Whitby Reporter, 14 Dec 1850, p. 3

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ne Mg ~l Sot *m~who site obulgedIo quit tu - . Thenimupon the Chureh, ln bm jup»W bxv kt. Tire 'F' i< Cuxntînl<tire nuptial bonds between và,im oi upidi who have 'kept cnompgnY' or Wen verIob, («ffenced,)and whos partu.ers hope te bave ciis uporr Governmeut. or 'Communit relief, aU th ir.wvswof.soidiers; viltîl~e nurtber nt' demÊInts ain tiratown savirîgs ban k have «Os b.p ataajournalanarîras it ho hothe duty lmir asgistrttapt forth a notice ini ortier 10 tm iiedepotrs, TftPua papers are etili fied with news, ai sdI ietnonstrItioTts andi adsresscs ta the Kinu' uppaudinbin measureofsmaintreLid *.webr, dolfering ta support his armies with the laut drap ai' blood or the lant fartiring oi tire subaw seribers. ~ U K Y The explogialir athe man oai war in -aIs cnnsid: In tish e c/aic J o pFosite .Mr. ered a bed amen ut Constantinople; itiras createti a vent menstin at Courdt, 'andi the suiLan liain* en Sclfrelds ,Wyore, .l.rock-st. W/ditby. forcied ho console thte Caplîdan Paxha. whinl saîd l (here irn'fttdro ta be extremrel dejectrJ. rhe persectution ofik Ill te çmaIi leg,foot. ta 'the Chitasl isticc 'firkey lu errible. Ou Oie retMdfo lShh af Orlober an atteck was ia have 1wei madelrg tMudIak en tire Ciristiaus at Liwîîo, and cite actusily id The subiicli1ic'i tlâ <cuilv Course, talce place- on (the 26(h, nt Aleppo. A bail>' 1l Kip, Caîf skia, andBoy's bootx,Ladies Caif andi Turkssud Arabis fell upon the Christilan# deing Prut.elia Boots and -Sliripers. Children's boos& thre nigirt, d a fearful, massacre taok place. F<w- shoes. Gentlcmcnsýud Ldy's patent India escaeti Wth thein livcu, anti--su h ard diii wýr'Ruliers, a- shade lawer thaon Toronto Pics.- wounded. 'Ile Greek Bishop '%-as nmcng tIrtsç Whiibt,,Vjlla e iin , Zid iTimps! Coarse nrurdened. The Pas i ocked himuIeli rtp in the, iaats frcdit'3'upwar ; al othert; ilprn- Iortruto and tetroopsddl tattempt tg interfre. ,-llion. -As tire suh,,cnlier in a ecampetentindus tgea At Moastaa natical dervjuit, whn professeti-tea Leatlrer, -4 work4maujji' thet'e<f, lne Pilu y il be b.~ ~ ~~O irslet.klld oySrrteen yvai ofairv and pared ir.-%e1ft5.tga gWaosrUice. Workuiitt i- a erai GisppThnmase, an ftaliairemigrant,« ways an hand. AUL orders wili neceiee irti.Uedi- in thre oipeuStreet. -aeatnin > FROM1 THF ANWlIh ISLAl S a-'As the ready '-1adrWoXVonlhe bOatd tire Pol petian, cf Alugust 31, pulplishes in fmu rpartaient in eonineid ho Catsh aniy, parties iu rie tire treaty betlweeni tie, United -States and the Sand- way cf trading witir the stibscniben cariant have wîclr Islands. 1It ta characteriseti as bcarnug evi-Boots B-oolc*d uslcss'madeC hu order or othenwiic dence o ai'mgrarrimity wvorthy of a great nation by a-reed orloni. tie mrusiflai ireojclnal asso h Tili Wýare (and, as a Tinker,) English intd Frencit treatieî, hchq uetiOnetlI h,. integlity i ite jiîdia;oy of the lulaIntis, and aririd-- always on hand. ge ~e prerogative oi t is Ilawaun majestys 50v-B.B? (o An- onder inu council is frtlîlished defiing the Wlritby Der. 14. 