Whitby Reporter, 19 Oct 1850, p. 3

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ytdoor 10 Murs. .4, Eui neeuhmu l *Co. JOHN -UITCIIEY, UR n ESFRTFULLY annSuffcoe it h. is now' .fopenneou, andi 4aily reçeivillg a large as- SIMPLE & ANCY DB-Y 0001)5, >S-5iitable for the Falit andi Wînl Trade, ait of which having been purichaiet> by an exjperienced bayer in the chýapWs and bet British ýand rnlti- can mnarkets, ha can with contidence- recommeoti tliem te hit friendu anei the public generalty, a« he is gdeterminedt ta adiat a &aai à4vance FOR CASH ONLY. Parties tishinç te. purchose u,tWlfïwd ilt a ti'eir adranloçe to cai and examine for tlwmsdres bçfore ;e 4NO NECOND PRICM.rg Torento,- 26th 4epternber, 1M3. 27-13 -WORKMAN BIIOTHERS & Co No 36i- Ring Street, Toronto, (J% FER FOR SALE AT LOW I>RICES, 'VIi0Y) Tont Scotch Bar 1011, 6"4 Swede.s (la 10 " lolaopand Banîd Iron 6 Ca('st arid othpt 5W Is 6 " l'iugh'$Iiates 3 " rigt rit lVire I " à& .40aleVire (j" Putty 1-2"Ji~i Ste.pî 30WU L- u* ai, I100- - spik'ý11- ,,a 1 (,'u 50 " Chain'm. a>ore( îz .4e, " Flt4r Batte! al Ci pi) dz Tesin KSpallil t onO i ki il it d eI. ldBrmingham and <morlcan ~ WL ý A WHITE CORNELIANBROOCII. M*junted in "od. Any ",s~n retrnng the smre Io the Sub.cÏ;ber, or gving: information thal_ Wil les& tw the recovery of it,, shail be liberally rewaroe. JAME±S, . GERRIE. DritggistMata& Bireel -Whitby ilIîb , 1850. P rioig lLtîn .and l'e.idctsw bers în (Oshawa and its vicînitj~ by G. 1uaxq, s. Postmaster. (vodey's Lady's Bo~ok,- £0 1 bs per an». Sartan's Union bMagaz1ne, £0 15 lé '4rahàtm': Magi.ine, - O1015 Litteil': Living Age, - I110 Wirpe'a Mazixi ~ 4-)015 Initerniational Magazine ~ 151 B3.c ()StR Ovl, tienerali3n' and Ptriodical -Agn, Wbolexalc and Rietail,' IVlliugion ilidpg, King Streiett 7'orùunto. Toronito, October, 180. 27 JENNY LINO INWRTY 1I~AN bvetu '1ly apoi tren~t' ll'y lt ln a"(I, airJ t<mckllrit p :'at 1lhe lI.H P on band a getîcra asorni 0 f Tgt Air, IaratlV. at4 Ctvicittg S'n1vese Potash IKeillei., (,rxtt Irot, DI)a 1mirtst, I-lotr Serapers, Patentt Ci<1- The uew piîtitpî ov/ s iafli on ihp ' <). PRINCJPTL- 0OF M./JKJNG Tilli 1J>Lii-: VER YIH<CK, aîiîdhlite t laît-i. wse -)tt- s' c% im tîhiy ane htit, i te1tecrunits), or . Farâ:ner wi have 110 other ýtove. The ad-at ii kî ec~ss '4of l<uaL gin a lon- tuiek-f îtod,,aiîd iavinîrr a large antdealxlciotîî'v aven. how41în Iw'.'.els of utlvtad- plig. fi-rtd hlittt noleti ýl i at xtrt-lcft'ntakJllc otven .are' laistsltp- i-tai t4, ttny ttoWc lie las.