Rrmony betwee4 c, Pruvincial Le e homne gwberm to accoit -the di lelega' ted office; ne 1 e",,u- tha n t hree seue- it wouId be,-mu'rcntititonaI for tie.li, porial pvrrnmoîat and Leg-isIattre7 te Ãbin the matter. But the. me- ment M Iafttagclnsm between the _two Hlo"i had been destroyed by the, man- agement of Lord Sydenhamu, the Iome Goveranment unbollcited, took Uip the. question, and btceght à bill into thé ImperiaV Parliatnent-that under which the Reservesproceedsaiae iiow distrib- tited,-and carried it through, t<lis doin g what it had îtselfthrouigh %hree succes- sive colonial secretaries, declared te be uncpiutitationol! We accept the in- terpretation of the constitution by these high ftsntionaries and with thom admit that. the act wau upconstituitiongl. In <hposition the -pre"sont Canadia:# gev- ernment t'ound the question on cvming in te office. Frein the passing oýf the mpralhi!!, the Reform partyinever c aet declare its satisfactioi with tte measure. The success'cf the Re- formera 1in the eloe(ioîî cf 1847-8, inspi- ted the victors. with ai hope that the, qulestion would now be speedily disposd of, and for ever, aceording to the wishes of th e peoplIe. Ncw, nuîwithqtanding -41 tie forced gratulations of those who have-substantial reasons for applauding the course cf the government on al questions, we nmake bold to assert that the1 people have bet:n tampered with anddeceiv dThe firat quarter of tie. fottrth year of the present P'arliament is nearly spent; and the question is net settled ;'net only se. but it is in a less _forward state than il was twentw years agu7: What should -<he geverunent have done 1I t was.bouind by its lprin- cipica, and the known Wishes of the great majority cf <lie pseple, te take nietsures fur bringing the question te a final close during the present Parlia- ment. Net te 'Jo se, wus te expose it to tie chancesof indefinite pesîpennient. The Whig Cabinet in En gland were mo re ikely <o favtur the setulemnent. than the Tories weuld bc; but the Whig--Cabinet wotild;- in the ordinary changes cof political parties, une day give place te its oppenents. No one ceuld say when that change would oc- cur. _There was ne certà înty but in the present. The Canad ian, gevernMnent 'vas bound b1y its priiiciples, its party conndtions LI 'by that deference te the, public will1, that ii the foundation cf ail free governrnents, tu ha-e improved the opportun ity. Il did net do su, and here lies its fatilt.- The very êontin- gency that -uwsaav lihable te happe n huis actually -otccurred-- the Whigs are eut cf office. -None buit a liberal Iouse would ho Iikely te settla titis quet.tion to the satisfaction cf the people, or on uny sound -aüd equitable prînciples. The delay te, grapple with the -question -a delay for which-neexcuse bas even beep, oflèred-.-has- exçpsed it tethie con tingency cf being handed ever te the T1orës -fur we must flot shut our eyes to the possiblie. resui t cf -the next gener- ai electiuu---fur " settlement7' ,Shli tuis a dvers 'e contingency b. realîzed,- the -mriiief witl be'traceable tu the r jnùut tote .Inhabi- ,ig andthe surround uthoy hayo commenced business MSR, mit door to. Mas. BÂTEF. atyon banda varioty of Ladies' eiNETa. dont utt he, Shortest Notice md Msrch 20, 1851. 