Whitby Reporter, 1 Jun 1850, p. 3

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ettempt Io, euact the uW4Once -communicated -was neiffectuAli and, the - po boy, (nattnrally of a dt! icate <mine, and-iiervoitm, excitable tempera- menut,),lhas bac rottus of Ihescconvul- Km uteraig Ludually iirO88ifg in io-ene iltDnW,-(Tu sdy,) i-'f is initnàient danger. Iimây tidd thant.li iaýnever b)efore. mu$ertd (romn any. att kiof f lie kind ; and that, in Ihç_ -opinion ý<of medical ielle eveil àhould Ilis litfe bc spared, TuE MARKET, lDowftau tbo? NJlowrnolia 1l £5. 4m - - Toronto, April 29, 1m~. HTIrAVP, REMOVED to -the Store lattlY oceupied T. <>D E d, iJ. sAm 4rCo.,and neMtdouo[te J. 1J#?,mountJa 4 NXO. 9gy Kitg -Street, Toronto, NO. 5, <IIT*Y IIULLDING-Sq KIYG ST SIGN OF TÈE OOD)EN eMiN wee hirCstmta Friends wili l wiys wherethei Clisornes ao HET bo-IW nboIori the attntia M the 1seI=oDab1C and - READY-M.4DE CLOTHIJv0,W ,b. Coa, c48 rnta.u ike., ~ Consising of fineCI ch Press aud Frock C'oats,f ,sock fromui h éi 15 ucul ikcly Which, gas it in al 'mâllee tep rn&dr hM Scn super- evor- ivtendncelgi ttera haeil wiUllie îound elufli- te! VT. -rior tel) any ill iht.>city, sana1will bc soltiou cliap, j!siy ntltg n-aiui,ýt hiology itself. anid reasoiable teririo. - T.ODA mav inayQICd dll scrve te o rckonc am~ngY jicToi0flto May 29!,1807 monits conduic1elwti«týuin&nlds .,0 .WdLl crifnfibtimi, M rnly hbcneo )JCC #Àoi ; bat I do thiik ibi the pras( wbo introtued B* og -BRITISHI-AMI'FORFLiGN DRY 600%.S luc ~snw snawulreposiu ~ -W1 'Beand -asseaiL biy ptitti aigjthe Ihem ds of ciirn 1$,3King St. East' ./delaide Buildingsq, *nySteriOi5 plowvere of wbic1uthêy tlwcnî- - exitdoor b Scolie &Bafour. scievcs knuw. tifde or notbhing, ind, Ti>rtnti,,ay,_185. 71 whiclh niay', a,-;in the pIre.ent caes c~,ley No. 5o ONGE SRITORONTO. prWdittive of thce rnost ýL1aring niînd Olc t Pa~ru rsit. nIB I I P EF,i d~bv ie-bonlor le bc, :Si,. Tino Sheet :ko# u oprSlh Vou ncstbei~ft urA. NI. 1tram Fouder snd BteYump iaker. flector. .Ta#e4-vdcash, Decl, tanid allie? Boa. - IlXP. SHOWER, ANft OTIIER BDATIS. DY.SliRTE1R-S .4m) i TIeLANIUN ornto,. Mayl ~5.7 SO.-OlFnida;y. ilighit or ir ditY, CA RY BL » R OW N ,.~*uifg lst nparty of ixm8 i c(11111- lt-- othe 1bkBrhade stKe ue11V, IOS TREF T E. S T, longing tç RE uo~~' r i pig1e and wl-.lce deserted L toFroiv-h Crvek.Applicrationi LIQUOR'S, %shivhb ey otlkr, tathe. Trade uposi 'tiçg nia eteilVivil po-wer *nd raIîuri wxm.4 of credtt the A,<1diiron TrcnV.Ih;W)rifcf 5OJiL 1',fln 1fltcn Sil-r, :)(lkljlt Ledon («rtldwd do. thle MidLawi ùDi>strct ht town Ibo " 150h~f ih~sYcýUn; iIy.cii Tffl (Various fuarday 4vîigwith a -warrant ta p ii a prtpl;c th ni orflu t1we fel n. On tir- 5 alci aGnoDO P(very tiperiur) 4 1 ;~cecLaszîliy.