Whitby Reporter, 15 Mar 1851, p. 1

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v W~TYRIPORTIRI 13 PPUILISHgED ~w saturdaY DMorning,q A.eMe Ofce, us Wkiit&y .Pil lage. ~~ Sillintg per enum, enmruths ;-Twlseshillings~ -.e--,xpcrce et A401 Close of tAs year. éil Letteus addressed ta C 1hia Oflice osustbè P'Ã"t-paid. A.lihurai ]Pi ,sceuunt. olewed te pur. ý4Ona .becomnig Agents for the Reporter JS. SPROWLE, Propriet or. am ma amta~th[nk no"thinhumnan i sglbrent to se,."- Tereuuce. JOB PIRINT iNW MBÂTL! EIIBUTIID AT,'II u ON THE LOWEST TERIES. Pamnphlets, Pcstang Bis, Han Btilli -Bihl Headings, Steata-Boat Bis, Bi of . &9nStg'il9' Notes cf Hand,ý,Âw Blaushs, anedi ethier kiasof cfnating doute with 4is-. patch. VOL. I.' WHITBY, CANADA WÈST, SATTRDAY, TO.A LADY. 4y each dsrk waving trees hat sow la glosy beauty sbades thy brnw; By that wild winniug eye ail bright, And dszzling uih ils liquid light; By hose. dear lips deliciosa dew -Of temsping freusess, ever 115w; By bust and brow of clasie glace; By ev'ry charm of form sol face, And by hy %mile and by the blils, And tretubling pressure of thy kis; 1 love but thee Through mssy au haur of îhi;illing pride ['ce ost isrWpture by thy ide, Antd llst'zsed to the silv'ry flow And music, soft, snîlsweet, and low, 0f accents such as augels swell The praise of urus they lores su uel; AndI such in truth they -eerned lu me- For ah! the blass of oving thee la somethiîîg beauîlful sud brîght, A spark of l-eaven's own glorious ight: 1 love but thees Where'er hia heart la donsed la, roam, What'el ils fte, where'er ils hume; Whetber is fortsne'is mile it bloom, Or, chilled bycold sflicfton's gloom, Suiss sis in usilesI sorrow To starless night ht knows su morrow; One hriling thoughî, ose gleam divine 0f happier dsys will utlî be mine, Tu bleas, Cc brighten, Cc begule,- The usemory of thy gentle amile : I[love but he Sweetest aud deareult oIbis breaut, KinsI gentle lady, bright and bleut Angel of love and beaî,ty ! star 'Of gtory Cc, thy uorhipper I 1 woutd flot give ose glance cf Ihine For pricelessjewel of thé-. mine; 'One kisdly presasure of tby baud For proud ambition's high command, One amile from thee, is mercy given, To me lalilfe, and hope, and Heaven: I love but thees K. THE IMONKS 0F DRYBURGI Th-se- wnrthies xere celehrated gtsid -kail ;» busCtisey were nso less sxarkables for their ingenitity irs din ing the woalth cf their neighhctîrs deisesdenta into thuir ewn cofferu. cemmon witis ethors of tîseir lîrofess: thoy assaiied* tho dentîh-beds of [ho wi thy, $ persusaded tho dying sisunert ho had neochansceocf Heaven Iuless came handsonieiy dowvi for tîseir I brotberlisod beforehlis de partIsru. 