Whitby Reporter, 22 Feb 1851, p. 2

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N~ k~ ~ ~s~jas~ - ,2~ * nlrian troop' had eaiî.red 'thç'city. *The newv G9vernîneist of Hostein %vvas Io enfç3,rbon 'Ils fiuotctionson li111çisli inat. The aew Guveu int wiîi top- sitof.Federai and.Danish Comm nsion- ,vis, who wil be siipported hIy a Cotn- cii of the clîtef nobionsani and moderatè minded landed proprietors. of the Thie, r,9fcrct iQ'.s filna 'fix' witiî re- R1urd to the cliaice of 'a hcad I offtise Coi- federation. - Tire votes out of the whole are oppoed to [heo juats broîîght helorète Uosy Tire!-Personis who ihave ngreed 10 puy their subsoriptions ins Wood, w rpeaS bring t1sàtarliel n.aiïeiacy Bîank Déecli; & Memoia jas for sale nt lIis <lilce. THE REPORTER. %VHITBY, SA-TIRDAY, FEnituAny 22, 1851' &*FETy 0F FTHE tî./lTL/NTJC.'I We have pleasure iu anaouiicicog 10 our readels to4day, the sale arrivai of Ibis vesael t Cork, on te 22ndjanuary. She broke botber stihs ithen stite dayâ out, and naler rnoaitur ta the westvai l six days, had to put lack ,8011 miles: irnto Coik. Crew,ýpasengers, fright, and mails, vil a lo. She sutaiaed nofurllierdamag-e,siîthe exceptitat ol ler puddle boxes, which were eau ritd away. Sie malet have been very near Hlalifaux when site Put about. Any o f the Canard Line, %ih iheir sape- riir dailia< rigging'would, most ikely, ihave madie îh.tportwhea îheyhad already tucm!iahal ara!- ly two.,thirdsoithedistatite. U,îdeu aIl ciretinstqn- me, it appeairs raiher upfavoralule ta the sailin!r qualities c i te Amnerican Line. WARD DIVISIONS. irolip. Tise Presidentmnueit a Proclamation againt iclIaBostenaausa. We learn by tise OshitaRefus-ta, Ibat Mci Warren tan gives fenr bi Wing lotsalceady far chbarties. Tiis, uwu presume. hatiug faiieel lu tc it esireni ffect, lu tise eascu wb y te lu now de. tenmineil la davote ttche aI c f bis su efieu menfts io t e etion oI gais and ceut-touus.- At leausuSn tinks "ithte utIle pepen prinlaitea WViitby Village-." [3W1ýe ara utuuîsoilably obligeduIîo delerte publication ah adie Andiior's at-cuis for the town- ship af Reset iutil tuu-xl week, as wetl as tise min- ates of te council. The communicationî of --A Yt4bin iluraceiv- ed. _We %vould lite lu te maide aeqaiitted wit the suttnr's nanaý, . Ta pittilsl any communication tnerampail î1 y the uarne of thli tlbar, noult' lie i-Violitiit ohflise utijersal rile of editors. A P1LL, n) bc iesratdoued by Mi-. FuJlireIl, or te Etor - fthre Reforîîîr-ut îiiulicrs nat îehict. Tise people afte Townsipof Scarbaoéi!b, are enueavorinq an du asvay wilit te Ward systn, uas lisey ara beatiy sict ani tired ofaiti. Jusi as w' wreegQ)iug ta press, tte fulowiug tlever mas )band- iii ta ut. Sabratt, Fat. 17, 1851. Dî',r Sir-ileresuitt i1 enelose ta yaa a cnsy or tise ei.iuisiiion 1.in o uiea cof sgaturte. foi tIi lutriose lit ahislintahe prescrit F.ierturai iti iit es ittibts Towntship. Titisconuse isasopl- i-J lîiisiqooufeat<le saiie nutll'il aeigbî-our- fitifai. a nmarit eliiile iin tii repeetis, enritini