Whitby Reporter, 28 Sep 1850, p. 1

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POR-TER Chu Factory) * RoaeL 1 i lîdeai ethis Offos )iiseisat aleeaite per- >Agents for tIse .Reporter.. 1.1 S. SPROW LE,: Propnietor., s, '~ Z arn. ~an, ani tld.k aothfut ~ CANADA WESTV,, SATTJIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,"80 NATIONAL LOAN FOND. SITAL £50 )0 ~0 0 ýturllLg. thse Municipal ComSiil of Whitbg. thse Townikz-p -oJ .Enaainr--R. W. CLARK, X. 1D. L"~ phiets, las,= nad iltcquîe- în-Vestisg thle ,ectifications f errers in thle .aeument Roll in JO RM AM PEkRY, the Town-Reeve in Couacil, and.for ot/ler purposes. .igentfvr WHITB.Y. 14 Be it enacted isy the Municipal Cenucil-of the Towuship cf Whtby-That froso and afler the pxmn-,gf this By-Law LA. O FI H. ail that paît cf By-Law% No 6, which.uvests tise rectification - cfmeros in the Amsssment Roll in tise Tewn Reeve, shal! -band tIes ame is hereby reponhed, ani that ail said peov- OA EN£A CPGNi«aa oue E LLU -& rswisicîi voie thierein iuvosted, ansd exercised by the ROLIITOR-IN-IIANEItY 'Town Ileeve, shah iii future lie exercised hay tle Towns ity ofrrySq. IG hL b e. ceusent %vis, o miier an muey hal hae benupprcpriated by miter ienla meitinel i setin eghtofBy-Law vNo. 1 ,.-WII'Y VLLA E. f te Cttnël. rovdedahvys hatnothiug p 0d ansuinucrFit1flos fr 1A -cntanedin tis y-Lt- lial Ie costred, te a tepe- WHITB Y VILILAGE. Ileiders in his line prcistiy exccutedý- IJ/e latest Fhailios lwatjs on hassd. fflhutby, April 19, 1850. Darrister and Attorney at Law BROCI-STREET, WHITBY. KEPT iiY RICHAMRD WOON, 0811.5W.4, C. IVW Supersor accommodation afforded to, Travelieri. Capsi.îous .Stabliig anid Sheds aitached io the renises. WaH ira v, -.-W. L. IL SCtOFIELD & Ce., 1,%IPO5ITERS 0F RITISH DMANUJFATrURES, AND) DEALERSIN IVIiOLESALE AiND IIETAIL. BE TH! TEE TII!! TEETH !!!, -SIUGEON »ENiTT 031.11V., V . W. HEN.VW E B ER, IPAPilu.NABLI ýTAILOR, ppsite -11r. Bettes, King 3tileet, * OSJIAWA, C. W., ere la is prepnrod te exemate eiders bis lino un the sîsortest notice, 1and at moderato changes. ~7%e latei kFailions regulîrly received. Osîava, ltril 19, 1850. i J%4C. STERLLING, liAsnsed Auctlone.r, WITB Y Ordeus RWeceived.at tUs Office MR .FÉEY Bd LL, BlAS EmovEk» TO k Bstu e ci dur tete &yanasTin Bhsîp, WHITBY, C. W. EDWRA.'3AE, Frquritor. 1-Portersin attenarce attise Steamboama. A. & S.- NORDEMER, miila lam nesJuummts for sa cred&And socia Nultki,, K1NG STRET EÂSr, TQRONTO. 5b (Sigîsed), Pnssed Juîie 27. 1850. E. ANNES. Town Reve.. R. T. HÀRRISON, ('Zens. [No. 23.] 1 Y-L A W To assess thle isshabitamts of Scllitd section .Xo. 13.or fthe purpose of dfraying the aie/t due -on schoelhouse. Be it enuctod by tise Municipal Ceusil cf the Township of Whithy, thut trous and nfter shepasaing cf tisis By-L.a%# it shah 1ansd inay ho iawfîal te ievy, easm, ani cehieci, fron lihe îîhabitaaits 1hoUseh-oiders of Soiol Section Nu. 13, in tisa Tuwnîshiîp nfcesaitl, tise suasiet seveutoou puuîids, six- teeii siilingsa nd t oiseiV, fer Xtise îuîrhoseofutdetraying dehi due fur building tlie*Scîsowl Ilutise ini said Sciscol S-ection. (Signed) E. ANNES, Towna Reeve. PussedAne 427,1850. U.. T. HlARRISON, Clerk. f['N'()24.] B Y-L A W To autllurize Road Commissioner.s on tIse Fourtll Concessious Est tof PZsnkRoad to uy ae &rapv. Be it enacted by the iMuuioiliality of Lise Townshipi of Whiiby--Tiiat fre aîîd, ller tise p=sing cf this Bjy.Law, it slilan îd umy hoJavfti fur tise Coniînissioners