Whitby Reporter, 18 Jan 1851, p. 4

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UIfDU k &StnaW Nommt za8k SWMIL' -&I ad ntherearof LoNotbSa petul 0ntimate to 1hof on DufmnWs Cree]4 thé o on -d l t. w ~ .h. ~ G Whltby, andourtounding nedgbborhood <005>177thewdrivehathe a fiin fwtr M e d i a l J z a m n e r ~ . ~ . C I I R K , . » h a s c o m m e n c e . 1 b u ow in te a t a b ô v e > ,l b . ri nzt e t e M i l l . n i g h t a n d d a y . I s m r o n . - hnmnavtna.m,.nn w iwth abondance o ?n Trbr WesterîdptMr, r. otsdhvn'cur 1PnT Pamj~he~,, lauke Md al reqisit.infor a- cda tho Ou~ ekoe.f ber busi mnese 1,esI fluse and Barn, or Lot No, 0' tefrn it L lion m ay Iè h d on a p lfi ation t <, to give itaisction to :the L adies w ba o nour C h e etPashionq always on band, will e old together or separageyb si prhs B r.LM O N L U k y 'AEU ?B B R Y A 4gnt f r I TB Y. 14 W hiLy V iIaei, D er , ,1850. .0luî-î r a p y o h p o r . Ç" U - D r. o c o c k sS . B '4 , Y -AS WN ASbeen Iately appoiated Agrent, fil the,3han- A r Di .Pik r e. 434-t93Ã" ~ORl the ecurc of ' 001. C OUGES HuacturersSor the diosul of sidéverai wIN REACH,&e tJM. i EUI hnjn eeTrno a ~fTHe BO~C SIf. PULIMOS- pattern stoves, whielhwere pat*entcd t bree C MAIONELI fiemSbsc ricr ofands or Pt veitdaa um y of ANNUÀLS, nobrOK .M YCONS U MP.TOVl and ail1 affection#oni 1 h o go, and tock the prize at *the fate raosi ueoduo oeaofra j Lr sil o Ikeatti and Lunçu,., lanuifactured by E. Taylor, Àttora1.. â n heoderato legnt îings RobeeN. Y., the only rru<, and1 geguiî,ý pro- NIAGA R~A FAIRl. S L TO $I .. 1 NC Yvz n Ladi teT vsbpo 8r cu NE Y AR GJ T prietor and Manufacturer on the Continent ofni. 1 Yabre STON men of ightAir, Parlour, and Cooking $tove»,Il'otash' Ket es, M . C M R N 1 .M C O E L16 dé. 2<>.2,0W3-t c mmd4« This eelebratied remely iii for sale by 1W. SUT-Grîd Ironie, Dog Irons, Door Scrapserà, Patent C .C , CAMy of Xr , l . Wiby llg. " 22 *' l2dwàdis13h Il 2«) "M nral eîk ,Ton 'Druçott, Oslauia; '114 . SUTTONf, and tonerr i ssimp , &c-. A AD 2S." 2 1 lUth " 200-0 l e s 'IvoK C O-, Bowmakviie; R. DtitLtiNG- lTho non' patented st ove is made on the OL» D " 200'<1E'uscie s r Torç,J rookhn; Lumhoitiv, Iuffinis Cr, k n IICIL ~<y;'11fE p j'1 q t-fic i Wib opslotereieceootn('2nwithiL bot PERL S IN CAnSHge oMnra.CJfC fLt02, JAMES I. GERRI, PEI<YTJJICK, andt he flic plates arc go co.Peter PertY' Elsq. tnhle laât mentioned Lot ingN wîon POT ANhon tw aabout an t u it th e < re c a rn o t , j u e l e n . T h is - 1"*- ---1-- - - - -m__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ < '<g V il a e ) M r ire sTaH . L A I V I D E R ar @ e x c e lleco n s ig n e r!ata a Whobç,le anad RomnîIl 4ent, Stovacte on ÃŽnred, of wbich 27are sowtl %with Fait Wbat, 5 Actes R1pR $lv steon hci welve monthls, or a4 CiAl FLbE TO N L YN 1)E, ta Meadow, andI 1) Acres plougbed fIlSprn Port Whitby, lot August, 50thstdadtoeerj Whitby, S<h NOV.,1N TFE, fhrv SOIa i eôe gnrly nw- Crop. There arc ulao, Log Buildinga erected- on .Poe ,b 1 nv r-fUeprtcaej