~M1I<jett, Fte I -t! >tt't 1 Ie m-wiîtî ai't and -v;înîtitu.as lhet'aiîd .fv- are ottly tIol'e flu ttlat at ra'cSi~ov e ,uît ii li thait fl,rihittg t- i lagr O- ai Whîtby, w gio s 4#1saiai tlv aire plit da-wiultt ri t<t-.!antic la t tit! rite m. TçF, t >1 e. - A li î fif rr'-tlkje. laicatti'?, lnrtt- -~er rA IR .A die -'d, W~, t*, 11ia;m 1 - . t' Tuyauto, 271li - -i :IL Dn' ptwîs Jclus ...... - -- - yfr h fira ~yupady ptqfit tandi/os.. 1, A« W 0() 1 'iCI ~ IYN Barriste: and. Attoruey, G3AW LOTER O~-BOKS. IW p"îfs fesh s dti(i'îii ail lie('ourts as1 - P <tald, ti-ept fileQuet-tus l,;trh../1FcljI . ,Ilak lie Wittii tittua-tl tett - atl uî4uv - u -trery.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~) C"îî- ilcrt i-D btti(ntas L Wilty atI -agiv-ntty ihait a Lotîe-ry ut ta X-t'uy tîdCoi'ianînu. aitge ittiltoroi V ALUA I;L1. BOOKS, OFFICE - (Orr r TiW ( s.l to~Sre', aliutULgIllUt awpIoitti the miin îtiu$100, wiki Lake, Tortituo, ' ,1830I'. 2-Iv li iîu~s Lu.I :î1Vîtlî ILagr, .1 4) I11N YEC% (JatI of ~3c-nlae) ('jfr.ill-%ftg w it i thie varnus depa.itnpuits at unair, Naïl, :iot4/t , 'lotlttue î t-u;S/tel?,l'- ifkt -1;t l~ù1igscrc Jeuvelry ;tit/4Q/ Tutcî (ttrr;; Jirr(fp.. itugtalit îje i ijU.uf £6 1,, £à, -I, ati )ailf ad Bt-b- 141-1t-Mîiye, S"tr.'ar (ji"t, Note an~d BankJ?1iýh)lc~. PooL-et and Meluoranedt,n ïrchTicket sr-(ts n prize! Do., G1u14 <m'i -serai P4tt'-jftere C('h t a.mîîe <lr 1-i 1ruvr illeetnnldatl't arp 55 E o» i1inh iuti>meonwiltiî-i WII caittt4)0t1il with oaîc citia - ~ i - parcel aî-iouk, awhI14: rhe fat-litate drawer - YUN~ ~-r~P'àT, TORON T0. 2- f thia,-t i. il Ite oiTtIul- - ____ FAIR PL &Y ANb NO EJBUG! ~ ~- i. W. IHAMILTON, 'i SUR GEcIX DFNTIST, W fiyCt. 1lItit, 1jt iLI&$ the 'bonotir of annotcin; his artivallu1 11VTorenrto, wifh the intention of-rstîablisini-I W FY binneIf ni tc >us a .SujGzo ' xti.?çTisT. Denier ix Pr F. le =isconfdent lbat rom many>'years'G ROEl, 1U>%,ADPOtI study tîndersaleh.et te raost elebrateti SurgebrteuIýgoLqi)"9AN Ri.0 Denlist» iu En4land and Scetiand, and (from a Ïub- PRODUCE J3OUGIJT ANDI SOLD.- "giqdtnt, pvwf*ldoniprartice of twelv't yeers in BeîwveenStroîcd'u <ted Plat'Tit,#laeraiLEmt Sid* Bntain, hie wiII le ale te gtve ample satisfaction <ft< ,~-<i te-ail -who imay honorl&tîm wiLb Leir confidence. -fakà , 6-Y Dir'P. bas, fIdr the prestmnt , rentedth ie premisea, ___ SNo 40,. King Stretet West, adjoinintg thue Cabinet > -- Waiebonue of Mesie. Jacques & H ay, -where he NEW CIIEAP IAT STOIRE .will lie founti 4t ail hours of the day, di-volin4« hiîself.exeIusýIvey ta tite'several hranehes Ã"fN'arly- oppoWtIelis ii"Globe" Office Dental Surgery. -J&ugStreet, Tarira/o. Toronto, 1850. 