Whitby Reporter, 26 Apr 1851, p. 3

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SMALLP0TTOS,At thse l'ts li of'heMtnii~ 5ô~Ili 'fICshalva tVALLA13LE PROPERTY IN 'Wasmedseond&o., that a Lock.. P OK R N UfrhUseholiilerfeted&vlîicîs siouîd I ilot c(Mt 0Veî1.Wisy can t tisey w iBl F« 0 locRronS A,,t tfE, for thse higGpoî EIG te ron, la'hessf lt theCout l sntise Newv Co.tînby 1,-tolniant i; aptise-3riConces-ion. Appty .Ro'wtenrazlfe .41ssenger. E. -BIRWELL, 2t CNF.SI- LAw~ayiîsthe "rîurnl districts'">JIORE"X.OAaEt ,TQ LE.KD. hb$ze stigng cbjecioîissho raitrorods Il's5- ~ O . of in g.tbsrot5.li or near tlsei# fitnms. Bîîî A GO opporlnîsiityï is now fvre let the at eoo conuyknw issany person OSho han a litle spare cash,anrd -,tI, e _qRa ift)oiidsata make an invsamentin b s'at is mort iirng islolu o or abile tisan cats italf i s--Tss'o vî'asse anti 'iningiansadts ljciî wI esimpnos-ei SuiîiinzLots at PORT 7WHITBY,lho-, 'Tise, Wheeiinp Tmes s:uy-s thut liautiltrgCOniFOseti01olletisconer EBrulit_,irLot No. 9, it talog bois iss of iseButtjnsircîtsî O.t, lo,'k 3.uluiinirig Bates's Pakery, voritaiiuuiw h au tallng he lne.of te B ltintirand iji) un Acie, hiiii ago-MI Br tiereois. ir iexce lýtt * Rairontl ins Viiitîirs, iîis iîsecased is-cil ; rsa a gootd assaitroent i Graltei Fruit ' the aVoenu.ge 300 u)er ceînt., aru ilîlte T-re A gnonil'oati fence ens-bses iis Lot. 'amcunb of lansd nowv being îrepatrtd forr Aisa. Bitiiiîrg, L 't No. il,onsonSoxtrSs-et colt- cltivabjolisis greater Iinee tli -H,,-hrowihrnxts lion$3J ayear. This - ebfe A- fhiisii Wvsst Z:itit'vilt1. Lot orisn o the us,,oaibenutitul Buitliag IU ta had been ofla-red ifrc$ t20oj, lS i tise Vito. Tht alosele oldiîtixspil, n llitIe the Raironelvas icttntinon" tepaynoe, v'ry nhtap. ansi on s-tny easy tennis ni ty,, oa suit P.rhaaems. ilS. borders, been solti for%'.200 For futher partculars .êpply tu Neward O., a taverl atni'%%silsi l 1ud JAMES BATES, béet rentod for $400, otn coil)etiuuts of' Baker anti Conletiantr. the Railrond reîîted for $ 1,800.-RocÀ. Port Whiîby, Apil 22ti 1851. 2-tf. estr âes-ran 'AGRICULTURE! * '.Âprpoîtoaboa lno isidein the THE SEM-1ANNUAL SROW Mexiean Chamber'of Deptutios Ou pro- 90F THE venst the erection of Convents, andt W hjtby A Fil1ura paisa law forbiddingany womnsuîsdcr* r utr * twerty-five years of age taki nsg bie veil. ext «TREAsor; txBOSTîri." -Tise Utica W ILL be hled oit WEDNESDAY, Obsever eadaa hoiiyfrombiai tox. w t ?Apit, aIlishe Viltage ai BROOKLN 0%Qerer reds a omil from thistext.whe lt osing Premiumas wilI ho awas-tieti:( Seven ty-fivo yearS agO, as5 îiv, bliere Beeat Slnd Hanse for Agieuttrat pua-poses £2 00O w»A Il"Treason in Boston." * Axsd ihen, Seconrl beal..............b 0 as now, the IlTreasontu colusssted ils Best Brooti Mare, - 1 0- IO0 Second do do. - 0 O15 O Ioving iiberby bettosthan bondago. Tiis do do. - - 0 5 O -AS ! --- A man lins boot sesnt froia Bet Tts--years aid Horst Colt 0 15 0 "h l l Cradie of Liiserîy"l to huacouse Set Bull- ---- ------------i 0 tu Od2rîd do.