Whitby Reporter, 3 Aug 1850, p. 4

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Thot rose a l ,W'îLr ebeek Tgt,4e6odwel; il'~~log bltie eyeai*ueatbe arvunti hfeart a witcbing speil; tpon îbl iglt Umorniags glow MAi lstensg'fo ber volce we dreain "làj 4IU tie again. Thflitiiid fÂwn i. Do more mild, -Xor yetimT e andifree; 'flilly*x cupi is not more pure, lrt at llits punity-- **1d I1livers in lbe Wood, Or byV th. crystalu wae, TJiiert&6 none'more pare or fair Iban ah- T. trMe? penrless daughter. The Iwntay belle whom a11 udome, Wvât io*iiupom lb.dewy law,î foWn-clear voce is beard- Ye May fni 'tel hi bcli iw~ettsinge, mai I' oto bJwed(ar 1àtdpur heat where îi.ue dwels. i4cri snnoceç.ce in #et The uofo healîli upon ber cheek- 'Tne gui..suo rut. bath tauglit ber- "à lirMt wreath that b saut>' iincs, 'Tg Ciari bbFarner's duughter. rr4îjL S TITTEIE1.-Dttring tihe Rev- îrltitiôrimiry aar, wboîî drafts aýrc umade îhe miil n itia . lu recnîtit tîhe Conti- u< à Wm my, a certain captain gave lib> <niiîj 1* the-men who were*draf fom lits coffisany' 10 make their -objections, if-heyhàdany aguinst coïin mbthe à&*; icordingly one of theml, who 114al un impodiment in his speech camne 1.r,wrd and mado his bow. 'ht i - ýjection?'l said the J cru-ca-can'tgo' answers the 'Man, li'ccalise I at-st--stutter. ,Seutter,!' says the, captain, 'you tlun>'t g-ô there tb talk but ta fight.'l ~4',but theéy'11 p-p-put me off g-g- ýg-g&iàrd anud a maw. î»ay go lia-ha-ha- h ialÙ a inileliefore.1 caui savwh-wh- whNgoes(therei' th1ýilat is no objeétion, for îhey avili phiçç "c som seiitry wîth you; ho cati -Cliate n ýo a nd you can ire.' INWçcli, b-b-bût' 1 may bc taken -and *rt ithràtgh the g..g- guts, beore 1 eau' cry. qu.ýqu-qu.quarter! 1is lutsflei pnevailed, and the cap- ttl'îr laaghing hecartily, dier»issed him]. Arrurro DD[GiçlTy.--le lîeýst prol ofh ulariniliste lbcfutiid in tihc qt1àfiiiýofig ity tha cflsncb n- the opli way to, set a pnopçr vaIuo on- $dtsers t iron.t with conbornpt every bS4iy cise, Such meni- are geuaerally rie li,-and very ignorant. The lnrgosi feling," man we: ev-er knew, lus si bwil;boekhcad, w~ho iniagine.d fluaI ---tise tragc.sly of Ramiet wvas wnitten by Tanw and lythias, and who cauldn't1 tel, without consuuting lus mule mecum, NOiether Shakspearé 'os the author of Maîcbeth, or Macbeth tlîiu au'tluur f 'Siaksjseare, AI; a general .ýinng,' yolun digiffied men are groat asses. Thoy keep lit a distance ihat their' uighb 'ors mnay flot diàiwver whst coant énfeiîs thoy - ure,; Aaross thse street, a. galvanized .%v4appears lu bd bullion. , Men are 'h1koq4ips, thes more they,,eontaitt,'the -lower tlîcy carry tiroir heads. A tvibê in Xotis and Queries gives, ail iùbté. èe of Currys wit, intîodut,d after a dofeat in a conversational cn test with a y»Ofgan---x It wss theý fashtion, lin fr- oraiès ;to wear Yvervy Whyismoubsjke a 1ý0do<hay 1 Because dieeat'U éat ité w 13173TIr GOAKEJAGU AN» DLIGET. B11GW ýTRsabseriber lbas consta ntlY On bjaud, and continues to Matiufattireý Waggou,iuggt-es, Rockwa, Quriot- téC, and Family Carrdagee, OF DIFFÉREINT DESCRIPtIN,riô than any other Establislîm<ent ini Whit- by or-sunrtrouncuin cot.utry. Foresilpe- nefr Stylo and Dujrability, ý ho feeli confident of giving