Whitby Reporter, 15 Jun 1850, p. 3

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f u o onie tel;iâi or ay. IIge a nti. lu , thé ntPopÙuW décision on ils menits in ï, In, ui CVP - e ivebthe;c iua gentral no~t UlIversal réféence for. il which "nothing- caa i emen bit its bélng jet iin opposition 10 thé Y »gru of our cjv i andti religious Ji bertie.. 'A n l~ective.Cbute-ilwbUld ini no way endangerj t, but vould rather bring îhoi people in 'a fi rmpar!ay rouànd, the throne, instead of entrusting iLs safety tc.lb. rotten fenre of a corruJt aaad disliketi instu- On every gronnd,then, we hope the question 'wfli )be brouglat up'again tor dismion befor'e long, andi that bhe reforni will bhocscured to tbe cotantry. the opposition of âsme .prpminent, jîsnmes wiliIperbape gve . way befoie hiecmeýpressed wish of a mijority of the nafiôn, but eveil should * t stit b.eontinuedi theéineasure miust be prexsed til i t 'bécomes la%*. Pinalîy, bc it of whornro- ever it may, miust ho didregarded and passed 1y. We heg to reburra our thariks 1<' J, V, . MorriSont Esq., 14, Pý,P, 4 fqr valuabie Parliarrienbary ulocu- ment#.- 34,. 1Price'. reiotutioîus on this ait important sub- 'Ject, whirb uheuid have bfen rnoved on TuWsay lait, were postporied tili mrrt Tnesday. 14r. isaclith ie course_ of so;ne reraks mmadi. the fnai owing important admisson: "MNf.JIlineki said the people were desi roui of 3no%%injàgwbat proposition the Goernmet - aib ffer ; (naii chjecring.) -lHe had malde .a sIi of the oa~. lie said, but the fact twa, ab at everyI n.éniler of the Autairiitratioti from Upper Y ana- da was- -in lavor of the movenient, relativirt the clIergy Ra'servc;g." IMPORTERS O 0FI ý NUTIS XANYAGTRESCORNER 0F RING & CJIURCH SUI BRITIOR X» TZALEW.5£p- HIZÇ rý ~ -The Lret h haot .4tmNý aot.torf 'WflOLESiLB AND~ RETAIL..8 READY-MADE CLOTHINO'& DRY 000OD Whitby Village, June, !&rio. LV M~D~ ET W H I - J COTSCASSIMERES, VESTINGS 'AND, GENERLAL »11Y -GOODS, SAODLEt UARNES339 COLLAIR, ANDl TRUNK IMPORTED DIRECT FROM ~TN]YOREV$ ~ CARRENTS IMADE TV ORDER 0F EVEI DESCRIPTION. - SlE Subîciber bas coîatantjy on -hanci the î T above article,, hich he m il seit cheap l'or I Tqv*ýT ý!At3~tI'~ r~>t A~WZ*If f 'IW rnIWUWt cash or credit. RO11ItT GARTSHORE, Widaly, Jurae lth, 1850,. R E M 0 v A L. mu Suscrber hae rmovd bbbcCorner TuE M.4KE T,'. knowi as the SI. Lawrence Toronto Aprîl 29, 1850- 7 wloortit dmerîc«n CLu J' & 1AT}f -A mieeting of îhe1riIizenï of 'rPoronto mw-as bll d ý' Porters iiiate-liulainccal, blleSit-amboats. 'n Faidjay the . Tîlint il,,convcaad la>'tire "IY,,', mai>1 8i.8 J. tot the urOs f j ronioîinlg filac hcwr oliervancc __ e___ ----*-- of 'the abth. Î ti Iiirls wele ; ada a onePbl. mierdoniat adloptedî iif'ir1erance co libat abject. O irneImportance Ï0110 ule Thweiswg 4 " torr)aPL»tivyuc--s uJ.Gvtrv G~ *APu'OINTârINr.-l 1iis ExcelîCy h R11wIIES I RIE nr'er-nerai fias lic-én jiiased toi nuake bbhe foilonw- '~ ~ EMTL >IC . Prvail Jeietîary, an jplace o fI liary !Srlrtbii, .1J lui-ire aid udri-asort d 1'svs Stock of J an aDurtud E Io. be R egiâîar of the 1Clothig & ury voou f si yod I're ,ac raJ-'a f sed S , At Ille Our, l'rire Ullf as îh clothiîîg ~sq., decaseci.