Whitby Reporter, 7 Sep 1850, p. 1

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(drmsed ta thmi Offmc ount allowed ta per- gents for the Reporter. 4iZana~5,as likatln ua~5 M a .I-~mc. WH1T~B Y, ÂiLOAN FINI ieB .CLARK, M. D. mks, and ail rqquisite'iinfe- en appl1ioeto itgetfor WBI2!B.1-i "LS-IN-CIIANCERYS ffN, H. J. MÂCDONELL, rmt. Whtby ilkfg. flitby opposite the residence of ITBY VILLAlGE. dSamm.r ashionu foi 1M~. , ÂpriI19,18l50. EX.- PRINGLE. HTBY YJLL.qGE. ie lis,,lino pomplîy executed. est Pasht'ou. altOe3fs on /taxi. Aril 19, 1850. r ansiAtt.mn.Y a w um OCK-STREET, WHIVBY. KEPT ST 1ICHA1p.- WOONJ, tOSH.sfW.d, V. W. a ccommosdation afforded la Traveller. ssStabling and Shedsattsched to the April, 1850. IET, C;- W. -SCHOFIELD & C., IMPOR1EPSOF leu NANquFAOTJKERIB, 1AMI) DEALERS IN iVIlOLI8AL1 AND 8ETAlL. 111 TEETH!! TEETH!!I SHA Wd, C. W., OtvaM Ap1, 18. W ç, r Hd0eAByaed t thi fie.dr te114 frl1,1erica A. BÂTEL, dor o ry« in Mwb 1850. TBY,0.W L.*t th S. OUHEmERt 'w laflan,, Iutnuuta h u a*B= b&c mm &., Sacre.4ý gad i.lec 11 Mg TESTOWT. POE TUT. MORNING ON RICE LAKE. MY HENiRY 8. GREEN. Âwake.! awake ! for the est lae.bri.-ht, Tlhe darkness fies trous the momning light, .&wakeI the .breathi the morning breeze ils ustlingg bcd in the forest trees, As itb»shes the pçadIy 4ew Then away, away olgr the silver lake, While the sunbeexns flash in aur sparkliig wake, Asme glidediii ur lighUeane. The shadows of night fade fat away, And we hall the glorious-orb of day; And the woodland flowers so hzcight snd fair, With their fragrant.perfume fill the air, .And the zephyra fan the lake. Then away, awsy a'er the ailver lake, While the suinbeama flash in aurspeddingwake, And the waters £almly sleep. -Glidingmaviftly o'er the waters now IVe part the deep with our tiný prom; We daah the spray from aur sweeping blade, 4d adpsa the gloom of each isiet'se ebsde; Awa]y to. the golden light. then aRw -ay, away o'er the silver lake, While the sunheema flash in our spexkling wake, .as me apeed ln our rspid .flght Frous is llquld couch the sea-bird apings, The sen-lays flash on ha s hinlng wings; The mellow notes of the waô-bird'a song Fioant to or eaus as we glide along, A gay and joyace crew. WhlT h e suyawobeaflahe sovrparkegwae WàThe asya fas 'e he inlvr leke, al As we glide ini our llght canoe. INTRODUCTION TO A LADY'S ALRUM. A Ledy'a Album, if kepl ta ils proper uses, la a Casket for Jewels with which ta adoru the mlssd sud spiri; these jewela, mareaver, being 'doubly precioua by .beng plaoed lu it by trieudly &bands, as proafs aof reciprocal respect, estee os aflectasa. .Aewe would neat preserve cousin Soses, or usure imitations, so neither ahoutd me in Use TreSsury of Use pagea of su Album, lsy up suy t"lg worthless or inferior. Let there be ilsesgl.th Uer Usen Jacts ; for afact is but Use lest of a groave which bas sprung frou a siangle see af tkought. Let these Usaugbts have a hlgh purpose of glory to Gaod, Which is the aupreuse honour of ail creatures-- but let tise.meas by whlch 4bey vould pruoste lus Clary he vsried as are Use relations ins uhich me stand as Mal children. Let Uese leavea esbaum whsaver wiii lord Uses la adore lIim-whatever viii advsuce Usein likessstulaRina, and whstever will make Uses