Whitby Reporter, 26 Oct 1850, p. 4

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L SI& C ELLA.1E OUS.- Au IlS>! MODE or SEclvisÇG à Wi>r. .-Two or tliroo days aince. auIrish- gentleman, who.o solicitor had, Vainly endeavoured to, s6rf"«4j writ on un, ex- M. P. for an Irish b"ogh, who re- s>ides at thue wet eud of the 'Metropo- liau suburbi, bit Upon the following mode: Having Scated ;a- sWne bottie Iwith an impo.ing crest, and niarked it IlFotheen," .ho forwarded it with atn Iutelligeèut la& of 13, ývho was previ- oualy welt instracted, as a present from a. fiend-ila the West'\End, with direc- tions to b. delivered only- toIhi M-eif. The bhait -took. Tne old I Jish follover *who aoted as dnenna to r guarchan against.the cnptivating ap- Proaches of -baiIiffs, ,ditd not think tiiere wu anythîng to apprehend- frvrn a child, having a-bottle of the I'native.' She neyer red Virgil, and knew notia- *in8 of the' Tinleo Danaos.' 'Thec mas- ter was called 'and. the, presentduly handed over.-, Tbere je a anote, 1 bc- liaive in the' wrper ir dbserved thie mcsseuger; 'Perhapa it would require an a.nuwer.' The ex'ýM., P. uniid thie nowspaper ilu wlsi'nj& .he present was tolded, and took out an enVelpe.- Thero'a awrit in that, sir;'7rie th *Youmgoteir 'yîiu're servedl,' and'bound-' ing through tii..passage, %vas out of sight in an instant, *bile the ex-sena- ton looked as if ho wuas converted ilntu astoue. MoIIy, with a wet dish cloth, which -se 11lung after the lad, foarned wif h rage-at being the involttntany1 instrumtent ofesueh a ruse. JBut the un- kindest eut remazned behind. Seeîlgg lier master quite out of sorts after din- ner,* _he philosophicafly urged him, to rnpke the l'est of a bad. bargain, and take some of the potheen', opening the. bottie fur the purpose ; but who can, cxjpreu ber indignant amazemeut at 11iýdng the contents were aquizpura* 1 ~BnMTisùOVFFictRs ix RussiA.-TWvo or thne Englislî office:re who have pas- -sed Bet'in ol thein way home iront St.1 Petersbargh, and assiated athte late Manoeuvres cf the ithsian Corps en- oemped 'near that cîty, flot onîy apeak ln terni& of, d udmiîUu of tlhe drili, eecieDcy,. appearance- and equipmeut *of the Rtussiau troop, especliaily of thte affillery and eavalry, but of the unî- bounded attention adcivilities that vere Paid to theni at the camp, by' or- dcr of the.Emperon. hlorses, Carninges quartera, and dinners, were-prgvided for tlem ; and they.had ncrely:toe x-ý Prase a wish te have that wish grati- fied--all peraons froru high to loiv, vy-' ing with eaýhii uther ini courteey-and. * 'itable attention. We tliinik it rht te mention -tItis, not oDIy as-a Pof oÈ ' tii.Emperor'sdesire that ev- rYl attention slîould -be shown to Brtiuîh o% ns -viiting bis dominions,-but-in the hope that when.even or whenever I u officers visit EnDIlîh Ganrison118 ellb rt - will b. nmade to repay -the, debt of ýccurtesy and soldierly brother- houd.-Ruujian Correspendent .Vorfr- ing Ckroxmde. TçIIGri@us 0o»z TOAm> A PRIFOIÇ- ERS'B FSCÂv:.-Yesterday nîornling a susicions looking package was .ne- cosiyd at tiie Post Offce.l isn ty jiostnrked "St. Louis- 2e.. aid -Chuarles »aken, cane of 'M. Wieken- abamn," Baker-to wh6ni tRie package awu44rqmo4Vu arrested a mentitý or twoaince, on the mail route between thi place and St. LUni, -after being detftted in the set 'oftaking eue, cf tiie mail . b gs. A few days aller this, sorne duS~vcnies wvene niade in a trunk in posesion of a wcman Trias- in g Io r 'aker'a wife, in - St. Louis, Whio i ioplicated hlm as haviug been eatSduv6lY eaigaged in mail depreda- ve been tmt supposed, pxronuluiuced &hat »othing was conceal- .4 aboutit. This did notso.tisfy Wiek- ersham. 