Whitby Reporter, 10 Aug 1850, p. 2

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clineil to the eôrid pTae, th ivritteil te ]Lord Mlebn.We - td _,e Wye ark dîsCmusiîigIlth 13ijmcnong 'otluti. topkes which 1 urgcç, eee4to imirscm înimljý*#hjfi mas, the pet tdifférence pretensions tpon a retnirn to office, lai tae eviit-of oir going out, if le retir- eî,§ P inèt*.Wilistcer, instea of 'aq slb liey Ho'aI)pwéd it ' p ft i@nýamitioù,, but fenred1 t4Wjètése Atwoiild oÇcasion ii i ls owsy, , jýtàfù1n ind the h4erest of' bis1 frietd~ifI3tid. 1 Ieft lim inclin-1 ing- tt le Steretàry eàt Wav;-and ad- * rlpe8i puecs haelg donb ti aÉn tn ie1et nd- 'staiding, as xve11 ns thie rnany other god quaîsîîas as ivela as accompuisa- FiahNc.-Theiv a waainst tiseipress insbts, of this very fine voun nia. isasseci tise Assenily, ors 1 lorday, isy a -.liemoia ofR Plmer ord. rs'ajrity of 127..Tise bill hatidcer- ~ '~ gnse man y alterutiens. mu dcher fea' SÂLAIS orBasRTran HC HZcssMuu-% ta4res are, tisat'tise caiflietsnîetsey is Loîd Jôhlas RelclFieeantly ruovad fer essorsotisiy increased, Stucnpsa rc iru- a'Wetd e~ôiiut tt isa iibie sosad- un 'ail nuspcpers. Paris jouîr- sàiariestLl<t1rè Btitiss kim , lsestnanis eaniorelïeav'ily stufsped thaîs Pr0-- M-l Wt*ifsa ýrrîb àýed 'l.al'ituMtneut vineiai. Tise ineresse tisîsartsed in qitslr jré tVi~osiaoftise'lsices (ifnùespcpers isssixty p'ounds._ ~1nIanl~a'4~- 'atsreelEvery ieitslaper article asust ha sigîs- tlisqt.gilthe , Loisd Ch ief Jtstiée<r e- cd by the nuinse ef thse sriter, iii otiser ceiedt '.,8CSOOi .($40,00)ae yeiar, alnd words tisa anosyrnotis press s dcstroy- waec*kibliged ilI finti 'a resideuiceë, the ed. Oneofe~ the pçeeauliaritie/l as regards hl>biéhopr of- Catterblity beri £15,000 tiesaie nte bc effixed is futture la, (#7b0,0ý ànà i ndà alae fouud hini. that inewspsapers xwicih pniblisîx e taie, Ti; alryliîf -he 'Pr ie Miister waus sketch, or storyt wil hsave tô pay-ome u~yqùiShirdI- tist ef tise tohlîisisop. centinme deere-r per stamsp. Thq wist4e bôard-et admirelty, consist- A good decl of axcitamant acss -la iàfi Mt4:ârat1oIrd essd-five jutior lords tihe Aqserublinlusconsaquence of'aua -aôI Rk ita e an offi3iai income e quel abutsive article diractari te tise Ausmem- -te" ot-soa'sirîglo'primate. -The igis- biyy la tise journali Pouvoir, wiis l ebtiffty - pid tuea fereign C namud considarer tise Presidait's orga. "M. 1hvtýPrisas oniy £10,00, Girardinsi ri heeitr ho a The wWé nû.be ofsirabsetently 'snmmotied befere tise judgîeàits'S4otland la tbfrty-iare, yat flouseerand fined.5,09)0 francs, byua ma- theîr9ttf5iedoalarles 'didri euetil tise jority of 275 80 119. iOýkiitse of tiire tweùty-seven prelates- tlrw4igbëesu Scotch Judge bath. ea salary Frons the statemesst of M. Foii,,tlise ~w~ies1nons-of a Welch' prelate. Finance Minister, itisppears thet tise Me Homarxan furtherale9ted tbt ha bail defiest for 1850 wouid lie 12,000 francs, itIo ittne of ihe propert'y of -tweaty- whic, added to thse deficit of 1849 and lilt-ýprel.eB who 1usd died since, 18g28, 1848, mousld 1leavea enueral defleit ini e*4»t 'ashoastedto £,500,00, (or tisatiree years of 575,000,000 fraises. a4vesaesd ui-haIt millions ef dollaras!) Ho stated tisat tise itproveaseit thIis Nonru the$vgenefally -ivere advanced1in yessr ilead bec" imniatîse. Navet ivas lifô,whra iliey %vere consecrted, andti tie colleetiont cf tise direct taxes isure tvwee puor mais befura. Wlie t hier easily eleted. Tise exisort cf goods ef pmtofeurLtàô was.there, lu env country, Purisian maeul'ecturers exceeder tise where îWersty-nsine paauibers of it liad correspouadiug perîvri iast yens' by Ieft £50,000 e piece, accunisuiated after 14,M00,0001rancs. Iu Lyons tise ins- th laý~J~d* Viised mirdle mga. 