Whitby Reporter, 1 Mar 1851, p. 1

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r REPORTER -cose f thse year., s0e., this Om4ce: Ït allo*ed to per-. ta for thée Repoter Propriet çr. HUI*' 'Y NI -WHITB y "Z ns mai. nA hik aUaig hnn hi*Oeat to ai.W-ffum-o ~ Whee i hatye d;r Hat ansu*s harusforme Reutaty I'mdom'd t appy ins an otof en diltant tmsuds;rn Bat erer giS mydnive home; CoudI mis ee wnc ong tae, TIsa .S5sol aitarous jey adwae T hil t e ugntI h rete i.k I ay c gz gauouyD Batt e ouhai hrt uuc"la, isaarena uc cmlii foprtigmou ie oaetier istant raena aren Bto eae s aiaepromen pwr TiAtnicisethbeaisof mihescenld Tmeilti e Ly aiveoe rtdit Fael 'd onii csde, nd iaasy er BuadeaMyvout 0 inSranlî, Shanmolt fi fii ul deru. Coaseiobeu of yse paiyesns, To yeaunoenu ritrbeid fpwer Andat ih! mIses aurigs dscerandem Fyariefl t Lni loe atne igti iVliSS,dFonis 28, an i. ul Mysu rom tueie lnfor U. Corpne ,ofuiy uainanthyrst emy Andouah roe s S monheun fg el1, My ris5 ad mise lsh Iau tell. I ard mothed: ofe-rUioner Ar tree or beush ts piresn isone; Tise is bomtyeisgtusd ehe smo ow 'TiiiaIslkth iugisu, s es S love- TAst ai aufri onlannes sliii;ye And otnu rsiehuo mymmbei.e,, An vth isd isouust 0cre senual TIehtias thgood st o ony x ars laid tie xensoai a ery ubandsaetm as iaswid av ai maont exemplawry sr oer, visa 1us slan alagaunett Fot a Veralls unad tsoa ta b Poer ta Thidue. At bingsbprdely rmsratiy a vas tasin1 a o, ahbis c 1loe-a I suil fair, mvsfo ber guesl, a alad, fAnd o ac hal. Madaeme's icbousuu -sud camovart. epecable en1ae,1 w sThtoed iitiods baraisnarby, lda the «paenspe sofa visy ans vinuan, lur whod hdine zandllgontiserers Mtvraame suidito o her byrl tivehav srled ale.A disnet tna vlStys twu Pimto biadvs taghe ailse it faàtn fev miaulesr te lou. ladli. bi ta ncewh aissetdisoan t eaen an th leda tsdyai ulionhlse, tis irngloscapo. a siels pase be os .ngdmn Serdw&,qrctblefenaa!. It dtained.vas theire . ler vai, lan tevseand preed e elre f.w'ast o -n ndisimmdtehly on tarreut».i T isete msmp ler rus tabnle., Mad h ame nstbreative ai .vuopteaeioaa hanstiai ouhe l laser, btse door smaddelyoned hieime fa a wfisutestSln.Iea hu5 ry od nSauta a d weeltaeno1 -i..e em esoce n WTZYT-mnD V .(AMqAfA WEST. RA'TURDAY, MAU*1,151 VJLL.JL ý' i --- In the. ae aof beaven,1 c4o d he its inscription. The lth of January, befare,benba in tbe fse ad.is bis fo ie ......Thseo .l .... eebstd. d astonished abject of bis passion,-& .se 1851,bavingarrived,tbose whoremem- CarOtida rry aeveewihas a poiepr. iwseihycR aesgiyi ilis and leave the room immediately !- bered the story would ]lave lex at, abe u"y i e e disinguished sur- tiie, the battle ià this wfty, until on Faistàif. Wbat wottld be thought of' me if you note it only as a lisilure, but advices geon. ne afterwards killed the man or tbe other psrtydeeim5 the storel of 'lt's ail aroiind. xoy bat were seen in this iadiscreet situiition have been received this morning front wisa tius wondèfd hins. ballets ta severe I jndire Iongerý wben ocrite mid when but. aid ostue! Bse ha moent nd urin whih anouacs tht th pr- W.nextuearof M. Byd asenggedn retett s beun thevoto ise e-for bibi if. - fe retire il dictei eveat bas lkwlcea Aleppo, i a deÏpel*e band-toê4iaod figbt in tbhe treiititig paty, fbtafw iue An ingealous cbenii 'No Il firmly persistai tise acadeuii- and&lbat-the.genenal died ini the-,Turis- affidé of,îthe United States, CoQMmissarV ehahise,,beforo U1eIý puraners compuo f og heEhbiin cal,<I livetolavd! 