?UPLMONI'IC WAFERS , ORthe cure of' COLD8, OOeiJGniq dSTIM4. BItONCIIITJS. PLO~ Bmhsnd Lun3gu. Nlà nutaistr;e . r .tylorh ll'6hrslcr, N. Y., th e only tiue uend treluille pieo- prictor end Msinuacturir nit Ite continent ni Amerie. 1g.asigument of ri çbt* from JM~ This celeb;mt.-d remetdy iis !0r sale lvy. St-, TON' D rUçzlis: Oohauwo; T17009, O. ui T)Atpoy &Co., BinoannviZte; R. D 4Gxo ~vox,~roo1in; LmsnEw Dufiu'a 'retkiand JAMES B. GERRIE, WholouaZ ad RMauI4m*, MAIN 8%Te?, WiiTimy. yh itby, Sîh Nov., 1830. ' CAUTION.* B.- BRYAN AS been Ictely appotittd Azetnt, btheb Man- H i<raur.rs. for Ib diposal oi' severat new Pattern titves, %vhirh v.cre paîv!nIcd îhsce moli>th, ago, und :ook the. Plize nt the hit NIAGARLA FAIBL flec has un hand natrei.ral oinrimeni or Tict. Air, Parleur. und Coo<kiii-- ,Sives.. Potno.h K. iîles. Unrd Irons, Dog lfrons, Deût . Ilpca '.elit Cie- Thé. new-piiteîîfed eîove ii mte on th. OLD PJ<INCIFL' Or,¶.IKJYlG TIJJ PLMTI- I'EJY TIIJICR', and the file plates ore sp on stiîtitl ihiat the. lire colinot ill'juîe 1hrin. ThiF s'ove i. li th hh ,iii twtlve :r.otithd,'I or as bOOl ut it ecomti» gtrclly 1knownt Fui ra rswilI itavc -Di.olher %Ioi*t Thtt'alvMbitze if pcmsusftakinL ,A lng stick of twnoitt ud bavintr a lafgo and an'oi jDO herehy catidutn Ilu le tntiuu;~ o&lir a ècelt-t eaL 0KLO ' ý 'i up ulidn5ça spurious arlicle calitide.Dr L.'rnck's%!or to arty aio'e lhe bafI; t 'retiiPt }.lmilwin. Canada Wei't, as al the ineotrmalioiîlie.at eanîinraciiecjî .o e nr îy int1.lu U'vt.r tcCived for manti4mit 'iîi! 1thtl- a -,- a% sw.13 f,î,ntll if rî, t .a ooi ig iit foriiîî by ing in im res lryîtn rîrtr- <ilatr f--oei"two moilis. James Bry'amialUn is an nontter- faei'Vhtî.tImczol >aliîttae ~Pinon ei e I':~t.-l iikf otitîc. f.tulatte, luia- Ior nt parerl 1 fo!1eluI g ai.aîrrvdn.-Jber, crtooc k' ak.en iranxhaî l'y mr ea<cahthyjsriiis aori.-ntrrni..;.p- ýITiti'its ;herkaà ms - x t- ta nvie ilo'linted for iic Fi P or it. h ai' e î'riiîtio it'( i i lb. pernirîoiîs e~~~~~ff-i- hey liav it. ba ei î- ~ a~oeSîpi 'i 'trt w1>o bave haitlb hi iîortîinet iîe imrt. îni Neiduor lu .Mr fluird"s Store, le-aac refi e) ~thiril pure of mv;iaîpllafieîr'.rah, 1$0'alusk -nr . ithaîl a (,'î . qotlw n ?llct-, iv'.,,,l'y i l"Imt lmer lfaint~, ~îîii o~ o ii ch auaai outil ,Inoeuce .iiiiteu or the 11h rIreg'ment nol l1.'r MI.î' .~ra~i i ~3mr uniesa sitred-by E. Toylor. rBochtnrie-, ix. Y. XM B. Don't patronise- Pediars, - JAMNES JOIENSTON, o c, N. Y' for t/I/.', malce !lou puy profit , nd loss. ALEXANDER SMIT11. ?to 3,L~d.el'sBdIldint4s, Chz urck t. TOHOYTT) NOTI CE. .N.OTTCE I- s I1EREIIY iT EN 11:1 aplicaîîon will lie nnade moih eLeilmrj At if. next seuion. for the fominn of a new iand jndependfrn Coiuty oui nCý1he îen easlern town.