Whitby Reporter, 1 Mar 1851, p. 4

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PY Juoîe, l OIAoil44 NoN4eo giveil loy tl1, Aci<, Lln, O bii2rta ' Une I11w drod- in thse 4.venth rw.,îJ0g alf nf Lût No.2u, lhe-fiid ldhat the said J~ames I>'otlîbas, TWel ve Pou id Jg j Shi iincv, piswî doie. The se. .Cernul N'le, PaYatle ts hé .rp4 Atday of FeL.,,uaory. 1851, Sm.tlInglil b gta'rtlny-fiwe IPolîaîd. Vie ItifliNose, Px Yable the Fit il dayni Febtuary,1852, I8, n'ouillitig 10to weillyfve ',,d.K ifth Nofte, ylibe on tue ForâtClay ni'erî~~y 18, umnIitt.1 tu TwmÃŽriy-fivs '<ujkT1I 81taNoe, aybhle on*11w F îàt (day or Ileiruary. 1s85Ã"P ùî bTwe ly-titve Poiida. 'f«ht S#vt,'nb Note, payabl &illu h~Filsst day ull'f Jbua. i;l ujlait Note, jpayabule. on ilUe Fïu.î duiy en B. BIIYAN LIS beezu ately apoisýttd Agent, hy the 3Mn- Il t~wluq5fnr the diquosl Of si'veral new pattern stoves. whirh veri patenled ýliree rsuotîtus go, ad îook tire pi ize ait te laie 4qaI mouey. - ~"~' le rbas on harad a trelleral asiortmenf of'Tight l«y(~ < 6V~ (;~~~ AUC)LPIIUS S. I 1LFN, Air- Paul'iiur. sund Cookin_ý Stoves. Pota-i.h Ketil.s, GEORG<.E PILLEN. :Grîîl trois. DogIc rton, Door Serapers, Patent cii.31. C. CAMERON, Il. J. MACDONELT Mirposa, 3rd Ft.U., 1851 43--. 1cm vurrps, &(!City of 1Tuwdo. Hi7silby Village. îîehP i eutedsOve is matie onn le OLD CANAD A W E ST. MEZIS! E.S'. Id II rjUNcIPL E OF j¶M.KINGTHE I-IJi T4JI-, , Ole(-c iîi IIl)v,y o,0te the residçnce n 11u ~'IL ti{ ; 'I', stuIm V t'ati' i ii e, < i lltue caffrot iîîe ltin. This Corner f Du>sd.as 'ta/ LyrtunStrcets. o' ï1m il Oone i4ueh, îi î'.'olvt'mouus, or ilC,4LT N Y J)i (Nxit I. cri<îîst toe. eea , -,4a011 Ucc rneuîrally kliuws, E N 1 ries ai - l'iolQIeito p ie., *aP (o~ cî,u. ihrmrlswilllihai t 10oulirr Sloi'r, ries~ ~ ~ ~~~~u aWiîiî ucs hoW> c ttnwae, JU'adivantace if pse ~of îakinchi ina long - ~tve ip,&&. 1ie <' aouI. md a ~alargee and cal1.aiouini VIOLISALE ANDi) Urr.mIlL %Whuîby Villagre Ja.11,1111M. 3i4-3rru "ts, %n!i itels <1luadpnand ~t1,J N'î ~ i;wo it.NE - _________________________________fi'____ rilos- irt excellent bal, me overi. are ljaruîup D EeI li lTDM OM E OWUSTPI ~~ ~ *~~ ~'-*~-~ ~ im Iot, Siivctvelie ha» sold e1ou'H \\(,r, £ F ýjf1trns ! I)ÊîIî t Iy f t i.e hcre wilboitrî aliiu . c o tttl vgg le rG *tZ.as >,lsamisoves 'are 0!hy Io Il'e ('-ului lv N , î'. U, nIa luhiu AF -TRER (T FSOLE. EPPER. AND Whl..M aue ri i. Nc 1 i'hu:, lig>i~ s:z rt fà,a lt-jî i. îba ui't L. ouiejoui-iusd lu s u'ù îl5e îinî s l,ds dbmls.ew of-.r. I sud m> il yh,0'i1 i T:n, pots is f oine fuI alefinu> Tile!, poiei/ur ei bhs, u nsii $Omo .lW/ binct Comuimu Claekersl W'stoîu C'acheré ai o kr- s ouihauid ag-abmsruBui~30 Jh11Baiker,- 4:o9t reaul, f u.