iiwrn Rvi~~~- ---- ahar çatu w%.NOP - Whndb tt *act.d by the. a torUty aoe., ~tlà t «e lnteuper wbo dos net eouforw t le djtia conpied in this By-Law, or UknowiaglY, suferrqpersn ini hic or ber. or onbhic or ber pfMifes, bcontravene or 1 o,,te fre;îniregulatid'ni chsUeQmvjIPe aDY ,ofte rgan, piit ti W lOdc ncoitsiSteiit w t sirt , hl afo;it send ü!,sLmo ntl..imTen Shillingu, oorre Ul1thà n iva Poundsý, upon conviction theueio, kkre yb Justice of the Peace for the County up- etsee-ubo one cWeible witnesstwhieh penalty. lIgether w!th thbe côsu of prosecution, uniesâ î.aid imiiediaeiy, suai be levieti anti cuiected ly dis- "-% andi sale of gonds and chaules of the party si) .f'nip y a. warral under the hanI anî4 seat of lcoaxvicting Justice andi in case sufficient dîrtes ciangt lhe fouid, itashal bc lawfut for eticb Justice to cause syci offentier or offenders tulbc committeti th lof the Count',. for any period flot ex- .Ceedintpwenty tiaoi -and ilte sadpenitity Sn Col- Jectelf, &hall b. part! over by fsurit Justice, to the Teae r ai the Towriship,for-TowiiIsbip purposes. <'-bUi. -And b. il enarted 1y ihe authoricy afote- à ad, ihat cny person Who shalh sell any articleof i~lqor no valu, ai give taoits purchasers unyin- #fjxicatinîi liquors, hall bie deemnet guilty of rieifi WbîbOýut AIlicence, au" pull convist ion iliereof, siti bc. unichedti ccoriigly. '(Ith.-Anti bc il furfher enacteti by the aubhoity aforessid, that il #hall be the duty of Iinspec.tors of lovses of Public Efitertainmen1-'ýFimlty, witîrin 1 wenty, days alter their .electiulî bri take andi aub- acribe to the nath of office, as provideti by the 12t'h eycbap. 81, section 127. Secoodly, Io visit and eupieithemonîli of Yebruarye%-ery year, ecd Taýern la the Township, ini order ta ascertain if 1 e.> bave the accommodiations requirecl by this By- -tw for the regulation of Taverne, Andti lote in a book to bc lept by -thein for that pur pose, the tics- ~'riptian m"x accomiTotationsof each Tavern tri the .'Trawnthip, âpd to make quarttly it8aic x-, amiDations d8rilig the vear, toseet hat this B-a -,COMPiied witb. Tbirtily, to nmccl tufeîfter Uri ~the lut %1ondaay lu Febrisary, atboioe ceiiral t)ace, *(Of which Meeting Public notice sha l bc civei lv Is--ýantbill) for the purpose of recpivjng açpplicaIiOcîT (rom any persus' misiLîg l obaîisa hcc tr u h a 1averti. th.-And lie il ena3cted, tihat before ciîtn iertiticate for a licetnse 10 kertîa aver, îhe b- lipecors shall enquýire mb othe ific. charantr, kans] bebiaîiour of thaîrmîb pplyiriîg ; i il J - snçls a gobier. hîsrwTt . d,11Igv;t mrin.andi.hi aj a~cmmoatisnsr.qhîr4.ttUs. rnaà riî ty ils. 1.Ir à lwctç(stl3Iert antid na~scish iy iy rai.I Io loit or lier, iacertificaie îsjrili'rir halrîi " Isii certificate shall entaidle paîtv itu take onit a l- !'