------- ----------- 15 0 a hopeiess prisouer ils use 4"bouse o)f loi do:---- - --------- 10 O bondage." Ile ssas guillless o! any BestDairy Cow - -O015 0 Crime, either is tiseoye of istman oi- 2nd BesI do. 0 10 0 divnelaw Y is oo ismoe ru-1d do. do. ( 5 0 die l awdeat omsmoecr-BesI Two-ytars aid Meute - -0O100O elta et.2ndtiBoit dn doe 0 O5 O We hool iio o sav tsebouing est Piotigs- ----------0 15 0 'We should 2nkeIt have-flic--------------.-----O010 O of the caimminalor, Who saijutise ladiecs eil Doubrle Hanrow 0 -t)15 0 are the îrery reverse oft teur utirrors, 2îîd u, do. do . - 0 10 0 tho' Iister reflecting wihost taling, bise Seat Caltîvator 0 10 0 2rrd do. -10 ,O5 0 former taiking Wiblsout roflecin g. Beat TrîDrnillit 0- 1O00 2nd do do. 0 -O5 0 -A WARNiNG.--A toan was rocently BesI Double Tea-i- Harsesa - 0 100O hanged in a neighhoring Stabe, Who Bet Specimexi ai Cooper Wane - .o 100O .;cotfessed neder the gallosa bat bis 2usd do. do. 0 5 0 'd'ut commencement in crime wvas tisat BetSr triple liaple Sugan - 0 O10 O - fiopina ewpaorwuisot~syilg2nd do. do. - 0 5 03 ôf o na esppr it.tpai BesI Speinen of Cordage - 0 O10 O So t eat Grain Drill - 1 0i O0 I don't like this teliie about what EXTRAS. people give to this and tihat objeet,"1 raid a Ibeng.riolus person; Ilwhat. 1 give is aotking to ssobedy.' Ned, who is the girl I saw yoti walking with l' 1'Miss Hogg.' 1 Hogg, Hogg-xvell, she's to be piti- ed for having such a narne. l'Su I thiok, rejoinis Ned, I pitied ber -So ilit"l thaI I ofi'reed lier iner, andi abois going to take il presenti y.' NEW YORK MARKET. NýEw YosRi, April 23. Ftour.-Market for Western essier. In Cana- dian, there !.s nothinc of moment doing. For fu- ture deiivery thlete is aome demnand, but ibuyers and selflers are rather wide apsrt in their vie -s. The salesaggregats 2,400 ishis: $4.18 3-4 s $4.25 foi No. 2, superfine; $4 50 fur State; $4.50 a $4.62 1-2 for Michigiro and Indiana; $4.87 1-2s a $ for pure Geneare. Fair demanis for Cors-mea.- Maes 100 bb!s. Jersey, $3.6. Grain.-For Wheat Shert i a fair aitillng de- mand, and the market closed steady. Smatllsaies, ,of Ohio have bean mrade aI $1. falsreysieody.&brt without sales. More Corn is offermsor, witb s fal- lin; off in the drtmand, botb for the east and distit- Jing. Market essier. Sales 7,000 bushels Jer-sey, .and Soi.sthern yelIow; 62 i-2r is psid for Jiine,JuIy and August. Oanu 1o0 ,wtbsl~o Northersi et 47e a 48e ; 45e a 46, o esy Whidkey.-Ogily moderate inquir~ wfth sales of amail lots"I Psison," at 24e a 241-4. "Drudýe" dfuil, 23 1-2c, on lime. Provisions.- ln miess Pot k very ittie dning. isnd -the figures are aboutt thse saine; %-hile for prieu tisera is ratlier more dîrmatl, i sliihily better prees. We quote at $15.12 1-2 s $13 for tiew ncas; prime ait $14; $11.75 for- nid do. FIRST SFRIXG A.RRJV.AL BONNETS, PARASOLS, &c.] SO BEUT E. PERRY he« r to:scqmsîi nt f-rnids eustomgrs sand thle pi hltir Ceucrl ly, tha, he ha*S raeved the finIt of bis SPRING GOODS, ,D)irect fpoint New York, which are n0w open andi aray o sl. bseqrietly, be wossld ýii sanà îiilspet"o (rom liersêel un Want ; as for price ho igu eonfi.deat ha canruot lie sindersotti, and ius feer- i oeti1 il lower tsais tise fowest. Sonnets. jliter sylm at2i; Parasols, froîn lit 3,1 upwirds, ~h'4,f012s.6d in lis 6J1 anti asporuuuls; Rît'- boss. 2.Jd aryrdcoieds andi shaireti; Orleans li iper yard- Priuted Musins, 9 1-2 per yard; .