î d Bre;ti. )I1" Buo'.lut mw lth uulb aud odvî ;uî 'luh'e % iîle 1$ et Si,/ ' 1t lirl« t S'quare, Anrnsuu,. uîn.ajr lr 0, w -î ., ',~t VB. Don'I pa&-onise 1'c<1hr -I(i<\I( %%Woh'leand Rotail. Vs, a Jr Gl-Io'o 'fur (hiy muia-e youp-xiy prjîit -ndlosç. INOII'II AMEI{ICAN HO0TEL cJts.,AS. rBA'rr:'- Wlihy and Prinîce' Albert, Z .UI'N. ~ .~'" Port Whiîhy, T) i. .i",u Oc<lrtb'r 91h5. ).~26 - PORIT 1 O C. W. FIVE PULLIJI?.S' iUIVJIU i il U G ilF 1>4,A S E ilc:. i t ~ 1 lCE 3 -r 'iîîsiv iu r l wavs, t i udiendaneo at: tUe fr:uved fr.îtn i 1 1ý' pi,11ls tir- f b i l) ~î1 g:î.. i'.n~~u uii ;~mecutee fcirber, Lot IV2. Ill TB y.s~osi ~ ~Y VIL LAF.1 rt-tiouUclnt'j> hîg. the.rst .uf 0iisI -~'FIJCOLT:;1 o Poiyn.l n i'Ji , Jî' h1~ 2-iy luiW r 't v oi t1m:. i ~zî, iAl tl i bi î,)ÃŽft;.. S i ud îîrnmt'r F8slhioiî5 fur hO, *piî., h l cu U , wrue l h aiiaa lse[tlt% lVe!lîn'r/un Street, Toronto, riie; aut ui r murdu,i it » i l!Ioaluu. zt L 1 meabveraad iilu"~u,î1 uuîvo, ~r. A 1~E . 1 R I L I nlU, îrîrred .i J' or tsjiy <.f li tsks, I>ost- Io Illeoritu <hou 11) lIse s'ihîsî'iiier. lail 1hihl h'ad * titi o the f.-covery oc ite b isi- _Oije i hh~ ~ iîuni atjîs flî~s onr R . lilhS2, 3s-i WtIV -I f) Y IVIL M4CiE.Tororito, Arn p i>. - - - - Mirilers i) iuî h liejiromily e-secvutvd. W Ih£I l Ji' F FIlE Y 'i~îîî c);î. Tl,ê (test1 ri sons ouWy o vîT <; P'Fc 11 cysun vin . G1 rit 'i; ' mwî l U abkit,,U, Aîi 9 8 0._ _ _ _ _ _ W <6fi ai i;_____ ramu flnta iuHiUih-~î t-- 3t~ Ur n (C QXi 10-I Y 1, V. L. ~1 fichniis as .< KY oî Pr Ee x> AleXnt acco 'llItiofoI$Nr rels o U ît;>y.1)e. 7, )N.IIfIrI t\ 'uçi fr l ingrihz i orkses. Il nr - WIIB Y i'Ciodical Lîterature. Iîuiw~ u' M A G AZI I~ UÏLI. uHF, , u'uluA'î, AI) TLUJK "J"HEandi Periodicas w ii U i>it.Iil) t, .$îi,.crîtc'r'i sî~miï luiv * The aI Piîbîusl- icres to uîci JAS.IL GEidîlJ< * fsjiohhov.s4 nd l j1iy yG ums Ar f ncpies for, Nové nuhîr stîl i l OiiJ. ' n: hi~rmurl, Ï:tonni'lnlir cil landia nd 1 îuiy U G Bm V- LIuE i.UR4)(CE SOCIE TY, VAPITÂL £ 5O00 0OO0Ste rlling. Mdwcal Examiner,R. W. CLARKï M. D. Pamphlelt,, Bîaiuks, auud ail requisste iniornrn- lioni May ba hâd ont aiplication Io JOEN IIAM PEBRY, CAM~ROI M ONELL, Attornies and Counselors-at-lo W1 ýDR. A.L. ST%'ACe I NOTICE. 1;1iip Ilth4 Coluny <fI York1. and fin iiiin11 pUer utrof Cart ricIt i fàvi« nSfîh oi' Li,. , 'î go.z Io thet lm4.pn .uip 4lce au l.,ïfrmuu%. lin Ofa new toa'iîshim Out of ltîome port ionscet Isianid, oral lat tb" sauid its'township, 1w aitaclueti tte cpoposeil new COrîity. Whithy. Nov. 15t' 1850, 3 MomiruL BT tSROE TO 1 -8- ah,,s-e auiei%. i, wSOI eU luel fhr, cas o crcht. ROBERIT ATIow W'Iiîy, an 7h. V85. A r ' l le S uh ribers have rprmovedl ta tUe C orner G u er l 1 io u O i'î Rz Oi Eal A I o .