Whitby Reporter, 3 Aug 1850, p. 1

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*. ~ REPORTR 19~ ' 5PUflLyaSîun À P_ Office, un !ROY ,9(coïch Facto) Blidgon thle Plauuk Road. S. Ten Mlgsurcuue, -M jî4n3MOnt/ks; Tiblve s/illig 5 %SÃŽ.çp t /e close of-t/le eaer, lubêrîal Dsco'unt 'alicwed te pot- 0 0 1 1 o f g A g e n t s f r t n o R p r . air . S.SPROWLE", 't bZama a mas, and tbinàtiotuiae limasu J4ilhreurt tgu ýj.'LTrence; T' s: ht4 I ;~ oea~ A I ~~VÃ"L. I. W HITÈy, CANADA W SSAT R» .AU>U$T il, .850. L A O '~ O ~ P O T Y ember for Gespe woulddbc tere. If ave disra ed f e orst days of the "TNE > 1P A I Y F ,,-. DER " N r r inhabitautâ ~!P ~~C~iL LL FII AYE. ~ ctehmerfor GaSpe, who represeults S'tuûrtî -Ã"t the ndors. Ide<~eé on-' T H, EC0N IN~NT. sves -qtug Q«o#ou-.at..z1w, mn avnaeofned sait and fish to riijry ntr fti la- 'iejeçteub~bm ~5 IS~JUDlnT OSWF. ing tclwl okiiotelwbooks history sctrcly' furni1esnn prel. saesi ]irope is lt it4rst, siglit cajou~-th1Lt lithl waoe uiosdciinso I isoo àIn merI ecsunnyd14ài àÈcl Mzkstad "itt C. MACDONELL, Staq u sunnybmwi, this point; showing iost distiitly riileet sstlamej e, vehr ec ii tb îds ofý-Ilisc M'ho 'exe .cih~ lrgtWsyu ieoeKtlele~i1ibdsm uin eiinso tbsfraabenh0 ae cèU eIgli ods~~ Wen y>. brathd youbridai VOMI. man. Joorefore, Mr Christie vns le- tliin liwotîld inittfère,,withlicedis- t fcvlzto d fedri e ,qgItytjqs II, 'CA NA D A WEST. thË* breiîÏô 6 youro. Fo Jny wv bis choiceit freasures round us, gall1y witlîont: h awiole~îscag flsdiy f b3goîi0 tiips eel ~ o aiîc Pat re iii-, Eeq PPOSt h esdneo Peace came wiîh atliher smiling train; cnryn nthat lond, a'iimated con- mhenrs ïof thé Britisît Legîsaueae oiia aeîgniefen1'acAs Mirth in histaggie circie liound us, versatien wvith a lady, wlo iase firee fromei rfest during ltie session.' tria I, nsa eG~inS ~ ~ 1W~O iis RU H ItSE, heAefSE hephnRnsarifsndPan.riefîtfleba.afndj rPaidand.ndtatisttinsttîe nl pacifileIy mgltbsumer.p amn And' hat i ali-e -iatié illtateesu andàIDteî elegant fislî-catcbers cf Gaspe send privilegeý that remfains ta tlîem. For.- r-ere~siu Pepr f~ s u a~or Fe w ye rî ha e p ss ui m y K th ee , lîir ep resen ta tiv e t e til e C a n ad i n . m erly , trespi se on th e lan d s or fish in g r r e" M b ' ' Mdli bnrîî c . ' t i lin g k e 1a a ýgn ed& s WJIITB Y VILLAqG E. ic e rahdyu rdiv senate f'or the pruc fpyigcutionds 6f a member'Iwas a breach I f, ot1eia f Rassia',voai a p u y l u s e f p a i n g o u r t gf'c s i on ~ i u t o n a r e s t e p u t û ieu tv lle S a w w m Whitby, Aprfor,9, 1850.Oh Qilnedts y<tu uîOW ta the ladies, then ivas Mr Clitistie inî privite c. Anotlier class cf privlet e sPiiol1-ôt' n,,tle ý*ttu4i th i*aféo isdte.Proltnbly tuncolunctcd with tte Jibse, wlba naJu4 ___________________________ To se yur be eye Wning, %vaning, the member etrtsed vitî the cure cIlurduk *.nuouîios. ee c rcog n s Tro ee your bro u' a sea 'd ith pain, the ladies can disc lurge is f rcto s have be ca e w ept aiv ay na e i s cf a t 80î v ~ e 1~ e il i cu b a ç t X. > RI N G L E. To see gaunt 1 gr' e Oohdriig as wel outsidethe bar as in oreeit an inca ae. 848'hel iér er epac iaeçi