&ic., &c. lie Issu alea Mceived an asarirmenl of lise cheapeat, hast, andI most fashionabte Dresi staff avez ofibrrd lot sale in this TOWN. Wjssthy, Apnil, 23rd 1851. 2 WANTED TO BORROW FO R a ermof OiE, Two or THREE syers'",atiTsmm of £100Oor £200, for whieis tise iaoet indiutable securiîy wiiilbs gîven. resi, or Amaybha ddeeud IE. Whithy, April,kIPli 1851. 2-tf. ei Blow, oh hlow, ya hesveniy breezes AUl 0mn thse ieavas and4raes Sin;.~ ==mye beaveoi7nsse5» TEU Subsenher begs to aoqtsillt bis , imà dsau tisa public.,that ha bascoasuaasliet tW &bwneba aiithae Xst end of the WtmaYv M F&-CToRUY BLocI, whem titi Cou- ýý&kerscas sy &Mi 4'I LI Tise Prsprietor ni this OLD CLYDEî' HanSe, witi gise £2 tOs. to lho ditnibuite,] in Fotîr Prises for Yealing Homse or liane coltsa, Sined tessaaiti Horst. iz: fon tise bét, £1 ; 2îîti Ist, 15s.; îrti boit, lUs.; anti 4th bsfsa. Conip.-ition for tiese Prises open ta Colls (nom any Towvnsp. LIULES. Any penson beinz a niemben niflise Soiey, isa a right to compete fer any on ait ut tie abuse namei Preniiiiiis; tno pauisncunsidereti a merer out ise bas paiti is subauniption i'ontise presetit year. Trshe cmtary wil lin mnttendlinceaa% à. Bi eins Hotel, Broonii, at 9 o'ctock os'tise day ni tise Show, la seion i al eninies musat lie matie isy l o'ciock, aIiswhicis timne tise boonkas iut ie-oseti snd no more enties made. Nsimerical tickets witt ha zzieen, 'tiirust i e allacherl ltievery animal or article entereti for competition. Stuir Horses anti Boita oitaiaiîrg Premuims, are requireti to senr-e in tise Towshsiip during tise ensuiuag semait. m plementa Ibusisndny,' CooperI"are' b'iapte Sa- gar Coae &semt bave b o ,asioe it th honiip sice tise at Spris hw c Towt n corm e s îng rots i: S ei t ni n i." . h tise Jutigea ibie . on y, i ili frfeit hnr inugbtt a Prime. FAR>ItERts'DiNt tai 'MR. bMcBRIEN'S lo- TEL, at3 o5CtOCk, P.Ms. R. RITSON, Secreelnr'. lViitisy, *281h Match, 1851 _ ______ L.XDS FOR 8.JLE. N tlise'roivisli ilitf Picktcrniig Cuti it ni York, Snuth or froit haltes oi Los No. fi. anti 13, ini tise Sui cox co itair.iir,i 200 Atees. tisent fLagnoti Militnie aistisese Lots. D»sfiins Caeek tous a irougis tisen. Aisa, tise Souitis qiar- ton ni Lot No. 15. ini tise Suis roircaiort ronta ig 50 acres. Tisent is a quaatity of 4ori piste Tint- lier groiiissco% tise landt atove înîssrneti; eiioqhi ai lasi or 0,010 Sw ag. 'is sfaechair for making Pisc Lssriirer. ALSO, aise Noitis baitof No. 21. in tise Irt con- cession ofnicerirkng, sih 50 a-ýres cleareti; t is alun wetiwsttniri, atîi ureitimitere(t. 