ea- auyl uýaoRTS ..f~t. t~te,<nSRd'.(Cà cliFactory) on eA Plank Road. 'S.-e'Sliingper nnum, Auileftrkaddee te tthis OflEce ,ý»USt rboe. j~ * &Alikr4 I.,ucount islowed <.tôpr *9nS becomiing Agents fur the, R9pre.- -J. S. SVROWLE, e~ man, ma~ iMsik WHITB~*KN~y~ WEST, $.~.T~TRDAY, JINE 8, 1850. IM EXHIBTION O0F JNDUSTRY. * --À HINT. Frmthe Lorda n uta. Uae. wsaYebekiv tiebrsncb, and surmmons krotndIter, ____ ~ Array of heada unheiaaed,,unweaponed bandaI 'Cbommerce, laie lightenell of tise cha irs isat k buunder~ Speahitherwards, tbe gifis if maily laeds, _Now, for the firat tiite simtce the warld wvas partei By iffering longues, round Sinar's lower C C id, tQee nýtîoî, horny.banaled, and tong-teated, Tise ra.sp of friendzihip oulta ail dath hold. Thtegiant, lndustry, wiîh mighmyrn-btion, $tirs from Nor'wegian bills te fur' Cathay; Wrransitlmud unto island of ttse\acen, He catis upon bis sanà s'dnd they obey. Ulammeis are falliig, forges roaring fiee, TIi,, ýheeis whaIrl sdundt, the nosy abuttieE ,A&ndà rac à seareanhesr.ar eance .TIse wourlat's sair .wilh note of Feacefal Ittle. Tailià îaswiitts.s.ster.ine thausand forma And conqueM Itibtoughis aeer so- big'arrbmve, 'Tlll -the witdi.beingfromitscuse of alarma, Descends Ioat4lanns eround, lîke a slave. JBtwhile -witb pritetetevictcrieawe bail, Andl view tthoir gathercd trophies, Aet -the thaugiat his.. Parents unit teachers shoald ýwork sable, a. means: for the' cducation of together as one. Thîey shotttld know their ebjîdIren. lthe iibes anLddsioa f, caeh other, If you f'eel a desiire to «ee yonrwcehild-, and lainanr mutually ta carry them into: re n improve, nanifes6t tlsat deafre. .1) eiffect. -.visitiiig tAem eat tluSCatO0L-lROox. Parent.s- boid witnes for themn- TIIZ S'ONTII0F BLOSSOMS" selves thse management of the school.~ Mtich of th e .ditil'ty that frequetitly From tAs Bosten Transeripi. exists between paren ts andtiîeîthers,~ Nover did the gardens ufto our-v ioiu i-~ is thse legitirnate xesult cdi ignorance on urse t ore beautifu pcal thse part of parents, respecting the retriIlihan at tit ime. T-,.he peaclt, P111o11 manaemet c Ih seloolroo.. iseand pcar-trêtes are iii must luasuariat tetiher ba ocasio ~l chs- bluum; the white anid crimisoa bios- le ler, prapsas, cain o-hs tige a sehular for'sorne miodeneaor; Isoins contrasting brilliaratly withixlise the scorlar gees homba with a cadre-'delivate green .cf, heUic yuou bvesa. port of bi4s wrongs, aceompanlied by An oldi En'li-4h jet, Herrk, vaa oe cf hie pinymnates te allest ho litis ab- uses from thse tee-cher. lNin ee-ant., noït dacfing te doubt Ilite veracity cf bis clailui, at once gilvea jutdgniciit against lte teeacher, anci tita, thon--gî iade- signediy, -gives comatenaaube lu ltee-rc- liition ut' a sintiier, or greater offene omi the part et' lis child. Nuif