Nov, I5<L3<> Fariners wiII hare nuo lhier stove. the Lot, andi a fine strcamn acrosis the saine.,on lb.Premjs.s CAUTIO. qqeitimsoist,& of tkinz nwatlng rilieon.ltqgciber m srg C4.ilIONt'bead anai a largekand r icîI0n% WLOLESALE 'AINDRPTAI. Whithy, Nov. 30th, 1850._- BSH fheSecribue r is àaedt m-----v--efrageun re oudsta iterespnWibSp6 8o Y DOhercly cati io<cn I di)ictigýlion6d- totiers of bread ps ad""D4DEALERt EN T81%, T0BAcf0O# KICE, NPER -W h.tby Ladies' Seuafuary, nreod'sae refiemr uuîng a spuinus article a idnti o nexcellent baking oven, aefrstipe. P's'E rî R I A C O L ce s nsumo 10 suit applicart:. es onlapl: Pulmonie Wifers, manusfacttreà by E. D. 61reen, non <o any btove he bas aold 'eretoforeli I O, &t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e p hm h ai fril h otuîx e flamiltpn. Canada Veet, as aIl theinformnation he FiÃŽeiîts! Donit biny êkfiwbere withont callin; ALIO th sew cur. HHj, ise ommss4nd*b rhv1 ever re eeved for manufact ring tbe*e w atrs n'a g andi exam inin-, as the aiti sto es are, on t oe . U A T R F S L ,A t m ,< o d t t f i p o e en, e r tii g r a o a i a e titMe»able 1js ns 'R O eiveOERY*aF Ar- by ~ ~ o ben uJre raîeJrîStore, Rorb e r , fîn t Jir 'ansStoveB o ,i bt1cuihn% P~ R I C V R F A G L I E t! eIl ~vaIuable FARIN in the Town hpvPc e. O )L V R O L b for two montha. Jam es IBryan tlso j, a e(rlier' Village of_ h hI, w lîere ucg>de ofail sorts ar- 1If ESI WSw s s. HRLEBR TH R , b ut 1 0 ces 0 f whcl re u de &li a-J.E fete o L co k'irîeswhieb ho rails ryai&9's put dawito hntsi pnies, al t u jit t i me s.pad or ids n S ia, /tat 0 Ew YoSrk, have i* ovr e ar ihRs Fab oult o nalease o er, do hr tre A .24 i$ - wfri.Caeik 1 <ion s# i knWeft f- V iYr ,haý dseTlie prîce le low andi termiesy a0m',ure p fr s.'V AM . Isons Of rodure, fin catie, Juin-ts ot n. e ri .sh .. l c t a a y fi(a ifo ri VilA geo o w o n e ei; a o e in a»peaetogive most satigfaetory ovidlence ber, condwtood, &,&,tku irn exillan-«v. 8os n.Pal. es Rmtaltonales*r è l'y Most r«epetable PhYuiciaris andti l î,ap- . eC plaac,,~m trî ic liîy~lae,7> ue $Lt.1k ie Mandituon of he Ff.humroft,rVlaeO owo nPcei pointeti for the sale or the above. trousierleitj, el nie 6-eubcril*r _ T11V)EbrReA LfB UIRincINGitL O T$VillgeE Ili R. W850 th e p ern ic on' effects <ey bave b ail u r li s t ' (it p en rit a $t Slo P i Tri îrH £lic tj irao ti a rctatio i o f é F ki b rof I i u Son ti nin < < 1-2a cre eBhi n Sa i v ll g whil have hl e emixfortune <o n l ne.i <hem."nnhyNaazn hvnqracel h Pleafe reter to <ird page -of rMy Pampltfr Next <dour IoMr IHurd'gS .tur, 'nOfkQtYfre, -adc mpitfi *c.' ir, and tiltîl he emand ti nus, ici cai for sale ' bp.T i4 woulit ho avye at îe, ~IPBR cettificates iven tayfIlenry Palmer laie. $tmn<eon W here lie also-keeps ons bami a geitîal aisoçrtment dli hai oe tye, anfo r itaheaprat bai l atîy setiOq o llc on nu e r orat t hent a men. c cos ~ W #e a. a 'ýtiietys Liht 4)f t)ot,6 for whc. forsaadwotgwopr makee orloth.en hmeehaneist.e, andTI bisANigI es as Ai offl e JtReinntn e sipaj.'.e.ny's i.