Whitby Reporter, 11 May 1850, p. 4

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,n.ce ii~has rarmn 0 lot tjetotdes mot lb tilnfrdiiisle Sp- m-% ir rari>' dweae; yet bis ceb"deice nmc ue il sal1 e 1mu1ppiy it ini - cei tain- i the~ condition O f- -"ne titereine P jr. -» in the <acs wheroit bu aid a fuirtriai wiy, bu beenpfoctiysjt11 ctry.Ts Iceàm e rpau risbedy Peimismion cf thse Torosnto, 14th December, 18418. Ravlog for a congiderabié lime su fl'reiI se- 'rom a attaek cf tihe Rinlîi ,i n My m n tdki, 1-appiieci ta e no s us-respeta- siciasm; lut tisistrestunent vas eni'roper- berisflt 10 me. 1 iras. ibefirs'- iniduzcit; re à lcI*nk of yourn Imperial Cmrdial, c. jas completely cliTecimû. having tus-uw beeri re rc rom any }ind <of pain for twetve' YOU May>'tusbt is com MU sr,îas n-iyoit Ppw, asic! sefer y i r ureniiiretjir4te a * leus, v er> rcmslyF Cf rtkinc RheutI-sm gffsfliiz ycrso lng cured by JWàfurd'à Cur»dil usnd )Iujic'sÃŽ ry ccnify, Ilat 1 have iiceru flicitesl rif iuw-for frfle.n yen-te; for acoiiebl Wiù conllnesi ta bcdt, aid tie greater part of fé 1 couic!flot irove in wmîf'!nns»4 uuy Per ecmpletcly disl;)cated, rny krîues mwere Ibm esrswas carceey asble ta dotlireu *crk wibo!st s~nnssIglise smef xs4 ici a-noi> çIlshebigliest standitig, in thIe prof.-- reliasm i-the ProvinrcuSi azoise (u rve l-ItheTarorttofl-ositai. andtI 011twiîhstifiti- lte Dîams wed- cotil utget risI of my int4ssidisci 1.IVIs toid -b>' a ver-yre pecta *icimtbati «novùr couhrrtii urti. retish "ue, su>' attenfitina iras çed ulate ourl wl HIaulïqd1o Imperïal Corii.i fvr tise cure ,eatisusmuin d iimatic liout, sandciDr. -Pille, 1 wss dePpaltrcg cf ever gfAuifg cu- àen 1 called ou ytÏî,- 1iras barii> able te nd whût wanaImost mnus in u bree rom my cormmeriing tc take yotit ci gaitid fotüi t-en IXusunuil in we s; My im, msuch improved, ansd isn bout itre,' mtone My>' 5hegsumatis;m %w» completely! rh su> ptis jAcmpIete-tyrerc. 1InOw we.i> 1 havie tvalked ltoity-six niisieu n e b pWreet treodôruani 1 assure ytit, Sir, peltrtyhakitt.You caniinn-ko ausy usse .#t pion-.; m~y turne io krosvut) v'a .aw of Tes phtabîitý iri titis cii>', thcir rou lmow and cari refer- te tfscm if -ices., * <=e o William (#Goedurbars, -Wiil-, and bg.perLbttîe!. 'Tise;at'ov S. F. URQUHIART, us> years beeri useti iait>' citical cases of s)py resIýIltf§ -i bcevel ?practiceo eeineuit rvhutiyadoptet M). he paltif' mIrs is now se unnedtcisw 10 Io ti n be Isverîtet i or Is uiitî te Niliicli frai[ eàlnw ltat indotmi' uti! psvesn"e ci- 'rus, fïr 114i-llsurt 61> T'ime St., Grol4çen rBriUek4*ç.rlca wou the tgrie am, ouffrliadJs the t,4vertsbier$. syOfO tICJ1iwi' i s~J. - ~~- -~---- ~~-~-.