'Fie aboie Landts wii hosolditinmparts tasuit îsunchissens asati Coni Tilles carihow iveui; on titcseubisciilirn sosalt baive sano ljeciou taIn a min olauttiensip sîxtis aonme Mali thisi unierstua is.' iaiiaieieng busineas. GEOREGE BALLARD on Lot No. 21. in thiecsan oltise 3rd conicession ni iurkerini' Fl. 3-ir, 1'O 13E OLD BY AUCTION,'ý Nte ilaeo! ]BâOOKLIN, tan LWEDNESDAY tise 30th of Apnat, (orsi tre ay ci tise Fair.) a very extensive asoulrmeut nI Tûis îîare, rotisistinir oi ail kinuti, so-ats ises, -shapesl. detariptiorls anti dimenrsions uf articles tisai ait e- quinei by tiseawi'es, daugluttna. ad ist rie,] gais ai i.ih, farner;, mei'ehauts, i ran ir . 1 kee their bouses iiiorte., ilisneatness andutei ilt 1 waasad siils tise kintust olfureitrgs for tisefie- nialeon tise ontiard (knowîng the iconenience îhev as 'teil as myseli ire ofteà aubinat to, from the wanl n a i uitTIN,) anti the love 'tiicis [ an hisgly appreiat for tiseir soasantis poritets, t lise oaiier, ecummeittettL la cail andîivie irsaa Bd as thse tisaitStock is 10 o esolti witisoul e- serve. N. B. The aboyae stock is ail naw. anti wp nranuractiurt<I in tH. ELSWORTH'S Tas Sier, i PORT WUITBY. E. WHiTE, .Esef outr. P. S. b an sure every paermntishat comnea to tisa Fmi,anti bas tishe oti luck to gelaonme of ibis Will neyer regret Io ha a supporter, Of tise Cer Gris paper-tise Wistby'1 Reporer.' 44Ausro'irua a risa Oie Tffz Ts*scz.5 Wiiby, Apnil 19-M851 NOTICE. 5wL, 7broitio. 121h April, 1851. T " iefixed by the Rues of the N m oretasîving PalIions for Privasta or Locl is, Ibdoexpir e PoNhiwinRtet JUNE z' AiON S TER---$TOC K > OF GL0,rHI ixG_& ý DR Y G0OOD S.ï 1WALK-ER-& IHUTCHINSON, WHOLESALE & IIETAIL Clot hiers, Outfitters and ' General Dry Goods Merchants, StGNOP orTUE GoLi)Eu Luoff, Sanut OP TUE Gou.inLuose, 26. KINGn STREET RAST, TitoNro AKR HN ~ ,KsoroSTirEET EAST, TosoueTu, BEG to iîfîsrm tise readers of tise WhitIay Reporter, nnd publie generally, tisat tbey hav'e eonpleted lhier Fal impotationsol Stapte anti Faîscy Dry GoodswiiçhinVitiSex- neleeteti fmm the hosi Stocks in Foreiga 3larketa, anti pnrcisast for CASH, tîl l iuUponx aminalbon, unsurpasseil ib is City, for quality, style anit cieaplitas. Ait bu- p--c*foU iý19 çzVa-d. READ THE FOLLOWViNG: Black Orleans Clothis ront O 8 pr. yd. Whiite Collons (rom o 3 pr.Yd. Colaureti'- " 4 O 9 " Grey Il 1yi. s' 0O4 Black Cobourg id 0 O10 " n tgs Amcetican s O4 Coturet"-I1i-2yd wide"ci 19 " 5'Sieeting 2 )d- 0 O8 Murlin DeLainse di"o 10 ci Siipeti Siirting ' 0 O41-.244 PriaIs lyti. wide 4" O 5 di SeuLTick 4 O 7 1-2"I Hoyes"Il"d - O 7 "si Stores Holisoti *94s 0O7 1-2'« i yd Gîngiaîs ([eavy)" O 8 IGala Plaids il ô 71-2"1 Dark Saisit Boas di 3 6 Dank Saisie Ituffs, d" 3 9 Grey Squirret"Il " 2 6 Grey Sqirel il" 3 Stone Martin I "15 O Sunt Martin 4 h ,Nink * " 6"40 9 Miak s 37 6 Together witis an excellent Stock of Fashionabte DRESS GOODS, SUtS, Glaces, Hosiery, &c., et correaponding prices. .Ilso, 11000 W001Scarf Shawls, worthy of notice. Watered, and Damask Moreens, Carpets, Druggits, 84-c. &c. of elegant