-g u o oos orwchote n1oke poleenii u [et Side of à aketè'q.r, other periodical publiaetiin <the world, <Ntb e s il o hntis o lattedis antlwprcnae 8 ii t at I n a n s . , P o t o y r , C W > o e n t a o n i m n .T O C > R O N T O , c o i c e t p o r fi o n o u 't < a t v a s t i it e f e c t u a 1 w e a t h N o e . o f ' r E , c e t i e e ra i &- o m m s . A g n .N t d i r < o Sop unl s ~ Jign d b ÃŽE. Ty o r, R ch-Vi . ..N 1 . )o î 't p a ro n ise -P e d a rs, -_ _ _ -- w hirh oblains curre ncy <.rougli the periodical fui TON, Rke qou teprof, t nd loss.pres he piesent day.Nn 3 2 1 5 JAME JOH s * . the ma/e yo pu Bproft RnYloA.-Y. TA~ I II A N I OI L he prese it number contains up ards of hi ry 31-Gm <~~~~~' Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rtices (rom heî n o t r'iutos outho <aire, o i e T i ~ - f T u iï - b $ù aL e aN D eR sMITII t, 5 fnc lr, S 1 26 t,~ ' Q i es nt'N ew W orks, a 1nthly Recouf 01 iir- FI A ! i l A Y .! !. ~" R~y1 ~chng S1oo5 cioer9t, t5î. ~ ..26PORT HOPe, C. W. rent Events, Poetîy, Fasilons for AtItuuri, n,.ith 20 Tr1 don.sof île-v<wdi ly mx No.3,iddllsBud s9. C/turc/i St.. i UE lF t R EIl, G EN , t .SAEO ICX ngangc JI AL il 14 VF &, dTi'imotliy anti Clûter.) for sloi esu. T J IK oFor salde ut the DO.,T'P O 0K ,qTORL;, serib'.ris Fan , Lo N. ii<le th C nc si g z ' RE , T M ay , Im . Z r T ~ ru isty P orters al w-ays in atten-da uc <.ai th e 1 Pic e s 3d. B ack num be#,rs tiupplied in a ry qu a rt. . P i k r; f o C ash . 3 i i t e \N <,, ~ ~ uas. Prsenrr atidiu u gogeconveyed il) lily. .<jor <9 monî<hs crdt wl e anti fzm <lieboats fee of harge.B. COSGROVVE, given l'y furnshin; approveti paper.,Jg iI 4 1 111I9HJ LE IY G EN fla and ýummtr Fashfons for Iq OlOop , WJI18 0.121LxsALEt ":Au r aiPPhcatîon wilIl he madti othe JLegislaîîure, MýIitby, A pril 1!), i 1- vST R1 O , Toronto, October, 1lm.26WHIT tgil neat sessioni, for thie formation ut a new anti . , W ellington uStre t, Tor t, - . - WbtyNv.2615< 3 < 'udepedentCO ,IntY out Of <e ton eastern <ow II. A L b1E . 1 [N (G' jL 1 l n he im m eJiate vicinity out <lie B ank i, Post. MM n I o Ch~ ok Of. 80019 ad 8sîe . - A R BI AG E _" DN » I G T B G Y b d e s, f r a t r f 14t Iarg of Cartwright laying norîliof Laku. Sct- J MUPHY Prur- or biw 10 f the o nip of MaY fork , an t or mes.in tic ,a d I b.s 1rrb a lriin e RO 5 & ILDS _ _ %__an t<,wb le Fa n loth-W*ownship O ut ofni osepanti<h or a.ni IVI rT VIL LA GE. Toronto, A pil, 850. -AV-- --- H o>e ivtd ther -Spring Stock of su s:jc a c n tn Iy ooatrd o n e hrt gîanRaI Ludr iu1i .<rusu" raanti wiîî (rm airmantufactory at Moni.,T'J.