-N E W B I L L YI G IN ip " u ( y n e u,i sk a hi e nn d i ca:ll, e 711E JîMIJKISliksiovll auteseSt. Laucrece WcllinitOrTsBiings, King- Stret, 7'oronto, BuÛdis r. Trou;'yîlu , 1 !0. > LYMNAN. KNEESILAW &Co. Teronto, Aîpril 29, 1850. 7 1IENRY WEBBE Altîsul elilb t %CGrc!I"O'e il ea Day, Oppoyite .Mr. J/et tus,iC- t'e- O11S1IAXA. C. W'.. - - - :- ~"Wliere lui- is îreîitred f(, eXceutte orde~ - -' -4%~~~ lit 1115Iiie imt~ i lt", ur-s oice and a inott r ne Lt l a4iir=rr qu/ar/y receiuted. -à%vaa, j4r . 1,1850. G uu 'V . d" B o3ok. - £ 0 J5 s pler a inu ni Sa;ttis's un- O l5 'i Littli'u Ljviu~ .~e, - I 0 di Dr. làocock'gsU 'OS. A PULIXONICVAFElIS! *RODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD, n ~tll<- cure of' JOLDS, (3OUGHIS9 Betwir Slroud's and PI<t, 2 lUern, Las! Side n Me ibc/anic Bhot-k oppouite .t. .IÇJf3qJIOLIî1,JULMON- o()f ate arket,' Sek4edsStI-e lrok-a. /ltb. 41Y (CONSUMIPION, armd ailiiaffectioné ot the. 11; « (C r<t ý î ) 26- lluai asd onus.-7dnutctuu~ y E. Taylor, -- --,- W/zereOlt can btic Ilited,from : lincht-st<r, IN, Y,lUe onlyýtue <aid genîuC ro M R.1B. F F. E Y B A L L, the amaIIest l'ou-t, to thle prieior tii nîfm'îue on tUé Costirient Of, Iarge& t .4! udii.4k. 1Amei'yUVasgsr ori if rigttrim JAMES Kip, Catîf Si<iuli aud By ~boOts. Lidi~ Cail' au T j4 elebrted remedy in for sale Uv %V. SUT- MSRMVDT PmuoIls fintant ~tiîîeus CiîIdi-îuî luou ~ 4' *1 W« te tios. S' T sad BroCk atrenext doot (o flryan's Titi Sbo $boe.. U;einîlentuei's su. Lmu'î tliu.~ Vvisox & Co., iowiansviIe; RDAttLZNG WHi TIIy, C. W. Rlihbers. mu sigide fosser utu oruuoIuie .*;, B~ Jrouolij; Ltxîg»,,<, V D si itCrotelr; and___________ lVît0tiVUSt5euatnibcia il Tims t !Cmahst' JAMES .H. GR I, bouis fial Ils lUulub i ,o'v- WhtoIftale andBt'"' tU(wm,; ti a u .j 1j & R IC T , H T B Y 'S U R G E O N D E N T I S T Lethf~& oîmauaîj uiutl,îî~~iiî u- ~e Whilby, Sih Nov., 1850. tht. sprei.-,rein gs atil. oksus ai, JJAS tehono'ur of anuosinucing bis arrivai in ways nu fuam',.Alus-J'u isirces iHaiei- Tirnbo, %wiitU te iiaîentioli"of estahlising - ..~sihe staty m îleNVorc li th. Itot < - CAUTON. jmulf fiiithe City as a $uaGzoif Dmswrzr, 1hý-leay MtAt Wirk ii te 'oni(L' DrPr. heels confident that them many years9 psuimiî scîtfneg l Cri t~ul, srte.uitîî,i i )0liglreliv cilt tit1fhe plîblicaganst sutudy utuder soine et the imost ceebraed&urgeohî o rs1igwi I lj~u e uîuçî t. it a urgspuriouo aticlo caflpd Dr Lnvoek's ,Dentîllg inEnglantI and $rolland, <and fr>m a euh. i3ws~. .