Whitby Reporter, 15 Feb 1851, p. 1

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ITBT IEPORTER Re,i WitbyVilg. !Tenaffli i#gperzinwm# montiAs; Twvelve*&)a"ig geI Me.close f tA.é yer. ri addresqed to thia Offioeý Dw»OIUe aubwed toPer J. -S. SPROWLE, TUE .WHTýB y " ar. mn, ai tlmknotig humaUnJlt Bils of Lading, tg ia ê~. . ,;I. oWaiHmuk"*wiat NO. 44. WIII.TBY,. CANADA WEST'. SA'rURDAY, ÉFEB RUARY 15, '1851. (PFromte Flg of mS Ur"u.) ,~, 1151 Tu ITY o! p NOTIO&. IV UNCLE TOIT. Neiseiîai Flufkins vas one of tisose untorunata specimena et tise genus hom~o, tisaI seau hy sume accident 10 havebêrey escaped .shootiug up ont of tise ground un tise tormof a cabisage, and te bave been boru vit l ahetia'out- yard sauthiuce of liîimutuily. Spite of lis awful gneenuess, Fltfkins was au observant oisap, anxious tol okabout tisa vorld, sud, te use bis ovu verds, ha ' smetepumpiins.' He came te Roq- tes oae day te secetis elephist, sud in- uoceLntly suffered ail maîsuer eftrIicks t'a biîlayed upion hua, sud as Paying lvau' ty-five cents tu go huide tise Coni- mou, a charge msde by a cunuing boy, wiso discpvered that Flufitins butai 'jual coe dovu.' Auother of tie'4 b'iys,' vise iad teceived hl u e from .tise lad vise ciargei tise eutrance tee te tise public Coinmou, stopped Nehemiai s u lie came ont simd p.msed dovit Trernist street, andl politely tspping hlm on tle ani, said: «'Fitty cents fine, sir,' at tiesamie uiéholding ot bis ibandl for lime mey. .Fifty cents!1 Cresiion, visaItfurF 'Tise mayor's bouse, sir.' 'Wot cf tisat I' asked Flufisins, lok- ing aItishe bouse designateil by lime otiser. ' Yen passed it.jnst nov, titkotst tu- king off yotts'at I' «'bow yer îuhk. S'posi' I did Il 'Wishy, thats fity cents fine lu Bos- ton' 'No!' 'Cerlaiuly ; and unless yon pay 11, 1 shial i obligail tu take you te tise po- lice cice.' IWris-e-w! ell, isere's a hait. Lal'à see viicis bouse il s,' raid Nese-, nIish, takingcff is aLt 1'«Tbal's it, sir, tise uexl lui one visere ve stand.' Wall, I wonl gt catuglit agin any- liov,' sid thisnnuocet Flufiins, as lue waukeil lacis sud forth befoetise bouse of a green grocor, simd fixed tle spot in his nind ! Scarcely had Nehermiaus Fluniins ltuneil anothet corner, hitore ie vus stopped isy a tiird Itarson, wlso sad got lise iint freuithtie otiser tvo opersturs. IlWisat's tise malter noteIl asked Ne- hemniais; 'haven't pessed anot/ler may- o's bouse, lave1 Il' ' No, lut you furgot yoa.r lauding tee.' «Landin' fco w bats tuatIlt' IlWhy, isesul money.' l ,Head monsy ! Do yer have tîs puy ý for keepin' yer head on "asisei Noise-i rajah, iuuocently.11 IlNo-you dont îndestsnd my tiend. I perceive that you must bc s strangeri tu tise city.' 'Wall,I1gness 1 m.,' Yo me eo l aw ls, tisaI any permine errivlug lu townr for tise fint lime, shwil pay-uevénty-five cents isesi money.' 'Du tellIl ' 'Ycs. What route did you ýome by 12 & Fîlciburg r4lrpad.' .',Tisalmilt'exciaimed lis preu ter, as tisu ea;shoiad made a diseovery. a 'Wsalî tîIl asksd Nehenis. 'Why, yen aree Ime teihow lise police 'Aller me, visaI tut?'l ,For sippiug avsy vathotit psying yu«V 5usdmouoy.' .* Wall, lonk a' haro, nabot, it's jellyd .ue*hVe btieampm r eme u 1thre' ie.s utstte, vilitisKIfis il?' 