ÏCoffée Distriet Atlailvy1udn~lsj*efî q Pted . aid vil - l1w plrt ei t4'i î.te lds 0b! Iv _ti Iodedju vii WrUJt 1,-l iIkdI u,"te uTWrdwGa% ia et,1d aie iulgi >1~...~ ~119 k-s ,Str'iet East,. 'fnu(I'AADINII ~-'e are s;î py tta icarsi that- ie~iueo the lia If- Dr. RL . IQU MN1N l up~~~ ~ !r -u ode î'c i it atpur.-Tishri. antd Jicetiiale f lte .rdia Jurd -.'Tîswil. îla~liteIiîutuwsofte CLI-utl_ 13 ~t i-f(ril hi&j Çuictt.üsapantthe public îh:t 11-e try i rt nsst'l-t'tC uC tot(OLUMBUS, abotfî Ikcii i sne Those 11ori~ingc~ot1t .u. id nak mn <Y uqoiirtr is».astittwi ll1usd hIini readvyut' al ensy in file Pruvuîw, .'L. IICti&l<- vitc tiîser ihei t-att. 'The atrnonnk'itv141 ho ;U11s lew 140-fWîîVillage", May -2ILI, 1850. - ,stindj , Il lryîllàitluee itunw<en Ille gov-' cTrnmeiit, ini liqItuiin(If' dlet'rsf ilsmmoth ï.t f ibols and Iei faili1dead u t cotTfdiiuti ù le pitlic 1(works. N W lr-e 'lid Io hta rn IBROWN'N&CHILDS t; mt Ille C(:ntoun's R.ci for 1-S-0JjAVE reeeiVt-d their spring tack of l3ooti eorrts'nH. ansd Shees Trotta hèir matufactory ut ô- shows antiincreasoeor the .t redi, andi witl el! ati their îtsual tow rateý. ding prcdfor 1849v £ or OO.it its B &C. ernploy ixhu.ndicd operatiresi vant a'osalid l 1*-t -trc js- -ýqn wu 'as prrodîsce (mrl In le ou1000pair daitv.t1heir ti) t1Nj*Mt10ise ,Want cf talada West, ani wil ompensaae Xs i îitNl at iniývaduais or aniîiies fi esusaf~t itne or' £7î5,000 1îî,'i rd-s t1lite 5ill4isk ti F IXsenduîs tise ne jtire<1 iengili, a fi-Jt wim e gitan- thle Lord veîa «t-lb. jale- - <'cr ov t-ti- tAT- TtrB,.va.--T~ aito- istil 1uresti ule" acn'Ouo ine, pthey can lie lu' apampI!1 ýj ?ý ' 1 ae filr 1Aiae for on J.isW the (,(»-tof*-~t.ittrv plodut- 110,V tý,-,Ln tiitIl] 44 .1 iurei wbefatlufl! rpai ithini tB.t ilehaT .'.-&-ClL , Kn >br~ ~ ~ ~~~' iainiutpsI , 3<I rNti anl neauly oppog.)site lte EngiisliÇiî:1urit. 8t~Iy,&~.rte u II u eyis t -L1, 2 1 (,2-- 1 II ID FOR EdTu/. . millonsfacs sz-Torosito, May 1, 1850. -ly T6 Fiance . . . 2,O t<) - -- ' - -To Central italy, ( i c.. 2.0000-c7Nt<e To "str-ia, y adenc To iuni4iry 1,O1 To R l, .*, ~ ,3OO~( Tu ?iimonlt, (mterial for war) - ,OQ(K -do. (leafliod liObt> 3OOO( eiyal to£7 6ý332,333 G4$ ,terliré- A F.rewe aerrjnbihsthaleà~kn it th.eklt ii ralber 1eo h c13 co-t, arpl IhaI.Iticwar of'. Sclie.te*i-,. i* t Ira ed, M'hich %vas. lowqeier, vely btody and Ve ry ex penive. -LVetc orkloIekptnJ(io. A>LtSE~T-ThanT11a! prOdUrt(M Of the 4t.s of he coaise L-boea known as bro-afsit a~c'atS is gtated to be in valie twenty mdljotw cf-dollarix, iving; employmrent tb uauw asxty Uwiisazd people. C~L~rainAaL-TY~iw. 'City of April 21,'tates tIhat tWo 4bousand alifoeia teamn-%abvýe lpa*ÀIthat town on tb4krwaY SCTIN -Ike plainp. Âtiowng three um t@o h t eaoe, puwber of adventurets in search of gOM. ~3 Sxythret vemsselsPaued throuçb thel WNelland Caum, frwii >(y$tb, to My I4to- bhdys i oeluaiV e. LAT-EST îISS - Of he foMosig JIggaziffl and PeriodiL, FOR $SALE AT TUE~ BÉORildîneO. ng t-. 