-.... WC batcff course alwoys; hoglad te bave thé'. date, $5,042024 60. .dA tg o1 edb' bs F S > 1 C USfavours ; buft neverth*lev if 'there be hny thing conipany- are ifs <hicap ~ralteo;, and the fàctthat 11< J, Si P ld'c C Tl USke ii her, r n other s;ecurty, liability, <or lion, Ibeyond the noies, TWF ~th flfwhlch c ece <stels men is *ro ng, c ncshf iav n s;required, taken, or made W W14' S Y -If P OR T E R. atiier deeline théir patione ihan net opfy agast ii$ imuibcri. maeO TII? it a>'. bfile Agent, if reuesteu, or an>' fulsire dia di- ~t'lw ~ . itThouiiuch for one b>w infroductory. rutngret4 y ariw~t, if o on ny oeural.by pli fied thatof tlib epotr fee itoeU rnY cculie Us moree W 1 wnldI0w, tb andi uwaqent l npreved by thse dsrectors.- ing ~ ~ ý 1.[pr W ' knlovîng,.wishes ;to ail, lurn off the igt1 ad( idt iofO V>elb. on o d)à ductcd, would meet mwith jzeneral stup- *drop thse eu tain. .Diareemmrt, -if any i iudtino aaes;, por ii ~Vitb aÛI he cljinigcou- iWreferrect for settlemefi~ th t fOnQrary Direc-' poy, indfroin yaùd te doiç i giiisg*SPiT 3$;.. tos; ho ar rways appoirsted the- Company' try afd foina sns ofthegroiti, ktfoiecb$ tte o'rgsef-,l W T her I. business re- iimota ci f»theiTpwnsip, n:ird isCFV IE . S. 4uirc'., anid iti case of final disagrerrment,isefr ràlpi4l.y illererusi1g ypipllt lolis, tet>er A~~tINA IIU ?IS; iesl teineWjhbowsoftIhe irieureld nsutualy c hosen. wit1rits vilst resources, and exc"llent Tbee Bee4 and C4ceapest Prre'. pier /o n ur asseAil.-TeCtiayi;atos lmkconntiybsWc i(ledtpir Fcr>imers catin olait short issrtrsce wiihout fsrther chae tse éstre;c.~ablsluent cfUicMabii~~1~elleprofits made on ibis iystem, gg iMlýifpY 'rècn.ni frouis its late prop)rio- i pe aac/. -:hbIe oi trnta nerbr j Ths~cosd v n o thé ~ No wo-tîislsçrsiaCiIIin the Plscsesbut ýh toraild therolotre. shrI 1.ýon1ti tic Iwncc- lcqéco1iVliti fté kiv-Comp1T4Ijïirays the full JO"tIottse arnount of is 'turist in'lt plir n nue. Derth te cpuili rl t fiise rmen tI-Mil ier . n tsprtiù4frr. )Iàice d< îand païd jwomtyiFud Lronstisatvftlî Pree(In. Jautry,l.S5.). It isi.«sued m ehI Td nrent atiepîielo. "'Jfr«Reortr vi1 1, crntned çJc ntaiins 24 paires, dotible coffiisni-' Fa ;een are not hrer oblired to contribute te Thc Rtul sttave. . D1l bcticonprlcrIi yen-r osussin blocks and extra fhazsrdoss property,1iný thc ce wvho, sbctb to tise Freemaîs. tea tsns1ctwl oditsd 1o lutedrilîks of. aîsîrovCd clinracler, lke theii Àîtllo. lo whorn ithse Jteportur ,Isia wtwl onii r,6<ils w.o 1 i %Vti olià-i ilttmc-icii,.ï*il1 ls- 0f over rive millions o Ins:srances in thfe past Isot"st~wil h ensicrd sbsribrstratiMs ()f MachineS and Farnrnplc- ras ta-dla as; insured on buildings in if tlio p- popr la not ro-tiirned t t I tl icis, Far-m Iruc.sCottages, r<),,lockseand udÃ"vcr four millions thcreof ivas on office ataxer reccipt, of tihe 2nd numbeiiir. Pî,>fosr 11ol ITuuscs, fliagntsp nws à soated idwellsngtirrnnd conentâ;. midth (J)u chngeP~VC Wjl jease1>0' eplantics frmaisider 011 couritry ta!vernu andrope11y nDot explnatin ofquestions in mechanical dixemeil more ba7zardoins. tieUc h g.*.* scionce, and tictttiral -)Ii1sephy. 1 en; bi tean ave Isle piviiege étfrenting Ï SOMEHINGAISTYT IJRELVE'., frea cur wil betukn is u~anA chaisginLteuarsait, 'itisut notice, on adding 8014THIN ABTIT URSKVE' 1 01. 