Whitby Reporter, 18 Jan 1851, p. 1

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" 2Ocin 'Wiit6ýtvilla-e iTÊRMS._Tn Shiagyper <inuas, 'è f ýp e te do8c of ýt/a year.- týrs4siresed te nss.tjxncee JRoà Poàî-p 'ý IfbéraI Discouùnt allowved te per- *M~àoIsegAgents for thé Reporter. li S. SPROWLE, Ppriet or. VOL. I WHITB «Iam a a, a"d tlsiak ntu»l n uasaImaUmt to ma.e-fremc. W HI TBf Y, CANADA- WES.T, SATURtD AY JANUYà . , 18Y1. NO.t40& SONiUP EE LECRICTELGRAH. omesor ofdelight, for even ho, armed as ho ws,did flot feel altogether at.ease. 2B E. L. BLANCHAÂRD. . At lest St. Stepheii's ock, struck cee Svent, thç time fixcd for the interview, *Ay w1here the sunliht is brightning, and at the samne moment, a closed car- 4Âwy wher its last iseams, expire, niage came rapidly sp te the spot where SAéed llta tejish ith Iihtnng, he stood leaming against a lutge popinr -fÎy se ab wicgsof th, wire! tree. IL stopped, and two men present- "y'0ar 4hsari ien ed theniseives to the lisurer. - He vas Byle re tsboe«is.âread ý astouended, and weil might hobe o * -eiveai thélieimpulse sa givea; for the mers wore masks, and lie eor2i, A touch.Lasa the misien lava pecl. lot' evea sec the ir èye4 to j udge 'vibat Hurrah! 'isise est conjiuration werctheir intentions witlî regard Lu bime That Sçience, thes wizard has dune! la Ist you, Mr. Reichel 1" nsked one of Thagnnec nation speaks useso nation, the strangers. A faint and tremulous Tâl â ar unied i one ilYes " told him thrtt ho waas that iden- Til al ae eitd e ce.ticai individuiai. I"Are you armed ' lÀ.e' iecI tealdily travel, esked the saine deeps but colin voice. Usasen, ueread, aed unheard; 1Iam." IlFullow us." fbrnot tilmy agents uerivel There waas nu resisting this summons Xy secet ihiape'd a word and M1r. iteichel bestirred bimef tu f111ough darkeaansd 4aylignt unheeding, comply witi1 the request, but ut the mo- Alikeen MY erraedi1go, ruent that lie stepped into the carniage, Te dae 1p.throbbieg heari ever apeediisg, lie feit bis arms seized froni tsehiud,auî M ig np lsiss or woe. a bandage 'vas passed over his eyés, lad- 1 wlile bho 'as flrmly bound et the wrists. Eoe 1th e frecffthg echohadpokee-. Ail titis had been the wurk of a second, Ena thouglat couid eCoil frona its birth-. and Ileichel feit hinself entirely lu the If the Hieof my path were unbrokee, power cf his assalnts. 1e feared fur- Myiaht woisdencompaas iloearth, tiser -violeace,. but tihe carriege rolled 'rd1~iuilittstiltj~hisraï above us, apdly away, and net a word was spo- Fshed onward through measureless space, kabbistngcopanions, exeept .& wlcome lrom vpices that love us, a warning net te cry for assistausce wlise Myo«We ut a second would trace. they entered Viersna, at the peril cf bis Oh! wouii that somne kmere communion lite. The anxiety of bis misai iuft ii:i To mae we ceuld hope to isu.pa ri, nu chanse to tliuk of aeans of delivery, That a bond cf sucb magica[ union Cvery moment secmied'tu bo anu ge, and Migitilir ver hert ntohea!! t lest wben th ecgriage, stopped, lie Net a tear that weaseek te amother wa near iainting. Bis comnieins Would ihee fal alone or'unered-. isade lm conte ont, and led Iin into a liouse. Tiaev pnssed tîtrougis mue! Nottjojr, hut the heart of another, doons and passages, tise ccid ait in Woaid thilil witls the bliss thnt it shared. svh ih toid Iii iîtley w ere siuiterraneans We need not,shoule fate give deniai, At lust they stopped, and afier a short This fanciful dreans