Whitby Reporter, 21 Dec 1850, p. 3

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trîed romth ius sofR.w. SclawTWitlY vîix the . Bd endi White cowpwith crutDpihotuain q' ersan1 knowç any tbiag of ber where- aboutti wi Ou1a a farour b7 nukint t known R. W. CLARK. Wbîtby Village, Dec. 21.,.80 6t BARBER & IR DRESSER. JAMES JEEFERSON begs tb an-1 OWlurCe that te bas opened a tamp in Whitby oppo.te Mr. Rays Taverp, where ha respecifull'y slicitu the. patronage Qf the Public. r' Whitby 1Wc. 21. 1850. 36-tf WHIBT EWILDING SOOIET. The. Ilrstt Lon Mating of Ibis Society will h. helti ai T. N. .SCgIPTIJRE>S Hoiel, Whithv Vil. -ao es.t 6 o'e-lock -on the Evrninit of Tursday 7ih, Jangary. 1851-, when two or more Shares of M,'0 .ach will l i isposeil oi in the ustial marner. a Pet order. JOHN HAM PERRY. -Whlthyr 7tuh Der., 1850. 36-3t CASH F01R Wheat ami Oatse T hd Slitkcrl)er wiII av a ali for rfh e ,chantable WH FAT jo bc delj vercd at tht followinsr places, VUi Pic&kering Nil/s. Dantel S. WVay's Miili, Brootdia,. andi ai the Warehoute of the 1lindsror Rid C'.mpany, tare.Ilie wili alsopa>' CASH foi, 29000 BUSoDiIFLt OOD GOATS, The. reater part of whîch Ina>' l'e delz'ered ai -is .*SOre- la the Villaze, the rprniaitudeuat the WVindsor Roadi Company$ aehue CARiLETON JNNPE. whitby, Dec. 21 -t. I 95(j.- 36-if -ERJ.STNRAS AND NgEW, YEAR ES Twifilà bnoristhe ritîzurua of l'oit %Vhtily anti ..surroul;'IitIg "rninty.ltt.am i i is near C..hrist. in*# andi New Vear. i willi- cuîsiatly have 0un ban<,a large assorîment of Cakes, ail folowe:- Fauîcy POUnIX C2aies. Etiezer IBiscuit, Mitas.. 4Puuid Czkes,, Brandy'Saaa aumrbles, Rock cakes, Gitiger Scitai. Tea CUsket. - Spnou.e 'alkt Wîîie Biscutit, SduCraclkers, Common Ci ackers t3tioil C riauLr l.r SuaIt Breatd, Hlaird llîea.1. Wceddit %Ca4kes ani Bail Cakes marIe, laider on reasonale term4. ai on hIle ahort.sî it t c- .Alo,a vauit! yof Caundies o.' every (learipionn, Wholesale andi Betail. Alan, a large stock ai Gro- ceries. JAS. J3ATES. Part whilt$v.Per. 1011). l7O 6I FIVE DOLLBRS'REIjIVJIRD. *traîyeîlfrainithe jîrcm ises uo' tho Sttb1- seier, Lot «No' 27. Sua Con. W~hiihiy, abomut the irait of Juans ast. TWVOZ'OLI'S, oleCa veau'- fing hma ole.40t ai' - is qize, anal of a l'uioit Bai> coit>r. -Tire tuer - aiÇUra, ht'a year;sl( .obbhat sprin. ofaiamktirow~ eco 'Î-th a whitesipotte-d V'IMPt and iin'tute anti- hall. Th Tcabove rewarilViil le îaid ln an>' one giv- 4gIn'formatin to the sibscr'itrtïth i will lead ýth~ e rï-overy-of tite sailtipît. LIIONTLEAL BUOT &SHOZ STOIL3 I hIt/te .11,, hanir -))Iockopli&.r Schqfipeà sî torp4. Brork-st. W/Ivby. Whfrie al mn lbe fîtted.from ttesmalie'st fOot. ta t/e largçtMud Iook. The ,nbueciedis wock consiss.iz: Coarise, Kip, CSIÇ akîn, miud lloy's boots. Lwl -irs Cair amiî Pr,,rneillaBonts andt slippers. CIlliu's 1,ooiu8 Mmoo. Geiltletueii'5and Lady's pateut india Riihbers. a shade loc hn'7rnoPrires.