^n sbire 01 the Catnîv of' York. and for atiac'hlig Ih-t ;,art of Cartw-rîizht 1#int noith of ~kt m *09 in the tlwnohip o! .Nla.1pô*a. nmîtf ÃŽhe'Iri tion of a new townshi p ooqi ri those lpotimns ni Cartwright andl Reach. whit'h compose Ss. IslandI, and i ba the uaid new îc>wnship be attached f Io 1be proposedl new counry. LEAIIO £ FINDINO STORE. UMmCrcfai Buldingt. irotk SIrct, WJîIL> WAM S'"Atl.LACE legs it infu rm. JSbemaèîs 1arrwýss fuk,s, etid ntbrrs. iha he bas <r onad, armIill njîin 10 keep a "<'l. &Mrptec i tock oft Letfier andtic~hem zke'le Fiî t- Ãœinp, which he will sell et T4o'oito pikea. i$ spresent 8Stock c çtistw of SoIt'Léeltbtr. Sparsih andi Slotighter. -Uppt" Leatlier. L'om-IlierKijianti Cal! Ftench asud Philadelphia Calf Sh&ieî, '11arn-masd IBand Leailier CoIored Nfoimen anti loans ni' ail Linds Gos<md Iamb Skit. Bindin2s fihoe Thicai, IDont Webii andi Lininqu, Mont Tren, L cwt*, Picers, Hamnier,, &C. In samu:lon 1t t.hf- O'e hp ha$ ecommenet POOT AND 5110E MAKING in aIlitis branches, whieh h. hà iiar tieialai t?' weil prepareti to carry 03,1 Io thestisfactiou i il mi ho rnay favor him wîth their ordr, having the principal part of bisi utock marnufaclrctxl iunder his own inspection, andi Sme of!theb bt workinen tUic ountry can pro- dure-#enabling him atonetto warrant hotb quality orf insteîlat aud workrnaniship. J lre tmof 7Ladies'and-<00*1lIens Boots an h oustantly k/apt., Partiefluar aliteuion giî ta oCotlm Iork. trCash puid for Hida., TaUomc, and Caif BLins. ¶Vhhîbyt Novi S8îh, 100. 3 OU NT UC KE P. (litte qO font roui JmVs ot t rianh IMaaitr in M==Qm à wz T 7M3'MMne~II Hair, Mail, tl'Mbhand otfwr brumes; Bei, Bief- --fao, &M andIi'orjyCoià bs; k»ather Duiters; Jeer;Ctkry;Fanei, Canes 4rfi'eru Calopse, Eirenme HI r O. Toilet Soupa; ,-Fà m. Yanqaskets, 1ut-Mvont.ij, Sogar Cue, Note enmd Ba .BiluRo!cs.Pociret aild M'1morondum Do, Oold and Steel pens - MfrcrgC.&aini Ond other 4ies ?Tuys, Iancy <Jod, c. e êc.f 4t., ~,Wellington. Buildings,, ~NG ,TOtONT. 24-y ILiTTER AND FURRIER, VICTORIA 10W, TOURONTO,. NFORS te Ldinund enteme orWhit- APIF-M (1f4N(FJICTUlTRED FURS$ whib tbCper wlîh Canadian Fut#lniNS owrn 36,dwi4r i0 Jor a -ml1te antd splondid oetllçever Lsoui ecddnnoelîle. for the coming ;4karn4Chii4.»'. Yusr sots, E J& ra %0e *>lidis tbIa*ma. W'hilby antiPrinc Albert. O.'tohcr 9th, i S.. f \priiiy anîd ýumîner Fn.i!îioiis for 11,50. A E x.Pl11 1NGL E WVIIITIB Y F ILL.-lG E. iii 1n' lune liroiljily eeciteil. Tjc, 1a t es t Faiskitins altray.t on Iund. \Vît'.Alpril 11., 1S-0. -sd ci lcircy at LcW. ?1ROCKS'IREET, WHlTl3Y. 11 C liA I ) WOO 0N, 0.SJM.11Z, C. W.e Me0dict4 -Examiner,-R, W. CLARK, 1.D. PapltBlanks, anci ail 'requiît. tien May be hati on Sîsplicatimn-to JOHN IIAM FERRY, Informa- Wn~ fo1WIJT-9Y..1 LAW- OeI'PIO. CAMERON & MACDOt4E'ýLL Alttornio, and oulor-tLw SOL ICITOnS.-îN-C 1-1ANCERY, M.C. C A M1E IN, City of Turuitto. - IV/ilby Village. CANADA W EST-.* L?-Otrice in %Vhithy Opohlroset he reifidericc of Peterpr yj, f_______--____ C A R L, E T 0 N ' 1 Y N 1) E, ~Vl0LlSALE AND RlIEAII. MAI R ilTE , R tf:,[UE P.AND- By JhnBaer JVr.st Sie of .lMaiikrt .Square, TlO0R-0 NTIO NOJi '-1 ËMEf. 1CA2 1N 1I LOTËL FOUtT MOI', C. Wi. GENXELLVA L :T'1A ;E OFI(; CE. r-.2'*Tr;mfî, rt- e sa i n a *.im : ndie ai the bcxts las>'î~.tuandi their f er.