wholly apure; delày astilier dor aeemed teuopena Let sympatby toucb butihe dial, tisey desccusded a fliglit ot steps and on- A chordab sate struck in retern. tered a hall, wherc Mnr. ]1eichel was«re- No wish need be kept unimparted, lieved ef bis bandage and unbound, bis Or lest acen selfiisness tlsnewn ; wenpens-having been previously tnken But each Çom the heart as it darted, away from himu. Ile. fcuad aimself in Wo'sId4IndÊareSpceincî v.te midst of a large and wcil-laprhted 01 !! let love taie the wonld snd prepaee t, hall, amongst a ni units assemblage, As swilt to e, pend os neceive; but lie alone was standing, ail tise itiers Let us bean but osorew tc share it, heing scated upou chairs aiong te And know but the vaut te neieve! waiis. A usan, wh avie'vs distiugusslaed * hy a sent abovo tistt of ail tihe otiera. AN EXTPILAOPRDINA Y DVEN.- but liko tbem. ciosely masked, beckuued TlU ÎE. thse astonislied Reichel towurds hitn.- Thte Jùsburg Gazette gives tihe fui. 'ris imposiîsg digsity of titis man, and luwing aceuntt of a saost extraordinany tise stiilness thnousgbeat tise crowded ocourrence. hsall made it a moment ofuoverwielmiug On the 7tis of November, Mr.Iteichei, sciemanity. a nacrer of great waeaitis and kuowu in- Pour Reicîseil feit Iis lest breatis ce fluesece at Venna, received an anun y- bis isp, su tlick did iL conte freai iss meus letter, whereby ho waas sunimsoned cist. But bo 'aes mistaken. Tise te tise.Prates, tise Càamps Elyses of person whvioliasnmow npproacised lilas, tise Alistriati capital, at a late Isotr un bade him kîseel dowan, and be initiated thse fliewiag niglbt, ueattended,narreed, mb tiste first secrets of tise 'ociety cf ansdwsthout letting any body ka9)w Freeemen. Iaitiated? 11I gasjsed Rei,- whero sli itended to go. This cîsi. 1'Tiors liait ieets deemcd wothy strauge -sutamons, aithougl t iloloked urtht isonor ]3nutiser Iteicisel,' quotis soeiwat suspicions, did, iîowevern itishe Cisirman, 1'aad, iin suletus coasven- muais surprise tise worthy merciant.- tion, Isavt; we decreed that thon slsouidst Ho Lad, it seeisa, been.in thd habit cf ce- become cisc cf us? Tisy liberat ideas cssioseally ioaeing large suais te tise ex- and latred to the detested ratier of tisese travagamet Austniats. sebility, and ea- rmalims have been r eiorted tu us; we are ployed severai men ia watchiug the Freenseis, anti lieiscefortis thon art vise inovemeula cf his debtors, tisat by tek. of ua. Kucec and take tise cati.' Reoi. ieg theirssotes, lie miglit, in spite cf tise cisel kacit, in fact, li ac'us se astoasisied eeortctsiuterest hoe took, net ienlte that hie would have dune anytbing st end becoineoalover, le this mauner lie that moment. A degger was piaced at b.d maseaged Lo keep clear cf asey heavy bis heurt, and on tise cross.formed bilit lusse," fur tise momenstlite reçeived nu- lie 'as ordered te put bis band. where- ice of threaiessing reini or iotended es- upon lte fuornula cf a solemnu catis was capadfe, hoe came.right dowe on bis delit- readtLuhimn. 