parents ere ftiliy acqitainit- ed vit tite teracter eft heir childremi, andi wilh bis mnagcmnt inithlitebhool; if -tieyxvea-e ns .villing and frank lu co i~s vitlt lima respcctitig the er- iPam lrom the labaurto ielaborerpaie, .rurs as tise.y tarctise virias o f Iheir Thai on these imiracles af okili ibatwrougbît. ehildrein, in aine ecraqes catIof tQn, iFrani eut eof gorgeons hues aid tabrics rare thsese lilfle, petly difficuities, wviich su Let tise gttpt meave ts face ils lesan look, - often matr tise teraclîars a pi4ness, and Anidalail tbatee forgeai,:orý,lvave, or carven tisera, mnytineipihsiflecwtl Becames a lest' of a.portentatus tank- * trstiiîciclrsissaeoratr Tautaalen blurred vuwitaoal, biotaaal with teurs, 1îiscy couaîd never exiBt. With sin aimai aarrow arl, ft'ratm t l am: Prns yi ht1'vsttesh 'While lisey tisatughl la read, vils salis feats Prns ua-ttîi vsllt cto Ave rt iheir cyea fron tt' ftise record gyi niMatl yot nay xwllness va-Iatever i Ilt is a paiipaet-fuir writ, beneuth, rîrievri. r-estrdl i iepac -Tte ced anal rmggtdslîeîering altate, et' your ditti cî îdlita-nb ae tlu Are awfety-satunîing ancienil aorda, ihai breatise encourage tîtean dis lte Ii>rner, amsd de,- 0f brotberhood and:peare, sndjoy amd love. 1lor-them rom n repiitiott.tf tise lutter. $Gatd apeetihe tî.ma-wisan-rom ibutIvolumar'a face, WihtItencitqai liars asol -seoli thtuecoutne- Y. M tmarevereat'lia,%it, as oaiiig litait far itlmaces of his puîîils briglitemîn,Litey- gulae, iîii;ae -isil -fraui tht ifr îses tSisalt hose dialresafîtl niaractera efface, -ansd teitaîseil tvilltjlcaiieielatidia- -And brng ta liglifthtie bteasiitgs tisai lbeyttida. bic pride wiiti aiicis they rcsttme tisir seuis aller t c ecitaticima (if a tvoil- E D UC A T 1 0 N. [earnedi ssot t ieia liaîsenee. it îPAItntrUN1SSHOULD ViSIT TFIE SCHOOL. SecoUItlegiVo a eS1t fi111So to tise lit tcMeVrmotSchofot niarml. bloutIrouglaLt-eir yo.,ial)iîi ad buy-, Tisere la petaps ttQ0 art ut' îareiflitaili aerts, aînd toinsapire tentivilt idmty more sadiy neg-iectea -titantitis. irarreassecli fdelitv lu go onwavrd amitd tp- '4.1Ost 2 of ailgistont ut lnnd, esanas tle arard iîa,hae ptli ofut'science and virt ie la. tise mîîxina eft oc nnny pa-emts nf a m ltot visil tc Scituol lttIyî tiey sarad lieircisilds'en day taler day iny heanatsnîaeuiiag oaiite tcaciaer's 1 l te sclieol-room, la lumbibe thuse daties, lis li-itrsaamati s tr'iraliantd. prnmcille,4, fbri t tse iaiits, atd Te- Ilittî vu:t mnay alcer Iis iricd andi droop-t -ceive.tiat iaagtmctiums, svits a bea- iîîg alpiris aiattisie utuilifucuta aaidmtev- 'ecitr-ligliî, aboli guide lhier fuolshis fin er-c-iditýg lria} n id pecîlleities of Itis tlie'lplia us f victime-immd tisefaineas, or profession. tImuI lhsan dowa-ward te muin and dis: Aq ,lise faillifu.t leacîtor labaours week -tce. aller ivcck-, -parîig aeitÃŽiaea physiculý Toleieeligomî ra.flith'mlpar nt, om .neatal -eîrergt4iiiii vaheve au ~b place ia daracthati thie sciol-roon. %enei lepm lta :i-emsi-îref ne shatwdeposited lucre itis deareal irea- coiuna-it-earyL speanai ,autre; Cin, éirrd wuti which tise ealitpiini. nina-sgta-rn ia ôfr a ttoustaad lides las as drues; a -fruasi tisose V'lissailnerecala are su close- 4-areracaplae uf inflîsiteLierense IV niiad luuut-s owna--frQm 1 prnts. I jantiirpceien rutr iisuite -Ilîtîid be:ctmbrdtudI~hr ïtn lIé caiiies andstittrWisclti iltms -hiuaeuaotres aadfaeiiis commountu .dats'tion.othter nmen ; aîsd ilt iol tramîif tlcy W-biat utareal voul t rtust bis.catIe sunretlnscafelq disoturaged(1andl dis- «W e sit-epr easks wn e ahearteuemse astkevy IÀtaîea ajatiy Umeeuan 'o .nlhe, aithcaeiilatimîf andal iadiffrciieu allen taatanift*;led tu- llheie o siotssiiy lu see is'w they wacds thons, and oward ftheir laboturs, 'wetre thisirri' c.$Sitigt WissL la- by hiSeofrons wiom tiaey have a rgit Arefft - ivili ka3o iis'1lm«ui .10 amýIollicituexpect lIse waînaeslsyci-pnstuy and, t ittt el-atueted ýbout-la tat it-bal:i tt-ca matyeo-ojteralioît.' beta. t tllaiy tiiied, ltat tise- fe-r.cet youusuuld visittisa sitool as a dirty "f be el ii gocrl epic, andat t u eyoursek~es, o ýthisaocher, and 'Your in evry respect, il shah 6be kapt Udlt-ii cilidrea as a dnly pcescribed bv yomr - d 1 Analyet iovmaey intrasi Creator, a:w -ueawlichs yoneýn at- tlMelcchijdes day aller daty.,mecak-aPle r- iegiel witliimit-mty. -He conatmsd qreek;..&sd yea ler year, tle ;hiands Yom, 40 tatin up your cisilulroû Âitlw ,cf ehems, ufle*esatire stuanmgeps, with- 1naihsut' aiefulaes s ad virtase, tu trainm «»K ueîcviiing ft-eSt-, andin l atay Itisons p ta u vi ansd serve Hlm, and Va14xilt e<a ven iauiiag it-the e4al 1s inssituled as tte most ti- csttlr progress atndiwelWtica I 1cicw m atxjiary i a ;ryiog ouI Issu iin-j -,P«=U, 3acolalvisiltishe seiaol 161tnut.iat lzemaent- ofthseCreatil once lîsitireal by a simnlar secoie tu1 opostro itlize tise isspsîhle<lnc. Pair jateiges df a fruitt'ul uo Why do ye full 60afat'1 yotî date is [lot sa pal, 33ut yeu Masay syeîtfiere awisile To bttas aunal gently mile, -Then go ui tuaI. Wlat ! were -ye botan ta te Art tour ar.b.aalf'adeiigiit, Anal S tso obit gond n iit i 'Tu-as pty nature bror.tcbt ye- forais Mverety ta >haw yaur wrtb, Aidlose yon quine. Bat yen are tovely leorna, ixbere we May raenaI ow sien ibinga have Tiscir eid, tltoîigbîe'er se brave;, And after tltey lave bhown this i idc, Like yîma,a a whi!