1Napoweroaeart ish faits, and was buried-With military ià lJsbéiîwtis iW l InoLuWncitizentiein likse . le' wheis deatJr andjpécito raw Ma#~ aiterm from this spot-no--flothnos The day of bis decease is flot IwWioid peiu killed seVerni men, <estrOctioni50lBtiede~èl even if tise trmn 'ts atd y'mntioned, but as the date of. the advi- ad o sate-fouis gréat prow- The coaqoeriug party remIsaWith1PRO At this moment, the trumpeter, whoee ces from Torin is the 4th of Jannary, emik. TisereultwasVtha Byrd2santago- sang3 of triumfh and borrid gesticula-E lip was on tise edge of bis instrument, i il uaIbave been st least a fortaight or nIiai vu terribly cnt suad nsutilated, and lion, each warrior hRvingaie Ormaie APMON-TME.N blew a blast, mbt which vas poured the three weeks before tht lime.' .fl or ne tisse ,le wus believed lua bc scalpa in his lisaid. The conqured re- ERATIOFC, imainelTrr- a evo ta ay*oidd.Bydesapd it-tura ta ther- People in silence and smd- SCRÂTOuc overwhelming torren~t af his rvosAYTNm A HRE a 1OUO ydecpdih 5h É -.è-a thunider-bat ta, wbich tise walls af TIHEET BY A CLAIRVOYANT. it1lU7* Among their peculiarities is tise but- His Excellency the-G the little cotigetrembled ta their fai- A siagular circumstance bas recenîîy hÂtlasttoe atsf agtio, aaî i.o hirda.Ti i oeb r-ea .sSenîesey dations. accurredinheirtVrdf this ciîy, binla. Adboutv -es. aai ecting a scaifld about eight feet from lowing appoîîmnts, vix The room was vncated by dame and wbich bas canaie somne cousidenable ex- ocre elethmmdayug hW.tie ground, and placing tise dead upon- The Honounabie Josepb lovr ia tic; ad tsetrupetr mdecitmen. he bct, naras e hveyer ai this qty, near the corneraif Camp iit enveloped iiinuany skias and bijk siatC isonrof1 lis escape-but tise story gaI wind, and been able tu nscertain, are as followa: sued -Comm<>agu, iis i csis the spr-t blanisets. Six or eight feet above tbe ta ble Chef Commiissionq without name or Place, vas told ait over On Sanday night lait th'easto a i e4hintgista cas b stre e t- carpse issuspended a litto satchel with ace of tise Honoura Paris. James Campbell, un the First VWard, ter succeeded in disengâgiaR bis pistaI, fooicetrinkfeis.et ls decasd. any The ertt Hanae Ran It vas Seing narnated one evening wvas entered thrangh a isle cut in tise and sisal Byrd three limes before lie felI. icrin ld thedlie gae for-eveal KTleal), t> be sisamt Sy a gay man, in a smnali circie, viien floor over the store, and about $13 ii H. wusmortaiîy wounded, anddied a'-1dams sud nigtteàÏ h r'a e rseeh iog of Publi WorAsistplac1 the narnalot remnrked, 4'I wouid have silver taken frora tise draver. Tie.moat ixnmaduarly.W-aw i cr a ts sundr it f ulsedeesed ta b.f abie oksinou ea given anything in tise vonld ta bave foui over the store, listongh wviicistise lying inian office &t the caner of Camp thi rsetof md nat u seinewlyfuin- Cobleiosie tisreaf. sp seen the face aof the' lady st the mi:. robher hall entered, vas occupied Sy a adi CoDmon-sas., abou neiunr vndtaeandta tse i dsadvaling.