Whitby Reporter, 6 Jul 1850, p. 3

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M AL OR PENALE TEACBYR lfo tW CmimnSebol lu Wbftby Yhgte. lq«deýlbut thos.having e0 xnce'a tea4dfl<.- Application mi>' b. made te CitbOi 01 tbe. undersiped ruttes. - .CO)CgRAN, H.FRASE~R. 1Wbitby Village, Juy Iy isu 1 Dr aJry GeOdi SMtor rotheretbihet by repectable yotn a,. odeua lin, who wudb. witling te mak# bimefg emIIjy nuful. Apply at this office, if by letir, ,whithy, Jtlfi27e 1, M. I Exellent act6om0ndaiio"s or travellers. Goad ~NORTI1 JAMERICAN MIOTEL Pour130PA , G.W. GEN -ItRAL FGEOFFICE. T rstv Portffls slwa 9 in attendatîe at the tkaê. aacan#»arî and thei Iwggage couveyed Io b,.indlro M, tht ,oui froe ofc~re Port lloret JUI.1 ffl e'2-1 y OM umce nIportance 10 ilie Publie, RI*R>CJIM 1EX ,T IXPRJCES.1 .Tu;t OpenBIug " lrg a ,1 a *fdd New" Sto c of oiIi& ry Goodoa At icO#Bq Ifrite Chcap I'igâ ftothlIIg a*d Dry Gouds Store, N.iNoeh 1*id of Kin; Slred, a fc doo'rs j uow opeI alie Stred asoronto. J.% .1 SM R CLOTH Nt.-matie lro m the* * J1îagluah, nai C- ~as -ruâ'aae by firs-cias workmen. iimndli hmi. on muperinaltiideucë,lie ralils teUi tîeuliao Ofafil tothe 1 IiOWing lst of piepioaC ie Cuahlng. and Furiidip"i CO.'TS. . d.£ 1- Jlcub and Fr 11(bVýr('Àd can, fi Calsail cj1uu Q .0.1 '1r1- Coau, âe, 1% mogiaiad '- and 0 7 6 to 0 12 6 uiand ------------nVésj; 5O 0 10 101 (:ord.~ A PAL'S n-7 fh, Fnh, A m Ter- an > i on Vis - O 7fi o 012 C'nglîsh(FArirh&ameran- } rglila wcl$atine.i aid1,11 iofiaPas, O7 6 t O15 of saîîerParIs --0 6 to 0 7 jLqITS,.qAPS, s8111B 8 c c Ammiia!. Freu4i, andi eat'yls-~ 6 (tol1 àre tourna, Moniteney, HUI-. csaan, auîd WiJemawake LPerirnHaIs -a large Oe01 stk, alutfyles, -9 - £ Arrieik-an aîaal Canadiait CI<th & 011 Ckath Caps 0 o 1SC WVhite Shirt--a large- Srk-newt tpatterais O 9 t. 8 if .tok'~vtstpaters, 0 i3 to0 5 ô * l 144ai infoans -i frtien sud the ptblic that loe ha. reectly added te 'Ciohiuç anti Furihinz lltrines. a larfre we11-aaeecLed ster-k or DI"Y? GQODS, a a fient the Sprn; Ife soliitslsattention 10 I'rices eT a fowarti"les hle - DR Y GOO1, 8 DEP4R VET. }7encfi aud Engiieo Iirad Frenrh, F.nzish,& AtSir- ican Doe.kins - - - 0 31 111411 pactai 'Stripe Pra MusiW, 0 go i, 9 to.'o 10 O 0otac 2 tia, 7 61 or Drill%, in great st --- 0-O 710,0 1 3 A Calheoci, al widths (0 O teé O10 ai I)eLarae, Mcrinos,f zarines, Orleans# and hairof every variety 0. I teO 0 96 tl ng,. Eneisii aa)d ericaaa - -,O-O>1 0 > 0 &'Taîscaau Bonnets -O0'I1 teO 10 O assn1 ç'Eu;ligh anJ 'el las, affi oatt, - 0 -(1 to/Q 12 6 a all stock of Goodsuziaial efnit in.much >lihmnoats, and ut eb")apeY t han the. goods cn be purchased nm any sla tore 0'Theoreson whiy we eufseU eep ila as is--We are detemied ta for Reudy v. th re fsiaee nso ,ddebts anake up MR. B. FBVEY B,ÂLL9, hoc Steet nit dortI rysiVi, Tin Ihop, W HI TBY, C. W.' SYeaner t"6Qieen"g WXILL cmmrence her regular trips (until fur- VVther