'I ivere Cussconstatnly on he aiert wl tho deth cf a purson inu good cirei stances was repcrted te be atilsass This intelligence noe unîer reac] lison, ansd Ihey were always well !formed on suds -qtibjects--thaii il -hastened te thu couds cf Cisc dyingj sonu, at onsce te prepace h i is, by spirit disecetrse, fur the approsehitig chan and tle secture what .hey coliid cf sinner's temporal possessicns is roti It was for suchlaptrlicses os these two cf t he bretlîreti of Drylurgis set one day in great haste, te visit tIse Laird cf Meldrtim,wliomn, tluey lînd L infurrnsed, was sddeîuly bretîglît Cc deatis; ad thlse linformatio was [sut Iruer--for the cisi min hasi net oîsiy Xilet at tise peint cf deatis, bat Isad oedjt, -akd hat ero the y came. In ot wn~tiselaird was densi %vhen il ani'ed d their nid noe longer reqt ,ed.' Thi wîsadreadful disapiintm, ethe hely -rsews, fer tisey hasi reekot ena inakirig-ati excellent hinir cf hej ma t.lelaird had Iseen tieng te heire endbîeen carefcilly traissed up for ,f MI o a hstndsome bequest. It with lon.g faceç, therufore, wcfi leo that th iseounka returnusi [o the mon ,tery, and teported, anud u'parted u nlucky occqidenit cf the lairds a is slij'ped,-away tsofure tlsey hal tins, Mos* sy±hîisg of lsii in10 ist ast1 menta. Thse d4iaasintment wasu by- alilte be a ,,gievoiie one,'fur tisela h'Md beeo recko.oei est as.suire gutiss Wbileije tissate cofassurtification ddase ïestored te hi. Ishuce again, and helprnate wvho lsaoble leassalo rsure poscisur, wheitesiv as stlpîs>ose:t lue %vus PR VI CIA OG hisduath ptîbiecionnouncud. Thsi l- thon an oqîai sisare cf tise hordesu. puîling iit unpreplrCCrrnssfuirtiseofrois- -h gussious scîsume cof Chu mnîk met svith ButC tîsen, when hlinexempt by ruoson Iîsg. Bfîots ls fIi ugu r- Ts nllîtnCorrespondue cf taI usiversuul alsirbation,arid it was deter- ef his cerpoeal bulk.frôm mnis fthu ceediîugu is, cout, Mr. jeriderson.[lue thu New York Usre Euqdetlse_ mined hat it sliouisi instantly bu acted i js Isat flesh ila l,ç ié,e, wlsy shlsid lue 1'sibijprosectitur, iscivioîely uQugge.,t-e(l undes' tie dote ef Mords IsI, soya C-- olo, lpes. cas laCe fusllliabilit'y by ansalliance hat, usaderallise circurrstsances, tnsd -îilThéebilltforrqcdprocîtrW!h Couid wscon-. Forlusnatuly, se far, fpr tise, ,ssinks, with caoesWho lis subetteasure thaîs a from [[he severëýbiike 'vlieh liîd heensiuned to thse tismb of thse (upiuîss. yesterdoyusut- 1 Chu -Q a.poriuanl mer f Th e ,lovoopnd che r end fh' ronosthéé il-fn Chu s,îad domeutic Irieodi, lu ensure tse faviuýutthe ensa tenetglslseurhood,of tlise, aeo h-ensnly îrcnsed ta oen hri vPOOtPh1iiip4, t ttepenalty House Ilu Was seul ote ChuCmmittee nf the busC, muas Dîeksoni, wio bore a ingciorly lsér tuac! The idea is ridiccilotus. Ih ru- sulslsibu nitigated frosus Ilse suitof Whte ou thse Sîste cf tha Uuion, frnm tIse deptilsthu al strcssg resessubanacoe t ise deceased---a quires tWO efforts ans bis prt-a right tweisîy Cta[toapotsîsds.