Whitby Reporter, 8 Jun 1850, p. 4

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tesupphy if hi. cr i "no cue 110 py.» I# e il has fad a loir tliil sel~niIcer The. tis lDerem'1wr,1848. lexatite utrne usuffered ut, 'e Ihuimatism, in Mny d to on' f our respela- ,aiment was of no per. wu there<ore îirssceed - rettreedoan, ast f I rai,' tbaakfri..yoîsc Ma pisa.; mirae el 1 l, of rcspetability in 0 kuowad ca r nEfer )me andi Saroiel Shaw' ?*. Od. and à#. per bot 'c i4n 1 8Y nuvlduJ5 Wo@ t$Y be cured or benctlu.d hy tais medicjuiq, iljeasth#. party IV. B. wt aated <nWrry City, Tovwn. an amie ialla British Amaica . Applicatiot;a "t- i4addreues4 I S. P. UXtQUIRART, r-60 ronge St., ceuzu'4Jgn farfl ritish 4merica. I'l{OSPECTUS WNITBYorImePOTR t TO THEPUBLIC. -The Prtllrzctor oftlie Reporter, fieIl- ta;i satisfied Lhaî a Imper, if wcll con-- duted, iwot:ld- meet %with relieral Sup- porM' Wiîiby undilhe aodjulffing Coli n. t >ry, and froni a A scso f 111w growming importâtice col' fuel Tuwtishil), ûd itoi rapidlly inrieaisiig ppulation, togretlcr, iiî ils vust -eui ucm ndiecel back cotuuîry, Ias beti iïiuluccd te pur. Chase hit e tiîre esablishment or the, Whthy Feenan(ro is he roplc oThe publi1dfze i t aaa lo nas(xîwv lfl tes zir- Th .<o» v<Iîn f the . 'lrcc 1- Mmuniratoasyo1hiet he RwKnR »a turièt iils it prese - fi m o nrnn ,rqusâerg bta - new FstYle and to-tally difircrat 'ane aùi;11(.Jiis:dmonthly,»îîd veT7 g4ttefalfy', - rom that of the F'reman, -3coa'i ' gs, d ib!t, olttmu8,jir .*2io CLzs -The lleixrtrwill he ontflhiisd .,p laW. Stncel il, lt si-whc atirter fe àile c:mu prleai u'ctavo. )uîriîrg the premerîty PMrh8 1. Al ibose -Io t lic Reporter iall rl. aietî.îgwill wllh dSentf ita of Juft*, ear6c. -sclt %il tihoiwî.1 ilcuanrnrcrsls- s Cordi.,d id ll&bt tclsudered subseribes ratosfY lf 1i aml'PC i~ ~ ~~i theudhtisc)),e's-! is fivt retiirîed :tu t1ilà mJols <rýif 3';cutrics and -&-c' ipl et-bqn afflicîctiwiih ffé air eci-rtlhe 2nd i nmrber. - î , nr lîço n ;fura cansiderable -Ontr excba ge ipape(rs wn1l pieasc nuI- isfr lol- iga id'l __getrpa o'e.-ýplantîtioIn of questicînsii we, My kt*-." waree -- - CiCL Ca.. atîrl;sil ~ ly iuch swfel. ro, SOMEFTRliJu ABOUf OUPZSLVES'" Cr.iint cuir ; 1itte Tr i 11,b11) e selk1C- cely ahie to do tbrer fu is dî:'sbwtetcPni fr *! il if matter, w-ilwbrre1mcl tîg toAg- g 1h »esfi'xrue!ioi, ilotIeni i fi--1;t-;1 t, ricilitnro, rri.rhD> !<eaîc,.~ r europei,.?s-vrai î.