notice) on Sauda ext, making Iwo, trips x seek Ibetwleen Tolro2to énd Oswego, end connectîng wih the Moining and Evening trains of ftiiiroad cars between Oswego, Syracuse, and A.1basy. *WILL L1ËAVE TORONîTO FOR OSWEGO every Monday and Friday morningif; and relurn- img, wilI leave* Oswego on Trueîstay and Saturday evening, t'ching cach way atibhe,.ollowing poruà, Wh C)y shawa, Darlington, Bond Head. Port Granby, P'ort Hoe Cobourg, Grafton, £'olborne, vl",ique hie, and Welington. 1 W itiby, June 18th, 180l. 1 Vî1tI#C o! NewtowIl, Township of W hilby. For. sale, (~EQuam of an acre hf Latit, ois wbirh is 'Jerected a odand omtmodious 1)welang- llouse, coritZliinfl (nar rm pw u the gi onu;W fW~r, Wilh a -nutU r dand Lr.rdetn altached tc, the premises, hein,, th" uer Village lot, on the main .toad, of LtN,1.,0 i91hi(,-fWC! aila- inie to Illrd*'sMill. ma easy,. Appiy ho .4Iex. Terry, the ownaer. he premises, or Io IJudçt<mn 4 Ptwsoll, Convey crb, 'Lo 21, 711a con., Whtby. Sfwlowne l7th June, 18M0,1- Ru'Y WVIIEJW 'YOU CASIN GETTif-Pl CHEAPL.ST STOVE TII, Mseli aoves 2.3 per cent lowcr tharils yca4r' piice. hoviuig madie afrangeuiîcnts wîla oie ou, Le Iaartfàuudics ina Cariaala losup- lýlyhim. He ha. jti reived pet bteamîer Da=m, !Tons ofr iorI potah Itflcs, Coolzne DOlWT BUY FROM PEULARS %%h bie you ran Icavr YIur Mon-Y n, yorir own nmate, and have a place vabie eyou cat i > our luier *îanti pra'duit. s. g E -,Til-'-OL E PNS Tkat the Proprietona have topay lte Verars, viz: $Xi) petnironh, wear and tear nf teama., travellaai ttieif., License, c; which thty rnak? you lyay for.« Tlaey corne up t a trian'i door, and îalk hdm out OC~ ten doluars. LeCre liefias lime Uq tbink. The large 13urr $.tove thaI tkes ihree fect wm, wlîieh-ryau biav from FeaiIars for -$40,1. sud uom- limes $5. B iBraa ta-il udli Me same urr 8/ove u4th ii rao Jnprcrtmeruts, for $tJ 4 ra',rniî- I oms fur $2a>. Box and Parlour ,Sîov1eaif- greit ratîety, Cooking Stovteof(ail -çï zsaM d escrp-, tiottas, -which he %wlîl selI in pioponhion to thi.ave Jîs toc f >h O otash rwtîIgs CoL-er,&c,, Ièeýng Of a tupri or quaity. eut with the boîttomaâ dowa ,. araýýt daolealged taoatwear< ace Eiglish keitleâ,, ai ltWe-will Le W written guarazaee giveiltbat ~hvwIl stand. The Saabler jtiten& iakin rmîialrrate i i1iiug uip bI» rLreswith extra lfi riiiîu rp, &W. l1o11 upi-s h.ca1~eshe ha$ laelyeraployed an exîacîienceÀd wonrmanJo attenad îo ail ordeîj;. Tprme- (açtk-Or ('ridit. Iuiiiiber5 piai oro!Prolurr. Purk, Lke.. Whitby Village, June, I85111 10 ic B.B.LillaOpm aStore and Tilt Mhop in Ib w B ld ing. ncaxt door Io AMr. Ilurd' to~tre, int muatw 41brsone Urnie inlAdy. For sale or to LC4, THOSE c'enive 1pfptnsefl hao ias Ose lus the Villaçý of Brooklisn, aaiJatly'occaped by }Je'ruy Sayder. TIi. abve prensea are situjied in oeo e i nmt dIois hing village 4 in C*auddzWet, the-iame. .being Oatly 1-ix miles riorth Oi Por Whitby, on the