1<.thought from tii.thick.- nese- cf thie covers that Ille bock con- tained ,somctliog which' was ite assiet BakerJ11n- naking hua escape. 'Afi.r reach ing home he commienced cut44îný up the coversof the book, ünudtwo snîall saws about eight moules iiIeugthi, sucb as machiniste uise-in easyung ionl, 'ere- brought to view, None' but: a wvork- mani could have concealed these sawvs ini thé cover 0f a book ; none but a sa- gacious rogne could have suggestedl thie plan, and none but a vigil aut jailor eooild bave detected, it.- Sprintgfield ANE£CDOTE. 0F LORD J3RroucAM.- Tie oLf f the-- Rev. Dr. Iligh Heugli" hae a description of an inter- view whieh -a dpttof viScotch -dismeuters liad some years ugo with Lord I3rougliam. The S,,rot8man~ adds, from its p-rivate knowledge, some. odd incidents of the affai>r-. Ilis lordshipi, on côming ont of tlle ,court to M. cet, the deputatiou n, i-- atcly on being .inforrneelioficeir oh- jeet, burst ont in a volley of exclaIima- tions tW the effeet thlat, Lut for dissent, thiere would Rie "oital rei igiOn -1o vital religion, gent lemen, no vital ne- ligîin.": While pourîiug forth, tlîit ini a nîost solemu tou]e, lie wasaial thle wieshaking viole.ntly tlue lockcd dours of a lobby fuîll. ofconiinittce rooms, into one of whichi lie vislhed 1.0 lind entra~nce, and calling fur on ab- sent oftie'91. nDLotnify in luJIa'sionatc. toules, bt in, phras' )1ogy !'l whiclu the reverend deputatioîi, at ýfir>t . unwiling to trust their. owxu t.ars, wvere ut last fureed -to believe- was nothiug- bettcr thian profane swearing. At jast, lie sutideniy ýdrewhimself tup ti the Wall. opposite n locked door, and whhl a tre- mndous kick sitashied thie Iock, and c(e (.claiming, -fuat in a ve-e muent. and then ln a Solem-n toile, but wvithuut pyaube) Il--thiat ftiltôw where the--does ho always go to! NO vi'.al religion, gentlenunu'vi*tal A Discovtmn.-Tlie N. Y. Evcni ng post says, "thte 1ev. lsaac liarrit- tonî, of Pouglikeelisie, ini tiis State, says tlîat lic ha disecvered a process of dctectingaùd curnug disease by rilcre ýman1uîlîation. l'il theçry is, that eey orgait of tlcheînîan body is magnetically connected with the spi- nal înarrow%,, where cadi hais its polo. A-properiy sensitive p>erson, l'y jassiug the Rand over the vertebrw, can in Iblis way teli whother there is any irregular action ini any organ, 'andlîy; other passes of thie lands, rectif>' the -distur- bance. We have scen -Mr. llanning- ton's-skili te sted.in cric èa.-e with re- mankable suceess uni Is, part. He is. about to visit the cîty to explain the nature vf lis uew tltcorjes." BARBAROUS OUTa.&o,-Oii the 3rd instant thie premiîses oi Mn. Johin Coni- den, of tItis lrownslhîp, were 'eitercd by somne Wretche4who hatnstriànged and othcrwise xnaimed a yoke of Ok<en aînd set fire to a stack of straw belon ging Io Mr. Cuuden..1t la s eldom thât such acta of brutaity are coni ted, ninfllis counry, and ý,Ve trust that th4 inhun- man monstorýstwho Could be gulty of i uchi ceduot, wiIl b. diecovened and 50 pýuisiiedthaithtRe eixazupbe maide Of tlim ivliseveas weltawarning tu othens, if others tRer. are,. so uttcriy diepnaved. The Municipal Counci1 for this township have withi alacnity the nxost p wortby issued -prochirnî- tionqQe, a rcward cf fiteen pouids fur t soery of the perpetrators of these a*bboll c e.