'But Iseam Jew, sbiek- or and made hlm payeas long as hoe bad cd Mn. Reichel, I eannuotswear upon a -florin to bieu Iinseif with. ie ieeld, tise cross!' Jew! a sucriligicus Jew! ut lt tinte, actes to a very large resotinded front ail aides, and a tumuit amouint, and had s vague setion, ns ail cf most indescnibaisie"fiencenesa begna ct'editors, have,- thut cne or 'two et bis to prevuil titrotîgisout tise hall. -. .ipree. cestmers wonid taise wing for a more caions, tbreats, demanda foir instant geéniicline. Thé leIter, tiserefore-, as deatit resounded trom ail quarters, and we sld ,: did not--surprise hsm rancis; ike unsnsany furies'tise snsked mon 6iomno frlend cf hie, or, -perhaps, sente strode up te their kneein ie atim as if zpeculator,- who vas anx-iotss to got bis they meant te drink bis beart's blood.1 gce ruces, had, in al pr6oability,writ- There was but one who seemed frieasdly tea it% 'wihing te put him osn lis guard, te hint, and this cee succeeded. after yet'not dariisg te visit lisbouse for feus maev a nurrow escape in isurrying bise ofbeisgwatched. Btwlay goazueed i out cf the hall into au udjoiniug recas, WelI Ms. Reichel did sot mach trouble wahen Mr. Reichel sassk exhauated audj bfushif aonta,ny armed ccuid be faintissgoa theficor. Tisekisedrscuer1 ierpreted lin we ways, armned with left basa and locked the -door, and for a the more'needfssl mceey. Ie teck it while tise sufferer 'as abandoned te lis iiitc bis hevd te interpret at n tise first cwn Lbuughts and wiid feais. But thus d aere pooraned couid not fo*rwtar tise Again tise. baby jias hourd lu cry. waork cf Gud and Liberty wiîisout:pr-« 'huinte Il said sonse eue. porbioseate menus, thoy weuld demaud 'Wlawoîsdhav believed iti'. te- ipa rausome f four thouand fiuresof bîns, marked anotiser, eviile a tisird (Blitz, of r- or else take bis hife. * course,) 'soektise omnibus witis. a e Stere, plain and sort-'vinded us titis honse-lutîga." Thinkïseglho bad ~m tr proposai was, Mr. Reiêhel saw tise poi. enotigs, tie ventriloq ,uist sidbis tare Lcy cf contplyiug with tise roquest. Te ý aedjttmpédutcl ibisoueibus. Searce- Ls guserd against amy treacisery, hé- *ias ly hadhe o aàé h ts sde-wqýalk, hsový- , mader to write a letter te luis Wi(e, say-> even. biefone tise. driver hourd tise words i iîîg that ho would'net be home t iliaixt À b hold u .p ! fron foýr quartersasinan my Lt evesssng, and ho hadto Wrinte an order seconda, but net a pusseeger could ho . on bis bunkers lfo tise ameunt cf lie discor. Fiiled with weader, ho hur. if ransune. Mis captera thon once muid ied on bis way. is left himfor ruaey hours,and 'avisn tbey - 1- came te him, iL wns te éuneetnce tisai B"uxs FMSiT OPERATION.--P. T. tise money bad been paid,nand lie weuid Buruum cf tise'Nov York Museum nt d *soun be uit liberty. Aten dttsk lie 'vas-uow tise protege-cf .Jeny Lied, iv tise ledl cuL bliudfuided,aud wiîis a wurnieg greateat 1ttofe"soitsl sho wman in tise seot te cry fur assistance if lia valîsedIjiî 'aorld, sudd etÈly tise moat success- 5lite. After a long and hesty ride -fj: tui money semakieg manu t-ibis tintle ise >- more titatn an hour, tise carniage halal-, îA merica. Whatevor ho touches liter- and uoi aligisînglise fb-and hiniseit utal byhurubs t ord. Bis basrefbis d tise precise spot in the Prates wviero lac LTisnb i ortrui uoe i S, hsad been captitred on tise previttus even- 1etmance fi Qo'vales hedeeteL- itsg. Tise carniage drove napidlv awav,1 auot ecendledwr an sud M. Reichel conid hîandiy tersuiade tiscught tise cksfe d'oeuvres of a show- i bimself lisut whut had happeseed 7to bin e mn; but lais late engagement and, cou-, r- as reaiitv. sequent succes 'aitis Jeuuy tbruws tise d -itîlahardiy credibletbihaso highbasnél.. Toutn Tbmb test, jute the sade.lne, -edi a proceeding -cotild ho stsceMofuiv leue bî asilis'vlsIejh pfayed odfin tise poptiienscity <f Viee. wliccu amilonae ah i ih n n. Yet tise tact remains Jnotàdç- oCsY; -sud stiii bis Mnsusetes ceui cd, ud tse mst uecotiladqt.front $300 te $500 per day, as bts Žusn edandth mot etno fcndayc nie d edance for wealIls. ûtise an yseybaTiereisau und asetoe IE3 Ilfinal opératio,' however, exhib- the iiyïer'. Th u snan . naceisbest tise geouins cf tise man.. Most er secret societies in tiese ra capi- Clevehauders 'aili remember a few years *tai, aend tise furegoieg adveeture il'ns- b rutes tiseir spirit and enterprise. 