Whitby Reporter, 26 Oct 1850, p. 2

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O SP EC TU Sor ia ilnot more advantaiteous torus tr ais els,satump extractors, pails, tubs, and though only a few daysba ea psed.lr's Cornrs the ity of oroetoe Rw, t.h to b r om a yildn o, ngo brooltiergy, and promptitude is one o hta daan esnfrpoOrF.rHr.ilbuilding Society %wil, rugioutinseve yet uit a u ao Tecrrages are much to lbe recom- the good efTects of having the roads itthoigte omaywoe it s t oe n haeo oorom Sennemt m Tdd.lhe sleighe are beauttifutl.' the hiands of a Com pany. Several it woutld be toMI compeeita ne, n i@Hr ti orwd e n cshdymt30 horesfarìagelgan hrneswil u th wrstspts.Infacrtegodher alYoge tret..l semstha - inororaedlinerthix Pefthe9' eut,.chp enyear et a 6prrcet.4•0 be, enerally admired. Therre ëalso resuilts are visible on every hand, and miajority of the Couincil deterined5ò 14. -0 some saddles of rdòmarkably «ood are already in every body's miouths. take gooid care that Yongàe Street, ab 0us-£0NAE manair.The teamts and traivel passing and re- well as Toronto, nhould not bc rivalled,.. Were thisi borro wed from thre Building Society, 1the pay 1 .We Caa only gl.n1e eat the remiain- passing on the road are nearly double nor have a ' ompetitor, noir even be in- t race - pr hae.5eiente at jive 6shillinigsper Xmonth, der. Cooking stoves with both tin and for the lastfew ' jays, to jwhatit wstfrdwithyiterrodearousioitthibanagment Feu nrrc n aaepn es bu - -2 coprware ; -draining and paingtoortre ekgo, and or course cutytwCnt Inele; 'and TiasFe ·---. tiles; -models of ,bridges; a portable, a cori-.responding nrase of toils col- that, after ail thieir fluss, turns out to be £3 o0 rnuge gis mll ;a urning -lathe ; lectedl; and we, are told that the To- the extent of their public spirit. lfIn TosrnTDE UNGrARo Thus show ing a.gi, ybrrwn rmth oit whole made at Montreal in three days, active inimatking, preparations and re- in coninting their chickens before they JAMES ROWE,' Esq., Vicc-President. 'the Society at its commnenemnent-say that the ajewas borngoer ala Z.BUNHA. 1a.JASt 8 ALL ACE. alter, the Society closmti mi seven years, the loan will then ne *yre the copper used fur the purpose being piin.Report also says that the wr aceadi edn iso'Mn. Z ANËS n . ARTS R. er, fbrrwdonodar otgg-yfr brought fir-omthe Brue Mines; ri-fir fndgaion so lately tmantifested gesm.,ofly nes ohTrn .I rs, - 11 road wheels, a bookbinder's cutting- against the very namne ofi Joint Stock a n d2ogSretsi teritmsSecretlary and Tr-éasurer--SN!. JOHN HAM PERRY. 3 O0 malineinenedan ad ba ina omane, s it 2yig wy ; and littlemorenimble in futuire than they So)licitor-B. FREY BALL, Esq.- If horrowed from thle Society:-£4 120 erÃ'nOd fa cannon calculatetàl to the public nt length, on second sober have done heretofore, -,Perry's Cor- .even.years'instaments.-...'