'ýVhile provament waà stot. lesa asîrked, ad tis~<bsIip usd reeta tyre uxuritit h ie ntaiber or ueiuîsoyed oreratives ol~in~drns itiis, tise curites werc iser dinsinishetl by twu-tisirds. Tise %'wrkîng liard' auJ gettin-' banal y usveasi c f thisrîvigatiun liead aise .ensn h ' te 'kçeîslsody sud sui togeliser. 1cunssdersblineiscesed. 1Tise niilîrade Thbe'cs~ a Nvre cuterced bly able ar-I isad jrodedri2.971,000 francs mutre g Is , ntW," .Yaî snch'is tise attaclluiseluttlaiai dusrusg tise fins alftut' 18419. te' thé Ctiùireih cstablisisnseiib Ihat AMr 'Tse enstorus rettrnsîafor Jine are Hdiàtasàsi 'aneieudmanit receiver itlIt about equail ltuisose ufthtie correspond- 95'o~sto 08Agaut.'isech i isg ioto f lest ycur. Tisere is ie de- vas lred att.in,&t.laitabiset ie viif". Ciit outstlite iaf year of uiwards of thsé dimircjla. 2000,000 fra.scs. iTbeBrtiats orscf Lords, boy, la rn fbsne tise inifluence of cibistrue- tiveiési.,and bas uade amtiser eaddition tçisoias'sgaiat popisier fieedom. Themuiisitenia1 unéatiTe, basarionou p Il M? r of vétera lun relanri fruns 32,000 tq nem 1,ysquarter cf a urililun - Suds *ü rý.df.reus'en, pratisararito exer- ci t4lcir comstiuiovairigisis, ubosigi oaa'y tats la vsios, ersifled te 1?~y, ac1 beydeteruicdy saising thequimctiosi Irons £8 to £15, tu eâeût lux g.£dnuctloîs min tise prot.esud ss ý~c oté ' iThey saiceeeded, ae, thé pcouiequeace la ubet tho Bill ma ThSé Paon,' $and ail ollies osbstructiv-es, mustb e raed oflise -)eril tiseylueur. Titbage 4s esîl&on progmaes, and it tuse. le-taattenapt tethswrrbt. A guidin g a-ay b. sousetimes ueeded, snd it nnmy b. proper, by jrudicions ceisaseln cl:ltipusa magemen t, <o chseck exl rav- ogasit aurirwid tendelseles but hl4 watclswoM;of- dt ahueteentlis ceutrîry iaMOswsdi" woe.1Ie biioe n-hO sti>d li tiseway, tu arred.t the ularcîr oflireedqm 1 -'Times.' LA' O!tÂltaO ÂiD ST. LAwitENcE Rivrit TaivBL-.A steady aimd increas- îpg l*uung oft trveliers pont-s tironîgh oti éity the presetseasen, destiued for Làke Oibarmo 'anri the St. Lewrensce River. Tisa langer portio~n of.- ibis travel, w. biavpbeen intfoier isla rous *tise ~silr"e.ra uai si-wcsitern Stalès, ria'nius tu~Via St. Lotu.s, Chicago, ssod tue Lalies, or byïhe Cincinunati and Sa4s.k14i.froad, ariis fer the ousti luiw4t îâkno 1wn .as «I pleasiira a 5',k" seei - tisee xîsuimie uorth, àýj iip at heFailletr 1-qakt. <4tç' tbw traveliers Ii ssearvisof - er a route wivh %for iàndsý,liiitytifsceuse- P ry ieî IueContinnt, epr r 'ppT, îcýbçs thse largesit cies cf* Cuq»é4m', istgnpMntreal, Queisec,1 ke.,-as ell 3 soe of the' fias-st1 tù,ps ii the'S~tàteofélNe*-Yoeni u- b'i4g lse,thse Thiotsand Islande sasmd himaet l isaer St. La~wr'ence. à routte couulisardly lfaitl to i wItan l~afford a certainui t pu taoupsextsavagate.xpideu- à> d nioasoy ini traveil ing iý,lre il la aiso kssowe asi fixai atisssirded tu, thë twd ' Oms t011isisrsoute, - s' rtisat m mb~any ckadwsste it. Ti mi otefrUig a'dailyrlisse, wuth1 p4wýuunof Sndas, rom ewis t£s'murelÈe, thie «Northerner', I. CUmJ,:Biy Stie, 'Ciptiin l'au DEriMAasuc AND THE DecHtras, Datas front Hannburgis, te lise lSuis, stata thuat e hostile anovemieut ou tins isant cf Dauî- mark lias been mosde. Sse lied placeri lier troupe, ecrosatise frontier cf thme Dncievitis tise intentien,- l