'The e rgitsmahl drtoe c Bufaeassedu 1Jcws are metcis disliked lu Atistria, and re hisct ontiseir estt ibi nu tnlieiytiaI n. eiîsc 'aoue exhibited, but'tise cwner iseing ne 1 hsave cmeL wila bis deuthi f big weaîthtin, andcwmsuc eul sc puy expe eil- .ssed'n<t se powerfu!ly îîieaded l in ientebhnbis e t tca by1 L bchl'avera seized ased selel ut couaiabio's sale bebtd. -tu puy tise owvner' debta. 'Barnum heur. * BLITZ IN AN OMNIBUS. ing cf titis loai nu time in buyiug vuid A uRhton woalue, ut, tse e.BujWtdQes, gettisg thora cheap. He eowneigiciawis n venBlioqtz, te-e k tk raisus tHlobokene, 'avere beJsired nownd maicia andventiloqitit tsoekepi, sayieg snotbing tg neohody. a sentt in use omnibuis, contining seYOt5 Heiexb wonl te albise, ferrymüeïon or elgist passeegera. Tise coach isitishe river- and esked about wisat tiseir oîsly ,rcceeded a cetîple ut squares,whvien daiiy receihîts wene. Ascertaiuiug tisat, -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~h Lis diehursetceexle- le aopcsed Lu charter their services for 'HOup-iiold np, I say!' a single day, payieg bisem a siigbb se- Tise herses wene stupped, tend John creese ubove erdinury recoipts. To Ibis becheel enotsed smiiingiy fur bis passen- tiaey esseateel, sud ho bouud aise bar- gers, but trotte appeureel. Witb Iln int- gainas by ad vaecing a portionaoethtie puy modeat exclamation, lho putiereel tii asNxapae aucu usifat reins aud said 1'geLtilt-.'. Pretysuie iaspsealoe ..ta ns sente one cried out- ct uec iaspatdaiee .Y ia usc ' Stop. driver, stoa day thora would ho a Grand Buiffalo Tise driver again sîepped, and lcokieg Clause ut Hoboken. Elgisteen li'ae But- do'avu lîto tise caliî, inqtsired wîsat. wus failes trçls frontie Prnnaescudair- wauliug. Tise pesseisgers eyed eucîth I ni4s une uetv hr otiser, nsas uchats ey, 1'Ididu't ges te chjse tisent., .11 te o veu free speak.' gratis a4ïl for notlAisg. New York' Again bise concis relled con, oniy to e h re u si i oe oebfr scopltedi tishe uext corner by tiseliseant- t50 fcnr o ouknts misarosni amuIt reîsding squeakiug cf a puer, rtas.ver li 'v ccksete opItao î'ig. Instenbly cacla bea(i was thlitst their guards wstis pesseugers. Tise net out o elo wiudow, I& bebold tise deatis. prtseeeds efthtie wiae l oisnu amouis- , straaggies efthtie gruntr : but nu grunt- ted te fiee tlaousased dollars,, auid tis11 ot was be ho veu. lis aucîher aminuîte, was lise begiunieg et Barnumus succes soenee exciuimed in a gruf if and lis subsoquosst fortune. 1'Keep off nsy Les!P' -TisE MYSTEareus KNeesrîNcs.--.Out Every cisc looked arounid, but iu vaiu, reputation fur acuteneshu suffered for tise ma witb tise daussged tes.