.21.0. reule hageofhrs adfôot, and tdougdt, begin to see that they lhave ners" & roads wil1l, beforo mlanyv days, e&,.,inrst, -1-5.00 1which aita distance of 16 y ards %vil 1,been "1barking up the wrong tree." give themt suchl a shakin.i- in thieir acatter ballâ' 60 Yards in extent, with - This is precisely whiat we anticipated shioes (or out of themt) that Mvll ni i so r hwigaginb oroigfomteScit f £ .40 5 0, specimens of calf skin, dressed upper would be the result of a littime adte eebe h fthe easzli eatthm inmeai s prri t' invecmentry, asani besot) should e suppb rose inat he ocite wtyoul tkeeihtea0 leai rancy -leather fobnig elcto n efelcniettailall e rest of their lives. We' have lieu 1y ethr ti -h a uniion, simgilar results wille obtaine are -h mailmng at'ticles in thlis Hall, all th* is reqmired to miake.JoittStock n niywaeenrth es l-auligbat nti eto teonthoeYr k t etue lanyifrrowd aesintheusuaw ,deservmag special nOtice , Comnpanies in Canada as popuIar as - l """l.h infothéprn uipls or operations of such Assocmuons. y p will towards Toronto, nor dIo we w-ishi, it is now a considerab'e tine smece thre prject ofcEstablishing a Building 8 years interest on ..3m £16 16 The 'cenitre of each Hall is given to they are in every one of the Free Society iin whitby wVas tirs! eiul entertineil; but thre principles of suenl Principal Sum),-- the Ù'ortic, b~y anly meanls, to u arrel wvith hler anrassociations wvere at that time so implerfectly understood by the genierality of 3500 SHrtcutualsoieyan i ocu Stte o te ninan al thr n-furthier thtan in self-defenice, 0 heandpeople here, that, whiile many other places inthie surrouinding counitry Iman- £1 Pied by an octagon stand, that in the terp)rising- countries, ils merely to give iii.sted a spirit findt zeal far beyonid vwhat could or miight have been expectedl, If ( tkeni from the Society, lier sons will only adopt the more liber- the people 0o. whitiv, s0 justly noted for their weahh ndi intelligence, alle Eight ' siisants North Hall being9 intended for fruits them a fair trial, side by side, with any al ot f1 ieadee ie" na ut inow begiini;,g to oe in the mnatter with anr apparent earnestniess, and igh£24'0int, and flowers.,and, the other for vegeta- corporation whatever. Wlth tigiom their wVell known energy anid en1terpiiseV, it is confidently expected that gees, s 24 :0 0 Éo 1 t are âsteftll Wb t'le ringopen field, fair play, and dardest fend il row moniths will sere to prove that they have olIy beeni a little tardy iii 1 5 0 Nes. oh, r tsefly ramne is as plain as day'that'peÏ'sons being one - . their miovemnents in ord(er the huer Io observe the working of si-nih r socie- and hey dd mch orheintetod fahnde odntoki o-off, istead of' folding .heir armis iiithe ties elsewhiere, batnow ithat Ithey tundeistandi and appreciate theml, they are'Tu hwn anb orw rmte £49 5 .0 0 ~~~~~mantle of monopoly, and attemiptiog to -dtere non log)er to be behmjd thiiiei neghburs im availing themiselves ol Society, nri. t Exhibition. pany %vil feel a deeper and more direct Ilhe real and tunquestionable adivantages sucrhsocieties are calculated tr aford, £2 11 0 crash the rising energisadeerin oh olae adbroe1»yugadin lce eWityadsrl>yptting -,the duration of the Society at eIgh)t years, which,as we said e Yha e âyeämrted the most utrs tta i ewr nyoeof the little Young Il" B1oos" about ro.mtding -villages. bfri nuuulyln eidslo nirn oeta ee er Piominent objects of notice and mut Of One dUndred thousand. Just take Ai thre time Builtling .,Soeileiés weie firsltestablished in Toirono, thti bonus True, ro allowance is madle bere for thre loss of initerest in, conse musthe, ad elieialy teyougcw to oasws euny igh, wIto Ithe scitr:ity or mioney, and indeed lai 1the deb? being paid bhy conitinuousd z requenit payaments, instead fu h reserve unr observations till, the next