3d. do. 7 1-2d1. do. 3sd do. fiOd do. - Ihit-bertteeiSll wt FAR-E.] WEI.L &1Wl)i issdydslv- by ,lut-.ual coujsent. Mi7e- notes and at~ pcoutswilieccoleced by. Mr.ý Faré,wcll, and thl iabitities dischargcéd -hýy him.- Ali. pensons indebted 10 t-die saîd fir willpl aseci aItheliir laIe plae u bisic~a<,d set-île t-heinr és- 1xoctivc accAîut-s. Thé limie - 1)roimîsed patties fur making paymentUWill bc- Ali l chdsagainst said Firm are rel- quested t-u be preseuted ortiwith. A c An v Ir .IT. The. Store and A.S be eontinuue by the. Prinee Âbcth t Wl IIOL EH 4L~ LD. ;ins 11~Ili P. 3.4 - jortrIlent c Sllooting andi Slck couitaIn. ant sd Fantalooni Of very ZNatonlael and style From t-le extra Çaelîty for niaking up Stx'k at thefcIbibnn,~n i rmnT, and purchasing il, the hlsl Markefti for CASh 1osly, tile t do scAi CHIEAPEItn ut -lie lte same lune.> EDWA1tD 1V.AN:S Vo~». B13.IAMILTO 0NY .McGîl Street, .Mlontreal. King S<reet, Toronto& jy 01 nef. Court N. I. VINTIP 1T9j31IN dont îo orusr. Uýcpairing in al l tsanious branchesi ncatiy exceuted ou short notice. NÀTL{ANIEL SRAY; Wilitty, Aprit 19, 1650. P-ROCLAMATI A.s Ta12EX.4A 1 Ë e. i' "- - - -. 'we Mi t t g t t g t -, f i t f t t B I g I. I g g I t # o-..-, &oi;i - I 0~ oOO 0O~ w -P t- '0 't - - e o 0- O t. t.. $0 t-, t- o P o O I., ta 't 'i o -.' '1 o 1-E t- 0 o o -t ~r. TI 26 3 13 0 leu, n ltrade m R. CIotJiinîg -and Dry Goods W !dtui el O-Her 4ajesi V T 1-11Stroti, dsire pe visa on g t h oabitari B3URGESS &, EISllMAN', - bis Our Tcwîiship of Whthy, that thorul extensive letrenchment,be na41»the P - .vfrC a'f' .~aair8,expenliture 0ai îli'zPovince, CORNER ,OI' KING k- CIIRCII STREETS, A»3Q1NIýiG Tfir co':q'ig ousE, Àdwhra crn lVd 1 rrazmil, .4 $*ibil ,-.,, bave lie» Proclaiin ik~~ley *P;111 Manufacture 1Boots. ,tilnuZr -Be t lIterefore kinown, to i k n eocrniand tIothe lnha bitalitsf ~nparic5lar, lhtiftom this d1. 1frth 1".W 11ATS, APPUllS, CLO.AliSi ANI) 1BONSIET$. he6î Lmaterial t th16L11wicg iow prices,1V GRMNTS MDE TO7 0ORDEIL0FZ YJ, E~ypSCJZP'W- . N0 S E CON D PVRW1CEY, "Peged Boot, 1WOl 2 St* O c. , Boo:::s - 126 , o E o t-OI,, kItslu ie J3iQi au dQe (r11e 1- P> t. ii ADI- IN) E» C sw '~ t E.q 1jjl :e ý-e xnd to ernpl1s none but the betot1orkn3 to seU cheaperthan any otber persninîuthe and a leelLe lwero than .A4texWio, Ibthe solicitsa a aare of publie patraie deofAriltyea of »Uar to -t . K .. t e o ~- .. -'WhitIby, Aj pi 19, 1 83D. CI s Cl wi OLLaGKe e ]mu *- 0 IT1 C' c,, çgq n htby, is--op rI~~ 1idder, fur aterm ofnot" lessatll -V ricir& rpAý r!! - 1, rh -1 1

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