- Wlhitby Vlloce fic nete'r beind t», Timps !, Coarse 'hotsfrm 11 4upwals al tersiiipropor- lion. As ihe sriseier is a cnpetelt lticzde of Leather. & wvorkrnanihip thereol, an paîn&%i. irul be. .pared ir., *electiog a go1id article.WMork met ai- ways on hand. MI oiders wilt receive imrnedi., zte attention. 0 Als the îready made Work in the bnot deý pariment fis con finei lnCas.h Only, parie i th ,way of trading mith the slsrîber cantiot have Boots J3ookrdaiinles made lu arder or oiberwîse agreed upon 71n Wal e (aznd, as a Tînkýer,) al1iays om. hand. B. BR Y.I 48fCo. Whitby Dîe. 14- 18W. -t 0> ver been known Io £ail iln a in;le in- stance where il bas- been . borou-ghiy .N.tLiI91 tried,boweveT5se-~ ve r.te te ay ha"e been, or 0( , a howlong standing. r ~Prce 50 cents Wbitby, Dec. 7, 1850. 43-tf. CALIFORNIA GOLD!! J-ENRY S3MVrJIof ibis Village, CL!f pybis wily wihthe ,*a1 California,or sonne- tbilâg 1iter ard ffen Ito hie fiieds andthetbpub- Il. 8& takep t bioppoitunity of retumintthanks to ail wbo bavE, fa<uPWJ buu.with hltr custom foi, -IONTER STOCK,-,ý C L OTHING & DRY & O'DS8 SIG CREpAPER TBA"EE MWALKER & HUTCýHINSON, WHOLESALE & RETAIL Clot hiers, Outfitters ON 0r TtIIEGOLDEN -L11N, Sir; 0F TitiGOLDEN Lo ,i 20, KîING:S~rErT EAST, ToltoxTrL A TCJIIIW 2u 6, KINg STRE? EAST, TOoruROT BEG o iformthereaders of the WhittiyReporter, end publie glruei'ty. "lutI lhe hae ompete teirFal iporatonsniEtaie ndFanjrDry »ni which havirig been 'teiccctil faii the btic Stocks la Foreign Markets. aînd purchased l'or CAS, Ilitchiud so X amriniW uuisurpassed la ibis Cil>', for ajialily, style enati cheupliets. Au n flpivtion 13 ynvitect READ TIR FOLLOWUYG: T1 COU SBbaûk Orleans Cloth fiom (I8 Coinuretid t - J( iBlack Cobouarg " "v1 Coloand ï-i11-2yd wide 1 I9 àlmiira ti )Laiuries t0QJ Prns dwide ()Q flovie's - i ta O 7 1 yd GtnL'halms (lea") ta 0 Dark Sable Boa* tt3 G Grey' Srjuirreî" 2 6 .Slarae Martnat 1 -)O M i nk " "4) 9 prn. yt. Gie>' '~ yd. ai A n îiel c a it - Sheebiuîg 2 % d. Siripa-ti Siulming Bcd Tck Bravn Holatati Gala lithas Dtanl SablerrNitifs, I Grey 'Srjiriel 1'. 1, Sinite 1M-artin d %lin k d" d u4 1-2"1 Q 7 1 - 0j 7 1-2- 37 oethesî with an excellent Stock of Façtiîoitable DRESS GOODS, $ýilkâa, Giotves. 11!Ficry ér, t lso, 1,000 14"00ol )ainask .7Iorceils,, Broati ~17 tt u<tt i~ê.tase Moitai Vetîlai "SiiL, Scalf Shawls, worlhy qf notice. 'icdqd 6'arpets, Druggits, &c. &c. of cie gantPtl;. uletues (Pitu t Iaitty) " 3 6ci 1.-tut.t' i u.t. ' .1 , 3 6 Ai myaà4 'iodas ~ '4 6 j(t anus"-- t ia 6 61Coai 7I'h ril u i ;ticu!