Îuise ona or lwfure tlît, Tittf hdy îof tl;âîcb oi ainy ?ther limebhe C'>uriciwfi rîîy(liscl. it l exi rtnotiuii the dttte of such, crtiuîsate; and the -alis fJertiftcate C hail lie a puuîper aid ulfici iiiwarrant fur te 1 hspeeblr of PRcvetiîs in taie uc thelîpeuisor haiintscb cetîficalpa alti1.1 b-utiigpy; ment 01 the auntînit iposed l'y this lvLafoi thc regulations of 'ratcriss inithc 1Towgfihip 0o 8b1-And lbe it enactMti a tifoiî, that il sai1 bc the duy of tissîr u proseriie any persoi or i'persans for vîllilurl1s î regulsîtionsanaud euntfi- t'onle Containpd iia 1114P>t-Lav. ani for etidu.,ý ,the penalties i ilmol d ixpcn sîrh atz @hall Contia. -__ e.re h nme aiid-aleo in prorcetile Shopkeepers Lie llin g beer Ok allier- Jîqiirs conitrctryl, te i iceùoe, andiaia al Other perocns seiling or veidý Init :ny kLitiul of liuors wîhout firttlsaving ohý 'temutioia lcnelr udisand such- Inspecti iil)ilefisuit the hsrrss 1,5dutà cs imposetui p ti hem ià y this ,as-a. ,sil sbie 1tolite Muni as.rle iri lto-ti l'y lhif;Bye-Law. IùJet Peissîarth.ienis le fioti1-sions therenf. (SîgîeL) PJA f;4PERRY. Paseeti F4. I luit. IKil' B. T. IIAIH<ISON. <'lerk. S 44-4it M1UN IC(IP>AL C:OUNCIL. le ,n FrSale TEtteas liaif af Lot No. 9, in the 61h Con4.mssion, Tow 1**p of Scott, Cantsining ONIE'HUNqDRED ACRFESFour of which i cieped anti under, 'fence-a living cream ruas 114O<gh the Lot. The situabion is one of th* beât ol -liat Township, being Withiln two anti-a hâtif mitesF orUxbritigtiMills. Foi furu'her partictilats, application anm homatie îo >mers. ie Born* or lo*enGraham, ,Whit- by, o tobthe ob.criber, GLI DAI and Pickering, Febl-1O, 1851., 44-4t. MunipalCo-unciL. rHE WIINICIPAL-COUNCILo f the TOWNSHIP of IV{TBY .xill in"4tat the LOBE IiOTÉ lL. -BgIiNoo. de .the SFCO% 1) MON- y in FEBRUAILY, ai IN 'cokFrnon wrin 1 ie ()versecî's of Hfighmays, Pounti-Keepers, id Fence Viewe-ru wili ho appointe4, anidother Btooklin, Jan. 22, 1851 *Clerk. 41 TWENTY THOIISAND DOLLAnsù- SELLIXU OFFéIT COST!! mil abc niE rpié1tor of tle CHINA TEA p hI1(Jeter TO>RE~. WiiTB1 Y h(Elavî ite- sicd Ia close bis buifinesslin the Sprihmg,offeérâ the ýove arîîuuttuf Gaudi at 1-.CO-ST PRICE. Ili$ Sto"Ick tà ill tery well assorteti, £omprising airrost every thing requiret by Farrucus andsti îers, tberefs>re, i(f ys>i want tie besb articles twetitl.fitt per cent che-apes than can he eot iii any otier es- îablislîrîsci ini tbe Tuwn, cal i aI lle Saiti Stoi e. anti the Suberiber wil waiî ant Sà tisfactia)n ai alliaa Sali. 3y calling tliere, you cà r, finit ReRcsudy-M.Nati Ciotliiig. Flannels, Fur Caps, Muffs & osSli iletts, Tieking, Guey &-Rloachesl Cotton, >Mipeti Sinbig. O t,.as. Sads.ia .iured & Plzîi iLstes, Cabîtrs, eleta llubosFlowers, Cahic<ses, C ltis antiCas-imeres, ýMolet-kin, Lineri, White elankeits, Sole Leather, Milt Saws, Oil, Glass, Crockery,. Sheiff lltrtware, Nuits, iîîges, Clorks, (;tit. Brass & Paient P'ale, & r.W . , ail of' wiici lho pledges tiînielf lu se!l as abatte uiateti. Ie bazs omc înoré of that TlïA, toge at 2s..6d. i. - Whuîli.w if npevt M lits Globe Hotel. Brôokliru, an ai- l-i.ý 'lîmsdlsay lri Maishli'ext, 1851, for the pt'ri..ýe nt'teutrieiyli r aîy dfcl ianti alteritig > e .Im ,îrdiisn$4odsel nshore it shaff lie rrîls' bu #)ýapp'ir. lb-elthe came shahlibe requiretI aumdi ha nai iis-#rf5liirinir alleniiions. shal gjt-e aleaist iays ni ol1 l at effeci, ta lieparties R.T, HARRISON, Ckerlc. -Extratet' frnm Itle Minaît" orafthe.Municipal CloisiciI -of tlieTownshîp of Wbitby. Mo lveti hy .Johni B:ack, cecantieciby Dr. Alli- - - * rhat Ihèm Towiiqhip Clerk he instircteti, anti le. is hereby muquiseýl ta keep bis oilice open fromtsfax cl .