is mii, cf euforciug lier ciains in ai decisive mariner. Holstein lasupported by Bransviek, IHanover; aria efof tise Gesasan coufederated States, vhsile Deuimark lisas lise fiin suppobrt cf a Russieusi fleeà ut about 18 suil of tise lina. IL la rtpotted t bat tise Prussienia hsave moide c retrogrude asovemeat trons Schle Swig, a Éd liant tise Densistis tuar- ter-ussasterhis sent crdera oms as fer as Firsesbuurghi,,Lo hanve ejuertars prepat-er for a large hody or t-colts to bc piacati in occuspation tisera. Sevaral of tise Germnia n dnt Prusshsn officers have joined tbisaHoishein ri mty witht c view te activa service. lanaddhtioii ho bite eighteeu sosi]hof Ris"ions, it is saidthiat ariditionel vefssais have beau 'seen off Rtosteck. Tise correspondent ef tise Louden Herald says -Il Tise greatest aaxiehy isno uoi anifesteri -toe sceruuuirs lîuw fan tise Russan goveraimesit wililus tervene te Istut a-atoll Io say fttiser intervei- tien. 'Tfhe Henovenicu Cisamber lies exjresseritisa greetest seuise of du,satss- fractions et tIsee nclhusion ofth lris imsce, and àil ikely that tise Cisaîsber ivhli ft-rce tise grsvet-uuuiuît le rensritr ail tue .protactiou iL cauto te eausse ef SIatt- isolderate agat.iuat Deumsark, iu wlnicha case biera îa ratucisreusout te auprehsenir nven, and une in wisictaEnîgianu vil be mot-e or leas nixcd ip." Artiser correspondentl, avril iug on tise eveninsg cf lise 5tîs, ssys- hava nu reaseuchti questionu thut n etusuphe ef hattlhlîeus oftHlslteins iîslantry have entereri the Dueuîy cf Schhea wig. Cotn- seqrîantiy, tise %var uns"sjt 1sa id Le have, comirneuced. i uilsior rtussae Shipa0cfwer iakre beem'reislsiug simca yesterday betore lise hariorur of Kie]. TnzE GEidMAti EMsttux--Tlie Col-* lage ot Prisîces-blas iseeri balc, but uething deflihI blas becus effbeerinir the satb!eru*nuî of tise athisira cf Gar- messy. This late cnrrapoadetse bc- tween Prussia andri mtria, on lise con- >titistiicof an jaferioir ceitrl Geris- isnt er Gernssny, bas fihed te pr&.Iunceý amy rasuit, 5h11 Prabsiads riesist ai- don tisehope tiset ai, agr-eemrenmt wili .ventualty bhamarie, antg boest whtiah sIte Proposes te prolca" tise preseut or- gaitatin ofettise Jion *,tiatres zuorah uba1ntr', tu wliicis ujetote is States have usasseted. Tise Z!lîvereini Cauigtess iisiug heiri et Ealpel. htis ceusdered certantisat tisa Primsiani prnposiigas for as lacreese ot proec-i tien tt l aneuîsifa rerî, wi prs net Captisin.Cliapmnan,,atr tho Britisis QiaêpitedriishEmpire-the fit four bcbig LàeoBeats, leavinw Leivis- ton ie tboe fteraoon et-four Q'eioek,- and 'reacing Og.denstburgli the'o next eëvening, ad transferrin g thieir pasea- gars t) the Queca and Empire, River bonIs by lw1silh 'tJd#eIy 4eofloistrealÏli ou tise eting afternoon. Tlse boat & are ail new and-of thse flrst iaý, and. for spee4 sud finish asnsd excelienceof accrnociatioss, ïre not s ,rpass&i by any' ise, of steaniboats in .&mesjica.. Mr.D. H. llawes, wlitse.office in tise Vestern Hlotai Block, i enr li>et Wo this liiss.-Bùffile Courier. . NEWS BY TI-F c.,x.,!D.qI. j Inisewst ranuolî.