î Coirî'eve t andi fîom lia ruim-s 110 re ii iaidro. Port oon..I:îv. 1î(t.12-1' W~ST~1VHOTEI JVellinzton Stre., Toronto, In the. imrn&îl;tae virihy nof the. Banks, Past- Office, and ail the :S:.'anbaat landimup. 31. MURPHIY, ),rrt or. IV 1 L 1, 1 A«M J EF F PR E Ye AGENT VoiIT 11E tua-irblutuut wo 10-1 y 'CARBORO'. ALEXILNDER TIIflhIP.UN, Proprietor. Exceflent accommrdixîinns for travcllers. Good 1 Slab;.ilï!z tbr io4 ses.I1 Superir accmrnotaî loi affirk'4 e Tiaellgr. ___fui________ rr- C'a parioums Stabling andi Shetirattachied:o e ~ THOR 1A F!. D~ONALD)Mti" Pupitr Witd Land to loase. Stih ucribier bar ýA E lnc;** ACRrS-ýof WiltLand Intleast. in thr glnllow. igT0wuijipsý Reack, Ubi;,North (Ju*h:m- l'uni.- lrock, 7Urrah, , ua.(JiItia, Iiny, 710y' Not.tavwag, Collingu'oud, Maripyisa,Jldn»- 1on. anld Ops. The n>ost of thie latidu areof the. et! qualiîîy.ant ilî be [w Iased fbr a tt.tm oiflfin, fi veOn even ypat,#.dIelenti ip~uon the',bituauion, irn l iot u lin)20>to 103 acre* eat'h. te atly #nîîe vsio wi-lýchop, cleair, ati fenve, in ait 1010d. anti, wol k- roanlikle mainer, withji h.. s'a a1 lime, a quantity n fIns ilion 20 acres on each lot. AUl letters, pot-paiti. deaoiting informsîion cnn- eerniný,rany of Uthe;rarticuiar 1lo t ia cither ni the. aboie îoivilships, will be anstcrcti ù itbontittlay. J. T. I3USII. Whty uly, 3850. 1 S.~IDLE IUR~, DLILA3,.AN'D TIIUNl TI-Ir subitru ber h as cnrtanily on l'andthél iabove articles, wthach be '~inI Jlcbetp for cae.sh or eredit. ROBERT, GARTSUO.ftZ. - Whitby, {uite 711j - 18-50.8 PL .E Al VAL. T IliF. Stb,4 "ibers bh.1%-( rmovrcl latheo pe It o! fli-NW BUILDINý,G IN F1IQNT OF Trr'E >(4RNcE7, kirownis ithe St 4 .La*au Buu1~gs LY ANKNEIESIIAW & c. Toroto,~il29, 1830. SURGEON DENTIS?, J2fAS the bonotir nt aninoîin; bog is arrivaI in l'iatno, wiîh h ieffaî.i; iîof salsi 1imu.lf infthe cily a alita S l ç D.EOiPris-t. Dr F. teels conOideni that fiorn manry yearo' 'ixiiiv under some ot the meoî relehraied £airito,. TJE' TH! TEETI!!! 7'EET'H!!! SURGECON DDNTIST, FAIIIIONABLE TAILOff, Oppogite .Ir. Bettee', King Street, Whee h isîarrard e eceue oder X. 37, King Street IVest, Toronto. îalee é îis pw - 11ls11ftoxct noice s " Ait kinds o!fSp Flaguon balid, or.ni.-e hi$ lille ()Il the shor.-'nuie uOrlr Thre ledeit Fa,#liioti; 'regularly d*eivrd. Osiuawni, April 19, 15.S Dmeîr in GROCERIES, ,lUiU AND 'ROUSIMONS. PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Betu'eeu Stroudliend) Platt', Taaiern, ELut SEte Of tie arket, ~ 2f6-y MI B.F PEY13 A L L lusai 1lMOED TO Urock Strct, naitdoor to Iryae'sli TinSOPj,ý WR! TB Y, C. W. L D %A ~ .DATE, ,e Porters inx atu-îidatice at the Steamboate, ,Nay, 1850, 8-ly TEE MEU8RS. HARPER BROTHERS, 0f XKew Yorkc, have discovercd (a richer place t/ian any in Caluifornia, , BEfirpt Etition o! th. Fit-.h.Numlber of! udr .new .Morthly Magazine baviiig reachedthelb extraordinary circulaion o! k>(WIYivhe thousauid