(ir atte-ntuion thrIl/tavasiortrnntt c (C li0,T I 1IN 6 86 76 t) E> 3 t> - :4 (I 1(3 Tilt' ctlmcip of tkA'heuin-t made ie ;iî int-u' blîir nwn inispectioni, b>' the h'estJof aoirc.tre not equali.erl lut Ca'naid-ta, lai sylu. of" etîiuir. <juality toh' c t.rkîtaatn'hlp atîn aairiaI. iltit t. ' iiI iâbIilt- li to le a t atuîis fte pt.ple. Parliiekat)lt l lit ti <oa;"àlia ibis itute 11;1Y.. - rsity ial foi Ilseir tiuhsle ',ià ihiev bu>' lufuue huukilig üvu'r W lsStock, anuualtitiliva lil'eita .Gr Fli Pl] 139. Li, w Fi aveu ta ne îiacct hdé > uc',at~ frani 17 f; Fine ho ui!Cti Il3 ~t"a~VDne liaitt do25 Qid ~Saluinett o4 3J 01 d.Tt rjf l i ta 3) o IBlar-k Salin Vt-its, fiom 31) LIjFatary t-' t d '22 C . ' 1oiineill id 3U j B!ck j'1h -'â anar:î çu'c.y.paris !)va4Iuiliais. Fuir& -, 13 t 7l à. I t.1 ~,,mpTtg nod b e(Isurc and u-'rru'nted t fit. 'Fn er uJ caiers r&uil'ia bc cunirY, anti'n"t arqtaaiinuid wih turk't pîtac-Irsei l n sira1r geroi. 1w uuiaîy duaîeis. vaoslt(In wiail ha crail ai this estal>îtiahniente .astth.- aIve but Une sii-aaght fat tcaid alcde of' <ine brifîinesa§.- Aniîig ileir uules are lime tintiowiujt NO SECOND PltlCE. Alil rarrneuîtia n'ît uitiir!. e.çthancrtd. AlGrmuau varraniî-d taIotmshritak or spatt illI 1nain. Alieit'ce Gtîodï, rut in îbe-ussiai icntths, xlai-Cl - ME ANDvt U F E j~RA )E lO iSDi .'V2,S! Lwre»ceBnd»J,!'Of1 t )NC o tl Çirt îrin~i1ts.~if j»or&tcE!raoomy 'isi, ily 1tu (/np SJI!ark4e, annd isuniv~esoally p li.dby Ail41 Frotomical I IInîsektlpern;" an. flîPe Ftruad thr present lo4y, hy pinmntini tez mecoîpIJ4i~~Vr> tù ihe PuIfic the i- .jt4e*I amotiuii .Prot.ritim" the niog t nid Eéormsvfah let-re. but i Ille utle-tioii <of ;é UElO .mARr,", à shoufflle borne in mid ri haï '.4QiAil,Ty io ~the*toje teo'i IE.;%PN'ý." lui pureilimi l pinli yforCASH. tlrn the V îîofaiùirer*in BIIII'ON aî<rl îliv UX"LJ) STA'I«E. afid isit' fltnuSELLING at lte LOWEST RlU MLM AT1IIING 11FÎT.J1 CA(JINLY, ROBRTs..R(M4I' ' O0 R tter B Ce PulRc<Tryto, AndB (wA r9nIN, ont r.XTEiNSI;VE AMD WE L L-AS SOR Ti. 1) T I 0 Ali of which IwiIl bef- llitdfulli e9îal in qiiat in tothe first Loridnn tid -NcwYtkfiulvbni and at -aconside;ably In ~er ptlCe4iI<î tili>'IlQU$tiseiiiâ atty Ths- pretent syxtem of - Ptfine alias Lyintc" l here rteptldialed'; and R c. i . <la in the old adatte é" Herlestil;theéh48f Policy'~) bave evpry 40Çttf('j im g t t~v1a >aNst te thofe who nay faveur the-m witt their Patronage,, ieSby givint(, erealéfrç10n o feir vop bilities for pr'ntolîicthe --best interesets (ibe ParCkelff) Of the.Potr."w Iv~coap' ues EXTESSIVIZ AND OFFLt~S.L(ZE)A.'OTET( STAPLE AND FANCY D-RY GOO- 0DS 0ftiie ewest tt îsaud Manufacturee, Ladies" (71aaks;'Bonnets, MtlJT9Boas, 8e-.5, .C'. Jni-cevery vairiely of CoutÉ, Trousers, and Veists, of sîî1perïCio il tud 1îuloî il&PTS,9 0£S39 &o., Togeter vith a large lot of Ladu.'.' and Gentlemens B3oots aii4 Shcoso of evory doctkfln T HE 1IlRSTOCK -0f GR0 CERJ Tj>ey can with confidencp recowmet'd, as btn elirply free from ary dami.