é, they glide fInbîthe gtave. A STAILTLING DISCOVEPaY. A starlliti,- liscovcrv cos iîtîataarv c' the ltitis of -tise bock iut' Jonalt, lans seeu trit-de hsy IMr. Layîîrd. _-Jna ea- a'atitag lte city et' Nimevelais 'e aiscauv- ccd lte maini cof Junalitimscriised iiaun IlIte cuta. T'tIi-m iutit, as unir rend- et-s knew, waas sent-usl10avntîlcc tu ie peuple ut' Nittevelithtiaodesîrmitot i ocf Isle éîy. Dis eioîjtiee uvertcd mit- iy ot' thetus, aadIl Gisirellt-ited hltta" cf 'tise doutt lie liad îîruoîaseeidaund spat-eflIlle tisedy for liant tinte. Jaaîaali ltet hecmmae lte ropuier cf Nineveit sud waus revcecedtm y alte.itisiabilamîls As vns lte Orit-iptasi emstutta, ltey tiutliesq iscribed lis atneins con- S.icuamins î!aees oms tise tamilaufte laclii- lic ed afices, an)dttian. iaripiîlnS ieîgrav- ed by Assýrian -bands- a Lkoumapnd yeaatt before tise Ciscistitîta era, lunve beetu futind biy Mr'. Layard. Titis is use ot' lte nut etxrtirdiiusary densenstratios cf tis'e accurasey of Bm'lical uissocy %vu hsave avec hoeurd utf. As yet we hair-e onIy -seen liseI- gitiatbinsg4ut bite enh. The cîiIy cf Nias- cveh ht-as scarcely yel heets eateced, na lisea lte excavations bshail hve eau oinpeted, if Mâhituau ja- euîsy sisemid ever portt laîoiratn- ,aisiu, we miay axpeol illttslyatýiuii of, lite :praix IEULat Wili strike .tie -wurld wiîth awe aut-d teonder. Greaî'ocedit la-dire latise lriis Go- vcruatrt-ialfor thé munnificent spirit tiioy haire exlibited iut aidith ie labors uift A-r. Layardt-4aialciqtg .atlà à e-uisssîl vmelsfor thlam-av igation -cf :týe aE t- îttrtea,-'oms'ying ;t, Englant itie anagniflcel tll tîttiires wiîicls liaht liaet-ombad, and sfrurted it every lciiywhich money or British amtisc- ily conld fata. .WQ -sià otddle oglati hasea a similar sri-rit exhbited bytlisa evecneeailof (ha -counry iti celer. aacan-'l Aeritan antiejUies ,TUNNELLING TUE ALPS. 'Fa-oufime P. jtaty. a if émaama l>rujets fur buciag lIma Alps at Mutat Cent-a, .qo 's lu catry Illeptagh iii thsa raikttaailu COancetTuin:W-4 i* o rPlans wr tdeu.'îresbgan rq 'iJîi-atu ît %ilvas uonej tpý 1tIl 4 p1Ã"111, as eariy ns 184.>. They have beeta dit- out'. e etcTs urtitg ese di8du,,ýsioti,, rur Qtlvtee tu icm1t0yprosecae rdrtsemicîcs-'Why clidu't yoii aIîcr' tlw aet hsst tBùd ýot lte 'aleoilgineer Who snpcrinteads sesaioti.'7lie (Mr i))relerrcd totil.cse _ ±Mr 1rtp tis 'vtal syten cfra.roas. ~ lacta 10 show itat s'éïrenaaisnent t il I e- O'I' I1 w1aâ mide-d'by ail, catiieut.georlagiit, >10 tiie.reason %wiy hlihd leD'. h h srw mdotiers versecd in geognosy. Tise- Ç ÃŽÃ rony o ,1~ktit r ale o .ac .cssatry nimîchinerv lbas lheradevised onaet' Mvr' dan]irn'>$ itrs in »raîijmj ttnd pprueal by asuitbl omnaicce i ars.aad 'tiai. certain clhan-es,- ia utf ývuaic lie' Min ister is pIresident. M.P I'srlitng om1 csos aid rHacS aid i Thse hengîj of tisetunnIiel %w4lil ho 112,0Mcaly , htw; oho ot Mic t-n r ytards; ils estimnated cost 13,800,000 ~.lrcnc-îr1eitrteitb wson lion tu( vres. Tise, gif o- Geitea ill be thts gentieîilsluealaving'? Uslvss- it ',ter e lmelonn: linkedi