Whitby Reporter, 19 Oct 1850, p. 4

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Sotihern corre'siondent to thé,Knickir- liock-er-lived a -imall farmer of mich, 'sficial JLnîbif.ý-,ilvit 1 his coming lioinc in-, 4ýèxicated wfts nu i nusuat thin- 4 Pil- wific urged him in và1n to xign, the M&gre. W11Y yoil ý sec," ho - would 1j'y, III Il aiznit.,O.ftcr, a wbile, but 1 -d(MIt -like tu brenk, rigýIt 0É'at once, éît al .- %yeysto V-K lised to a<'tlllllg-I)v déïý,,rees y 1 ci-iknow.,." Ilvery well Old mall", hîs lircll)mutc would rejoin, 'l c5ee now if yoil doli't full inio a hole --omc- Or'the-se n voti ettui et tu fi", whe Ice care, of vour- jqc.lr, nnfl 110 éne lieur V011:10 liell) V-011 f)lit." Stire en o1Ighýe ggs if Io vrriýy tFle 1-irclilicey, a romple of da s after, lie, y il-l'go Ille well. ; 11croy tile '01il toper, lifter a deul of 9 14crainblisi"ý s lloi ile(L-for ,lie li(flït Cf' his 4es', to hifil ont. Dzj"il'ilt 1 tell Voit Piê x1là tlle goied ýeow11 slluwitlg lier c;lri frîll over the edge of -Ille liam- pet; Lot into a hole nt jast, and it's "Illy ]licky l'ni in or ychi bave, yoli üld- Jo- yu:l P, ýVell,"slje colitirlttt-.(] paitso, lioltI.«, Ajid ty lit! Caille, I'lî"llfr at turil c4 Ille IviIjd.jas.qý illitil-111,(1* q1d jady'N graip.s lippiiie, front the lian- This li.orc 111,111 once iliade, 1.1le teliiiwir.irv occlivalit O'f- ilic. w(Ai Ili a Itirv eit Iliv, 1;1ý,l -41)lïtsll, -oit ýr(, arc 1êýýVc.11 lu'wý MY" 1lIý1 10muntil trea liquilly, while wiil(,.: 0,ýli-lîni up once more. D'mili von rernember le,àl'Iii)g me it's to get iised Io a tllill,(y by degrces ? l'in îr.aid if 1-m-as Io lbrin- voit lip cjji a S1,111vil YýwI find it Nvitole- j sonic l"I The old-Èellow colild not h0î) 1 elitteklilig ut the applicution of ljiË prifl- ciple, and lie protested lie %vould gigii the ploq ,,e qil- the instant, if she v,-tjijld fairlv lot birr; mit. This slie'did, ami Ilim off -te Il swear iii," w(Aas lie was,21 For- Veil very eropbatically, 41 Ir yoli cver fâIl 1 i)ilo t1je well apili PA, Icave yon therc, Tii-rPiRROT.-ld-a sinali fa,ý-iuüy lit lart of this city, thére Was il lýu rrotnli,,icli bud fbund a ]tome tliere.ý' for years,.aiid liad 4come a pet, for tije farnily. A eliild laken sick .1ast sri)ririf,, and was not seeir bY th jnrrot fur sottie ýdays. The- bird. lia bec ri conmencing 'f;ï1sineu was tu beconie acquaintea wifIl the peoplë-lo liold conver.w with illein through the lucal -presQ, who ïnstead (if beiiig a Irarren and ýsaijIem member of Society, jike bis nciý,liboîiîr, -,finds liiimýclf.,iiirruiiiided by confiding friçnds an extensive < atron- a a %vide popfflarity ; while his ploddeig, stingy ailàcautiotitu neighbour I)arc-ly --ains a séanty sulristence, and., ý'Ieavcs hie aiid' Iiçrhaps the %vorl(l"%tithoilt-awal;enifig one feeling, Nvov, reuflers. ail yoti t1jal, ilili to enfer, file --hets fo'r politilarity, Iséar in mind-ille 'w,ý-iy W The sernéri of Like Superior im, in nially respecto, (ligcrent frein, and ter thon any offier in otir cou il 1 ry. Our