füou satisfaction toe M. B. JANIG&TIMN dont to order. flepairing ii all ito'variousbranches ncatly excuted on short notice. NATTANJEL JRAY# Whitby, April, 199 1950. STaf. GERt & TOWNSEND mute, the . Rrview, the Journdl or ScW6ttific Dis. covery, and thec Librayy of RPoinantic> Fiction, under the title of the 0f th. revolutionâ ai I eugone. of tbe most interwsin g andt importantlteht which fias taken place in the farms of Literature and ihé -modes o* upblication. Aince the establishment of thé Edinbu rgh Rcvew the finesI, intelli gences of the world bave been disployed , i puriodicale.. Brougham, Jeffiey, Sidney Smith, Mackintosh, Mufcuplay, bave oived neai y ait tbeir besI lame, ta compositions wbich have a ppeared, lirast in journals, magazines andi reviews; the writeii of raies ami, Essaya have mnifoml>' came before thé pulic by the saune means, whicb have recently ben mide vebicles alo for the oricinat exhibition ni thé il otelabdrate andI brilliant fictions, on that wtt are now receivîin thraughl them, b>' almrsi .ser hip (rom Enmope,. inslalments of ivorkz Iby :=ckno, .amr. Lever. Reynoldts, Mno Marsh,t '%ra Ellis, ami indeed nearl>' aIl the most eminent contemporary novelisis. So Coinlpetc isthe change that aIl minc, except the' du Ilet andi least pôpular,,is likely to flow hereafler thiaugli the Poil>', Weeklfy, IMoni>', or -QugriMiscella- niesl, whicb compeie witb ,univ#eroities, paria- ment&, churches,.and libraries, for ascendancy in the goverarr ent of mankint., la Ibis country we mnust kcep pace *îth the movements albroasi. I ivill not ans'w"er that w. ixsue litteri' producions as scon asipossible aller their camplian. -The impatient reâ~ers demanti chapters b>' ehapters, as 11w>' are spun I rom the bruini and the heurt of îhe author; fact, upon the instant oi* their uiscsvery ; and suggcesions, as îhey flash Irotr the contact of imaginaton and r.- The InternIViond i Weekly >ffscelay wiIl lie a rcsult of eflorts ta qatiify aploipn cemiîl>'oaithe rimes. Il Witt combline te'ex;~llences of ail canlemnporary pet îodîcila 'wîtbfeatures lIat wîll b. ptir bta ticîf. I. A leadiàc oliject wiIl b. top resent th. pub- ltic, .witî he-ii. mnoeb rapidit>', anft i t tC heapeat possie rate, t1he s of thos om ksf aua Literatrire which are uppearia; abroad in serials or in separate chapters., Witb ibis View, ïn the initial portion# will b. -publishedthéim initial. par. tianso theli briltlint nautical publication now in course of publication icii BMWac lt' fgzue iuder tbe tille of "Tue Green Haad",ïb>'Ziib authar of the mail. celebrateti ficion of its, dais iti English.fiterature, IlTom Cringle's Lo#,;" <,md other warks ailI 1w selertedand rarrieti on sioeul-* taneously, as tuey> shall came te-us wiîh théestomp. ai ,îlfvint ment. Il. ýThe foreign periodicats are conb'iiutly ricb lin moveîttes a (rom îwo ortlslee l te 4e- ehap- terï, wbich--beimg îoo short(ofs« tes.Volumes -are trnci>'re-prcxduc-d etail Uin ibiscauntry. or1 tles. îlmtm editors witl give the. chaicasi eerec- fil. 01 tbe Quarl>' yReviewî thb. muadmi- sabe' aprs wilil le ipresetei in ihll; êMd, Ibose works will in ail case. b. carefuîIly ýe»,àdned for sucd . valgable and osuikimu passages. as aili 6e likél>' to interest lb. Ameria radur, lu wbom the ent ir. amîlci. ii wlieh h de>'.appea! wiîlbe unattractive. IV. The Libet'ary, Religious, Politicai1 anti ,Scientific acwipapers aînd magazines avilIb. con- sult. for whatever wilIi instrurt or entertain. in tbeir several. d.panments.' The Jeading articles ;iÎi ibe-great journal., upon AfNlirà and 'Pllilophy anti 4rt, wbich are now very freqSnet1y rqwpntf in America, wil appear s d.in teaianai - oellan .nsuch LuinesianUo orphiuatiqtm as tadis.