Whitby Reporter, 28 Dec 1850, p. 1

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i $ -. J. S. ýSPROWLE, > Promiet or. "x a a man#, a" thithne humal4âfê..2W WI.ITBY, CANADA WEST, SATURDAY, 'DECEMBeR. 28, ,;F eéWhitby Reporter. TO. THE NEWYER muitmioming of happiness hait! -.Xarhwdsthe echo prolong; '144â&uS forth ny voire to the gale, And cheer thy appittach with azSug. Sume may halýl tltee with #aggoua,'l tine>, ',A muse te redjuiee to u?'eiý* Ç Eutsurt wlrotesalneer be smlne, Fo'i e arnt a'imy tht. *lB3sarhis sayas;ile a siaps, I - "Xdhl bisulidevle t h ae But bis poisonPutd ub faim sMy lips, And h leip diarepet ou bis namne. Z#Ca away Vitithesitean sd the tonl, j'For their pleasures tenu lade intO Palen 'Tltey si al ndel>ht Se te sont, lio bail %hué niîlî surit uruul te valu. r But Lpl aeteonue tty crieg wiuh esi-tu, Andnti îrfrtl s ytons te the gate; My isrp shatt uwuikét ty birts, Blail- mntg of hsuplueus bailm! Fîeetiutgleme rouea sintgly qu, Leaving.by-gisae eveittiiluthie rear; Mnany sets their nouses have rua - - -lîré-ttse firulbrlglstaiîutitPPY NeW.Yeur. Awuy, lus the iht ollise paît. * Ttrough ,A>ïphiuih lstOsan sd dreur, Thet"lgtuure ni te Mid n st acit Te view lhetfiu5t happy New-Year- Obtivion isud iluikouDow> 111 00d O'ler te igitlofetst serniug 90 eteai-; Atit te vapusfa f es euaitrnuu The iait lsrlght anid'happy New-yesz. 'But fanry tas pawer te reveal Tisehit.go .te, asi il were near, Anul diattetthe uirk thailthaS ronces1 'mm i ur visa, te iait happy Ni'u-year. B3ut abtivînu May idje ;u ils stade, The dutiss aanie yearm tat are a'er; 'Thepa said t'eeur ttce sy d, _nails ptea.«uis beheçdeul nu maie. Ytelmtt pour luioi t sy oies ta te ala, Anutà AelceoMqÈuy cisiiug wtt sang: H-ait, mqogaf tappiness, hall! yi buera-s tht «ta puetaug. WM tby.Dec. 928.R.J p~j~ausu.r'Edrsburg4 Journel. TEE 1DEAVti- WARNING-- A LE- GEND 0F" SACO ISLAN~D. ,of al tite grant qeetras t. 'avii ,,~lgo characters are. ttrected, Paris là perhsps the tmoat reaî,arkaie ey muais, appareQttl, iseostîse of tis eni- cottrtgnint Ïyée ta iL i at'oiginala- eqi4«-.'Clev et ýeed erprisirg Ameni- caus aeaotIes met fle ra. Oua 1 luleIy encu, . relnlt~Pdo býau pleastat and convrable'iiia. We,,thaîed 10 ut one te suulrsiat nf super'stitioni, or rallier te gpAuk more ftiriv uin rettters ulrlalîs ing in wiat ha been called te nigisî aide o f 'e.- d jýf6"cvOt4Vô a.ýàtn: l'11iuîst givis voist dM mtihith iieuine. I'm1 Iftp u ifou mn r, but te contra- Mý « voitsan itens of, nets emnwt*fgok hit liciswiii nasuse vom.' T, sah - ît lpurerve tise enertuetic ui itl I oeg-bÏi ljffleult cf conspre- L 1.ni*uu4itiiotttMittofuthe woril; liaI 1 Win o tf Lise narrative ezauty tm. s tuAli tow atetsa'îtrv short MI fe'u dthe ses, l ie'> lute -of 1witbin Lishe cirwml-- ee o a<isvi wmiles, - lemctnecîquu ,*I~5L10VFlsiierv, fcCd aise à , the 1uszito.cf, n in leuatrins, iar- ne ôgii1ri#hs.,.n-nd fitisar- 9W-è«al y.istrveof thse $tate ..Of n% jOblin, ý ;dof'a~g ,iu~4~*iie iteaIna diensi vllae',,'but ipOÇ4 tOijén rivés tanre ample detaili -?e ho Tte.4eofthie Redl