Whitby Reporter, 29 Mar 1851, p. 1

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Y uZ~a~sm~ j; ILATWS WW~.. tire prittâisupelilti ate mutlot Mboe e-- tentihe hase. cb roadot eene.l-aze; laIti caterasky- saffirerdetludt di. 1 beo late, witb urrowig uwin», 'sutets 1on had s-es; îowla biaanoiy. - --a dyini look onauo> »04statut>'h<at gatheret trog seisIeuigla bu eîhbitgiay, 41 raafid voicos eme to My. ±"ýewebeliiniee t ,<at tutti, ]DY 'titiuaueociuucied-n ' IraI rs absItcoe, uebe tuime as3lMd, " ojtutige Ir.living an th ie demi. a soka-e waai sot b>'y aide, 1 hard àloud, exafting cx>; 1 beard the acorufu prat" derjÎde, Tir. aie,. ruuruur-" Ceit>'!" Oi" ais h on ties arkoti nu>'praye, h nelt iess bluod o shieldadÏuee Mm:AWuof lerer uweultinot be Ailgaia te Urie-a eusse <o tee 1 4hmr sesnro( Oesy loeprrséli '0ir ouirrtsong ra tithereaua: 'Abr firnshomeor lataest, 13tutthe auna>' skies of GauLe -1fte tirugit. <at nueisor>'treasares yet. Ci otberdays hegin to I..; But norver shah my beat forgt TbeCrrrcilled of Gallilee! Pontine Piate died àa exile et Vinsas, a ursit lownanenv LstusàunFrance. TÂKING A AEWSPAPER. A 1'%AcTtCAL 5TOR, PLBA5ANTLY 'Pleasat day this neigbbor, Gasicll,' amdD'lec farmer t a sother, camn igjta #tI ar itîlof te latter, irisausenoge- geci ut eparatiug tise cbaff froin the whoet cropî b>' the mearus ef a fan. 'Ver>' fiue day, frienal hItou--au>' "ss retusraed tse individue addres- " 4!qobin~oimeportance-; -I-bave cal- b-over_ t je'iyou woildu't juin ýs~r aer, ysef ins tpking Use Pa- ne ibisyer. -'Thseprice ig ouly luno 'Nathi.ng cbeap tiraI yeonbt wautp' ~~ r.iug*aol ~ Gaai ea Putive toule: ioa't beiie*e is Newtjtapers; I neyer jham5dpotweacdoing.suy gtiod ;nal mth-1 Pug CAU bel u t afthem irnil it'a Iluey wotld net Le -fora & out il a pper carne e'ery Zý ; and. beftidedllmarsanI Picked un everypr-JI. Bust tliuk, noiglabour Gauili, bha,. ýMOC n<aa ufemmtioa jour gas wcoulalget~ if e~y bgod & frouait ueesper ever>' Ok 5aiwithu ail Use teaIiuteIli- xofqg.: Thet ttte ths>ie, olal spenuinh ,< wffl,4 bc uothltg ta what lite> îs&tOWd bi hY g1kiJ7 watt- edouir. b"eilled witianossen- let.* 3ù 'ik at SaIy-lak,; tffer end d e ggaat t<- serîb ta bu Ilm rtaee urupkiu sds. 1 rernen- 1b e rol epq.p*u aient e slu" anc Of Uu patPÇUattuÉiiigbudina&bosutlierm. *,MY 0" ~ipud m-.Lcau'e in aSlIy. e" >epa- P igrucetg ouuéi~ aa w' op ber Statda>'bon- 104tet ite awwi une aell- wr mbeobsksut home. -14 g4r.ku9i W i ITB Y Ù-1 .DAW ÈT,~ 'and. 1'exyrl y,-(rom 4t.en or ,eleven years àf are,%vas: -ery -fond tf- the so- ciety or fetales. .I ad WY, fiavouies amoug tueyotîg woep, 4aad upelit E mally ofqiay eveniàga iutheir compeny, tind .thi"4ispasItion nJthut eIontrotted fr i e âch ttimy Oifil ndc 'rbam, nr gV &l ity énerifia-ý THE itllILDU~O7 I We e ikh I eeuough ta raise* uudred ýbishelsof uarv ut R'! Ho ahawed t tr CAP FGOOD HOPE. Iptataés. Yotir n U pn EaIun laeie l t ieovrr ADÏUL *MACItElS ta DAMALArM. I an, sle rgpri~t any price.' aundsehot .Ha i aud tiien _ AVIc. -Aton èhaaiged.il,e sbject, and relurned for Saly, sud went hack uguin A letter ébenreidfrtte been -reSîvedfiçhbtu 30" eftneiqbou,9sskili 4o -his fan- TÉhe trustees of, the semùinary .iked ber neqv. Mr.