- play spinds a d roce i oh.'woride c i,'tIion prn 'd r's tananticondition. A V. But the work wili ptbe alsogefhi#FovSgn, non a mer.comnpilation. In iii republicationu i ere will ,b. a constant effort -to displlaJrwba t is 1Most interestinîradm olntàteIa'cn 1saune Of! iu aIl the VI. Ag beliuived, ~-, 1 STE4EEOAT ADVUîTISEUUWT8. CArPTÀIN IIENRY TWOHYI W ILL mve Tor6nto for Kingaton, calling, at Ponfto é andi Cobourg wer«per mnit- éi; vry WËD?(ËSIbAY and SAIVRDAY at Wil$i -ve Kingst fo r Tornto, and inlermnez diatP ortu, every M)MAlirand i IIURSDAY Afier»poj, at Thiée o'clod-. DAY andFRIDAY rnorning, at Egi~eok 1Wift loeaVflamilton f&r Toronto,eeyTU - DAY lad FRII>AY Afierrioon, at Three oiclork. ,Tbe Stearner Princes. JkYOI having been fign- nished witb new, Boilers, is now one ol the fatt4 boal* on Lake Ontarlo, and hrwing ber tipper Cabin extcndîd neari y the wbole lu'ngth of h'ir dèck, the, accommdations for pas4prnger.. arr g;eatly inerpased. She ba tt-losfor ipwords ni filîy cabl Pasenges; and teeveral of themn a:e fttcdl up with double Frenchltsteid." S1w bat long been klbowlon oue of the best sa boats uêonie lake; aned ià tnow one ci the fastest and most comrrndion.. ROY al Mail Steamn Packet Oirice,? Toronto, M4ay 20, 1850. TUE STI AIR CAPTAIN WILKINç4ON, W lLL Ieaçé Taronin for Niagara. Lewiston, and Queentton ÀVRY FTIERNOON, Sundays cexcepted, a One 'lck WilI Icave Le %iîston,,ind Qiuctnstnn for Torcofr about haif-past eig.ht in ibis rrorninir, and will ar- ntve in Ilime Iomeût limeMail Steamerâ fr irm ton at Twelve, Noon. 1 Cabin, I'a,,iÏe [Meais ext ral, omw dollar. J)eck Passage, thrce quarters of a dollar. Royal Mail Steam iPocket Office, Troronto, May 22îu1, 1850, THE ESTE A M EJtA M IICA. APANROBIERT IKERR, w ILL,- for the remainder-of the S--a'on, leave Toraonfa forltoeester, evér y Tl 5f us Thursda>'. and Saturday Morning, ai 10 cvfc- Pr'sel>, and wîllfouch at Port hope nil Cobourg and ntermediate Ports [weather pertriiii.] Returning, wilfl lave Rochester l or TJoroîsin, alngai Colioure and intermefdiale Ports, every Mornday, WednWsay and Friday Morning, at hait- Paît 8 o'clock. 'Royal Mai Office. Toronto, April 19, I1850. !WIIEREAS, itlihas been c reseflt- ed to me, 011 Pofler Ia*ýjeSsly' leige subjetta of the Province of Canada, ihàt a "ii;ng desire prevaile amnong the I nhabitants of this our> Towsmip of Whobhy, that tborouî:h and extensive Retrencb'ment, lie madç in the Public .xpenlture aif11w Province. Aîid whercas, cértaini individuals, CÉouite f8nobms, &e, have- heen Proclairning thlit tîey wil Manufacitire Boots at ,.Inntxatiorn Be it therefby'e kto wn, toail wlhorw It may concern, and tê,the Inbabitants oif hitby in <paricufair, lha rom ihis-day-riorth, 1 wihl'gd Illic "Wýu UTnolp ?' in prsmvital 1etrenchment, by