leviug as Hue la ta ail Usy Brethren etf usskiud. Let Useir aius e hobus practical, and eacbew meresentuiment divorced trous right action, for feeling withaul dong fa hateful ta Gad. As He ihath made ail Uings bright sud .cherful-511e blase Ieavens, sud the rejoicing aun-the eniling esrth, sud the Soit sir-so let Usr ,oclsjoyfulness lu everM is.FniY, Jet Uere be uothissg an whîch thou milt not look back with pleesure and proit tu thy latesl day. J. C. Gssxs.1r Whitby. Fron Fraser'. Magazine. RAPID GROWTH 0F AMJiRICÂ. Esrery onse wito visits Amemica hua sametiting ta sey of lte rapidity w-ith mitici t 1wns spring np in the West. Sir Charles Lycil, homevor, montions smne acts, mtic)Xremind us very forci- bly how close la aur own tintes mas lte seutlement aofte first -Engliait colony upon ttc continent. ýAI Plymaoutitho socs lte Iambe of te iraI pilgrims wta came ont lanlte Mayflow-er. Sont. of the lieuses hick lhoy but of brick brougitt Ira Holieed, are atlil romain- thg wlt tieir 1a's roorus..nd paneiled mig-4îrsoifl'private hanses ho sam many vcneratLod iter-loams, ket pa relies aoflte tIraI setlers; among alt- ors, an antique chtair af cerved weod, mhicit camne over in tIe Mayfllaer,and which sîil i elaina the marks of 'lte stuples swhich lixed it lotte lac ofîbhe embua. He o aa meciesl, or cabinet, 'wkicla laid belanged La Peregria. White, lte flst clild ore l. lte 3abo- ny. Partaoftheorockinpou mitich thle pilgrîm a ftherm landeci hais been re- rnoved ta lte centre of lte ,towna nd, mitth nh amnes uf 'trty-tw of Iti8ir number lnscribed upon il, encloeoc mithin an Iran 'railing. Titis la lte Arnerican Roll of Batile .4bey. But te rture ta Peregriae Whie. te firat eitild bora ite colony: Colonel Fer- kins, the munificent ibunder of teamy- lnt fomrlte blind, mitero me found beS ied-Lanra Bridigman, informed i 5r Citarles Lycih in 1846, ltaIthoeeWum batoue lintit witting in(the cdain oaI pomai commnunication betmee hîm- Îeland -Perorm eWhite. Wlaite wus CANADA -WE .ST, SAT URDAY"e ,SEP BrEBR 7., 18 50. Of ,n le tL it -r ~ 2 r -, , ~ rr~t ~ i~~fl- At a time, when cèivilfriÈon, is et a' ~ .tandatil,ý if not.ýretroagading,,dPon*the - BY ELIHUiBRTT. 'continent of 'Europe, it isvery déllftht- fl,,p aticu a a'ly ta n E gi a u en t W e h sd no smu' pi6ib n hat, the, lhae such a picture to ffonternàplùto.' "Lewrtaed Blaokamitk » wâ & a poè-. STMANGE L]l]e1TýS. ~ tftn ýtastorGeereIimnteda cy ftor establstrnet afMi Ràm il]a esystetitat, at 4roA'r ssiv e rtes, potage. leltota-àned "pûc>kets" eaIai not exsoeed ilu weiglitt sixtoon oun boforwiasdod b tooiLwasaodou expectod ltaI lthieamotuldsudden appear u crowd ofrecOtanguiet' parct of variauis lenglts, lireadîhe anc,- thi nesses-sorne aeal,,,-';Èàne mafez somdeZied, but ail containing wrîll documýents of moreor'loài I It àppears.iItdWeeýr. front a cal a i mare' erreesai -l gmavttlioil. - 2- 1ýFt " Als known tooa person of te nainec Cobt,, mham. Col., Perkins 'visiled ii 1807, mitit somo frionda, ita e tili sur 1vive. Thtis, Cobla remotbered whei thero more many Indians near Ply moutt; lte inhabitants of'te taw, frequouoly liring- à cannon la frigittei tem, l tewioli cannon'te Indieni 2 gve the naine aiIl" Oli peaktim." .Si thet, linttis case oulink la auflcieai ta con