--Thie Provost, of whlch it eanot be drage up ,y himun pos si- mu duCit atie wih Ctoc ocne i, et s[lie ru- -o erib, * lir. Ihe ,' àBritish Aireuts frosCthu Colonies bave socceeded Lard ontas the Ctest persantoîs th e a coîsscuuenriouîu masiîfcfitlsi aze fileus v.c C1s set filule Wî5id5thelaw VoîilUl is mskiug; out a pretty p*ý porte exhibition, Chey [tine e. quired liait.Thisspersois xvs,accordiisg- lu a rosis aie-u s scase it ampcu nsa Ctaa'lnuit of. Had Chus defendaust.beeusaitsuhavesnt"yet saisfactariiy demronstratect Chat, Che lroe iyirînueiatiy aitd upcsCse ualer oisîrutiv îumjurv-As ss'olliniglut o ignoranstt uerscaCeuipersan, o ciodpoupenioloan ur markets Co the agricîsluliral predlise- Ilurea e explaiised lelins, ansdia Ianduonse gro. pet baisoefiler lis serv'ices te cîlsî f'ýl rom Che ueiglhbctuisood (sailiselire. tuons <of a ealony Iuo aafriopwr CîiCY Ofre-red lsiuîî flr lis services. IlA on ovcrgrcw-n hisnCurkey. I-luw prond ivot,) sviicdid isot ksuow tiseiavv, this loluCalsr ehusp svnd couiparathve y deruul ed v branbe't," uaid Thoson, wlsenisehie hois cf Lhler ! Ho. attensudliser leormur- fisse migiu. have beusi nitigated ; bsut as culerl suy udov 'suioseretipnCus l eywth: ternsa were pruposed te himn, I"never vu ket eoch morning, and ieIsuipu Ccplr- use sutcbexcutse couis ie msade ils tîis lie saud, hat the manu laeturiu,,teretsare Iobe1 tii ferm.If 1 dinit nWie a gonsi job 1ch« e 1aî nmgeliser stockt for Cîse daycaue, l[eu asrusoîvud tc exact ciî beuusiîred by this ac-,'alIeii xeriprocity, and i gures A- fear me.have ibeen srumped ,np la prove tIse,,i p iin o'tblaie ie.I knt 'lo lird wcul, iaîsd . 1 i nsuuug Cc sue iinfidgetiiîg Iiglist penalty.--- Glagowo Saturduy :but thse éclîîa commercial i,îtercousrse dces ut anîsuicati coule a&, sr isinitspeechlauls a nrusd Cils Tiiiiiitic Bride. Wlseas Post. * Warrant any tarIs conclusion, and dos not sustaâi ng - I ans said Io da isnpersoî." Tise usonku standinsg luscousdiguiitv besideliser lie ts seto hc a se eCoil dacdo saliufied wilsthriia;,s assuranuce cf orrowu impîortanice frosus tise 'coîsict,, A ButOflatNAGIANDEoANTEO .--Srliere ptIs a rtUicledsofthse l rolan uacueof ar weu ailt, proceedesi wis Cîeir desigis ; anud retusitda you cf tise spîtesi fmog tisatii11cui.se frocs France an e. or ts lnauIecft rhs.d"maufactreio anwheus evcrytlsîng %vns pru'pared--- uousgist Ccswell Iimseif tCfi Ic dimeus- decatiter ofc t tcrystai, witscutto flats. TIse sceraftiffrusoususor lus sshiehlise fasi tise iaisd's body resuoves otut cf Ctse tv, sions cf lise cx. Site in lilersllg his [set- Thus wcunderftul tiîg is cf su dimsen- Bill is ahien cf, ausditCis contcnspt net1 anssiThsomas exteissed u is eh u itfuer lisusf-er,tastpeok wils aritismeticai siona, hat Cîsmue-,persosis o1 ef cruluas'y$ sisewýn ftoChu hîhhying genilemaus, tis ecurtaiiss drawiu amotucul lim ---Clsey exactitude, Iis butter Clrequartersr lueiglut nuayst witis e nassde, and ces vot satiafli iCh fleîtisling it May inlroduuced lise aotary tCc Coke dows tise fivu-cigluls. ~ on al is cur faces n s tise pacancea for ail Chu aberl oid niass'u tes[ausmenut, (lîasviisgpreviotusiy yardis diauselur. A dousise Iadderserv- luls oftls body polie, tstt eedu go iusCîuuated tiste feurner