49-3 in.1 HALFWAYHOUSE, ]ROUGE-. TESubariber return: thau ka for the bEru urs eueraig teold stand (late r. n. ESLE lyc'$) ut the- ROUGE, and hope bystrict attention to butiness to b. favoreit wii a Continvance of the usual patronage. The Bar ftinished with cboiCie tiquer., and bis Table weiI suppled witb the %s ultantials'of Cnada. Good Stabling and a stea4y Rotier in atiendJance, every accommodation to, make travellers comfort- able. Stages-dIily to uà d from Toronto te Lîng- mtont &C. &C. ÂNDREW NOBLE. Stage.Route, Mareh18th, 1851. 491-rn HE Por fftM ad ugog Stage -T wiý, n MNz)&Y, 4thins.,zesumne t regutar trips. leav iii Port Whitby every Moining (Suada'ys excepted) ut ELUff To'clock. W~turning fomn Port Perry at THREE o'clock, uzitil further notice. SCRIPTURE, RAY !ç CO., Fropriet ors. Whithy, Marcb 17h, 1851. 49-tf. -VAIL UABLE FdRMS &ILE. FORI i1W> Acres of Excellent Land, with about 60 clearedt ini the Towni4bip 91 Adetaide, about two miles froin the Villa ge, and withintwenty-tlve miles 0< the rowno' Londnn., A Creek, capable of turning a Saw or Grist.Mutl, runâ through the Fam. Alsor-P~ift Acres in the Township of London,. andt witiin 8 miles of the Towrn, about Forty Acres clesred and id a-high state ofci utivation.- There are good Log HousesBarns, and Stables on both the aboya Farins. Libers! <rins will ho gêven. Apply ta I. B. O'CONNOR, M1erchauît, Whitby Village Marcb 20, 1851._____44-f A LL Persons nre hereby 'catt.oned against purchasuîgo a Note made by the Sub- scriber, idi favor cf John Murphy or bearer, for £'25, payable on the. lit May, 1851, as rio value bas been irceived for tlùtsame. HUGH QUIGLY. Pickering, M arch 20, 1851, 49'3in. LOOK AT THIS. WAYTUEREAS my Wife Bidd y, has left- niy bcd and buard without anyjiist cause or. povocaton, iîs is to forbiit ail persous from trust-J igobrbouring ber on my account, as 1 wîll pay no delýtsaof ber contracting. ýMARTIN O'BOYL. Markharn, March 189 1851., .N0TICE. r"RE Frmcf- WILCOX & BART- -L' ÃŽTT isthis day Dusolved by mutual ton- sent. Ail NoTés aud Accounîts are Io be paid to MOSES BARTLETT. JOHN S. M. WILCOX, MOSES BARTLEIT. Brooklin, Januaty 20, 1851. 49-3 in. Mo TICE. A Lpersons indebtcd te the Estate cf telste ASA POST, Or Pickering, ire hereby notiied to--come forward immediately; and make payMent to HhAM <Pour, whn is autborized te re- cesve the sarne, and grant acquittances. Also, ait those havin4 claims -against the naid Estate, are requested to present.thern, duly atteuted, to him for payment. IIA OT Excros SAML. COCMRAY, ffHN TOOL, -PÃŽkein. , arb 0 C. LYND. Picenng Mrc,2, 1j«. 49-Gm. AND i*71dRKE Te NJ TlC is hereby given, that-i'n ae- codnewith a Rcsot'niîon adopted u t the Gyeneral Meeting of the WHITBY AGRICUJL- TLTR41 SOCIETV> a 'UnTeFir witl'bebhetl hii.Village OnIF AIR AND, MRK T Wednesdy next. A large stock ut: the fat cattl. wrî.MPuA RKnflJU on.î 'id theicneighboring townships will be bere, find aswiil malete .Toronto butelhers open theit eyes and their purses. W4i:b~ PXurkct. -Whca<, parbushol, Flouir, par asTe,- Rye, ipsr bobel, -- Battey, p r busiiel, OaUtsPei bushol Peu, per bushot Patutoes, per bushel Porlu, pet eut4 -Bcdf, per ewL Etsiwo4-rIlb.- Buttrperlb.- lhm, e b. Elgo W1g' etdos - Turkqys, Zsch.- Ge, tacb Fonds per pair- Ducks, -p«tpair d. î-.d. 6 à . 3 9 -.. a 2 9 Oa 3 O 9a 2 3 3a 1 9 60.