lue foind.l. À11-41secstch -ntatse-payer iaz lis i fu- ciise exleudil'.ly hen,»'uabl,'slIluvoie lfor fuse lu te place ofonte re-gresenitive. I am, Sit, yauî1S &r. Tise hlowiîsg l a a opy ai the 'Reqtiautiiout. Tu thre Rdret of the Tuttsip .f Scar'Iorougt. Our ueighboc t e aRofarser, anîl is in-Sir,-We, the' anderasigueul reebaldersandilrate- teresalug andi bart-w)rking littie kutot oh ambhitinis payers, ni the Townshbip ai Scairlinrc'uh, respeet- Itiiy reqtîesl yen, at yaar earl lest ireaveilenc:e, la asipiranis tla Municipal tonots, are fiîltiy uroteueJ raIl a pubtle meetlag,ittae nio auisideraliuuoit e lu titergrat Wat seme-lI%àcir lut tape oh expetiieney of' pelitiouiug tIller per aiaauoity lor fatites sefui.ncas te soute oti-f-be-way c,,ornethIe aesîi but aIolte preaett ectoual Distiis lu tbis Townhipinus ruer liat ttc Ca,înicitturs may Our flouiîhing Townshtip, ylepl Watt) N.- be cisasen ai aise geuerni utettine, ti s vidittgte sauteiiug,,or un>' o Fareweli's Watt!." The ta- urievatu iucuvetiecea attetdiug te Pteseut uent of re'«ts-auint vua11, at,cop sed stm. We are, sir, &r. of a ew Ifamles, mostly relatives, h s dduicion Can auy afte gentlemen ni Oshawa, neaxions te te sougisi for wbana irtole Towshaip lu beyoud for Wanils'inrniuos hliate ba tpIapeople of Sear- ttc rneci,ar bayandth iaespacities aoftae canstiiaiaboratugis eaîtdo naty xitt thern i Liete ferg for Municipal honoa. A cuani wouid satisf>', inihe lubitbe,, tc>' bave laptaI hua the irail w'ttt- sriute1icanstaI ha obtaînad. Baitte Town- ont -ieuat eansidt-riugte difiieuiiy ai gettiiag ot ship ctelisg cf te St il., airept air*ay eeruy agalut. We hase nuoroai for commnlt Itis wseat, crau*iof coîlot inlutae stipe of 'ard dis-lalitîs,bttui xioutsly amuna nmr oce iighttfitnlthe irise tbat Un -Muicipal lai talli ount ta liitiiapolticlatis mmnaof0tsisasaant temn>'aatd meanus aofte.tuit- andIM wiae wavriag, uneandit!, antdlvancil- lui; a famil>' cul a ua nIO etions iguinat itatîf. lsing mia"labave llu t beei te cutnfsdentce aof' 1 .Pu V'A R D O N te inhatitausetfte Townushtipji geratly, andu tebe wead net dura lu affer themueives ut s gene- Soute limie ago, we ahliuded 10 ibis ni Townmsip elaclion, miter tenmnssaofI lite pao- officiai us lteiuîg til efauttu otlie gov- pi. caesibediy ferward ta cîevasn theaqualitic* ferrinn-u. 'rite arattuit of tise defitla- thulr csmtidates, anti vole l'or te livemtri$- ýuietIe îlots wtis tlîîîîa[£1300 ; and il is but sa * t-eeob e nstatCcisilof a epnplot v ighî b intiociiotir rendent fhint fle Towttmh, is à dstinction sottlyofltua.ifabilily. a-iitie orUIlle deflciency lins (ean umîittle 2Du~hè5ma ~is e acraep iiîo te Connu-h goo l"0 Mt'. Mna, isoheing rejitired througitu Wat, as thé etaptasnaative ofa aSYurdtl inurise Itimuey irinîtly, dih so nt cal>, diapla>'. n very cauteuaptitsîe aautitiîn-te ginat saerifice. It upipe'nslnstisIMr. places bis liia ai a ver) tam par,utand te atouid Va\tioîs nade a tetusioneuy use of Gov- beltcçsulpoa by te peupla genetuly, w a it î~- eritttc'ttt usotIiies, ii