hat, lue xvs ru- $WEDEN. es te briîsg people tsp andi down ontüutaCeWashingtons Cc eusien hensuives quirud by thlueatter fer Ctha t rpcse,) [lis deaîter, whiois lins hieun i aioisufî- idicutholus, [<y utp1licatlag aussi hrentt- anud tour wtne .sseutonatlest tie facîs Ilut Tise folcwing, extracrdiinry staCe- ttredoattiueglassfottndarvof the RuseSC. eusiug in a breallu, clin bc anyliig but Th were abot tisn )exiiiiuiîedt. Everyîiissgmentust umade lnsio lutter froust Ystad, is SebautiainusParis ; isîterîuolly ils iseiglut gratifyiîsg le Catadiais. Thu very qusati [seing ils eaulineaîs---liueliowyerwitls peni Sweden, dated hu 28t1sait :-",This fi-en the case toetise ssotuldur is hrue foot, Chat [bis cerrespeuident diuplays msinet ilsband, and Chu witssesses is attitusde of mcrning liaviusg beesu fixed for tise exe- yardsousdtlsu cirusunfereuseie yards. censidurabie ignoroance, svith respect tc 1,114 profotuindattentious---cnu cf huenoniaseitiots ofoajourceyman butcluer, usaunidIThesetopper weizhs 400 ibs., aussitise Che ruai positioun cf cireursmulauuces, ouede inlinsatesi [c he dying masn tClihe Morcussosc, anud a wcmais, sansesi Bo. îs'hole decauter 12 cwt., andsi lu is cosTa- proesi net oîuiv, lsat tieseauljeot [ias ped L usight ncw proceus Iot diotato bis svili. till Nilsadtter, for havng asarderusi hie cf couslaifliug ne le-s tison ciglut usct [een cousiderud ,uorthiy cf usîsîcîstCc s Very wuii ", replied Chue latter, un a tise htssband cf tise latter, a vast nutn- iectolitress ansi a luaif Ïf %vinue. Soîrie stîudy, batifItaise preves sornseting opps feeble trent IlîlotisCtoile. 1"Hear me[huis, ber cf persns cf ait agus aussiboti sexu'- mîrions uxîeruuusuls have buen nmade more. If tise iden lu genenuslly enler-hlte goond folks ait. I bequenlha CIoriest us, aussiespiecially ot pesuants il uheir tvith Chu voice inside the glass ri-oupto- 1[ aine nC W"asinsgtonu, thnt !uulsrnr is tv-tw Tansusas Dioksomu, whom i hou !on g res- national costunses, arrived laul eveniusg, chu ; the effect of a soang on Chu peuple noC merely degraded, but il asoeipl is si'hsi hsuokit focrlis tvoftls,andi pitiesi fuir 1is and biveokes inlatise Cc iv Elniglut. outuside la duscribesi as aonsethaisgun th1issProivince, Chenu cai buliCClu lires- se t'u strails, Cie [lii ' my ruovuabie guida Aithuctgla for sipwnrds of sixty vears use carthiy. puctof leciprocity e"unrbeisg accordcd, parud ai lyiii' nsouey. l'ut douas uhat."--- exectitous buS takeus pince lathue prov- brueteiatfcuigitrsstu Aussi hat acoordîîsglywenît. Bust if tise iîue, nîand for îspwords cf uîght years Pif caiîn's T.land.