r trfqi of hiMinis The ife-b'ood irom cach throbhing vein. hetter. Some allewance rut uttt Atn ii a oie paltry crise Iv liv ibe orgiîized auhoritybe'foùi pu Musi, n Ilin At n finievas 1 niyeorgsn zetxiauthe-ity -ithiel s, e WHTYVILG. Fair was one first-born, Y.,athieen, liypothesis, ho ofiade foir the apparent thn flte Prescrit trumped up. A itemu- theim down. on alf iýes, ilerniask Iis Alorders in his lino promnpt]ly xeccuted. Alibn pnyuriies ~ lcueo i nenîrfrGse er i., ofrlieded berauise ie is upokien le, lrldly Ilumanside, 4-à- , U 0 cf tBaIeoqtioa T/le latest Feshtions. alway.e on knnd. oht! wpt, w ee lt no'eToncre lc ee pesit s10 lienth le discberge cf bis dîsty, cevnry1 sliadoinla ltis e gontipen. tt- nplu rna! 1,wb nKahen vetiier a reporter-as aie o e fipb. by anoîi 'lioi nta metnle.aiuutnsardscvin bt4 it. Wluitiî,Api 9, 1850. Why meur s usspoedy tett1 lie, ndmitted te the lice aousretrp f i heo5 adatiutd msun etîegodfth ts rfriù f5iitt *s*nOidtl, And el me nt ils% mies wuld lipen s eac-looîfltciaI cain lati lew oe ae li tthir ruer~îe , SseuI fernes ud-o nalocsosfooler ; tendis eq îitic aiopi e bis alà4ects1 The pangs ihal revei ihrou-h this heari, add rcss menihers cf Parlianient iu n gaeoFnele aeî' tonybe enîgo r~~r ea g a a toro tz~,~~uic n nc li în iisnifgrlv s tfléion hîesculie b aIl ?augt iîlt'mauy and th Sa hw oldsmls isyojg hekbrghcn id f oie; viethéer lue slîould suot- Generul tiflik3 it net beýnenl ledg- Te vni' ?,urp B O K S T E TW H r y .W h i e f a m in e s muck w i h v en om d d a ! k iee l, a o c h i l e d n in e t m s c f r h s tý t o i ta p e g r a %vr e t arl te uIli i îtga.inst flue floor, «nl crimon kings doe l eiglit; of ]lis officiaI iaifliencls,. in con.idiratico'h -Wjgavr» ànigjjw2'1htitj a.-Pa *lsu Ourilast, oîr ynungest, Kathieen,.. luntte presence cf lus Celestial Mtjes- a lieuse uhcre lic lias and must 0av icf 'e ro# txraordarysierlse i. 'Yf'b mlli!1' ID ID Forgie thi ttrsgiing ttr,- y flicEmperor f Chine, eforo le a nnjriy. The ternis f file repri- pula evlute1swic 4o wrl îJtakia KCEPT fDY its inkingeries, mny Katlems, peise t rkoIoç1- în sr elnsvliauiftu-* ord la"". hbç,wrld b ir p e tm st ke any requestlo v ,, n ie .nî ve y i .îlng and l it e tsed, ,.ue 1a '.Il ounuî i . aoreo e 1 IL IC HA RD W O ON, Ring ever on my ear. eaîig r Itumble or luewever rensonahie. If dicrotisly nntiquiated. Toércai ficb1)r brn lutEiop, I îw~ OSIL4W.4, 0. IV Oh God, te hear ils plaintivewin, is admitfed that Mr Ure ueitler kruelt doctrine fluat thé pieople visit tlîeir 0' tuuons are ais se milstç, Pahen dyj4 Supe ror accom m odation a tlrded tO cTrave iets. T o sée y ur look of dark despair, ur k nocked is bnd against fle loo r i u e o s u r n e " i t i e ef e t t s s i i t f t c é w o a e > e. - p w arf1 CâeôsStahling and Sheds affached *e the When the mnther's lIesntainisaiiang, lefere lie addre'ssed ftic lit erary and te a tyrannical ant -pnicul lco i ncr utu a]. qlliroMtitvu,gIa.4potl*n P~~IF, lîlips convulsive drsnk but air! galant memaber for Gaspe; but ~hf:rr. i hresrifo laeiu ih; suple et~atIi~ he~ t~raesome ofi Oeilavwa, April, 1850. le i utsekte ,sv n ftéot cie e