- CTus Exoelayteo G meq;t ai'that trumpet's souisding.' main jmdJoshua Warrick as a car- omier uis bothr y enTie ibnk ters o l eau gisnaere il rishaEbeenyteasd aG Tlhe face ai' the boy on bis kuees vas niage sbio). Mr.,W. is a Young mans terday. Ris delicate, hsandsntsoxghueferui-ba ee pei tog mach hetter wortb seein g, I assnre you!' wbo bas alval asusstained an unbIens- Dine appolaauce, served la add tathe plaises, sud do visatever il likes, espe- ta Wýilliam Henry Evat exclaimed, in a lone ai' pique, a lady islîed reputahipn, and aithaugi sosme hu..... of Xbe --- tOmn ciahi y if wefl isebaved ia Ibis life. Gentleman, ta practice amang t iter-nurdlre- supcin eretertie va i as Si - folOra yrd. Wbcn tise Potawatomies bury tisein lJpper Canada. vealing, by Ibis isnsty comment, that gailty, lhuy vere not deemed 0f' suffi- Wo state ont - We desire ta bcSe tue,.the pae she d i sbtinggrave she was hersuli' the lieroine aof tic sto- cient importance by Justice Giles, a nertofa sOOUlOlthu isfle. e ct, d su la Watin distrae HP.UB KLC Wba ny! t-Home Journal Tran. the Final Ward, t wat itbis ][nest. uneii the ms g nwh pi nio Sie.eercad o h Hn r Kl a meaflerwards ;ùJsirlyt, daw fEast; by bis aide is lis bow and sonse bis duties as assistant- shoDSTR. nae rTaylorVa onsl d a i rosthn.parcedcora; sametimes a white dog Il vii lie recollected It A l Aw-GrofD heStofRw.elinamed thr.Tyor ,t co nsn e n About aise yean after tise deatis ai'Or- ilassilled snd placed at bis i'oet. A hale Cameron rosinelis ci An aidellsavyo lerai' t e bisew relarge onanrby The pareoyente iByrd, lis brother Dr. Byrd, then a ismade thneugis the earthu laid over bina iltaue unnecessary, it Yor ilaago keaotac i'lusa' a rge ûnapmy whoas rvc y a tresideofaiBaton Rouge, vas au acton oxtonding irom blis head ta the West the inienda of Retronci A iellow bad been alpigned before persan vIsa vas tisai among tiseoucana tragedy af featiol interest and agu- end of the gave.. Tistaugis this hale Commisianer and campe tise police for stealing -à set; of silver pisn assembled ini the room. Ho e-nlalmg cisaracter. A Young Man visatise spirit is supposedlao makeé,ils exil in coutd do al the huqimuessa spoons. The artiles were found upon fused la, give the namne, bul described was univegaaliy vretedaad biseoed rons tres ta five days, aÏd mnarners theum migbt Se calledi the culpnit, and Ihere was fia!use in ah- the drelis aid persans!ai ppeanance o a bslieving tis a u yrd a isionh one ussb i serae dning ts iit missioner, ÏSat a seconid tm ta todeny tIhe charge. Lawyer Mr. Warnack, and upon severai af the dlct aue takdln absa'I i idt uriin, aui waan m se by 1ecOesud his'a G.vas applied ta, by tise prianer ns eoenpany pnsenting. themielves beotoe fia ,dlabatgtd a brace ai pistaIs aI is.tb. ~il uenevis iseG rea Spitandue tat 1eGflbe a le le cu sul ad seeing no escape for bis bisa, he selected Mn. W. ftom tse test, , *u mssilàot s ne tosasrt te i h ea b0aea i t . - m eS<r ai' Paii>'sb idiay, ue nstucte Us feIovta ut Te cair