the Whitby Company, iwith a capital f" Perry's Corners." We iwill bid them um- ee;.iand exptlens-es atteiinàg tine(etiie management oftthemr, were, land end. of the telnm. This, Ihoivever, is or -nmait niomÅ int, Nwhen compie W isu.This lis the mure necessurasextended to £50,000, as is proposed, ,.. still are there so nmonstrously egrvgantital inaniy persons %(aniung bmthe immtiense adIvantages ni pyn a large sein by sali and regule a ry s. good speed, extenldIthe hand of' friend- lmziht Ibe mentionied somie r1hiis part of therennulltry) had lreally, (and very ments, gAin asilen ai mliner as not ittO b.eensibly felt, instead of alloi ookiderbeadtoswr xetdand rmostly lheld by people aloth Ile siadmsthat"r oc tterjusily too) loni atunos tinavorab)le opiniun othlleir nmuch exitied us5ejut-a11Ito run on ttiil theire to gîhterwe tesm ob whenwo Ift he Hll. ieuf iinP r.Whitbv tu SJ ness.But owevr senious theuojec-tion nuset aainst the Nworkings of the necessarily be verylag whn e ef te al. nero o.. y oturgeon prosperity and greatness. We say tuo first soceties ruinned in Tolonito ndthter places, mnighrt have been, and stil Baya dstace ay f 8 miesthrughT ,are, it is runy deterinied ou by Ithe Diretors and Manageis or this society monrtgea, athy1neet nig or the sharehodrs ill be hiioeldwengh A NEBy Wdsane y f8 mlstrn l oronto and l onge StreetIthe samie as th i tleast shl e refromt themi, as it is ipractiaeat he ist, h o 1 ' "wilbe lonitl bhopttonln-loa ana iei N WIDEA. a most beautifulnid fertile country ; lo all othiers :-the iworld is large and ring hti, u oreo ieb dotn n usigasrc n ii, ond efny n v'eclab rr oreu r note awi.l he hedn th The Washington correspondent of and imagine, if you can, an y- arh.: y.stttm of ctrtonmy tinils mnlagemlenlt to render it not only ampyrntimer,- .. eo-irglr oiewlegvn po ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ erhy there is plenty of roulen for both u tv oth edrbtpoftreadavusaeu oteborrow.1.er also PaplescotIllte Bv-La wNs, Ridlesrand Regulations of this S«e 1 the -New York Herald sas8 h lis bennducement the stockholders could o n s Etn rorder andandtheeby rendler it popular and tnseful, lýandcnqe tlyapmeans or i,'mybe obtained from thile serietagj inomdofadeinn the prt of woltld hlave in attempting tu impoe, prvgheiaean tvnhpeerlyaswlasamneet, pafpsstrenigthien youir stakes, as mutchi as you othIler rilae in the adjioiming townships to emulate onir.xmpe By vider of the Bonni of1 birectors, Sòter Slaveholders, to insist that upoun the Public by excessive tells or in1 One veiy tIadvatage thtis Society POssess's ovr any others in hie please by f air, open, and antly exer- comtitry.i, u ht the Shares are Only £50 each, and the mtoni!lthl rieit thVnited States Government shall, any other way. Nuthing is plamner tions and artifices, but kieep out -of -O1oti qe°l"""itl-oire" shlgper share. The eidet teet oi f" JOHIN HAM PJERRY. through thie'Stecréetary of State, make' than suich a course would defeat the ils belas sus niayle felt and partÃŽicipatea mh by the wvorkinig classes.andoferserta&lr e Il~~~~~~use I a feet, a-id d reami no more of of limuited mtri-ans. 