%-iliue Pouessio vnch . - h h compose &oigoL, I 1o d r îi l 'i lit! - ggcinls, 'iectite .eseRocknd yi, Chal atot- FALLstPLO U GILIrate ilni at Oeîteaiinwtownsbip be attacbetipoiîefo 0)b 00pisdiv hi -WeIrLs.ITiiere1: FrFRFzfty it<he propoeti new counity. - /elte as/yliong aiway.s on /usnd. AGENT F011 TUE B. & C. emPloy six huîndreti operatives. and o Whitby, Nov. 1.5,1m8rour50. (9 a 31opir ai;rBý9 01 31 it Aril 19, 185)(1,1 n a anz,~ pre ent sitock bas boersmadiewitb speciaçerence tees, aad Fitmily (2r:gg APY pl fb ot to <the want of Canada West, andi wil compensa<e 0FD ERT BCWfo, LEATIIER à FINDINO STORE, 20tOU3411JC fi 1 l indivitinalo or families forserning'a < OF «<,c W ich ho Nu s D SCpRI frC lol Um 4eIve 7 0-y Dy sendîng the rqie egh i ilh ur he eensi lcaiý omtrlii R10g Hr6k tftt wi1yr Buriâer rd Atterrey at Law, tha anteeti.ablshie <ablishÇEhe t nrîrîmentahouti loue no<tine, as <bey Ca 1Yor urundn uuty.Frbùe (0 0 ân àkSsaB Mar es.-e- Styletnd oruerIs, <han W nM an.S W.LLACE -L.eg- C inlbr- _ -- rVY1JnoD n a o t -l '.-- - ...- uou, .c nnj nre so n a efa ure rep irid d nu tiw ! C o n fid e nt o i i g i ! s î sf c i n l charge,., 'rc 'th t fers. ÃŽ il N. 9. l3aowy &Culirns, 88, King strfel, nearly opposite <ho Engligs b hrch, . .PLTGkTR3IIUdoâsteoordtr, L-1- C1811f P11D FOR'LE.4THEJLa Repairin- ii ail its variotis branchem Toronto, May 1, 1850 5-ly neaîly exectedo-hotntie NÂTHÂNJEL RAY. wM 0l LtW OOBli-W ity, pil 9 1850. - . t NOMri U. f RingS&rait, West Of U 2 1 ~ C 7U Y~~ Bay Streel, am ~ Po c o! 24-y - p J. <-F O TE RIt £wne~îrnaî --W is , uea lwlau cOu»uruue <o Jceep a lelM ir-T 1Y àt4aulE5yL 11UISDflU r loprillof a*xteti Stock Of Leather anti Shoemnaker'm Fitîi. IICHilARD 1)W O OIN, Ielet eoiations f(or travellens. Good 1lisi whicbh.ovril ell et lTîtronto prie.&bigfrHres. I ,Hie preseot Stock consista t01 Sol L1~hSpnihInldlajg<.SuPenuor accommoutiîorî afrortie toi lurvelr. Pol c i"t rtue Vppr LathrCowIlieRip anti Caîf Capatious S<al4unl .iand Sheds attachedoth o e ~H following Magazines ant Periodica-ls will French anud PhiWaelpbim'Cmlf Ski,,#rmsesLb, telivencti at Publisher's Pi'nces <o S'ibâcfi- fmrt~s atiBasil~atîr t iîOi4han.>, Alinsl, 1850, - bers iu Oehawa àandi hi vicinityj by G. B3u sm, Colosod Morocco muid Ruaofmal1kintis E~- - Js ., lohimader. Uoat andLamb $UnDindingsGodey's Lady'. Book, -£0 lIs _per annuin Shoe Thrcad, Boot Webs andi Liuings, aWo nnMgzie£01 Boot Trees, Lasts, Psrcers, Hîammr,&cT O A . Graham'# Magazine, 0 15 En aditon e lb mbvo erbscon&c.uti ONLD M INIS, roprielor. LitteillseLiving Age, - 1 1<> In ddiionto he bov h ba comeniei DO -1 Iarper'. Magazine,, - O 15 BOOT AND 5110E MAKINO li ail its branches, t àInter>atiousmî Magazine,- e 130 whieh he àla prticslaly wellprepareti(tocarry ouiL n i a B. d SGROV ta the satisfaction of mil Who "uY favor him with ýQnriBo dPRioVilAe, thleir ortie,, Javinq the principal part"ofbàTrp E Suliscniher lbas A 'YEW TIOUSAND -&ien e talekand PeridclAet stok anufactured under bis own inspection, end J ACRES of Wild Land to leauu' in thie t'olîuw.' Wligo aWolt.sacKing $rotiTroto tout of the betworkn e .country cmii pro- img Towuueips, Readr, fxbridgp, Korth GwiIim WelornoOcoi.buidgs, 18». re, uuno duce, enabling bilm at once <o warrant hoîli quality bury, Brocit, 2Yora/r, Mura, Orillia, Ti>ry, Tay ooo cthr 15.2 of materimi andi workmansluip. 