-i A. six P. M.,' on each Srburday adfl * 'veny.%eek, foirthie accerum(tiation of lthe public duhirinir tbe prrsent tsar,,axid îhm the anme b ldpu. h~eti n *Ibe W7tfrt RepMrer anti Oshawa Rejur- REPORT O(-iF 'l SAN fCM IT -~TEE ON ;IOADS AND) BRIDGE§. lO the Municipal Countil of tise Townthip cf wbiîliy. ~The Standini,,C'onmtteeon RoatisantiBridges %Ier leste bu tepori. - Itat haviug taken mbt consitiérabion the rubilject 'ýan aPpprisioftcf a um ol rtoney houi lte Towiisbip Revenue acdtheu appantionament of tise - aune trougbotmt the Townshiîp. <e wonà ild reçcgtmend tuatihe c um of £300. In gracte4 fon. roati impnovemaeutc, anti that'grs'at .!Ovana,e-would accrue ta ithe Towuiship b>' Ioldi- ing ouI certain imduements tb partkiuar ltalites in thec$ha pecf gmnns-of inone>' wler e ipartlis iuiersted in these improvemnents, siail eitier by 1Vaeney or laiton subscribel,' coirihule a uai wbich challin a grrat -measune, troun tbe amount, ,w»flueuJ.e the Cou.msit in acià îling lihlocelities; W ith a grant propotianate le the s4snn jsicrlbed.' Tii.> would also recommensl tbaI iuel deter- miatio l a alie>-,publimbeti, and iia.tay luppoiteti -fnr parties ta, briig sip îhein $ubsbriptîon liste, anti a bihl passedaccortiingly. la additoîo £3O0.we wvoold ate. eecommemid tuat five equal premniums, a-(.i£2 eacb, he granteti for thse best wcrk tione li -the mmd dfivisons-, whlch Prcmium shail b. paid i~od sciapers. ""All>ai whlcb is respecfolly simitted. - (Signed> W. ALLISON. Mosei b Jh Bne U.p ,eoddb'Dy.: Mlicoa, conate n roide and hat tite Cossucil meet oni a>' 0t Apnil, at the Globe - O'clock A. M, to appor.1 ýmd money, and -aloo n timber, tone, and graveli id atlowancec nat re9quired bat the. repart andt tin res- - (Cll and b.- convinced. RE.-IERRY. 4Vhidy, 21 ft janil 1S51. 41-tf. STAWVLING ..VW)O UXCEMýIEXT! T 1E Sîl cnieraltliotughisrlt exctly prepareti (0 pave tihe Streels of Whithy tVith Califariia Goli, le yct teterîninedtIotestîppiy bis custormers with Gooat i sucb Law Bates. that tiey niay hoe enabtedti bdosao if tley, wisb, thratuirh uhe great aaving effecteti ly bis&iesans; anti lie woiflsl assure hic numerous irienuts, that contrry Ia the ustual mode practiceul hy ne* corners, tic ali.ity-fbsGod iirther improve ihaui other- --ise, ut hî i îutaualy Low Prices; andI as he is well awa-re uhat self-iïîlerect la the most powerful M'eapOui 1 f Can wield, he wil mnake it the interest of ait Io pîmchace, froun him; by suppiyinç thein with beîter qualibies cf Goods, mund at Lower rates tisin any allier Estabilimeuit West of Mont neal. 1lis ceichrabti Moqù,,YoUNo- Hysomcanti atier TFAS, will lie f6utait to-maintain their bighi celeb- niîy for cbeapness, richuiess, strength ant i fne'a- var. HFus large anmi germerai assortment of Coffees, Sucars, Tobaccos, Fruits, $Pirets, Glasâware, liard- ware, Wioes, Liquore, &c. &c. kt,,, will ucalise thse ruost sanguine exp5cbais>ru of purcliasers. T<*vorukeepers andtiheb Trade, suppiieti as Low as they can purcheulin Canada. - iH. B. O!CONNOR,ý ýWihy Vijiaie, Jan. 24, 1851. 