-zeti or infericr .Aril, ati4 are of the PufeaîtIgialiliet and-;: aIBrando. Alpo a largte Aâïoi îne'nt 4 1nelldinLr a large lot of-John WiIlsns' 1DiTc~ii E t ivUs,' Ora superor q(ality. id AvoyW andi R. S. & Ci., belng determined Io ew exeedinçlyfifte, rely apon tnaking gnal slaughtèr aM4 k4çli prics in i g15. #gins. R, S. & cols ' SpIen Es Ftopibinuént"! l now open, nid veendy for inspectioî; and theyw-r particuiarly invite tlirii Cosir&y 7rirds not ta parehase elewhere, before inetmafiza of proiing tbe truth of their pretenàioils. No S&cotl Prici!v ~ a ~rb Gar.~mentS Mdi* <O 1MeW.Si&p,in e&gani style, un lte shoreal ,aorwu. I*Remlember! the FREF, TRAi)E MU~SE is No.,2, S. LÂw2Z#tc tisGo, Mî1wpOd wtofNeloîîSreef,,itl the KeWStOm J3Ick o the. OltiMaàéet'ite, adjoining' ihb Acade.1 Enti Moni Tran REMY.I BUILDING SOOIZTT, nprted undertMe «c1of the Oth Vie., Ch«p.90. nîhly Management Pc. O0 4 Fee----------- ,Pe'o c t. r, Séveri yearsl ~iniit t. - ,1ýi,% yvais, iterest, - - - *Fees,- -, - - £4 g2 0 2-1 00 AT EVANS&IlRAMrI1 tN' 5CiyBldngs, JCing Street East, neoet Y o 5 'C i y i B u i d i ' D r y G o o d i 8 S t o r e , à d cig n O f 1- Gooà Merchants, and Ge',neral Dry PE'i'EýR pEIRY, Esq., PrpAidnt. JAMES ROWEP Egq.e ice-Preident, tlu. Z. BURNHAM. jMu. JAS. WALLACE. Ma. H. DANIELS. jMit. IL GARTbHUORE. teect'y 4 7r,,asurpr-MK,. JOHN HAM 1?k.i{1Y. Slit-B. Fhkà kbALLi Esq. AUl Bank-th Bmilditîg ýoïililes havititz been for su long a tinme esta bli6lied. anin u îtcsfoperation iii vz- riails Paria ai' ibiï ruttly, anJd uralvitte boih u aitiff,, diu.g imeus <f piuilie iaî. i lae anud as -gi'mîaitae 1.1 al>its toi-lit#-, atquliliuls of, Àýeai Ebtate 1eitig uaow ho %vwî'li tîîtieîsluti uJaeuu c ledaged, *Il ià îlerîu qii untîcc#oar.oi tiît. rii beethe pjubialicte Lm~>'ii rai3iîîtingbu; Ladty inii t4t-iloeîtîut ithe Couîty of' letk, lultit- ter ut ail eti ira it ht )IIiacip)ieâ Of ollethioa.b tci îuch AilaiuS l tia nwi coi 'îsiderable tmre sitice thp pr.ject of celt.iahiutg 'i .Uuai'iti- ztucîetiii tisV.lt>' by lia.w .,cituasl cva aintlbulti lite pruuciticet' vi n na.t'iatasweuu ai Ilait iunrreâr> i ritt!e.ly ulîtieî j sioud by itivt.gerier.ialy at peujlde laere til, %visite 1ni.a,,y u:Lea' 1,aeesti tesroîua country ltult:- ta spi r,ld zeal jar bt.yynaa %%litai coulti or i atri4,lat have bven expectedtI.llte pVaple ut iWh.ity, ju.it lio.1 ituaIln nToavie jia1 te niatte 1 ~iîh aiti a 1p iti iai i iteM .,ad itaili tliii; wVeli k1iouwt L'îeigy >'and 'tf2l it si ci oniiitMhy .xpu-tiet Lftuaia1k ttiâ wili ws'a e tulu Va'<v ttl i ay hav~e onu>ly bet a ltit, .taitin i ha..:tui iiî'tia taîti rr the huiler tu ab.c e i La.th nt îof~itmls so:ielýea s urbit iow tiifii .das.a. aid di p1îiatililini tucy;aitie tt et inu[lu tîr toi ilit e atl tt a (jt i tirtitrC ta t tages tila. cieba ie , tutu ,itt là aifiibath ta, i a ; aadC boci siiil iti VUUt,% <it tta