21-y I-E borribf-r, having bad long experleice No. 981 King-Street, Toronto, $IGN OFYTHE WOODEN MAN. - rptE Sbacrber begs lo rail tte attention nf the TH.L bsrpublic totule lage and-varled stock of REA» Y-MA.D R CLOTHIXG, Cu, Tets, tftoous, &CIht -Wb, à$ it i it u adup under khieo= nisper- bftdeue, h. flattero biumself wil be roundi 'upe- ~a anyin the City,»a1Wilbe sold on cheap &W r'e.onable terns- Y. O'DEAI ,'May 29,l8Q lents- of Ashegtet ,Public Ihat fi#-bai opeitje the ahove prernm aWith an excellent assarimjent of 1-ýTTS, and aIea -£lt C ap5, JBuffalo obce, Ladti' , Fnriof evcry drscription aiways -on hand, tl-, Thé titriteatprice paiti in cash for, JJatttng *n.. RhniuVto- .ý -Toronto, Oct. DR- - Hatter and Furrvr. A. F. STRACÉU?<, A A. b lu ATl N il -& ". E &&U AT Ko 5e, City' Building.*, King Street .East, neat door- la J. R. Ifountjy Dry Goodi $tore, 8ign of thre r UESubseribers have njo w on' handé, and arc 4aily receiving a veIy exten- .1. sive stock tof eheap and fashionule RE-ADY-MA.DE (LOTIIINGe Ail weil eut, withi superiur trirnmings, and made up lu the--best styl;e, at their estabIisnîent iqi MontUeal, by first-rate workrnen. Wce briy in thie 34<6<and ckeape*t whotesaie înarkc.týs, and s'eiu, f;r CASII ONLY, Clizaper titan any othef establislhment. Otie trial Wtlcoflvifloe the m(OSt ineredulotist.liat E*. & I's stock 'ot'(3toti4iîfg is intich better 'mnade and triinîsë(l, and con.scqîîetty Cehaper th:in any othier trading house ia Toronîto. L< T 0 N' S, 'T 1i,Sr, TORONrO, 27-10 EVANS & ITAMI! NO. 5, (l'Y B('ILDIN(;X, KING STREE Fait a»t JiLc ~G $TLIiI~T '~$'I' OITE' 1I1 E 7fl 4"LA WII-ENCE 1hALLt, a ut1 wcJJVEJ, iNliNT1tPEAJ4 AND QUI;MW*C, 20 Oatios of s2upcror Lùondon Roady.-Madeý Il I 11-4 î.tanti (l-qs vrinntirîi{ý Briti41h North Ancrea, &Il af mhich vil ild verv itli'.u~î h~S-Lt"% '-t.i4"e Vo' 1nîak< r'iom frýr a vgiy-Iar<i nni -ro i ent ai LONJYJNÀ (*L1.01JNGU , ( naW ant1, wal olt) tw~<,trbç-iiii tta><tige SlCAg~ent fur Oise ut the nt>)st exlilse i îotip'es i nrtt n the" i'rTjIA.ý1)"' lie lereoewifiliée able tganpplY the Gmîiti yandtisihal'îitautls <i orl w~hS R (,' 001)5*, fisr liffle nmore thitnone-itai( thl prwec litai gcd (1iniother hloiti ci t hts City. -TIE I3VE .w u~SCONTAIN- 8(>î> Eilant i Wier Coua, fixaMî$i .1-2 tb $7 eatirr. I o uperir' Y<k avt ei Stt. io .) 1-2 ta $1, 10 i fîOO RuÂt Yii od Wirît1eî 't cmii, ii$in u$1.3-i marli, )Aa .ël Ricil te .rciâ Soir, utVelv r e4. ian $2 1-2 I $ c3- afdi. Waggons, Bu1ggies, Rockwa'&, ebariot-, 0f tees, and FAmily Carriagc*, OF -DIF IUU« JDESCRIPTIONS, TH Wlh lie, ean seit Oheaper for Cuit extra( than any other Es-talbli,,Iiutitiii W't- otft- Ayor srroundin4 c. uiry.1'o sae- rior Style und OuDrability, hie Ïbe1s ther confident of giving fà41 satisfacution to .chôiel prchasers. -wnwc .B.PA1iýTING &TRI3IXING donc to order. Tt îieutly exe<cuted oil short nutic%.