tise liohie (if saviisg dls 4,lâtimor cldutiaîiity," th Ie )efanicr sonie prà-ate hiohety, aad ltît ho was wo.tdeaillî. titin îg frontMoutîneul, hnî'in g ruade lst.istRfcnar ia utt atott clum oarranligemt Iai o do so, %%-ieu tise dis- loiâoM'Ù efrmr, e in abuta oluilofclostiane s-as made hy Coloasel Bruce. sàbling ai t thse Reporter, wicel renîttîda us ni v Mr. Vrrdout hus tcasdi'red tise nesiguma- avel katown abli e. Haulit s wc oiglît ta have1 tiots ofU ls office, rît is a sinutlur j' i n'TO THE MUNICIPAL dOItNýCIL 01 WIIITBY, IN'COUNCIL A ýr Your .,quditors for 18,51ibcg (àopresen Alex. DifflPeon, Esq., Trensuruiril il Accoilhil RECEIPTS,- 1850, May' 11, To Cashs frora Toa Clerk, dg 16, To Cash rus E. Aunes rot.Tisvei 1851, Jais. 28, To Proportion -oU Tonsisip 'rases REVENUE FR051 ROAD ALI 1850, Jîîhy 13, To Cash froîn Wm.Faneweil fo Ti Nov. 30, ' D. loôliity iSt 6 .30, ' do. do. Wq Dec .2 1,i Peter Taylor, St( -, t t (Ito. cIo. i i t t John Bradey, ReH - t t i 11. iNibierseii, f ~~ i ' Nîrvttl %Vait,' ' t Tlîos.[ludgeass,î 1851;l Jnts'y 6,' J. Fornest, 'Ti 4 W. Carr, 180, N o v. 22, To1 Dec. 14,t 17, 20, 21, 22, Ciiusla from J. culiay iii, £) & A. 13liIirs i, do0 J. ConhaîÏt, do 'J.,'Fislice, (1o 'Il.- Mttliewson, do tIL Sptenscer, (Io Il. Starr, dite) A. 4I. Farewell, do10 JunmeslDamt, FINES FROM OVERSEERS 01 18.50, Oct'r 19, l'o Cash lioni Tow'n Reeve, NOTES PAID. ISS)o, Jante 6, To Cash frora L. Wlî1itlnati, Noie Aug.17, do, ILR.All'imnat, oct. 19, dolu P. ý'obotlîa1n, DISBUIISE.NENTI ROAD GRANTS. 18-50, 3 tly 13, lly Cash pnid Wni. Fnrèwe;,' & do(1 John Forrest, '15, '(di4) 'Culel> Hare, 4 du L. Blair, 23, (Io ' David Bedford, 4 (I£ o 'Isac Iliekins, Nov. 8, dou Piuesfon Priest, 12, 'do10 Jamès Pifl, 1-, dou 'Lym ' an [lr.rvcy, 6 dotu Sireois 1Harvey. '16, do-) BeiinjiinTripp, '18, '(die Applcyn'v Cragg, 19, Ido 'Samuel 1[laya, 2<), do1 'Edwnard (huai, do6 (10 John steveuts, 22, '(do Diggery Buîrrîtws, do10 (10 do «23, 'do 'Jaies Rail], 2, doi) J. L. Rodgrs, t6'('do0'JohraGroat, Dcc. 4, do ' John Penhail, do1 ' Alppeyaw Criigg, dou 'Cplve Cnps1îbeil, 6, 'do ' tOwiq illi , 9, do1 ' W n.Wh i t e, «10, d1o ' Peter Woon, 11, (0do Beiijaniin Ljitle, 14, do Ilarris'Tylter, 16, (1do 'Thomas Iowvhad, 18,' (10 Edwvard Beckerl y, 131, 1 do '9Piobert tIunzlevouod, 128,' do ' John Forrest, 1851, Jan. 8,' do ' John Nielsolas, i d(o (Ito do 27, 'du J. T%%cedie, SCIIOOL APPROPIRIATI 1850, Dec. 11, By Cash Vaial John Carniffell, 1851, Jan. 14, do(0 'J. J. Davidson & G. Hiekenhotton 16 'dou IR.Il. Tiiorntous, SALARIES 0F TOWN 0FF .1850, Juiiy 15, Cash paid J. Draper, Town Clerl Dec. 16, do ' R.'r.Llarrison,do do 1851, Jan. 14, do ' A. iNcl>ersen, Trea 4 do 'R. Hartiden, Assesso, 27, dou R. 11. Tisornton, S. Ed SALARIES 0F TOWN cour 185 1, Jan. 14, To Pnîd E. Annes, Esq., do Wris. Alison, ENq., t tdo L. Ilatden, Esq, ' "do J. Buriis, Esq., 24, do J.Black, Esq., INCIDENTAL EXPrN., 1850, M~ay 17, To jiaid T. MWhccier flor Seul, Sejtt. 