'Y.athstseIhîglu-you are i novte ooMaout-htiselav,1 uaMdthe i otiser, valkin gavay5vitis a supprciSed ,tànokle.-t 'Thauk y.,' taid Fîufkius; oily si ttbiik of the tmarlioe seler me ! Weil -f1tiatb wuane thiug alose anetiser for vwiM liNaisatiahi is a* akueus, il wuasmokng. At home. hié ipe1 wu in bis uolm" haiftlise lime, samd .ssgsa.igaruinsa vindow,ish otl "1<Se 1â __1e eusoo I.., -sA t mlelm air et decis ion that staggered Neise- minis. 'Wlat futr1' slammered Filufkins. 'Smoking un tise sîreel.' 'la Usera a fine for tisaI Iew 1' 'Yen, sr' 'boy -racis " Pive dollars.' 'Creation! Flan dollars. '1 hsveni gel but six lef.' 'Cau't iseîp il, you muet go vitis me.' s Lookc aisere--hold on!' raid Neise- miais; I do't vaut 10 go neovisar.' IlBut you must,' suid tise officer, at tise sanie tume lookiug about tisein sly- ly, sud seeiug no one very neat, ise ad- ded : If vounobouse to pay me, mî'ly il wili save your being locked up.' IlLocedup! Cre-stion ! Hers, iiere's five dollars,' raid Nebemiaus, iandiug tise officer tise muuey, vise pockeîed thechange, sud walked away-leav- ing Mr. Flufkiua satanding aluns, sud -aeemiughy sfraid te move backwvsnds or fervards, for feue ise sisould lueur an- other fine. And Ibis vutrs tise case; Flathins vas afraid lu nueve Iest besonld break some otîmer unkiovuý law of lise city. Hoe Ibouflit -tise malter over as well as he coîtîdiàiis ooused state of mind, aud rensemlering tisaI ise ad just une dollar lefI, euougis ho carry iin home lu tise cars, ise looked aIl about hira for a moment, le ses tIsai no one vas ly lu stop hii, andsiltien- scratclted grave' like a new one, bock tovards tise depoi As le approaciseiltise gtocer's bouse, tisat lad hicu pointed ont to hlm as tise mayur's, ho pulhed off bis isat sud ouly tait tisetester, untilheho as ouI of sigisl of il. At thse iead of Hunvor istreet, ho vas parlially stopped by sai ne n vio visise-i lu usk tise way te sonne oliser part ufthte ciîy, hiing, like bimself, n strauger-luat Neisemiais had eNes sud ears for oniy one thing, sud rmisunder- standing the questionliahosi out: 4'Cau't belp il, if 'tus a fiue tlu mn I isaven't got no money.' sud ho dasis- cd ou like rnad towards tise eailroad station. Nebemiais didn't let ou mueis about bis visilte Boston, lut îerely suid hoe didn'i slay, long. it vas so pesky expen- fr .! Fjm eat PhMadclphiaLedge. SCENE WITH A MUMMY. Yesterday tise Egyptian Mummy vas opened tu the prying eyes of tise curions, wvho desired ti' ses lise mortah, remalus uf t imanilywviich existeiltwothoutssnd years lefore lte Cististian cru. Previous o tIse ceremony, ihere vas gsîisered rouind s collection ut bald-pated and speclioleil gentlemen, wbuse tisougiss seesned to bave 11111e lu do vitisIhihuga moea f rous their air uofrnystary tbey appetared ho bo lost ius lIe gloinou ages. 'rîese sîscieusl gentlemen vere inslxecting tise characters on tise case of tise dried specimen ot antiquity, vison suddeuly lhey vers startled isy s voie fronu sud thme fo!ds ufthtie ineis wiie vrapped tise mutmiy- 'Ops liste box! opeu thsebox!1' ss;d Lis voce. 'Who are vonT' inunred enaetftise [outueil Tiebaus, visosecnriosily isad got tise belter et has astonisisment. 