- ït1hi,- missionary of "the A It ths!se iithsa uftern-qrds, ary of $400 .a yearr.e- T'ô-mow site Bar"n iu'l»narlndg*v" ng aü<ue- veymcaderigdle ttesl-fç~ Scey tutou t lr km- iueoly sa uuuinxIle, intermedi- clasme ,Iý -Vn owtodj~tj~ga~ aie time.'Yon cannlt, sirel-v,hein sarnestl" by thet notoriotis lnamaqtia - pitiuderer, '4Hav<a yen sld yar whet yet?' as- farier -!askill said, Jith a.Ioak of pro- Jinker,Afikander. aqd, hiÏ tp1plÏ. ked Mr. Aitont. ftidstouiishment. « The date ja the 6th of Septembr:-., 'Yes, .1- sold it the day before 'casier- <It's iqvery word.true,' replied Mr. "96The ivbole conintrl is inau'afoerment, day.'1 Alton. ' Anid now%% you lvi1l hnrdly 5itY and the excitementias riseoahRýijher ' Hasermnch Idid von get for iil' thai à' newsiiapér is deura.ut , y priée' pitch than evor. Our tuîssia ~ioný»g 'Eightyfivo.cut~s.'or that the readin'of ihem bassile hoOaerera is ou the brlnkcf leMt- !No mare? Wby I thougbt every 'Sully lack.' ti on. The 23d of lest maunh>Jouker une kuew titut the price bad advuned 'Gakili Iooked upoit the ground for Afrikander feil upou tihe"Khitjaue ta nittetyrfive cents. To whout die. many minsaIes.. Tlheu raisiné lus bond (Weerliglit), wbo- liveçi on -Mr. Kailbe's you sel'lbe hlf ejuculâted with u sigh: station, Schulen's Erwartting. Nqum- ' To Walçeful, the storedteeper lu R 'If I hav'nt beeu a conlonded fool, bers soeo illed., and cold.ltearted cru- RIemet me day before yester- 1 came plagny liear it! But I will ho- elties committed 1a whicl ite seulind day, anud usked me if I lbad soId *my a fboui no longer,.lPU subscribe for a scarceIy uny parallelsi in thé history ki crop yet. I seid 1 lied flot. He thon tuewslaper to-morrose- see if I do't?' the most barbarous nations. Feeif ai offered ta takte il at cighty. five cents, -Lanark Berald. defeuceless women seere eut off- as the market prce ; and 1 siid ho might well as tbe hquds of lbelplc.s.children; as %,eli have il, as there %vas no chance Obeying Orders. u te blrn hysukotts of ils rising. Yêst-rdny le, sent over A SKETCH. rees; and some babies were ripped up. 