by railroa4 tbrongh Tr.ira a nd thèhsof~ fCumsimw > xe Ot. tg. Savoy, ývith tise, Frenchs frontier Oreown laei \vcre Vo 6e a 1-iei j iisauIrt ter. Or-Ill1e Hoa del> -have becn i iven lmy tise goverra- which lie ias s'ti.e lte hsmjgýentIelail metfo ieconstructioniu lB1elgiîmm 1 did. net xwîsi NuL oniy elidi -tha ea "c ic'e ofth e rcquire.d. mençine Àngenleman ntio îoIS1 t~iiic t an oti 'sI approiriarioît bius beemaaslied for lIttiait erninin vsiee fbl contirnct ion -eof thle ther inilPiedintont. cesignalion, but hette i unr~luisoww aîfta lîand asoved. -the eemtcery. intlîr Miicsah,-t;je poitit be shoitld refer-te wâs Ilim.e h nsma-c LEGISLATIVE ASSE MBLY.Il 1'- [%tC üis gentlemansa allusion tfonxrd lt M Jiis XJ&onday, 1lVtay 2.7. ics vilihslis colleagaca.Ni')t1ting wa tsarme * (c'ontinuedfrom our lest.) r1)fartai eg açk tau teh 1ctti Mr. Baldwinîrose frer a lutile ks-bided up61m, <f course Dnu. "ingle dm il-ouIreci i sr talion, thse -iloîse na fýtîgaodber abomîci afeîvarcis q ojecî. Wial JpUII1d ýe j delo pcrt41wirl -wr Coming, waa1tie abjet'if aCaýa.1 >aai eand renanrkedilnt ho alemderstouod he lianes lise argnnüeits' fl-he miiority 'en<' tï iae li genitleman ltu..refer, tu 'erta in stat- ýfoiaid cuevinceJtia ritsiy;and ré. qili9léd' iâ,a îîautatisI hciapeaed ra itepu l.isît ýe arrivoed- dr afor disclisylon îpeur îth e 1 papers. He iwisied ns litelion nton- and del iberiatiua. tlWou'tii, omase,' qi %ttyÂfi lier land profitssed è nac ieauthlor of' -tanless lr -umariuhd public nien C \%'mtliot tht lthesè~documinenîts, tt) tanke a fanv obser1v- ýepoasjue foratga , W 1embyaet'smnitl atiomie. wittb <-cgrard le -is Matt ie ho acnièêced, y&wlk,.dbai C.Itepub- tiilits rectitsud imd asvery desire tu deel with, i lime ion lic ' mud iis l upry 4elou. ait 'i1 - auetuhercmi tnle foosting Noitlieh forniarhy altUi. iat. ;hnil074tison -genstlemnaa refefrud. 116 tIse stâtemeitts lta 'bis luttera, haw-n caiplid t-sy taI t iancuior lie bailgiven tai thp laui- hec w~as aiylting tut -corcet. Tita liton memober hitd stalcd tise-t Liteninin- iry-dtsiccd te gtet rid- cf' lutta. NW miey did nul dèsire lu geL ria cf ý iits iielu it of facitet hcuitîi lotho possible; tiua.t thlie timte meniionati ttiîoy cenimi hav-e lid tistci a desice. 'Eivedioeéu7y abat-e, %void have preveniteal il. Mr Baldiwinu eisnid litatislied ficat lu =ai1 liseattentiona ot'thIs latise lauhis ý.Wr C's) letters. Ile adrited flat .Ufr Ciimierum i had expce.sstd lus deeiro Iu col-iÉe frein the goveraimemt at tise culte laetetieuts, btaL w as îwIsuUy oma p rivate grottimdsa. Tise laci gentleman aViii roliat-eltt-at lt-e ufleu e xprçsseden lipeat in t %ushw or lt-éee yeucs he weîtid uc able lu arrange hia privaste af- fuira unmd rcantu s lu ciiies. *Auothur point liant lic wisiect-la4o»ice, 'aias,; fiant Ilite lion nfentberitstt-e