1 am a descendant of tise Pharsosa,' ausweted lise voice witisin. ' Are yen a genine mutnity 1 - 'Yesi gautuine sud nu misake, regu- .urly msutctuted la Egypt ly smre ol' l sat artists.' «'oy on rmHmHanu-n, 1 arn a lelter speoimen et lried bect.' 'Whal do yen vaut liste?' -Ask youtsclf, youur coufoundel pey- ng Yankee luqulaitivenesa ha vked ne up ttom tise suniler ot ages.' A thouglil strnok tIs ciantrlle ques- lîouer, auJ lie datemmîued te settle s nooted question. 8 Wete- tisa Egypîlaus lsck or tel 4'Redi as lise kimave eh heurts.' 4'Wiat cans"ltise deohine oethlie Egypttlsn nation t, ,Il didu'l decliue; lise lise modern Celte tise Egypllssmigrabsd te Âme- 'Ta Mexxhee1' i 0qured tbe docloe. 'gva; a e ebox, oeaatise iauV Tisahen pyramid at Cholulu ta-I Ezaotiy ; àin othing eIse.' Anud Ye.urn BoNs> vise?' said the astouiised "BOI »UW sud a luttle Umm, vil &patls Iesajisethair glided mi aoftla EWItand mmea in the Lwet uS a( the 1 ip .The dotéraj looked at eacis otier, sud tise word 4 sold'1 vus audibly iseard roming fruni tise box, as if tise dried descendant of Mixtaini vus langhing lu ils sieeve at lise credulity ut science, wiieh culd not tell a living ventriloquist froni lie dried remains of burul rags sud a mon- key's skelçtoh. boy Ibis voies was made 10 pi 'oeeed froni a wooden case tvilh he exMained Ibis. afternoon sud evening at !lÀzsLecture boom. Tir, StiLoit ÀsmglUîoTURIST.-A saii- or wbo hail become Uisgnsted wiîhb his- profession, took Frffencis leave aI Now Orleas, sud sîsrted to valk 1'aeroSss lie counry' 10 New Yurk! 1-e spenl bis last shilling on tise road,and somevisera, i Olbjo iired iiself 10 a fariner, vbo sent hlm out on thme fllowiug morning lu plougîs a piece 'ut griaad. lunlihe course of an hong Jack msade b l a ppear- suce at tise house, very rancît fluslied lu lise face, as if ptonghiumg tise earth vas rratisen more tedious a business tisais pluwngtise doutait uf Father Neptune, 4'Wei, Jack,' inquireil thse olil squfat- ter, 'wisat'slise matter i boydid yen get along 11 1'Sie'st wreeked, sir,' vas tise ell. 'Wrcked !' echoed bis employer; wviy, Jack, whal du youi meanu " 'Why, sir,' said Jack, lringiug bis. thandîcisocaroty polI, 'tise crnftwas'nt veibleîd, sirasd vouldn't ohiy tise tiler; sud Ibou tit I helil ber bard a-port, sIte lnrcl'd off a-les, sud cuit on tise breakers. Yot'il flîm i er out yon- der, sir, due nor'easl ou ber hesm-ends, wis ie5r cut-waler isard in a stutup,iise îarbo'd bull on tise stardod side, sud tise starbo'd bull on thae iarbod side, sud tise old mars lu tise riggimg.' Ho vas discbargod forthwitb. Fusas or LAw-Tbe follovingis ai apecimen of tIse way a.very plin affair is irelaied ln courts ut law. Tom stnikes Dick over tise sisoulden vitis a cane as big asyour littIe fiiîcer; anmd n Iawyer, in bis indiciment wvil liîtheîus ?ory us follows: IlAnmd Ibat wviereas tise said Tisomas ai tise said place, on tise year anmd dayq aforesaid, in and upon tise body ufthtie said. Richard,gaiist lte peseOs urn SovereignU Ldy tise Quseat, ler crownu sud dignily. did mute a mont vioenti assauît$iand inflicled s greal mauy sudi divers bluws, kicks, cuffa, thumps,1 lumps, contusions, gasises, burts, wonnds, daffages, sud injuries, un sud uipon tise besd, neok, breasî, alomacis, his kuces, siins, sud beels, of salil1 Richard, witis divers sticks, canes, poles, clubs, iogs utfvood, Stones, duggers, dirks, swords, pistols, cotdasses, llud-î geons, bunuderbusses, simd boarding ' pikes,tison and there setd iu tihe baudsi fisîs, lsws, clulohes of bi, tise said( Trisouns."