41-tf. NDEW YORE -Prot'ection Fire 8; Marine sirance Company. y--- T lIE Sleslncontinues 1<, isste -Palîcies ors Buildintre, M ereliandize, &c., 'Fiaur anti Grain in -Wanehosases and bbMis, anti Vcgdels in Port, ai fair rates'of premium. JOHN STRYKER, Esq., T.JONES, JuNit., Esq, Secretar'j. loubte. Waâhuimton Hlunt,- Governor of New, York Statut; Hon. Honatia C. Seymour; Erastus CO'mi;, Esq., Presiden! City Bank, Albany. Agentlot Torotot., Orricz :-Yon.;e-Sbreet, Southi of King-Street. -Toronto, Januar> 15, 1851. 41ti TEdS!I- TEAS!!o - HlENRIY I Cormer o] Duwn a a (Ye&t ta . Gerrie's Druq ,a choice aeartment of Groc ries at Toronto prices. Ais Btove pipi Wliitby Village Jan.11I, , TLdSI!! - ip. on hmnd OF C LOTHI1NG & DRY GOODS. CUBA?= TUAS EVERs. WALKER & HUTCHINSON, #WHOLESALE &RTAt 4'/ LVMiiA'êJÂe>V ' &0.TVS O0F1TE MPERAX4CE. T'i uderigned woud fe1bU d sent, concorning the establishment of a Paper, to advocate the principle. of the Order at Toronto, to b, callel theii CÀNADIAN 9&>WOF TEM- PERANCE & LITERARY GEM,!' sending any liats of nam~e obtaied, directed to hlm, as son aà Divisions at adistance, that cannot b. Vrsonally "sisited now, wvoutd confer a favor, by a patronlag e to softhe extenti of luis Periodical, which 'c design- ect to be madie, as miach as posible.=m oran ao the (msi ii Western Canada. -Immedià t. actîori 'c ttesired, as it 'Io îeîîtied to issue a number withîù Ibis month. Every Division, or ilsmembers,would finil totheir atvantage b patronize thiga Magaziýne, as its price (58, per copy per year) is manil, andi the paper wil le bobli a Literary paper, andti rs 0F TEmIptRANcE !IAOAzixI. CH-ARLES DUIIAND, One of the. Pabliciiers. Toronto, Feh. 3,1851. 44. and General Dry Good& Merchants, mior, rFut EGoLvtU4 LIoN, 26, KIIqG STiL.ET EAst, Toaoîî?o, flEG to infarm the readers of the Whitbg Reporter, Wn public generally, that LDthe>' laa7c completed their Fait importations oi Staple and- Fancy Dry Cicods,which baving been zelecred (rom taq hest Stocks in Foreign Markeu, and purcbased for C-AhH, it Viii6e f iUnýd, upon ex- aminalion, unsurpased M' Ibis City, for quality, style and cheapn*Si. AuI Ispection i igv!ted- RE.,.D THffE FOLLOWING Bleck Orleans .Ciotb fromn Colauret I.~ 6 6 -Black Coboug Coloureti"I l -2yd wie Miielin DeLaines Prints lyd. wide Hoyýle's"44 di 1 yti Gmçhams (Heavy)" I)ark Sable Boas 6 Grey Siuirrel" Stone Martin 1 .NMink " 4 0 8 Pr. yd. () 9 â 2 6 15 0 4)9 White ,Cotlon$s hom Grey là 1 yd* . à & Americati MSkeeifig 2yd Stiipet i bîig BedTick Brown Hbllansi Gala Plaids . Dark .Sabie MuflS, Greyq.Squirrel " Stone-Martin " Mink dé o 3 Pryd. 0> 4 14 o - 0 71-2-- 0 7 1-2", 40 0 '7 6 Tagetiier wibh an excellent Stock of Fashionable DRE.SS GOODS, Silkâ, Glottes, . ossery, &C., at ./fso 1,00Wool Damask Jioreens, lroati Cassici Dôtsk P'ilot C Beavei Ve«.in Slk, ('arpets, Druggits, &c. &c. of e/e gant Patterns- hli îhrir woolleiî Bepartinent arc Claîlif rontà jWiîney Coî.Qhs tram 6 liere (Plat & Faticy) Id 3 61j Linnà kin '66dé tus î é .6 ":: 3 61 IoMlsain I6di 7 Li à 4.6 2 .1 Americà n Satifletts 6'2 leols 6 6 4 61I Caniadian 6 0r di66 " 6 6 9 4 Coîs," 3 kin 61 31 C«ttu Im îli woollei, jPlaid, Swanstiôwns, Worsxd,~ jHair Pluches. 