-sr (ovour fe-ije lilnin-il.or pelifral Si', Jing l the rofes. Tfvo otiv h ie d sitlsr l m a de epc kv m l jid; c îjrn e l fI fw 1. ad y: ivieplyi-and. alao), ia eoiayriraI-hae orrmM e)'&-tn Id o et r id of met er fil afitvaini antl halfq li 1irihought 1blîstpsr- XCîlcc,ùiîd teeiur ilx! harppy t4i ay very respecta.. haps the ilyie may whew bis qtralivy atýd inu oiri< reei .vî cmnut Ilstiouî t Çrî'allihe lb. uîrtit, sauha lsq amy secare lîim a welcerne. Iltà d eçu,f-tssty 'i as dirted ooa ldtiqtW teth purauiaiod dl" -a< t m 1 >us St e 1-as are, of haere,4t - c"Iîdial fer the erre faice; it w tryitigîo ene*-ç rnedei&ty li e) otcnawIlh rdypî!Nu-.Tue r srî tic Golsî, ani Dr.ard andi tryA priiie te watch 11w mmy il, txcnlle:îîtn cf' J.igh seientitie rit tain- >1f ... ehîî eu-bicb il rMay bc teceised, s'heîher wilh .a hi-riy.v ifs [c cof'Wîsiscoïînrted witl, mus haîdii le 1"e4otfi udr,()r sWilh a coWl'e iésealt"e. ttuth Tnv'-.c; ýi'rasujouste,1ivst. ithîrre a uîiff foiceti uîîempt*at a stniîo itslisteso f the l......i , ave auîecrJ tfi) l ~tk-- Yool mcdi-: icr ni(isît eiiy tig<e -et rîbrute to lte thîîn fhie sgcul- ts in weight ; MY buw on ppçaî.x iet ba.she ait UhbeO01hin; rj, rit. - m'i» albout thres'senansberîju helef; e *ldtsbershici mtri> Fre~ îheien-dpyf~ o; 1 nsu cosnplet-ly. thé giv~t'f1 e ety ple siea l> thoan it woula reîoed Inoahdve Iseeri to tIse pat7 imuoif, aatiîso)(ve iiaIl l;eadton1rcfrI;al ri ln canada. SÎtsîe Joner imppases eloeri, Iknows%4tlîer or Wll-thiîîs bcOrjlasediland d herwfitîiýd. , ly-six nhiIei i one noft bcils ta e b. reived i kicty. %We f etlailt iik; Th<./J;r iculturist hn devotcci to théo 1asUre you, iir.vrthlcs wuotsld mauour bow and gseu tl ,r eau malt. nyylise watke il. -- upmntt aid aJnemsu 1îi ktoiîêî, sevesal "is aver, we wolsld teol ,il a1, by slaÎiuc ri-al itit erest. of Canada.Mchçd i uhis zi, te<,esu blow mîepetil;alrscieis m is<jîWC iîmnk liast almay cei ocby Ibis mirr, woiASth XwfTngws>rthtrieuda of. Il àhisl dfor a niwhicih itý is a contiinatin. Lttthe' UOUA p> lowbis wn iubix-1elte b. sure, but yet we ýooeferhua-m, %vil- -ty baîec ?il5ie cfee;iftilot te pîrry Iojmwtfofof¶lcf htultivalorl ruici>-tlhe Esqr's. connrecteduieu.hr. fi'the aeparaie #noie* be chit pprallifuddt, îfh1red grsizu isie. Tic abovc gwct, suhat niay ftot.the publie experi lt b 14 1091l8 , rai 1 heProprietoi's t4 -e e - n mnuiecernes. Ws. were ,lways Ua irb o n'v'mch, cu;ttuist havesto far, beci iî-ît u'fpôce . t, l RQUI-ART, saungiitbout uliug, 31A m W4uîratlier sec a tioc tejmlaorr al Yoq- ret. rgo hr i rmei if tiens inere nisîy Inuit, btgidee et imlliurn dafxiciy, n - E-- I» sq.a inieio 0» 'istace b, a lair sl)esîîîil i-, ublication. Is the reliroacli of giow 'of lfrses te camne nt-an, and indthe ut:ta te f esofCka( vllio a-wani Let u, ertrhui hr il thie spotan - ygrctilural iper cf an>rip telinq we propmoseedor, tha