-Asteriutus elidenic Iad.brekaa ont in Cantois whidfh resem- bledi the yeiiow fever ii tise W est Iii-i dies. I i la id 10 bis inVarrîNablytal, ad in ast cases ins aholit swelvelsouirs. Tins choiera ivus ragiisg frigist ffilly et Camisodi. Distartbaýiscas cui'ttiine et Bakers Islandr. BItOWN'AND SUHWLEY '5 CtttdULA5l. Literpoo. Jrîy 19, 18-50. Tisa depierabie ucrotints receivedof tise growing crerîs hy lise lest tsyo steam- ers, have givaîs a fresh impîlse te eut- toi. P;icas have eahtniidvaccd 1-8 a 14 jertlb., in alildescriptions, lus tisa e'ariv part of tis eè~ak lise greatest an- xiaîy to rsuircliase wvsasanifested iîy speetuilors, exporters and lise frade de- mand rather aisated, thissarket ce- sing quîtiîl, witli uure dispsosition on tise part cf isoiders to realize. Tishcé sinîaeoefh a eîer lias createri jreàtaqnietriess iii ort corn mur- ket, samd tise foloiving quotations nmust lie cousidered isit ieminai :-Yei- iow Inidiati corn ut -5s. 6d. e 26s.; tuix- ed at 25., gad whiite et 26s, 6d. a 27s. par quarter.-Western cassai fleur et 18s a 23s., Gaeiada, ut 23s. a 23s 6ud.; surir, et 18s. e 20.; ivieat, aet-5s; 8d. ar 6s. 4d. ARRIIL OF THE "AiIBRiA." NEw Yoruc, 7th Augilst, 10 A M. Tise Gamîbrie crrivad et Halifax yas-i terday. Cotton lins decliacd aeiariy one- aigiffis, Ilsougit Soule circtiars quîtee rates cirrent et lise siing cf tis e au- ade. Suies about 40,000 baies; le spec- rlators 14,000; to expert, 8,0011. Cors usarket was nnimated. , iuir lisas advaiiç.d 6d. Indien Cerns advanced is 6d te 39. Wiseut advasnced 2d. Tite polilicai mews froru Engiand presOtits ie feeture cf imîportance. Tise îssiîislry ihave, itecver, sustied twns defeets la tise Ilorus-e of Lords. Tise iotato rot -is' 1said te have uppeared ila a tsitigated feras la Ens- ]ansd anad Ireiand, tise affects of wiie are begrinning Iobcbafeitl ite corns msarket, uotvitlsstaudiug tise prospects of an ebusideut iarvest. 1 Thisewss of tise deetia of Presidemit Taylor craated a vary gruet eastioii. Thso ieadiug jotrnaiists devoted ruuîcis space teuttho raviews cf iris sisaructer and expuloits, irssvlsieia tiey pay a grenu tribune teuiis werth. A iageiniser cf A nsarican citizans ila Lonîdon, asse nis bled on tise 251h tit, at wiecl asacus- iblago tise Ameriea ashîister î.residt-d, jandc tisey pesseri a sanies tof iigiy pusu- nious tesolttious, expre-ssiveof (tise Igreet leva liseir couuntry bis siisnnisni ii tIse deathsofet teir Preaidutht, asnd tîteir sympathy tvîth ii s fuiily. Mouey markç%t continrues easy, uuusu discotunîs vwere raudiiy ebteiiieti ut a vcry losv rata. Athan îueeluus ofte r-lUi-nids r-f Bat-ci Rothschsildl, cui Tlsuurslsiy, il n-as resola'ed Ihsat lie shinîuluicsent himaciûf et thse bar ofet l ousse as a nusmeuîir foir Limi.. Bairuot Rtîui-hutti(, saccor- - rire lu f rseîi ss-sug-u encutt're- tise Ilutuse eus Fricay et usmruis.îr(ssiemsd iiits-sîf e r «Isc r, phîscrst lu s c--cu-s tiails ipen lise table, nand ileunuuuîhusi ho s'vuriio euslieOldTi lestamientî. A very atrouag tîcîatoe russrimd, 1in shicli the comduict cf the Goventunnetit wsaa sevet-eiy censtured by titeir usuial sui. poldte-na. Ru-sotulnions of au usnuduisue , avare prtilpeaed andîl tejecteil-flusaiiy tise di-babe-nas acijcurrieth tili Meulia Tir< politicai ievs trous Irehuus*I s tieveui ofinieet- t tis siaiçitniant lIer Ma.jestv inteuds payîng rhat ceuinsurs ausotiier visit. FuaANCE.-lIJIcolSsequus.nCe cfilte deati of lte President ef'ttise Unitetd Stehes, thte President cf thse Ft-esii Repiubic vili go jute tnouruimig fer ue usontîs. A grasntd sohemis service svill ho iertcrsaeu 'at Nuire 'Datue Uefr heu daya. Tite iitoalf bg' U'ave laek ct-aileattacieciA sîidestiise bas tikeiul place il) tisaprie o f 'tranin), heAan-ruo lîsttsut the Queaof Spianu ia quit. restored. Tise Stiasish naws acf lic saspotance. PORcTUGÂL.