Manîf4cîîri130BOTS and SHO£!S, of the vern helt mnateif,at theollowîng low prices, vi:- sd. sd. MEN's Fine Svàwed' Boot 23 9 ta 26 3 Poqqel 3oois, 189 ta 21 3 ' Strong Boots - 12 6 ta 13 0 ôther articles in Ibe Boumt andt Shoe Uine in propor- tion. 1As the Subscriber, la determîncd to have _aIways on basaI, a gold assortmnent of al kinds of-, LADIES ANI) GEkI'LE£1EN'S and tn ernploy nonebut thebhest of Warkmn, nti ta eliçbeperthan an>' omer person in tbe trade, Cào-a s hane of ublic p4rraiage, Gvxx under m Hand anti..5eai, ibis B}hth, dayofApfiin heyear of, our Lor one thotuaand iÏht hundreti andifi>'-. 'juzn4)' lIrAI. L FORSYTI.' Whit'by, Apuil IZ' 1850.' Iuumoth anld Siioci. ALeXANDER SMITHL NoyaiI Echange Usocuz Xo. 39 Liddell's Buidi dnas, Churck St.,ý HfAYES I3ROTMERS AR row peceivingtber usual spning irpiplies ai «ROCE'RIES < l URD W-- u.IRE, ,ybeh wii b. fournd veycomplqtein Aboth d partmen tg, and wbich lb.>' are enabledta ofl'er ta the country' trotte at fow prices for cash or, ap- prove<1 emeë{t. Thli Stock confiprisel 290 be;.es ofý Freili 'fias, various cargoes, this years imjIortaf ion 4U lhits very briglit Porto Rico Sugar, 5 hhola rellncd Joaf sugar, 72 bags green Lacuira Coffee, 14 ba,44 oo' lava Coilce, (RDaited Coffee fresh ever>' day,) 21) bbls fre-th Carrantls, 30 bau deuble siftcd IPepper, 10 bagg Allspire 2001 jars andt tins Mustard, 60 hales Clovs, 200 boxe* 'oliarro, varinuz lîranis an d sizet, With a prnerai astortment of articles in th.e tt Cut Nails, assorted r-izes, Bat, ireap, andt Bundlë lion, Spring. Shear, and lîliMer S fteel,, Spades, sIiovels, Cou Chains, aie, Ous ndt car ýScYthe.s, Sickles, Ct'ales, H ay Iù,kes. Shot, Gun-. .powder, &c., &C., wi(h a coffpet amsrimentdf Shelf and Hleavy Hardware, No 4r7, St. Jame4's Buitling, Kinç tg , Toronto, 15th May, 1850() 5-10 1WA1VMOT11 BOUSEf (--Oppoite t/se Markpt, Kmnq NIreet, Toronlu. THOM.11IN TJIOMPSON rý$rCFIJLV annoinnces that he bas flE- OINE)the ahvestpabl i3hment with an extensive and wet4.elcctcd assortment of Staple and Fanoy Dry Gooda &c., Wbich for variety, price,, &c., is, ime bulieves; in- ferior in mnone in thlity, -unit to which he rxow olicilis a eaîl (rom bis oId frienits. liistdock of lla Is, Caps, Bonnets, Buots, S/Àoa, 4c', 4C., Is rîow more compîcte than berctofore, embracing' ail it* riew styles in the several Departmenm. Ilt woulId be tedious to enumerate ail -the different arlicles on hanit; andta3 the Subscriber is misct oppotisitthe 11w ysem rnofi'spulllng," riow sco rom* mon, lieywouîd merel>' requeuet thé public ta caîl anti exaruinie for tlàemslvee$, 1). S. Thé-13007 & SHOE Store is -now, inj the rear, frontisig on Franîcis Street, t-3 Sigmi of thv- I*ammnoth Bo0m. - -Toronto, lIt Mfy, TH1850. O PON Wlîo will IlL 0UVGIl forGC I 1 r îidders, for a terni of flot Iess t ycans. There are Fîfty Acrtes and the avholc Fanm is plc W atcret . Go mund sec it. Possession *rgiven in goosi t FALL PLOUÙGHING. A pply (paiui if by post) ta 13. FREY April l9th, 18s0. 