sufoericltes oied ô lue to.i 1fa Res one tiis beoen, Kaîleca, îîeîcîî " " 1 ail ,ha - orailiîe ens nt a disftîîie cf tlîree 18 te be ptislued toe\etrenuifles, iflue ëMig lif vs riit iwai nover mord 'nogîJunc remnaio, of W HI¶' y, C. W. Ai sîvenîr lve luliedyards d nt ear t-or fo sharp, or practical flsirs f ife ;,tien if in u-i a xîlngy rqcgn'iýd gs t4 golfh w L. ~. CIIFILD Ce, ia, whsf,--my wifoe! my Raihluient ' t ququuck, is a point oui wlich lWr nuiy moiment lie proclandfufi uhu f ffimnsulfla e teTl iois IMOTRS0 iend, Tempîtem, sliei xer dead 9e h tetib fsaéýaîbI l'naté p>à eeyti.rgt IMOTR FChristie lias f luouughî fit îo raiseu issuSe Britis Cablietexîssl'y "sîufflonineeut ontornÇait.-.solem u addeheibae h;s et ab 1gh »RIT SH N NUFA TUR S, ~ are et viti thoe cci t hiidîy cf nef. Tlus 1a delicate questfion ; for ihroj-ý tulav rec,-n zîg jf o I e ," 'e etof Xom1fOl6rvtvè êter BIIHM rUA.RE, Fan me wiîiu thy geuulle rcaîh, and wve do netf sec liowv it is to bc set- w'eare te fàihl hack iiipen lharbarous anul îï' e 811v1)or u1 _.itî vi- AND D5EALERS ON Spcak! s'en cldly or nnkinkiy.-.. fled inless flic memhier fbr Gaspe u'llh obselete theories, auîd tb ick ouftcffluee Iufed. ~hefrirhv asmdfpmasuoverze n -,W ~T~ ~ 1' "~~ l Uh ~ ~ 9K athleen, Kath een, Is his death 1 stike fl ue ky- niote f ii li conversa- co bývebs ci the past dis ,sed sa i , of ice o f national ed uesifors. . d1 0 w, .a*eîly i d to t. WIIILESALE AND RETAIL. _________________tiens, accord ing te liii ideus cf te flu tfyranîuîy and-apply fluera to flue )ac. fhejrinstruction the ,peop ea' ea ucltnratersU t ftl5f»pj Whi thy Villae, Jane, 1950. 8 nattor. Tlîe Oîqueffe of loie xould lical tiffulus cf lifeail.yoýu.r ,bcasted lib- instruucfed la a. rsitu çera rdw- iý ait u REVVL FOSOLETE PRIVII. doubtlessalie nu intcresfing Icrvieli cf nlswttuî uofhwortb a fig. I lcàîjhiScals bluaar ' 1 -fluer>th Orugs ô' ./Pedicines LEES 0F PAilLTIENI'. P.rliameuîfary pliilcseouiuy; nnd, ofluer press and ftle people have suc riglît in Yef, whlie fbis aurb~ ictieî Frocihe xaouaer.things faihiuug, thue liferary meniber for flue poohle's lieuse, lef fic le e dbig rnddifot bruu 0006 teSOfsI.1tîuay S C l O OL 00 S, 4~Ç. Tse egiiatve sseluj lis mnieGaspe riglt turuî Ifte ncount. Tnil losed gainsf then. If thedoctrine idicatrs cf "ede," wJiJ, goeROton .wme< *aySJ, t4 P ap r l alu ing I id ind w m nou p feu a ie w m od c di per iuu ~ t Itis n co t p in t be set lIed , filic wo rld "p riv ile g- e ," - s e m em p lfie d n i l s v iu e eetp sp i cuous h ,fe ui v4 c l th e y, a m X-9 th e , p a 4 y c- f o 'rd .l '- 1 atîdience. Tf 18 nîtoleunuor linjike misat romain ignorant of lbouv .loîsd it is case, is te be cnrried iaf'efl'ect, wIuy aeg ainnkng fu tnç re t onaiw~nw FOaALudEPAT fice.lgar anto f disers.nin al]allownble for commun o tlsto ad- lues flic lieuse permiîed flue pubica. pèroeleiruungfhat autiofity islsuipeçîor4to h * I crcd....,,fli ~ ,,~drss e ugusf a beitig as a Cauîadian flon of ifs debates? hyprovided ac- rgu-îutàem roiue rb eo e rabat ie 1o t lus case is ouly figurative, for t ho anti-Senefor. 