oynt lso tntd tal n. Blad.w i sabbd hm, veThs boflniansabeie ta atl is-lt. T' client, except on the pleauf iumsnity on and insisled thatlihe vas the guity mais. e biDr on as silly a iook as possible, aid wlhcn W. bssd soîse ai' the mo~uéuon lis fhsally ln sevenni places. The occmur- wisen tbe sun or mon is oclipsed, th" Act, sud Raaîîansible, G allyquetio um pu toIiin, t uter.in ersn, ad te rmaider ora p ronece diffused un iversail aorrow tbaugb evil spirit bas gaineda temiporarYPos-quirod, &c., &c. Mn. a drawling manner, thei ord i spoiof iil, vas hid mwny in an outbulding, awoe mtnyai niie otsession ai it, and e o le ohsgn eetdadamnf If successful, tise feu vus ta Su twenty descibiug very mniutely the place interestiiig famiîy lu grief, froins hic5 aisd begia shooing ut the oclipse for- tieh anesécedbvil n laîlars.mpurera tfesghtefoigriliefay - aad svaseido, ad bili dolrsvhere il migbt bu fouud. only li tbe grave. Dr. Byrd luit Bato u ha passe f fr eiithewy;bavedeflsancie.dyandeprosic TeCutproceeded la trial; Ithe A seanch vas nmade, and themoneY uaugelimusediatelyallen tiseoccurrentio, sace tsede ofd. hikte ae eine y ,i e charge vas rend, and the question was founl lu die jplace poiuled ont. Sanie and as nt bee in bis tate mace ___________ pt tise pisonr: mrney vms msa faund upon the e rnfand bWes ntatbteefiefts Ses hOni- rmBsan-e an aa e. tise peopie. Wbmt va 'Guiity or ual guily ' Mr. Warnick, wbicis beiîig the commun.aa tleteefcsbcnete m iTiNBso.W enb e-tepol.Wa a Spaons,' ejiciîated tlue culpnît. coin in circulation, vu believu, cau!d lbody a wbolesomê' tesson la auar young e 1 apul despacb, neceived aven O'Reil1-Niaise Mn. Boutret ai the Theu Court put sevenal questions ta ual bu identified. menual a îov of whm are beoi îevspne htafuivebteDmeCefadIIrKlay,, iini, bit «'spooris, spoons,' vas niltishe Justice Johnson issaed n vannant for 1.poel ecug fraam 0~ of Fredenicis Wilkins,nDegra. va ams- ouI a seat la eitiser nnswcn int it cosîîd liit. lis arreat, btit ea as ual sufficient rsats te faréquea dngeruse a- ted an Saturday and brougît in. Tise $ponsibility! The maisi "flicfeIIao is a fbot,' îsidthie judge: îestiniauy, osidu frous tuaI ai' tbe clair- pana sud their t 0 e0 matus. ecourt room vas soon filied witli a crowd partment of the Gaver. 'let linu go abolit lus business.' Z voyanit, tojsstifv lis conmmutaI for trial, symPathise Mostlsinceneiyv illi the dis- af ihlsy excited persans, and Tuesday any -anc ta nswer a 'Tle 1risoîier ltt le roana, and tIhe and1liu vas disclmred.--Sýyr.Stisndi~rd. yîresse , aidy ai'thsu unf oiifii next was assigned ta complote the ex.. peoplesRepreseatativeç ______ yomug mon, mndhopenIbatsSlnd Provi.amination, as thea crowd- distur5etlhe Ve bave no doubt o lhn hyer ibîowd-losetiii bs haull, te mmd 1I.TRY dencu villsi aount ienuthis drendfni poace. The dcpuity Marsallî ordered ahitity aud flînesa for th ubn sey 1usappd liscitit otisli, ue EAFL lSTR. btowthe roons lo ba vncated by thecspectato rs office, bliebusioutd Se couîîeîir nppd sicliii ontie smol- The New Orleans Delta -ives the The lasI aifttse brotisers, na matI, deli- vtuiclu vas gradsîntly donc, but ami the - Ath.merican. der, saying:- foîîowiîig