necl mon nom elivo miittlte fie wites bamn lan New Englp,cand mit th1e -timemiten Indiens more ilu O neighborkood of Lte fixet lowe li mas sotled. As a pendant bttis, we rnay mon. tion somehng cunnected- wlaitteami. ginnîs of that olter continent whicl our racce ispeopliug, at'te antipodes A few meeksaega me more dining an the table of e a wal afilcer, mell keawi in lte scioatific and literary warld, up an whict. occasion hoe mentioned, thui being off the infant lame aof Sydney, ir Nom South Wales, in 1806, hoe ate somi of the first hume-bred bullock, mhicl mas killod in thecooy The son ci lte firat govereor h=igjttretne< front the cubony, whlch ho ied nos% made 'bis homo, happenin g ta boof oui pnrty, -addod that "lsiece that lime titeli progress hnd beea so aepid taI lhis yeni titoy more ta meît do*n Owo millior siteep for their talloW." Titeme are lhree events lun te histor of tite morîd whict miii bear compati. sua miit Ihis mapid extension of lthe Englisit race. Thte first-end titis haE almays nppeared ta us ta ha the mmit striking occurrence lu.laislory-is thes marveillus menner iu which a laedful of Greeca, usoder Alexander and his successars, ovesmen and teld for a long poriod the wtole of lte Eat. The monder la incrensed mten me ,co»ider th1e difficuîty of maintnining communi- cations ln thal part of the morld . They la a great mensure, citanged the. ]an- guage and idleas of lte East. The Gos- psel a written ie Greek; and te laie osf Muses, the ivritings, of ltaeIlebrew propiteta more tïnnslatèd into Greekt on lthe bauks of ltae Nie. A Greek king- dam mas even able te maintala iLself for a long period af tinte on lte very confines of Tartary ; and specimeas of lte Grusco-Bactrian coinge are even te titis day abtindant le Ihet part of the morid. Alltitis, homever, passed emay, and bas nutl bIt aey very obvious traces on lte presont state af things. The second oveul mus lte establishament af te Roman empire. Strongly as me aiýe disposed la maintain ltal,m a gen- oral viem af humae affaira, every thing happens for lte best, yel we may say of te Roman empire tltit L ms, lentany respects, a gîant evil. No mata af great original genius ever apoke lte Roman langeage; in lte ouse in whicl msaay Greekst and nmong ouirseives, 'flaon, Shekspeare, and Newton, more moen or originni goulus. Theme mas a time witen ltera more mon of splrit- aud abiiity in every G'reek city; thero wus a tinte wteu lte Roman empire gov- srued tito morîd, andtere ma natone great mue front Britain la lite Euphra- tes. Hnving fulfilied ils destiny- which seeme te bave been lte introduc- tion intLte mestern worîd of the ideas of ueity, law, and order, titougli unin- teationally un ils part, for 10 mas eotiting but 9, rilitary deepotismna--it perîshe&as it deserved, and its langouge sas '9W nowhere-spoken. The tird event mua thse irruption of tho Berburlans. Tilsi laigiter civiii- zatian follamed t¶tis, e.ve.rybody keoma; but iaow many enturies did il taise tu iîvilize lte 1Babarlaiat - t Nom these lte three:gieat eveete o past histomy, are alt dmarfed very sanda tritn compnred w-itmitat we are nom doieg. Wo are sending ont very yeer, Lerally, huudroedsof thousande of civil- ied, men ta people Iwo continents in ppcste hemseares, and