Patterns. Inlu liir Wooiieo Ileparimeut arc Broadt( Cassirn Doskk Tweeds PilaI CI Beaver MNoiesi Testing Silk, M S. sD. i Clotiss (rom à O0IWitney Cotiss fr010 ees (Plan & Fancy) 3 6i Lionsin Ia " lis le :1 3 6lohsair d"4 aS "d " 2 3 Amneican Satietits i bis 5 s "4 6 Canadian " rd de 4 046 6 de CMothsi, lins 1 3 corda igs in Woolten, Plaid. Swanstiowna, Wonted, 1 Hain Pîusisa. They wotld cllt perticudar attention to t/seir assorieuat Of CLO0TUHINGP s.1 16 8 7 2 3 3 Tise wlroie of which lsing matie up untior tiseir own inspection, by tise hst o! wonluntn5 are tsot equalieti in Cenada, fon style of ctsting, qnaity ai wonkmsmship anti nateial, anti generai suilabie. neas 10 tise sants ni tise poopte. Parties abourt ta purcisase Gwooda in ibis int'ntay " psy ton dean for tthelr 'riistWIl il tbev boy before loking ae %. & H's Stock, aniong wich is 'itihaountit Grey Over Coats pilot Beaver Fine Lionskias Whitney Fine Tagirs di Pnoks fram 17 id 18 " c25 "30 ( 30 (ton 30 id 22 "d30 Fine Siotine Coati' Fancy Dot Paxts de Black, dSatinett 4 "eTsi-ed ci Black Satin Testa, Fancy44 e ý4Toilinet 1 Back Pluais1 25 -i13 10 "8 -7 's 5 4 Boy' Cioiinginegrent variety. Paris Velveb-nap îlots, Fur & Clotis Caps, &c. &c. Gos-mentir mode ta meusure and tcoramted tofit. tJ"Fariors and ouhens resitinxg in tise country, anti sot arquainie t i-lStricks practiseti on sîraus- gens. by many deniers, 'touiti do si-il ta naît autishis establishsment, as tisey have but ont straigist for- sianti mode ni doing basiness. Aniongtisir nuses are tise fslowieg: NO SECO ND PRICE. Ait Garnenus oui snîting, ezeisanguti. Al Garnents wiarastedttiont; ssink or spot witis rain. Ail piece Gonds, cnt in tht nsual engliss, excisangeul. Toronto. Navenîlter 1, 1850. 32-Y COME AND SEE THE FREE TRADE HOUSIE! .lVo. 29 Se. L«wreàice Bliltlings, T7bronio, ONE of the first principlos of "l Domestic Eronomy" is to bioy ini the Càeapest Mlarkept. andi is universaily prareliseti by alil "Ecososarot Hsiuskepers;" and the Fire e ao.f tise present day, by 1rnmotiîns svblesomne omperitian. tives tiste Pulie the greatesî artisnt ol IlProlorf fui,"tise most rigiti Econoinist eau rs sre ; but in thse selertion of a "IHOUSEHOLD lIA RT," ait shorià tuebIrne in nouai that IlQUAI.ITY is the truie test nf CHEAPNESS."1 Havmng purcbased principeiiy for CASH.,f rom lise Mlaitisti.sturers in BRiTA IN andth ie IUNITED STATES5, andi intent on SELLIiNG at tht LOWEST RESIUNERATVING PROFIT, for CASH ONLY, ROBEI 'SARGYA V '('O., Offer to tise Pst lie ni Toronto. andi the stitrounding country ais EXTENSIVE AND t% FLL-ASSORTED STOCK 0F Al of wich siilbh o mind fsllly "q al in q aiîy ta the final LonrdonsitNî ew York Establishsments, antd at a ro siti rabiy loser pi sce than a ay Hosae ini ibis Leatity. Ths' preaeiît system ni'f -PiSse alias, Lyjot-" s here epidiateni; andi R. S. & Co. (in keepinirta thse olti ailare, - flontesty is the br'si Polic') bave ei'pry conidtenîce in iving universai sastisfaction ta tistse wbn may (sentir them w.