-.Niegre.Mil.1 THE VOOD-siUaD.-~ 'Aly dean Ame- lia," said s dandy, fsîîîng on bis koces before bis adrae I' I have long wisis- ed for liis opj:ortunily, lut hardiy date spesk nov, for feur yoîî vil! rejeci me; but I love youi;Ssy. le minetI Yon ivonld be every-'Wng desirsble . rry- tiig iy heurt coulil vis-your iniles c vwonld sedi-" Herth ie falilçw came1 tu J& panse, "YoUr 1stuihes ueoaid sked!"9 sud again came te &a stp, 1ýR ie conl uol think of a word ummuiie bIe l ap- plied. "4Neyer mid thissod sled!» exclaimed Amnelia's yotuger bruller; vhise ia lipped imb lise roui iuper-t ceivel,I tishis moment, «,but go ont witis yonr ceurtîut." TiseGeanatevu, P., Telagtaph aya tisere lias beau jut brougist to ligist thse app1.icationi of pee, vhicis i tu stipar' s-eletarelY lise preteaut of tMg sooid1 Tise dicovaty lia beau made by au Esatern iman, vise liascernpteted h modeh-one of visicis vil! le de-t psidaI Washington, as woon as va- ten t s sihh h seeured la tise dit- tarenkt Europeai countnies. Tise ma- chiuery la eatirely perfected,the paver9 la a motiveonee, tise team avlng Dne part lu oreatiimg il. So simple sud ece- nomical are ise piroiplessand apphlea- lion, tisaItva otons eof MSin b e ufil~- cieut to drive tise largeat siip ofthtie lino eouud tise wveeLl VNOL. IL 1owerftil. anid our citizens ill be com- ftvor of alternuating Parliaments , i wa thIole wsud s ae in heso-frbè lielled to.cusent tliait ihiis lovely ternale resolved (by whoin 1) as the least objec- *t tehpe 'o hae nsnstins- shall ho bornseway.---She is valued ai tionoble mode of carryiîîg ont the de- aet Witdte Gurnd ey te iiuonv0- £750.'_____ sired objeet thatthesetof Goveffllfefl nt elyadhay dîiuiex- PRO INCAL shul befied ortwo yearis only ai pense 1t We lprote;tuüg9inst the dodg PROIN IAt he lace eorih tm girst be that this is a Toronto question. if we Prom the ,lVr9,4 .j2mrican. moved.' Why the lèst objectionable hadt space we salight,,easily occupy a Co- mode'?1 The address of the House of liuin in showing tessons against the SEAT 0OF GOVERNMENT. Assembly récornmended altern Jte re- removal from Upper Canada linlime pré- Ws have hithérto said but little'on movals, the Goveinment!gtnaiflifg 'for sent ,poition of parties sud state of thé this s ubjeet, because we could harclly a periîod not eedig ur y ars' s otradinge'eentlof aiet'ordof persuade ouirselves that the Miisitry, each capial, and gave as oneofte - aninswehr of th rbie oo 'výth the Retiolttions of the House of sors for sucb alteration the kno,&'Iedge ilm Bouse of. Amnblir. The snltjet& Assembly, on which, they professed to which, the'numbers from each i'ro*jnce i.oeta ilba icsin8dv act in remnoving fromi Montreal, 3taring would acquire of the wants ancl peaon-'sha1 not overlook it. The City Cou.-- them in.the face, wotîld venture to ler- liarities of the other. }low cau the cil bas moved la the Mattex snd stated petrate-au acet of suièhglaàing injustice Miiatrv make bis Eicclléey say that the cam clearIy snd ably. W iâJ to Upper Canada, es to remove the Seat they 'aîcted upion ' the address inu 're- pnbhîihtheir rt1 eso , ns' sesi. of Covern nient to Queb'c after remain- qoIiring' thatthd Seat uf Govexnrn.