on opposite, gides of lte globe." la Norlt America ier. i led tway militons a0 jurrace. Tltlspopnlatio*diables every Lweety-two jours.Auelralia mil in- -vilabiy'become "the Quten cf-he' South." Nomttatîlitereturehasgivea freéhed a most extraordinary ledger 'whiti e' hemta.71Maisýy germ-and, lkey au11 oe wore permaitted to perusé, thitatapgrton weît~ok~ ia~ts orr a of the public nvailed thetrnsoýlvesaofthis t6 Sn~. -Each miuglediri, tle haoy, )f inestimable Iiternry indulggee withdits influuie,- alid tlaey nuijsè4itÈ td about as n="k onsideration 1as a ha-d 'wee, camyÎn-*thiaig,' with an ýalihat-_ w of hungry pigs migit hé expectedto that meadeit gw~w. "Amdëi iie ft1if ir evisaco on baiagýallowed, reerèation, ted its oeostowardthe akyi tYoeý *ove ir ta walk inoa agardon l'afenutt n-a ofièr-tof grasp fslrj-i i. Anad tr ,ips; en«'certein yWif the ghUsl of our the attnsttw sîtthrought&nevs a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~é e'eln- redteIt f t~i W rie sh * ýý ýen. TIhe!daiiy Psis rl&, tauld bh1ait, yonjumtiàm, lifred up itl hoed, and Qone ZlOtfinei~ y a rn ade ta rend the list 0'f-the tpladk. -while teé dan wes 1 ookhg 'in 'thé i- eta» which have béen trannsmlited and dews, itput aon its ivtrhadda e deIi'etered by post, 10 oertainly, like th'.o dm, yiôl, èpbtàs s of H-amlet, wauîl 'exalailàto <ur en&è-."i 4t ôd a h ltobr it gotic Postzaster4Gorerail- ta oeawmaa< ités" aILof' tkem t hala'silver4iilèïd wings "O horrible! O horrible 1 most horrible onuine ; tnd bid'i blacbtk, and grayi1 If thon-hast-nature in thee, bear it.l et. ad ukrbrw cae;n th For instance, it appears tberç bgveben 4uèrù sbouè&bikdazad the rtseying 3transmitted as I jac t fe rain' -]laek.. o W-ir ansd ecdsiglu~a nai.' h umi in Lancashire, ta Spitelfieldis in a tive eiîet the coronatian o« obat daiey. ' London, tiwo -eafiry birds, deliqiored ýby Eéy-thn'ta ago hn the poolman elive and 'meli ; frors Dev-ý In thnt, xpodst «ower wma xmb, 3o0a0odok, also à a' af' 1 "a a ïaiiv ddrjtzo ,'Xice, which were kept in the pot-Offl; -Heeen, eàrthi, akyandsewril e month, fed, and at lest deliveked ta ëo'iôns'; the sun müd' ts *alýked i the amner, mho called for them. -Frore ha n uI i with 1t, as kWlnadly 'as if ý' Manchester to Castle Street boroesgh, they nover miw another daisy, or bad-, ftwa rabbitssand one bird-flfteen percelsa noher companion."1 of, plum-pudding. From Bognor ta fPlymouth~ a lobster. in ane day, 31 SELECnONS FOR A IqIIWSPAPEt.' loUtera containing wedding-cake. On Mo 301 hn h eeto f mare' than one occasion, mtotaysi# teîegnmt foaeneweae tei- envelope, a benk-note (anc wes for no rte'a lesa titan- £50, the tmo ýends- beingses Irt h tsietHs~ge. naerely folded upoù each other, wafered,' a ro.l sb i on h u a nd thte beck of the note thon addrdls- <eI0$ds l of it 9V107 ind.Qseey >ue ed 1) Znnumereble leoches, ia blïderâ i 're ora ehotu ce~e eqr mei several of whie.k haeing burstauld tt,; e o isat th ect eongh fsrot waterlaaving metted thse lettors, maay e. epially. wlaee h nsin a r of t1ie poor creeturea wesre fouad craiwl- itshIm lithain o ei ing *ver the correspondene of thë ecýd sýn u aki 'feey coutry FrsatFIyaetlite" Hon- çpe"m mitorestd e oea ap oulde i 1mcontry. abou lo t been rn ave edited it, 'e shomlcl_ hea lésasiN mottr a b ona botie o ettaFrme9L- çoplain týls. Notun(regpently la is i ries, which being smas.hed in ohe 'Lie asexçthat »a drs b gepveg in-IÊ r completely destroyed a "pichet"fuIl kitsùe.nge pnierfb oottagn-' of, very valuable lace nddressed ta the .rstnanýea èboîLutlyOa] lit Quetflopgr. shp iscitnothing. 