28, do Stage fare of Treastarert and troma Toront r1851, Jai. 14,i do A.CamrWron for serving Sî 6i(I o .J. A. Il. (krrie for Bo.uk i 20, 'do 1.Daiel,&C. billstindi PRINTING. à1850,4dy 3, To puaid OliliI*aît & W'h ite as I)e r t; REFUNDEli ON »1850, Dec. 14, To 1aid Win. L. Clark i17, do Norval ~nt i28,i do Win. Michiell, -1851, Jan. 16,t do XVau. liailet, t20, 'do Edinuad Biiy, d io Jaunes Sanderson, i iido Anidreq Aunes, t 'do Jose,nëeher, l POUND KEÉERRS FINES i -1851, Jan. 4, To paid Harris Tyler, ROAD ALLOWANCE MONEY 11851, Jans. 13, To paid Richard Mothersefl, t2 07,6 Cash in Treassrer's hands Ibis 1 dlex. .AcFherson, Esq., Trecisurer, in .1c r the Cowity of Yo itE C E1 P T S. i To proportion of Coaanty Taxes frora Cjiý DlSBUB.SE-M1EI By paid Cotsnty Treasuret m -erftceipt, 'Cash on hiaud titis day,ï ouais ith !lb. Township, nul inja t-a ai necemxq, ia order tu esiable tisera 'tise iiiancà oprations durinag tisejeu is t is ic ralc imelssat of lAs N1TS. ed of Ibis section, il is ouiy necesay 2td.-fle it enatte by ths le &fDr4l e 300 00 Ota remtark, [bat it mereIy ppUés wbere ltaI lise ituotatole M pas1 b>'thse '«a £16 17 9 £462 17 9 no0 Concession lina bas bea on nall1y haiue cf Publt Eintt CJW s t n , o r w b a re ,c l l the rmo n u m e n t * o n to b e v ra b t a" ntlta lite t w W ýt te have it tb say. that thseyfiud a Concession lino which hus hoan rusa, -&hait ha e fctows -Thdat is t mle InP ietied etate tise> couhd have dte- have bees. #etaLly obiiterated; baut as lissacf Wutbyuad« (o ahow a iros..andlcear stte-îsusthtie case ini Whuhy, tise provlso paseNot t4,as Beg- coie.t4 inlaquestl ion es t»t affiet tise Townshsip- £1. h'e !smenst sà&vet olcead IThse inteut cf tis a iou s aasspiyjsitic, W thse e c-,) ef ha Osawa clique as nauloilous oppotuaity ai- hunttisotitîls to abotut £6000 lias att r.d Siit. We certaiiily duoît imnitate tbe iastelieeti corns ieied [ounake restitt;on,nnd ettsreer tatpttt in nnatertotcissthi naWe, bil.t- eltîsoîttsis thie liitashave 1stitioncd fkîîagcuuar rentiers weekiy, lotur-seary colitttts, taeEscctitive on ties auîbiet, no stehîs itiledit aniltsinfinile s'aritty i notbit.g." lie Ilins beets takîts tIohitiat ijuistice lfor tiîsik e i Sigis avu- raiseti a reguîtit tempet themn. IVe are iiifornsed that the Sol. abulit tise Ibittof ohett Diviaisist." Wa tisiui Ge-ierai West, uften esamuiag lise Pa- rtpI Our dcl>' lin, toalla1y tht teniesIthat a e5' estîîtag1 lsre ncmeîe dlsujtpclaîei unit recklieui inlividusis, un anti atout a suit is chsutcry [o ecover tise Omiawa, are endiea'.oriisg ta tise ugitiaishe peo- ansotit ; bsut vohiig liaus beaus doue. phu et the Western unit Nortlietusetions ci aur Whsy luis Execialiva favovritist (oNie. Towaushipî a ile unaootit dëwm sud tati l>' erdi Junv is ?]