'This was. hardiv fuir in Wakefuil. BYTlg OL» 'un. o in oiaM.adMs ab - were kelt in dreadini suspense, flot He came ta me also. and (-ff-d ta u The -'oldest jahabitant'I per(ecly remeiibe'rth, knowing whetbcr- the next moment my eroP et eighty-five. But 1 htii jtst Iyidow Trotter, who usod, maxy yearaeo, to in- wouid nut bring irtur to tail inmia rereived a uewsjiaper, linselucluJ sansehabita amraiti woden bouse away down lu Hanover the bauds ofthese monsters. TiseNa- that ie conseqfIetco ul sqcco,îts fronà atteet, in aomewhat r,1061 proxîmity to Salutation mqa btidsrmuti a h Europe ueie.short crop, grain bad gone AlIaymaWeII. ibis widow wus Ijlesaed witbuaaothe Euroe ofa sort rop gran bd goe ho, like Goldsmith, and many other muen ditin- ricitaud poor Ovaherera. Jan.., oluker's up. 1 esked hin îiuety-fivo whichi. gilabeat à afier fle, wus the duncqaf is claa.i. son., drtsgged a upour aick man ont of Mr. Rfer some baggling, ho conseinted o u Nmerous sere tho flogginga wbich hi# atupidity Kalbe's, prentises, and lugged him give.1-- bra"tiga pon bm, and the ro.ed ta knowtodge wau. suls bis sansbock. Ail the isouses of ttMly a'raie of teara' 'Did he pay yoît uinety-five ilex O pe duy be camnebomne, as usual, witb red eyes 'fle poor wero destroyed, sud the few claiused 'GutJeillinir surprise and dia- and bands. thiîgos rlîev po-ssessed iveraeliher takeïa gri'O9, ycu ,btockead!' seroamed bis mother.- or sîuoila-d: At last:the horde left thse gHrin. ilydi. &lhe %vas a hi* of a virago, bMua. Trotter wa,- 'To be ! u b! N litte thn you've bon gettmn' anober içka', 1 knowse' station, takmng rip thoîrquartera ie the 1 To bad! fo bud! Nohettr th * -O, yes,' sieplied ynung Mr. Trouer';,'that's one iieisrlbuîrlsod. There r emaiued noa doserigt cbeatîng, tu inke sucs e uvtiereg'Ilarexectuou--Iiekin','ue. "&Art*rPtve alternative fur Mr. and Mrs. Koîbt but shameful advaut*ge oi a man's ignor- icked Tiotter," sez the master, î". l'il bear thse to fie el lobcl they biapitil yaccoiiabsed auce' '.ithmoticelasa." But., moter,to change thse sut,- Waace.cno h -jeet, as the crimineal said, wtébou b.foraitthse idge witb aur assistance.. Kahîijute madie Certaiuly, Waeu antb usli- cettirig personas, is theoesrîy attend 1 eau fr, lalris escape. Jaukere ufter bis returu ta fied ini his conduet,' rellied 1>Mr. Alton. you il Cuntordiuville, killeal netrly every in- 'it ss nut right for onie mauata tako rqd i Tes' grtsmbled the tiduw f ,'orly yots're }s iduîaiKjteut's îribe,taud took vatao ianthrrsaos earnc tr atsoutabout .werytbing vou èandertak-'gu dta f ajiiÜ ' et a ptcher of wsior, and be tour years about it, - awy Fottheusce ýhe andi gel bis gc:ods fur lbas thaenI bey are wmul ye t' %%,oent ta bhis resideuce lu the inatains, wt-rth. -But dies uota ay man deserve Bob Trotter took the pitcher, and srended is ntinl rdereti ail the Ovaeherero, their ta sufirehu romains wilfully ignorant, way ira the direction of tbe street pump; but bevesadcirn lolvdit hadn't "ut far when hm ersountered bis friend, Jue sie n hlîe vt ie vt in a world selere lue krrovs there are Buffer, tbe msate of a vessel, issting fromn bis bose, hit. -Oîsy a f.sw made ibeir escapie. aisesys enough ready ta 'aveul the,,,- Jraceine a beavy see-rbest alter him. ,anîd came ta this station. Ilefore Jolu- selves ai bis ignorance1 Hud you ben -.Came, Bob,' said Joo,, 'boar a band, and belli kr coniurtsited thes9e airocilles,4 ho lad willimîg ta exîîend Isco, ,dill#r for tise dow Io taLong %% huit vartb <lis.' Well, sa 1 %outb' euswered Bob. *1 î>l >.