C"eological, Corps arc the olily per- sons w1ho fiave Froni "raccoiint-pýl'heýre is-nliich in the sectie and atmosplivre of Lake ,$il- - 1 > i , - perior whicli iiliotili attract the atten- lion of tmvellers in. w-a-reh of ple-ivinre Ibllowillg description (if jsle Royale isfroni tlit,,,pet.i of Dr. Jackeoil, iýite'lý'nitetl States 1 eiý 1148le Royale is a llï(,Yît î,ý,lai PIS-id, sin-uIarly furnied, ciit iip init) ]C*epl*lny,ý,,.It)(ýIsetitýiiii- out 101).., spits ýêf ;rOcks i 11 14)e ti i e 1 aï; e a t i Ls i i û rt 11 - m. -s - terli extrAliii fr' i ýhijê at iLa terti end it flie hike, red silects (if which'for miles from tile Coast, oré, 'barelycovem-d ivitli walcre ail uffe r dangerotis slioals and reefs, .-on whicli veýel* ai id eveil boat$ wolild bc qliick-- Iv stralilded iýf't'h' . ey elid(ý-avor("d lu pas.s jif-ar tliat,-;11'ore. Ilow, diffic-rent is tbe ceast on- Iliat port ion of flic island %vllere tbe rock$ are of igneout% ý origin. 1344liffs 'of colunitiar tr;p and ca.stel- ,latýJror-ks, mural eséarpnieiifiq, sterifly -preevilt Illeniselves to the, i.,tirf, ý.jj'rld doy iJie fitorins. Tlie ivatm of' ,the.lake arc derp close to ýllje verv Shores, and flic lar-,,c!st ship might il] ýma-iIvýpIUCCs lieclose tu the ýrvCý-.î as at an artificial pier. -Tlie-eulor of tlie water, uffceted by flic lities of the- sky, arid-holdin- ;111o, -ed-âniciit to dim ifts-- trwislxirencýy., presents fin ts than arc fieen -on the lower hlkes-derep tînts of bluc-ogrecn, andred prevailitig, amordiliLf îo Ille color of flic sky ttild Ott etin&nf 41-t.-Â eliv- RTRE.YOIIM.EXT off 11EFLEAS10 it lias becil reprcsent- W ý1cd to ine, one of Iler Majesty7s Toronto, March 8,1849, M . gp oubject.8 à( the Province nt Canada, that'a .1 ca« of chronic ]Uteilmjai4nz of ftflogn Yeurg si 1 ntrow', ý depire prevalis amO,ýg the 1 nbabitaist» of çtandinf; cured by lIttlfurL"jr Cordial and If oliels PUIS, Those who ai ,tbi,,i our Towwmhip of Whithy, that, thorougb afiti 1 herebyrertify, that 1 have heén alfficteil wilh find a CHEAP i extensive Retrenchmetit, bc ý Made in ;Ihe 1 ublic, for lifteen yearf>; for a considerable the timie 1 waz confiried ta lied, and the greater partof Weill] Anil. wliercas,' certain ý ïndividtials, thar time 1 coutil ilot move myieif; some of my *Mdlie, Snobsf'&O.t ýzyc been Prèclaiming th-al jointe were compictely disiocated, My kliffl were Mantifactured an iliey-,wjlj Manuf4ctuj' Booo 4t, ll.Jnneýirèn For PFoprielor, lu foi pi treg," the lasf three yeaul 1 was licarroly able 10,110 thrée Ont- funcé motillis, -%Vork.w-l'thout su fi,3n'rie, the moU vxeriici- Two do, Be if tli(,reror(,, ktîùýh'LAo all wJiomý it may concern, and Io the ffihàblta:ýtÀt of-, Whitby ai g painsi. , 1 w3e iloctoied in Europe bytieveraf ýhy.