%itis theirIdatiorrage. iiseneby giviar monater puhiitiy bIo heir caps- bitties for prorootinir the bet itîteresta (ise Pocketa oltishe People. Their Stock comprises ais EXTENSIVE AND CAREFULLY SEL ECTEtîASSORTMENT 0F STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 0f tise Newsest tyies andMlanufaeiurets, Ladies' C9loaks, Bonnets, .Muj1s, Boas, &c., &c. RE AI)Y-M 1A,1)E (C LOT HING, In cvery variety of Coats, Trotise-r, and Vcsts, of stîperior euit and make. KiITS, CAPS, &c.y Togëtlier vith a large lot na ies' and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoos of evcery description. THEIJI STOCK 0F GROCERIES Tbeycaniwith eonfidenerorecommend, as ieins ontrifs-efromny damnaged or inferior Artirl.'s, andi are of the poret Qualilies anti ist Brandi. Also alar-e Asorinent of tneliidisn mIrp lot of John Wiison'a "IBrrrcaaEsKxivts," of a siperioir qnality, nt very low "and R. S. & C.ihein- determined Io cti exceedinglyfine, reiy ripou making gi-tl is4 uer. efos R. S. & Co'es "Splendid Estabishiment" is nnw open, anti reatiy for inspecion ; and lisey woiils particuiariy invite th-ir Country Friexits sot lu rrchase eliewhere, befare gving thent a (air chance of proving tise trutis of liser pretensiiona. Nu> Second PFice! Gai-al; aadtfi t easiar.ta egaa* style.,icmfA.thei a ofioe. Ir' Remember! tise FREE TRADE HOUSE is No. 2, Sr. LAwisEnct BUILDNGSo, tWO douz. west of Nelsoni Street, w tisa New Stone Block on tise Olti Market Site, atjoîning tisa Arcade. V»s you Msnsi 51 elr (hi, ROBERT SÂ.RG4NT & Co. Toronto, 27th September, 1850. zt M~o FIC 7 IOm N TCE is erehy Civen, Oislalt passonsts- .jHALF-W AYHOUSE, POUI 'emJ R0U G E. cither by Note or Boni Atmeat, are stqumdto HE Subsen'ber returne tisans 1ir the settle the marn witisout delay, for ohvious smns& be mot isce..jmy ttetaei s. W uprt Wiisce Dethesatt Whitby. Aprir 5. 18M. - - 51-tf. (teles tqstrct atten tion th eisuMi, . amnd TAVERNSTAND WAWFED. Buw#haded wtlbiaue or an is TabW1 F.psamio liait afei:lng se dT*vicen e o hd n tedr pubb bue ud reÏarifilSatten gt i Le terrs sMay ie W -IdA. KILBe-, opad 1 11,1w. *-4mo domI FI *NO -IL DRY GOODOI0 1,0W00 Mualin Drese(ast colors) Irom 39 Ilti Faclory Collons, tram 1,000 Parasols, I 2 il White Cotton, 'i 31-.2 1,000 Gool Slrsw Bonnets, "t3 Sîipeti Shirting,.5 41-4 30,000 yards gond Bonnet Rihbons 0 5 Linerle, Latîngs, Bindinge, Puints, fast colones,d" O 5 1-2 Miilinérs anti Dresa Makena t'inaingui lnfsnt's Robes, Caps, anti Frock.Bodiea,.. I Table Litena, Quitu, Counterpaoas Drapes anti matérials foc Mourning, Bîti Tick anti ToWets, Heavy Gingians, Sisot, Cliecked, Sbripod samd Plaie Aipacas, Cobourgs, snd Ole ans, DeLané Cioîhs, Cashtseres, Baroges, and other Fasisionable maberials for Ladies' Dreai. Iul udin g 1,000 pieoes (yard wide) DeLai noes,Ne ivSt yles, frons 1l 1.2ctper ye"d. Gioves, Hosiery, Arificiai Flowers, Cap Fronts, Fringes, Veilâ, Muwrliasi Collas; Corsets, Siiks, Natta, Sbawls, Handkerchiefà, o&c. &c. - ç:> NO0 SECOND P R 1CE. 4 BURGESS & LEISÈMA*T; Cosrnsrrof Kong antd Chusris SIi-erlnjoituing lthe Cous-f Houas. Toronto, April, 1851. Daîy _t ag . T HE Port WMitby and Scugog Stage will, on Mozs»a*, 24tis met., restiue ils tel lutartrips, Lesving Port Witby. every Mofing (Eundirys exceptet) ai. EIGHT o'clock. Retuni;.rmPrtPnn ,ITHREE o'elock, ountil (artise notice. SCRIP TUBE, LRAY 4 CO., Proprsetors. Wisitisy, Marris 171h, 1851. 