Whitby Reporter, 26 Apr 1851, p. 1

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Satur Woma, ci ci tte clos. of <the.year, AlLattersa eddreaae do th 1i a Office uit-e Posl-peid. 4,ý liborai Diocouint îulowcd lu pe. o~~g 4somii fo Âe th uîe Reporterl -J. S. SPROWLE 1 -Pru-qrietOr.j ITITii "Z a mmm, aM tialala aothlng bumaa~ fml~.aS* te me. TUCS. JOB PRI~iî 0F EVERI DEWRiiPTlWb NIBIYEHXECIJBIIAv TRI& OIiPICE. ON TRIE LQWrEST T4ieWý Pampiliçts, Posling Bills, Ilaudn-ifà Bill Headin 'gs, Stehsm-Bçt iilsi B Bis àc0 Le-ing; stage 1Bills$'- Notes cf liaed, 14w-Blankia,1andaàlf -VOL.,2. CANADA WEST,, SAT«URDAY,,< APLIL È~*.GOF'TIIIHUNGARIAN BUZZA.R,. hdwore= - thé,bi ql-.fleld , M4 uic nlgkisrlsaof hie biril 1 (btîaïe fy,1848. to seek a o. sarlmny. the yotnng iT 15. fat it was Tii. tfismpet ounedî, ftbe drum s ata, Uneceremoa .1heussinaieoîabed, they 1 Alng nid Buda'as toîy aI reet being the i'entiid.n t is ide to-day, the point v Wilhl be3t su bigb and %vîrin, ken off. Te nighl ber veepinq bead mîy iay Ilpen blifteles form. B E 1.k chilairen tei the sehoni of deail, Like lambs te siaughîer al; BT AS OL: My coe aemil the latile's breth- s TLey cone at Konsislàs rail. lie 119113 for lrem andyfor man Fo emn and youîb, For ail seho sbire the sacred pid kbi lufe-for Godi and truth. Alobq the patha of love and fame, Thiejoyful mnaien ge;- Téow1hnaper ot in prayer is n m, And enthe bis heavy moe. At lengh have reased the ifreadfil sounds, These tbunders of the filed; Wigh letrs she baîbes his blooy wounds-. Bier faih, bis mourd and sield. To sweet delights reurned-from pain To peece, and love. and wine; Abe ceus bis raven locks asin, L.1k. t -ndrils of the vine. PAbDY aXà"['HE LOVE1tS. A fe mon h sin ebsnof Erin. about h day.c in the laenndlord a gtaxondyî inte stern a padt of- rî4heranaan frelyta dy hamaîf. fotle n vos: t.- I walî ednt rm i roommcean acis. t t Clie u l~i- trr agidu the landr. elnlr 9jxgýais ..ea î foli ai cAPo Uo --a otillegant. jist showv me the [,y n 'il find it azy as thîe howl.'y Witshowers down blessinga tpon tesinfall,' rejoiÜîed Ilc irishenen. Tedirectiouns %wcrc ' iveîî lini and maa cadie. lie W1Vl i (rected to 90O t &oil, tile second story of the bm.By tlhe limfe lie land reaclîed 4pofthe stairs, bisq lighlt had bt. Smle extinguisliedi and lie had furgot- teftia what direction lie %vas toeo. E;Oeing rays of ligit issflin g from a nruora tàôdoui< of which stood sigll1y ajar, he gronaoitered the inside of the roomi, ýaddfOuund il to contain a bcd, ile wlîich I#aman, au'da stand with a smeall lbted lamp upen it. Feeling disin- ceId to malte any further' searc.h for tÉïroom to whlich lie liad bemn direc- tih e diveated tisiself of tlie elAting âuietlv crept into thîe part of thec He -ad becs in lied baît a ew A, enta when yoîn laymdgut mtteMed the ruomn. Th7le trîstînsan thera closeiy. Thcy seat cd theai- on chLairs in close proximty te' > otler, and aftcr chatting merrily short time, the yotîng îtiau tlirew ma arounluier %vaîst int a eoiiuly o.jir, andi imjtprintcd a kiss tipon lier ing lips. Tiiere waa r. wiîchery whmch dcmanded a repettun.- icenle amîîsedl the Irislman vastlY, wbig freu, franî sel6ishiness, lie Con- odthlt this sleeing cumpniot id e a a.ticipaitt Witl him ia the t et ~the scene, and to th is end IWge taa, ttis companion 4 u,ýOt. lie thèea put bis hand up- hlma antd fotsnd that le was tîghtly e4in the embrace of deatit. Syn- nions with tlîia dîscovelh om out ofbed exýC1Rimin- MXurher! ninther!1 HoWlY Sais hletiven pateot me P 10 l ad acarcel y toîîched the 11oor ý*îh lia feet, befure the young lady 1'sd gentlemni were makiag rapid mti- ýe. towarde île stairway, terror being à .1 t. Leir eoantenanie. Tbey luit reaeised tise top of the stair whenthelb Irîinaiie dashing aluni thongisailtIseieîids uf Erebus werE lue athlmIselaint.ent est makilif hinl hr prey.