-CapC. Vm. 13. wbucouse lse sn akefaCaruniagî teî cs lîoîuse had ficwus iink hu air wiîl tisemnettcie tisaiSwedeis, il was nut so msuehu Drew. cf tise ship Ldhanous, cf [lis !YwthCusts giouîry cass or flise gsosîsof tiseir great grandfaîlsens curicsity svhioIs attracted tise nulutitudse, ha ouarsctdC ieflscsJur vlisom,aionu, iC wcîi tefl'ot injuuriolîsIv. recel [saS nppeared beforeCieau, tise aonks os tIse desime to swavos a draop f lise ruai, a viry interestiisgaccusust cfa vis- lTise rusuîlt mst, t htsat ivc sliai1 bu fe<în coid aoC have expressesi grenter atois- blocS cf lise crinsinaîs, nI Ijue amocment lu. Cc Pitcainta's isînuisi, is lie Pacif.r',dnirei [o nanufictuCi u fr otimuselves. Revie isîsmesut or consternation tison Chey d~i it sisoîsis spurt froin beuseatis tise axe cf made isy Ca1sC. Arthuar. cf' ahip Zerîns , 'î~rî saciil uw iiriaeulcl ritfiusdiîsglihemselvesaiaiiy ouutwitlcd the exectuticusr; it [seiug a poplular be- Cc-fius1, Of Nutok.lsisustr' e reexported tCotise tiser si.ofithe' 5I)eCi I. [sthsesupunîorgcîuîusuof tiecanusyfaras- fief ila Swedun, [thatC reusserst[le ivenîn witlisCap[. Dretv, Capt. Arthuir statesi ake, pas a . o igli ratle cf imlîirt dSîuy tren, ifre.Thuy Sarusi ist, hetrever, breaChe stroisg, ctures ai sorts cf mîaladies, ansi hat Cisc Ishandurs wre fine lOý-kintsrl uasftrd nsitsu'r-Thse ora svrd cf ruruonstrance, non ake tise seosurea a ilung life. Wseus Chu sacfolsi tehi dresseS, îirsienly aussivirttscîus,spcke I ucc Ctaus, ofîer ayiilg a second'si'la- 'i:util sr-amalicut usotice cf tise trick hat was wan creolusi, tise people lisuorsîbled goodi Enghisis, anS wuere Iospitable in'îts a at rect abut ein- plyedtipn tem;for hir round wt cicps, giasses, [soîvs. sorie tise sigist degree-furnisiiisg Ilui lîsuw'roue oesbc itfrC andt ow brcte vsa t n tise trans- eveti witls large saticepasus, lu catch Chuwiilis. Wter, sweeutpotatces, fniis.&c,' thc eircuoou nkftfî ic ai'acion, aussitise leust intimuatisn cf thuir lîlooS. TIse soldierslisanl tihe gte-ulest 1lis grunt abiînSncî-. Thle isîunuîîer of. 8anîuIlfersanisaha artce chs sih i ta thccu sodesiign on tise iaird's propurty t'anid Sifficuuty inu firmiig aussi 5iiuCaiiulgihalilaît s 5g(use itnnîmusiandusixly, manuîfatîurud lucre, oef'erng tise slroug- uS lai 'eni- have'exposed îîeruîta public inusiny--- an open s sjce. The tvc cuuîprits, whuu cf rwiscia large iropotCion swere chiiicCiiuuuiua oraszasun-e îî Clint anad liis Thonmas st-eu kisev. It wan s teru very îuuitn, arruves on- tise dren. In 1831, the niirniser taoloit canet -k h rvne hi ie [slevi htte de on ovard tise groîsidat auveus c'clock. ansiabele isI- sixty-fivu. Thse isisîsulin represeusteti heao u ideccsagu ie lenatin,, beus 'hev mui--csfocs -nli evur. tisuir aeve- coinsg tc Chu exhsortationus cf tise priesîs. as"'almost a Parodis. " It is taed hyms:aîiy eofrrosusevan .m tsrnlis e us.ýet---uaudlsqIiîeezed Lcave tiuselves tu s [<s tIe uxectuioner. cru [lu pnusciai Catt a lls inrecijiraci'y, sil 'J'sau ansi pisuchudts iisr.lied te'din-lard Tise v.'cn sas sirst islsunned, Cseus as svuiî as tuecuis seere tiuskîsosruufoir luiîusmidacrasius-fts IlT- î0tt1[,diei thuu u îsIas. u ie tusait. 'fisc aîxietv cf îhso speola- usauy yenrs, an i utîlsced ly sip h.