«, tlreàdy f.llen jtîîuu Kainulîereru, Kart- tue qi a nawsaper a 'choIe euycrr, is sese motbet fSet me arter a pitc ber ' wat.r.' j;smttk;'s -(Kooî,rvoet's) son, wsho, ou would bave saved in lie single iiem uof . Wt'at do yoo rare about >oîmte-hdoe't lits fligîiftom ahere, murdered, in thte your wheat crup; alunc, fourteen dollars ! care (or yau' Came atot.' fi.oîltîtree Berg Daiuara wurnep, lie- Just thiuk aof that. Mr. %Vakefield 4 M'elitu said Bob, « first let me bide the pîtchor lu'ugiug ta titis )lace. Previ6tns ta this takes the newspalpers. aqd, by watching Wittb these wnrds bie towed awqy bis eariben- deeti, Jan. Junker robblactnd murder- tltem closely, la lirepured to niaise jdware wtersaigt ni atone stea, auia ccomp)anurtd d a captain, living sils Kutjiueugu. berg-ains sitis some îbalf dozea <tla<rs bis friend ahoard bis aip. -Tbe,'pilot iras arzoîr selitise uaie 1douiot reisember. I du Z hlhaeeul sit uoîgh n ta tast off sud tire advaiîtage ai the around hre, whohave ou wit en tii fdo and wrnd. but the ltter viasa awaiting tbe ai - lut Sitilirise you %%7111nsk for the cerist to provide tbeusselves witls tbe ouly rivaicf aboy wboblia biplbe teday before. wisb- of ail tese dreadfill arts. YOItîkuase, sure avenue on al, subjecs-the nes- le ogoo abseo o ea obdoc- sir, as well us 1 do, ltaiJuker nd papers.': aonei.goIobseefoth ealelii caCreld t atptx uaîl- 'BHave you sold your otatoes Il as- Aiotest 'sra edta Bband rsid. 4bpigwibCre' u ttwu rtet sid Wadoyusay. ouset sipn ihtheir expeditiauns. Tht. crime ai die ked - Gafikill, wit sosanie cancera iu bis me i l'il treat you w'eli, snd giva' yu ton dollars Oveberero, in general, is lîsat'tbey are volée. a Mastb.' rîisà; and ai Kahitjene in- gttitictlat, 0 ru, not yet. W"akeful bus beeru ' i abould like to ;o,' uaid Bob, heaitatinet>,' By tisat lie once dareal ta oppK ose JQker. aers orthetlasI d nu>mothr-' ______ makiug me çf fite lot .ttYs. t Bang yonr motier!' irtîerrupted the captain. But froua dtsuirieca they ra r )iigi n « §bo'it Le glad tbté .lxd ut yaîa.Cme-ail TTEINTERTOR 0OF AFR!CA. Pitadoîpia. I arnwbi satibfied Lley YOn go ' tar abuttlrty. cents thIere.' '1 baint get nuo<othes.' 'ax bot hir Wy Iso 4 Here's a cbe*fnii. TIstaillter cbap was just Becroft, a daring anti intelligent:Eu- A tl rly1WyoI sl. t vut size; tirey'll fit you tasa T.' glisis vovuget, bas ven.s0-0odissijusteti Wakefnl fq/ about tiveîty-siz certs.' 