34., Bih peir for tan five Aceared, ntifulîy ,ne for J3A11L, Whitby. l'armer' ProteGio -NINE 114ILL1ON tINSURANICE. CAPITAL $100,000 The lion. H. Vanrausiler, Ogdensimrl, NX Y. e'P. Vankouglus-et,, fJo»nwl, C'. W Sidney Smnith, sq., Cobomg Ormon Jones, Esq., Brockvile A. Farewell, Esq., Jiarmomj. BnyerMcMurnich C o., Toronto. Dr. Alîme-on, - 46 l.Daniels, , ,Xaoe. Burtiett, Drý. Foote, s John Saddter; Pickerinmg. Etisha Doalittie, Columui. John IIig-hland., Of&a.a Lewis Houck, Marklama. penIeetljý free (roui any kcindiof pain for twef v. ORI]CNTAL'BALS AN. INN b ci lui Ci ti rpHIS 1'iedicin'e bas ion many years lîcen nsedi J' extetisively undt freely in mian>' crimial caes of diseuse, andti w th îe most happy res'îlts, in Ëeviral> parts of Europe, in the private prucetice o fniemît fhyd'Icians, Who have approvngly adopteit Dr lZe's singular formnulai4 The pari,> who is rnos- î,nstumetital inintoducing the uedcinc Ita public notice doeq not cdaim superhumnarîpoilet 0 or Virtuse for ;t; for 1w knows lIant it iS naturaîl>' imrposibler that a">' nfallihle spécifié can be inveomei> or-digs. covereit bcure alilthe alimneids to>- which i(rail humartity iil hable; but be idme know thut indomi- table investigation, industr> unit perseverane>, en- blendet ini the Pille andt Balerna, for lb', crmr or mriigatiax-o< many cases of diseaime, i hicb il wvasoaiiçn onsitieredteyorîd f be pqver of meiicirîe toyield ansi aid orrelieve, Ie mrtiicine lias ru- r'd num6erless cass ot diseas andi ebroric sta- ges -eeperlially rostivene5, 50comman aii; , those whose occupation, unit otisers wîoge dispo'- sition-,'leuts t a a acentar>' habit. NanseaDross'. xiness, ain in the Stomnacb, Oppression aud I1ati-~ lency afet meals, -Disiflclination tt mental andi badily>' eon-_Giddinessor flowof bIcodto the heati, PAin in the breaut, bock, shonîder or side. frequentl>' causeil by indigestion or a diecîrdercit liven, Eruptiane of the skia, Carbuncîlt e Bloîches, Iloils and l'impies7 praceeding generaîlly from iMpurýity of the blaod, or a itisoritereit state ai the digestive .rgans, IHeartburn, A4 ctteuation, ,Acidit>', aitIi. Slmach,*Nervous debilif y, * de- rangement ai the syslern, Nervous, Periadical, Bilions, aud Sicklfeaslacbe, Depression of spirits, Noise iWthe heati or ears, Ague, Cake or enlarze- mrent ofithe spleen, Palpitation of the béart. arisiag frons indigestioný or dyspepsia, Liver Caînplaint, Masked or Dummb Agme,lrreguîarlity of the boavels ansi othen secreting organs, Fits in cilti or youniz, oceasiousedb>'worni or 1stoppage.-of the I*oael,, Muru-umUs or wasting afi GeaI, which uppeans in chuldbood or carlyyuuàth; Chiorosis or Greensick- nus wellesi feet and lep, inflamation, Suddeui letice thlat bis"i Compoundi Syr jxs itive unit apeedy ecure for nvolve il"e wastîng away of by CXCeazire eweutings, exp"c effects of a coutingeht naturi itîmitîid to be immeastirably in relieve.q the -htiakiness of the cotigh an,& reaoves the hackin! The activity cif itg nature Î2 SUI it ie taken il pervadees thc frai every fibre of' the Lbody-diffuz ~hrommgho tires a free circ -nit gives uîiversal' egrus ivhich engender in tb. systemu. oelnpfmtodeity. legon, iiaerkrncti ustiages; ibht restr. e,peaking ni hi. dieaver>' acci were it not lhat the eubject îsî importamice In the public te 6e recarnmeid-s his Natha $)rrup cure !1Pewarrant. it leart i purif>' t-ble wariaats it as a r mn heetic fever, night mWent,d plaint, pain in the cbest ar waYrani te Io a trrett te formai