Skies ýfem,-tbse liaee. But witis Ibis I have - n tÃœ I doeleptuIncideisslily as ilil fb1 M'là lùthe coe.otmny narrative. ,&g -qpob.tayinformer,'wua Lhuesou ip r i Seu-apîisshsg, ab and mi a presaego 'vori 'égl0Ldjy wu oittbad, *çulaeletbkse telived vjbu» J *X$11bM. th. lowii-Lishe1 ,fôntof is 6m4 dthisl au4 'uvicis9 1 artol tise rives', 'vaVtiily kuowv u 1 mo^t oitt she tit we Ufin fl t, a ebpt-a d=6e1 4~~au~ba*ywhe&hbadÃŽ forit a M iI WOle5idi, ,aî,.p L'4i~~'Wvab i f u çry of conscience frorn the critini.- of course s he», was rlrowîted. From1 No maet was evor fotind bold enotîgh ltu Ibat daytie islatîd jpoint %vas beliév'edi residfe in il. again. tintil a pour tvdduw, 1o but baanted by -the uquait spirit; ýaudq Curtis by namne, obtained leaveto imake there '%%,cIeL mn wmno it.lier houl'e. dil, I;l Sncb, but voild dechire iîav- 1Widotv, Curtis tvus as suIperstitionis ing lîçard thse mOuuniug of ihe oid crotte and as fearftil nse ler neighbours, per- Ébeanaed r-rin.,«tise slorms. haps evean more so-for sha. fir e.yh- Nanybo,' said the widor Ctirtis, ljevd iladeath-%vartiiîg."Trié- ioe. whéu vodJacks lsud coi iuded' &maybLe gîtai mother of aine chidren, she had 'LsIg. qa azs giî'eo mu every lost cight, and before the reut-news warrieg!' reaahed hier site alwttVs had a warning. ' Nonsense, Motiser Curtîs - ail non- It la true that hier, signe and tokeus came sense and fltamnery. ,Ansd yet 1 arn verv muait oftener even thanbad nevsi botuad lu beleive ini gbo3ts, tue. One1 but as bad news did somaetimeslWlotv niglit I w uat %ork tilt latea t the lower' lier hints front theother world, slise lad Ferry, and after wvurk 1Ijuimied a mcrry- sufficient reas)à for bie>kf. Site fuund makiiîîg. ILt %%-s lest îwvelve. t'lin -1 herseif ut lustth SNecbiid, a started home. flveryti iig, was squtare daîgitr f igîte , xvvhn vs ut ser- and straighit sîntil 1Igîî l i te road fheurt vice ta Cti Isluid, iu the bouse of the chu rchyard ; tuit 1I1(1ist i ctl ylitenrdt Sqtiire Shecu ; uaid l be riear to this lte riistling of' n siik dressa besîde nie. beloved chld, the wîdoiv took np lber ' Coma ont (if lt- ai,' said I aîî'd no po- abode in the haunted slîanty wiich tu king fun ut nie.' 1 got nu ansxver; lier searad beart bcad uow no errors. and away 1 si.ulîmd inite dia nshes %vith Mr. Jacks was kind tuthe pour widotv, a big Itickory stick; ail tu mt od gave lier somne furnituire, und assistance Thea rustliug of silk s-es still as cluse to in v'arions otlier form: and sitesaus uta as ever.1wsia reot ag 1 Dga tfti1. gratpa i. f ler i e as with myself, 1 du own ; bunt I iteurd it siîetit iii the bouise of the siiwright, pliain enougli. At iast 1 camne lu thle wlîose sou Abatl vns %varnîly atteclted bridge ; and you kuom- tiienîds if lte Lo lier datnglter Martîsa, wto wtssiudèed 1l stick ul. hIeyuîid tisa rail to Save r.o be it if ttt very fali. For some sauving off. Wliut do 1 sec latuitauoid Line te 'siduw iînd beau quiet anid feiiow %rsalking nlon- itseetîda, ha- haeppy: the tlotîghîtof*herchild'sidvun- sida nie, ini uLuld sill Ik moruiîig