t yen, or ut fl reuer, may have a chance 0f comparsrlgut pro- kind ta continuel,- We hope not, Le mrisOwti performanîce. t t.h~~ nt eW11ho ve tIbr oir cn 1ry, andi de- di 2W7N fltty Reporte, e ifsieh-Pdo -re itN mrvnet aeaEieS i hisa ira findamettai poriciple, îlot, as taras %veiprvmîtnaea nes kaiw t, t bol aivaîc 1h pbli gosi W> more effort tii year, andth te rern~ - wotitd Lake tle olti lîuCnobl, stataue,î as ours; may be ijied oeutforever "we arecmmei, andi aoxhinig limat il; inclifferenî j As an ilidîîcenxeîîttIoe extra exertion, 1 L 8 À N ;0 us.ye W. stek teaserve Our geflergriolanu 105 wc~irte ulwîg rm m ;r Ifflt*lihîy. Wlatver shailate l1lely te nuke - t yuns bee..useo rrîei'n'ore ffoee, rwienorlur, sud coriîe- f ON£ IIDRDDOLLARS! ycriîicsl caseoi 9qiesihi,' happier, &halfint in uus an ativocate.- 18- EVEIrTY-yIVE DOLLARS f rouis.iîversîiloeeis neem ii tIc wnrld -for aIl the gooti ne -s a-ic c cn _tî an de, and Ibere sho'îkt b. mîo-loôm lot auy hiig. "nie' OLA fi,' adt)pid jDr. ehsc.I W. send -forth our papes' as o ussiversotl Ever-v pert-mn 1010 %îWIl proctire 1200 te art>'% ho 9 eV Iali.purpsusln; îtuiit il i aweekly b f led with 'Siibse.ril)ri4for the 1grr-ulturise, ai a wductne - ita lbs- îilthail hOw èlt ta boqiw*tir151<wOt5hy bei5 îthesigtscrip4io-pî<cfOiDLA u po...jrtr 9pvulu-kepttout, ans isnsç uttworihy tzsaiug a pic nir rc fOEDLARP 1î4llY -empo»ihle îtA ctiiim. antIdrenmt the nuoîuey na ilt' finie ('f Mii» lcssi odîil. Qd .thbs fouindatinn wC hopé»I e tebeI o noiie a ondring the Fiper wi;Ji)(-wpuai $100;1ct ita m lswh - ritl fiUjin,ý,sisersêtroctirsè, wili laid oui atid wehliehted -f4r -160 situhscrihiers, $75 ; r 1,0, dit to, laevenaut n ilq ihikrs. ithe f le R eter »ïn~tt $50; fr7 ir,$0 u 0dtoP 11d. » h arnîîv ierili bellistrihu,ît4 - Ali 4l t i; .-.*- -) ip4am». i j, iiuuator ne b ll d tar ; JflK iMS promises sot be belied hy th é 4iah or ita cookery wien'it ilasevd »p. One Word [k(Qre we close. W. would now at Our? openinig warilaah cor:.sponds.ns hat nothinig immoral uabceffiowed caîrstue to Our cnlumli.l W. claim the YIht et clitr-ing out. Ory thilig i commaucationh sent us flaliS i. osray gotethofe hisd, priaeiples aIl. men &bs!otztd*pport. WC wot4a ythe.aime go our fidithe 1bcadvenrier. Ive bhal I Mcourse always 1w çiad Io have t heùj tavnur; but uvrl>lsif t ier, bc ary hing, 111<. pelody or w4baî ltacrted in tlem, -or arly thing wilicb conscience t .11* mn 15 Wrongt, 1W. wouil ratlwr decline thelr parrnae e tlait in3;eî t il.