- somte etfitte. Three simple 'avuaen, Tise passengers 'aere completeiy bewii- tue ut ltent yeug girls, came tu Ibis dered. At tise 5e-st cnssteg, lise cachs ciîy tronts efahester, andl fur moôtsebbs stopped te lake su a lady. 1lurdly fsad istmbugged esauy thousands cf poople.' zhe taker. ier seat iseture sise exclaime. Tley were denouuced oit ail aides as ed- tearrant inspostors andl choute, but te Ibis 'lLot me ho-keep ycur bauda Off day nu cee bas fonnd tise sigitest chueu me 1 te tise imisosttîre-ecoe bas given even0 Tise gentlemans seated nex'a te lier,; luubohptsei.W bv hr sai, emyinoceety-police cffilcers, and iearued pit-ilosophers, i I dida'Lteucis yen, eudam 1'il sud shread eIeors, and 'iaut mecbats.< And tise driver, leckiug doIve, about. 1ev; but nu eue bas tound otnt hcw tise ed- -kocekinga vere produceel, whaî ssovedd 1'Look-s.here, in tiiere; if you'ne gen- tise tables, or lay wisut process quiestionàs tienien, Pil thank ytbt eut te bcu tncivil 'avre answercd ueeycsscorci, ýýo tise lady passenger-it wou't dot'? v-eatIeisees casesoroegtauwr Tise 1lady mado an ciservation, as tise weetelcus t onof a rnga 'ri coachs ruiled on, but ise was suOL under- tbiug bas heeig ose t6ortwoor tee stcod. They lad' bail scarcely gune a yens-it iv practised on observed in square fther,. wieu tise pusseugers. many piacs.-yet lise mysîery bas nover were startled by Lise cries et an intaset. ben exîîîa.mned. Âne wv o tbiurst in ti Instautiy ai eyes wene ixed upuna h ignoranice b Iv bumbug ike tiss letri- ti ntiddie-aged genlemsan, wisu busl a car- ampli ftreves ! Mevweuld it do te et- r pet bag on bis lap. Tise man biusised, ferte rewsmd large encugis te tempt sente a and stantmercd outI a be.rely istelligl- oeo f bbe many inspostera teown up, 0 i- suad tlluns ew tise thing la doe- n 'Winat tise douce iv ai ttis'about?'iVjetc York paper.t 'Lot me eutb'aceaaned a lady. ' 'Museer!' abeutod aboy on thsestops, À G E N I U 8 wabie three or tour tnggcd Iustlhy at tise-s -trap. lesa tcetni hieravr eommiînitya i les. ursiolea.i usnes ~l thes&'.di temuand svaulià&e repai demi Must be accomplishee, mmd te bise work ftisu v hoe set laisseif witis ail tise etsesgy'ef sad,ý desperation. -for mi 41hoknew 9tpoletry vas lthe risy refit ýAccordingly, after adue tdegice Atm..] anad tnembling, lho seiecthe tis wû Wesei words ' rv Un"ai l 'esiî ,'as wehl qiut adapted -te bis, puepoSe, wheisaftsttmsene eonubiuations. lise mob at srswgeer<o!ýita- semai Ites tise MP41;profuua',"4côntoriions sword ,tise matageizie,tetleig inili- and i table aed leaitqedal pon s 'stlro wn tise h fertis upon tise vend: Pharue, kini' of Egypl 'e a stal, cor flecatesç ho ouldn'b ;lot thé-ted 0f: Chhalen otfIsrea,'avath ail tiseir wivea anal csilalmen of[es- andl honda, go tbree ays' e i jcuney îiit tise und b vildemnesg teoelebrtbetise péacheiland t Histeny records a siltitaîch otan leva n eanilaquake on Sisal day, tend ýfSM tial his gi t'mc le' tise present onr beoe7 bas, bocc 10W conqsiereel anodei1fers .p1îmaly1,ablu -Boston aetiafinrder, orleü cis A SINGULAF.CsrrEILO.-A cerreipanal- ourtis ont in. Mucemb couaty seed& nstise tut hireo tcwiug :-" Rèashng uas ite,.M.on Pro- miant Babies.tise other day, .rémiudd wsa t me of a pa ir owtias is eeniyn dg ' MsoOmb county. Tise'va- paensiis bave a litieo girl vise uses ber teesfor quivëi lingos, .sud witb great deztÇuiîy,,ban7 lu te allas tise SuIfe, fors, suoîl and CUi1bi e tnsaleut tise table, or bise stick, dlcani for puas te play witis aButtise rount l. layiren - auei etintelligent cld, ospr te scisçael, talles offiber shol ,en puoc- edg mnga wien siogets titere -iusteed cf- bermea Mitions, anal attends te ber studioshiko e a gçaod.sciselar,. Tise mensen of Liais.un- wutis- teatural use of tise fueL lt . achs-ener acas ot tise banuda; hese, like infant aaa flauel bang esésuis,before tise eilal l tt SucS a chilalis eatiteltepe minus." inu --Detroit Trabse. Sitel NïW USa ior TUEsoaeoTx.