course of his. bIttera wisied 'luinaircss uutaitra I publieclt-at ho ws equiesle oult te-i tira duniig the tco-tbiaies MarOntre4i. TIse onî1iy axprm.of asut'li- ulinch&ýrli icla leNi B)Mr ý» eedlrrlict was prier le those troub)les, flot du rnmg thte t esa -Hc coliti nover blî -is iut- .ati- -liortiami totiltd -tiimstc ut leienmg-thom aI ysia a. lime. It vins jasseMi talion -getlennsn raiglil cefer t6 anti'Lr coua- versation -n wltich 4eexprcswed44îsat- ieiqln *fkthése'elevaxiOntof bMS,&-ý livatn,;anal ha(Mrc B) urg-tlt-l ai Dalle -h .o le utsy-o,îthat occasion. it %waà au tisa Lce of ltes. lefleus patent lt-at thesaw ongeatlemindesfire<i 0 l IIil !o' Crtisllim te coliarrl 'haut -Ttrteiachmntn mes lise gruati ut' lkia xesigalw. il 'cvai trime t tiehapruotxed ltae abulilion tif tht-aAssLqtant ConeÉssufbip it lte asever xp4aijsedi iow botiase ;ions cf ltha Provice cuuld ,o misfiç4 lay suais an arrangeent~r. R e, névkr- tzi- -, ý i a er T-o -ihittqa'athis ve-ey 0 ol#, Aje tmapld - Pi ~c t-be pbposîdte exi1 tise atlie justcuit i Su" 14 ieac tIileçî-esiastiu &. retsln -e;c~ Mr -Careoaîs.-Btit Y eliItcd'-frein frout> lthe" >II"À %iila iincomisfitency, 'if %wlsemiiuia.Tise At(t6risey_ýr doedmtpositins stiîil qpee l >Lr Ilidwin adinitfed hlion rn-(Xn,,ad atgd Mit her litd,-bat, ho îhifl- rentainea iiime' Wcurks, wlei,<- Cabinet, and vôqed foc il. Ia point cf He (MmC> îtmi fuel, tise lien gaîthiemara.is ad set l is asavcd hy, th abiI il iteat uua hcrrow LaciaComis-Pîeeà n -of$the C aienersisip. Mr ,Prleo v.tvaîibe .-lt iciiCwtmtnssioaeo %vaOs -.eternlilne4 of. Col Tacite wu «! te ,spasmed tW. li order lu accomisihha Te. ald4 ~0 (Mr B) îvouid adetit;i î' hawouid maka . n, cituice, tisat liteprefèed te utember ri~at ,fore Soutia York [iMrlriceil tis li onil 'as bC ilrI nieieber fiîKçnt. -He saici bis coi- Ieagùès iîad great -difffietity ini fladiig T1 > ,aé~Ggî ranlired. lHo did ýnutL hinsk Ise ahsoat-m ' teraîber fur Oxfor'd cemmilteci any im- rhsws icor propiety iin miiiting tu imqiire whit,î inte ie airea lis, -eason-s-fasrTiet4tmag.-. 'le 4Pfr a Bà ldW in timon rendth ie Globe oditorial'ljp<mmishod tt~~ waitteas -byll itcs e kiid Mr Bfestoirit l k-ý Gisineril r etîrrad tlIwlalAJritsg iy lte arrà gýentqi limese 'Ncrd,. dfa-m" As kl ocf iss4igsta- l wims not aI ail the reasetu.» iBut lie -Jol, l, utii4 d [M B ctil t S laie puc fretraiidk- aison et of OeDý î umei4;aiual. litotffgi lt-acoîtIseea Br grent f&aI about tle _Cutntllsteisip aund amet Wqs - e OfCsewn Laais. % Mar B theat cud lise hougea. Mr 410 ntof cfmi Catimeron wn4blaillitig Of Wn'a ut e'O », appoiatûmeuts being.ninde %wit.iowtc ti'r 't1ýf aîmius< ita, an-dasertad that this oa Mr I4 gentlemaawu a3 mrn ta nslt esbe aity meiuber of l4à eohimn&L Wmà og gruuud for~ retgng, beit 1ýgU ô e4,yc to hi I VOL. Lo- Z::ý= 1 1 1