1t*e cent*Io i heir annual ra e, or. 1-4 pet ecut;' .4A Iroepertîas la an Eios -bow tc thePiiiice; lion o(f ilatterJ, whjether rellating Io Ag- thUis avo)iing thisg fréqe'1nt ecause of itigationx andi hi. sAc.if isrsscion hrm in 0isehope tlint the 10,4rfrirlsrc elnneD -3s, and ail care mni trelisljct szrace wit~ lsieh hlessJi irna yintii!"ir.fasvotsr. isi co y rgeîrl..t.ciudd-Procerty,-Bluildngs inrblockts or T wo nîuîlvtIs licat to u ileiumgr risaelc. refspect. foi &4 eal intelligent priictical firnrs. ihi 10fdilt iircrof, and ail extra isazardous thse cntisnity ý,ai large, whieh an Editor, ofensursse, ' "ttiades ansd otcXpatioussanrd, buildings; expoyied (1cepîyanuiso: -,irdêtieri; have promised c COPOii- thereby, are lcxduded frins aceb1 tàs 1haps tlisfy1st'ie >'asw hie qisatity iand ini doinç receive comin itiicàtiol.ss fron-al their Frea ue.Asalmnhya!cstîa $W nay sec ure hsb a mwocimte. Jiis cotf,4tedil tlsrbrs Sîî sae teetsheet is'isîuMd ut (gdensbur;h, N. Y., wdawl iard tlisîmg to go: broisgitan introduction fac<e b * contain fisceruinthi>' reports-.e1 tise Compatjy, and face; itl s trltns-ie o îse's ruodiss la bupresenîoe.aswil ho freely iMbl1scd. "Two or-Ilireç wiîî te set tlaeny rûem ~ra year, who wiiIp>y cardi ani13st epri'le to %vatchth iewyl eÃŽl~nnc ih ~esil tan Aette ssty-tv cutor enclose dame S;um WlsicIs it 'y lie iuccived, whether %with a heaity tmeutg Iocfw n scnsettiwts teseSecretar>',-for tis ubà he.B>' Ibis; dicOllnt Élisi airor with a colt il losaedand [ ne o'crsity,] necedwilimembers nia>'atitmeï kuso the state ofithe a etiff Ilicîcld atlempt al a.ssrile in,5tead ti ni r$tYse hý'vtigare ilte C011-, Company. siisre ant(I frsi.ndly reaility. It iti e.ven worse f0 trib3i te tishe coltinnàcf the .'jgrîiu-BSIES 1;-w on paper; oue h&s iet tîse Udvatag# of i.ing *,* imis Comparj takrss plisure i n n1rritig te Ix fien lud .b<4ng1sdVieifeea iecl Iisn i ld rnay Vnrrns, rbadsribe and pa y for your ithose wiso have been su unfortuusae as te suffer 11Y al llre given tri the rpe *sore readuiytflan it wif»lf have beei to t1ie pais. yhinseif, andi above all, a IntP?èr, and. thien .wik frtit-.ùIl partiles : firse, rearinidattseanprptessd ti isc h- longr bw1sses eooins krsows whIether or %vil i tis bho peaied and:benefitted. hSe aeIqdaclai ad st hei f hoC 1 1 bay.W elsl tis u stete Iz'ursc;-uhnB, WhlitteY, Essq., 01 Wol ra e ie i ti ./lgrAicultu is 'devo#lto the awre>ncevi$Iie,'N. Y., luit $1 ,500 as a merrsber oi fleverteiss we oldmkeoedewan o v elpîetn dacmn fUcsi ona naIe' if., Kitiey', C. W., August, 1848. 'fsi vewcwsudfoiw tupîy stalinz r ea itrasc and.Mîhg Thiis certifies that biavin- lest a valuabie pro- autdry laets respeting ourselves M hic , we thinc has already been donc hy thik. paper, leti c~dbrts 8.Lwee Cut 'e insay serve to e <nrvîse Ille worid that we are tdhfe hih ree.edtiscof tuai Insurarnce C-ompani>, I arn pleasedt o L.eisr Worth 1being rriace lnds of, It la bad foi- a m-an 1 s whieh itis a c dua ion t tisofgratuiltous ftstmn ets a4mirnipop iii biv is own cnrm X_ýtto e eure, but Yet Mwe .