ïtî hConCounsil'bus, we learn,îloo ing lie* twoc years, or rather. but ltulle should befixeil for tsvooyeara oWyt ottetknaeÇnu h sbetadv mOre tIsn oneyvar! ýTd.uou 'ood~ place Io whichj5lt hbd hbe frst-mcv pe the a deoidoêoexprcssin of opinion failli' au-eqtuàl justice to the people of tliospro-vnaihg the ,nembéeoe fiûî lsu hsdfmaesu ii both sections of it.ueProvince by sucb a speiidiiig a, portion of their te rimna eacim UpperCada.. *-.We hav uýijg movement as Iis ! Il is dowurigtylt Province ahd acquiring the knowledge esuelt h rpeIt i~le~ mockery, and we mucb mistake the spoken of 1 Under the arrangementnio ewe îlrsdL~e 'Spirit ofthepeople of Upper Canada,I determined ou, each' Parlitinentarv amuda al furoîgh uere are,-any sud- whethrir radical or tory, if they. do iiot, terna of four years will be speut in us goodressfosnbaueuoltif drive froin the iols ut the next election Province, and ail the beiefit of au in- we are te lieoau. the nud of Mr. IFon- every one of the cowardly poîroons, terchauge, the ouîy plausible excuse kir làine or any other Love, Canada poiP; %vho, to pIense Mr. LÀaFontaine and re- the absurdity of a 1erambulating Gov- .tkoian pir fus ae tIrafa, ëtId if thé iùtt.t;ý- tain their places for a few mnths Ion- erument wilt be lost. We regard the aes of Upper Canada are te ho thusitri., ger,bssel3r sacrifice the iuterestsof their 6'résolve' pknofa iectly in the lIed witlu, we give in. unr- adhebiu. tçp consitets-in fael, sell their country teeth off 'o Addréessoflthe Assembl y ois thosie who deinand a severan'ceofthse for a mens of poîtage. .. which the Gbvermaentprofessedto st, We 1mubiih in another column the --as an absurd, tljuali helloi exîrava- From the Toronto e PiWot.' acdinsseof theç.Grand Jury of bis Cotiu- gant 'acherne,' against wlîicb there.are. TRus lpRUnCnT'vQVrnSvsofl- ty to 1hb;XGove«not General on the stîb- no public grounds, nmierons, grave ud free-trade psrty in thé lj"nited "S*tei ject of -remneval anl' hiq Extceluency's wel-fonled, as vel as' plausible' oh- ltudly express tbeir disapprovp*l <tp reply, froin whicb it is clear that the jections,-as an open, inexcusable, isigh- course pursued upeait his queësîleaj> Gevernment have determined to coin- handcd and aogravated injustice tu Up- Congress. 'Uintit reéntly,ltieàd mit this outrage and risk the conseqoen- par Canada, and we helieve il vil! ho of rec:procily vas conflned te tise donsit ces. We are gladlu observdlt at ILord s0 regsrded by tise peoplea of Upper Ca- eratie party.in th Ue Un. Nov,hlw-~ Elgin announces the constitutiouàl doc- coda genemBhy. 