ýici3ng thý higtli-».St fitalidirrir in t1i0j profeýS- in partirÙlàr, that [toril ilgisdaý fýrihj 1 1, 1 ,'o as weil -aSý in the- Province, 1 X, the il urhfjlo in practý'ýaf by raotlhs in tllt',ri>ro,,ito 110spitai, and nýitwiiii« aind- duced Io tcstify ri Manufaettiting. POOTS andý 8110F.4,* ofthe, veY în- affikip treàii could not-gel. r-iff oi* Tny SI-Veral orwhom; eM material, ut Ille followili low priceiit, Viz:- c " 1rya vc;,ï ri i5 I11eýO go j;. d. that 1 never col , ircd, liwjCramf)q, AA Firte S',wed Brnt-ç' 23 ný toi 26 3 - nt that lime, My attention wî.ý, directed'to yckur &c.- il jwt,%, M 9-ilo QI 3 Sir 1-Itriry llîllfo)l'(I!g- Irnpëri,,Il cordial f6r the ClIte Clarlc'g J)rcttenii Strotig e)ots f) ivi 13 0 of Gojt. aÏrid Pr, 7th Jamja oth(,r artir1ce in the Boni in propor- %vas ever 11elliij'-cu- rul h (ý-) 1 rai led on più, alite to and wha( ýwi9 a1rnoiît in thr(!,C Under the Af, tfie îS determined te %Ir rforn yn - rorr, P-Y If) oui ffiedl y have always on good amortinew, of' ai! in weiglit., my kinds of in abýut LADIL'i AINI) wcckq. more my was ton, nne and my heaitis compleiely re.ýiored. U4 LÇ? r,.- pi" *rI -P) lwy 6ý1j ILý e;j: 0 my 1 have walked ff)rty-,qlx mileJ3 in nfle -J and Io empl(rf nenc loit thf.;w-ýI of' day M'illi perfect ffttedo-n, and 1 ypti, Sir. Fý to -fAl rhéaj et tliari any O-ý -rrj in the trade . I.. Uucan mak'eany lise >:4 and a keffi, ;(,)wf!r thari th ncfx ri iny aire is known !40iîcîl6 a Sharp of public palrofl"Ime. ùf 1.4 yo X inthis c-ily', ificir Gli'Fs iiii(jeýýr My 11and lA !$cal, ihis Eý2h#,b .11,-Imf-.,5youkrlow-.tndc.an refertothc'm ifilecee- day (if AI'Wil..iri Ihý y(,ý!r of oar Lorr! oac. Fe; iliotisand, Ëiý,fht hiiiifi';,,cil alld t*ifty. r7,, frofv and zýratpfllllý, IVÉtirliT. wil. D El. bottie, Thc above (Lum & 'i)r p/jy irmiliciné i', for 15ale hy "éimiliotli ýVr -Tiiolç puffl F. URQUIJART, Co mpolind BROWN 1-1ýl-,tlïtl'ýý"Ilof-siri),.I) ilieir fila il Il fýtcto),y at fon. ,.rea4, arlil wili lit thoir 'i k'ýE Il E Grpat Sel cal Facully, !0 flic m'afa of or lit By seinibil, requât -th. a fit wii iz 1 - v e 'ib- -'T-A.L B L, ý,-fIotIfd jose t1,(ýV t-;"!j lit- I*Ilrliiiýlle(j for nyio haïf Ille ra4l M, lion. Ajiy féiffitrc Aî(1;re1ý -Inti-frpelv iIr1uýt:V(- N. B. BICOWN & CHILDS, 91q, King Surcet, %ý.-Itil the rnOSI ïMpPy 0!.s. i ri jý, e v -mf nearly 01,IK)$ile the Engli.sil Ctiiircli, ili the privitte érjImPIýt I)hyj6îcians, %vho have- approvWz1y -.tdopit,ý"J Di.. 1r CA <',Il PAID FOR 1, E'. 4 TRE j?. The W it isfýýil;efl itpor r, rty 101Q is j!OIV every fibre of the Toronlo, 'ýMav 1, i85f). in illir(nlucinýr Ifii1ý tilt ùr ý'Irlue jjj ,ý 'S Iltiji 0.1! c'Il for Cold fgr it; for ho! kalows that it'it 1 1>10L,;ýi11y "ivt, lit, enzelidri i IlPat -Illy infaffible tpecisie (!art of flail Soiffli lialf oi-ýýLot No. 21, Stl1 humanity is liable; but Il,-, k-r.nv I)iýdt!ürs7 for Il terril of, nût les-, t tikied Pf. to form a 'et) tilt i! licpt !but il 1 J'a 1 Il 1 e , , , j PrIily impoitance lo thi in the VI1ýî avil J'la fur theI cilrC Wl emai years. Fherc ïtr(. rifly- Afýr(-S ti 1 y l %V:L-ý orteil wallu W Iltemd. Go mid 1 toyield imil, îîýý: Tiiic air ý1îe nt! j -lie m oi e7 M Iroud time n'r-1 4A 9!, i ili'lfl in 1 it lo arn A pp] if by post) to 01v 1urÏý,ý, end Io ili ille nifmIs. I'y or 11c)w of YI-,ýzý je) t!jý, April 19th, 1850. heatl, Poliii Un lin.ck. (ir ýi4V, by IYMI or a (1îý4)1 dé 11»(1 'A -1)-ý ýýkJ'l1. Itçýk" It Pr teeti' ii-Y of Ifil,ý êA, fbe of l'et tous, Of -ry; nit lie hils Noise la ý1e ur ea I-ý. ,ue, t-il 1'.'l r ve -U (Er, . r, ý 1 Leeause spicifi, ni' _h ilia GD EASB UR 0,11,. X. Y. frimi cir i!vs-1finteiný fýivàr Ctiry Éd5filit %çf;.icli i. sur. ýSydo(fy Smith, prrgiuce t3rme, 11aufeu. 