&17 '0 s-O 6 ~4 a à a O O 'o0a 3 6 3~ dI 6 s ai1 6 6s a 1 8 - I THE STEAMER ADMIRAL, --Gaptala Keirr, TTiLL.ntil (nther notice, eomeMtng ron LAST !WEDNZSDÀT IN NAROEZ .71WHI TB Y VILLJ GE, - RTHE SALE 0PF SIED, IRAL9 AND OTIIEI PARIPRODUCR, FAT & WORKING CATTLE, ROSSES AND O)THE'S TOCKe FARMING IMPLEMENTS, c, e Premiuns- wiIl thon be -awarded, to the best samples of Spring Wheat, Bartey, Ostt, Ceal ad Clover Seed. Comipétition open <o att mwheer Members cf the Society or not. -No Pre- inis ewll ho awarded for samnjles of Grain lems tbah> 20. busbelà , or of Clovor Sécd lem than two bushehs. AilGrain takiunc Preuaiunns shaît 6e put upin lots of4buzshelgcacb, and suld <oltii bighcst bîider, th. proceedi of such sales te o o <he ow a- crs. Tii. amouuuh of the pramiumns will dépend upon te funds of tce Society, andi vill b. doter- ,nlned by thé- Directors on the d&Y of the Fair. Tiie Direetors will meet at MR. GEORGE SMITR's HOTEL, ah 9 occ in themoning n t b. f uePir Wbi:by, Jas. lTtb, 1851. 48t241. FOR -SALE flYr DONAÀLD cUVrUC 1,I1N G &DRYG CKEAPD8 TflAN lDVIII Clot hiers, Outfitters and Sion or Tx< GoLiDsrtLiox, , Broad Clotho Cessimeres (Plan & DoeÉkins l Tweeds A piîlot Clothos - i Beaven"4-s 44 Moteskins Vestins in Woolten, Sillit Worsted, kFancy) s. from 5 6' 3 di 3 fi dé 4 64 6 GnrlDry Df Winyc;oths 61 Mohair . 3 American Satinette 6 Canadian J 6 'à Cloths, 3f 1Corde IPlaid, Swansdowns, jHaïr Plushiea. O0 0S.MES R. Clotk, c GJoods, Merchant8, SLO S ci rTif£ GOLDEN_-LION, 26, KING- STREET EAST, TRONîTO, 26, Kîn«î STREETLÛAT, TowreiT, ,EG te iinform the readers cf the Whitby Reporter, and puiblic gen ally, that <bey have comptcted <hein Fati importations ot Etaple and Fancy Dry Gooda, whic having; been selected (rom the beit Stocks in Foreign Market», and purcbased lor CASH{, will ho fa d, upon ex- aminasien, unsurpassed un this City, for îuality, style and cheapne5s. Au Inspection is Invited. Black Orleans Cloth fromO Cotourcd Il - s " O iilatk Cobourg Il si ' Colouned" I 11-2yd wiJe" 1 Miuotin DeLaines "0 Prntul1yd. wude ' 0 Hoyil's" "si '4<j 1 yd Ginghaims (Hleavy)." o Dark Sable Boa&s di 3 Grey Squirrl di "142 Stoene Martn" di15 Mink "'"40 READ TRfE FOLLOWING: a. D. 8 pr. yd. 9 si -1()' 41 7 White Cottons froin Grey dé 1 yd. i" si 61 Arnerican il dé Sheeting 2 ) d. 44 Striped Shirting Bc Tck Brown lotlatid Gala Plaids Dark Sable Mufhe, Grey Squlrrel" Mink " -0 3 Pr. yd. 0 4 -0 4 1-2"l 0> 71-21, O 71-2,1 il 3 40 0 37 6 s. iM. front 6t "i8d '4 7 6 "2 s3 0 's 3 ( 1 6, Theyj woufd cail partictziar attention to tijeir aisscntment of The whoic of whichbheing made Up under their own inspection, by the best cf wonkmen, are net equalted in Cpnada, f style of cutting, quality of workmanship and rnaterià l, and geucral suitable- nes& ho the wants cf the people. Parties about ta purchase Goda in, tusz lin. moy d"pay- ton dear for their wbistle "lif thcy bu) before looking over W. & H's Stock, among which wilt he foond Gry.D.I ae m 5.0 Grcy~tr sir oau-%n 1 6Fine Shooting Coati 2 Ftushung "4" 1l 31 :: Fancy Due lants 4.912 6 Pilot :1 18 91 Black 4, " 13 9 Beaver « "25 O0jdé Satinett ""10O Fine ""30 0O Id"Tweed i" "4 8 9 Lionukin ""31) O Black Satin Vests, fi 7 6 Whitney " -fiem 30 O Fancy Il + il id 5 9 Fine Tagçs à " 22 -C déToilinett" " 4 6 Frecks "d" 30 0 Black Plush " il 3 Boys' CluLhing in grcat variety. Paris Velvet-»nap Itats, Fur& Cloth Caps, &c. &x. Garments made to measure and wqrrant cd toit., t3"Farnier and othenu nesiding in the cnuntry, and not a'rquainted witbh ticks practised on stran- <«rs, by nany dealers, would do Weil tsi cailat <bis establishment# au tbey bavé but one straigbt for-. ward mode of doing bnsiness. Among their rides are the fotlowiîîg: NO SECOND PIRICE6 Alil Garments nut suiting, exc.hanged. Alil Garments wamranted not ho shrinik or spot with nain. Ati piece Godui, cut in the usual lcugths, excbanged. Toronto, Novenîler 1, 1850. 