goita. lageous niarriage lied driven gloomny 'Good niiht Io yOu Sain Jacks,' sisid 4 ideits froin lier lihead, antd lier cheerluil lieI 1ratitrued lus pitlîcees; nii itn stute ofnmincd, the assidaunati kiedness oif h. beaua to. ask îîetsuf Sacu tuu'%,n; Lue Jaaks lîad alto tended te prumote. and of the liculîle deud and goîte Illse Jr Oîîe ufiernoî a treenîdutis storm twenty yeais. H-e seemed stirprised f slartled the good peuple of Suco, und wlien 1 said they wtere uai departed; tilled hem with lî lrm. ,Saco river %vuas and at tiÊe enîd mofthte bridgte sse sae- iued xvitii,.aw-niiiis, the owners of ratcd. Now, Wi&dçbv Utîrtis, 1 kîiot, 1I wbiiels fluateri tieir tmher and îîiaks did sec all titis, and v et uld Sont .Jacks dov;iî by. the waters. ButI just aboya kuovs pracitîa el tseawms îîohodv Lhe towtt a litigebotm lay across te tiiere. IL nvas itulhing butt fîsucy atnd sîreant tu chîeck lise rfis,autd toe;îrulcct deceit, und su %vus te cry yeonî ietred. the bridiges, %vhich contiected Ciii hlà- Cheer tp oîd girl, Mari lut tiail riglît.' land wt thille t%'o shores. Once ntiiaiae But th ise tv vu ss titto luiée salis- nîeamtsry.ufuis ia freshiet ise4 c.rrrd lied. 11w.. aid tnaii.ý-raIlter <ssitedU away the' boom, and giveut passage tubaer iaginautiotn, and stuc declared tiust tise vest tveigtît of tinîber, vhsiciscouni- every luslauL stu lut usure Sure Itiel ing witlî terrifié violetice agaitsst 1the Marthti tvoa gutie. Aloutit nu-idmîtutlil bridges, liîd tnîîerly destroyed then.- Site started tovards liutîta,-atti ÀheI The sturai, ou titis ccasionu nas fullowv- %'eut aloîîg the at~uer aide vtitt ier, ed l'y the rnpid s.vellin.g of the river, Lo Sasy a fet vords'ef4,2cusifurt. t and about futur u'ciock te boom gave &'Dd yout heur tîtatf stiidoini v sid e wray; the inotnuluins of plenksanad logi'tue pioor moUser, 1 if tlisal wutstot Mur-P broniglît dot'n lsy the irsindatiée rushE4d tha's voice, iLt was isek sjiril.i niadly Llrougli, and ail coummuhnication, Abel liad lîcard te cry; it 'vus a4 baliveau the isîand aînd tise towîs waà shrîek of desîsair, su !Itr,.Roudistinct. cnt off.lTe limber ffiuugcd îvîii ir- no msais coîsid lesilute or dutilit. Tisé resistible force over te [ails below lte night 'vus now caim anid stitt. and lte isIaud,carryi n g the briages away %vith il. 'muoa siiomi brigliti y oeer t ha ivlisle 'lTe ruar of the blat, the rtîahitig of scezie. A bout iey moured wviiiit u n the îvild àùtetrà, the crash of Io" , tise indentatiunaofthtis river utthie yoling ',nîgn f iase- f suo Arnie su's feat. 11e gazad rapidîs' round. Il ttt' cataracte. the rtiuuiiii 940 and fro of Jmîist abos'e ltae pint-of the ishatîd lha' the lteci[ie, ail rotîsed ip lisoor lViduw% saw asoielil ceeuie, and à îicrsotis tand- n Cmris' fiiigs of terror and alaras ; ing mpriglîtin t-a %voniait witlt lieri uand about stiset site caeintu sothe-a bascissped, as ifis l)iayr. Tueeau- huouse lu uld Jascks, ad toid bim tLit nue m-as htrryitsg dû%u tlie streaia, le site lied raceived n denîstsrnig relu- tiougi t u>ît ite rapimis. A lovers d tvc to bier last chiid. 