13g ýbçir. judidous use, -- - --.. -11. eml, limit its f-ale CfjafIýýi J'Per, ziccoldifig Io tw dilections wbich accomfxtriy ilicà itid therefoeï, Pen Prosper A. Il tiril, iiieilii-il;e, kihall, id lhe give Lyene- Nàptbà Sýrup c= rai il' ilot univeisal batitfa n ý,r1îe plo cfio, ý Peiet'91' 4 reacfied'bý staý 0. The memberà of this warrants that fio kiarm cw) ensue in any cue iro m aneet ýhQujddirec Company recom- taLjrýÏ cititer the or lfieBzl$aW. Vuruftto; thé only mend parlifm ivishing, to cffect Wýuïa - jýce Io make t-4ý fj1e Oriental' j3algam i,5, a rýo,8t valuable if for theý jja te oc lu applic- la Il flot a t(PLýcitie ferjledý? 0-specialiy Ibr Ind gmiou, 'for tbe mýtmber0j Comiumy, mîen such exist, arid not ;Nervouà;.DL-bility, Fever and -legue, N-ervousýPeri- odical arid Sick ikadacbe, Lm of appetite, Pain Dit,4pift, L' ufé iùÙ1-ipýedj.,4e iii khe'Stomach, Mâzkcd or Dùmb Agile, and iver C. TV, CdmpIaintý lt'8effeét» are iiot,-confirýed to the crai ime, iw extend la the abdominal visc e- w u 1 Tni 1111% -a emge ecuuwbàp j9j 1ý"er julm commencing ll)ç pmoUge of the law. After sorne (arnil- i«-, emvemijon, the youagr Mau Mid you have becil reiiiiirlk1.19Y encetwoful in 'jour profeuibn; fé'w -ubeaý have gsincd ou Mally cases; will ,j", bý gSd enSgh to mumtt-iiicate.to JMeeý beginner, the sSret of 'c , " pur Wall. idrou siwSu M do itj'YM&ýg man, en, Que ton- ditiS> mèt "t +1hat yau idefWy nlv:, expenwi during my stay für a feuf daysat Annapolit", Willlingly,"ýreplied àw yoting man, _yý tu progt grcatly by the The 4,e'cret of my*iuemue said 1bKil ai, ý" niay be diwoyeïed in the ad- iice-whie"h 1 now 9M7ýe*1OI4 n*nlC'Yý_ rny emryeking, au.dà'Wst ttponproof.'l' 40n rèaclÙDg An",Polis,,Lutlier Mar- lin wasýnot very seif ýdenyîng in the en- ay,'In-ent pre-%entA,-,Yl hy a fine -hotel ; týhc bdantiale and géneml xefreshmetitý.,: a Manner quite ffatifYing to mine host.- The young r un and. Martin, stSd togother at tl'l(" laro, amd demanded their res . ective luit. -Martinler WX3 enOn»us- Init on glan-' 'ý1ug at itp liequietly 1)«Ildëtlý it ýto ti, Oulig lawyer, Who rutining hi.15 e'Y(*"4ý iv« it 1ci8ure1yý réWrned it w'iti, tjwý «M'vitýy Don It you inteéd to pa y it ? id Pay- whatl" asked the yoieng jl'ai w- Nye puy this bill. Did- "Výu 1101 -!p4 ige'on"the"roitte, downwitrd ; tir-at .