~ -îuîes* sî4e of <u 'fie ,se I)iPulmoîic Wsufeus. mormufueî,urcd by EL,1D. G eqi4us:rof"suinai pralie cof tweiv, yea~rs in ~~reîujssî. il-riiu u. Canauda %Wext, es ahithe infrmaionhe' Britélu,, he wiIi Uc <able to gis'. ample satisfaçco ever received for manutieiig these wafers was tn ail who eay hotuor bfmr with thef r confidence., Tin W'are (and, as a- Tiidcer,) Uy heln# lin Jartîes Bryanu's DrulîSore Rocester, Dr~ F. bas, flithe resset, renited the. prezplqes, P twe mtelhs.'* James Bryau stuc hs, a icqnter. Mç> a40. JKing treet - e>, adjoining the Cabinet akaa,p1ýon lIztnd. i -iter et Loeork', Wsger, whichb eeCatli# Branà, Wurehouse cf Messrs, Jacquet & iiay, where hIJ B Ë4xqyq.. ~ umneI /n will Ucfoud at ail bours nt the day, devoin g .1./ SfCh. uarn peic a ve mtsîsleorevqee ulelf exchuisively -b the severai, brancheqf Whftby jýe 1. 85.by mog>r rspectable Physi<iaruansd Ayents Wp Dental Stirgery. piii nr frthe suiecf t te abov'en*uîefig i ~ î.n- - . - s the tWrnheo.p,ftu P t... L, LN*FORJXLJTIOMN'WAXJTER. Oh !ye Gods 1! and Little F18118!'!! 0F COOunty .ot Antrirn, reland, who emi- h t et 1)(Aghborhood cl Toronto about six yporl ugo, T P arnd à, a Sto,ie Ctittei hy trade. Any ifofkrmation. CIYl heaomoe~e respecîing hlm .dirocted to ibis village iý'ili be And GROCR ï h hpform~erly oclpe 9rtfuI .eeve yhsse by Mr. George Wallace, where he will be able 10 MARGAIWT DARR.&GH. S"pply his frienil, and the publie geieral'ly, with Frejh Oysters, Codfjsh, Herrings, Groceries of al1 Qur Ezchangers wilI paie copy. ki.ridà, 'Tnware,"Stove. Pipe, Corifectionary, 4 Whihy Jan. 41h, 1851. lread,.Tcemperance Drinks, &c, &C, 4c, at rea-' soflabie terms. - Li W. K. FORSYTH. w, IN B A C H.W hitby Vilaàge, Nov. 4th, 185. 30, rrii j8ubs<rilbr 4frs f'Or Sale, at TE E T Il! TEE TII! TEE TII!!!W Loi 16 in ett) Cdnceseion, 200 Acres. 22 th dé 20 "21 "11h et 2000 1 - 3 Il t ~200 $1 On the la.;trruîn. Lot (lyiuig within about lwonîîE~Sî t~t>ii,. iII"f. 6< Ar"~are civar- ted, of whicýlî 25 a % oîîvii lFafl W4lîî,ît. S5A»1ies Wo Meaiw aut :, es ptnîin fr Spi (>Pi>OSTtYHE(;iIAMMAL SCIIO D!StVErHY OFA GOLO MIME! T'HE MESSSRPEJI BROTHIERS, 'PîElret Fultion oft'héUeFifU Nurrer of hejr < c(» li(ste sarrie T'lowuîsUîiP. I s~w X1rittty aeaius lavifig reâcled the mw'ihi U;-,sohît togeîhcr or sep<l ù'xtilraordîui t) 1 v 'i ru litJoli <o' Jt"rly'fic.' houao(ni Crs. * 'Frtf'rti , e.r iarlicu las j l'tor0on helime îroliFes. J tpjs, rt- ,ihh l.~ dtuisiil 'otiiuite, w ic ,can 0 ail >iico)ïlstt(( r-d nn ivti<f. irt lirfeo5 it ig oths-r p'ri'sqira 'at Y it111e11uttheti- orhtj Ii-, wiruitU O!