-It appeatr thet tise Pet- usie.Goverumnent lied semn tieotuuni the . lit tu tise AtncrîcaC/serge,, lu answer tu tise clai of 'ethtie Ueeted States Cabinet, wbieh wutspnsaorsxuced unsisractory by tisat gentlemaut. Ha in consequencea demnss deul bis impsasrt 1.1 TISe f-ilhr uu -A hcristeasdetu for-1 i -l were at i i ast. dates-, face to face, and- as the Kioi>f-ýenmnark inteîîds severe cuorciôni,ixtcked by the Court cf Rus- Sia a"Il tise passive' suppoîrt of ether gret pIIvers isîcltid ',, ndtere reniains i-ôo ib t tiat a severe contest li ensilc. AmERicA AND VOItTUGA.-The Pot- tuguese huving deciiued to accçde to the dea.ands of the.Anserican Minister; thse Anweican asqiadron stit reusailis in thse Tagus. TIHE RE1PORTER.ý 1 amn a man, andtilidothing hurnan indif- ferent ta ne."ý-creoce. WHITBY, SATIJRDAY, AUGUST 10, 1850. PROROGATION OF PAILLIA MENT. Thc Parliant i lil be preregucd at one o cluck to-day, h)y tlie Gover. lier Geaceral Up to the tinie of going to press wve isetliscard the firt of the Cotîînty Division Bill, se atssionsly ieekcd fur by the people in tuis aieighiborliood. Tise generlil opin- ion seemns to e, ho at it bias not passedi thse tliird reading this session. If it lias iset, there is but iittlWdoubt thet, tisrough tthe exertions of the indefati- gable ruemriber for this Riding, another session wii isot pts itbott suds a1 necessary division takiîig plnce. PRIVILEGES AN.lD ]WGI.MTY>.-, roadsanuîd caials, tise Urelôn water tvorks, and iait the immense publiic werks efth ie Stete ef New York, te tise enrrent expeusas of tise goveru- ruent. Let the publie isot be deceîvc.d by suels arguments ageiset retreneis- nsebt. Jt has f1requentiy beau shown iin tisa Bxamiaser,-tbat every publie officer anst evary departasent of' goveru- ment iin Cansada, are vastly usore ex- pansive tîsaitise correspessding ôfiicers andi departruents iu any of tise States of the Anserican uniotn. Thsis tise Glbe linssisot deniad and canuot.- It is tise axpeaises of tise goverisments and anst not of ite putblic worlcs of tise tivo ceuistries tisaI we have conipareît, and of course it nîtsst lia of tisese tisut Mr' Merritt treals. Just imaîgine tise alsî.r- dity of tisa Globe ini eharging sema vise hutndrari millions.of dollars, veliuitterly ,expcrsdedis publie works, te tise aimtal expenses of tise Staita of Newv York ! Iic teiterate, uasd shah irove, wviat w'e bave et'ten dtiriIsg tise fat year preveti frointshie documsents of Newv Yorkuîsd Canada, tisat tise expeis- ses of tise govermameîit of Cansada are more tisais double tiiese of New' York, aiid as the isopuliation of Newv York la tiee as great us that of Canada,- the expeusses otf local goverument borne liy every Cuisadian, are mnore tisan fontr tusses greatar tisais tsose bornse sy bis îiaigiiour is tise State of New York. WVe sili lilustrate our unectsing by one or two exatupies. Twe cemmercial lieuses, C. and N. are engaged ins businsess: C. expends 900,000 dollars atnnaiy isn isis ioseieol, N oniy $200,000: luit N lies vasteel sortie tw'eity msilionis of dollars ia suîip build- insg, wviirvas, vareiiousas, -&q, 'Vu Cs W Q 4 S CD to ug, traton or cc Salaries- ccz- HIRacevero GeSeSale kzn- of-f -l a 0ertr f tt n Superinten e Schols tNotgien epetielybu inlue 1 0hiecrJusticeof Staci rvnc ceceive $6 of MORE DIGNITY IN THE flOUSE 0F ASSEMBLY. 1'irm the Globe. -- - - --aretu ud hlftie Tise digssity of tise Ibrise ol' Asserns- Our readers ivili perceive, iîy extracts greater thsa N'a: nu,use, tise sagre biy appears tei boutishigiser and higiser frous eity papers lus auothser coîrumul, tise Globe replies, yout have ieft eut tiseas. ils Sessiets draws to c close. lu ien uer is whici tise reîrascitatives tiveîsty mîilliosns whvlsi N expeîsds on -ailse(] by ils sucrcssl'ul resistançie ta cf tse pop~, {a icet snte U ts iîips, &c. 