uppcsnted toe cxpeid Lise sun oft Bye pcunds on thieFosirtîs Concession ensi (A'tise PlakRoud, tcnljpropriate the sum cf une îîeund ton sihilgscf tise said nsoney for ihe purpose cf urchasing na scraper, for the benefit cf the roada i snid sections. Pro- vided niîvys,-Thattise Commissioners shahl show te the Couincil ilînt work tu that ainieunt isas boots subscribed, and 4hitifully pérÏfornied, as an oqîivalent titIhe' suai cf one potmnilton shillings granteti by the Conucil fur the puirpuse' eff purcbsising said scraper. l (Signed) E. ANNES, Toswn Reeve. Paues Jue 27, 1850. j.- R.. T. HARRISON, Cerk. B3 Y-LA W To fax thle ournsrs of dogs and in certain cama (o uther ize their destruction. 'l,. WHiEAs donhîs bave itrisen vitb respedt te tise iegality et f-Aw No. 5, inttitiled «IBy-Law te tax tise owuers and hl rburers c-f dogs; "and wviereasa it i. expedient Io repeai tise sane, sud te mnako taniser provision futle ne-' atuain-iusg oet doge. 1. Be il theretere enacleai by tise Municipility cf tIse Townsisip et Whilliy, tisaitthe saii By-ILaw ho sud tise sains is herebyr repealedt; sud tisaI it Fihall anti may hoe law- fui for tise Collector, and le is beieby nequiredtu t demanai and- collect tram tise cavera or baibuers ef any doge tisite moths od in thIs township, save anti except every hensebdudeu vis aal poasesa ouly eue dog, and sacis deg have about his ueck à collar vusth te owueu's mamie thereon, tise sun et five shilin~g, te be leutied and collec"e as other taxes ire aollected, and paid te the Treasarer ofthtie Townshsip, sud io bl i ipased cof as tise Council soay tbink propos. And every isouseisolder negleô-tiug te colai bhis iiog as ereîn piovided shahl fonteit sud puy the sun et five alillings.4e the Ceiler, vise duty it-shall - bu upon tise negisot et refusai te pay such flue, te report tise ame te aÏy Justice efthtie Pouce, vbieli Justice is lsereby inthtir. issai and reqairet te grant a warrnt et distreas fer tIse ne- oveiy oetths ane, hy ise sale ettise o(ender'a goods anti rojitles, tegetiser vitis .ests. B Y-LAWS [No. 26.] B Y-LA iW To ausess t/le Toessskap of Wkiiêy fer To»scipspurýposes.. Be il enacéted. Ly tise Municipulity ofthtie Townshsip ef Wliitbyr-Tliat fer tise present yenr, for Townshsip purjioses, tîsore sisml lin assessed, levied,ndecollected, the oanus et eue iisrthing us tihe potsnd, in addition te the uncunt alîeady assessed, on nil ratouble' preperty, lying and lieiug in saisi Towvnship, aceording te tIse aàîsessmeut laws uow in foreé in Upjseî Canada. (Signed) E. ANNES, Tots Reeve. Passed Septosohor 7t1s, 1850. R. T. HARRISON, Clerk. VIKIETIEB. A travelling Yankee put up at a country inn, vhere, a number of loungera voue asseussbled, tellin.K large atones. Afien sitting for seine time asnd attontively liatoung te thiss feliy, le suddonîy turneti and asked lIeus iow soucis tlsey supposed liselad hoon dfluîied fer bis dog, svhicla ne lad vush lins. Tlîey ail stareti, aud curiosity vas en iptoe te knowv; eue o'uessed fivedollars, another ten dollars, apeîisor fifieen, untti tthey bia exhauýtsted ibeir patience, wvIson eef et bo seciouty asked hoW amsai had been offeretI. 