Copies, andtill the. demund continues. wbich can only be aeegotinted fo& by th. fart of ifs pregertinji Wn handsaterrue yle, and ait a cbeap.rr rato lian arîy other periotii~l puhlished in the worlti, tht. choiccit portion ni' that vait intellectual wealtb, w'nich oblains curreticy through tint. pcriotiical press at the pi enit day. The present nimmber contains upwtards or iliiriy, article» froni the ýfîrit cor'triknutois o!fteaire, Nu- lices ot' New Works, a Mnnifily Rlecord 01of Cr « r-nievents, 'oelî-y, Faslîiozu.l'or A uttîrnn, wVitli J'or* stele ut the BOSTON 1B00K STORE, tiîy. Il. CO,$GIOVEI Ger-l Bookl:anîd PPeiodir'al 4gent, 'rntorito, Octol.±er, 18.i9. 20i SO PERIG7V. W ILI lave Tarorîto-for Niagitnv, Lewiitoru, anti Queritoi EVEIIY APTEIINOON, Wiiilr'ae ewWati anti Qieef on for TIoroito abo<ut h.lili-î-paiî'Lht t nth r riorniimz, andti wilar- tiv-.. in rýto ri t 'n îl.il na eîb Cr Iolnt aiTwnilve., Noofi. ('alun la-sn z c te Mt'af extra], ont. dollar. I)Dertki, r.,tIre .qurmrtt-'r ni' a tdollar. Royal iMail sttai ac 'iket <lfi'i't, 'loroiito, Mray 22îîîl. 1850. , 6 11,11=0111 siork o! B lots anid îr% B1U1O1W.X & CIILI)S TIAVE reeivKI thr'ir Spirîz stock nif ont- - taiid Siops (trts Iheî i.r azf)rv ai Mati- tréal, anil wilt ell at thê'ir larral 1%ltu B. C . .'rmplaov si llîr.njdî i rf"'.v" prtbiire .finni 5w') to I10t') pairstç r prt'sent stockhazihen n idr' Nvittî .sprrial crenoce to the. wn i t 'aninda ~nt nIwill cnopensate mdfiv il]illis or fi li r"tfi a a. ti ! î !n ce. liv s.'ndin - t l uirr'd ]nt .a fit .% ili l i aî - esalsmrtshotid se. no 'in. as lthny nra< it fiitriisherl for osî" hadi' ile ,- . of e' t ; 'ni' ' try lîuc)dun- tion. Ainy utlr'74onftble failure repaired writkcut chargr. N. B. BJiRO, & ClimInq. 8. 'Kin,-'Street, nearly -opposite the. English Chtirnh. é-r CJS1I IVH-D FORLE.lT R.j Torento, 1May I*150 -y Wh iiP L t0I Il for oi Sf)it-it hiaif of' Lot'No. 34, 8îhi Conc'ession XViiîly; i v,;puln f1i iidders, f*,,,r a terrn of' not leNsît, iau live y'cars. Thlere are Ftf1ty Acros elvnredc. and the whole Farni is j'!enItitîîlly Watered. Go and &e, i. 'ossessioni given -Ii~ good tir4le for FAL LbPLOUGHING. -A py (pair! if by post) to B. FREY BA LL, April l9th; 1850. MRI. WOOD, North Side of Kinir Streetft-West of B.ay Street, JFOSTERe LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN 8 No. 4, City Buildings, King Sireet, TORONTO. 24--y ItRL E S 13A K ER, WjH.,i, .PZ.ITFoRM,-4- OTIJER For Sale by WVOIKMAN BROTHERS & Co,'4çeld8, Ne 36,1 gin; Street East,$2'eooo. Toronto, 2lth &ePl, 1850. lu the Village of N ewcaâtlo1 jêCL&IMIE. 3, n~ TEWNERY, PROPIIsEWOU. Auguit 12, M80. 1 TE -E ?çEýXT-SS cf the Whitby Gram- rnar Schol %vil! commenCcio Monlday, the 26th of Anuut, I8W,. JA.MES ODU;SO.N. Fuarmers' Protection! 