49-tf. VAILUMBLE F.LRXS FOR SAZLE. 100 Acres of Excellent Land, witli about 60 cleareti, in tise Tomnsbhip of Auellde, biont. twn mites fnom lise Vil lace, anti witin twentyfive mites ot tbe Town o' Lonrdon. A Cieek, capuble ni turnntg a Saw on Grist Mill, nun tiotisihitise Fam. Aiso - ift Acres itise Township ni London, anti 'tihin 8 mies of tise 'Town, abouat Forty Acres lears anti in a Iigis state of cutivaion.- rbere sue gon Log 1 tosases, Baros anti Stabtass on bth tise aisve Fanms. Libers! tenmas tif I be givon. Apply 10 H. B. O'CONNOR, Alea-ebsot, Wiitby Village. Marcis 20, 1851. 44r-tf. CON V EYANCE R, BROOKLI. ALSO--. nstrimemtt, of writîsag of variotns kinds eciteod wiils des1ratcli. anud moderute chirgeX. viz: B3ondîs, Pe- ttijîos, Meicorias lIndeuîttres of Apr- preuticeslîip,. Arbitralion - Bonds anod As'ards, Articles uo' Agre~emenat, WiIls, &c. &c. Wbilby, March 1, 1851. 46 3in OshawuaeReferîser Ia copy. PEOPLE LOOÈ iERE1 FjOR 'Snie, on a credît uof Ten Yeats, 'tise Souths baI( of Lot Nn. 15, in tise Fouari Concession Wisitloy, 100 Acres. For tarns, titla, &c., ajpply at the Law Office o! Wlitby Village, Marehs29, 1851 50l in. FOR SALE OR TO LEASE, ]FOR a ermotT reý wFieYas,atomorte-. C.ENTON, knoonn as Daffin'8 <A-ek, in lise Townip ol Pickering, with HA&LIesUe Acite ni Lai» telose,]. Tisera isas ond Welof Waîer and otiser cotuveniencem, on liseJpirentisea. For p.tticulant, mpply to Thsoma Jennings, in tise Vil- lge, or lo tisa Suiscriliar, Lot No. -3, in tise 2Md Coaceilaien of 'Piceraing. ~~ CnnApril 2,11851. 51-tf. NEW VOILE Protection Pire - .winet YI Stabsefîber cqjusto jase . j M Fintr antiG-n a réh mnosm agt i g, mmi Von*sl àa Pealt I fmets 0(pretnium. T. JME8nJusi, a.m,#ogog SmahaWmisatoaliunt, Gavemr aof New # ouang lu..PmimtCy 7 rErmsas. I Sî-ly:. WH!TBT BUILDING SOGET! T FIPTII Loan Meeting of t1ii T I.e t hefor ie hy Tender ofTWUf Sisanea of V£50 asti, wi.tI .ha isaliat T. N. S»xà,-ý TUItS' lINe, On MONDheY Rvuaig, M>ls. M JOHN ûÀm PERItl,- ~NOTICE T S herpbyÏiveni,,that etppIiCtttiOlliMit bie matie at tise ensuig Session of te'isa n- ciai Pariiamerst for a Chatter .télu Itlorurata tise .6 ineUoi& Toroluto JÏouCIlua RlaiAnd- ('ompRny," mwiîispowerfor tba varia. ue iii- tues Io sthsacrilie b liste Stock thereof, anMi itis power t0 extenti. By Order,. JOHN BEAÂTTY, Jx., Cobsourgr, April 8, 1851. 