'rears sireurusad glatîce is uio e.ily deceived. ILte.vis duts'ut lier pallid chteeks. anti lier wlsole Nlartjha,,-to leali tth Ie boat, Lu pissi111 miea %vas titat sf a iîruken'iîearîed %vo- omit twralIecaé. u uieglî tu mari. Both old Jacksaned Abel soagitl rowving %sith Mie ehucrgy oft'iiresi love tlscv tier«icule possible way. and despair, îves thü t work (if a singleast They trid ridic lîe e ried reusoîs; instat. Tise widow settk duvîs tjon e buit aitl in vain; tewido'w stili doclared ber kates uapo e Isa au. she lited seurd the ssever-fsmilisig waie- Tise river Wu uti de and eltee curreit d ing. wssrtg wiiejuist ieluw vs'cre !lei 'And ivîat was iL like?'1 -suddenly rapidiit-.AbèI wa- alitigst mi*ithia- iaeir Pl .îried oîd Jacks.; ioeae, tenid so80011 qnd iL -ssscèmasuvvý A. ow acrèecis, like l1?e ary of aose lu pull i-otteéùffito dvuid beiéû hmckedý s iil'paie,' roplicd te- widow. in. Wbdtiagain hiiraèd iie'lbêwof tI 6'Ttiah. wormn, vot iserd ths quamf' bis bout"acàý*esjtls6éhëatie*ûtt uore, of Caith Island. Shae nover faits tu howl La fifty yards ab$se tbo e;ut mille re ti tihe lietemulseast.' -he lay, uid vWu è ù [ù1i, vih treme 'And W1.0, pray, n'as the. sqnslw of velocity. ~ t CathIsln ul- 4' - Courage- dent r btlb, ' ried tise e Old Juédka drew te widow tJ Lie ta- ,oug mni'; i Abel là ut bala1i a ble, lit lis pipe poured otL a glosae of 'Idtopued'#ui Wâ4is; A4.Iei- whUe beer,, aad aller a vigurýouts hein, pegolu getoing m*qayÏrsnt' 'qng? white *mené round tise iorders of Aco deIr girl, putL tlfrn in ,tisewater. xv. river thte licind 'aas inhabite<i byaerlai mhéd*riabe-- whoe tiberi IWlls.A-old fellow ;'i arngoingtopquickly, Abel. Yeus b'a' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e th.aec u~~psgtetb ae vek #'tè. Tstltat my dearh husa saw atid lletsr Mill aitis l luccu mtheitr the bati k ?,.ek? hotîglt, the sÏte ofthtieJndiaas, wlse 0Ou iPilMiembd Abel, soiemnuiyI 1 tise seispt ofthse pitroiase sSîiony,dw&t thei&4 e a h vgrsts~ OldCýu'h thp cosed vertq ý; l, Thte tito lIitaviere r dmwluk ei i Ie select tise spot whereelit a bW -i *t e.sela du ~Itl btiid;"Ibt to isiiatoisbnae,!d grees tbe is aes on touîeansdliiese 1'Ssiumpîle, sunso- sitlied aisilutran oftutatst'. knel. and'vltllthtie rouriag caLumnet on oaIs Side,' and ltaeplucid sky ubuva, jrayed -u Lite Gusd cf Ibeir lheurtx.' 4Ltub go lu my uioter, 'nid Mair- lus salter au iustçmst's pQue; eîsd Abeal withit uthler wird. slsïSek otît 'for- ir lité . Thee sneetittg furmusi W eust and tsusaaImîliawe 1re stra*gely loineged 'viitt ýeacis otiters. uutitîîlia taue uriyjveterned to od Jaci's IL appaat'cd that li!usrltuti. î~irL uier IitWë'hei"étracler, antd uahM hl -the ipftîîepce 4f4 slurasîtusnriber Blind, moe, to erm u yr *cd md esemrs-Ihe wlôow 8,1 W-lier oui ss» ~ sh hér ptata;s ltauk e.me;ud et" e meg., pWog asoms -Wbek thte shiore, lus fitar's home, time uged mutier lrneling ountae itore, white 'oid Jack urid bis motîser stood moti- less neur the tiirashold of their bouse.' 