-Tke iBrantf ord regioî nean the Verxwllion river, quite generally but with varying seveuity. Loriin ounty was uiMilanly nffected. last year, but the, presenrt sehson, the localities hitherto eeourged are exempt, whule in. those whichi escaped a yean since, 11. nw prevail.-itduirky .lir- It having been intimfatcd that Bar- dlayand ?erkins intended discîiarging sortie of their bîands, for the dressing fliey gave Hlaynnu, in eclïnga were lield ini various parts of Englaind, and reso- lutionrs pnsscd, cxpressing the detcriiii-. nation of the peopflè to drink rio Morc of their porter if a single hand slîuuld Rie discharged on that acconujt. I3ELIUM.-Tixe adviccg respecting thie potato crop continued very ; unsa' is- .ihctory. if is stated to ie worse thait at any-tii-ne durîng the lust fur years. T'he accouait froin &hleswvin state tîîattlxe ]Janish operationis bysca Jhave been contintied amoîîg lite Island<s of' the west coasis of Schiestiig. T1ýlîey have takien I'ossessioti of Eolir, Anirtum, List, and Syli. "lie tlirc Iloîsteil) giu bonts, flie wlile vef their naval force on the uwest coast; coui( rouerio n eflc,ýttal resistauîce. TPhe F 'I ivh Governnent, it is saIiui lias addreMIsed throuîgh Geucral LaIititte, official remoustrauce 1.0 Lord Pal mers- ton oniflice subJeet of tlîô Frenchi refi- gices iu Londont. J..zsbon accourus îciLjùitit Iliat, ili nui- tîcijuation of siîne revo)litioniarv iiove- Meut, Illc troois. Iiad beet a kept f. r tlîrec nighits ut thcir quarters. Disastrotus intundations have destroy- cd ail the cropq ln thie province -of Bres- cia. $ib:5cript'iols wcr C open nit Mi- lan,--the aggoega ite amr.utînt of wih (about 50,000 francs) was sent to tue relief of thie uion i te iialitants'. Thie Prefert of Police ini Paris Rils <le- cided on 1 roiblititng tue riscent of bal- lbons, ut n leSs- for scien tific I>îrposceS. .fThe Elector ofilesse Cassel linx lu-. suied anr rdîinnce tratisfcrriig fie seat. of Governuuîcut fromi Cassel to XiI- hel nsbad. Vue learu frém hEome tîat- two orý- gaule decrecs published by cardâîîal An- touîieli havnfot lx-en iavorably receivé cd. ln conseqîtetce (if tlîose deees, thie pap)er money hais <allen 3 per cent. Another shock of an- earthquak-e as frit at Algiera on the niglî1t Of the lOti, îit. being the 6th liock whielh las ()C- >curned ivithin ihe last 16 days. The pi)tato crops of France arq sufWeriug severe!y from thec» prevaleni rot. The Giornale di Roma states flint t1.1 Papal -arrny wiIl cunsist of 19P024. A serev stcanier is about to procçcd. toCa:lilbriuia fram tie Clyde. The Lords of the Adirahyvc given instructions for ~IcompJiue î- vey of thé western è'oast ofl Côèý, to ascerfain its capabilities for lbeih.âg conveited mbnto atraiu:îhntic Pr1:îclct station aind liarbur of _refug re. Th ree goverfa meuit C0mfins.'5iouers are tu visit the spot. STEAIrLOAT ADVERTISJDIENTS. Il E S T EAMEZ CAPTIN HENRY TWOHYr, I~7LLIJeave Toronto f(or Kingston. calling 4t .w PrtMope and Cobourg,- weatIhr er mit- 1inzç, every WEDNXESDAY and SA3TU lAY at Will leave Kingston for Toronto, and interne- diat.-rPorts, every JMONDAY and 'fIURSDAY Afternoon, at Three o'lick. SWilt Ieaive Toronto for Hamilton, .lTery TUES~. DAY and FRW.