* ai the wliole îlree seni tmblialg down suairs, and îit àhaud ti determisse whieh ofthîe three reachea the fot dtbîe staira fluai. The landlot asthastag the Iriasman rshed in, 1* le ar oot, ith mothieg betwee, his ancd nmdity but a gartitait vulgarî 1,Iyedaskirt,thie hait nponibâb ai.ndiau eno .1d> bis eye îlls readi te em hosi their nketi, sd b6 gai p.iag Rtt was. a'igbt th& vouiIlaugb WN ia vinegar f. fmm li day l.-Notlingcobld induce him bed that viit*gain. When ilady end gentleman fiiînd z ut the, eorpse Itiüt badlsu aeousiy bonnded froin the rettsrncd iu the roSrn. ( they waiches for the anight ) and otjnièýnced their c"irting ai tihere it had so suddenily bro- EGIN PRIGHT. LD CORRxspoNDENT 0F THEF laIRT 0F THE TMMES- biîîrîing uf several cual-ladei' vessels mi sea, caosed by nponfaneous combustion renders apparent.tIc danger to w'lich lSeople inay be exlmoed f rom the ilipruli.o er atorageof coal. The saneie mpere qîotesa case of spontaneous comlîîîtýtion uf uil-elithing, îlaccd ie a tight box. ina the hold of ashiipovcrnnd aroîsnd mlîich wcre plaedtbrtee idred caskn ofgun-. powder. At te enîd of the vosyage, wheîî the cergo camne to bu remuved it was fonnd ltat the cltliîg lied inken r fire, and wms con verir-d antu dharcoal, 1 aind the box mucli scîrclied. The boxt was su tigpiît as Io excludo the aitnn the fire wvus -siiiutliered aînd diii nul ç The folowing, iW îoî ncw, ià u ai lst binI oontilîtu lsîmes. Thlicarticle hem v truc-ani hîothyofattetiouut t titis a muwgemuioaunthaut fiis is ua siljec i lant li J jîuhtictflar inte,%%,litent su oany 1 uf 'emi iigiiIt lie wriftcn alatif i tuipîrofitl l a are rusuing coîîiiaualy loutohiehluy %mre cuntilietemt îersonat Sume .,eier- sr frandi of nîatrinîony, lu lie los u lis aliktoiîvr-dgc is pu sessed by the 1îiui-liic;iis foircie.' lit ilI rlar knuwledge wliitlt s 'This little fable(said iny Uncie) may mosl iredo Furmers kao -uI peliaps,t lio servietusunac pouur devil, 1mlii e vague îautio-t--tliat their tl «more wi luiig titanse.,) Iey i line in teir stocks adw A certain ~Mn unce rnarried n a ly biknilu ng puia wae lttoo green i wbse reptalation fur atiliebilif y of dis1uo- or dat <s allihotgli te cutîmrrî- sition was seriousl'y quetioned, if il vas Pilies nl .1~tofea sliîtti i not la reality sciously qiletlodable At laglîtniîsg or IlÏ~i itceîidiari-. iiitlie the we-4dink, everytiut went off meèri- saime wi-y, Variotutl fliir tt;ticts a-n. if ly, of :olfrse -, thlbà,itny gay, thc sllappei ricaflirare e ife able fo be desiroyed.iasns mgnifcen-the whuie uîiir ltud bien emp mi i flux. cohi, mndder, malt, lin-' emiîentiy mufcceuful, and ail parties ex. seed oil,eand t-ou. fSouateif ifesesil. fei treueely deliglîted. stances, as lay, ptuin. coual, &e., iil On retiring tu lis ii larimelti, the gen- faîke fine if miereiy nîoistcîaed vihli %va- Ti lernan foîauad hinuseif mnoyed by tise fer and slured asvay inui lk ; utitens, as lai mewing anid pîîrring ufta caL wuoul, liîcmîa.flux,aend Co)ttîîu,.ire in mîl fu 1WIsat in île devii'a naine is tht l' grt-ater <anger ofiîftîîg if miuîgied ty le exclimed. witli <tiIlIt is uuly, utfccourse,limaîier Hi 'Oh ! nuiig, my dean,' repiied lte leridilat ciretiaaua5fiitces tlot caises ou' bride,' hut ry favorite cal, Pugsita.' siîîîîîttaaîeuîuîs combluistiuon oecir; butîth ie B 1 OI ! bang Ptssif a!' 4 1 lutte cats!' cîrtttmstiiic-ai uîigbf tu lie reiiden-d fià- and wits tItis le most iicereinoasiutisîy nîiliar toufIse pubic,, sich cai oîsfy bc Th iiîrew Pu-asslouut fthe zsecuiid stury dout eeFectialiy tinouagit the nîediîtuî <if be wjatdow. a poptilar ireutise, whicis ueed ua'no# eaPr i Weil, if you havc't guI a temer!V' lur-e une, antd uighi bis casi y reutdered P « Yaa, my dean! yot'd liciter ble uv-lotît instruciee- frj--D!mUl.