1i Murtitu,' crued Abel, i ii a vuic aleins anîd culiected, Ihomîgi hutsky, 4aL tviîis, couimu"q aud spirit. Oisa- siintite, aîîd %vepI;r, perstps for evar. Rousse ail yiruum~lil oru î etbe rsand, yoltr future istdplidasd' hat Site ýthitgi give- yotu the. energry uf a mantse;! down qtiiiu intie' cauon , lie stiif audr, mouva uotl' Tisel'ail is swvsîled- kv Lte ruin, and the wbitie rock la hiddeu. Tisat la a dear girl ! Mova eunt for yomsr hile! Adieus!"VI SNo saura words. ar spoken. Mar- tisa, as abe %vas bld, huy dtfiilessgtb in lise bottont utoflite -liglit bark citoe,and, tisa nest insatant x'was sckad it thie rrspids. Rudsdîd rund 'avdnt -the frit boat,ýssudtben, enleriuug tise vary centre uf tL it ~ick fluwiisg strcam,t dutrtd auiun îd tees tuaisttofover tthe talla.-'Abel 1tiled lîke a.- renus for tise shsore, guidiug tisbout sligtiy g'î tise -sireant. t i My chsi d ! aîy cald t'tied-ta 'ag- ouized moiier, as lha leuI'ed onituibots ,tue hatik. .'Boyt' said liis lather, severely wlîal bave yudouta wttth Mtrtbu l". Fsster, slay me eut! itarthisi.le te isaiaidaof Pruvîdesîce. Follow me, sud a fetv mintsues xilldeéufiiissr fate.' 1- 'Tise. moîlser aud- Aburi's m'bole fâmily rais vith tise young nman aioug Ste siore, fullowieg tIse portage ufth lituils, Ëleuy soon reaeied the nook ini tisiiisuy-tua boat used by Juck for fiiiig utder te calauet. As .Abclexriected,itie- isgli tide andti tisrrec. volitusaof îvptera cutîsiderably iasàeaed Ltseliteiglit outhe timil ivisicis wus ais.î ider tisanis iai. à -ier aiey aitild 1 cried .widuv Cialis oncje muore. Aluci meadu nu, ropir, huit iee.pn&iiu tie utiedsrlcd ýra -the m, Tb two feus otne uu i tél1sida Ã" ui 's- tend, umadea of couirqo a vcry strunigatîr- raîst in Rtiis inr t Lte river. bmt where LIse 1 wo cuirreuts mal,'tiselutte comînter- scîed tise otiser, uand lise voume of 'u- ser beiug vary gro.at, trea ituek waters enured, uaegoiaug bck lu lite lsîud1 lxiiii 1, tise ouhber Lîvo aloigsore. Abal' pmîiled for lthe saLl t vaer iiitite centre, aud is a few vnuutes itad tie intense stlist'itciiouî of %aeiisg thte frai[ lsark ca- ine Iyiag nmotiuniassi4 on tise very edge of tise addy., ,Mutlsa!' lie cried linaaIon', ugo-, nused vtîiae. NoU aeitwtes giveus, eal .in a faew minliittes more liesa n alun gside. There site luy itn the paie mîuonligitt, as cali as ait imnfat un 'ils nit iser'souis, utL to nil aprtauce lifule-ts. Ahiel lafied lier hoirriedîy lutto iis huat, muid sprink. aed lier murbie face wtt l u 'ter. A deep si-lu, sulotv %wailiug soum-adofîtisin, ansd theil ttrEt of tetîrs andîriiuiîser, pructaintod tisa victury of youtb aud na- ture over deuils. 1'OIt, Abel, liotahave 1 iseais suved l' saidth ie trenîàlhiîsg ands agiiated girl deasliîiiglier Iuver's tteo lîeîds. 4By tity courage and trast iii Provi- deuce, dear Martîsa,' ie-pied Abelinlua MAiL RIItaStitS.