mssorv ai' suc bromliers Byrd, cale, youtift looking persan vus kilied outside gathercd a large number of nu-- 'NaW, suy go«iL Iowthat tweniy oue ai' viionus was recenily kilted a, ns i hemluuh nSudy fero dolarms.' Veraudatuinthuai ciiV uin auifficslty ia- 1its gruasouSnn flron rues, biockiig sp tlîe entrancu tthIe MASONIC BA~ Tie aleloke telaye fl'i vlin te euhfin fa ad- th me panicutars ai' viichl iibu foussd court rmon, aisd asthue dorwums pnd Tigrdadata tish ou okdiu ayc'fmlnviu ie facemaaid ai' a ladyounîuter antîun iaedd WTîen tîuis Youn let helait doyr ar onteucmoi) s odffdmtna tuei'aeaid îmiimg o a rotsqu ud Tuelistry i' lu yoiugByrs, 5emaîîa lroflier vas kilicd, lie %vas r- i'rom aîuside seized tuc prisouer arnd .nvtie tic.' Sept tisein sitly exprssion, anid wiuikiig witis lis youugest aofvisais vas Silied on Suit- y affected Sy tise occurrence, and vc %Meeexclied. poia'nud tiien day, isas buen mnnked Iuy accues ai' hoped il vosmld beia tesson tou ii, visich i ked dovn lise ofi;tise juisouer selvesaî gettiiig ips1uct made tracks.--.N*. Y. Jiceiju>e. bloodlsbcd, violcnce, and fatl termina- would foruvun jreveut bis inudugence huelacSaise uh rozsît ug uiandrv decurasthed r xoiii a ime at CONUNDRU2MS. lion, vbich aremot excecded in tise in practicea iuading as Ihey in theably a f t he omsoniceaac i tn iaS. Seamiiii'ui stylae im ai id he.T~. . ,qlesnuunîsus tsl'moat aanguiuary amuais aofthe South do, la tlis City, ta, tieseamne tragical re- Ha vas seized by thIon, and canied off ma c- in this vise, ' Weuknowv Dot the uthar md a t. Thy especablmin u ustad, si. _________timphanty, tise officers nat-dari naedbrts aIa hoiloing cuiÙgpinabut Gis aiblyrepeter dne moiugufoi o.They were lasI seen la tbe 'V uardveemer;c exnuia.sg eogi, bee is fîbr ndmobe, NIAN CUSTOMS AND SUPER- .cinity ai Belknap en nasenemièe maSiav, wutrust, for tise ai these unfortunate Young mensl eSTITIONS cunsptly e y leastreo ai Ir-vsg teaheRa t te le nuse ai' the publiic pence, tisat lise vretcb aide. Certainly va desire nahtao add s mhnI.Te ose fhaigtewahritreê le Sas lefi losv. Itîsdifficultita concouve single pang to lhier ulready beavy af- A Calafarnia correspondent ai'tise revolvers vils tbeii, and sevenal sh ite nimber %aîuld bavet in ai a humen brain that coutil perpdtratc dfictions, Sbt there is la tise history ai Geneva raztte. detaiiisg the events persans wete engakeed la tise diagrace- anal smembuers ofthe orde rc, anything mare vilianomîs tSathbe fa!- tisein sans a moral-a lesson, vLich, us ai bis overland jaurney, thus vnites ful gnons. The affain isas cneaîted great Templar aîîended irouiu on Iaing:' Vist Siid ai'paper niait ne- oo Va]tabte ta, bu last, abouitsoinse Indian tnibes lue encounaler. excitenuent ibromîgiout the Cimy, as ana tes, vitis man y atier Ai wn sembles a aneezu ?- Tissue paper.- Mn. Ornan Byrd, visa came ta, lis cily Ci on thes taue-ai' tise most darng outrages againstla1w Dancing comme»eed-a ýho WIuv ha a canvîng Suife liSe a pig's lit m tanirteaynr g. av A days journey an a utIle mare fnomsu anoden over.comiited in tbat citv. dvsSp pvl er, Bicasuit is flouisbed aver n u.