- W. m'lai do- tuai whieh I ib 0twà it mnay. ,I ' i~tuotwa Thtis tucII foi ottrbow itrodtictory. Trustîin It may aec are va some friends and thutt he paper ifacil mIay sectie ua more, w-e wo,,ld now, with kmoti, Jovng, wislws to ail, turit ofl':h, lig his and drop the ruitin. PROISPECITUS CANADIAN AGRWCU LTIU$T; The Beq o4'zd Ckeapeet Former's Po'per ptsbti*kédfn Oanad(i, ind'th on /y onei suireinree Company, with n eld weil eatablishid and pepuar orgrariization, and coudut-1ed iqioii lielai arId quiabh ple i oler Io irgvtre fils rp and fiusa:ed clwellinga, harts anti h.îiffiir.snoihazordousr, it as low rales tà asiy oI1t aolt nioswelit e pm>r, 4er:ding ut; dure, S5».42,921 6., <vaîae ffiered l'y Ibis epayare ,ite chtenp rates, and the ( iot bt ne * r scrity, hisàbliîy, or fie", beyond Ille notes, a*jd cagh in advart ella, rivqutired, :aketn, or moide bir ibis Company ag;airitsiltits member Vaolley takes fl'tthe tfy a pfliçawOion ix a. Io~ the Agent, if irtùrtcd, or auy Tuts'vre ay cdi- trto(I 6Y applwca:t. if on npierry imnf.Uralle by ard l ubkqus-fitly apFroved by Iic directe;.- (Sce c3b.e»orf<), 'ovk el, bhow.> . 1);soireemnt, if aty ii liqi da"ition ofrluar, is rferied for settlemnen! I te hlonr,*afy Diiec- toi[$, Mwbin are alwaya appointed by ihe cînpany lez etnel Site or sec tion 'whele Ile business e q#i rcx, and in rase of finaldïarmnî inee. led t0 fleigilliors of the iinur-il rmut, aily chOýee, Shrt MIszirauee.ý-The Corn ' y outesc 1toi'nrre for Cabh ongly, Wîîhiolit a prerimir ce Pensons Ca" chiaili Short insurduce '*i1hauî it e kiability. The profits made on Ibi's syaem, go for fbe-o iMiiL fitomultai mern4rs. No tu -tisdj clas i h ~i .-s >t the COMPany vpa sthe fulllest tethe émouto f ifs Lossrs Iiiquidaîod nnd dpaiti prompily. in Fgnds cairnt al the place of l~ Failmnci.4ale fot here otigreuld eîimet lofrqes in bleckx ood e4tralizro, tptybu te iý'ola1vd ribLsof r Pred ciîasacler,, like thtir year, not a dollar swas ii;urùd on. iI in~l ,lerks, andi owr fOur illions thlereoGf wa on .,hgîd clw!lisgs, bi os orsiektigti ; and thÇe rMitislcr agi, s(ýtitry taveîistand, prepe tsy not r2;dMnre haza 1 oux. IlcU:î -Prss;uha~ve thle triviiege ofretiîiltg ufd rIucill e~nailcluî1 ws;fhOut- notice, on addiug, fre centi ici Iheir anluilli;a e, or 1 - r e Ots. aud ail cire Otst fieîuj! tiîsii I4) feet therecf, tirlIa Z11ex1trt azardot,, raesanI rcrpuiniandl, hildinp exposedl îehaexc ltidud fre-n irrsurtuice by> hi' letî ia isud a llder4rr~hN.Y-' Vhwvh will- mtusthen,ôîihly reïp)loi cilie Co:rîpauny, atai IIb.s e ally nmenibor a Yfç.sr, mvh.We will pay in Aelist tweffty-hive ,erîftso v.q e alesr 0 the St-cretary, lor the, pu îi lier~. 1,Y bis nabels Mnay atoll2!1eskijýW the mâte of tise Thtis CoMpan)r. lakt furel cerig have Who have beeri -60 'afîrtysite as1,5 rîf1r(p 1îeueare liqtlndaiwd aujndjaiff - RFrarxcE.