î:îlibt Creouîy tliroioulî the perioil j A- NI I 'S il. ti pre-« i atUe prest'IA tht'la . punijy (j hAeiuastî TUv- p -'-e:t iuttt,t îîtt;li e i jitt. iupwvards of (liîrny > liilt5~ uia arIilihet irrn iii ci lu jbîto the -sz:ie, No- CHRISTPIAS & NEW tres o ' Ne w IVmoui L. i'Mi hvlrodof (Cuirj- , iOcih~t e, ."&1 E s t s ~ r a s i r i g t . &M a flV c f x . 0 1 1 c o n s i n F'oisasule> sdtht- J)0S7'CN 10K S'TORE, Mire Prnce Is 3d.1. Ihuck natîles uupht'd în ary qian- H IESu n'eï C j~ ~PE' IZL A S fIE s uS iCnr'tl wuuoSutiALr & RSTAIL. Port vmhirbyltAruî Toronto, Ociolier, 1850. 26 I T Maîmul $or o Bîo~ ndSloc. ARRIAGE AND L SUGOt; :vlo. During tUe year lK51, MR. IRWIN iriténds U)tiin4 aithUe WAVJ-;,LY flOUS, i. wrnnvihe on the Iir.st moi 1)xy of eachl morith, anîd te- * îsasir~ L>rleaioaiy) rtcisuirtu week. Whity, Dc. 7, 150.37-tf £'orSac A -S-ýAw MIEL, wîî1~Acres of Landh, on 4Ie rear 0( Lot o 8, ini the 8th Critsinof Iickerîntg. 'fue aw Miiàibuili On )ulrsCrteek, l te riosi 4tdurfable sra lite Cu()iunîry, alwmy's having a 4u4iicieutcy of water to drive tUe iMiii nightanti day. It is surrountded witU usbujrdazîce of Pute 'l'irriber. *The above propî-rly ±rteio suitpîr'us sapply, (o - ,onle Il ar,!Shruîsfrort îlti titiufctory atMo- tréal, and %aihi irlat z h,-ir .ita i ow suite. B. & C. entuçlo',- ix hiuumidr-u opcratîves.. amIn promîume front 1 50f) b 1000 riairg l;ilv. Their îmr(ts'ntock s b eî-ti uadi, with u.pomial refèreswc toi the iwanlof Uasufad: Vt, uta' iiicompensate individîa-l tr fatsnuins ifor 'ii1gi' r<:at'distaunce. By scriding tUe requîiredieshi a fit wi]t be gsuar- anteed.- Merchants who have not patrrsnisf-d the ahove aitabishrsent s Ioiud e no rinme, as lUr'y cal) Uc fumni.shed for on- lf -the ct'rȔ of country proîluc- bon. .dn ,y uitre(is( niable frîilsre re puired willi(mt Chtarge. N. B. lhrowN; & Ciu:lnus,, 88, King $treet, ueariy oplosite -the Finlish Cbiurt'U t1 A £'S II PA ID FOR1?L *J THIEIL. Toronto, Nfay 1, 1850. f0y Yoth .1e of Kinîg Street, IVest of Beýy Stree't, JFOSTE>R, LADIES 9 AND) GENLEMN' Mo. 4t City Buildings,, King Sfreet, TORONTO. 2-ý CIA P.L ES B A KE, L .lV'o,. 37, King Street West, Toronto. SAil kiacis of Stsip Flagsý on hand, or muade to oulter. 24-y WHE£A 7,1-4L.4TpORM, 4 02IIR for Sale by WOIIKMAN BROTIIERIS& Ce, ./gerds, n .Village of Newcastle, CLARKE. E- TEN2N1850.