00 DR NS PUR CJI, N. Y. MIE IIILlUNS 1NSUR1ANCE. &~410-0 MLMIBDRS. -The lion. H. Vanraiieiler, ('gdençburgii, N. Y, id t 1). Vil f L-11 b fet, Cctrnwcrll, C. W. Sidney Smlith, vbq., Cobotbrg. Orflon joli" q, Brockeffle. P. Per, . Dr. Allittoi, -Dr. Foot.. i John K IX LL leuvo Toront o r yKingtoi, callwg,$ý TV lort Hope anti Cobouir;, weather permîrt- ttç,everyW £DNESDAY andi $AT(JRIAY et lx n. W*ilti-eave Kingston for Toronto, and. interine- tuai Ports, every MOINIIAYand TH<JRSDAY AI'troorî, a t Tbree cloek. Willi eave Toronto, for Ifamiltori, cvery 'TES- DA'Y anti FRIDAY morninig, et Eigbit o'cloek, Will leave Hlamilton for Tioronîto, every TUES- DAY anti FR1 DAY Afternoon, nt Thne dclock. Thie Steamer Prince> Royol havinZ licen f#îr-. nisheti with riew l3oilers, 18 rîow one. ni the faittest boat§ or. Lake 4itaianti bavintgber UVper Cahin extenttt rearl1ythe whole, length o! ber dîT-ck,* the acroffmodtjons fur paST)engers ar6e gîvtupy iiierpageti. ý SllelbasState-Ronmrs for ;ipwattqof lifty Cabin, Pss';i;anti îevtal ni' thein aie fit teti1 U$ wîrýh double French Iwds(tpatis.- 'SieC hla100- hreti kiiowîi as onue ofthe bet sca- boat#-upon th. lake; aildti is ow one nI the. fastest andt most commoiopts. Royai2'Jail St.cam Parket- Office,? Toano.My2), 1.0. S6 OARRIAGE AND LIGHT BUGGYt 'J'IE s bsc er bias constatitly ort, lrand, 1.113(1Continhies to Manufacture I U a z o s, I u g - ie , R k w y , C r o t tr(L and FiiyCarriagev, OF DI[FFI1N'r DESCRIIPTrIONS, wiicl lie Cau reell "ixeiler -for Cash thïw aiv otiier Bstabhlihnent iti Whijt- 1or '.rrtniî coulntry.. Fur "stYpc-- r;...' Style anid DItraiÃlitv! lie feel-s î(tiî-1; tof t' iviii- fuil :sttisfaction lu tt1arii u n!1 ils'variolis brazinchles arcatlv oxoeitted on, short. nutîce. N ATI 1A N.E1L RPA Y. W1îîlv. itil19. 1850. - TI!ROuGtl FROM Wv'HI1TB8Y TO PORT P ERI 'A'hit:y Viiba-týe vtry rnoritzs Bi IROOKLIN, PRINCE 4LJJERT, and UR.iJDLIý'.NCORNERX. IIETJRNNG:Wil leroeport perry ant Three o'ciock . - ,c1 tî a he abn-1'e-nanet tiP.îru'nt -rs the, ofthe tenho J trsfurnii-/ud toecrdlei- gmt/he .S!(t'rtt notice. Wiîby, t7th Autrust.1l8J S. 1 TU11E-S T EA ÇAI'TAIN RO w L, for d le remair Tororato tor Re( Tbel'tt4lay ailti Saîrirday prê'cise-ly, .anMi will rosit'i Iletorrgn,,i, will le-ave ec.llijn!zat Chéri and i Molody '%Vcdîîes-daiy and Rloyal M'ail Ofice. Toto; , Septuiî CASh iFOI remit WHO Oiawa. Oppos Whieh, as it is ail mades up uaader hI, intemderce, he flattera.bzmuirie will be i riorta',any in the cityl anti wilib. solt andi reusonable ternis. Toyonto, "May 29, 1501 FOR SALE 0R TO LE J For i term oft tre. or five years, tIbm commodious well lcnowm as the liALF-WAY HOUý on Iwo arres of Land on thecSoi .corner ot Lot No. 22, 7th Con.,-W>igî are excellenit shetis anti a. large barira tbe stand, anti two never failing apia 'water risc on-the premuses. For furtbe-r paticuWas apply tb thec on the prcrrisues. Whithy, Se-p. 6, Mos. Cod lier Oi ,T bave>j lt ee ivd a fresh up l reasonalo ~rat#». * . JA4ESIl. GERRI Druggist, Whilby j Aug. 24, 18.50. IMPORTER 0F BRTS!AND lFREIGNI DRY 18, King Se, East, eIelriide Bui Next idoor teScobie &Bfay Toronto, -May, 1850, K. MSULTHERLAND &4 KINO SIREET, TOROJ#TC Ae~4 . . 1 7 ý 1 4-1 y 1 213-6