tle ftmo nd in heil lhose ali prnsin conimnmrpli> may Ua poiiv onfidence of' a cavee action is the -1ungs, whieli directions, purii>ing them of em in ilte progres,udwbich, if i dhirecftions. it cannai iafl tii 1 edti I have this cunso- gla ne in your abn rpr u lemf r aenq#lr*ii ta' 4f mTese who ÀfluJOg ed w lb So 15p Yn0rs, vezy gnilefllf1>, find a CHEA? and, Eg7ECTUAL remit Gxoa~zCLaziz the Cabinet Ifàkere No. 4, Ad4laiJb Stred, Pas. Toronto" March 8, 119. WeIIIigton I O T.Wloe, 4- Casu ofC/ironie R5eim<fm f iffn ieurs faMnufaeblrol sand kept on hmia4fW, Mie-, standing cu red by H4Purd>s Cmord dn lie 's f proprietor, as fat lowil l'us. Chie o;jrice vial......7 l-2d. I heteby ee rtify, that 1 have b.en atflicteti with Two do, da....... .3, 3.» Rheîîmatiam for ffteeon yeasf(i ra corîsiderable CHARLÉS CU4 lime 1 was conhlned ta bet, and th greater pari of' thiat timel1 cold iot inove nlsetf; some of My , N. B.-Scores of livinic witnessi* cou joints were 1oiiiMeÏely, di!ilocated i,yknees wcee i diucedin <o til>'ofithe efl1caçy aflhe £'l stiff, and my joints were ver>' mucli swelled. For,,-ecveral of wharn now reMie i this Vil1ge. the lasfi tree years 1 was scarcel>' able todothreet JaW s ai.alo gono isr us, Spaim, la mnonthor'Work withaut sufféring limemosIt exrîî tien, Cramps, -.4Çue ira the Breast.,. ScaIiI ating pains. I was ddctoted in Eur.opeby several Saddle-galls, &c. &c. pihyicianî*1 the biglîest ânding- iii, th proies-l Clark's Rrewery, Whitby Villa ge,? $ion as weil. as in bbc :Provincel,,ý was also 'ýfive 7thi Januar', 185<, mfontha in lb. Taronto Haspital.and notwitbstalit _____________ ing ail the mneans tisset, 1 rouît net get rut of myUde tbo complaint, indeed I was îald by a ver>' re5pecta- n rte Patronageof ICI be.pyician haDIrever cultb.cue t a t ;w ilt ti myattention w" a directeit to your Sir Ienry lods Imperial Cordlial fur the cure of Rbematism and Rbeumnatic Golit, unit Dr, lfope's Pills,Iwas dçopairing of ever g jeutn m- red ; when 1 calleil on you, 1 was bardly able in 15 ivalk, andi what was almost- miraeuloti*, in three *eeks froro my comnmencing to take yamîr medi-p Îe tine, 1 ganedfoustcen pounds in weight; rny ý4ý heaih was much impraveil, andi in about lbree l Weeks nmre in>' Rbeumatism was, campletel>'n gone unit w>'healih completely.reistortd. Inw~ enjoy as gdodt heallb as an>' man in Canmîîia, Sînce to>' recover>' I have walked.frty-six miles in ont < day ih perfect freedam, 'ti1 Iassure .you, Sir, tht re tu>'thnfu.Yau canrmale an>' use 1)R.L H A ST I N G.S bi !iisyou pleus;Mny case .is known tp severa 1<(Lwo, fJeior Phyriciaa ta 11 Bei u liiviiuialt.ai respectabilil>' in Ibis- ciîty,,theur 1esayqf L<ýmidQ>.) names >'ou know andi can refer to them if neces- 'compound SyupmfN ïe r truly ami graiefully, T iom A g W lso Ft?; 01 * ON LT Parties referreàtiet William Goo4erbam, Wil Poeitire but. a Warrant«d Cure for au . llam (>sborle and Samuiel Shaw, l-t'qrl's. > Price, 21. 6d. and bSs. er boute. The atxrrîý qf e Lnngs. mncdielne is for sale > UQUJAT ensto raet-ro-t- . S. citiGrenstonteae 'yan l General .Agent, (9 Yrnge .Strei. T al, T açly, b>' th. nnouncement of llsig'duscover>' of the.medical pirope . vërv.* Ind.

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