1850. 3' rank aud dunies ai' Ierri Ana (John Yorang.), pre- mier of thv kiiigdorn. Ilprociaims hiimas rnyali % vice tegent ai' the kinîtdom. anti defirocu iig rank as ir: upre-enencuC Io ta ti*c t. e kir-g andl Illlnery,&Stw oueNaig queeu, and confera the pnwen f pcmii, rming anry ta m e M kng doties lawfttrliypertaininz Iotho ç0 ovëeego, with TA R YbLstls the eX eption *cf ap"itliînZ Or i4îs it tirrr mi.s-NIS "\C;Tll'A le o or war, or igrai ng npl' '<and p rdrli cc . The aet prohibitin."iraiveu iot e hig ieian comnlletirf>.iblîiainVi'ý6iri the:al ~limie. in the isa Inu stforth that tireraiîvli. popurlatlibionhle erndci'Mr. it' itiialviii-larnqîiir- isderesiehtpct, t IIrnl nncila 'airou-h knowleîir.fli:eWr biia's~i .î ll-nin givi' salslfcrtteitht'eLadies wlo înay iîonaoi 1-Ove pet cent7n14.hmwihterptnau An act -halbeen î~'dapprnpmatirrg$600 0,. N ill Thïrpatccst r, frot wy >0 hbandi. pet' annîim for the support of i etniurrary it l'a- N.irB-Thelage Dc.6,13<. -3if ialiia, M'itn'i has bren ce<ieniby t111Amemc'an wib ilgDr ,1.0 ;-f Board cf Fomeic nMîisians Io the ilawaiian gov- CA WO MA (Q D !! ernfenit. C11 0W -1AC ý1 A. great numher cf îrew lbuildingts 'vrrc n the course aof erectiin ai lonoiuli, rr. anig u hich ivere E VS Ti1 fti~Vlae ~ mansion houe for*#- govrmnor. H l-pa his way vih Ier mal Caiifîmnia, or sômf- 'l'ie Ra:yail lawanian Agmairrîcqital socîLty lu ta- thinît.1 heU r, anti ofr' iiir hîs fieuds andi th(! Pub- : kting meaurres tu ihave the lkiandteprre entei l -ic aut iir! .asJ ow II for any quani 1Mend tiratexertinni .lMe aintoProcure 'pvcimens IL. S. tak,'s lbiiropîrnnnitv of ihnmnii.thanks nuthelsùgàr, coffée, andcnther valiabie productis Ofi I il who h:aý à,uefavattn ni ri uh heir cti.t nifoi - the isiannds; aine. %vaiîrs pc)erînnz f the naiive hI'e Past caat he w-tii be aiwrîv reaily tn gir'1 ,%Vnodoi anti gramses. nkw±' ie îuut iia- 1satliiitrtir4)il Nvho , ii*' i a cr i ln. tive labor, aà fine mals§, kar.&c "ritewaler ýpil i itiorîgfllIlletire ni la. d Pipes cfor /M'Aýy;a.~ W~ i!ncluli. On the S.t5n1h etof 'm.andilain ,'w 11, S. fris Iwo turm orintt1ti lrit rclciiting days every tiînî., 'waï expeclil hto i. mc. iy for Ile ur :, i'r crulire wilp'ry iiiSoap or ottel re4UPppiy ai'shippî.in ilii itr iridispenuable cIe- (cda ait rate. ment. Sorip a4wiys on /rand eal Torantoa Prices astaishei 't t furlr)l v . > tii4.li#ani ' non a tite sckness -ai lte ioivn l sinn'iiy bard ABRIVAL OP THE GE~RGA ;\eitYork, D)e. 7. TERRIBlLE 5Tf&2ýAMIIAT iX'.rtNAr SA'N FiRANCISCO Thre Mail Stertaiiliîr (X'rgia arri- scld fheniCti.'îigres hit îworîiu., withi dutc'n frcm Sani Francisco to N;overu-, becr 1qt. rhe aeGorgia îcft chan-res oi l ie 26t1î. I;iI - belrings about $1 ,000,00()in hie bands of thei Passen gers, and $ 1 00,000 on freight.- -The iNcws qfronv C',alitrnia isW two w-eeks later. The cwerand FIiiigrants tirp ail r&ý Ported te bc ln. 