-.Rock--. Veuati ài-cIn tillit esiuhislîîieteee te a wanmu dinîser oit Staftdav' We helieve ann îtîcl tfarots and thit- Now it l0iaitsPelldIfiut I fricuti tif ro'tag'la îltautîoas. c the above meotiuîîctîgentliemanwliu \e ibelieVe IlltthlIe souit ovestl utalthe Ilad smre montits let.re ' conitied uliis on ol wner,anud ouîgiît l lie, ina- il the erron' ut niîarry iatl'9 'mat ai)igel,' touok usîred.ro t>icfsluonto inquire of iiiia- eIciv 1i ac rou ii 4 Iai- il %vuts, thaIt -if-h.liii, cvery- beave tise laidte1lt-ler titîa tiey fofiitl il thbisg - ' %eut ueerry as a unlarige bell ;' makiîtg Khth te fariner anad tilii liiti %wliie 0a11te cuuirUry, lie (luis friend) rucli at once. iyT lad almost gi'en tala)lite ideauof wetinig We believe te hest faitilizer uofny1 janinioios i al.'soit is a spinit of iadislry eniterlmnisi atd Iblaercualiut lreihed oTtiImm atl igrence---%%ithotit this lim ns msd et ryof tleseduafdsiury vndiiv,' itwltli- gyrisilan. lioussand green manire, m U ti out,' meid Unce, - fily insilnc.%itil[)u- anti guaito,' Wiil be oututle tise. on bis mimd tie nmoral-Iltat ilt was ne- WVe believe li good fetegdf- ccasary tu begin riglîl.' Neverflteîesb barns, gond farm-huises,g(tuOd stock, gouud b, Ieewtis ubat it l,-8eye, %viteat lie orcîsartîs, and chîhîdeen enough tu gtît. uf tated for 110oe tuai ioîd out reasuit.' er tisetriit. ln aten- ' 6Wi, said bis wutc, - yoli've cuone We bel ieve in a dlear, kitcenana borne aile st, htave vo-nlÙftr keepiatg wife li il, a spioutiusg 1sano,nceu lp me Billa iig alla for yoîî? imattiwlîat'5 utceitoard, a clr'nr conscienuce.s nttr votiimvci't becat drnkiuug, Ve dislacliive is tarmers m-ho svill have you ? you îloi-k vcry strenge.' nultîntpruve --- Ln f erista gSvcun? 4 Not ini île leasi ny dei-btitI1 tate evcry yer; farrater's boys ttiîiiç,iatg m di eats. lovev.cierki aand nierclits--it tarnienss ta- i youa 1, do voit ? weii, 1 iike 'cmn- nîcîlofut teir vocatitîn. ihat's ai tis di(rread'rtue guiid Finuiter iveans risuet clott- Ci flereupIatise uîuîorlîîîîate iisad es. but t mkes golden ,ayiiieutfiieaviîsg made a dauh l P ior Ttia siIto -os ftli ibis bttons,îaîd slver iin bis puck-t quaeti sioolngon ue fal, eand riush etm. Iniliasiliotse life is butitititloitfîsq qe iiou unlV thle tsuidw. to a strmiger naupour jpeuple. lie sel- i& 'Yuu lia-e ben riuag. %Vhat are dont gues tan ahinu-leasd bis creiiu you -Oing lu do u ofitecr stretcle aeitn tîc àhai bais trai-el. He c à'TIuow lier out uf the wiudow.' in 1rovth lis leaid tu a doublle valuv i Yota bette tlry it-I'd ikie to ec eeby itis good làtimandnv In Urne of ti i-off d'a it-1'd break every bouis-eeyour famtille le is thse Joselliî ufthlIe coutiry,t body. Wby dun't yon thiow hieu ouil aid keeps the pour tnumn sturv ig. 1 dare trois tudo itl' lo h SemrI A oVala Ile put the ecmi softly down -on theli o. riviofltsSeae a msla" ra, long hliluit on alçeg in tîeecnîry, BiCti ii maiiincss adbi atonsnat New York, Aprhl 18., easy clair, anti czclaaiîcd-- WpoMAREPrl- r . o in, ducky darling, ead win-I Be Lxva&Th rO naKEET Anithe3, r a inrabei ribel. hettierenif vhematAdi loue requine anl hmpteîemeaupit &1tahrthtnk.yoli idIt-yoiî e exisit, grie«. ÀMseruuaui%%aheat 8591 da 6i4d.s ter halte a fresh ste-t, but dun't îry tisat, Coe s iV siuM. a ga . agin ryotllil catch it!1 Coule cprovisionb--Brse Ype Pims viii a moderate lu bcd!mmd howeit. luase. Fuie enquhry fet Pouk; uhe smmml ha n- tu ed an hewen. mnkng! k"d deed Baonslw ; b i ipces pi rîlucttini- y 4 uvong (nom tle bcginhg' seid Lardi, fine, 46& a 47. Gleesé'el m ail diîY. t -Unle. Oh dearntise t #aliowiulfAsuisdiflf. SPtTsosCsssION. - T[lie r oey Conanniaa i 63ý a9 34 s piltlâdlphii aNorth Anteticafile. aai B&meimn'Stocua, ilo m encuem garticle on tis stbjeet contauaiiisgatme iAmeîcii ioe wîbiv eipaoag. 