ý NA THANJEL RAY. Whitby, April 19' 1850. New Lino of Stages IfTifROUGIf FROM WHITOY TOý PORT PER8Y. T Whitlty Village evcr nrdi at BRW O K L IYX, P RIN C E J. L B ,£R l y ad CRA4NILE'5S CORNERS. RIÃŽCTURNINC,:-Wil leave Port Perry t Three ock >. M'., calling at the ab",e-named, E1,xtruls furnis/îed to order onmthe place thort est qnotice. iqPl#P T. \. sc1KIPTUE Ce. wr IVuuby l7h Agus. ISU.18 Broug WHIIBY GRAIIIAR SOHOOL. T fi ;,r:,ib)."m,àcth ltfy ran- 261h of Auc'ust, I3~ eronr CaFes Superflne«-zSxonv Clotho and CassiMrs,~WS hty uy3:.13. - 1 A'V VERYLOW10 >IlC,_____ T3tn~ pi'c~d riîrtulaiy l'r Illie bwrt.-,ly a ertnp4teItt p(rson %who avaiis i r fthe opjtîfiiy 01,purchai.it oiz a li weu araîke'Ila e lw " hcSli e, Tît tdeore, isn <atth I d & and to L ase. tI.Lcotitleitce,tidy, tfidt lt tett tc iad ciauîretlut aont!-raold > Y I-F. ba A EW HOU Aç al Idit.-î1 4AL st e ie 1.Utrial . T ACittE2Sýe& KilLand ta lease luinthe Ifellaw- .4 -tî~~lir-îîd. sgdêl t~is t ;i wil t-tlînin't'of lte retii!y ni the advanL.tZe5 Piotre-vtýt u e 'ie ' PuI)Iiic rtder the RE. dp y ,V;tV£ PRJN('III Ettng 2owûshipg) RcuCk, UxIr4~ o M ý Gwilin- N r ~j~ ~-buryJiroc, Thoa/t, a, CfrinIiiTfq, Tay, Toroffln, Sepi. P25 $i. .7i)VattEO l on, and (ps. The raout o0(lirese lanis are of lte - ---------- - lest qualiiy, and w-ilbe leaseti fora term of from ~. ~-~t~r g ~h ~ y ive~aseven yï-aris dcpeidirîg upon bii tuaionin 0 D l~~<otsoci' hrn20 t lo0acres eaca, o any one whao AJ VY '~ ~ ~ ~ ' ewil Cltio cie-ar, and fence'in a LMod anti wrk-' rnanlike anr ihCiesa!itsaeni> U S ~ BI R G si;S & LHS U MAN ~ s, p.pai, dlifie frrnation con- ~I'~ i; t-t %' tîlai uuî~ o Cnad ~xc~ttîiR '~ l.rtc iccvje j cerninq any-oft te particttlar fintsin either cf the .C. alntiait" bove te)wutsbips, wilfe iit ewered without deiay, ~ tI irNEW <.01»' c->.sîtin ut- . .13. T. BeH -hi-b -Jul -, - -O 1 ' in ùte &4f VritisAh ah.tyo a Iw heuf l hit (o dixpoec fl ,~ Lari unPublir . 'liteir NlaîtulCîtttm iiils Citv. tromrti-.iud(s ir.aVf(rtIeh dirvec fr.on.i Britaiui, by theni suivs, rnd(auîclîu Corin~, ron tIî-lxI. eclries in Canada, defy omrpetitio' ibr diir-.flhlty, Stie, auîd icits Red £ai leur Cal Bruudedotla .' M44- - 0 0 j du Canada 1Plaidl, "Ji) - 1 il) M- 3 9 eoth Caps, "---2 Iv 1rurîne1se, - - - uo 6 ys, %Và;ità, à - - Woave Uttdor'efirit, " - - . 3 e) do Traust-rt, " - - 5 Jif j '-S p .sX- .SATIS JIA TS; BLA CK IN~DIIE. - - --0 0-.B o 0 3 9 O <f j; of ce~î- >raery articele ;Yi ssryto com pilt large -and lwell- asrteid stot9 of tliuso,-t.,xods required byIy rE iIPX 50>0 S-îrxiyWol&r .tw frein 13s9udFacyory Cotlera, frm - os W3 3(341<1<)yards good Bonnet RIitis " i5 Whiîte Cottot;, 0 i4 3m00(1 yards Gala Plaids 4 o 9-- Stripcd Shirtiurg. 