'lo such persons, thrermain questoion bted)t(ly is-is il¡S† try %Trasurer. IIIdemand on hier Majesty's govern ment very object they hadl i making the keeigis --eer v. u a för the return to the United States of road, viz., the settlemterýd npoedrwsofat urv0 and aimprove-n n ij at ad ut bli i the blaék fugitives Who escapeinto thenent of the whole country through daeso ae o er adadyaffia tan aehdjutaota ) i tb Li Ma r k c . .L a w r" o longer, soon bre bitteni by on.e as the othier. BiihNrhAmerican Provinces._ wt)iclirit passes, and consequently in- mis.i. .OF THE He knows; ho saysiltt ate England lasces h raetae nd comerce FARMERls POcKET CMANO:PAil- EOPEAN NÍE WS. ]vy ai tshel,24 HI U IIALCUCL Imaintained that a slave, wvhen hie generally, and also mnake a corres- - .vy per, bushel .. 1. 6 Io [No. 30] touches her soil, becomles free; but th is ponding increase in the value of prop-- adelp/na; Crissey and .lf arkly. 0 Prigy awrmprsnl friend o j041S,(01d) Per, bus'ha - 7'oTo0rPeaart of By-Laut Vo. 25. ,y f the President, hias paid a visit to, tks, (nrew%)lper bilshel 1 oaIr i J poit asalay ben onroeredbyerty. Those in the interior wish to go This iateresting ,little compendm Ld ·'c• as, Per busrel - - -20 a12(33eit enacted by Il theMnicipaulity o Amer1i statesmen, and the contrary to the front, the main, and most natural of every practical infobrmation iusefuil to o o,0u i s adsmepliial tes, per bushl - -1 a 1 3 "nlpo hty That aì aSerted in the celebrated C se of thernarket to sell their surplus produce and the farmger, lias just comle to hiand. IsObject in viewv. Thirty individuals bc-- ol, ier %t l 11t part of, ] - wU No. 2à5. in sectionf. Comst and Enterprisge. He knows not procure their necessary supplies ut all vailue consists in the facilities it afflords ncig o asoietyhavin for ts viw - s ttii o whether reclamation will be insisted saoso h er tteceps the farmner in mensuring hlis ]and him-ic resoraton o thebonseof te Bor- ahereby repealed antha lt no penalty " Rai n issue On this point is receiv- hmalcmeadd o and the more its pages. Theire are tables laid dowintece xt il-moth is' inisomn. e 1 the requirement' hh mrirte etrtern, and the on01,the simpflest TremathematicaVITRIlo a rincZ%-'il iat iaterud l 1 . _ .- . - .. at he thiri d t ,- I i -I Ilso en of' ers yee o*save givengin it onsdertio. , lowr te tll th moehecouageipl, frtscetaiingtheconentofuragtoe-rpostilefo afottryof ,00, b an v a erlethulebcamodetbyexpngign Brother Jonathan lhad better Jet that nment it %will give fur settlifig the wil- field of many sides las ell las square, &6,00o sres, t Iro ris eato sen ora u porainr Ua words a Runnli Ileseti igatare,"ad a deeât aon ; utthreisa ntderness and extending farming opera- for app)ortioning it into acres, r parts ,0 itesdp rost aifri. E R P .NM K F1T R D fis n tth se e h et rsIosh l gera l "d ieb rday yet afford m atter of di us- tions; the m re the people have to seli & c., as nm ay be deem ed necessary for .lagnv r i e a ne wapothecary of Pris e t t vi h n adian Frti s o fiilcatce i t t lt r ep -e i rsdit ac ise aïoi between Daniel Webster and Her the less the expense of taking it to agricultural purposes. Thuls, by step)- tv iidofet a ew avic nd osstr rrine nontiin vryahinbe ing t lare teran itner Majsty Gvermet--ameywhe narket, the more goods the-y cantafford ping off anly ttnmber of vards in lengtA tv an of bull-.iistNvetwh ichotrik b in gretWinthsinses rmseo TheR. ther stave having once touched Brit- to buy, and will, be the better able to and referringrto the table we%% he1n bec gis w ihi ayb ¡ temvar 