'Every' peperla-d;ver. titana' . the address being on a very amati, piece ntitoebx ed e qmlagI of parer, pasted tItereoe. FrontTooo ifthS Oso ito i per ue o eot 'e ta Dublin, anuncovered bottlo fulof mittbeuon.eThleunlait , o4ho, dase tk ehi lîquor, mereiy inbelied with an addresa beast choeac. T waot ~ ho lts tise, i ansd thse mords, "sampleoof cyder." lein t o ban- matuhon teét, Lite tw Front Exmouth t'l 1IaIngs, haif-a-wrtgthtolsptd to'eietI part of.tii labour. Every suaiber pouad of soft soep inthinpijt'. iunks tite. %r printed fox bis owIt flishop's, Stortfort, toa m5tnt~O eei s4 fle.l ohn ni Square, a firsit; usa, pevemi packages itsAim, i0smust b. lopd«ýt sa, of plants in met mon. Fraisa astings tttta5Opd-l ta, Bath a buncit cf i't es aiat g:frzto~ Js as0w n> gm',-Ss; so;sriber s as editor inay have, mo uaany in ebriinnp. FrontKingaton ta Wosttnn h s acnsu .0>.wantq hi ste BrdgeRce, t Me. - a osat Ung sr1; aotter somethis as duck. A flaak of Fuepomder. Fifty-. Znd1()ne lit.. anecotes of fou and titree separate «lpmkets," teon4tinifig frofie isuLd the next door neighbour eachi a box of lucifer matsjaes, ue of %ôdùta a Êsue*1ptd whtcb, on besng handled, expleded in WOnde s tf bi .m séase.Seetir p4di the post-ofice. A tzAveller, oc<g Dn 3le 0 outtand ohe editos ie a. m mrolé e t hls'eved mile for laie plistaI;. -ercores uomethng 4 site affectsosa0teiy sent; 10, tnerely labsl- agnetlvsdOeia aadi led, Ioaded aImost ta, theomout miitt iýjoi Amsdwsabetwemtoa eamanL you s powder, siugs, and hall. Tô'tIse Canéu- eee te poo felloir gela 'roughiy Co teas of-rr peirâf fiesh battsthe, anie. A»y a.ointymime outipq mail-cart, ' e-OôMingï-fr h 7-e4 fahnre hs bns emtou.t wasnpset into abroo, whih dý5a1tfg Taeyno e rect lIait whit does mot f( lte Ilper covering of thesç Ibushes, non.thent may pesethe nexi man; q tlaoy, prolbbly fin$g tliey laid se- ut they insiâLt tat if thie piper does rived, ttett t i ur en ed, -int5tittly n t suit theap t ix good flIa thig.- ag setto'wtork sod-destnro<i 0.asondii- lp,.,w Patgrio- lIe pottjooq of ltee pîihlaey contents ______ osf temmil-bmg. Ta Mr ,aliveIY ' 21M.-ArtG- snabe. Frotta Indou' b Ima" qani VIIUÂL at, prspran - hi Somersotahire,-a vewy lSrg 1=%tsbrý aecotuu> sig imth ýy Tio a aturmltit nLondon,;a live mlsa*, . tw-o china tettc0 , iad a box of" iver'r y a nios besanllfu1 eddre of te u eJ wtatd Ji r~ee. . r LondS to ubry i two sveet-beeada. To -'-,, a h M tuathmaeeg> f& heart ; a p&rtridge ,a; aoee61)als-Ày.fgîit et n peï of foà-hSaks a at amac,1 .0bobot m ropulation 'jsc c~ onsi wlso ame. îpýi4Ieta mare espectey essçgt shieof cesotutlob,; tl tij ;' it rattér of'su '* "wI è1r. Cobden ita been I 1500 utileslan elgit Ch et six difiéront méetit1o tis piiyaléul sUMngth trente pOeaéy>&and in i Yitlct h.ços*d. -.c'l idça his wîil th ots sas titrown hirnsoîf on s a&eep, wit1hn~um d[ag in 0ý9Iff iys mliqteses S pt ho

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