--- %Ve tunderst and tisatun of the Mtilt anuiductors botirts'a I'tiumtratst aud Kinigston, lias bacc eif- ru-std oms a charge of oeiusg tu inumits acd abbtractiag nsoney latters lthera- roma. TIse yonug tians is tif reqîsacta- hie Iamiiy,uud lins ittertoitorne saitigit ýchumeater. Tua Post Office et Coibortia lsaciao seid ho have been brokiesi enat -few tîlils sinca, and a large aure cf -muuey smoen. LA'rgST vgq»t CAt.WuAi-.We, isru by taegrajii, thatLb, steamerOAlast arTuved at«S.f.Yorki trocs Chag'es5 'aiti a! fait açsmiilimleutof pussetugers --ud 4$l,5oOO-ins guW dussoa fraigst,,und, asioatdevable.ii hande çt j-4L-aeagýers.- ýShb intsl hW( wiurlaumails, - md tise gaid in thetubande Otlier penungèrt awouuintý eÏ50,0ý0, Pý --Twu ouuiunand jiérsihla crese4i l4_j ieasgm aroute stp-o tbm2mssLaM. ,$lero'vre imuises'- ï1lî iuapriy s;t Nppjiu, and huit fan' dtr8~s ise rod.Tiseraiuy sa- m4 às8tf5t its boigt, snd te'souda et eaï2a îtmne-sab,- iT~~w~gtsm8i 'î ;rauýgersnts ore ti.dlu ithe vininir t f 4asu,tSn 1 insisted un Marlha's relurning noî more lisp dulies oftlpairiarchi,decidedliit tite' isariage sitoîud b.c clataed t ussuntsdsoner thaise- Waorigînully lu- Ltaîsded. ,A- week lirAbehand Mur- 1tisa waliçre man -snd wife; uud Lu jmsge - ra ititleoatLsolid ag;bction snd geuiusbs siïê»o4- $bey -hav,' ne'rh L*1forgtten Liteir oue terribe trial,. Abel lloves su tllu bis siory, but saya tisat-non' "iL laým leba tnds, he stands,àa- good -chunce.,- of ieariug. 1We -have seeu thiat la. rint,' a pruliieay wiici1I lera- by'prove lu ha correct. 'Oid Jaksand tise. silusv cre uw n eai, sud Sacs, is a uitre. place; isut tliomugitoutr n'orthy couplesihave beca noNv fourtean year.s - married, .they remeremier, as if itwiere yestardey, titair owe iageuuduf Suu >Island._________ 'K correspondant of lth ome Jour- rsaing saysathtI enny Liîtdpuys £4,500 imnnully tnder tise EgliJcts 'l'x. Sha lias invested in tisaEngrili Lhrte lier cents -uliot £750,Of0.-Hler auîai incotne, titerefure, im ilit surce alune, i la abot £22.000. Ho atatos iliat site isus given tswuy lu char- ity, abutut £84,000, $400,000 as ttessrly as il cati lic esujusateul. £27'000 of titis-mssgiveu ln Ensriaud, t5,000 iti Ediebtirgit. 'JInEdiurgih e ganve siecocra et isgtinea a tidrat.'oni the first fobur site clearèd £201100, Isd otn tise* iftau eddiliotisai £5,000 t'icll she -devotèdtôÏ charitable pu'rtuosas. Ha -estiiatas lte entire ansousut of ber Eu- ropeaii wvaltii at £1,O00o-000. *A GANE T'ujaga'u.-A nîsun nmed Ricbay, a hisoksaiitt, 'ahiolilvas luCons. ber, isas-a tmrkey- iean, whici litteiy hsad a btood cf y aing(ot)cs. A Iiswk,tviic us un lte ihatof îîroviieg about. the district lied, oi ttwo or threa occasionîs, puiincad mponaud succeaded enci tlima lu cart'vimig off one of Ièr yoting tuk poruily lu nuakea cotiter èlplàunie, bô tise pareal bird n'as n'ateiîn iu~hmt. Aller iîovering sume tiue lilte aiw-, ha ut lest tudpa dascenrt, andtita'aou curryleq t.>i euhler youtag na, n-han te liais fleu ut ansd aecc4eded- luit - iug hlm. ,Notwititlnditg* bies sîrîtg gias tuo niake lius escape, site beid lîlm f'ast usutuil stiîchey causa-up eand sectired Aboy ut thse ae of, ten eacurs saut lu açitol for te llrst hune. 