&Y rnornin, at Eight ole1ét-k. WiI Iave lHamiiIten or Toronto, ëeery TU1ES DAY and FRLDAY Mtemnoon, at Thrree olcboek. The Steaner PrincesRoyal. havinz heen (tir- PROCLAMATION!!!a l ,j HIItIiEAS, itlias been represetit- 1 1 ed' to me,one'vi.1-1er Majesty's8 *1uige sulijccla or the Province of Canada, that a strong 'desire prevati a among the Inhabitarits of thiii our Towtiip ot Whitby, that thomuugh and exensive Retrefichrent, be moade ini the7 publie exptenditure ai the 2rovitice., And whereas, certain individuals, Croweiing. Snobs, &e., have heen Poclaimijtg that tlîey 'w il Manufacture Boots ai "1.9unewatiurr Be it tli.erefore known, to aIl whionî it mnay cenéerai, andJtb the Inhabitants of Whitby in particulai, iliat frorra.this day forth, I will go the~ ~ el l-/ct 1 its iipraclicatl Reîrenchmetji, iy Marittfaci-uring i300I8 and SFIOES of the.vel-y ho.:i material , ai the followîng low prives, viz ý s. il. s. d. Mr.s's Fine Seuýed liols, 23 9 ta 26 3 $à oigî Boots, 18 9 ta 2i 3 ~'Strolig lcl 12 6'i0 13 0> offher articlea ist hie IBýt ai-helinc ii! propor- tion. AS the 8bc i s r iiclfe(rined ho have always on lîard, a zoond -a:s.aortmvîtt9f ail kîruds cf LA)+sANI)(;N'LM:' -- au l d a empiuxy air;nc<btt the lies: tii *workmner, andi 1<> !«Il c<llertit-an a<ny otujif-1 s itrioide, nmd( a 1<41las <owr 1t s-h<ir.14m' i in , liemcf.)i i-ctsaSae iif publlic Variîniage. C iv nîder my 111 ids .a,-IsE«t day of Apt-il, il the yc-ar üo1 mis-Lord oie tlosaic îht hiîildamid <1(1v. (Sgid) WM. K. FOJISYTII. Whitby, Aptil 19, ISEtO. MQ111mol11i11Storiç ofB îlolsanid loùs. B3ROWN & (IIILD$ LTAVE rerpivî liheir' Sprnng Sierk of Bo ilaiid .ies freti ilieitr nilîititacttîrv at Mu freal, anîd wilil sdI rit iter iusîlail lc ri 13, & C'. ompw îx bsixIndure< operalivesa ad prodiare from nt>0iti)1000) pairs tiailv. 'lfii prea'ni s1tck las hl iîidé., with sp-c-ial rirnr *&a lte want of Cnd W ,antI fil i etnsate 1 11îliiial tior Litlioes elîiirîga greutni.rwo l!.y semdiig the a equired leri-ili, a lit wili Le glial.- at<104:d. %lerchaats whIaebave not Taiii<iîeuhv ettitrnoni -oafai oe i' e , 1;o 114Wciml e ftirnitiheit for cite liait« theito î'oýî cf nury-pfexIir- charge. N.X. BOWS& -C1111-,4. t8 Kinîg :Stùet,I nearly opposlite lte Eagiish Chîichî. 11 C-1811 P.411D 1F-OR LI2dTHER. - Toeronto, May 1,1 5EO.E-1 1110î -wil Il >VLG(Il HIfor Golil , TIESouttia half rît Lot No. 34, 81-1 Conucessictîv Whilitby îi o ti'j for .liditlrm,, Inn aherm of 1i0t h ý-s till ive yeîtrs. Thuere are F if l-v 'Acr es elcared, aîad the wlaole F'aris, is paitifuiy Watcred. Go riind see t' posse'si i VoPtrn in uoOd lime for- FALL POJ IN A ppiv (paid if 1bïpost) to i B. J E Y BA L, Qý:jg 01. £attrente t Otntn Mfltîtal OGIEN,'I3ROfx Y. N[1%E 1lLLINl4INSUBIAfÇCE. 14,00Ira $!0,000 Ttc lion. H. Vanranrtiler, Ou'densburz1î, N Y' %' P. Vanikougtnet, Cor nwallC W iney Smith, Eq.,(abtrg. A. Farewell, E5q, ua ny P. Pemry, 14/r dby, lIryce, ÉNcN7urrich & Ci, leorquito. Il * R'. Camplîcîl, Brooklu4. il. Diiiefs, Mtes llartlett, l)r. Faofr. John Sidàler,J'kui . ElsaDoelittîe, fovbs J oits lliitiiand, Otau Lewil Jloîuck, - Mari/tain, WiIl atm ki$,ok, ýýyàney, Smtt, Exq., Cobouraî'. - Chanle Lister, lEsq., Lcmril.- Prosper A. lard, Reach.- N.B.The memrs or, titis C'ompany recorn- tak4, elt applications, M al cases, to te local agents of fle aoir a pc Cornpuuy,- when su ch exist, and not ILu tra vellinig Nervous1 agens. Iodicai ant CHZSTEa J)aArsa, ini he $toi Adgent ut Brooli, MWlbuj, C'. W. C'4:Mplaia Broakin, ÃŽth Jan'y, 1850.