- 18JOÃŽIET muut 01 -1 esis, ouir oba ur which ail kinds of Fa, trtmber, and Ashes; will be u iii at ai limes be paid for 0 Mtlers C'orners, 9th Con. hitlhy,Janjuary lst, 851.5 FOR SALE oR 1 Fora lierm oh thriee or five WýehI knowm as 'ie J4ALF-WVAY HO017E on 'tw"o ~~r~m Land on the Souti corner of o o 22ý, 7?h Con., Wýhitby. are" O-jexe t ' bî hdm anti a large barn atta watera; rfisc onthtprerniýSg. For fuirtlh ýr partieuhlars appiy tb the Subi on tihe pesi GEQ. CL] CdLiver O Juaejstr-ceýIVed a Ir,-sh suppiy o UODLIVERM- whIicýh 1 wilêIj JAMEýS if, GERRIE, Aut,. 21, gsf WhjeVI Y IE GEO. H. xt, YLLII~ 'W t; Bh111f.-lI , - 18, Kîac' St. I t ' ~u~Lusij roronutnu, M t'. '-4t ALI 7fO*nIATO( îcxux SMI, of this payV Ii, tywih ie reai Calil liCtlreQas Down t iY'-y (;f V A S L AL L ()W, H.S. tIkes thfiS upruiy til- wt e <uway! "4hornay Stý lfv, i tea5ni constazztly lut he wviii pay in aIe.or LIE sbserie~lias :constanily or,sailesn 1 ah lîand, an d coîstinties t anfitîr iâ I2 Wragtgons, Buggies, Rockwoays, Chariot- Asmi s, for wbic tees, <-nd Fam;ly (Jarria gIGoom1Jaaa ir r OP DIFFERENT bFSCRT11\'IS, - .Soap a/wa-Iys 0, Which lie cari sel Cheaper' for Casl w thaw any other lÈstabliishrent in MWtlt - th VIllae.e 1>y or surroundi»g doue týry. Forstipe- rior Style and Durabilîy, lie feelJs WLiid i confident cf giving full satisfaction LuTHE$usob pîtrchasers. HACESt IN. B. PAINTINU TRIING donc Io Ordtr. n orihpI bitrj, BrocIc, :7,jo, Jtepairing in all its various branches NauegaCo acatly 'executed on short notice. /on, and Ops. Th- IN AaHA"NJEL RAY. lire 5e e'renyearis XVhtýtby, Aprli 19, 1850. lots o1 Irom 20Io1 will chop, dlear, an (-- ikemannr, Pa m r9Prte to !-e not a fth20e E'arme' Poteio iin! ei InGnr-ante to., OGIJENSVBURGI, IV y. MINE flILLIONf4 1NSUBANCE, - CAPITAL $10,000, .14,000 WMIUWBERS. The Non. 1VarnieOdnbrkY -"P.,Vaukoutghnet, Co'rnuisll,'C. W. SinySsmith, F.sq,, Cobuurg. =>mo Joncs$, Esq., IJrccktille. A. Fareweil, Esq., . Hrunnog y- P. Perry, -Wklby. Bryce, McMniu'ich & Co',- Toronto. Dr. Alliu"on, I H. R. CqmrpheIl, Blrookliii, Il. Daniel&, 4 -Mloses Barthett, ' Dr. Foote, John Saddler, - Pickering. tlisha Doolittle, Colaýmbj. - John Hisiluland, ý'shaWa. e Lewis Houck, -MarkFùsm, WillaUM Ktsck, "J-i Cluarle8 Lister, Esq., Dowmanffl i. Pros pet A. Hurd, Rexe,. Samuel Davîison, - >~rjo~ N. B. Tht. memberscf ths Company . recom- tend parties wisbqp>gto effeet insturance W ike tPP[ieatious, i le hIases, tot, locl- cf flrute ompauY, when stuch exist, an ot t travelling Whithy, Jisi A. V. WHL0 OLE q rouI... Broekhin TUoe1 - i s K. MIMAI 1 nAu cliun s Lre now ope election of 1 y t 1 Cori kIE hrss jiîst recci- Lvs, alid otkzerBOO,'; Ae for MYARS GIFTS. lui 185. -o-f preparei r' mik'- P11 OnT>! AND) 1850I. 17nrhl [IT BUGGY 01 1 1 1 il fZ CLN /--, ra -, - - - -- - - - -- - 9R

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