iLf l g la1 VJI ;f Ait 1he lime iu.t; ie ip s cscîe fiiit usiabirj lisl iti i ai '1 no.ilî, ti i,,3titi ulis .nui S i ir- tIiliy hlgh, out iaî., ta (tie Iîaarcity Dt'iluaaey, asidin.i- dlcd alilt,! e Ie -.id ex ,ie.ic.tagîCene aaîa. uatt'i llatui, ~ iiuititid iei IC/Iere tf) (aex0a~t aut sana i lmit U7ttia.at attli part uai ltectîuaît Y) bil retHiy, (maildVery juil~îy icia).lomuieil l a uuult a.vua )tr,,iaai i ii teii rualitcbextaitail ii1luitacà,s. butai Iovt %et eîîac Ille ltjetiolai.catM.hd .iZiil t lite c ut'ai± td iai- frbt sucatets forîmet in Ti uatuto al oter fittaîc, umîugit lIave b)eeit,atiad eMiii are, il is fuli>' tetermit.- cd ouaie bythe Direciors andiMa , :a2eas i t'itis S t>'Il l î î t leaâ,, hil lie as Lbte Inu01J iv lai, U>i.a us pnuvcii'.tbleit tlthe i ljta; itat muafinue cttibt: p (i tîîrtt: h>' adtiniîg antid iei titi a ci and a u.td ys'a-na i u t ajtom y ua atli ra ,u art J S l ia 6il t oiat nl>" at;l>'tenuterative' liii he leudideai.'tl I îriîa,,e i ant ivuaIa-1eolj5 Iothe bar a1owei' aio,- -tui1 i beieloy iîcîîdtr il 1 aiitlid ntii li banati <nia- Seujei1ty a ii mnr.a;t'itmnhoviitgi the Vziiae attti o~alir vitl.ai;e i in tlite .aajofilëial)%%blutit: aj. Io cntaaale fi 'ir -X'ariaîhte. l t theciwflydjýa;t Jthe ý1)ares meqajeutly oniy live shillingsipet Share, 'Thaccvi- tient eliýc o laitii. l, haut its hictifill an>'bu luit andtparticipateu inicby lite wa kiaîg ,clases -andi aili.ers oaf linmitaitime i a. 'lo ituh permius, te tniain quaestionu uitoii lai dty sil, utor s it not more arfiaatageoti4 fur us to lui."euratijie>'oaaordiiary muortgage ut 6 pet' cent., titan Io borrow taiopey iipffi a 131ildinga Society? A lew simple Sitre- nierais will serve ho ex1îlaisî îbis. :Let lts heain, théra. l-y ssipposin-, a lîmildiaag sociehy cviliiruta, outj it se veuu veas um oriiiscoitmieuacelieuitl,anti that a person has borrowed crie share ai £50 ont the hast ttale day att 3J per cenut boîtas, thus ritceivin .4 £3.5lin cash- larre tItisi borrowed on comuamn morttragç ut :six fir r elit. intetit for eSuvent yeuias, the ptryrniutitts p . 'oiitt ba- setvail yearss'inlereat i 6 per relit. -£N 14 O PIltncipzil laulie piid at ite cote, - 35 Q0 t) aI49 14 0) W l Were - i borrowcd fmoro the IBuilding Socaiety, ,Î) the payments cenuld 1lie nig Seven aycars, itàatauxerils ai five shillings , u'trtotith, 2)--------- 1,O1 filles est Ibbcsaine, -------------- fi Entrar.ce and rlaneri t-rit Ftes,abotit 1IàS'0 *£43 5 0 49 14 0 r Corner o! rt rtary. rt 5 i: £7 7 0 sivu stock. uf'cheap a ild ilasli onob'i> READ:Y-MADE C-L.OTHING, . wIcîî, ý1î. sllt(,riur iritiîuii, and1 nu'tde up ini the, besi wVu bu y in uic best al'iJ che(ipe't w1îlnllenarket,4, and sedi, fur 1c'apc'r linîî au'>' nthr.r itiu).Iiîutllt. Oln tri#al wvP.convince crcdilbous s tll.lt l.E :. ëuo f",ut' Clulliîg it mcîbte Iittud, aud cutis.'qucutly cietiper ftialun y uIr ,trudiîîlioîwe fl1 i ItEME.NI3ER AT V EV ANS8 & HAIMI;LTON'S, NO.