-Exaeminer. «tle thm e., ti>'jeausies mand be.uiburiiitts8tisat abulti neverhbave been cautenrplied or alIwed îo CITY COUNCIL- ZSEAT 0F GOV- exiettad umuveriv îs tht>'are of ite locai wellarc E RN ME1ýN T. an buranOicus avekiago i te wbuiiîpeoisle. But te e-itas te taueetig oaIL tusti. -aIttougit nt On Moudtsy nigtig, affer a discussion te nnuel Township mseetinig, tra CI tise cutui- tif fosîr sotuns, the Cotnnail adopted a se- daes<acow Cbunilrs) asueil a voteni'tht peupla rit-s o' resottonusuganit lise rcnuVal on thc question oI a division' Iito %Val ds; as tece tif tihe sent of Govemnacut tihi il has seeniut few prsan at taIlate ltVur, nolhercari- hia-cu hero fur yeua. IVe cosy lise didate (acte a Couacilior) proixusedtta a public husI of lise resolutiuîs. nieeting bu esiieti express:>' fur Ila lîjeci ai smaia lTa fteUinoftéPoicso p anttiLaser L.atîadatu ta hantainetl suicessiul- ftitre ayts> eCive tite people ime lto weîg thttcly sui tluwork tarmnously lu he feelings anti malter. Nenni>' ever>'umai wto valeit for Wanla, intersis aofte peopie of tot eîlns-ilttc ae- utmulled it 'sfint vote, t>' sotiuîg for tiis meeting. gisature of the Uited Parliameal, is tu te con- Malutet! on principles ct eq.tat jutiuce toaiml Hir Th escryminu Majesyiesaubjiitu, whohter lritbbi or Freucis site fei un n lt ithemlitnater, iras, et nightt arigi-i thlie creditlof lthe Provincea lu ta continue bàava bhert ere. 1Te natter was bll>' anti abi> rut a p ronasu conditiots,anui if coateuttiiet anti ellusued'on ait ils tearings, andthie mcetiug de- Irauuîit>' are ia reman a« us, a faîblul ad- eite isrl>'ununimoutil>'aganal Ward ; anti eut hgiae strac upi eco auc aution',gfint th e of lb. two itludtreit sud aven, preseft o ai.I cca- Legislature stouiti matI aiteruaîehy et Toruote anti sien, no . 001thosu leut watt fruits Ihis Viliatie, Queise,titrng isenueta itou exteedingu r e.r stUcOshaea ws ve->'angeY ieîescîte!. T taiéctplace, lu inperativei>' requit dby tepea- AefuUr vioes te ceuaIe>' ilitnot Dlien pp e ana si oua." e troer- mmtimea it>'péains weïe presen n uit bi a;tî îcî'iltedasisiimt un int. This, se uur lam tanîtlt-PtyjitCtX15usdet tuaettstlt F'aar- ovtti îootIthave usinitgingîabtot witiamu. Wa bave to9 bîgt un ojpiuilotnof Ž.ir t~ iuit o iedsout Uts iuradci,tctelivttllever îepotétir tunuai- 1tý()1 (tlac Aldernnai stated iitlha- &h, et raol t usseci.t ttteetsg> th t ubto. viii- bue ut Moatreil ut tise lime tise BIl, l al vesls ba sttîilutaqtealun nsolitti ui tise stibjeet werepaassed - Fsawi...4 uahvtle Hotei5Iand tiscea or 'usur heas 1u s ui iîai y engu ixant o-f tft e usaI Miti uajbla 'as uued on Wadsitay wn- thut the ternus Ilulot exceeding tour ÎÏ11118 1 u1isareoi £500O.yeans," vias tndertoodby Mr. Butidiuî on .blJoepha Dearrl tas titan appointait and other sseatbers te marna litIlte <~~js~~siIflr< Paisil mars »r$ t duris g whiaha govermneat ind ,eiý Cbbt ýr f Pbde o is remuas o . ilitesQtîuoec o ro omatofoc jý e Ju Adîbi cn- n-pire of Mtr. Bcertat. fotar years.