'Tis is a correct ilîsstra- tise e!tack of tiso reporter, tareugitise houcftie loe' agnîes. efer- exertios of gruau powcrs'îitrusted to ml; rnest prorninerit ocs,) cendniet tieru- écots tîsat tisis $20,000,000 muuy bruin- tise isîterciscnge of pîcîissutit Ille ejsi- selves,-wlsat c dignifierl ansober de- ini u lirfit Of $2,000,000O; ut ait evetits, t0asanugisiiesa is'itl rnaanotir they tisnk priscoer hoeastue it lisas îsetlllîs tu Ioe witisepersoua li( ttc s 1i qiest degri-c itsspnried ,tise - . usof N I s roporth uv 1r,1iusoft lte;advwa ia n'akiisg iaws forztise counitry, anti Duke of iLr eni',. ' *N\,"( ' * itisseil, whltu, ioivaver wviat ais exursthie cf litisl'usiisess, blriff, sirii 1, 1 11al' * *. ' i t issighît bave betcs to tise and ceooniy, titiy selt ttir cis-t ti-'it ,- ~ , ~. i" Isiy cle oy-pse eîsus. Is Cumtinitlaiis e swî"il-ht' b 'i ' . ' ' - <vtise AsseMbIy ; ut cati 4kwa'ged by a reporter, ca as is expusedin thse articals dud ilri'. y nature onc kiva s t i -ietlser Icilaunzls aittise i usiii -,. , , >.î';'u- ' titi Sulurday uiglît wlsct foiiy and lridienîleusitess ocftise privi- lhonu01filli s r iii *.q. . u î'rr-ti ; itweavn s aficu very' leeed gentleumen, or lu pit ise weak- 0ut fisIt r iDi-h)îkws a<i î1uiatudss1 vi le r clA sîpuyi lie Sablialh ; tise meisibers e £.50,000 or £80,000 aîsîsîîîtiy Ioithiin istît tiuwovrkiiug seuewbat labori- nessan cm hrildishsîscss wiiicii it disîsinys. persoîsai Cxpeisscs. Io,, s tV5 lis- ruîsv, anid we are inbld lied net faited W'lsna trsîiy dignificd amiiseîssest it Gloeî, Ime Dike eor Bridgea's wnas tu suisîce ti.iseuses svith susetiîu ha lu ta.r ip lise pulic rioctusset 1 ita1 utiihiMoure cxltanvagattl»,isais tîasuî truitîger tisaiswalcr or week tee.- At es tru'lis usciglshxsirn, finr sec lise si lsie aîsy rate, whie lise business ofthie thtiuis lulls, anudthirow ietnti xicst Th~'ie pusbic til si ~finisieuiilrY %n-as gssiug fbrward at tise eue issithier. XVc have licard of isusei cuit uhe truie r-lsracler cf te G/o/le andsil erk's taleit, iy tise agency cf c feiv jsiieriliies ailoîilscitoucIIicysanidclîilîc- isis illsssîrs, wîsen suiacîsuîrîîitics haveiesshsei's ussensbied art-utisl , Whso res, haiut it reniaitid fur the 'Ilusi'e ci lu iiior thie ptrrose or sicre ïnient iîterestcd in tise bill nndar kecpiiîg ii1 tise extravaganît e\peui ldiscuîssions, tise chier nienubars nvero Assiniiy-iiliatilieuse iili n seotire ofuthuîe goverinieist. cîîitiisgtteniselves, witis whet, do cur carafaîl cf its pîïileges, 'ieii t faie-s 'f'lue fouiiusî-hig tasble inl sisu" t I,,r-adcrs fi in k? %Wisy, wlllî îiaking tua tisera lifringed tspots ly tue vîîigaî- lue Ce pcîssOf te aisa uunhasuus'i - iard huila the .prublie decumeuits usestahc- reurér, e asu - mîetnt fer pireiî gs-cutuitIs. 'uîo t iarere îinted cf so mach axpeuso nesparîltnie-agestéi,sîî,w t the r0M) usure, tsuililoiti ýthirse orii .%vtsi iicir censtitarents, (ofleri uereiy Ici cYu)rç. 