- stoffiacha - eral use,i mnonths. x oimaytcus eommnnauiona aYoul tbink proppr,'and sper pyar eniquirens to y us eygratcu 11y, GEÃ"RGÉ CLIEZIz Cabintet l er (.4, 4deladde Streeti East. Toronto, ',Narch 8, 1849. At Case -of ChTonic R nu4saîu nof fien ears standing týcured &g JIfurd's Cordiai and HQpe9& 1 her etify,,that 1 have hnafficied withf, Rhelimatismufor fifleen yearls; for a considerable ime 1 was confineil to bed, and the gîeater part of, that ti *e I1 could riot imoue rmyieif.; some of -my jot nta were comIpletelly dislocated, Miy knces were Slifl, and uiy joints were Very mach swelled. For thlIaàt thre years I was scartely able to do three moaths' work witbout sufférinq the MWN excirici- aîing pains. I was doctnred luEurope by several ýihysicians of fthe higlîcat standing in the profes- sion as weIl ag in the Provinte, i was aloo flue rrtonths iri thou Toronto Ilospital, and notwithst-ind- img ail i1'eiricans ised, 1 cotait! fot jet Tit! of my complaiat, iiudeed 1 was told by a very re'specta- file hysician that i rcuer coulit be curet, a0 that at tat - lime, mny attention Was dirccted to your Sir llenry l-alfard'a Imperial Cordial for the- cure of Rheumatisuîî and Iheumratic Coul, and Dr.1 110p1's Pills, iwas desqpairirig of euer gettirîg ta- red; wlîcn 1 called en you, 1 wa-s hardly able to walk,-aud-what'was almost in :u, uthire %vevks ( roru ry cura '- P) l~!te aKe you( niedi- cille, 1 gairaîa foui teen poÃŽouds in we;igbt; rry beaith was rnuch imprcived, and in aahout thacu. w'ecks moore My llhetimatism was completely gotie anîd î-y health completely restored. 1 now enjoy as good heaith us aiay mana iu Canada. -Since my xecovery I have %walked fort y-six nmiles li ne day with peiflict freedoni, and! L assure you, sir, thaitIlleedtrolytlhankhaàl. Ye canmanae any tise cf liais youa pieuse ;, y cas e la kn own, ; sev#.Ial iiîdividuals of rtsç,ectabiliity jn- this City, iheir names yon krîow and van refer to- theni if îîecc.ý tia, truly adau yýTfOI.sWxtiu-w. Plarties refermed to William Goodemham, wiIz hiam Oibormie anîd-SamuelI fMaw, Ee4qm's. 1Price, 2s. 6d. atI Et... per buttie. -J7The abore miediciîne i4 for sille hy' S. F. 'URQIJIIART, Gemeral A4gent, 69 l'angé Street. OiirriNTAL BALS.Amf. T MlIS Medicine fias fer mauy yeara hee-n aaed I xaîieyantd (mccly ira nriy crificai cases of witha thernihappy res-ilts, ina several J'arts ocf E.urope, in te privale practice cf eminent P's* 'ans, Wsho have apprcinzly adite Dr.- icp'S ina3gniarformmula. The party îito anow' inîimî ntalii itixmucrig the medicine ta publlic aoiîce dom not caim supéerbuman power or virtue fer il; Lîr he kmows thatii rialuralîy imp-ossible that aru infilible speciliec ati be in'-esaîed or tlià- ca-et cd te cure -aIt the aliments tei which fi-ail table ainvestigation, ibiuhe d emow:hatlëem n- aldDr-Ilopi-t o rmaccapornit, su tîaîpily blne nthe PilsauJ Balsain-, fer lte cure or -mitigation of mariy casea cf dieaiie, in -,'hich, i suas often cauaidered beyond the power cf mmedicine toyielit andlaid or relieve. The ma'iiinehbas tru- red nurrberles cases et diseuse and chromaic ha- tics :-esperilaliy Cestivenezs, 80 commen amolîg thos4e w-hose occupation, maidoaliera whoàe dispo- Sitiqn, bradota aseientary habit.e Nausea, Drow- iiueisi, IPaint ln the Sharmnah, Opprejsion andi flatta- Ieiîcy1after meul, Disinclima ton te mental art Iheitily exericnGildiness or Ilow cf bleuittt he lîatPinluthe lkreaktback, sheuider or-aid, fiequeia-ly caused IaIy itîjige5tien or a iisordemeit lier, Eruptiouîs ofthte akin, *Carhuncled face, Ithot'hs, ousand Pimapîles, pa)ceeditii-,generaily fi-cm imipurilv cf the bîcca, or a itisorde-reit atate ofthe dig-estive argans, Ileimtbtirn, Acid erucation, Acidity fte $oah e~îadblî,or de- rangement of tire bstem, Ner-rous, Pericdical, Bi lieus, auJ Sick lloaitae, ]?Depreaibniof spir1i.