-alid lDry Co;uds iMore, 1~ Eur~CAKAL.-îîewatea- was ]et ÎHalo t i7anal on Saturda', ai oit twas 4expL-ecd dtiatbo.iti, Nu. lXnrfi Side ()f K'in' lgIret, a fcw duors Miauld pasa the bteak vii dnaaday. E4 f $i Srcel, 1'ixn-wtu. ,An*tjer break tbouk jiýea<i cr the seconid >inrk T H 0'11AS A ~W S OtM Wes:. of' y Ottc nSat add> y ja J-.î~ -~ emc&DRY (;OODS ECI.I $>Unday bnorl]ina, lt watus loiUt cn t:a1 - mil"s rail out. ie3"win he i'oî ll aand dr4 y. lîn paîi.a~j~nid,' ficl lIi * .id .MLMR t1- LA )1TIl , d tie The 0îaar fakli w ielbcd bheit ilTt n-etsye.o ,,1'i' iU ,Aeirau, lttail avayî'xaa cmauas i bha i'. e and a ii l.nr o î,r n-î oIrh~ '~ijaxlt'îelC lie L'ent.-1.~~~~~~h.b~~c.I lle lr c 'îetianîn »fli~ i.lwng isto kana inas.ix avs J- -v-.V-fa T lhecas9e cf ' ha.nr enr!dwhr " t'om 0boi Oire'. foi- Ille aasgir h brub r, by a young imiaî en-ipkrtv-eîi oaan r sI'iffle'çpvr. fr0 î~i~aoi loUa, ,f bbc -o aerf Itunt bix lu - Éight dlarwat filuai?>'derwtad inRafoc-hester ni> the 2. trd iat, iliatb'-lvmeI ci i ot ioute the Act tifCongress ou wai-h e se zrev'i 1 dcîl. HTeurs,('la y is -naai iiiwith biI;ous f.±er. lu ýi$ saýI4 Wl uira.a vve% ci s -~ The 'iorolito J>(1!dot 'uî arsba ncnpy of. tIsai journua1lhe .ecpi' %t tu îthebbcLk-d Leiter olfi':e or six tlcfli! tbh'h îra'.-oiîrg air aI b> los tua b the eragd IîreOt propra..înn. sf .7 los. At S1iîfUfte1ý lin Jf a y o For soIe or 1 Lei, 'bitilhe Vi .e iBool nd lutely o<'euipedwir nU)oet flo*lriail , ~V1Jgei id f a ada W-b.the sa [lie laan~ n~y~ixaiIs nrlbof P'ort M'hiîhy, on 21p- Paik Roail lt.ui to Scu n Lake. 'Pur par1icùJart "-; to tern-1-, &C. . appily to q~7HE0f~e'fthe.J4ortirea! 'ereli<'eraph Cm. ut is flow, inra maricrit operatioJi. Art J*X W. (:ULGAN, Telegraph (Office, Whitby, Jurw1ne 8y. lMszolutiou of. Partuership, r1'IHFPartneqhip heretolorè existing betweeni JL .B arrcn a1nd George Ctirrie, unJor the. èjty14 ' G.U, uùu & Co.,, is ibis day dis-. âived b y rrmtuai conient. Ail d<tàl due té the firm wil ble coIIec'tin by GeorRre Currie, Who Co> - tinues thé busincsç ih tkie arneplace. Reach, May jet, 1850. G Eoi C ICUItRIE on thaqt. lteis liwen i PI'RNCE AL3ER9T. AUSOSTMENT 0F GGODSY 0f. every 4deiption wqurfd in Itie <ouintry, .at Iow prices for Cash or Produce, or la good paiy-> -ing euxtomerî on crédit until after barvest, when, he %iUl con@skfrv ail accounits due unletâ au ar- rangenent hat beeti matie'or longer titue. CJISJ I .D FOR Black Sali and a011 kinds o! f WI ,prince Mhbert,iwe let, 1850. _9-3mn o4awz RFformer b copy for tbr. M'ontbs.! .1. ÀAND e 'an be sapph<ed wth ua'first rate altiçle of JU rS1roing 26er, on Mo&neaT.erm, for dÂSIat C~4LARK'gI tuEWERRY j pi;"t' n j'il4 iiebbcCiIh11' und 1-urnshing JXfar!uuu-a 1' :.eisti a;it4 , eria ibau ( loth I' 4t11a1cnoîr un lsby's.- - *--b I n '1ieit. Frnc'b Aîe Oai, anid Calijadiata l)ne- Tfwccd, & atiiett miger-.---------- d, . dC . o, I o 2 10' O tjOtoi 0 to 0ll ('loi'h, CaSsimfTi', Tweed a ri«Poesk iriVesl s - -O07 fite 0 12 6 Fri'rach rantiEnglih laÎi -- anad Pn tStii VeStm O .5 O b0 10 O ~.bci-e"ey aax"ly- i3 t'O0 10 O En,,hizh, F'rencb, & Aixier- is"aaa jPlainandtulFancy Jlc'kriIans - ,-,- (>121 I 5 O .Cianadalai. Arncicon, and arid full Clota Pa-int. .