32-y COME AND SEE THEý FREE TRADE'14IOUSE!' .7Vo. 29, $1. Lawrente Buîiuos, Trpronto0 flNEof thie frst principles cfof I Domcstic Econom y" is ho buy ia theLkeape- '-'arket, and is univershl> prasised by ail -,, conmicW1Hucepr; and the .bree i'rade pi- the present day, by pnnmetlng wholesome competition, gives <o the Public thc greateit atnount dt. "Protection" thec moit nigid Economnist eau -desire; but- lu the oeenii f a ê4.HOUS EfOLU MART," iît shoutd bhomre ini mîd that 49 UALITY is'ibe truc test of CHEAPX1i*SS." HRaving pntchaWe principally for CASH Iront the, Manufacturera in BITAIN and the UNITED.STATES, andl Intent on SELLýiN<e atthe EOWËS>r REMÙN ElltITG PROPIT, for CASH ONLY,, ROBER T SARGAIVT e (7.,# offer to the Ptiblit la Toronto, and the surrounding cou ntry ai, EXTENSIVE AND WELL-ASSOR TED STOÃŽCK 0F,- U*UVS m wU I 9 iIR'SI Ait of with witl b. found ful!y equat ii qùality tu' the fitst London and Ne wVork Establishments, sud ut a considerably tower price than faoY Ifue in <bisLoaiy The pent tysteai of IlPuffin; alicu Lylng"e is here répudiated t utd R. & & Co. (in k4i n«té the old adage, 44Monîesty is the best.Poticy',) baà ve every eonfidence in giving universal, aatifaetion tte sowho may avotir them, with their Patronage, tbereby glivine hau pllcth tei t pela- bilitits for pronuotinq the bat untcretts (the Pockt) of Uthc PeoPtè-.. Their Stock comprises aut -EXTENSIVE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED ASSORTMENT 0OF STAPLE AND FAN CY DI\GOOD St 0f the Newest Styles and Mantacturcs, Ladies' Cloaks, Bonnets, Muj/s; Roas, c,4c RýEAD-YM'A D E C LO0T INVG. In every variety cf Coats, Slrcususpts and Togethor with a largo lot of Lu Boots and Shoos of.o TITEIR -STOCK O lTheycwewenfidence. reeommend, as being an rier cuit âand makei BF WALKER & HUTOHINSON, WHIOLES.ALE & RE'TAIL woulu. assure nis nufferous Iuino aun f0 the mstal mode p-icnlced hy newýt quality cf hie Goods wili ratber imnprovet wîue, at his unusuatly Low Prices ;,ai well aware <bat self4nterest is the i.nom weapon 1kt- can wield, he wil make it I oi att to pnircbssefrom ti, by suppk wlth better qualities ôi' Gaode, nd at Li than sny otber Establlahmcnt Wetcof Y Ilis celébrated Moqur, YouNro H sou TEAS, will ho found teo maýptaw their b rity for tbeapncss, ricbness, strétîçth ar vor. His large andl <encrai assortmenti Sugars, Tobaccos, Fr uits, Spictcu, Gtauu ware, Wines, Liquorm, &c. &c. &c,, m thé mostianguunc expectations of purch; 'J.avernkeepers snd the. Tnadss, supplii as uhey cati purchaie fui Canada, H. B. O'CC" Whithy Village, Jan. 24, 1851. PËoteýction, Pire 4- ar - uiace Comfpany. rpT F Subserfiber conlnties1 Polieifs on 1buiIding9, Merèham Flour andl Qral'n, iaWarehotises and 2 Veseelu lin Portt at fair ratesotf pnlmiu J OHN STRYKER,,1 R. parti of pr Wefh Of itot Min warmated. to- t1e Canadian %>blic. 'iU Manufactured in this City, from Goude.4mportedttirect fr-um Britain, 1y themn. selves, and Canadian Cloths, from 'the beet. lhetoe'ies in Canada, defy coffipetjtiou for durability, style, and cheapnesa:-« Men's Etoff Over Coats, frorn- 25s Od Me4>casSere-TVouImo, ftom U : Do Beaver di- di - 30-AO do Muteskin " " - 7$- Do Broadcloth -di ...