'Tisa teacisar toLtest ls ilufrnînîlon. asked iin-" Wîuotmadevota 1'lte boy couîld isot arswar. Tise teaciier tululîl i te pruper tinsîver, ced daalred ltae boy to rameîssber it. Susîne hoars uftcrthse teaciier rapealad tise- question, Tbe boy rmulbed busisaatud lu greut agony, ansd nt ieîsgthansivared. -1I1swow! I's'a furgut tise getlanc's uaine." TEE t, it tMe close of1 addressed: 'to . VOL~- I. i S 50. t t Bron I&c Toronaiwroý.' - $F,4T.OF ~ 'GOVRN ENT. " Sysautimatuf.resistenoe 10 tliiee'mo"o' uf ta :Seat of Ootértment ftoiu'T<6)i' lu, tefor th . exiin ofti'DA yaars Lutoi iclst" ppert C#auda la cu4j' ettiud, lhave.h~t ié ai~ in Ëa-em éijiter- o"-- au acielstron pinro ùýauftb itgl-icdd uselre2 h a oter pt i ave lkusa ip tLieoquea1kh lsreN erebl y plaie tarnsl WhethqFtiiý agitation on Ibis poptl 'tir r~' '~ clatLpreteudL ay ccivedmt àcotfisoet Ion,w~diq* frout a qttnrler'%Bot Vaý7 Ir ~ lotit u&liuT fa rhu 'il" à so vf tvrintuthe çamip. Itts"s- olaD sibiîiuy ofsiimt.seuîndînlhtIç prepsred. f or the rereptioi-s e te ghdattlv, botts im,Çbs- ment wit! eot4 i j0i uptt>1m frein thtetoeo a1 - Dxt .esion ftrumus lu, iii sosa. e, ocluire lboîmou'iyta1ie. ment in the QuefsrNrm~o he1t uirU ihemramauieCclub w lesiiti ti rilusap &ktm mis ta&Ii ue. WieuerAsembtiviï, 1 1 in Si. Gegrxe'a Pols, l in'tai ity, dulîtlp>4 a- fur ite Piuiha Jcffis- Tiis'mlt lu&iuortllkÏ reaSreurqriettsuit au redmuslaau plut athTide-waiters' i ol 'oi d(4O4iw ~ ae astel osIsi. te &,£Sa. u day.. -Dec. 19,ý1»5. PLITICAL MUTTON.-C?I4Pqt44 uuitmtSamèxst n'as e.(gii'ul 'inIS t. rane market oit $atuîsJ&y, bytbàG" isitiots et Mr. flerrinsauls'asul,tf wçéýd plîuf1Skaap,laced une aéetto aed reTetveylil 4,-t. cmsd Tthloîstiof." Tiiisfc- W's riseraîui a a aeelmeu i.? 8be *o;d a- terni of averges, eLu~ probabty latre trosa- it m8s adisÉ 'i*i' Isiti rofassion. On lteoutier isasdl lkesî <'Tout"I'nimai.l uprbtp1l, reiîmcîs-la"sîziiiqugliîlps IuOrioniTte saorai ut ihe -rdntr-a~ wjs'iitil, i.Tisa- 'or6tlïlfiâid"~ ehltutd tay be drus~dt awt u~~ KeiSs'ie liascn tsaMeispltabi' ré., gUf*o u' QLiWdé." Tite fine onti; tt a" taie cf tiiguud living!abd pilnt4ft$I tîiic ailI reuvard el ostm limeir tittinga s urie-.p. TIIE CATHOLIC EXCI-TRMIÉNMfis1 1N E'NGLA.ND. - 'rr l ratiy incressed affitatiyso lu Eugluud amsd Secoland, le'regaitio- tae antil-Poperymoeatadt1 ' Ludua n esus" iserîs tuat Lte séà* Gaîseral is iirel*rinir a bill te- o~ pea i te huldiusg of. Englirttlý i1yL th eah lOcérgy, aud' t ieug aiflcautiy remraks tae'Dli. UtbigôoI tIse lirs ai, 1ie'aili ssuiweiy bt8dL -alit. bisisof rit irrsçgbaîis, -, î t s:1 Lord Beattiont, a Catiiolpct apý pian, hataken ltefileld apc meaures outhlitaPole, aisd- ttlattîii titet li$ ajîisuijsments t<s RiaýliWbW upricks are Ideroutsry te the- oeoê'u, aud ut variancewîthi te rcoqsýsM% heid, sud in aome- càms. ie. 1* resît,egl)ccialiyat Birkeuhead,' lite àîeingu4verLlais_ tise 21k ilt., reel'e4 im ï-ildegt iots sileco theî- dmmyà f -t. l ferra bilL Mggistratsahdi cesapeiied trifly Isetore the smout cOss, finsali1Y, restured qui~~ > Tisa foilowiisl noticee~ pcu George Street, 'Portst- ~ l, -eutuL tise sie-effot' in

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