- 5. CJTY;BUILDJNG$S KIYIG 8TREE2'E4ST, TOROSTO rfall1 a: ild IMter Importa Ki NGr bSTREET E ASTe OPPOSITE TIIE ÏSTI. LAW13,Fý,iG& J U-ST ILECEIVED, via iMO.NTrflLAL AND QU1EBEC, VO ases of Superior Lôndon Rosdyn c L OIT TNGe IRI Dest atiti Chu'tPeitfel, iit td jun 13ritishN$orth Am erica, aIli o! wiîch wilI lil11cavePr the STrlRL1?>eG Cos'r.iii otilir ho maike ont for a cery larzge ronsil-Mmet Lr11H/ %v (ii îalus va ut id) ihe Sbma.ul h:vighren appl'omii dSole Agent I uOsi .,Xltivitase eit Louiii tbt# t li " caafT TitApr." H fe tbercf*ore w~ilibe abli ;f.flllv ttlit anadatts ul Ttroito vaitti u PEUîtoit COUS, Le âille more thai 'iebagdLa u ba houjes ici thisCity. -11ir ABOVE_ PACXAGES CONTAIN- 90) Fa Il ttt;m iahrCoul-rom $3 1-2 tai $7 eau-h. 5,1J iaîtteriut- Fia'k ani d es Ccrais, fjtomi Sb1-2 to $9. 10Y) ptat. elraaii t Docsiianti Unainare 'T7ro0%sers, frorn$2 1-2 ta 153Ri. h l-i u ttiîe Vt. 2trfrni$1 to $1 3-4 ecash. 2à)* ýe! y Vicia Fu'euartSiik CuitVeivt Veàhs-, (tom $2 1-2 ha $3 3-4 eacb.! four t:as t'Upsrlzia axcn , Cla o-,and Ca *timortnk Doeakin& 1 AT VERY LOW PRICES, Belir 9ëlecteti parhiculil1> for lheSu,!sa-rîber, b>' a coputeuit perbon who avails ppotîiiuiy tof pttua'htaisiiz Goutis chen tue - markeis are iowv." TheSýub)cibe'4hu tr'u*«.rufid~etY, Ia hi ihe presemal stock ouit histul canatot heëiandets0ld b>' aty où~ b1iaîhisueai ihis, ride caf the Aflalir. A rai ai lel miit ihl tua witlla-u>fvitiPfof the rtaliiy of the ativanhages p Pjt)Ijc unider the REID y MO.VE Y PRIXOIPLE! J-011N P. O'N E I Tornto. Sept. 28,1850, 27-10 -1- MSSIS. BURGE SS & LE [ lG o fliiflaQfll c t te iîlluiltlltSo Cr ia tWet th, thi NEWVGOOI)S,- corisistiiîl-,uf Clotis, assmere, fstins. ~nd genrqiassot A. of, them.ai pricea.snmuelklower - thaniever to the Canadian Publie. 'I REBAD)YMADE CIL( Manufaetir' n this City-, from Goouds Injorted direct .selvrCs, au ainul.ditti Clotts, froni ilie best. làacturies i irar duarabilitv, style, anud checapiness 1 1)'soff Oliui tat s -' -s o do' Et Do -e I3iadr ýioth - ti- .- 3j0 O I i C BeIIattlshirts, a - j' bl u Yisr~~~~ Cp ---39 jCiott Capi Gle nu r ' B n n e s, ,-diJ 6 IBo y s V a 4 1 Mens eat, - 45 do Coi ---mEN'q P4RJS SAT'IN ILqTS, -BLÀ DRYGOQ consistiuag of ever 'trc--licsaVoCtnel 509> Sax~on y WOMa Scauf -ShaIi r, froua1 S.; M Factory 3i0091 yarrds gond Bonnet Riblions "l ( 5 Whiite C( 3 0 0 J y a r d s G a lia P l a i d s 0J 9 S u i e i S Pimits. fast colours, a 'n~tS Ladies' Cloaks, (uauwest styles) t 8 glBaik1 Velvet Boiancts', 3 9 LiEetis of Sha, Ciec<~, (Jripd I dPiliu hi~cis CuL' Ca.sla tc ies. al)d ot her F ~h'i:bCGat maria Pli 'à -11 -, - r . 4ý . Cloth Cil p%, & 8simpre ý iý4eikin off ýnada Pin

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