3ls rhuIns wilidb uae-Vbe of valute-' litLie- ujt.ý tIc time12 laysanad 0 Oln. ie I f gislittanre of peu[Iisyiviitii llditiden G1lustoaroePhufail ih, annuvel iàthie Merai-y t cuiudeeîtio aili1iuiliuing thae ato t 2 p.w.et. e aime day. Teii îU iait baî ees it-osiertin bllreniai dte Hmuiauoai'mGradin; Dock, aildmui- ,0 nag dmlpe-tm i~ n -arge que-e aaes, ce Ufef y Inspecte1 fa, scienlifit men; ail nifibo. i eceosnt ofut aiamîPPuasedexlusie qml- tbe W le ina perfect asu,d elicny a5îe. d îy. The P Northa A meican e1se d uela n rEuois s loiins and arce gelln 1- us hel ief tlîet lsere v-a no dan ger fo b iu6 bte b.ftMiwiehe s iitin ii maiici erfe; na pprebeaded f(rom île ltig ut le-t imeteugli«owtînmasof Pîierematthetlîahf n -Iaricle hi taetansd belleed iltou e a Tax vire agrdfIl%.APPfwiom et 'bat r- lin aneOl8camodit; flan biturai- Foreiçgam iecanaiîmg a ev.fsatinary achema yI nous ouiS oeaid othmn sýPle4 of bisatj he uerssl<oht ei aft tuade, whi~lc e ttstIly, regtiideda5s Omal»asm inasreply le inqineeput wte smemit-eaa Wîqîiebralm antd aure ied tu leoa i tis CaUhmt.muifU&meroPn tbatie Gem- kt bau ueti Il%* bmee The Frenen Re~ohiie m-as quiet. but înxieîy î~ltîîrch woîîld lîe lrirn dowit if Leihey ici-n coma. ni b:a ivi iamily. - imoonfieî-ptfoalirm, previleti aepectii,îethe pro- ws i l rau k as udve-rlîsi-d, t1e gressoefSaciaiit pilliciples in the Capital. aid De- nulowdIs pirimeiéis. Theberriver Generasi'i oe, ifLy- i-fficielîî p(i'lice ue-naligerneuits. mi dflit. ona badl eeu-i.brnf demwnailldorumnenîsdesfuoy- deferrahilal ti f lie ciiizcîîs fo îaeserî e ai. The Germai, tesfion remaimel ini statu quoi. order, îîiuoed an etfectiaj chîeck toutuivy T'he ins4rrection luithe Bosinian Piniacesbide utr'inswicî tei ler-sî heen etrectually auppresseil. bsdmmdsrîtus c m gtubew Nzw Youxr, April lBîh. have licen miladLeahey vus aI- luîwed, îundisttîrlaed. f0 deliver his le- 'Ont rý Zy't&rslec by Tdceý-rpAfromtiare'. The cuitirla fire--depusrtineifmand 'Lois d-n- o Liverpool. onte brîndreti citizeni were sxouîi iii tai: The 1itoas annunces that t hi budget wii suit- calplceendteyiseuub- ltaniiîliy ife alune as linone, but thinîtîthed new, frtaof the If odurT-i much less objectiotable.- aliouittheîle iauuj,while île lecture Wîa% The Chanceller promises ou Mouîday, deuails as to delivered.--li. the Incarme Tex. ___________ The .*dsuerclosamys thît ftle basis ni an Autii- I Phifadelphie, on Tuesday moraine, Rev. Dr. Papal Leugue bas bren cnncfuiiid, anduhot ithe, MeDowf-i'sechurch, alibie corner ni Eleveif b aid çonfederaîryviii te oinioi leemoutformidable o'Wisiar if met, Sprinît!Garden, %wia ecrusheil by the which m-ehava. aîy exemple in the ecciruiasuacl snow îud m-il. The enire roof fei in, and a pie. innasnteetsaiîry. The Leigue miii beinau-. fion nithe m-ails forci-sibut. if~~~~~~~~~ 1dly ra a rigiîhelretpaewii Tu E Gnon Wîa-a£.-The power ni a wiie fer su he oliaîuîrdil niîîon. When ilis cOnuittian entil ni evil ià inîe isiible. Home must le the seau an plans aie hînughblbre the public h ilf l] e ýf happiness, mor il muaitlie forever uukeown. A sen f0 le moite thIfi ii-ensive; it-l m sîme itle -,rod m-ie is idW a man wiseiom and coliraite, nd 01w!vsasve,and b.h(îisiaîffiinces in earuri Rome ;ireuitl mandendurance. A bîidnnwisconuion. sel2f. Onae oi ils principal objetta ill hein iaiducmî weiknrss, disocomtflîîîre antidriliair. No condutien te British Govermmetii ta demanti from e iePop- is hepela-ebu be hewife possesses llreuiesa., r- aie privileges fae Englial Protrstîant.