'Theudens i re rontuuîflite lîrilîliu gratify flise itsty of nîerubers,) and lciost saici sensible) Csn--s'ss ie- necusinsae u 1-'8r ituecîne:tsr'i-iumsg hic- uit tieinr teiglsbotrs. vated positioîn as thse hnweinakers for bise N55 YORK. CANADA, Thsis wsu a digiuitlcd disilay cf hîuanor; cesîttr, er~tî eu svuule ltîîk elxectiliî' - - $33.1,16 Executilse - $137321(jia kirsulofantuisacînetut l sci semn otý cotntyciit51tcie otld tn, toJuiiary - 86,741 Jucficary - 272,32,4 intellect muid ssations sighis lad ge in. give thicsisoute gnavity Of tiepurtussent, Lezt<liil' .43icusauus-169- ii-ui fbt storiigsarr -cecîld alse iusduge iii tueSe ll-Staue 'rhtiiiiî, 38,457. )l'eiitsua 43,381 sluthe ay intentionavus ls isty.e tIle accsillike as wss i hiotit Toui, - S257,768 Tot~al- $567,8â2 Its dîgaiity, 'itdeeci ; us if 'htiset iniribe suvcrsoni s tds'iy eiai Tise fuilsiwuiig table ivilhtois vthîe lsrurt uv itiYounebrut careor)0 iDut titis iý,ois cf tise privileges ot tule hieus expuses oet(ie departu-uents andirias- titisclegauut ensusement ivas very genleenwhchit s 0tissai ehlijers is Canada anîd tLiasînci. uearly bronuglît tsi a tragical concluàioti- ecitieucu wiiei itis e esiruible ua btes oet tise Anenicais Unioîn, ead Mn Maltons C reon dis:ciargeri a siscîsirirenaclî" s'agrueansd titsseiitedt." nWCaisia uir.1realcis te examnie it ansdi ery ilarge hall, wivtih ckelo r - eunim-e it withi tue Globe's stziteiiseits. tise flnc oUMN] Malbochi, niensiser P1r TlHE IIARtVEiT.-FUrni saioîosb evely %e rîay sate' liere timat tise hîulichCanleton, and osîclroru sotie 6thaeriqa- ntstr f lc Provinsce suelisearft wrks (if'i v'or idetinlus1847-18 ber, strikitsg hlit usuaeriy tisie Uiso. abl -icotiLsoftLehavet, ilchabout i fetecui per ctin ustisedebt of iiituiCiit, tie Lic-eaie cnnssged, and seiz- stucaccumnts f tse iareat "' t ho tiamIe. 'Tue det liig $2,00U,000 uug te tsea'y isk-slatid Un tL is terk>s s~u sa eîîrniy l lii-ebecs vry ud ue seu Imceuseof tise pubticie rks taible, liceswore iviit a greet niatlia tt îhuisssuî,cmii ....sev ben h0.sisd ihs $3,415,684. -,30n(,oa iens, thue udirin- lice ullis t trnîsvit ut Macmsab'u hadC, ,gucuri erder. The icte lis-sy rain, istï..uthus oft'justice ins Catsede, ih; greater ifh1 u nas bu thc exp-elîcr-i- ext day fir L" ~t enstire e-nses of a~ofAtlie it ; Canserun isaviugtîvoideri bis mwat whichelaus pmrthnuiy dansagcd tise ct-eps Ansericcus gneurnasiessîs,, exKeetingMà iy doniginsg witil i sa lrus ira tisasd thue uei0gilutriii, gtuwtsaliiî, ass, evYork, Peunsylvània rbeiutV the table. XWitis scuse diflicîilýtv halla uise itjuter thierain sema Cier Loitisiaisa, and Virgicii:r. wjIeu 'arIahi<chswssh waepetePr isîra o Lie cuuury;tiisugi l mot aNckcf isae-nses vf goernutnent, tise.iiltàhr puaseri. 'flic escriiisgiveu placeW be-~li c, it camne hou laIe te WCe tint ucf cusrse hmcft ie exusenseis lOlte scelle, whibh e vcantntpiae, ofpicuewerks. Tise Globe lias'n-rit-linre, lise, rtunitîiud baaii detteJo nuyt tîse Fa it'at cru1,. ton muîcia about tis ltiîîsycftse s-pae wlsaeneiidg buravsty 5in5th zle >jiun anbsj l ieteiug, ti srvce ; n-e ueraîy rejîly Iote iu, Suhmnity siuouid hie peranitted& the", wé, understanl, lias sulièreticonsicicre. ililrespat-icy cf tsecuîatr h tse, li -rs e raii-.gssae, lil h ~pruf f i-nd1s and efficitrscy in a ettougli tu fihi tise isalur-ofth et te1. gueraann cdNve dire-ct iiisaîtea- sensitive witls bahrrut. Yet tis iw th A m n;li .t u e the 1hau.uiun o f tise A ss i cu bhoJY W io reirh satd d w it htsir mzti A m n ie no ue l t on s v r l h îu Y Stiates i n ra jn t t ceusti tte a reporter W h oe lied a k e -d -i b rt uuba, C W'VaIsrs. -tise rpeiy af a ashîsca. We is tuake less cs; wlsé di8lnlty,~ 1 Env weo 5 t 'iscusri eialsv C>-neu tier jree f cf ficlc'es. lu'refui t- *ac Iti iltsasjlç, itwas isbsntbdweu Z ' U s T U   I ~ * I - I r t & t i . - T s e u s d t s e p a s o t 'w i t h o t i t d u i y ei n l\ \ L I N f . I ER L I ', I T T A N ] ) e n c e t e t h e f r e q i e n t d e f a l e a t iu n s l In a butlir Iana laiben isms~ i r îaieclu ietO Otî stFe t wshTUF LOE. -.