*S, Noise itei heati or ears, Agide, Cake or eniarge- nient ofîthe spleen, Paipitàtio"cfolte heurt, 2riSLii<, fi-cm indigestioneritysp.episia,1 Liver Complaint, 'l kedurDumA e.lrregiaiiîy uf the boiuels anti other,,reîînti orgaris, Fils in oIt or ybutig, occasionied by M'armaorzitoppage of tel'wele, Muarus or w-abtiaag of flesit, which tappeana lii chiWdioMt or ea ly youih ; Chiorasis or Greensick- micas, swelled feci andi legs, iutflamatioii, Sud(defi attacks of Mania, Tetaitus et Lochked Jaw, Biteu- malisrn, Coîrgt, Iproreécding ('rom disorder of the digestive argas; Jaundice, arising ('from a Jike cati&g; Diaritia andi colie, auiiýng fi-uni worms. Zn$t-. Vitus Danice, wben aIl etter remedies (ail, a long canlinuiaace of titis m edicisîe shahl remnove thre diseuse. In tist chronit' diseuses titis méitirine mnay bé u"e, ritcetainlty of-success by a proper jwerse- Par thre certain cure auJnd tiato:n isa" gerierally, iL l a urleasly nsertet! that nu other inmuglicille lx-cfore lte p uldicuit lie comparet! with 1)>ý Hope's Pillaea4nd Biusam. Titeyacit Itorouait- TQRONTo, &ère Ee Those who are affiictcd wilh S fincI a CHEA? andt EFFECTUAI the. Weli,1ngton Ey. Wai Mantifacttured and kept on hand, foi propriéclor, a3 follows: One ounice vial..... TWO do. do.1 CIIARLES N.B.-Scores of living witneuffl duced to testiiy of lte efficacy of 1lhe ftueraI of whozn now eutde ini tiis V Baisarn is aiso gxoîl fer Bruime, Spna ion, Cram ps, Ague in Uieflreasto, Saddie-gali,&Ic. &c. Clark'S Rrewery, Wldtby Village,? 7 th Jaauary,185o, Ç Under the Patronage of (Lot.e Scnitr Phy4iciàn to thi BlentU JJelsary cLndon.) Oomp mdSyrup cfr y JEOT ONLY A .t'ositire butf a Warranted <Jure it t if the Ltttt,. HE, Great 8çneaiîtcn rneu ab Hàaliaîgs'1 lscà r7' 0f the medical Naptha, bias betflei dd*ta intb a Ibid demâIe that lus "IlCompoLind Syrtsp of1 positive(, and speeldy càare toi ail dii iinvolve Ille waatîing away ofci' îkhà by~~~~ "Setu setag, exp-ectortali -ofc:te 01 a cotuingent 75nature. Il adaitê 1 ejeliirî sirhyapuo caîhmedicine, as lmwl relieves lte huzkiness of tht tbat, fuhani rierrjover, the hMtking and actîvity of ifsa an'é la much thai iL is akeii it pervades therame-..« every fibre of the body-*diffuae a ge, thugu-îtsecures a (mce circulation --and givesuiterÉafeMea Io fla which euarender inu (bystem. Feeliniirs el'modesîv. tuBna .v ofalin <this discoý it net Ihatlte su imqputanàce iite pui. personal eonsiderarîioi i-ecolTnmeaîds his Natfi cure!l f-I e airanta- puify il-te Marrant] ia hectie feu-er. aighti plainit, pain ini the warrants il 10 atTei>t tl th ui. andunto ru lu \prin suCunsiptiu positive confidence (if action is ttheuga direc-tlins, purifyjing th lui ilspere, iad lV directions, it 'analt healîhy condition. '1110- muai ample exj tù$tstiolly of the utl pTe lepaclitionara prietor Ili speuaiiig th, $'Ciy; and l liias te pos6itive becâube of t suhi1ch is audit ltat put reel auti aLkaowtedgi tlaey Inetie in quLt Of n, Iwe plaise whuch lieci lt~ "'tona l50energet plainily manileat the< alter it is taken, and a produced resrzlts whic' hait failed Iot efilèe prwîUce u[cnln maruafici lieraid._ FVL MORTALITY.+7

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