'And f111 Ilion, nl.so, if aiusf coin àcdat ion for flic Relporfers? .If only se far asf iey are coIuVeasea--t....at > ~~G O O S O e, nce %v as aid collecte cl to e fler. spore a M r t hqu sti n toleler M r tire l c rdliatne u'i itt lu I e lf. se iT he re f ios f ied, fercla ot e ce lux t ftt to isan re grd o bd pO IVIIT.BY VILL1GE. uvas scafteïed freîuu Gafsîita fGOsdericle pk oM însi c~c loîd ~ îiitdliS f Is eeîouiîe ,a¶ lavt tieîîow r. 14lpa uofrdo, bj1 nalo han "suflerauuce" îuernuifo. publice bas uîetgreater rihtinth tIsehal ilpvhç i enth~lst ___________________8_0._____ oiitshe t enfle, e rniostrioAstafe icsuibsequejut part cf flue cf- foue te lePress; and fauy indu- 1.9 superuor te ail diefttes eofreligionae nt motsofth Nrt. luerever cîvilu- fair, %ve are fan îo amitng taviulouteoe s el ste f usice, and iùnipp,~itv-tiow few are ti r.ýLok tk teF Smk TE HiTET E H!lzatien carrieni a neivspaper, thlure flicun arpclegy was due frein Mn Ure, Mauy bu ura-ged tote balir oilue sifodteiecnetheueeesf liese lid lcaer. ctuuis Cursiletrae hl iesetrumpery charge, if ftic old docti e cfr evitia Tn diy ies f ir have eeased te herforin tinir *uuuuotions; and %ve feci set isfied flint nof aule ci ieeis tobê t rétle e utery owu couuntry (hQppjiy an exceptio0n t top~nhigti1 aniflepes fanlioian aî ftise aliuer reporters uvotuldhlav'e manie occaFion anud te cover ovcry cas e, aîsdag~ u~sesditionf),' as lan 1f in.te peUnugbuth, tüj luepe a eI uirprsetd inflc nysueh aoeg. Veni îotannstwlere a menîher îay wislh te spite a seel h faeÇi tpaitpstidre fdtîsiogqêy uré gi Loe rnic eiitme lotît any offence was comuîifitech. Ros. îîdividual, wbvo canet meet hies ou lovl uuuig4wil , th actuni prneeediugs cf Parlament wuîî pecfing flet lieycffi-,foc eulgrnuin.lbeeîe 0f11reehfleluepe.ifiloumuc aueg, nelurquestion cf fiiot lias Ail flue fictions cf PerIiameaîary flaMkqgrgto Cadi "'aiigluyer* ~WIo,toa, r&.etnirpd 18ej *19 DZWTIST, will faldean touhfle bouches and ficlue u raiseni hy Mr Churistie. lDe tates lau" final hadt feir source'iii flic sices-. allres on flue 1f11 doignî eof Prisian loe O S H . J W . q c . w . a ll . ~ t h n f a r îî r p o e t i n q ir e f la t l e d id n e t e c e iv e ji f t 1lt S a tu id a y , alie s f -v io le n t im e s , th e c a P i a d C u i y , r fe rr oe ti i g '. -ai p iieO U t.h on ý ~ wletlur fnis oul ho iiygreaf Ioss, on fine uuoning cf vhiciu, lue alleges, hpassions of ltopulatrsemnicor lu atuuldat the de Moccy oet]Berlin, if. sv IlRNRY r BE , or aadoed any lotsus t alIo te i iblie. i a ltit b eiîtv sen lesii flmswnlyuaufdt iepruis o rwned lucaia etert&blf>pporçoî, ., SPiO-NABLUr EAILR etnn fwlxpdfsbsns;byPest Office. Tino evidenuce on titis thle prosent day, shueusît lie wepteway. çpot us wpr of condiernatica. -mnt Th5ipvo f.i ,Ih fer mat c flu specheswenèmani te iuted fuel is confiilig. Mr Me- iBad in tilîir nature, se long as f bey Pas 'Dg.ever, asua «th;çe-old tal*ý in g intff> Oppsit .M. Btts', T<tg 're t h e counry. Tpicountry ne longer E eysaoed s wIîi enuke Çtist, fhy May alwousys husen fr lad fle infanpua vilosiop of ]av u t. is~ o uq OSIAWA, C. . lsos;ad ue i uîe bee tneaflute flicot, luet lue e livered fic pilrjuoses. Lot thouse mlscas eo maiywIihw oupiuu~jst th ipoe IUpû f%39eYvW Ie ad tmo deatIcar.ph'ste &;eth ilenw hilien et ine a1u r-gthe dyeftil -icule uetn wt u fre c awdoa chfueweas.