-. i Rome ciein androuîomv. There la ne nuivard pria- bleth aie safiuundgnily grantet f Roman Caîho- peeity whielCii <- ounieract inidoleace, extrava- i ini Ibis conitry. gant-e anti folly ai home. The Steamer Amesuar bad! a nerrnw escape feoin Nn apiril cie lonîg euîîfîae ad domesii influence. Oijon fnt i Mai ia utrn, lbut bis ho-art iî ulol adimint. HP riiîg Miet igt. Bufâlo, April 17. deliela in enterpriee aid action - loit fo sus'isn j The Amommodation Train eoinz roi, .tiiniii binai he uoeds a teanq iil mind in a m-hole heurt. îe express train i Geneva. Ireaking- the ii-ao of f-e expîntis bis whole moral force un fthe conftacus1 ifrer mne,and emarbing foui mare. One of fthe nif he ofl oucvrbs qsiiyat oe prsoasbas ai-e dird. posure, homne miast hi fa hîm a plare ni repose, ni Boston, April 17. pea-e. ut cheerfufiea, ofmninfont, and bis saal e- A terrib'le flond loecsîreilin ubis ciyiluu*ngyes. neya ilia aiengiri airain ami goasforth arjul iresbh ria.O h ib eoeliaeuierose vuuzor to în6uîijier ulhe labor ad rouleti oi ibe brer ibm vuas cver liefore known in Botnrî,- m'nrld. Boil if ai hoime hi Saufs no rest, auîd iii hfi whanves are muai y ovetflôted, andth#ibîcel- ifiere met euih foti temper, iii fenaiets or zlôom. - ranti te Custoin-hous ur-,s on Lon,- Wharf ire or is assaif i-i by diiroîiient. or compltini -or ne- uudaied. Brooti-street and iliîers in'tht irii- p-oarc.le in-subre-ks, ihe apiîi'î are enuîbeI, y re alan under maler leosamoauidereafle rmtent hope vanushes, muid fbe man sinka in despain. The Boarl ni Aldlermnen have reliaseil Faxuueil TaPEi-eeyBihmpaigih iii for Secreiamy iVebs ter. T iEs-eeyBnhm pa eo h Ladly Harvey, thtevite ni Sir John Harvey. nid ausieistiiniteles hy mticb il %%as intenddi-tf lai., Gav-eunor #if Nova Sentis, ified on île l9ih nmorcuse evif spisiis a3s. -- In ouiriliva and in un a inutait, affereassîuitiîlres. country. tfi e n ofjeetis obiaiuei.d, eyn Thr Lezeisiiuure ni Niova Sentie bis sdjoafaied. t-t inîsouî more efftm-ciiaily. by lun çmbe.p iiW.- 7h ilexteiiding the Efective Fîauichise tas îsuet s aoiomn udutsp-ier. tDi-forefIfis e baiond tls aibois-îaioines. wmuches, anti ail il.i, Thei siucwinnet'Nioaddba en e kiîîîlîd tuibis ire ifrivai, iotor he laid. muerta1 Th spel lshey Nîf di a e eyrefontaii! The ipuch '«-, hoiy m-ier' is ni a Wif h yout leur ,.I viii hi-c e ivi a iew exirct frirn tle xmilItigs ni Dr. Sitrdmàrfid; ca puhlishe L iý - Phifissqflus." - lie 1u11koias s @mefi il sim 1aitaîfaqlieifly hodl maniiitîioris heaislonet irceletîcu luua, but tu ai iùaruius pe qui-s- uions. f ileach ine-- ouni y li hf i~a-aid f0 îhe, qiest one aid une u4ily. lot iau foui o qga the erjadle, arou-af %%it h t he famify eirml;vs -1 l-.fi 1 eciîainforsethe inravaSîînUij mise tiuu oi auua.ounee bis pîCra mu- l-yia cu.as uponi' he ieî> pîere, amie bifou-i utenlahesf gard Uîpnuabus.: îinnile iranies, miti ti îitmn iy i îlà of, decth b!lleenumsoiutîoni iis afr4or,Ii-d us may le imairiteef; desciiseit irainuot le." lun speiling fuef ber nathe 51f jectft uespirisenierieg lia bou.-e, Me. $ùnderland iars :-WilbDî ber favotia uîîmes ahici bave ippeare ilun ue 1celaisanaès auciuss, este nov pemitti in jifici tf boýur - fluai-hem aidleforid ughier, Mlra.