-Luther B.- Whiîuey, Esq, (A Lawreruceville, N. Y., lest $1,&»0 as a mrrtiabriof Ibis Cetinpaniy. Tîsi; ieîi thai havinle lst a valîsablv pror-e -ery-,iuirre hle,-- awîst. rCorsraîy Mis. Iastiiîoujs -isitinyvotuShariýrdie iteAi prompt saul!jü n bu wtssehit waos rauited ani porad, E.-t-mpe.-Mîr, Qiv'r Powell. cf (lyster Bay. Lot, 9lfslandf, X. Y,, aplièsi in Match, as israt-d 1ove. The Agent teaided six imileî Çrom iti, usidfence, aa rts Mn. P 1eî - elus urin usigh )f Ii2 hisse, h W13il; flames, anti wa5 lest, fui nedJiats-ly oure ci» n rocf the pro00f, 'o petit-yw sied anid tle lo# s uàile ait ire sumemeetnuiig of te Roard. -Thbe»9feslvideïce h-ad by iîle *trm-- la ry of AM n. Po wvell s satlisi'ifacin is, imat oihe [welliug ereetsrd p Io t~roiu)s -ly hirn, 15 uow hi - ured hy Ibis Comnpaîjr.-Mn. Pnwell's aties..- fSeiti Oyster Bay, Lon, lelai.-il, N, Y." IiuiruBleigh O'Couinter, Rs., 0 of « Tici W., Fiae lierJreceritiy a hi-avy ] jcer viîl- roui by ibis Comupany, Silasr H. Clai k, idrj, New YorkI,lA- referred as a loïer. Kîtle,', C. W. IHavi»; lost a Iange and i ndserrwpropemty, nn irou ry tdois Comnpauiye ih was met g;* ant .ltlî ontis befobre ilt becarne due, antilI 1 efui ýcn m m e4d tis i i tsti ejn te fe m er rd > d rm eii Jo0 . Dayloe ut'a lo£er nI r .,(XA) by tus 5Cei id! '113 r,33 I Mand m 5 a u i5> U!5t5 'l"it -S! a c ia e n s b y i re nugita - Aricuîurî$,<~ieÎeandi thîs1se per- pagierat5 repc- ttn 3Mho oftain Ille P41'ert-rglthi - Of tIhe ofler-qaErcs tiro - n A -s. oxl *ý-. E Af~~~ Royaàl Vilau, - B Pbîllip. A.-sn ey, Jolhn V, Kont, David Cusebtion, M1 illiam Baocon, Jlames(;. flnpk iisa, IV. WiU.en, IC OieotOedenluburgb, Nri.,, Oct. 15, 1849.. -P.'cr, y, Joiatbhan #Barsitî ". HlnvI. Bette John H, Ferry, Jéhfn Spicule, No;ah litckins, ' JseWefls, ' A kscpli Mischbel,' IWrnWarren, PoIrtitJ. IH. R. Campbell.? .Brookli4. Il. Daniriel, 1 a -Moes Ea rtlett, John %Wilcoi, 0 jolifiMrtzee, s'g Liis-iii,+'fliemas, Dr. Y iî1', -.-' Thýorna, Cirre, 4- - iiilllim Mtla L..viClark, - J.lkering. Naj joseh Ctar,k CP dosc Johil Columbu-. s, nl Geovre en,, 'i y JJso îîCoboug ,- Fe Ebaha »olharki Jhfl"In lan O t)mls i ariui ip Vlrs proviuslnce, 'r - Fydo OI . iîb. Bq., - C-ter Verso ý i'CriJclssrer, y le oq., rboumad th~e . haec Sornul Davin, me- cure. bile 1il g c liîywere tic resiïdcs,. ~u Cî r Dt v ,trle l hk- Q' JrtbluyW 1, CaW mnder the. al eio k pe rftire but cal Faca OPPOS-q'rj-:THE IIMM th otnrh1 b'oyrr pneveil creilit. T4i 290 Iboxes rf Fi. - - year'a ilTi 6 .72 14 are»nC, .W, vW. rovenesl L~y a Po! 'likesvise lost-si

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