &c, &c. tne darpaîs, Collons, Linons, Wc., &c, s.id as li open1 Six lnsanal saler, fErat insertion, 2 f1 nul w ie as departritents about lise lat of Juue, 1 Ech sushequent insertion, îî Î714 Wius au catirely nos Stos-k. Tise attention ai' From sx 10 Ian Unes.,&ritIiaeerlio 3L 4LU fermera la Pariirarly crleiaito hebtapha Depsrt- Eucb subuequassîiueeions, 0& 10& mont. For eut-h lias ahove toi,04. U* Tor-Cash. Nonsecesi prise. Esesy aabsequenîlssaeuiioa.-1&,I~ Tornt, ay 5,180.J. R. MOUNTJOY. A liberal diacottut wil bealiowed 10 Toroto, a>,15,150.5.1> Meschaulsanasd others &Idverûing by J. F. the yeas-. J- I-IALSTEDS Any individisal in the 0aupUry lI& Traellinisg mt foU5 e COlliU6 t'Cjoisabe fto is» Sal,$1 "sil receive lb. h# Y la - anc ýmpay No patperdi a.*~ jreamLs nec Whitby,j À

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