- iargudet Conger. Mty, riemis in Phiadelphie, PittsIaaigli Cincinnatti sol Lotuisille, Ky., vili ne e' uf1to he mldm-ho smiiil, mn emiuidrd cfibte reiie ihii. matie ion ber fhiher'sasudiries ini baste places la 1848. r-omit'; a& -we uard té ayitmm the aprft toirlri,"The nesponefa1" hae lsd iinugu hart has-ee ii ioenvincîutg aid aeioiry indee& Holi gritifyieq, bow plessant. m bo ivenfy, te, fliti oie own iamify ibis taken possession of as il mure, by the hnaveniy lais!e Obhbow inaiguaifi- ciii! is ali earîbiy <ei, m-beicompaied Io ibis privifeutîf Ai ou: table durnin maI-tinte, iydiy- anti igt, ibis fi0 hi permiiied te o laopen coip. munîeu *ith the miiit morfl!"' To show miii baf niiihusi9sm îlhe Re. .Docter embraces Ihis îîew --luasie," ahow nme f0 qite one gihot paragaapi: adîresseti te ifise who wire l'a-tundea buiiifluence m-hile practising, pan~- hhi~,hi- iys :-'i have ef-ie sait Iof0,mymair anti iitiilatfi fîendi, -aitblî thleslat sixinotha, Oh ibis communion wiih spirite is a bitter biaisa here, 1 bmaite nId tbeofogy I once helievel anti fiught, proittSîd me, even lu the voilait iocai! il ibosi. iheremore, m-ho bave turen-laleahuiced,' tu the spîiitm-o:ll, il may he lrufy sauf, i oai ibing ae roui-ilaa-î, and maîy lîisigaif notili1, bave liermui*nua.' ainded, ne stoiies ni elvahum;nirfo oi the chrein nillruium, ivei vquallil the reali- lies wýiiriiai- novbieughrbfdaily to ahi test ofour extenai leoa. .The hllnd aiepmade-tinsert lbe lamefIo alkî thed,-ui o fir.b a ck aie haied, te d a in li o n 1 , ih u i i.- i p - ec h ,il.- ! ' '- e Iuw, 3li- Edulur. ii a,.ý. t' i4offini elRev. Ge- Itilai.iu by rTheiliumni oPFir, fias >urifmsrdly e&- ttthe abe spiiriftifi and' uiifbat, tu coinpuy tub huatabrother, iueei ecti iand mi tractisînq, tfa Boston,_April f8. i! - - o-ivlut-e pole iitibe -nr The ~ -~ssast-taz-w~t~brimais 1 y itkand ' humi výsaway by the ueus-»nd ta-n liuvruloti. cfusilier te i.ro<ofbilf uiits WVashington, April 17. We sa ian iideyu*dusls piesemt.aumlWh Gnvemiment las taken steps Io sîappress the ex- i1iuya nne hen e a I nue l îefo is1oi is8oyearsoldseill an 90WÇ ASE aithi li bis f8CUf- e-ifo loisat Cufia. Siaufl ibeheît-sîfers bu ieluit arient, and ale tl oà day's muek ibou it guiý, vhirb vereoiyontl aut in Saih hund zin is nof eecied r * PboutT.î-n smauiy as voultita ey will be eeon anycfemeiy bY tht. iaii e f ira, -e t ltt te ii Il isunieusfneifuiiordeaeoi feir wiitie lenftle Washington Globe office, fIre iha gen. %%asputanatresmialiiubsfanc, rsmmulesnof urtNavailanoces io b 1 heîibualeni f mm, 80 yeare oi age, WvIe -9aimathi case orii-saidlit-hemgalianie b frouai tuelve in founteunîtours eveay luy.and vaiku ss] romuid tiie more,s i U N I T E 1) S A T E S. frtmand te bis home hu Georgetewn, a disitance ibnir fiter", marinai;bis hani aoneltree miles, rvery moronanad eveehu;tUrHi- fir bradsanmii fat-e, vuryi -beld]us clerksiip in ther Lan iiiOfice foc 32 years, bofutn erie pruimes.vile plot NULIrICÀTiur4 IN rMASSACHUSETTS.- for tIe crime t ien; Whig. vas dispimced by o elaiutueil a. Tuen Ire rise lt-o housses uft he Legiasif tPresideit Puiltaildira bisonldagi oblioeelIf ail front sraiu,forvwere seleict tlussruasciissSul int iae sitsce allupoiait- fue %port the busîimess iombicb le sedUCurd eifd. Whit traige andldriusivei, ,d a joint cutiiniîf e for titis pleclal M'- Coilliais isiulliqht-h fe fuai paper p-îhlisle-l lii hfiuore f heir disottenen s a tis r-hiie iftmtiitt the Weaferi Sf if nu. ait1 is bistory omibraces almiiif the plenomena of 4uspis ilr ifisidt-ratliituOftil aeqls'n asîl e vcisiftule ni liiý. lie au miv, iabnaîgi iin raimu, hi-ru ails atîe restu r su Friday iait, tut coîniratee, relsortedthlie 'sure ail yelfalv irafi'mue ni lif-,iihale. :iài- inatiniQf île ahfntu-i. ai titi Senete a bill 1-îilii is -tIîîill rousas d earîry foking mn arpablenoi4taiugt min mere madetie at as e a1,rsctc'm utuiificlitas ut Iti îutvubis rigiorentai fousati1 a div, aind a-linthtt o-thirs enitofni liress,lwif f )e a1)rctiql itilifcaitit ofIll"'lttv- fiioniakes bina, of lelivring an fie a <rail' in lIhe loin: rum iti eptmrii1t1 )fthutUnaifedSietes, tudirects Ibattfiseoffice atere i- vorks, a iteu, suuad iwaoi-- t -gviher 1 linne lhem, eid0 nuaiisions ofuthîe mcl ho proiet t lersolial santie Wathinigton Wiug fectui. Tiec munI of bis the ftop tucifîrir omvs e huis iherîy asii apiiily tu tise fugititve sla-etype and stick os nassir thefa.eau ni a pit-r, anud ni-., fi hbaîîfs weue mi te-, auid Iroiîilis the voltînleer aniîmîle nonc rsmin filtapon bitsi-auenahie io m ithiuf aulatr imbu tii-m. viuluui rom obcyimtfelig nt aiu b îie u i oaldmiratibn andlrtpect.