2 1ofhishosehold is goud asno aclimonth Bit pyfor them. Three tollaat threep)ence mie fyrs nwdti il eur e ted epod ie wu ith a detonat ias sr oei hi oae(ind)E NS .R ish goverbsnmet atoai imoudhe Bie «achiy 0 e et.mrrha n tutomake the acre. It assists the far- IuLsta o h u ro hc tisPseT HARS1850. rk be as itoslaer o rturin t tea6d. Good0roadscnd. lowe tholl nilerwmr najstnnhtqatt o -fired, and piroduci s a motst destructive PUBLIC SAL.E OF ROA J33!RSNCe Ucë nit StaeWh oes oturc o te-tae nt h oawtùl h teridswl si acrann h fect. The Port 1Muiby i d,0 ýlsgmil o hA P nrary Sta sht ters p onden ta eeftson t tera %i , h il e d r a u tity produced on any field By It i- said that the President's m es- and I IDVr oadC EP S I N 1110:n1P'T A. tothaty'sir"hpofe queson-le, n ig olswldieitaa ad-stepping off eleven 3yards square on aanyseage at the re-opening of therouis Assemb . Byly,«%Z PEARL, g n oA cEtiiÏmUAn'(tMoeul. '" t l W Y e oft eq et o 1 - G o e nc u a e r v l ro d o bIle. a e a e p r f h i l ,a d e sei © tul sirong ,grounds ini favor of a . -oT o r rn m ' S sc n in dt o te R E P O R E nT o uae ho al sockdsotu w ih te o eg teprdcLot Ie eiino heC nttto.A T SNIDER'S TA VEllN,Potw tby s u 8 .A D R THE REPORTER. •View of profit, either direct]ly or indi- that quantit 'y will be the produce of ai]Thge war in the Duches has bieeni re- onFi, IsNBOKL/?,IN, - I L8T « Iam innanãthik oth anindf-reclyan wil dubtes pusuetht are, and will give the average of the newe, und iwith considerable vgrseVOn IroýidaWy, s temer0, 1850 J . rveIn dHAi, TE 44en toMa1ý,inàtikÇtid me"- rec. ousew icii esdclclte t ffetield. It containisalso many uisefuil tu- the Illoisteiners having thuls far thlead- te oId 1%o l y Pin and Raho eoi ruligA eto Ã… WWITY, STIID oc 2 0the bjet. Nt asaneman we illbles, such as fur imanutring land ; of vantage, buit iwithut inflgùl abut GAVEILLING hignCuty1ta "SY TUDY COE26190. venture to say, can be found who xwill panting distances ifrpogig n eyipratrsl.th e oad as hie w ell a vni gie -titrRürne on ag NOR ABUT HOS RODScontend -for a moment thaï; that object riin,&.SEeSuhrsJEsTe f taloTheER I) BARN,1(.dorifgrtaldBROsKC V cani be better attained by badroad nd DEEio fte amrsCb-enark, heHeredta'S GATESABR, acodE I-Brolc.1, 80. I 28-3 We have-niuch pleasure in directing AigA tolls, than by good'rdads ,and loto net," andrihe hias certainly devoird a ave prn erdomn and thbr ý,eis)rY t(rasi n elaions (fwhe ma b snaeE attention .to the advertisement, in this tolfs. No, not one; and i o htgr eatda ftm etal aoriencetc popeen for Flesg- h rvligo h oa ob ado ua elhAIA issue, of the à"Fort Whitby and Lakes becomes of all the fears and regards oiiatnhs evcebelttew r . ,hecethey vold pkared t chlesý- rRA"at c nte ete dT SF IYEALD h 4EN S e g o g . im o e, a n d H u ro n iR oa d C o m - pro ffered f r th e 1" p u b le in te rest " b y \ e t inrtw i l g a du ent n ts w y t i ' the il rs e ets i ]e n g a g e- rp u tr th ro a sou th t e aa ic s d ft r od E E N r F pany, propSing to sell a num ber of those patriotic publie guardians i n o h " o k t o v r r c ia f r e tb f r h i t stin, po si- re t at a , es'11 iteyler$ ,0p'ie r igws ,0ptre A ES O EA Y P Y ES . jobs" for gravelling portions of the CounciluasemNed. Pray what intercat Ttner. For suieeby B. Cosgrove, Tür- boerni n d iejbiished bat lat equ a ld E w E FF ENA D3P00TY. Companysa Road between Port Whitby can a majonty of the County Cuæncil ot.Teeisrmrfom inata 'ietegeb h er ya, rws,00 p iwek and 86ugog, where the planks are worn residing about Toronto, Yonge .