$tls, or'pubÏflioers, WC e PlY, -Iamc o f r m t e g vb a ns e n t én i t h fr 't &i4 b e ret î u i te , e v tes t -i m . . . . . .m ii . î < ~ h î i e 1 o l a t i o n b d x t e t o f t t a t gar. The imnrediate cause o udi- cdtils rnighit be-arranged in, a Tuie Globe, thtOert:ttu tf cu o cri-cuutry are compaied- with Canads, lm is I ow ing to is avig_:set at friendy an uallýr. 'n e t iîs k, il ,î e u îtable nd t g th s i ts ieu ab r ,f d e1at4PBÏ of j« s Th.t i e go ie a v t w o ud stili in th e 7reg s, s aise tl e tw e ruent s le ise o f N ir. M crrittoiîe iaf tise o Q B a'id es, t is asy to ,bind publ ic Dm - ý ladiydiasiss Radetzsky too froru bis AmIericail vessels wvliic were çxpectd mémbrs of ite -over1ment. WYe say cers inlu ccu securities tht the goverti'm ,tia ~u m ad_,bit e/ m .tS po worfsl te saï oitoatie 19 ûs with, M r C ay. ilat w o cain ot aeccotîtfr %bis violent rent eend ]oso nothing. Tile, <.g Lbe ili hlis omùisand. , The, çisotra is lama The. iýiiiisLer J' Foieigit, affitirs lsid attack isîon M r M erritt, oisnews the bari' muelh upon the central 'gve r- violekt t Vienna % . sn criarurisi irtguee lobe hothe organ of bMr Ilincks and ruent t W ashineiu., W'è êhaw eoiteÜ, jU1KR.Tledipleomatie agaurits,for preseatttiO5 tu tie tise other enep1ies 0of retreneilment i relied, 1thlot' ths dccI ot accoulit foi, navsfor!it~ dilferent ftfc;n courts; svith détails tise goverumneantsud parbîpo aiso tu thle cheajeneof ýtte setate gGmoersme*t8, motuR- cofiu.. etesfront e n sesp)ebtitig tise dtmands of tiseUiiited 'ea kenImr Metitt's influonqaç. beforeè and tl XMSCt of ,ossr, gýove, lin, on tiso 3rd, sey Ihat thie -ulgetiins States on .Portîgai lie ruay retire1 front aua administration menis.. 0f thùseç:lcpensesat.Wajýiaig- lid taken tie city of Belgrave, after Pes a l abd.l3ri vil ssstisi giitjubi pn os os 90000w i- 1, __ r d a is c a t o . T e r é B ui t a tin g t îs t a d e s tr u c tiv e tire -h a d b ru - i n -f ieje u .l v r . T e fa t i i it ý% e gar ntnsàam ut t 2, 00 m n is r k out inthe City of' Cxac w , by w iicils W C have not sûecn ?sIr hr~t'~ iave riot te support a w ar departm en t lresn tiiblev ttis00Ée r evotio 'riyto ieclia eud-ahre, anti,therefoireý. cmi uet;'w l mre-aceidant is ourpresettcùtdi- x Seion chractr. .. troyd. anyliva wee lst, înde 1W isier Ir Merritt,s scb.is Stion; no Mnatitvntell Qw ffoxlbe id.fealsibie or pot we cau iot prétend teucie- 1-ome goverrmfeiit wi require'it of"ss gretitemeurt of C idery;__ut this we cats say, tîsat -,ve Tisen we 'May have to bear Or Parto IRI R HIN.-Tle ovairiand DENSIARX ANDfl<5 Ducliats. --A cide; bof mil reaciad Londoensonn Frida.Ts cit ewenabnssMn- ev eer met withlisalf se Marly absurdittes $250,000,000'insteed of $4.0,00OW&RYft dates front Calcutta te Jjn: aîse l; adrs aJtieGr0 i Se1îe oue toand flase conclusionîs jamubled togetiser, do ontneighorrs. *Again.weask why luttle 8 ; and China, Moy 23. Tise pu- place*oit the 21st, le ishiclithse lraser as is the articles iu tise Globe on5 this -do we jtay.our çfficexs More ti- liiaiitalgçeis oflie importance. auiflfed consideruabliy, aind tas foreed to s1isect. Tife Globe lias set ilewn ail New' York doês bers 1 Th4e la tho nn lïtr. i.s ,î.. tila rin 8tlise expeises of tise 2000 rmiles of rail- question.

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