-B>lLeîJuiaii iî hefir hein; ableinîi101îfhîi Mro a b h.In , it anloftise d i td A pîlvîfe leiter irom Euîgfamd, frottisa quartnfeaopattor. g<tai bing supoIni Stalcsas ha.I ute aince uf ikefy to he viii informer! nia suci niatteas. i-ais us10 PPea s MOt I rn@Iesf1 [lie lais', il provides f lie-fwlere thc lien- liai île Duchesse of Keint bas faeen antocisloirs-î diemtfy saiabeu; fisel. 3us cleimcd as natfutiveislave hm iot der Jesuit influence for Ivo yearu. sandiatat, tbougi fitit, viti asny if Ieratar aiscliarged by uhc Court lueture whoîn suei prfflnicnormitahe votuhipoil ise Chircî selves stipei nilciiloua, *a bis roîgîî nua isnitut ofniEnglandl. h havîey likliy tuit aie miiluflimate- rnsle theîauelees ainia lie nraay b rulto wi fhba ,make professions ni Popeey opeaaly ; the Queiii sel A (ter fie latter pat corpus le me-deomand n triai by jury ilu unji li e highiy imdigniant, an nîinii sue liicii-iteM d 0preaetrhenpi ot enîerni nto a ecaignixance, and tul vifi rer alicw litse IRoyaf chiîd erato"le aione niselexfhibitioiniflte mfa Ilînt this trial by jaysuhal eofutailt witb fIe Ducuiis, ufsir ;raidmother.-oitl tsvn pemInnoiers sel the lot cutiè-es-. nitsthîe table viielithep questions ltin nnurvcrmy uaîsden tItisha- spirits were there., udwasîi ereid Gxa. SCOTT.-Tie whigs ni Lansing (Midhi- tiva.TIen i as inquirs bes corpus, betweeîî ile - pl ai Y edgijn), bell a ateus aithfat-place on île 25t1, mml as tie gtardaisiluf f i and tItesciaiflîut, lntth le vertdit suaI! nSonied Gui. Sttu for the Praidi-mcy le 1852- iiqim hîit hlîh asA8ttii te fluaI andi coîcscl i-e. urad titt fle subject t te éisie ioneof the NainalCioavenîira t h itîe iffimmtivi. Tbii Comimoiaweaiîlltshah pay theoata utf Snufar noveentsare takioîplace inoher Wes- apisail i wattbat vas p"e he lirocessin iuiîrrcd.by tfliuermon clai- teris States. eid ly tappine the voud aitm nied s a save.Elvard Suiff, formerly teau or of lie Cheroîni fhe iii1v, Gentîremmn profs îsdnseslv.Seithuief, viac klilel a min imnieul Wiian i Gilert, -lir ai bis àshoes. ____________ h De gaII couàity. Grorgia, in la). 1847, a-tu Nom. 1Mr. Editoi,vflmf d Rita ATi~lltYAKEa,--suse l-W-.ovn vs aiuioen bailf.wva s aneaai ttasiau;fni Wly,ainplyf bautishe lieu NIr. Leiubey. ftIe Muik ut La 'frappae, onda mdqtoruin.-, by oie ai lis secuuiiris. -1 bumbu;»1'is vu-ll » ni i-l ua modis îu pnetty extentsive lutin fr li,îeviso l u o - iv eiaity iin thei-scienuce- of lu isnîml isg,,olutrtifii-niaglicete i cfrgymiun if the chuieh of Eaagfaud, atenpielrti orof11 * IXiov ccoes eviulie i agiaist ilthe Cinliulic sucidle in Louilit iFaeb ry, fnnu- lwq[nnc l te-Wi eter t i rlgoand met uvula puetty utitfoinai tfi rivationsas a ufWadths rs îakocuhu-ga," thtmisais o rel~~gioi, ~mentof ber Iusaald,vhuvout 1e eeiYusi.fa reicrye unri frontathîe indignation u- ituuse iiayears ni agu., u' otherf nve"y ai.iea ci minas ti 1nuatesa tint failli, adi-entisac e e diys - -th i- 12Ia.menu slac tancet l clure e-t hcMetludist Cieiha Tr Me Edder of ifa.W7uiby Rqrpocr. CittaIma in latempi ngIn - ai NIil %oiikeati a lage adienc hni01île tal teà and asberi îiii il iiiîî-uieeitda lrg etdiece ad WHO SHALL DECIDE WHEN DOCTORS l'y tfia s foii, a inunttea a-seni-ied,-a mnjuniiy curasisling of la- DISAGREE 1 te al seîbas, lie uta s (lies ; bilaiuclad aut ajaukeus âtre utnain- Ma.Eniroia,-Weofhihiearttielut.tlelWî fthe fluor, anmbidsirpagai taleshefire lie v-ismobbeti, tise audieuce luve in aum-'age of lght antsi hnowledge." vîiel natura calme, aattstidI torced to Icaueielrtrurgli lte wasduws mgtste nimpy ibit mysteesare <iv Yef f ber.e iecea, »mus anfii entm unad tbe itotse marI î nj'aed. 