'riIeie uwsfruîîî the miines is favotîrahie. The steamer Stigaîmore, while leav- irig central Wharf, Zaiî Fraliciesco, vitIl a large numbller ;fctf' iPTd - fer Suko.blirst lier .boilc'r with a terrible explosion, scattQring hîîrnati bodies and tîtimlwr Iii cery direction, anrd the. boat wus rrdîîccd ho a conipîfr>te wreck. The unher on board w'as7. urtlOO,hlf of whlwn are nmîsstnt,. Many of the bodies hiac bcca re- covered sq îuutilated as not to ho rec- ognized .l'tl e e SLimbl and frà.gnclnts wcre gtce up în. baýkets. ù Hére, you iittie rascal, Waik up and give an "eebu1t oô ourself4 M'heme have you been 11< l"After *bo gais v!"--" did you ever know me to dé go ýwhen l. was a boy yau igcamp b is No, gir-but mottrer dld." ëfMr. Thma. H. Bemfley, cf a Daughter. Whaper tibl - FPour, per bareil, Rye, pet buthel, - ngs (lpet busbel P,u., pert iisIre - Potatoo, per bulhef - ljrki, per lb. - BJoU, pet lb - Cbo», pr l. - F-ea àffl - .sd. s.d 2 4Qa 2 -'2 0~ 0 6 Ga O0 0 6 4 0O 0 4 0q~O Whjithy Viiizt,'re, Ashr>' No. 1,? -A M ?ILL, with l14 Acres of Landi, on tule rear ni Lot No. S, ini the Sth >sfiWCF iflr a îckeuîng l'ie Saw MIiii l at on I)tlifltts's reek, the most durable >ticrfam ii the <'ountiîy, always having a suff1icieney of water Ir) <jive tle -Mill -niglit and day. It is surruided with abti®ratce of Pitie Timlwr. As,5OAcreçtÏoÇLAND. with a large Fr4nÎe flouse arý.! Barn, or.TLot No. 9. the front of the 9Ui wili bc ,41d tîagethrcr or -çepaatliy to$[lit purchau- crie. Fot fçirthér particulais àpply Io the proprio- W1r on thl jiremIses. ANIfOS WAY, ~ rjmet hirs ne- >~ o% ~y~e ver beeji known to à i l in a ornï.le in- stance where it biat ~. ~ CL R * becnti horoughly tiere Ille cate may hhve been, or of ~ i1TV'~ Price 50 cents -per Box. c LDrWitby, Der. 7, 1i. 43-tf. lIE ubseiheroffers fOr Slu T rear'Is n able prjee Irnd upon moderate termsi tlle foltowinig Landà, in the Trewnulhip 'Of ae Lot16" rh"0 1"31h - "Il 200 1î22 "13ih " 200 lo2 "1th -"--200 " ,34)t- " B200 " On the lait lnentioited Lot (lying 'wsihinlabout twa miles o'Ux.bridge Village> 60 A cres art- clear- ed,' of e 'hil&25 are tzown Yii Fail Whet, 5 Acres tn imeadmaw, 'ait 30 Acres -piotîbed for Spiiug Crop. Thëre areatdo, Lo9 Buildings erected on the Lot# sudî fine strea Mi Scnoisthe sàme. - J. T. BUSH. Whty o,301h, 18». 33-tr. F- Whiby. abouzt ihe iast or July. Twoe WES and ]Pour LÀ ed witti a 9allop in thý 111gb be lhankfiillyreeived aniiVvital' EWEN BS, XII .ar, and d 16 tireà t FINE $,EW ONEti Fer gSe by J1 -H. GWE'RR tE BJook -& Druic Stort, Whlebi. KONTRÇAL BOOT i& SIOJK STORE. ig El>. Ili,0 c LOTHING,&,,DRY- GOODSo CREAI'ER TRAN EVER. WALKER & HUTCHINSON, 1 B se ami Co! lie READ- TI-F. }0J.owING: Black Orleans Clatit front Black Coboaurg i Cobonrfei"I l -2yd wide I MIrfsin DeLaines Pnints lyd. wide Iloyle's " - ' 1 dGingitams Heavy)"i iak Sable Bs Grey Sqîtîrrel " d S ione-îN artin " '4 . li k d o o J o O fi (J 3 2 15 40 10 i5 p' ' j- Gncy es 1 y'. I 64 44 Arnenican I lé sheeting 2 %d. I Dai a Sabl iiiZ Isite Matii idîr it ryd. oj 4 0 4 " 4 71-2"1 o 7 1-et' 3 137 6 I'agcther with an excellent.Stock ai' Faslioiable r)fIES GOMODS, Siiks, Glaves- Hooicny! &c.,at fio, 1,000 Wool Scarf 'h4'wl., uorhy of notic. 