- ieS senest heqaueaiiîu gfirs naaîe îiinguasîl tors tons Jury gm-at, and itisme n tullclling rntt fiseislansi. Captaitu Aîîrt u iius î heSiatsstWuhn-ls diseus auîotiîr, ta llhas nsu r fneisd 'fouis-CIshe iai'u lend weusevered,Ciiev broke state.q, ftirtlissr, lint lise iilunserstisni -clSluve tise effiectcf draiviiug seven Iliuo iu-ruas Dicksou, iltCIIThounos tsas fiirly lus Ilsroutgi tise liuse of soldiersa. 'I'ls sol- ugnecu te fîurîîisls ais Anutnicnis luicossc ur~sssrro n rit li :isey pssessioni cf cvcrytiîisug Cisclaird haS <iers, ta drive ises isrck, 1itatly en,.- 'îvlistotuciseni Cisre, wstis1000 hishs- Aneia ils;isaiigato ilerr tpae dcru-iîulls Sortie Influa, jus- lcyeul tie îut cnsisof Cheir uuuuskel-< t-lu cf awoet -inCatues for Califorusia, lai, els fetu uligtpCuaiasurh delehdtepradncca ndsc uiscre- (Isle auskuts were lot lbaSeS) u slo isidiisg faastîscC u.l 1jungnl ills aussifactories, aussiof effectiusg o cott, .tgelicîs [obextots' ulîus tIse unossks af Dry- ulesîerote ceisliicleustied. At hutChe uutut tise cultiva~tion f thit rocut lu Can- isropuuionale diminution ilusle con- COoI, t' sabrgis bttt rifies tiucy, st, triily,%%urisuui crowd succuctled ius reaolsiîsg tise scaf- ieS teasu considenauhie exteîut. Tise Auiaiasnfcu dCa 0uus meS witiofs tuean ni u.att oqedtsa Chatl coîsupare it nhevltahle hogioy lue fuilul; [sut, us lise inuea-timie, tise police llansi was crigiuahy seCîledi ly a cciii- - s.-Patriot. qé thtleft ta hiinself. Wiseustise Sviiuglaird ihanllishiced Cisc ibodies ila acar, aussi hasi iausy cf astineurs, fronsIle Britishis goc - l~isad Sispousul cf urerytîsiîsg uc ia, tise senit iserusofua draarn u~r fsi cut.FATAL Aectesa-U-.--A faCal nccklort isueo accuse closeS. 'hTiise iiuifited maotuku calvery. 'I'lihat, isowevur, Ceatîuke The above isa sýlitary IsaSdiaChie. occuirreS on Saîîurday, the lut i nat., nt frin tetmtismned tgjlîeir monsntery ---îtîeîuuary itue precasutiosu cf rcrtoviiug, [y spodles Pcfe îî uurmlssur u Leavitt'u ANe FasCaory, un [biq tCewai. 'th and tvilausses dupurtcS --- asd Thsomas and ickaxes, the partionus cfCtse rond lsr î ietOnsecf Cisc wrkmea, cf tise nasie cf' to Diokacas, ilusîeLie, aleppus i imo aOnwiich dropsaofblocS bappeneuàsu hbtd utltefni f.i ulsiny Sinîhîsoti, oCemltéSCtoake hlelSoftise FI cenufrtnllivisug,andnlcfieu tise moaka faiu, te peveit lise peuplle frein lapjuisg alluded te. uuo ht rarîsuîs, eseoe h ps.of DrybLurgis, eusthue îeril c.f Cieir fgoîlulop Che Iicosi. -VIhnise [soies veru drîmt tric, with lise itntenstion cf Ceynanite cen <aro te bsiscsv wlue isad guit finiy cff, t[he crosoS graduiliy cia- AlC EMhss sîu st1S hat"Cs u ngis ucats sckdI -ss-r iso lsycorne by t. perseS. Tsre bsudred et Iliumseascre Maiirutoise Roilsoy tCina uarrcusly us- useS ogoltsut tise danger cf -se Soiusg, butSas ur- ______--gievctssy iujured, auud a grect uutubur capect seing thrcsviueîff Chu rails, lîIe- pemsîiteul lanlise alteîust ; wvieus, ti'or- P lu tit LITTLE II1JSBA&NDS AND BIG luoS receivui setrrucatistuiss." reen U rendoorus andsi ltckly, isy a fii-tuh- nuaîely;- the strap coilleS about his orm lii ti )nuied W IV E S...