- -,30 O-0 'du Canadallaitl" - - - '10 .0 Red flanruel shIrts,- 4 5 White*sbiris, Lidenf.ronts, - 4 b Purap "- -- g Cloth Capo, 2 g Glenga îv sBoinnets, ' -- 0 6 By'Veste, "-'- 8 Men' iW8ove Under Shirts, "- - 39 Co Troiisers, - 0 M1en & Vesto,"p 4 -5 do Coats, .7 - 4 MEN'8 PARIS 81&IIJN H4T8, BUI CK A*ND DP.413. COnsistiing Ocf-eVery article ne eessary to com plete a large an d wdfl4-asorted stod of -those Goods required by TUIE PEOPLE. .500 Saxony, WooI Scarf Shawlis, from 13s9d factory Cotions, frm90.3 30,000 yards on Bonnet Riblions 1Q 5 _White Cotton, .0O4' 3,000 y ardus.ata Plaids U . 9 t riped Shîrtin;, " 05 Prints, faut col ours, 0 O6, Flanneis, red andwhqte, 1 I3 Ladies' Cloaki, (newest styles) " 89 1 Blankets,' per pa ir, '2 Velv.et Bonnets-," .3 9J Linens of all k"t~. Shiot, Checked, Striped'and.Plain-, Alpacas, Cobottrgs, end Orleans, DeLaines, Catà hmeres, and otheor Fa.,hionablée Goodli rLudies Dresu Gloves, liosiery, Fringes-, Artificial1 Flow ers, Muîslins, Collgts, 'Velvets, ýSdk Shtawls, ,Handkerehiefi, Muflfs ad Boas. ý NO0 SE C OND PRP4iCE . C: B3URGESS & LE1S11MK.N, Corner of King andL Churdl St rets, joining the Court Houe. Turonto, September, 1850. ly TWENTY TIIOUSANOD0OLLARS!WOOD! WOOD!! WOOD!I SELL4NG OFF dT CiOsz~yaea T EPoreoofteC IATEA will be paid on delivery.-Apply atibls office. STRI,,Wu»YVI'LA£,hain dte- Whitby, Dec. 27th, 1850. 27-.tf -mind to elusé his business inthe Spriing,obtu e i - IE NE IN Y above amount of Gorodu at IE N W H N Y COST RICE FsmSak by. H. tIRRIIoe. Hiq Stock il stili very well asserted, Bopijn Iook 4' Drug Store, Whitby. alznostevery thing required by Piirmers and others, therefoire, if yoli want thie beit arti'cl's Mny~vo IRS. & -MISS peent eheaper thon ea hogot il, jzyothev ci- ,l* 4 LY.gWWTQ ablmnt in the Toi=n, cati at the said.Store.,and « ' ave îeemoved to the Sibsaber wili warrant matisfactioni and aloa B 4O.-4 th-hpltl Sale. By calling there, ypu cau find Readv-ilade - EIOW * T .e toouiedlael' Clothinc, Flannels, Fur Caps, Muffs & Boas, sati- hibylibMr.tI yw nette, Tîc.kng,ý,Giey & Bleached Cotton, Striped Jd (Md BoenSts c':. Tailor, opposite Shirting, OrleausShaded, Figured &Plain'Luslres, Clean0d 4' ' M~r. Schofiel'i's Store. Cobourge, VelVetî, Ribbons, Ylowers, Cahcff, juried. Clotho à ind Cas*imeres, Moleskin, Linen, White Whitby , Blankets,, Sole'Leather, Mill Saws, «It, ass, gv . Jan. 4tb., 1851. Crocker, Sheif HardWare. Naits, H iuîgez, Ctorks. Guns, Bras& Patent Paild, &c. &C. &C'., $il or wbichha pledges biniseif <ose!llasabove stated1 -DI VISION 0F TH1E 'bISP1RW2'.- He has.some more of that TlEA, too, ut 2s.,6d,.__ Cal1 and bo conVinc4d, i3 ORROW, Tailer, bau zemôved bis busines ý1-R. )L RR. Ito that bouse south of Mr. Till'a Cabinet $bp WYbitby, 21stà .tai, 1851. 41 -t1. to%vard the. Bay, and as no rent makes a difference. in ait kusine,'s b. ia preparcd to give geneta ut- STARTLING ~isiaction tepule - Sa RTLIN TI 4n .e -' an 4X~N'1~UX EMEJt7'IVillage, Jan. il, 1851. 39-35 urni Whaete teuo htb il-l itbyý Together with an excellent Stock of Fashionable DREFS GOODSe Silks, Claves, Hosiery, &c., at corresponding prices. .dlso, 1,000 WooI Scarf Shawls, wortlîy of notice. Watered, and Dammk .Moren=, (7wpets, Druggits, $S jc. o e8gatPatrÀ In iheir Woollen Department arc it,. 1>-