- O 7 6 b o 01.5 A lirge': Sýck f-all kinds - of' !Suir-rlil Pats, - 0( 2 6 1o0 7 6 Anîcritaui, Frtencrh, -and JIuîglisia Silk Bats. rew- e'st styles-------0 '-7 610 l<5 O E,îs-,A rnearican, Cali- Ifania .nadrî-, lun- gtarian. anad Xide'awake Fit Iliais -- - - .- 0 2 6 t00 6 3 Ltvghtorn liats " large Stekal~llc, 0 -O3 9QtoO 0O, Arrîcaicunara îdCnda Clirtis & Ml'Clouta Caps O O 81tô0à O WîîibeSif a large Stoë 0e' stpulrasO3 f u 0 8 9 Coined Sirts- alarge stoci-rwestpatent, 2103-0 O5 o. !e3i' He al6a iniforme bis fziends arud 4he public It. lie fias a'ecenby- added- olu is Clolhitag and Fujrtîiàlisasc luiistes4 -a arge andi well-We!cted *te:k of- DRlY G'UODS, ait antporteil from lise Ejiglish, F~rench1, dniaI Anteicate Mariéeîs ibis Spa-mg.lie solicits attentlion w lthea'iees of a feit' article-in the DRY GOOD$ DEP-IRTMENT» prench -and ElEath Broati French, Engîisb, & Amaer- -ican ïDoeskiiis - - - O -3 9 Iao 010 Caraatiai, Luigliai, Amer-'. )can k FrenchTweedoi Satîiaett' &c. 0- 2 6i. 0 7 Sutrmet DrUEs, li great - aarriely 0 .0 - O74o 0 1 Facbcry cettons - -O 3h0 Sîiped ,Shirtingo 0 0 - O640 0-0 PrfinîiedCaicoes, al1 wiltbso O 4l~00 0 .Musin DeLaneo,-,ieriasos,- BaIzaines', Orléans, and Mohair, of ever! %ariety 0 1LDOla40 2ý Tickirng, IJ44 iisa;nal Arnerican - - - - -O0 O 8Sto 0 1 b-tiaw*&Ttukan Bonnets 0 1 3 ta C) lu Parasol-,, English and American 0 .. 1 3 o 012 Umbrel1a,assort-ed, - - 0O-.39 to0012 Wk itllstock 4 Goods ua"lly ouad i -u o 6 3 6 o 10 '3 3 O 0 a TH'JE MOST .iPPROVED STYLE .qDOPTPD'. UN 'l'îlE IEADY-MADE CLaTHING DEP.tRTMCNT WILL SE F01UND, Cherked Linen do 6 3 b lack Satin il o 8 9 il do -'Mtoleskin do 100O faracy -de 8 9 ltack 1AIrca doé Il 3+ " l1#aen do 3 4' Russell Cord do 13 91 }ancy. -do 4 4' " Gambroon, do Il 3 " V.ilvet (Io> " JrinccsCord do 15 Oi " llasb do0 -o 17 6 " Jtoa-17i6e d o 11roacl Clobh do 32 6 Barabbea dlo fi Casimere do 17 6 " Toilenett do Gulta Pecha do 30 0J ' Cassiniere and Tweed dO1 White Shiris, Linen Striped Coiori hiai MaeusFrenchb' iik Men's leknro3es "é Linen PNil do "é Faney Prili do Trw d do' " Carsier~do " Do.'skin do $atnelt 'n Fronts 4a 5d clotb Claps 2s6d Red Flannel Shirts te 2 6 Carpet Bugs and liraces ICotton Uliter $flirts lais Ncckehiek'(f f le, lloniery. jFane>' Caps DRY G(4fllTiFz YIPJR'MN(PV 6 49- 48 4d 2s 64 1000 Mfuslita Dresses front 3s lU faictor>' Collons, front 2td'Ctton Y arra. from 4m 6d bndt 1000 Parabois, 2 Il iý9 bite Cotton, 4 Siays 6 pair 500 Straw Bonnets 1 6 bMrped Shitîinig 5 1'rints. Ifait èoors, 0 6 Spieaadid i&nsrfs aai Sbawls g'osaadLcsArbificiai FloiWers Collar aîîd Neck Ties. Lce Veils and Falu Ilosiery and Giovep. Ma* lerifils for Ladies' l)rests, every 'rarlely in Orleango Alparag, LUStrcrý Cobourgý l'ci4e. CotrmTaiY MMIRCUAXT3 BsYppLZL WITS D~~A~COHN CU TJZ LOWZST WIM0LESALM TERMS4 NN~' 0 SE C 0N D P, Lt1c E.,.4 B3URGESS & LEISUEIMAN, C(orne-r if Ka niChurch streds, j&Maing fthe Cort lIOU80e. ,1-1y Wlxkch he ean sel Cheaper' for Cash 1 1tban any other Esta.blishmettini Whit- by or surroutnding eountry. For 8ipé- riur Style andi Duirability, he feels confident of givingý ful satisfaçtio,4 N. B PANTIU &TRIMIINO donc Lo ordtr. Repairing 'in ail1 its variôus branélies neattly lexceaited d6n short notice. NATHANJEL RAY. PROCLAMATION!!!le RETREYCJQk(EXT!!. WJ~ HEREAS, it lias been1 represent- VV ed nie ,one of Heot Majesty'g leige subjei:ta of thé Provýince of Canada, that à strong désire prevails anxong the Inbabitrspte of th cua T 'sip of Whiîby, that thorouiiand extensive Retrencbment, lie maide- iti the. Publié expenditure'o! th id#vince. I-And whercas, certain indiV'idualsî, Crom*iF" Snobs, &c,, bave heen Frociaiming ltat tiaey wili Manufacture Boots at t' 4nnex~ati<m Be it therefore known, to ail whorù it may ci - eern , ami le the Inbabiants of Whitby ina parfîcular, that from ibis day forth, 1 wil, gO NlManufactun'ng£'BOOT,5 and1 SIOF.5 ofthe vez beist inatenial, aj tue.101lowin4 lo<ýv tficeas, m:7 IMEI~S Fine Sewéd lBoous, 18 g tea 'tStr6ng Boolis -12 6 Io131 1)flN/F~1TATotier articles iii the Boot and Shoe lne ini peu jAs the- Subseniber, is deterrnined, 'UT ' ~ > UU '1I~ '~' hame lways on hanti; a good assortment of Ev A H. SA lMiIL T te kincis.of Clot~ng~bor. -LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S A 4V1' J' PMOVEI) to the- Store kately oecupied hy, Mýeswrq. Lym7ný Knee- Ishaiw eCo., and uCîdoor Io J. R; I!fountijoy's Dry Good ':Store, (Sigu oand to emloy ne t heYbeso onen, i te Golden ~I'o, and a leleewero than 'danexationi'h. thei NO. , CTY 3 î1LPNG~ KIN- SREE i~ST, - slicità a share of public patronage. t Gvaxi snd.r my Handt andi Seai, thqti wlaere their Custoniers aud Fribnds, Wi11 a1wayý find aà large ssàrtnxcnit'of; daofApnil. in the yearof uui sasiouiabîcançu Consisting( of finlee dotl Pres~s aild Frock Coats, 'Sljooting and, Sack Codats in grect varîety, Vests and Pantaloons, of every Niatorlal aid Sty1o,- Froîra the extra facil ity fur i uaking' up Stock at their establishmnent, ini Mon- treal, andIsd preliasiiiag 1n Éw lie - salerketg for CAsH only, they can and- do seli CIEAPE L linther bouses in the same une. 1,ýýDWAIU? DEVANS, - ,AicGÎIStreet, VI~ontreul.5 W.B.IALTN Torôn to ay2,Mux 24SS O.. m- -C AEL E T*ONL YNDR WHOLESALE JAND) RiTAWj DEALEIR IN 1'EAS, TOBAU'Ociq UEl PIPER 1IANGlNG", k&. e ,MA.NUFACTURER 0F $ý0LE, UPPER, AND (7asli paid for ides and Skins, Wkeat, Oàts, Pots and Pearl ./shes. Whitby Vilage, 7th .June, 1850, .8 Ashou AshégIl Ashos I ! SIG.N'OF TME "BEE-IJIVE." STHOMAS ]3ESCOBY, AGENT, _[S now prepamred W tôpay Ithe igliest N Price iiiCA^SW31and TRÂDE, for1 aniy qulantity of TALLOW, LARD, SOKP GR1EASE, auld ASEJES .IrW 1House-Keeper, will do wcIl to sgsre, their Ashes. Tearumsw~il1 regular1y cadi and gwve Trade for them whien taken, away, Whitby, March 26, 1850. J. C. S TERL'ING, MEGHANT TAU.OE, T .No. 98,1 King Street, Tôorofttô,ý SIGIN OFTHE WOODElN MAN~. bid HIE Subseriher begs lo Cali the attention of th. e T public to 1118large and variedstock ýifEM REdDY-tALDE CLOTLilvG,, Vhieh, as it is llmade up #uler kà ot per Totonto, May 29,,1850. -GEO 13. W YL 1 E - utuuiietuui ei~ui - ~. (Signed,) Paper A.pril l9th, 1850. Whoi wiIl PL'O 1 -- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -- 'l - 1

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