'f/ey utould cail particular attention to thdfr assortment of CLIOTHING,*> (i fi il O Th e whoie of whus'h teilng Madie Up îanser thcir own inspection, by lie lies of workme, are not equalleti in Cs-'dta, fbr style af' cutting, quality of tiorkmanishîp ant i xiterial, antideirasuitabte- Iîess to tie wants of Ihe people. Parties about Io purchase Goodin tuis lne mnay Il pay ioo tiear for tilîir whiste"- if they buy lîdore baaokirig over IV. & H's Stock, anong wbich wîll ho found t- (;,îey Over Coals Flusiiîng 6 Pilot , . Fine Lionikiia from 17 d' 18 44i25 44 30 frs>m 3M Fine sbostîng Coats -é FancyDae Panlu il $i ~ack"6 * $etnet 66 a Biacéq.Satin Vests, Fancv 6 Wnhitey .#- -iiit- 11-'* .' Fine Ta-gr,66 2 - Toiiiaett" 66 Focks£6 "30 0 Black Pluâh ' Boys, Cluthigiigeut variety. Paris VeIv'et-nap Rats, Fur & Cloth (irnaents made to measure. and udrranted to fit.' "25 " 12 613 9 " 8 9 46 5 9 4' 4 6 trYFarmers and ti s reskiing li the counbry, andi net arqîtented with tricks practised on'stran- gers. by tranyaui iers, woulti do well t C-alil aI b tahi -unt, as îliey havebuonstagafç wand mode ojdoing hnsiess. Aaîong theinrotues are ibe olktocuig; NO SECOND- "I CE. - Ail Germenîs nt suiting, ercanged. Alil Garments warrantcti not 10 shni-ak or Ispot; with rein. Ail piece Gotis, cut iiithe usuailldn igba c angesi. Tarante. Nonvenaber 1, 1850-.32-y COMNE AND SEE THE F R EE T RA.D e b ý0U S.E! .}I'o. 2. t. LawrenCe Bldlings, Toronf o ONE ao f thefirst priticipleofaIl Donestic conom y" ista buy, in the Cheipest Markpt, andtist universaiHy prectiseti hy ail 14 coumwial Housekeeps;" muid the Free Trade of the present tiayr hy promo1iiiý %wbolcsome compeutian, gives Io the public the greatest amnosintIof Il Protecliois" tiese rtnigli Ecanomist can tiesjine; bûtithebselerîlour of a Il HOUSEHOLI) MA6ReT," 't shoulti ho borne lin mimai htiI QUÂLl'1Y is the truc test of CJIEAPNESS.1" Hauviiig purchaseti principal1 y for CAsH, f nom thec Masiufactureii ira BRÎTAIN andtbe Lfl'ITED IÎTAfES, anti intent on SELLI NG ai the LOWEST R EM1UNERATING PROFIT, for CASH ONLY, R OBII R T SAR6GANT d4 ,C O., Offer te the Public cf Toranto, aad *0 strrouliding country an EXTENSiVE AIND WELL-ASSORTEDSTOCK 0F Ail ot wbich will lie faunti fully equal in qualily t1> the first-Louidon anti New York EstabbhMenb.s, anid at a considerably lower price 111v) an>' Houe in this Lýocatiiy. Tii. presnt system o f 'é Piafln< elias, Lyiuig"la-liste repudiateti; andi R. S. & Co. (in lceeing te the oltieda-e, - Honest i ~the best Policy',) bave elieny confidence la givig unjiversal siatià faction te those wbo May. faveur iheu witli theirPatronag es heneby giving greater Pb hiciiy tta1Ibeir capt- -biliis for pramorîaig- the beet intenofils (the Pockag> ai the People. Titeir Stock comprises au EXTENSIVE AKD CAREFULLYBELECTED ASORTMENT OF STAPLEý AND FANCY IDRY GOODS, Ladi£e