14W(t ei'd, and ïDamask Moreens, (rptI-sç'tjc.8çc o ncetIatrfs P'ilot Clottîs " setkirî i.'orpr3 > iin nt ar u i 1 "i ~t ir 'rl:r "%vran stiwns Hall " 8 <'i E' 7 f~ " 2 'J 36 " 3 (i "16 TI laey wlci.inz ai p itie ttercwn ition t.iry hebet f orkmen , r i qua led in C.-iada, for bnilvof f 't tiirg. quahitY Oi' worknranistip anti male'il, anti gentra salitable- 0;s ta, te'vanta of Itle lpeple. Parties abot la10purîrrie ' toods in itis lune ma>' "pay tan <frai for carwhsti "f heybo ItfaelookingorW.&i' Stock, nmourg which Mrii 1e faraud reyr OvseIlCiat e u toet ov ï14 cay ver "t 'Ilisin mît' Tagirs o ck.i di: am e> ' D c1) e ants * d'h i dé lack- d "4 2I l " s tî ne t ï" dé ' t, ! 1'-ik Sain o ests, fi r i 9 (t i a1ur ' i dé 22 $4[ Toilineit' idi jw) r[ <.ic 1'iuàh dê 13 41 10 di 8 di 5 4' 4 46 Il 9 9 uI c> I *Boys' CIlottgiii il re (at v-irietyV. lasVe Pnrlari, Ftlr &Cla)tit Cais c c (;ar7Znts made ta o cie<dwratc aft 3'Fmcsandi o1hre'.dini- jr, tir'e omiry. mîrint l acqiniti w'itittrickts praciieed nu stran- gers l'y iut'deat-e., w'eul44oW 1, i r> roaitl atir.g .riuiînas tIpy have bot one streight faî-' ward muode ai' 4îtig jsns In bi tuselite fcîiktwing: NO S EC0 NrD PRI-C. Ail Gammetirtuwarriiteri rît 'î t0 Ililrk or spot witltr8nin. Toacta. er'chemAit piece GomIs, n-rt in OM "' aiaI leiittlîs$, excliangeil. Tofonto. Nf)vemt)l. 1 , 1.50. 32E F RFF Rèp AfE 1-10 S i O'LNE c f the first îrimip1os of* "éD0mýtic r"nm "is t< , mýinithe Clteapest Ifa1rkr,,t, and lu niverieai y prirîi. by ail 4; lnca'Iuscepr;~ n he Fret Tra&deor the preecrit day, by IpromolitoL.' wb-olesorue eurnîwtillior, trjvesuta the public the g.rentest amounit ot IlProfrctioan" the mScî rigid lEe*oniymigt carni I-1 but in the splertionof a HOUSEHOLU .N ART," it slîouid lie borne in mmnd thit ilQUALITY is th(o Itul test ofCHAN SS"Hvg Iiiirrha,4ed principali y for CASH. lmni itire Matn,lrrrs m BI3IITAI ati the UNIT£1DSTATES , and intent on SE LLIMNUlitt hé LOWEST I MY-RTN PROFIT, for CASH I ONLY, C)ROBE R l u.i I"i'tT . R(n iw AYrunI g 'antr e E~XTENSIVE AND %VELL-A SSORTED STOCK 0F Aitcd which %wiIi bc round ly.ql in quZali;y Iothe first Larqdon an4N-Xew Yor'k Establishment, and t a acon4id nabtl u owern' aanyflouse in.II iiq Loralîty. Thlir present system of "Ptu1inz ii ai 4 i' ihere epudiated - andi R. S. & Ca. fin keepinc ta the oid adage, à& loncsty lu the bn,4 nlev.>have evcvry cnfidence in giv'ing uiîiversal iatiMaciion ta thnse whn may f4vour therm with therrlctm"g . îhcreb givingt graater publicity ta itheir ecapa- bilitiits for promotiun the lietice su(hi' > ofrl> ithe Peope hi te opie i ExTlENSIVE AND CA [ti:FULI.-,SELECTED A SORTMENT OF ,S.TAPLE AND FAýýCY PR-Y. GOODS,,c Ladies Cloaks, ore5 ~fBa,8f C., 8cd READ-MADE ( LO HIG, inevryvaieý-ofRCAteTo1is, sCA te'f 1siprorctttd ae ýTHEIR, ST0-C KO 1 Tbèe cati ithcotrOdene' recomnicnd, as beine enlirf Ajtkllo,, and are or the purest Qualities and besiBr- Ineiodlng a larg;e lot of' John Wilson's BTr>'dY and . &Ci., being deterniined t$cul excfqàldgyl"lC FALI ýTI EVANS & AD .Né 5, City Buildings, 1JKing Street 'East,1 Dry' Goods Store, 8ig ¶ !1 Subseribers havre îîovy on harid, andi are daily reellg miv. stock of cheap and fashionable R. A, D v.MADIE LOTIN<I Ail~~~~~~~~~~ 1elet ihspro rmigsdmce'pi h their o.stablishnient, la Montueal, by' first-rate workmen. - We buy in the brgt-anclichapesyt wholesaleinrarkets, und self CASH ONLYo Cheaper than any 1<ther qestabllshment.