'flaieapprte,, ob. sanm tysteries 3-et unseluvedait l emag ailiiM a urf anmanl1 au aru stisfactonily an,' toc imaaef-e- a id :as y a lei ephga" iaya-r cornm ided tibe-ieuceiand mppimgRî*,"$ U« gm t Rosiber nkinoia4a, . ~of rtir. sîranera,1 mnisedtihuit Mr. Leabey slionld leai-s Ai; syesu sarg, vivete fivereil yul a paf.'- iur clildeen, aimaisaaid fautuate nextrtiao ng. Mfîty fuiluti-- fit roisa Rombnaer, giaiagaaccoudaiteofil.enimber n ofair seulan vonderafui comsmunictions t5 iuete' unit veni» bhich lis hen ittesieul ta ed the ;areachen aid bis emortiluthe by'id reppuuîg.u1 Alan, anme ixireoraluiiy feaiti, taleaania«sefutilie i m UJnited Stanes IŽli, wtt-al brlnacisiti, surI ats nas;tbeclairse ine eheriitfe, orafla.5"si.rmian. breaking sortie outhtle wiauduws. A a'itaoua sy asprear visble ,a.. wbiebiex- Wbe fluamiseinystities mieeting in fi-vofstleaft an rder wuma liijm wve. ifsemad lsy «assiity s iinili pas- ieb.résuiy foîiel moutiste caled. The Prieshptslsibisled a notice tiunensribut aneu i il, h ssiafie a i-Hguapia kic"ml calie thîe &aIsie f0 keep away (nrm gffliesoniet 4 ' I y MdAr,1 ftle ùîcling. The Fine Depautmnent S&»rêlbe. tlo t~~sUm o have inl5di- ladliaeu tuid nt o keri ~t~r other cies, via: NeliiYork, B-aen, Ne4w Basest, Catov-se-Là w yi.-' Aâ tei aicfuitstuMielaacke dinîct d &. di n al a %wat-uaear E¶, les, liartît6a ilin tise lotîlun.t., sf-aies lIai althougla tehe vred yul kthe -aspi îiiu7iil..- rïo. .En gbsLSfdW1 muati nten»'citiuiietpreuvailed, aiid underlanid ns a scitihhr ptirm, w-11verias aiwyega tCiatada aaienymuus lIfers v-etc itet htu tle uuiB55 in aaooc.muimsaekttîaIeYî &&r; l ait lmillion, bas anditapasIsi y r- Saiesaul, ilsitIere a.m i ~ - iror, es s-xe raeingI ulg dalb;t se. stjiage theironiiimaginiai mu. psent to be opersîed-on, 'lîtt "e. -lihen fIer.1 ,ceintoihe haiid.sf eirch battevy. Tben h. psu-i in<'he eareetly*ia dup aidduowe about much lhue akuag t4e [bount silence *as te bu »Mth iliè îubers on ihe te t show the audience isions tnight b.egblt iinatin, in pS'ef7that ap uýIls"have, ie ae of te alinorderei magi- [heu ihose four young Illotich ihey imuld- net 1 ih--ir ulmat effort$ 10 tei hindi mhen placed. mufi iiô ltaits iem off is wheu 1laced thèreon. nulle Io fly round erm pest swifiness, a ithout .m tilt prîmittrd bythe, seutedl. 1 ey mere ronde filghumn4awàriiîs ofbeeai hilligig rafesIitier I beir ih ihiliga. makiice hein-, iud rio like suerulea en wheu comim; te ibm,- ocess, the leefarer pro- roi ol bis pnaiiny a rit rappînga. Titen l iîr youuig subjetfa, drew. principal înquiied ilf te Sanîbweredilethe airen ed, if atry were pressant. f by- tes a!rý ere ri il %%as inquirko wbtit scrt. vhich vi swer- bler-aIliwbich rsppiag diee vas dnse- iY t» f lea ailt tis go to iprove1. V. Mr. Burr le vapsbfe of- bers, aisd fIat th " ,re (s Iiency. Alan. fIat 1fr. -flia lunree mi un reaiify, Surp of ie Rata W .di n wobfitl :isavd by Dr. Lea. ilid. utîedin thi e es* f 1 yliahie dbéemany i.. of à titéit ifrhe miè, tc;eaevei wbtsofio mal,-iaiIin mie toase ris nvierIliachriflatta vn ihotuf aey a~îta by mny reofiecti . Wii- MnI aclenm .AundIbtI, Di. Lee sotie the myme- tclaring s» ronertiy th. t beir, he, bubsasabp livinîg f e sm, th. autel, &C. &t., aul of are , clasiai e Wji eimiof O>iASfrlitem of C. *Engulamd and Wa.; 26 , 1851. NO. 20- -i TB

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