'Not a. darn'd -cent," ho ropîied. IRISHt AusNECDTSs-Wilis, Vwniing aMPOUn' Sceerv in Ireiamd," -gîves a couple of anecdotes tisai voeehîought eut hy tise driver ef au Irisi jauntingecar in wviih isewons tise ouiy pussenger. A yunug fhlwva seen ieadimg.ais as.. Tise driver addressed biti: 'God merrow, nei-j1gihisur, is thse as your own 1" "No," rcplied tIse boy, "ýhse's my father'a." *1 In trots, 1I ehso W aa OLO of tise fasoily, for be's tise veiy-picuroeofthtie oldnman," retonted ai rney, vils a lond gaffaw, atthle saise tume tpplying tise .whip vigcons!y te lis ijorses te escape tise vengeance eftthtis rri- tateti lad, forrlhe vas seatching tise rond fur a atone vitis whices ho meaut te uepay Barney's wittioisn. Ris noxt emy vas upon a gocii-loebing country girl, vhe,witb bhtm ft nti výell-gatisorea up petticeats, was daitily ýpickiisg ber Steis among a splssiy;e.nt eOf the rolid. <"1Mù Ina r mmi eleerîm A", or yon'h slrty yeîsr birtbday stockingu" eried le. - Never lear, sboweA.L, but if 1 do, were*s tise hant 1 sure theyree warranied towasb, and isolaitise celer alurnys," repliesi tise, irl smartly. -"1 voader, thon, how tbo'y'd lookIt hoiedi' inquired Barney, *itis a. gtn.. "Abut as purty as your own oyes," answened abce, ganciag Tisomsosn, tihe vife et a very prosper- eus and weutliy sIsopkeeper. Mns. Lawson'a tis lips wreatbod thenselves jute brigbt ansiles et vol- come whiie tise fout desoon cf eavy teek possession et 'ber seul. Mrs. Thompson!s dress vas oet-the most eosthy Frounis satiin vhie hois was merely Britishs manufacture. They 15usd been cld - chool conipanions andi rivaIs ini their girlisîs days. Dusing the fiast years et tisemarried Jits et each,,Mis ILavacu hud enishono Mu. Thonpspu in every respect, but nov the eclipsed star beanseti brsttnlly and scornfihhy bouide tise obus wisicisbaad iclled over beirnival. Mia. Th ospson vasA fa lce anaI igure, in dresanti speett, tIse very inpersonution of val- gar and stentations ivealsh. iMygoadness it îs du lot," ase saud looaenimg the fastenings oetlhon bonnet tise delicate Frenç ilond asndi vIite satidand pIikîs,etfwIsielstise fabri. us conpsed, coùtrstiug rather puin4. fu4ly, ai tis ane time witislhor llusbed maiscgany coleuitd complexion, andi uungaceteliy-tfonmed teatures. -"Blas me l'u s glaciveJl got off te car countuy bouse to-soZErow. It's is< very. de;ightfst mis. .lawsou, te hae a coun- try residenco 10 go te. Goodumes me visat a close room, , aud suisk-îlot, dmsty atreet. ît does look se quseer tu mpe aft« Fitsberbert-aqnare., To tisaMms. Lawas. made a responsi e as conspasot as.- SIe aould, aise voulai have retorteà biUerly and violently, but ber hasland b.d a. connection ( witis thse, Tiosons. adiumentý.a" foru atrng ressens ase Ssadered. t prudent te refrain trous qurrelliisg vush Mm.Thompa1o. Bse, tiserelire, apaise but very lle, aeriz.. 1'bmp,. min vws- lftat libaz t teiv. a lenitb, and toek heu departuýe.. Mrp. Laeon dispatched a measenger imoediateiy fori lier lushausi. Hlenry Lawson ca:use n, andi Jisteiiéd vitissurprisd te tIse intelligence of bis. fatiser's returai. Ho vas taking p hi$' liat te proceed te tise hoel iaquet hjn, vison acnrringe due o thie door. Mts. L;a"àn bs ennitpapitated i itis eagernies-ifit shtîuld eho lieu>s- baud'. fatiser- iniiàbis wn'cwrkiago- bev delighttul! tisaiihorrile ers. Tisompscu bad amot aearriage tif lier ,cwss yet, tisengis aie %vas alwpys talk- ing of iL. They., Mms. avaù nà h~der isusbtind, had j w« beon, about uettlmg up- a carrdage vlieu ,business fitied' vits thons. Sise ian briskly dowa:-4 staiu-for Ilng ears ase hasi hiova vils i Sis alertnes-rai - sions et gold, ebt apiendor,-anti tria*ph soemneiite Leur, her aieng, as if àketad net bett a bew»g o tioaI. Piso vas net disappoisteai, frjisahr., at tiseoenu doesr, auod