flassk Road Ieading to &ugog Làke. ror particulars; as tn teriw, & ,pply to Whithv10*1, us. ~ Whithyvillage. J --- - Disslution cOf Partnersbtp, Parneniphertofreexisting betwéec styl cf so.Culmamî & Co,, as ihis day dis.. rsoed >'niasaicosent, Ail debtu duo nte tiaues tibaiaaes ithe urne place. J. B. WARREN, GEO, CUR1RlE. - Reach, May' lut, 185. BUIRG1SS-,& LEISHMÂN, wl CORNER 0F KING & CIIUUCH STREETS, ADJOINING 'TIE COUJRT lI0Il$E9 r <>HAV yONRAND, MTS TueLagét~lb ehepoet, and th9 lest Ausortusnt f READY-MADE CLOTHINGÀ -DRY GOODS. IN CI4DlZ JEST. I' CLOTIIS, CASSIMEI3E54, VESTIiNG$. AND GENEtA~L DZY GOODS, JMÀPORTED DIRECT FROM BarTAIN, BY 'OURi6ELVES. jS GARIENTS SIAPÉ TU ORDEIL 0P EVERLT DESCRIPTON, PARni». LONDON. AND NEW YOUKK FASIIIOlISRECECIVED MNTISIL., THEl MOST 4J'PROVL-D STYLE ADOPTED. Meti's Line si ched di Busc "4 1riri s'Twe " Cau G uit ix TuE IcDY~A e CL(1TJIIG IEPARTX3WNT'WILLBDE TOUND, en Summer Coats 4» 4d NMeurs I)Iack Cloili Vestet 7i6d , eno,«1oleskin 'Trou croi ekcd Linera do 6 3-1 black 5aSéiu di) 8 9 " tineit Pritl dol [o Moleîkin do 10 0 ' faracy do 8 9 " Faney J>rllfdo ck Aipaca -rio FIl3 " Linec do 3 4 " Twee~d du' wedI cord i )13 .9 " Patcy An 4 4 Cayaaimner.*do aibroon, do I 1 3 " Velvet lo" Doeiékin do aceus Cord - in à 1 O hl'h 4107aq4 Btackskin -J', ,ed (!0 17 6 ! MSarrelles k) aiinett, do od Cloi» o 326 ýi Baratbea àoCol i gimere 1o 17 e " 'Joileuett do " Ca*finett du ma Pea 990 3() 0 l " Causimere andJ Tweed do 1 Cashméette do WVhitc Shirtx, Linen fronts 4s d Clotih Caps 29sUd IRed F'lonnel Sit Strîpeil Cntton- Shirts 2 ICaspel PBars ami Braces Cotton Liuder -Shirts Mcéii'. Fîencl i kJaNa'kr4 ie, bvHoiiery. }'aîîéc aps Ifli Y GOODS DJiP.IRTMJ2X'I. 1000Mjaî J)ese frorn 3s.itèlFarinry Coitions, fon 2td Cotton Yarn, fiom 1000 Parasols, 2 1 W~h I, Cotton, 4 $avx 500 Siraw Bonnete 1Stjirld hùinag . ritfast colonsi. $pleaaadi $cen7fs amil Sawls Jlil.bonrê aîad I;ac.'aAitificial Fb w-rs Collai and Neck Ties. l'ar~e ils andJ jyi t Hos;iicay and 0fo>.tor 7sf/d 63' 4V 4. 4d '2e &Il 41 Gd bid! i 1 6 pain 06 IattriaI% for Ladite' Drem~s, eff V vairie y in ortiem, Alpara%. Lesiret UboirrmL.# t.r CZX THE LOWELý'T WECIDIALE TEXMC - i~Y'No S 0, N D J z c E. .~ iViJt(s~ II1MN ('ner ofKina od Cliardrfrrj'tiqlt "viHt Toronto, âmîre -10, l850.) S- lv EVANS R& IiÂMILTON,, cioi#kng siore.' 11AV E r.M>V.l) to ithp Store Intel y accu pied ly Mes-,rs. Lymon Kaee- 'f ie~hav4Ca,Ian(j ext door la J. IL .Mountjoys Dry -GcKd .bîore, (Sigil or' !eGolden I'ICVC,) NO. , CTY 1U1DIN;~SKIY(lST1J'>EET A , whcere their Cithtomers- and Friends will always fin<I a larg«e a8rt ment Of jsensonablc. anxd CSisiting of ine eloti)Prv's aîtt Irr6k (otSlinoting anîd sckcoots in great :rtv -- Vesta and Pantaluono, of everY Naterlal aisd StYl, From tlhe extra faciiity for rnaking t'p Stock att their estal>ishîment, iii Mon treal, aud purchasinin Iii1liliîiieMe fi)r CVS H -v y'; thy aand do sei .CIIEAIEit, than othc.