-Ib.' Lien MUSI6, Who wva ,Btlî lY itail£M00fe Tte New York Comnaittee ce tise beittgng of ____ y-u feea ird te is vicim lise Lake Cismpiuiti1bave P 'W . .ta 7 *ta ,*W aici céeremieatives >for gtaalang tise palvegodteaseu. i aseftor Cationinl . eEZIWWi e, b> (?ni e6 USs- i a J, hua cas ais ilthedutor of Pitt oon eprpoeed na ta- upou hache- ie says. Barut .hâ"thre s lors, ader th. e ad cf dodtesic luu- 'à ii WW i Boa=on ruesday evenings Why isasa ma Lcbarg'd Wttuî cmtsa ofdoatrest cf a Fuagitive likedw ii<autt aa rn TW OWtUm» baleo a Meut liihI <j; iit ab vlpo THI~TOW SHII 0F vera of[hoPoon Kepeishav nclected to mnako rattirns, whiah your Audi- THSEMBOW SHIPOF tors are of opinion, that it is desirahie and expédient shidhdoepnt1y aI the endof the year, for ini addition to [ho 'ladompiete stato it makes the Accotlnts, tlicfollowiflg -Report:* it is impossible toýay ývhcther they havea(lone their duty, nulesit is i'mporaQtive wihucTwnsi f' hIy fôrcd and cvery onc olo nkde tisoir retolrus by n seifiedt[isse. * To remnedy thisyolr Atsditors wouid rccomlwtid the adoption of priuted robns hich cotuidt ho easiyfiuied upastreqtuired. Yoir Auditors woildwish to ho nda"rstood that' £ .d. [ey do net cast any refiecti *olns or censure on the Colecetor for [he on loa-cOflîi.-. 2-19 3 1-2 tion ot his duty, but on tihe contfarV, they fnaliy believo he bas done every ting nis Licenses, 57 3 9 in his power [o coileut thse Assessmenti, bot in consequenceofoU is msot receiving. frora Colcotor, 462 17 9 the roll at tise proper timo, it wais impossible te complote tihe collection as tha. L O W A N C S. ia requi 'e0. M Il w hich is respectfu lly su b m itt d , ndh, - *J M S DRYD EN, mod, O01 6 3JOIIN IAM PERR, Jldor' ter , 1 6 0 W hitby, -2 80î ja nu y, 1851. _ _ _ _ _ 'imber, 0 15 0 to replace mouetWrhel jg ae, 015 0O We wou Id cal!.ihe attention ai oui readeu s tao e1uino iehv iapae 2n, O5O(eîioigipratcmuiain tcf nt, or as noar as possible, [o wisero the 2 0 O5O talas a good deal ci usî'I'ui and practicai informa- original monuments stood, s0 as te pre- s ion onte tiubject ut treaitsvetof:ste erafer;and for that. o0 T t L5e oielvib0Rpter upoocll monuments piaced as above. 'ibor, 1 O O Siar-The Boutsdary question is oua, directedi, asro deciared to bu permaenert, 6 5 0 7 8 9 wisich, of inte, hias beets macis agitated, aud mnst ha taken for ail tU55O te conne, KEEPFand on whieis variotas opinions prevail, by ail stirvayorài in [ha iightof original- 1 12 6in a ratio proportionlite te tise infornsa- monuments, thus înot uilowing surveyors 013129 tiols ivics the respective parties possess to differ in their surveys one from nao- o0 3 9 o o tiseurbje t. Its,hio wev r,l haieve, ther,tnd if tiese objecta an ho a taiedi 0o2 adtitted by ail, that tha setteient of throgh the medium of our Township 0o1 2 O tie o ndaries of the Tow naship, is of Cotncil, and of whieiu [hro ca n 4 , . . , 2 16 4O paraniunt im portance ; an i I aso b- dotst, thets a greater boon a n D 20 O51lieve thtsthro wo ld nt be a single conferred on tie Townships of W i[by~ 0 1 0 diss jtient to tise proposai, provided it tian fr o r Councilorst at thior earîe st 0 1 2 0 6 16 8 as c iary nderstood, tiat under th a opportutitias, carrying tiro tg litie spi.5. o î O 6 6 8 present Acts of Parliamsent, fu powaers rit ofîthese Acts. F HIGHWAYS. axist wbereby tisey mnight hbc sade par- J . 