Jobn Lawsou. Rova w=nvcioped ina acloak ofet-fur, tise cosiiesfa e th tibs ld Mm . IWt. son isa i ilvas tise puiobsa.Of wehbi a servant sà a plain liveqy ý-usjipostea ii, for ho seense a comnpbeteiavaiid. wmu. l tWaonthsjiv ler armsa reuna hie necis, antd emubacet i butswiths a varinth an- d esgernes3 whsicis bv>ughî a celdansd bitter suile ove this lità', dhui lip$ Ot Jobhn Layon. He e$Ïêt lsriefly te the welcoasings lie teeW Re ths'sv made bis closk, * b - ed tise figue of aus e ciated andi iieble qld muuj who laumen )L. I. W HI T BY, ai 2. Be it fuither evatdtsti u we rIabue f Fo i ala(iwiyqzt. ened detail a dogg lable tue be tnxed as aforesaid, deny being te owner -TEE 0W M&WS BEQVEST: A wealth and- or harbourercf such'dog, it ssal ho t he duty ot tise Collet- S19R FGQI4> . She.biegan f, tor to Iay thse matter beote ro ayJustice of the Peace, whose Ccuefmornse u duty it shiah be te order such dog teal>sekiled Iàrthwith V liS-as a dog running at lare Teti jyars rolled oves' osr world, tIII»P ale 3. Be it further ênacted that if amy dog runniag at large, sinking ,,44o4ui beneathib 3-- black 40stb, dow' bite any persen, erbita homrs oa ny other, èineMe ai-w es.ista'vemfibrus)eÀâNext hesixu mal, sui dog may bo 'killediroinmedately-tiafatr, ant if raisiig tlie S 4dIhunmbr who,- of the an hour-ti any do.- bite amy person travelling peaeeably on the highs way, sucis do- sony ho killed in like - nanner. - -,ipnumerable ospiaantsfor.eauthly. gopdcemsuused,v 4. And he it furtiser enatd by the abtisority&foresaid usualÏysuccoed. Heqry Lawsoil wa thoy soiled if aily doeg bite a horst on the publie highway, white' in oneof thobuse who - katinie. iad lowered crnild service cf his ridér or driver, sucit dog snay ho killed ];y in fortune. Hiý ,bniesdnlt ensdr coisideïr order cf any Justice cf- the Peace, on complaint cfanuy per- tson ivhothor tise party suffering-damnagos, or other wituess.to afralnieeipro,~ biltg'r the fact. Provîded always--That l;ù te piio f rather unsuiccessful, wiie Mna. lÀw-niture, aco stick Justice, froi theNbest'evidencée ho ean iobtain,-the dogY son's>expemsivof-hàbits moeadeeyed fided thi 1se complaiued o e Co rent value, orif- evidence!as te the -day. At lengtis ai&ira camne tu snch a ýnIlifi catitly 1 u facts be confietisi5i 1' iay in hiadiscretien,finothe Otiatt di toisé a cars o or harbourer et'sucis4à ot exeeoding tw-.o'pounda. ten shillings but iu ail lise saine tiÃ"Ia m*ou-beea. *t tiIl. provcd te have bittei ib*e tian wse, oes n s a sdor Idem u4d spirit tu inast eOh tise fit ul_ .gave 1hW ati the saine horse a second time t shah ho i he duitof su htrawat Ma aalr'a c>. tnsc n Justices cf the Pence ,"-ither te order such dog te lie kilet forthwvith or te be subject-te the penaltyçwhen over seen pelled hy thse presre cf circusostances 'boiledi n preç louse on tho public highway theroafter. tei yield in a certain degre; tihe ceun- tihe' week in *5. Aud ho t furthor euacted by the authority aforsait- try-honse, therefere, wlià jet, Mirs. and, the day That any poison killing a, dog negder thenijthority of IllisU By-Law, wheu net erdereti by a Justice, shall, if requizedlLwoun asSiging as aýeason, that se "Bat Mms by auy Justice of the Pence se) to-de, show, either om 'ise' had lest ail reliis for thse eeuatry aftor seen old Nfj owis knewhedgt-e by affidavil., or on tise eviden4ce ef ene or thse deatis et ber, dear childrenbeth of frimel'sBhe5 more crodible witnessos, tisat suchi dog ms lhable se to hQ wbofix hud iot ie, oaving theae" n -ts8 But I supp deaît with according tu the tino listent and mseaing of ibis ae By-Law; otlsorwiso, be liable te puy tIhe value cf sudsi dog childiesa.Sanyli wout1 te tlise dauler, as nearly as eau ho ascertuined by the bost IL was tise rnrniasg of a close surb is ,rélations' evidence that snoh.justice sony ho able te obtain, tegether day lu July, and Mis. L -sôl yei, I bave* with reasonable coats, at, tbe diacreticis ef auch ,Julstice. w 6. And ho it furtiser enacted by the authqrity nfresad- sae n eswng-roem. IShe wus bei- tsC b Tîsat if auy ownor.or b4rborer ef a deg refuse te kilt stud dresseti careffmhly and expensively us freonSentis A duc, witlsin twelve housatler receivsng snccule r oi oaet cii, bta.-. endne M A )i il Justice cf the Peaqoï aizafiresaid, then ut shah letise duty threntenoci nt Iéq al-a-dzs ie*Ms as cf suchi Justice ocIbo e ea o rder a constable. or seme -ýoei im&,r.Lw oisher porson tepeforln,4h$ duty. Previded nlways-That frts rsee ie aisdeaas a~cfhne assy person ceucealing a dog ordere tu tebh killed, shafi bý, were. Her face wus thin and pale, MMr. Lawson S liable te a penalty cf udt Mms than live shillings, Duer more and there wvma alofmet mch eure on tisai ho had ai than two peunds4eu asWiigis. breutnne iroe vr oI h ei 1S 7. Aud be it taniser enacte-ThaRi the purp oses 01fret as aiid sî berken, and disceuto t- oathat over& this aw, a dog s'hahlie censidered ns runningat large whien luadsne. n icnetsoeadta vr at the distance cf eue hîsndred unud twvonty rods frein bis in their glâaces aus sIe looked . on tise fortune ho lin master!,s pra=sess, ustiesa bis master, or souse other member chairs, ,ofas, and Window_.dmpoe"$ seomed tous ef his bousohîeld shah l e within eightY rods et sucis dug. wlic)s had once hoon hright-colenred Abîmn And ail fines levied uàder this By41aur, by any Justice eobtwrfo ocsfde.Sebdssine l the Peace niny ho colocted by warrant cf distress te tisebu e nwmhfad. h a ssint Collecter, or te any couistableî,.together with ceats. Sucis ju.st couse te!tise reoitien cf having Lwosssu finos ils ail cases to e pjaid over te the TroasuÏrro<f tise uew coveis and isaugings, thoun'tIe, eon c tM Townsip, tu bb ut the disposai cf the Council. mrerhs pelthesbii eecnld ofntiteo Pnsod Siged) E. NNE, TinsReee. long unsettled, lien a visiter wus Thotupsen sic PasdSeptember 7, 1850. W R. T. HARRISON, Clerk. Baswn into tise reen. It was Mrs. akiris of satin eact d4 tJ e fine, had prohàAd iýn tlw J'ad ra tothpe ie ie qisantity c"çýickeu tbe and thse number of trocks per dieris were minutely TisonÈer'hotise corne ua-, ratien:. se dejiote4liseý of tise new Ponceas rur-ý utrasted with tisshep'kiùg kings, anid ase ghaisced sg- Mis. Laws&s sofas and, xt she madIe a dise sevQ ornent ef the number, of rip sugar a ie Vas gèt i servres, and c et >ý,è wbich they hIdýpsdminu5 yaithey had'pýoo st.dinDer* Lawsen, dear, haves youý rLnw" nsinco eaas"0 saidwhea rising tqdeprtt Pose yen havea't for iboy have anything te, do with' u e ho nt corne near Isard. They' tayho bas É&lotmnoy with ia inorica. n's face hr-Igened .ýv" kest. Sie inquireti iviere stoppedundwainfermed rrivedat tise :stiho'el in i61lreedà -a' p*evsiwyi ry one tniked >cfise lat"e Ld mâail bremd, asSle. uike ne secre. te sact. eagérness te rntain' pas- iat imoney 'entereti Mm, 1and s thouglsi evéiy s duava<out te tise pan- owly moved her --ample iltedrawi

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