% reet -- -- - L rd Pamer sst c lledon "the kl -i ndtan them"" iof eprchaers gndftera44 -n6,"0 o t, w hich have been left in a horrible a d the w est of that, be supposed tou O nr friend, an I" Isrealite," (w thivier o ru sat1ns s u ot" h ote in le tha n ihe lco a s M n l, ear.n ot -NF FT & D I TY E and abameful plight fur the laist six have in making and keeping in good "l indeed" ur not, can't say,) in thre Pa-.sla ing -rdowun t h e ms, ndetheriithea inc therf) tacts TEENFITdeND rX3-F75 monthso It aso advrtise for aman rpair, ith lw tall, thePort Witby uot ofthe 2rd ins.,twie Poet1 ha offyrd an nglishfleetto blokade h the rave the pt to ontratheu pr yearw - dawoin2t& pe week and team to be constantly employed in and Sturgeon -Bay Road. ÏThey would serve, that in speaking or Nwriti i c~tKiel. T e GrandeDcentorOkoenbfrl. abu and ar erConcmeesioake sh re "llilmn at once every breacAt or rue not be personally beéefated one hair, have a way and fashiion of otru o -® ai i4ad dcae li ednestoa ec eoe3d n t esa o t ia and d e hss a capi- either directly or indirectly, by its suc- (proba bly not exactly according tu ]s- asedtetrn fDnar ncn r3,a rnayrueOFF CER: talldaan il dutJu i hgly eess ; it wvould fnot either increase the'ir reahitishi" ways and fashions,)-uise sd iionsthat Sewig anitvddHolsteinahoCom rc ,ymes oe mîgae iaTïRssired. .F oîs eey Mat tory to the- public generally, as trade or the value of'their property ; termis tu convey meanimg, and mean ex- sh,,cnsiut,,w(ndvieDcie.,or pany areasdroat.py su-r PL.asT itWnawayallkeep the road in first-rate but some of thema might fear its influ- ectly what we sy. Ever si of heierm n E pir..Ilt whn redma, wih e am w 1rk con fstat- AM HLETDE rêpair, and will also be a vast saving encé and effects upon the travel and met-nber, Jett, or " Israelites, Se erl b ttllons f nn arians i n hi tby , to h r d from o is A s au nrzdtopyalwekyh to the company in the long rain, furthe traffic on Yonge Street, and thereby suite youir taste, have had flicre. omad-.aereotdadtns- 8ale t eic EXocokA f.dis o o gretudrPolce ne fr old nutxm tat1" a stitch im timelacaves deecase their trade and value of lands, putation of being noton Ã¥ vtwa only suprssd y orerocomeceatTE 'cocy,. aoanesunere sas nin2e" holde good inrodasel as &c. In fact, if we aré-not mach zis nosed, but eqfually sharp in everyohrcomnpanied by bloodshed. ,AcJONHM PERRY, admiss on te, udthra yes agpayaa Oie.f knsnn ne orore of th pt itic reet, and mostremarkal r osiay ail ns said to have tried, fpuitoutR. W. AITN 1 jv«twoag, we were most agree- discussion, exclaimed -"Why, 'the objection iwhatever to, bargan o apeaneda ilt r abeorthe ntrset" PNRfo WANTy. t % i aeft bev t mr vWhitby and Sturgeon Bajr rond may Jeto any more than a " Ciris M r- idVlAcp, RnIte D&. raita umthe ore therosal ifste APPRENitIt CE, W M'tTED. Ym gât ÏÏs ifiall ehanged owners, ai- some day rival Yonge Street, and Per- vided ieeu ve e .onte 1s. nt.byte e ,iokprthe Jitnorag orio o he eATD t hi f ceg aat ct' n keg evenshin a th to iss. Rached stepbe o o fthispac duo.ea eatscong yarofgsa pree oth J. 'r. P A oewrt l.g 41

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