Cloaks, Bonnei RE A-D Y DA In every ivariety of Ccats, Troutrrs, Togetber 'titit a large lot ]Boots aiid Shloos o THEIR STOCK, Tse>' cati witb coafideuicé reco1imeuid, as IN Articloi, snd are of tise pureat Qualitiet a MuifsBoas, &c., 4-c. ,nd Vesti, of silperior eut and malta. rLadie-s' andGentlemeî'a's Si~s. B: Clot ime"es Vetins.and a .geaeral asô best Britisk Jrarket8,fcý, Câsh, whtec of Iher at priceS match Icer thali ta. the Canftdia& FPublic; Mantfaetured ini this Ciy, ram Gou a ;mj or te selves, arul Canadian Clollis, from in b . -toi Me' diai tsyeadcepis Do Do Do Redi do Fur Ci Glengs Men'a Men's f~6~ EifOver Coats, from --.25» 'Od Idn' dsnltcA o ie" i Bratcib a 66 --id do Catnada Plaid 6 aunel shIrts, Î,- 4 5 IWilîitîhirts, Linont fronts, . Ips 6-- 9 C.lati caps, 6 arv Bonnets, 6 >O By'Vu,6 Vests, *. - -4 f5 so COjtS MEN$ p4RIS & HNJf2S, BLAsCC. Z<D DRIB. of those Goods,required Liy THE PE 30,000yards stood Bonnet Ribbons 5 3,000 lards G ala Plaids Prints, fait colouri, 6 Ladies' Cloaks, (newest styles)- Velvet Bonnets, 8 9 39 Wbite Co.Lton, Stripeti Sbiiling. Flanneis, red andi white, Blankets, Per pair, Lineins of alil kias. tram Siaat, ChQ-cked, Striped and Plain, Alpacas, Caburgs,,and OUi rndîmneres, and other Fas-hionable.Goads li.r LadiesI Gluve.s, -1oscry, inges, Artif.icial Flowers, I us nCla] slhawls, 11aidkgrchiefs, , MufIs and ]Boas. UIRGEsS & LEISIIM Corner of King and Clurch Stretti, joiriing lite Court House. 'I'urcsib, SOptemiier. 1850. OHRISTIIAS AND NEWI YEAR 18 m -P, fS -4. have -erix Twià h b inform the cîbîzens of Port Whitby and B o/ i- T. .. îhe ShO Isurrounidingvicinity, that, as il is near Christ- II ~btY . OccupiE mas- and New, Year, I wilt conslantly have an Go hand, a large assorbment ofCakes, as Çllovvs: le Bueli 1-- r. Schoi FancyPouni Caes, EbcnezMr.Bicuit, Matasses Pouti Cakes, JubeRock Cakes,ï Tea Uà kes, Wiiie Bisculit, i comaonCrackers, * ,Saft Brmati, - Brantiy Sliils, .Ginger Snaps, :pneckes, Boston Crack ers, liard Brei. Wedtiug Cakes ' andi BaIl Cakes matie to artier] oui reasonable tertne, ant on the saborlest notice. Aise, a varitty of Candies ýo.' very description, Wholese andRet". Àlso, a large stock ai Gro- cerà ià s0.1%. L Port Wiîby Dec. loth. 1850, 36-1 f DIVISIOY OF' T le fott iat h ou , towarsi tbc Bay, in ail buslîtess h isiacion te the p sciber, tot No. 27, 8h Con.- Wbitby, aboutrydfo henoie f leS'b the irst of au ne last.TWO COL TS,oo a1yvar- oppc jing, hanse colt af al size, anti of a hrighi Bayi salici colo«. Thie other a Mare,tîwo yea rs olsF1iast. SHA sprîng, of a lark brumwn ctoith.a wliitespotted ruimp, andt hin mule and taau. The abatte reward wil l e paid Ioluauy onegiv- J. iuig information taIo he siîbsrilser, thait wiii leati Gent te the reçcoven>' of the said coltsc.-v R. IM ,BUTLËR- DIONTREÂL B!"OT & SHOE STORE ucw &Ii ~IIm....m i Tuejtibmseilb Kip, Caîf aikir. Rbena Si tion., Aslies Leather. & tvol Spared ir. sest wvays ont bauis. ete atbteitiol. 9:r As -the in 1 i 1 , l Clo hirs, Outfitter$ SION Or Tlit GOLDrrN LioN, 26, KINGu STREIZT EAST, TRONTO 1 1 -1 1 ' 1 R.- T-. HARRISON, Clerk. 7mi.