11î1 go., lu dlsiarnu, Ilurttcîs~ roArc 'Agelidoc ~user, i mtt Casloff that line bre!'sbouied the captai. the aoiteseut 'ath'e.'in eu ofAluoen speak suo1 a, ty ;ulie offerednme tseuuîy- tsud thoifeio th kaibt air tid deveyuhat it ia accessible ta nuvigatian and urne con -for fontt isrrdrd bushels. sttcbaî'canvixuset. Strowas4ouedWotbeiioitb- Irade; thet the climurloisas lieailby as- Bhit 1 ldeined; enual sas 1 riglit i They, wet oeur via Cuan,armd tbardt ug5jabt icb fiiet of<ile trulbies generally ;ths ts are wurt b tliirly 1 tu.day, andusa t tIsat theit culled te.àdoubla voyae,' sud usualy occu-.ta he luioia.giligtu seii', pied aiout lotir yrsi. aobrre rec<i<uis uf beuttif-itl analferti le Colin- price 1 g l th meawbil, th no-appuanc of abrry. atflardi'ng olijuotiritils forr- legiti- Z u' f t ad 7 ejasettîteal lteémor- srinsyalarmued isrsorbeo. A nahu bpusud,a&u4 mite commerce oai idefiuite exteasîon. tified furser, mwalkiatg Lrckwards anad tr twcrier wu 051ied lato q itt"iOi5week, 1'his adveîatîroistravelle; expjiwedthe furwards nttieulus" ' There are ahen abe gave hies rip, hati a nit ead for her j umptu.. srîsk in Ibemeetinîg, and weutinie'oiurraing. l ie ie iliaut ieu'a taeTy Ie4 imIyun Wakfulba crte mc tour years allerib-ee turten.'ea tbe hip brîctau. Hli utlrotrtn lîlt on tIssu- swe. ;riWkfthuciae ereturad ta Isot, sud Bob aaabia friend acre pid sads of -îrus ot'richi>' cfertiîle 'asud usest ou gecsosly?~~~ U--Tire wages oft<ho widow'a son umornteutat oddcni!waee yts r 'Anal ail because ygan seere uC u<> l s t $490, and lhe foun, on aquar n W, bisontr accouaiste ge 1witb the csphdsiafiltia bis advanceu lad amuaonte..j ttre'5tl; aad ujualt lue leur>, vegelable la lake netieupeper. I slusldcal itit t ta ,Wtmau,sadfjoiur _40" sliq*aaer wee tallase, Il Mt ~g, n cî^ tonwo sseitig t the aligot, anal lettiug ettaI ho truitse fbis lo1gcraue. biiol y îibrwos ka %he bi CI n reighbbr L Gakiw shovlo s<b'rretone <<b ln ilgéadyretord pirbt'ods, iasic 1I a uid think il s'as eindeed. ThisIbouse, 'aii m tarir Jae ie î aa agamvrenai w' ',air-o n *il canaris 070 tMe hauses, the sirops sud thoeo 9e incites the irade. acryonbs ver> y l'il seîd offmotney for 't5'5 hat b. paed. INtiegsppeared chn;e.ed;ieith rrde in the vessels wehlanaviÎgatethi lieur atnd if aîuy une gels ahelai euiesgiîrdctt wcuage apslîotriver, il la uiecemarsy,,ta laye, k eau hlm. at" tning at theiremecorners-h seeq À- a~ eauit liehob.d:baien geais .ult>'à dan'.WMth t dii. î Ofeconrse the free bhsehs, edimatedut *ý vo yau bado al uc!'sgraaM orde o' k efnarevivei, afid tise West lda trade. sel beçomerdue- sk M. Allton, after a briefasilence. hoealaise drosuted te me, atebouci;trous usl" as-fl work eneu wpeactrath ie pati*e * WlusL or ber.' sIt~411e>, a detactuteet e boy sesot b>' b a ati,ien iuurbi as enra ee4I We butve oetomro. .boryer.'