__________lou'k vlsicîs lS trayesi front o drove drewv lis over [tse s'iscel, anS dusahed renoh job,- A SCOCHrsuCLERtcAL PoAcHsa.---Tlsu wlide croasiusg"hu raiL Tise drus-c m sinsth reussuetsviolence ison tho sA oyu, That veteran svag anS patrioncîs cf 1ev. Aadrew V MEsu'ai, postor tif tiielisid sîucceudud il uîrinuu, the bennit ta- fluotorteauCuophîcite sâie ; hue -tus ieusdayi thu tise press, iM. M. Ncahs,Ltkes off tise Leverncli ciumh orcm ispeut oCBnnmhenuu, tvsmcs tise gale, ws t-h i asiiltforinsdrosas tuiisder Ciseis-isuel unds thursaus 'Vise was comuuîan îrcpuusily Ca iuîernsurrage cf lias iseen coat'icted cf peachiag dtsrisg -t-os seeuî appimuchiuig, oivhict 't-lu i gninet a boardi partitionis isu-l asofurceluuî Mka [sgass1ihep-hu1 issa Snuday lise Sthis t. 'The case trou leest madue Simectly iowuaris tis e md as [Ls kruck dosoîsi a ouussidelu'e part cf ittss unas- "Coniany cf tise auste piilosephers fu'rmaliy hrcuglist iile ceint before Pro- lights On tlise utihue wtlis laiCui usthue it. fluaraui as itcrtly, toaafrout ilslisavô tise toise diaccrer lus os'ry mns phsysicol vot Plulilips, cf Pausiey, oa Tuesday ; air. It man finit tilt againsttChu engin-e socket ; tise sutscl ts andi ligamnts, ausid viaug conforsation tise causses cf is sactions, huit as Chue ffiesce wst 5frankly lied aussi -s sishseul Ce iieces, parts outhle tise large orterie, ,velus., anS aurveasut- T e tc expiain tea s the ruasea cf Chis t Why guîihty Ce by tise ageuiand Rev. Sufeuss- body ' aviusg beutu jîlke tup-atC a dis- usaledni t hu siotidur joint,'ere miain- reisi tna- will o uitIle mais, as a geusema rule, su- ouI, lne evudeuice trou adssced inl courtntlaucef sixiy Vardafrain Chu pladewiîere irsil'jibe ne ot f*igbttui saunet,and u frî-1t let lise bigguaCss-esan he catn flidos giviag thse' isurtictuhars cf tise case,[buit lise cullilsion uicctrre." ishelt-SanS uppier port cf tise body v a lairS a msatrmosnuial portuentIlassat us i- tisese we have, obtainsed Irons othuer dreadituly [rtiiase,'--Dro. Huîîier ansià t e- - trariticu are recisciied auss exremities snuuces-r-'fie gamekeuesersuf lise Earl SCIxsTtu'c.--" Pray, Dr. -Slnruitz. Quick wreeoustishi spoqt in a few tinus-fr a, a mcet lus !ove 1 or lil.s tîsat the son cf cf Glasgow bad iong buen asulpiciotua f wlsat on eartb ina orhenusceue 1 " ales aber theoccurrene of the accidenst, itI e.t- . _ig_ - -rtanmu-men - i-9,suaunabe1-.c.. e l--[singca _eSeuL.WbV17 a,1en11neiv aatsv.ennui-rul dr. ai.tse-îeisun . f. C i nn gday in qbecong mausuer, for éii ptbccte ave invited!sèv~e- asttis ntabiiteson [sellasides'of. rive le ýambe etWynn's I19~ usChe dîy aed-Xiugh' ksn w'eek, [lue alluged .SuifpctiiCt Iselng sppîoiuimient lun tise' ùhuostr Depart- it cf Mn. Butuceltie. it la s said that' d Ë!gisandi Mesura. lalSwin mand eks w',ere aIl streusgiy opposed te the -eding, buC [bat Mt'Lafbataine shteied io souS ia bis reiisaticka, -u tise eppesia g fiaction gave woà" Ministry euid-oct<stiud an fboù! cloit' Chuasistance cf Mn. Làfon- e-Heumiltoa Specfcfor. L-MISÉING VIaLLE.