'tt<iug, CouilingWo,Mfaripsa E1dî,»,y,ý Il E N It Y W B B 13,E I, ton, and Op8. Theoîa t these lands are out <li A1 large Stock o Lé ante' vd Geutemen'. Bolî L.t quaitY, anti Will lie leaseti for a te! ruoof î'rorn PASHIONABLE TAIL009, «d 48/te cotutantLy keopt. - -5.tsvnyasipndnne lestain n OppoieAf r. Bettes', Kinig Street, Pariela £tcUe gVI L Catm Vok.lots or tro,» 20 Io lOO2acres cd, <o any 'an. who OîA~.C W., 13"Cas po Jo- Iide, Tllo, ati <'d S ia.wli-chlip clear, antileftnce, in a gtoodanti Wnirk. la prepWAe* xC' t rdr Toifor and W,&kim.manlike .......ti ,within the sla ,-e Iturne, ua ur ýWlereli speadtoxcueorr » lVfttUuy, Nov. sib, 1830. 30 not leus <han 20 acres on eadti lot,' i bis lino un, the slortest notice, e -Ail letters, post-paid. deiuing information con- atid at moderat charge5. t<0 j o nN T c K n, erninu< any of the lialicular lots iff clOuer oft<ho (a.11 f N T r C KE l> ibove twnhips, wili ho answered without delby, The ladesi Fusdions ,reguZrly receir'ed. EWhi<bof uîy, îSso) J. T1. BUS4f, Oshawa, .Atril 19, 1850. - I il n f i r a -b 1 î ý 1 r i n- - - - - - --- i l . W . C U F F 9 Ahh', Xtàil,7o*&M nd othberus; <Stuc!, Buf.' _VjADDLE, IIARNE-SiO£LL1#q ANDI TRINI Hrn, lraand tI hirj c=4' mb5;fyuprDu*/rs; - --(-CRELQJOtAI R SOS Te aâk;slry; ibsue< <me; Perfurr... &hsrierPRODUCE BOUGUT AND SOLD. 009" lfm ar OUi, Toilci Soaps; Fansw, b tnl nhplte wenS'rý's ý û'é aen a t T ~ Psut-.Mlme,, ~gi» Nfi abovo articles, Wichhe Mill k hntho eucnSrtdsanip<i..w, oce niMfzrnur aho rui.p for ofte Market,- ,boWaag«~ cvîs, Mu /rnmandi other -ROBERT GARTSHORE. ~ '<>~ ~2 - Pia eyFac od,*l *e4* - lhitby, June'7th, 1850. 8 Mi <1Ri BA L 5J-9 -Wellington Buildings, R xM V rA L. ,l kILNG STuREk, OPToRwr. 24-y 1----n1 1HS IEMOVED TO - ---------- 'rnEubscrbers have remnovedt o thç,Corner T'- h E ULN I Pty Brock strte#ui, xdeor Ie Brym'à Tin sk.p, JI ý THR MARKERT, kuiown asl thet, atoi.ence W IB, . LIA T~ AN) TJRIE, uilins.LYMAN, KNEESHAW Co;- WHITBY, C e. W . VI0Tç>Me 11W, TORONTO.Torojuto, April 29,1850. OTO TNFOR M the Ladies muid Gentlemen or Whit- V7.çLg'rw, -L by ativiciait>', that hbp 14now receiving bis &JS-R. tNt DRFiIvue iluuortaions( 'EDWA RJ>Al BATE, I ERSOPR4i< JFNU>jECTL7),£D PUR, A hie onouir of mnnoencig.hi, tarrivai < atin*o,. wble togtlsr wih Caaklan Frrof1>j Toront, witb the Iion ofstablishing w h c h t o et e r w i h C n a i a F rO a n t i s le n h m ei n t b e c ity s a - r r » A < T s , 1 P o rte r s i n ii m n e a t t e ~muai~ VIlhm oeî»l,<. rtic isPýe.! t#nien ,~t tsafro maoy years' May', 1850. " y e eÈ l b.cmngst> rle tieterated Sfzrgeou WViuter. Yaeug Ladies li< hn's Furasets, in Den<iots io'Zngl<d anti Scolimod, spd froni4 spli. -NEw 1:4<~ iequntpro'festtm i chieo? bwelv , isn ~~7fltitun he wil babletogive ai p éta .40D ytjf? " touecfolysoiçtsthek patroage. o _ o My houior bt h t fII!. No. 4, Ci!>'Buildings ring Street, <TORONTo.i; 24-y -VO. -87, K<ing Street West, Toronto- 1R42', PL4TFOxcjç, fyOTIJERî Forçaie hy WOIIKMAN BROTHIERS& Cot.Jgeni., NO 36, Zlng .2trs4 .EaotToronto. Produce at-Port VGE. N. Bryct Dr. A I I t i L Il k J

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