îuuluîastorus knuw tala>' b. bad jeavs hme t-inrmwandbSupt@Èg uuti, wca" himW acl or- least, foi'geakeratiatta tecuea», on the ta B11 --, celve tb0c ttargWhp5g. black race ta mnpply tie bulk af the ndceç'!Wb, lZrt *b. b ws r da nrirs,, o mu: EOI ForYou trosen part,' *ç ao'eot et fuiter takemithe newqsaper, >YenU JOI aa tugie QýYse wuyeu <anncoruliU-aorii- d< ime b ab.R I WW IF - - ý mé - - - -- - -- '- - - -, le costte'el s u opiîsxeint <o se* art, neia .z>'n uusas 1 dadt or tire liv, ' hukI Y wIl -e&y, some cf whletl là! th db 111e>' ývereaIil isuodeut nal -virtatsg ef i -deé"Ni.wtéira1nd' and, a] iieaaiaintuinea itéhir cbernhter beiglit, and djé.- tbirouugb ufe ý,No maid or Émittrontivèrhy b' làotlit-r Îàee,'hâ i5 % hal caise 'tu bitit ut lte 9 sight of-iue, ttep,'àiidi llôhbwéoi ut tu regret> lier aicquaintaxuce mUs me. until *1e eifite reaëblt !llàhitrr, bis1lleaý, Èig zra;og id -eter lheol'bs'te/Je bual cause ,offgiief'eor térittnelit for isfnctus ofii,l'rbu aîy ntercouréo ,bètiveetail. niè, Alid à'uu<blec iovied 1 y ofhë*r '0 le, 11emuie:ortét obèi lt he.- Weautae tadsoki reltin i lie fma , seit- TItie-ê loath us te'ud flectiouis, t tué corisisItcrý'beona ail which fluaali>' extèinal a e 'pesion tah* able ici mke wît of the-mater, aud -becét tr at'sueiy rdIpresume IHo1 iils lat Ite -Èeàui ame indehteal forIbtiis blessiug-tamy eti- exte<slonof reeftiffer l'eé ucetian. 'Thia s boom reaudeéred' Iie iug thé constructidu o'f-.tf more lreciona tu me, us I have fieen thea beéuliug reefo or'i enougis ai thir fftets of a difféerent> prac. iitrirvals betkteein thý ' tice. Currodiu1g refècliori tîroôirgis le lut timè by demri fi ' Ltl are tue never-faiUng couequence-ai ther form-tîuuin lad.L i Mui'ci n aourWléolal as "ilas in oeltew1si éqbid carInes. lThe lbappiuàe -ai lufe de- ing !busines s willitb6 i pends more upon înaeàèin: lib 1is ro-. exista. LIW-'llqe ç pool, titan upun i ail tIe'- pbiopby of svarn the <niter irçua s Epcius or ai Zeoa, ki#,hottit. I 1 étt m-ti ii, ath, but, pesth e sommer aô' o;ir atetdi o is a~cornniÇy u iourtns antid tîsnn Vliy trid«e, Wit lÏng-Miéks-in'luWwî laLau some artaseuuoaetaun>' .Iktlefarini, 1< ia thie trutck txe:,eEe sehicèh 1 snsfreipîétrnlyý 'niàking &udd1- bIne xvatér oad stc 1 ruýy lions0 iâutil té fIt,! wheêg dan the25th s seul tauaÀ eortr, -à air Octale;, -1 seuW -'marrie t ta -ita telte (Chief aof the Cotuat Smith, second diiugitter of:thsé, Rev. *illiintet'est voit as uip'"l William Smith, i u~eï of Weymfouît tur eof lest cJvetju ti grand-deîugiter uf ji ti t. -John Qui dence.