0 17 6 mnsnt to ail interests and ptîrposes in Wlsithy, 17th Fch., 1851. the law. With tisese 1rmsises, 1 pro- COL------- lUS -n rant~ ed ud tiea resetiw ve p The czaseof Giutty agaiast Ferres5, Iateiy pemlikg 0 1 15 t mraîîeuasdr tb ise pesnt îicv, and icnlathe Monireai Cou rt, bas been brotui<ttut a cloue t o m a p e r o0e m p y 1f ic en0a s d T he alla n t C olonel bas ee a favoureâ i w it t a er - O ail that the pseople require. By tisa10.1tls dict for £25. £53 i 8 -2Viet., cap. 35, sac. 26, commoniy calaed 'Tis weilithe pore fte Gaetltegot ôff do the Sureyor's ct, pased 30t àlayeasiiy ; but for tha life oI us we cno e oi £ 5 9 1 8 8 1 0 ,(h a S r e r's A[, j as i3 t is ex - the le to u c y " C olo nel d id u lf er. id l an b is g o o 'S. 840 itis eciedTisa w/ercs liSex-aime, lame and credil,"1 was I rendered odioust' pedient toprovide means for ascertaiasiîsg Il hailbis feelinza tutI," &c., we aay, we causait 6 15 0 and perunaunentiy defitiitg and nsrkiag, see bow the a saum of £25 would competsuaie 5 O the angles and bou dary limes of om- e, ereofre, ati an idea tat public uen e i- 12 0 ilips or Concessions ie Uppei. Canada; pecteil, and even coured public opinion epeting 6 O O and by the sa mne section it is enact&d, heiu acios ; ow wxe initd at rublie journalisti 6 O O t/st m onum ents s hia l be p a e tc r are treadirtv citunsate gro nl, and .-m y sufer 25 O O tain points, and t 1 iaedraI cr-shanilatur publie men bappan ta tve theiifet.l 25 oo tia nontientstha luns drwssfrouîs legs burt. laUpper Canada we expçtoe ean- O 0O0taekanumnt 0s erec[cd, stil'bo ligbaeil deniangf. Otur paies better understuud 5 0 0takenand considered to hoctIse peraa.2 'Oe,' ILibierty, aV the IPress>' so longte bot of 5OOnent boundary lines of siciî Townships -3ngisben, and we kope ibe 4w Y 710 O 0 n o c s i n re sp ctiv e y . T ie ied, am ages ual exceedi ug une faithialg .- R Ã" 5.a 15) 0 O 2 7 t is se c . o f t isa sa ne A c t aua c ts , tlia t 1 ta ille M ~ ~ 15 O Octsa oua o( e plced, shatehirctonAn AI haay paper of a ate date sayàs.x 5 1 0 2 O 6 O h a e , p l a e d o in d n s e r d i ionn d w e a r e i sf o r n i e d b y a c o r r e s p o n d e n t * 4 17 6 oL a d r otsa.o s mi s o sa f C ro" v, th at t le w ife of a M n n a m aed J ô h 'n P 9 17 6 L a dn y t s f o v i s e ti n o t s 2 r, s id i sg u e r L ittle F a i- , w a s u 5 0 0l same Act, it is declnrcd thet tisa hout,- Mady es 2d aydlvrdo 10 O O dary !ines se scertain d an d esta iti l - fvb i M n a lîdreiu tloud h tsa u bdè i e r ofa d 18 '0 0 Oed sha hl, on ail occasions, bca nd BE t_ ive t tiîay th the bm th , a re oya do- 18OOTAKEN TO BE THSE TRUE OS n.Aîs tseig weî. hth oheae i e 2 0 O 3 0 t is s e c tio n re n d rs it n t e c ssa ry A c r i n o t o . e o k S e t~ 10 O O for tie Coin . of C row n Lands 10 carry A1e r lette s tfrom h e anok*n c tà,nt 217O OOnt ttie provisions aboya recited, tntil o et rsf r R m an u eeth , 26 17 0 anf application shaii h.9vçe bda made to tisa United States residents in tirnciiy. 