---The ueighbor- -village cf Çluusrchviibe bus heen ln lnwo'nted state cf excitement <hlm ýk, Is consequueace cf tise alopotioi& Miller, Whose asape we Sare- smy l iliar Io usany cf eutruraders. T ho c f flousr ansi bran), it las rep<sried bas left empty handusi, haviuig, if w-'- rodit Danse Ruser, takuts ýwith tina le tise tCime of 4,000,',on-Cher. COPPER. 'lic DeCriC* Free P,-eu statua Cthat the shity of ceppur brctsgbt fom zthse ,ea cf Lake Sasperior ln 1849, waas 4 tens. Ins 1850 tise shsipmuunta ex- cd 4,000 tons, ansiChiot tu e b ship- Chue present yean wili ho stufficierut îuipjiy lise whoie ceiustimuptioui QC une in tise United Statua, whihisie aa eover 6,000 tons. 'rhue are tw1eqi- wc coppur coussianies ila euitiqn, esu iosaîy 800 sun. Theru are m1 u'co iron comisonies whicb arepîre- S to ship,[lie fleming sulasQa,2,Q cf pii ren.---Gllse. macsuu.-I n yesturSay'a paper vo rSeS lise flight cf a rogiela ruilier a Chiturobvihie 1 buCtishe Sfreet#vUsi eue fnas shicbhuhessragnoph -vms ac diS usot nasne tise dulinusnt or ifytCiscnature ofiis nîladeeda. We suis able te asdd o fois partienlars. naise cfthe lsarty la questioni.1 slias irugmuuui, w'li aas for aOoe.Ciuflý canneSecasn businesas a a taller' a t irchville.Sono Soya ago, ho' mia- ieS, iaviusg ccmnsitted a fgrgery Le amsontf £500, and aîse purhas mrgo qautitiua of vheaC frein the- rbeîurng furmera, 14subeclo thé "Thue forgeS ncte purportesi Ce have endersesihy Mr..; Janseà' Fi)ter suas îresesled- by lffgran tlaMrr eipsun Suniti, lîtatber sehait of .lis City, as Cellateral sucounity. - Bî it wst-stakei tuthse Commnercil ýk tvhemothisfgery was detuoted. mustuatucus wagiven C M.tu ~ ua ef Constable, whe on S.atturday, tel-' ipied the circnuuitaacua, witisa.de- Ctieus f Isigmoan, te Kingston, Prer, asîd New,< York* Ye&terday;'a tususicatian wtus rédeive4 itating ie huaS .bueis a-rested à aââ - * (wher ha proiterty) b s Bi1~f f Kngton imand thaÏ Èe ýw Lus Kisgeoag ai waitiutg oidérta i [ho authoritios.f ibsaCity.- Nxw YOaxK, lOtis MÂsiïO. 'URTHTR ENGLISH NEWS. OLEUîGNÂTLON OFilTH iCSX5S5TRC7. Luis -eveat beas takeu Place, and a olation will be regretted, by bat fet# ho. ie -hua county5 misSpmrhsisslemp au Colonies Tise followuin g bà jWt bedlus by teh.egrapist- r .- A Cabina>et Ctncil was heid jester- ssf[ernuon at the Foreigur Office. SCotumucil suut three"ýqunt1ers of at r.AiXur tuie cosusucil, LorS 'John isellwunt [tuiBusckingham aac uc[ ,ôtus audit-ncc> witls Het Majeaty."1 .o Londons tqorning impbers contaiu anoutcemreust.of Lord J. -Iuâèll', ýa[ioa. TIse îdvertiafr stat tint Conservativea cannot corne te "a aimions eosscîuision. IMi, GImdâtone -mot tocdaFre Tn4de, naso ffe Lord Stausle>î's Protes1stntvieav h rsectthiath apd È# eb MARCl I NO. 48. -, 18 51. I

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