çotuotiineri pooî adî yw or b_1 edt xct respoikcîtigte flueechesflu.A-trneyGeuinuin tho heeu seduntta me f trhoeatmefp whaich we i utn athete n b lsnd le qsgI Il & i ei o , f a i y" li s a e r e o t per a b e s fÇ t y e siin e s tha o ue e vel rc e i e l c p î e a, w u c i e C n e i n L g s a r a c l s u Ã" a i e b n i u î g v r Wetot eloene aihnye es herIu- ttmns u s aets eSfon r- inof pioea uncestia icons,' bp. Pol iii ofCaile, siuei h rù cf p a e tatph. L * o e m u~~~ A u c ti o n e e r, abloh e aeb f tia lM m h inîst e s i n s 18 0, s t ie a w l Psé ia la fîl i mfs %la vJîr A______________Mayontnue_____ %l ntt tefie liye aaneyflutie ho Le rinylitb u atittitefuitet flC >. t W41 caoewspspesra us sthe ra fiy oerterpul-o 7awaFk Egua Theveý so tchgauseof e s; ndaly p afn-! anwud the toreyGea a.tsest. fu f!c ai eglaeri s uure tanefé f the ewur b tio.Pesrpioa ther sfitf learned,.Iali" disgied s enates Stickyla he 1asieerrt ut owdte o waln een dwispued t ehe r f die cours ton Frnbacy folîi tienats ocem attut exeess o et rit 5558iuE evE TOwinerepescf fue C nadsa tOntif - lissiluequinî ondet nîpcri 0saIal cantheeve> toro tcpip oi djndva Seialteiscdhannelîaofeva satse.c t 4e~SIoetic: ma t Bya'~Ti £op efies aie enoughmi.ersofthaf mas nlte-Ionn aempLe apeofgy wa unflcin e, naay etas ewhelu 1s o deugscf'y beiese u, by î a thv Uç1 8j e~ W1'T L c1w Nyze GCunsterayufr a r le econd flniesb M thret ao fluepnlnetiius are nte itol e theiPoie.uMinfo lue rgsc olety is ~ .fv>serilan a npet fy isac eve cf ,< se hierlmaiedeaenial ifeadnkfn f.leleseo oininl 8. 'sienster ofeveagBourbon ilng4,ý *M d dm ùciney bepamuting tas, hi ou fadelog be ieuseteomf ie ncaseforkr Cfnlar? eayi tnaffle o1840, e.jnidisaa ltreea inteSvoIcs.nelflh wî WHh T FI:for the becf tht'ithlditwef.Wo wt nsu te Nolhoeo sd netfieieieti e inacc el iarocsnedrslis,. nl fueecdtluth igi. of odexat ~ & ~ etisud ustet to he lorld beiug ne tie cf ensu e n 1- Inetell f in auie aintslenul uoW utfIca s fa cfis po lueant ~~4sylSAO. 8-ly Clunfle wa sading mlatre fle ar r ilre. hColonierpmado lu i ae~e ial uset ar4,' Poelar pt q, aed cÃ" ess, and eýu lberty e Mak _______________ enai. insbe; toglruqebbln o S e , r liri sterae ntlit li s eanIes eu at e, tthm~îe tgliplgtrebaeneappe isa erf f m he çaosveUtiawtofs udnptartings-Wlie ancaaz ani sirtiaal Lgiluati esbe , ttlp~ave o'ÃŽo-ýPosrpinbi4ensusi ghtet aoloy. t iree 1 we re ginà&g lit.h" eït~ inuiseruntheisar esg ouad eneofth 81' mGiso.pndesatlis, n ùox d2 etpT e xhbitonutIf j earn d auc dî t ng us e es oîuf ldê R U c te sbis asr tis on , f h o w d e o g b e i p t d w e h rt l c u t en é e ol b r l s s d n u e d t e e c m s o HA ixvwf - i w o rpesn teCâaia onttu lisbsq en onut upotthtas anô ve h_____p> ,,Ža ndcie Sgcâisn adSSais ,evnasa voet- , ujeu li4 Û 4 l-tdoit ry ' f Saenis p4neoul. H ta us eton ua pl plgywsmde ____aeh____ýs f rrcevsno atr i sdivno ber I xue STE ILÈMF, TWtWTO. 51 %Oboqoou.w

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