01;rishmpoaicue a.pç trine, tsaItishe prerogative is ilet te le We should like to, hnow what right portion of the whigs of tise Allantie ci- 'exercised arbitrarily, but ounlte advice Messrs. Blaldwin, Hiuck,ý, .Pries & Co. tien, wh o begin to perceive, th ' 'i~dly of Mipintérs responible to Parli'ment.' had to, mako auy aach bargain witis growing importance of this Pe1oviîoo-w This ls no more titan we expected from their French olleagues, *invoivinAg au* a fld- fer tise, extenaiýn,çof thissumo* biru. 1Hepôtas4he.satdla on -tIàe,_rigist. large au expensetu the Province,.and cansii sassatioua. Tise X. Y.j4w tiorse. He in advispd bYr his Ministers, su grievuus ant injustice tu Up1îer cana- na1 of Couenierce,, a Whig organ, kepro- jis-UiWeo,'are resp.ousible te Parlia- dal tWe deny the bsgality oI,*aY-Pui- senlb"g-n iminutanac.,*teae oit;~ Piiaieut is respousible lu the vate Ilresoive 1 or 1'undesadig-cnleumuiyoftaIiypee people, Ond we trust that even tander The cuuvoking of Parliament is, we ad- Ivette in ifs efforts tu, bring -about, *,, 0o1r presen t def'ective systera all parties mit iu tiseoey, a question of prerogative, change, notwithstandiuig lte ;deOsd ,Suii-ý concerneil in Ibis nefarionis transaction but tise ftrnishîug thse mens for 1're- ure ot Mr. Hincks's effourts during the wil le ronde to assuae nd answer for muvals' &o., belings the Bouse of present sessioni. A wrîter la tisa their due sItars o'r nsibil;ty. We Assembly. A; nu,scheme' oftisekind Josrnal of Cosuseroeof $atnedsyýys-js observe a disposition-umong ont western cat en l carried imb effeet without the ý Cnaabas tairez au imperiatmaep- cotemhora ries, tu treal this as a Toronto people's money, il lecomes vholly a -towards. reciprecal tiade, by repeýS. question. They greatly err. For unr question for their septffbeatives4- b ler difrerentiai duties, sud aow racoives part we cars very litle on local grounds, Their'decision is on 'the Joîmnal of tise Our produots a t the saine rate of dtyarW wbetber Toronto or soîne other city or House. No lrivate uuderstanding cau thos.of Great Brilaiu, averagiug ifabout tovu un Upper,>Caoads be made the le aliowed tu override thse delisierato îwovlve sud a hait pet ceant wbîIlp,ý Seat of Governmeut. -Toronto, as bis conclusions of that bodiy, seleuinny ce- dufWe average mure Oltissîeayo v Exelency justly observes, enjoys 1'ad- corded on their Journals sud published pet cent. vantages'1 whicis1'affurd reasonable se- 10 tthe country. Ouiy thinis of Lord'Under the influence of this sud'ont' ourity that the tsmporary,'ise right bave John Russell îeiiiug tise peuple of Great deisenluro Iaw, we have, aooeditsg te added, a permanent' vîthdrawal of the Britain that il wus nul bis intentioni tu the Secretary's reportt jau i* -d Seat uf Goveriîment will polt sensibly carry ont a great public object in the xported ltCnaa 1utis uat ia affect ifs prosperily,' btl bis Exceîlen. wmay thse House o? Cummns had reuulv- year, terminaîiag '30îh Jane, (qinoe cy, we beg pardon, the Minislry need e lsol idoe aas ee had vhjicsime tlucre han een s vaut la- not suppose thaItbey bave iinsivered tbe been a privaIs ' understanding' le- orease'l, domesio sd fureigu-comumlodi-.7 test tbjecîlous tu their prject, or suce- twe certain niembers lisat an entire- liesnlu btha amount of $5,930»JI 's ceeded lu hoodwiaiking thé peopale of ly diffèrent plan stuuld hi adopted 1- ceeding ont exports te any oaller esa, Upptr Canada by telliîîg ibeniIiat tbe True, the House ut'Communs muet vole try, save England sud France. Oýu removal wiIh nul injure Toronto. %Vhe- the uoney; they are especially, as in.-imIports duriag tise sains year vetro tiser itliii ijure Toronto or nul hs of dîviduassasd as representativce of tise $3 859,101. 