---7 y ' s t Étte 'ey',o iai rutree, a cuionvtctuu1n shicit Isbu çUntitsoerce of e M uy folicity>1', DIItIYY'Bl1 TIIÉG"ê a r> rsihe' t n m- i>'chlrn f Iir many years, trtduceal ail the griotb a in Ib rios ore'obuseitet my hurat, an!] uit!'tatI'Iesteens real ar-'-<tire spou er f faIr pp of Joàndldame. . c>, mter cltecing ait <bat isx NEVER DESPALU b. eoiotidt baveap Ilot' cetbe eut<atlt T's'o- decayeti yauu e mo ai pîril,hnre>y'bbat beeibile Io nu %itîe hsad leura kickeetju a, agalîop b>' . .aveduci m u'jtbei'e<o 'là seaut, ail tlue way front the Mimsuai -sue i ucua <uiusgtg ta tIc Hudson river, arirvet7inl Newe btu~bh~!ems York ounersiny morniisg su December. japporî ing untbasad-he rev ssere <hiers ucidng (rua aboatj sucestiîng e'é'hisexteta in wuich tise>' lati bocai workirsg'hurir :ofbue nai19iiibujatigaetosÏ& lusmige, au&ti tise>mt dow u un the prtse,; but'he vas railX taled undl of the wlaarfL irbis fortonii themuins<,usd ' Weil, svuut -aual-sec du,- fur w Iod- raskaflllhbu h ad tmgiatd,! ing 1'. inquuireal une a ofteg. O Ilire hadt-i lut 1miaa> 'Do utoiv ; do yorr 1 ho bur "t m, tih àh e&ma ' No-lel'a take a wal k.' Poleniset oui <ob--bie trsaahqular Shabir>'aud dirt> lteealole al aong ug Stieaèt'te t9e.ruOeblutmt Broa y us ntil tiue1vreacliota i e eutu -hite .aoah eath~e looking hj~4Hem. it betrtered, sreut, Miluter if the Ligud rtaptoj tIenit ast aixpienceatd eoanmeased read- tua et verseitY . toasts,-g *m 4 irîg tise abss. i arycqamd rOh,'e ücg mea u, ab ia oye glanse- vjnmi.eaor ed aver tle advosertnt;4 Mî, $5are ai- fereti for Use lieut iNoi YeasAddreâs INPOatTiiît' Gaususll fer the carriercftbis paier-ali -coni- ai'.-t a laiea meeeting Petitaus are to-haad ira hicr efflusions b>' GeegmIphical 'Society' at1 to-morrase evenisng.' aiirdttttced tbabithe Revit 'Wel.wi, ad bte is e;. <oi tuWJ-London M' âbui 'l'i try fur tisepise'1 discovcred enetiter, largep 'Yeu> ' . -Afie.aiotit 200-miueï Eveh 1; ÉLandlard, enayenu lent igNami,mhich it é,roè'tti me a f- (tiaeura ius ir,. lienatîi isàk ilta theess'rlrd. The acta 'Tire articles seere Aurisîteal, andthIe several large isaadq, u seriverter worke ià in unse 1u uagsc'litcNg=i ib> a- ai loia u.iscuai of inih o heabuted- led thte Teuguse. Al tt i 'lI'sdatte1' -adtiee,Mr. Liviagstoai aReati il,' salal bis com pullion. iag nortiseard. If las i Thse matter seaurend andl alulurvedi. plaaoIef eliton nOptia IL -w»a arried-the lb. lie catrue gqantiue inttaArosa .pqn seaikedt he atreet aiuttirat aight, andi a uotved.-D.e*w lNmUd eat potion cf the nex îy, autilthe ' Uime. of tUsýeeisosaefctiug tiseaiard MEAfl! iBoI lf Usat arias., - -The. flsvemm (ciaii Tirhoueeti>' ean- etq"gte-muicîam ai the great cusumttee,'aud ertierge t itIt the areen.t b. î' et of,25-n1 Tety wses ved, a»d fEv. ere de- .vOtd ta the Imymeat of a seèrk'sveir>' oamnuhasrd; the Iasnwaa irveat-1 sdîaliner>'hrsrmluiuss-ooea- j der =&au. It, is e me=ai=th ".i à hâ . arap nmrM-tn-1r 19

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