6t ha Governor, by tisa District Council have rasolvecl on resistauçe [o pinusX' 5 O Oof tise District, jas slticls lite ,owilship odrtocoehi caa jXitiS 2 51 0 Oi sterest d nay ha sittiat ; but y 13 w lis. 6215 0 and 14 Vi.t., chap.61, sc. 7, bei g he T isatransport ship Java Ias eeu en4- 65 15 O ame ded M un cja t .qct, passed ltis g ged to transport thét 4 tls regirmeat'. 1 00 Atig., 1850, that part of tie Surveyors frousi Cork, read, te Corful, tie 36thI 1O O Act, referrig te the District Coulcis frora Corin to Barbadoes, the 66tis f mras 5 050O akig appliationuteth ie Governor is Brbados toIQtebec, and tie 9th from. 8 0 0 rpealed, and tho power respctinghbol,,,- Qîehc, homo to Portsnmouth. 80 O O d a ne s , la t r a us f e r r e d o t ie T o ic n s hj ip W a o t r s m l s b i h e 91 0 O OCoun ils. WTise o the r ef. bl s h lfa ch e 12 10 O 264 15 0 13Y thse l2tis Viat., chsap. 81, sec. 30, ThWis a si eaosb ospos ist MONS.cnlied (ha Municipal Act, 1assed 301h aWhrou cîs ing[ali te usthe is 17 16 1 ~May, 1849, it l esacted, That te ou - awesen hoi ss sateiroat1W I dury lunes of Townsips shiah be perma.is In hRasNa aF Cuun aT.-Taebub D ,t l e ta1 8/ t d u1d i sw0 a d n o o r m d a n A s s o c i a t io n ln L n d a u f o r t e i n su a t W e s, 8 1 Oapplication shiah hocrsecessary [o enabie of character. The atured, wto wiut publie 11111- 64 16 8 1-2 l0i 2 9 1-2 such Muuicipality teo make tisa nacessa- tiotîs, are enaaiiedltu offer securiîy for gaanondc FICRS.ry application for suchistîUrpose. Utsder by paymeni of a moderale preouutum tu te eotfllSl this section, tise Act of Upper Canada, auttfo ls b eabsfalulatini rlecl ii aicn- 20 0 0 ~38 Oco. Ili, cap. 1, is raferrad to, whicis duel. This i tbyailsrnelln,, eealminCafle 'r, Io0 0 oAct 15 intittthed, Au Act [o uscrlaits and son.") r, 19 3 4 establi4hîou a permanent footing, the SONG.-Oh, murry te min yau lova, girls, if J. 20 O O 71 13 4 bosnayUe f t/he different Towon- Yoîu au gaibimut ail; ilt eilu asrkh as cisses, for.p f0 gri0t willtring ,uyd noltiorb ICILLoRS. sitipa Of t/lis Province. u s iiras Job ia bis lait. y:rcai ju nteirui But this hast raentioned Act is roîseai-1 but marryIhemayulvgrlsuti bitilseu 5 1 6ed by the l2tis Vict, chap. 35, sec. 1, ever s nta e ma. olveey p, girls,. s uge 5 12 6 s o [at n o notice as' o ho ake a of it t er he s litie or lata; 'Ill m a kie a tio l ofýhjuuie 5 12 6 h o pow ers ei g confinetil o t ita A ct an d you, e knows no lti a well but t draw l.-- fi rs nie tio ed, am e y, t e S rvey r's B t marry a mter ua girlsthre are a few aft 5 1 2 6 826 f r t î t a i n d a a y i e t ' r e o n a uh i b i ; a d y o u 'Il n ev r ru e th c de y , g ir l# Ï 5S 12 6 2 dc t of the 2th V i t, ch ap. 35, and tsat y u ve c mnarried lit ail. 1 S 2S 6 clause 26 of h a 31st sect. of h o 12h te 12 6 i t., ch ap. 81, b ong tie original ,M -B R H b ~~~~nictpal Act, gives power to the respea- Ouih mr IugaitePtH u., iewfe ~~~~.~~' th 6 6 Iorit, cortheg (oiaw tisatis, e-the Lw [ha bovnda--Ihues of.t/teWToClarhp . of u ay' Hote dhih

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