'titi!. cousequence lu any but ils owmi peuple, inleresleil; îiey tiave deh.iber-- We expert màoreý of eue douîatis inhabitants. We bava -beerd lisua- ately expresmed tiai viis and îlaced manufactures te Canada tisoa l, aver or bis Excellency praised as being illon thein Journîals, but a fow of us metsuliser counîary ; in> lise:, tise- asout in candid s"d weill .ritten. Reully we lu the smoking roum aud 1reeived' tisai very nearly equal lu lise aegofea tee 11111e l il' lut paltrv cvasioua.-Bis anuîher 'sciseae'1 *as tis hessat ubjec o- se ve exauet te Brai, Cuba, MégI-' minislry of course 1'dvised'1 the reply; huai mode ' and «'goodfaits,' tequar eu casnd China. Onr experts oe ». , hasne., lte absence of tbuse qîtalities tisaI we Sisald carry ont tiseIl'nder- luclea during tise yeae là Canada, woes 'utriiç i i probeuhly soubia bave pussessed stand iig' coule lo in thse smoking rui! $3,964,22%, being greatee tisas oçw bath i ordsisip been ita suie auther. Wouud amy Britlis Minuiter dare tu in- wisole importe, liundad whean sd nô« lu ,iseo Ùn place we may olierve, that suit tise nation witt u scb tweddle as included. tise Grand Juîry la nul a body belunging Ibis? Yet sncb in tise correct tëûditig -Cao suy one- doÜtab tiseknomfai tuor treseîtiiiglimewises of Torontououthtie ex lanation jîat lput fueîh by ea- meeting litis Canadien Iegialaîoina meiclv. *They t'îanate tfront and tep. nadiauN inisters. ' Nu èhçis6'nuder- tise spirit of lilasrality, and eurulg repen tthe Coiiîly or York,âsud lu lbeir stuading' cuuld properly or consttn- baearny lare, ud isi in aI addrea s aeak o! ilite1 'itjutice'4ut the lauuuliy le made. Il was a feeud nîtPUn doulëh under stick legWsîtios in a fota, prosd euval 'lu Upper Canada.' tise Lgialattire,snd vil! ulierate a grosa years. IThereferuence, therefurce, lunlise reply injustice teu 1pper Canada..l'Enlîre «'týana:d& n la euis aI vo are te Gr«t Ite eprpeiy u oto, ila a1'Isavel- gued it ih'1 tequires tiathe disgraca. Bitain,eut bout ceasltmeeanad foWrme ieg ontüut tie record.'If in a glni. fui, lnder-an'ciee'h Iolsdmafstrssiidshm oevrt toi"a obsiervation in ne wsy vaerrattdtise Âddress ufthtie Asseanbl y bu soleil ail tise vend besides. it ia inoregile liy tise sddrea, snd is neosavrfeS'. 1iaspcn mi ,ioils letter sud trua aspirit. Tiseâtsîpretoiosis, frieudly toi dome$Uta Esia'anoy sates s'lu-eeplyi Y >. i-lu- )Loe ilS iLs Usuat disregard ofthlie aausîra a poeti ad, qaiiesofethlie Graîîd Jur. hé jgisansd iatereshs ut Uplier Can»aa- Canaàda ta at <out donta ,yoam . poqa., iiieno ne' Iquiisa'tai vatiidisco- 'eofpelitical auoMsity-oI tise requit.-, Qetitisuîgaowisg country, vit UUsg- veIP Thtey repreieute&'hwehi knowan melsfut tisCosîaitton--of ibaou- b v amtasu didest!. ut es iy-, febialythse B.euhi"oaf tise Houae of trtis-of . veey lhig bol 15118Win g tsemwhile -uoseriiot ouutoam t =tAseby, il wsfsee6nmeodtitt us, 4'tisaIlise preseat arravigeanItLa'remoe, -and, catise toooldta sessC«' thse Seat oe((overrimwut;tmould h l h ie veey lest furthetie trest fTores-uaý ueaortoo pou o 11. bey sW . .o . period net 1 ', P __ __g___ _ years ' -e is Iule A 11 __ -....jtar ani Tie fre mvial-oef -sIt w 0& a m A! 1

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