0 à JS, Y fas.t et:loore, "--0si Flutnels, reti ai-awhite, " . I3 Ladies' Cloaks, (rtewest styles> " M 9 Bàankets, per pair, " - 1 Veivet ~ont,31 ict falkws Siiot, CekdSrpc n Pan Ataas oorgs, andmi ealli, DeLaines, C.shiiecs. atid ather Fxtsliiunia1,1c Gouds for, Latlie' Dresses, I1;Wls,1andlkrchie*i~, XMufràaud Boa.- ~NO SECOND PRfCE, 4 fl1 -SS &LIhMN Corner of Kiîng and chturch itretsjoiniflg lite 0urt House. Codý, beaslere. ~k5, I Ofl renti Eventh, iorJ i SFÃ"« gale ùt the B082 Price lo 2d. Backuiumbe WHOLI Trôuito, October, S4 w ILL iwre, enthé.ga J uly, the fi ràt numb combinIn thetbètiai*wtéiLW under il bave te comipositionsi wt 'jl rnals, rmagazines Tlales anid l]ay- bu public by the Sarne henmade vehiieles of theu <iost elaburat ,we are now receivil every shîlp troxn Eui Dickentt, -Jasneq, Li Mn ..5 aund inde rcoilentpoary -slo'v cha le at ail rninc popular. i. likely tg Daily1,Wetkly, Moi nies, wViteh comp<x ments, chur.4ws, ant lthe zoverntx ent ( 1nthisacountry t movements abroati. im8)e literary produit their Completionui; chapterâ b>' ehafle brain and the heart t înstant -of their dà they Ilaâh trom the 1 flection. The hderrnittioma l-csuîltof- efforts to sd times. 4t Wit et. colitempoary peri bce peculiar to iLuelf. 11., wit Ix beultmosI ýVîbjJl,1850.- brl STEAMBOAT NOTICES~ iiundci FOROSEGOs -aulbe T ilFIother $.ieamer "Queei W JLL commence he r regular tripe (Ur ther notice) on' _alLurda> next, maki trp uweek betveen Toranto and. Oswe Cetînectin.g with the NMoriing anti Evenint ur Raliroati cars betweeru Oswego, Syre Albany. WILL LE AVE TORONTO FOR OS ever>' Manda>' and iFriday tunoringe ,,; and irig, will leave Oswezo on Tuiesuty andi S evening, tourihng ecdi way at lite fQiiowim Whtîb, Oshtawa, Darlington, Bond Htl. Gruanby, FortIlope, Cobourg, Grr'aitoer <C Presue Ilie, àrud lVeIIingion, Wli:by, Jupe l8th, 1l30. T 1JE Sub. alxovceai caih or credi Whitby, j Aîtg. 24, I f Importationîs of Spring - Goods for l18A. No, 6o , City Buildings, Signt of the G(lde Flaoce, Kcing St. Ea, Tironto, mur thle Mlarket Siibscrberwoud ifor bi rutomers, now received a large andi weiî-steiected stock otf Fancy anti $tapl4 Dry Goouini Bonnets,, Parasols, IRibblens, Muslins, Dresa Goods,}iosi7r, &C.e, & Carpets, Cottons, Linens, &c., &c.,a dwil ppen onttwo new departmçuths ubou tt1he let of Aine, witb aui entirety new Stock. The. attention -of farimera la p4rticulauiy çalled to the Stapie Dejuart-. tuent. Terms-Coé. No secondi prit-e. J1. R. MQUITJOY. IToronto, May 1,18]M. 5-iy 7' 'Toronto, SePteniber, 1850. i 1 q '11- -L 1

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