- One trial i flteo'nsdu incredulotis that E. & Wls stock of Clothing is itlueh bette trimrned, anrd cùsequently elxeaperthlan an y -thet tradirg hcmsei EVAe , ' I KI XNG-1STREET EASTI, JUST ÏRECE IVEI>, viaT MONTRE L A. 1 20 ei cs of uprior _London3 C-LOTLIeN0 CLO7HING, ( 1 artuwa t-he Sul)cribet having been appoited Sol mast extcernhive hoamies in Londmn-n the "ExiPnaT TirADEý." i hrfr Gentry anrd Inhahîtants cif. Tarnto With SUPERIOR G(OODS' for litfle price c harged in otber bousin hs iY--.£ CNA -THE, m:ft, PACK-GS 0TA~ S00 F PIJ anti WinterCat.i $3 1-2-tô $7 each. 500 Superior Fmn,êk anti Dres Cots, frorn $5, 1-2 ta $9. 1000n pairs of stipetiar assarteti Docskin anti Cussimet'e TrowseTs, fiat' 1.500 Ricit Fali rnd Winter Vesis. fmom SI to $1 3-4 ea,'b.a M5 very Rich Frencht 511k Cut Velvet Vests, frora $2 1-2 ta $3 3.4 em ;rCur CaseS Suparfto Zazonv ClOthI and CafMesiU.Do AT VERY LOW PRICES, perfet canfidence,say', tirrt tite presetît stock on lirand canna! lie uridesld b>' eitabishment ibi&,side ai' the Atlantic., 4 eafflssoiicited, andl a sintie trial wifl rouVÎnce of the reality' ci tie advar Public uder the E.DY MONE Y PJ(TNUPLE ! - TarateSep. 2818v. 2 -% 1 -orn E W çgp.28G O OD2-1, MI SSIRS. BJRGESS, & LI jE Gte annorînce ho thieinhabitaints of Canada We':t tl their NEW' GOODS, consisting uff GUttg, Ca8sinereg, Vcstings.ean~d a geri.eral -asSortmiflt o -in ite Iest'British .Tarkets, for CaSh,'ýwÀ1:ch ab!e 44kenm at pc thaMu.4 lowebe ta tMe ýVaaIl>Pub Mlnufa'tured tn this City, frém n Gotids 1m1,orted direct frý selv'es, and Canadîau Clothvs, from the besi. factories ini Ca, Do..M iitstl, n Di -1 Red fi k'îtr Ca, Çlengal Men's1 col$n' Eaofver C ' , - - 25j; O do nesCa .Shootin" Il là 15o doi Eti Braadicloth " "- -3o io do Cai mnel shirts, --- 4 5 Wbiteahi [ps. 3 9 ctaitCal rv Bonnets, 0- 6 Boys' V.- WAove U.der9hidt, - - Vests, 4 Ido Cc DRY GO 500 saxilgofWçl ean'hail neesÇrom 30,00yadsgod onet Rbos od " qi 3,m;0 ard la Pglai shalfo Pnn,Wofardt con o net ihn Ladie Ts GaalPa id ew ssye) -" Veit*ft c o e, Ladies'COoak,(e, Sttylpe»)i Çaelmees.nndeoth Gloves, l-osiery, F ringes, Adti Cornerof Kinga T,,rott, Séy~ember, 185O; 1EOR- Ti Clot hiers, Outfthters and [ON 0F TE GoxLrF.Y Lroi, KNO STET AST, ToRowre 34-11 1 n 1 General Dry.(Joods Merchants, RET-AIL WI-IOLESALE.' 29 si. Lawrence Biîildîitqsî: Toroitio 1 V . 1 1 'l 1 u le, 1 12£, KING STitvFýT EtsTp TOROXT09 1 1 26,N KrO SIFF. A TU£ ansLoçT, EGto itîform the rentiers of the Whit4b4'feo etu îlîi cîeal ta yh> have caîîpieted their Falitimportaîlais i stîapie a MI1 Frricy DyGal,'iirthvigbe rtied from thé lwst Stocks in F'ortin l'keu, ti f tiiaed lrC S ,will be t 'Utd, îîpoa ex- station, tnstarpasse4il iti City, for ciuairy, style anti cheapnes. 1 1 1 ý 1 1 -E V A 7- - .4-1 Ir 1-1 hn 10 il

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