(r inatsthei facsamneline. LDWflD1~AN ~ -~ W.B. IIA*ILTON,9 .lcGi istreet, Mlontrea,. PE King Street, Toronto. Toronte, ynv 24', 1q5o. *3m6 C A ,L E-TON L Y'ND E, . Oe WIIOESAE AN REAiLXO. (98, Kîng Street, T,,ronto, DEALER Il TEA, TORAciWO%, RiiE, fAp IGN lFsTo WOOIFJN ttAn. !INGNG, 't k. * rpIE Saubseihbegsosl ba ttnion of da T thlietishi* arcÉandvAtid sik-o MMTFACWRER0F;L, UPPER, A-ND HARNESS LEATHER, Lr. wpas Ufor Hide ami Skias, WIIPat, Ojats, Pots antd Peari .às/tes. Whitby Village, 71h June, 1850, Aubzl ses! 1sh ïs., Soap ôCan,-di'e SIGX OPY THE 1EF-JV. THIOMAS ]3ESCOBY, Aaicrr ]Snow repaied topaythe-Highest Prae nl CASH aund TRADE, for an quarItity of TALLOW, LARD, 50k? GREt AsE, anid 4SIIE ýHouse-Reeper.î, wilI do weIl ta save their Ashes. Teamis wilI regularly call and ,gwve Triule for the M iwben ta)çep away. Whitby, Match 2 6, 15Q. eI/D Y-M .ZDE CLO THIXG, - ot esis, Pantalons, lkt., lic., lVhich, as iî is OU rMmedup iuader hk i o x uper- iateuudnuce, hîe flaïteri bhiseilt wilbc rourid isupe-. nior té) any Ii- the City, aud wîi b. soId ona cheap .and iéaonabie terrn e. -W '> A 'rrnoMy 29, 1650. - 0 E . B. W-Y L L1 impoREIIor RE Subweiwbub cooetantly on. band tb. <11* above articles, wbich he iiloel cbeap for 4 Sor- eredit. RIOBERT GARTSIIOBE, .i Whttby, lue 7tb.1 5 . l m E MO V A L. rpHESubcri ersbave removied to tlhe Corer; L.or the !NEW B:UILPLING IN FRONT OFf -'flEM.?KTkàown as the -st. Laworene 7ulis.LYMAN, ICN.EESUJAW & Co, TorotojpriI29, 850.7' CLIFF & BAT, Po£ in aum'iulraoce at the Steamboatu;. May -l W OAIUIIGE ANU LKQJT B7GY Wazzgon, Bieggy#, Raelcway8, Chariot-, 0'F D-FEgRENT DESCRIPTIONS, WJi~lie ,c.n sIlel Ceiper for Ca.sI thiark a iy other EsîabliSlîUurnt in MWVit- hy o ~aruuning ount$r.For 'stipe- ri r Yean~Dirablilty, 'liefeolsà P-- givring full satisfaictiorn to *Repairing. ini aùits variotis branches p pcattiy execated, on! short notice. a NATHANJEL RY WTlîtbyApri 19,1850 ., sço W ILL lea aud 0Q .Suudysexce pbout baif-pm rie in tnie t touat gtTwelv, T11 E UXTILI PROCLAMATION! eta me, one-of i leige sul>jft of the. prov incè or «Trong deMfrc prevauls amoti; the tbis our Towuuhip of. Wbitby, th! extensive Retrencbment', bot- matl eyp~enditure ol the Province.' Mindwhereas, certain B3e it therefore li it may ctinceraa, and te IlMe in prilathât <rom1 Iwsn maetilng 13'thetôla 3Mzr'. Fine Sewed Bo 41, 41 Peggfed 1N eiler articles in, the Bootl tion. As the Sulmeriber have always oi7lband!, à and te emn'-plouy utn-mw t th te se i cheaper tban any c and a lIè ikwero than. -~TSIAND FORE~1IGN DRY 0000 18, King St. Ea4, 4dAdèl-44< -Buildings, Next doir to g&ojie & flalfoLsr. Toronto, Mlay, 1850.' 7, - IIIAM P'. TIn1 SheetlIron, pnd irass Fonde ndcrCCI 1in thb- Tonc -f - E M 0 V All, bis] 1 ià» eta e qrtusff& %"ýr IVV V - f 1 1 1 ,-i 1 le 1 ý 4 50, YONGE STREET, TORONTO! 1

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