84. TO LET,' TRE WLUTBY CARRIASE FAOGIIY T EF Suhscriler wising to retire frani tise nebs, offers 10 BELL or LET, fortltrin et Yerns, tise Shop known as tise WI'1YbFCUO- RLS OR F.CT'ORY, conaiatinIr af Officet twd tange Ware-rnoms, Woosl Stop, Ptint5 Vari*ia asti Tinming Sbop, ait in nne hiork. t. Are:- ltlarisamiti s sop wiîis Four Forges, 4eepa rt ibriother builint. Ata,a tood Dwé1llsgREé" anti Stable, witis HaIt mn Acre of Landi. .kujj*r sui renlîng tise Stops might. or niight nuit havO thaï Dwelling. jusat an wouldl suit bast.' Tise Sisîsciher.offers lu seeil 1 te t ing 'ise atiove, at TwetveMontuscrwz zlbs ,ga4 anti Stock, coosisting of a qumntity of Woodwwk. ers Tools anrdiBeksmitis Toola for tourgros.-; Alsn, ahaout 150 SeitISessonat Bobte, *bout 7 Spoýke anti a large qvtantity or Oak Ws;e Lunhr. Any pensun wiiig ta go lo tebw, ne", 'toott do 'taîl to caSi anti examine t4' ses. Tisestuation z.sesgond « «n It Canada. It bas great aevsantsgm, hi on tise Ptank Roand igeding ; Pr Scuqog Lake, ad only oneand a blmua, Port Wiithy. Wiîi tisaI,amidthéprspct« Wiibyiscomie; a Ceenty Town,ltheaitaàh1 desirabia. For particuîarm, cUo h ubi JUTSTERI-OUS KJVC.K4WMS# * IN WHTTBY. Of Differai Patterm B#cksmitisa vlitin to prrimsatmi'Wâ wî itawayisfinti a uppy on regmueble i-.t .Ret înami ts vmriom sbrats(S s execttatounsort notice. For Matenlai anti Wokmmubp5 1à* ebw6* dalst of giving fiu atwimfein. Whitb>r, Ali 12,1851. I Wh tbV LAW OWUiMwlp pwsc*-i YsueMe~1u IIUBGESS, & LEISHM~AN, Corerf iing -e, Church. $reets, joiniing the Court bsToront HAVE ON HAN]) TheL.argest, the Cheapesat and the Best AgsoÏtài0Ùt ôf Rdegdymwude ClUoigtU gand pu »rg dd iN dANADA WEST CIk1OTHS, Ciimeres, Vestings, and GêneraI Dry Gooda, ùimtéd difectfîoid 'L-Brîtain' by Ourselves: Garments m'ade to order pf every desàHpè%6ui. PARIS, LONDON, ANI> NEW 'YORK, FAISIRIONS IUCICIVEII MÃ"CN'lf-]ù« The most,,approved style ad * pted.'- Men's Brown Hollaod Coats, from 4q"'4 1-2d Do Cashtrerette Troumers, Do Check'd do do 4' 5 0 Boy' lrili d6 fro11s 4 41-2 Do do Mloléakin do go -B, 9 o-Fincy s o4 i 4 0Q-- Do Blnkiacka do id 10 0 Do Dirab Molâaltîo; ~'5O Do Russe, <Ai do ' 12 6 Do Check'd dé dà;5 < Do Prineesstbord do ci 13 9 Do DSoskin do Do Gambroon do 4" 10 t) rDo Casiile ri a Do Tweýed do 'c 17 6 'Red Flssonel Shtrts, h 4,4.i Do Broad Cloth do " 30 O0 Ilnder Shirts andDzawers, Do Cýisaimere do 17 6 Do Oil'd Water Proof do 841 6 Men's ?Bhaek Cloth testh, fitu 7# 6 Bov's Brown Lineo do 14 4 41-2 Do Black Satin d Do Check'd Liîîen do id 5 '0 De Fancy Satin do " S Do do Mfoleakin do "e 6 3 Do Holland doé * a' 14 Do Faoey Tweed do ci 6 3 Do Fency, dou 4 4 1-il Do Alpaca do f Do Velvet déi Do Russelrd di'10o Do, IIueh do White Sirts. Linen Fronts, 41 4 4 14 Do Ma,6elIee' ..-% treddo 40 2 6 Do Barathea -do Mns Moleshin Trousers, froni63 D asiee d Do Linen Drill do 94 o 0 Do Tweede do8 Do Ch,',k'd Drill dus 5 s0 Fancy do 3( D o o 0 S i n d o Do Cassimiere do Do Stine do ~ Do Doeskumî do Do Clothe do 5 Do Buckskin do Do Cssiere déi " Do Satinat dboCtohCaps, " 2 dO6 Du Etofiio do CSohir C>arsoaiFonts Do (5assinett do hrCORSaFq8 Carpet Bags, Unobreilas, Stocks, Silk and Satin Neok Hafid1ketchiefu, 8,1* Pooket Htandkerchief7gi MNSPARIS.SATIN HATS» BLAÃ"K ANID 0AU- L -s' s

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