-y4tlwoLildýdefray My expenffl nt t1le di il, - eirt"&,tidtlie yollll«gen- denY everything, and inriyt pM Prodf -blaeiný at où:" sawý that Ite was *!DD4 eyelng hî»-YOUII« friend a he, said j1camnijy, youdS'rt needany, counsel from nle, -YO*cg=àýpz- youdoultacodezveoull- BENEFIT Or ADVEItTISINC,, Wewere never so weft aware of the ts ofadvertiging as %Ve' ha c been 4uring lhe hmt te wý week.4e by a à Whick we'Nere !nt erested. il, be. remembèred by seme-yes ef, Our readem, that a few 0 weeks advertised torr-%>"Iiome" wbg adv«, tw, altbSt fyli f . - ýj hey ruay, IWbeýin,.a situation to seer it. The -madiant who**ertim ilberally,,,, gS& a,,d f,,- "OOMPOP«ly- lie may*4verti#e and Î4wertiset and all tile , ý"tw4 aem hifî. ý";km&cd- lýW, and ' pwbeing-à note anà amllence; but bib he twuk Of it'aw gt. tl> ý bis makïng bijn-1 md kept oü hand, for sali illows - ce vfal, 71-2 do, Is. 3. CHARLESCL $or Jiving wjtne»ýes Can Qf tbe efffCaýY of lhe Fy l low reei(Fe in this Villu ,Oôfl W Brui 1ý r Rego ï. k9ue in the Breasts, Scal % &C. vý Whithy village': 1 a T y Fetronage of- it, Il A-S'T 1 N G S'ý tY-çir'iiin fri th-c Pasary, ff d Syripp of »là] NOT oxf .w y A Marra"fed Cure fo)- all Of the inedical prof syrup of ixapi ettle foi ;111 diefflel alv.1y of IlLe humai) It is 2kiriess of ihe throýj, scd )vcJý the fnickinz and the jis is E,.1eli that the Crvadez' the fra me-and l4ý body --- d iffui a Eý a, ý';eî i j lures a flee circlllatiQn ci 1 'ivürý'ù1 j() the ir, in 1 lie systerri. V, IC) say 1;O111ing of th the J)EOF ai7cordin-0. to il, iý drir.le et far il he filiblic 10 bc iliterfered cr;llioriýc« JIC lhercrore 1 alut upoi- the cl ae a lie"'er fuiling a3tilma. of fulb lho!4e.11r(ýzdY jormà iniplion may take itwitb 1 rice of a cure ; for its grez il ;gs, wbit.f. it Perfelratel yjr"g thc-rl W 1 ri (1 M li i l"h, if a or, j) 1 îcd a-C cc 11111ût fatl to Icave in a F Ple be ;iMen alid f)11CTý Cf fite aze. iliz -11ILS Confiaentry of hi lhe 1tem bf-silati,6n in 1 ïCif of its OP iat w1edge it in le the dé%i îrreguilarities of the Ctfaut aild ite castle- like islands-flie abrapt c1vvatiow of -the hills inl-iilitl imr, 'walli rroîw the sLurç-:ý of tbe nulinerolis- bealltiftll lah-c-i ý%%llicll -&,re -sm. ttered-- thruugh fbe iiitericyr vf the island alicl -willi the lines'of Ille i»mltituin iiphoaval-wei ol-*ervc -(JM'ilsioindlv nule crags de- tav'lted Mou'abliii4ç' and In'ene, piute twolorty twi'n towers, standing on hill-sidé, and rising Il * ik-C llûge eliitle>: ney'S' to Ulicelevatioil ý.of seventy fcof,ý wliýe they-are surroti.Ddedý,b d'ocp ý , ý ý ý y green foliage of the primeval forW-, recitiested my asùýiant to mulw u -sk-etch -of tliçse singular' towý'rs' while 1 was ill ulwsu- lem itrailge aU d -fatitastie are 'the effeefs -of mira'ýýÉ on the, aplx--ar- ance of.the peciiliar scenery of iiiiis istand,:aii&, ha morthern ccmt, oe the lake sceu Z-11 -it. For weeks in fflý ý - sum- Il E ý ST KA 31 R'> Prinéesit RO'az CAPTATIN IIENRY TWOIJY, w ILL leave'17orotito for ýK- ingston, calling- at Port Hope arid Cobour,ý,,, v.-Pathpr Permît- Iii1g, evc'Y WEDSESDAY a'lid !ý.eTUIi»AY ut Noon. 1 -ý1 > Wi;l leave Kingston for Torniýto, and interme- diate Porix, every IMOINDAY, and Aftertiwti,,-at Wili leavé 'rûrOntý for f!anJtoý, ev, DAY and FRWAY moinirw'. ai Lý'ia'ht ii.

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