- a5ài bi4i&P.--T.bo Tegraph ao gives nu- soi wý tucecf itonosa Forexasuople,.tistaletoi.- grapis ut Claicvg& Toledo notifies ship, Tb., mas3ters St Clevelsald& Buaifo,auelteisp ai on Lake Oselanio, cf tise .spprccl o ea btI nortis wet SIerm. The, restait is jio nd-Wever ti2aiiy of great importance. A: hsumi- rsootse eane storni traverses tise almosishere'u cf ebi tise salecf a Carrier pigeon, ueuueiy Ut ofuci ty asiles auisoux. A venelle iseot .,teou c of Now York, about te saii formoreOr va loes, ntay ho telegrapheal 20 hours in st advauce, bisaI a sotia-west;storen is ad. ena uratcing on lise ccest frointhtie Gulfif e-f Mexico. We arc oniy un tise tbrcsboid Tîrc ,of tise mrd lsVtvbantial advanîages vichjS9icts« Muay ho neniiereal by lte elecîno ice- tuts ax graph.-Crostype. nU ut t QuXSavîcaFOR NATUgAÂLMTST5.W noaune a juteefor the Mav à uatbn isefornied iay George Me.- Manus,- Esquire, J-. P., cf a curi'aus «ac-Un.e semrence visics touS pile le bis tl'owu maIr tbip (Mlono) ha,%t week. i vas obse- cia G. vcd by ail tise inhabituels ()f tist at lat Tist0 of tise counetry, tisat fur tourhdis vun Icbi cf wiid pigeons issssed lun epid but fi succession, fiying ln a wel;erly -direx c o visie tion;Ose Wedlnesday, in parîicniar, -is thng huocks were nnussalhy lange.Wecs Lice tet fne n mens etfaeceuntiug for ibius cOmpe atrango deviaticas tfruietise usuaily 1reg ense ilar -habits oet biese jemutie deniËees of Gene Our vat torests. The 'avud pigeon iv lace weli know e lbe a suernbird,aQri- iats ring bore late iu spring. departiug e4rlylnl in suletu. Wbat .co il ae induced lwc fi or compeileil tisese usitortuseate Wunder- efn eraK te raetise gassatbeft trougs a Cana.Crn dian wiser viset tte~ tisermmoeerotu wus dowtesecanly te zeo, ased. no* tal- dcrieg ing froquenlly, perhaps sene of our'rôS Onitisoiogicai fraeals eau.tell us. 'Fer over uk aur owe part vo give it upý,-Rcrm* ie i Tise pnisners je jal iniaCincinnaiexpse tressted on Chrnistmsas- day to a sebstan- lent sl lail dinner inethe jau à. Scies vçre sente ci made by tise pnuoes ates dîutilr, estbl cenumber et dancewuere, gives bya eb osdby. luin e cveniagt, a yougiA si nan,onooftiivite aiettsmpaed u55I oe have »mne-spot vistise thileves, wvil, vises bisvatci.sausddeislydhsapeareal. £ctIIeJI Atcs lc bMd comup1ined about bis lova native Sorne tane, one efthtie tbievos lianded Clown1 t "la bis-wabesccliy reeaskiag, lh&t jYars sIBErIAN ÂRRO S. jabout isubis a BuMaieia eecung a pmiat=c-t Wu,' pal te Chias.,dlmao#ered jas lat. fiOjuusimi .0 1 -il I iadsirruj' 'ho wua was '1KM ini tnkeleif ud W1OUty' t~ ~ ~ o vaect»lai. vas lai onua sh eeIùPs*1 itis évrttbbi jottotl4s, e s ,loeked fais and cbbptl te mat rem.siualo. iâ Lgreut varieil' of, ebniowa fuund.-o R-tly-:Rd" tý OFFICIA&.G*',r,. *mpiaiàat bavé ýboiesim idvertisissg ptpos asesid tho expense cf Slisviw ecessity. whataveis cati lu s expeedibaîro. -Té usis, ,tison advertisciittà i es receive-sîjix inertons ýazettaithongis has pap uly ueo6ng afew eu$oe ie baise uers lieda thé,malo ue o lUm bisteeselves hiaiui. four, t ie fer the 2815a De"erbe- conta u achtq"'#c *t C fuuy tYork aga«s in ibsCsaty. lu iaoà id tise Vontty of'WeiO* v casa readly- 1w : isenifi'.tlaissti d* *Sj. fi Lain, and thse qjIed"ég of the pût1

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