- buliava, lise eldes ai' tise bruies etbYtdnvilg Ite neis a ieRfo e Ep#aa. unîhîl sait put t lre nd Why lsa sman pnlling up biis shirt cal- vas a Yomung manri'fmet leasing mais- Kaaliniîngthe Iraveltbo th ie Paiw- M Wa caxi vnite no marei ne lin like limdon? Becauise bue is alten nets and audrss-oi feminine delicate uecauuslnY. This nation ai Indiaa O__________x,-othe ng Mordacai, (mone dickey.) Who is the asecadaialgceodefumetaya nea dais ta the loaI tint ai diviii- Hopkinsa ld m " tist elbe ard Geeu ubi mei abortest min ieuhiosed hanlise Bibie1 sp fdestand o éa ncpp n emnao H vme ld mle. hyaetrol liarhanoun l miiive SamythsaJhoGlaniela wvue toid Atlbie eei ng Knae-bigs-mluis. Wby ila the aulhou tise lait man insatliausand who vouîd lser haitslanamd customa. Thsy are ler tht gssu 4y -Xpkiaai atistatn ou.tise I2th ma theof aie 5Pleasurea ai the Imagination liSe Se selocted as a man ai despenae esolve, treachenous, tiieviali, filtby - mud tindo. vmduv Badmisn yth&atCaptùn weeds tise Govemuor Generah an boaosd isahllo-iiraly leat. They sillier go entirely cki oietisotiglt oui lai..a's e elti mt e.qusigta al - thesa imolit Beause blus Acheinside. adwe rueo ftbodt hudradtebd ihlee h 0i 551i clianacter. 1Re isad ualbeen isere long caver cea0 udeudtsev0t e ttold -LansIreckO honbotlieds or- DEATH 0F GE.N. BEM. befone lie gave ptaa f bis quaiies- tis kins oftWmame animal a" ta tse S"nselDa ils' *ie lad tpid Sms-tise conutio ft he i by1 Tho deatisofithia H àgri enrlA raw accunred ateI À e, in viicisase. dias vite 'a eladJosFinka aIn w aa e th i diaun Swx ha suo .Acorrespodet of thise isbot a man deadiishough il vas gene- Tse l oiees kStiiens ftnd- sy, tisaIlier niser tlId lier aid MilsySeepydas nk Ni-%&York Commercial Advartiaatr aliy coaoeded Ibat lho did il la self- ]y la tise viies, but vlueuover they JOiik~s ard tnyCooks amyï tisaI ilt sLaIa (C ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b. auoîaflaigataniaYtt. aiue fe ii curne oletcl eýiearnae lo r hlaad- wlàà anatter iacL ( ;averuar Cei mais. lise foi- à Bonnet, As-. Pýubljc Weria, oer'thoreot, lin [0wlliamu il. amf the ouea' ai tiseor Boier- ovierY, Gne ieîateredsapas côàmmiseleaser. office deol ing vas arguet hy- àmont 'tisai olee eteut euagies 9. Thal ose ai Assisant: Cou-. v , a s is a u t e d aa ennedly proveà filed-up isy,ý or, -, or I w ae publie.vo ýovetauient ne- nsm the '- 7er anotber defest 5opinion get aI gnationof 'Mr. imisuoner wu5 nal do tb fîurc is ta Se dans?1 ie Upper Hanse, Assistant, vilS- -Admirable 're- et important dé- usant vitiott question ta tise es.- 'f Mn Kiliaiy's se dutie -ai tise in I'mrliimnt.a ILLL. - ltive affaircasme brethnen of Ïbe nystery la thens- Seill îant gather- ýdo. Tise, Hall ster, pleasing an -- indamîr Pai'crse y uhenis, &ô., nity., Fully a"v aoigtu ta e 045 * iuclemency of ,d a mnucis langter sîtended. Sey- Kti-nid W- lmenimcan euî e ut isf aîîolii smisituiousa spirit tbis nsorai-. îatoday, gbld. in, lfuail- it, an addrasa to à a bady of trooçus Hamilo% durng ie ret Western se turbuulentvwh mc roed. arn utni ka'of tise giser wages, re- -tuas ft tie lutin 18velî - proies- Mary A"u no. -d L..u à n aww

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