~- -mne uiihi a'uiè nipi urus' lie alti.wed ini t scale on it, riifn 1 ôlsy lereesc he n i EI CAIMAN, Jr.- cpnnuccd flounTheK--If the serlml. noteo lio otlisor p[pers alludedti, suffièred greatj xkle-rOieroelcOytnB, 9i"d, What May notthe public expert when thse ios t ani tii.. Pro'ieters of -tire-. .4 r.'rs- r ., alivo oell c, s iated ay riuslc corne. Wý,wealways riere rI uicis eng-TlntN . ple n-Ith ssa g siout de4andtUc!wUld rallier ai'e a tree cuturit hsv,so far, been otlt eiofWkct, i"bovc. Trie Agent reickd six muics,-"from hi& i1X~sttiae t" pecsr l her suldy'iuit, besides the line, labour and ansity yeidence, auid on :f. Poweilis returni<sg in.si lt than have usiinvitistion fbom fruitw cf bis1 lieuse, xin w» Punfiantoe.;,Ianhe wlikocht,,m,, s;bo et leves 6 crneisea, ati pen lu ls ublcatin-. lathe eprachsneiately on coming- in of tise proof, a peiicy wis Let ur iavs 6hcrieeor, aidfsnd Ûefutisattte farmers, of Canada, wil -.net iesl asnc!tiee lus» audit etiat thetamp ee1trn Of awAasîirisg. Lebjti-eoe ury tlsroitls tthe tilit;g wliat we 1roPiÀ)ïe ndo, th tau ot, ursUîpert an_,egrieulttitaI-pa'l>er of any, ieBad iebi vdnehc > ie(on retins nay av èsasc sfceuarn 1ou ro.kndt cntJel ' ee e.Ltpan>' of Mr. 4Povplllu satihfaction la, that tise ro ie, il shave a draîce otise pbl po - WWor fut hu ear, and t Letah IaîesBegsOCrnr s. fGdrc eld-btut sspb Our nlirneti ase n te" oav ho lo tfor wverC ..la be eanl P&a> lsrwhl u- wouldelaiOultise wiiscd suireul h y tuswellpasiyr. Ielle ffl n, ani otls'inglsma xhreiletîAn impducemeni te extraaexite, otiiusH. Clra, MLongdIslnNew Y areere Ibi aiit 1. haereu" shacile, thlke'to nftuuk alonBe t OLLARS - , tEyq, orCh . rtion ilmr il, er atiaise teorblîe nic 0 e-.lWC morlestfaolargeand banilsandeptopert v ,i qC.sW.,y hu quier, shah fsna iru usnanrutivocuie.- s "fold hesit ie omla tnole for iimet s ooi rone My SbcwEw oT ->'IveDOLrS I reci b>'ibis Company',itw mtatiai w cisc -are men, a~l oun. paper as a ulisvifèen-, A s anEveryp ers n wbowlextre -t00 j peemmss H.Cl institutio,,n lsYfrk reî sure in us'> W see, to erveour inesuioano eu frcn.upssrgta f hhwcî b flel w.ith ofr tesfor twine .4reictîrst, as a GisxoNLzzs ninn.jvêe, ri-eo ctisig adiscintse- aUt..FrIjUtN pRîE (f 2 OîLi, on-B DyeoIjmltn C . W.ar - kept uit fiti inhig îsous ail ad * anti rm ,iïtY-he n O LARhStie f ed tlWlsereCopny covas etd >'a hcy o! isu m iiit p r- fTile fo r igal 1 t he 4ivissonesiçj.f * 'peetc y Ostt!s eunhtîntvehoe a Babe e ris aordrig isePaerwil b piti$10;$1ontsUOb>' titis Cmpati n eierul caun fll(pe ruius.iwolaid etti wehl4r nyIigd or10 uéibera $5; fr10dt 4.Sct.tIldiI .. lws et 100 * ucr-thc i iitier ef o bt. Rqorer -au giers- ' E oer-7 stt,$0 fr6 ito epompdt arnii haidorne famebwhic greoni depa safctioamntico ouehos * iicai tswkr lsttlcngls ya ti<tsh u W.ricultra fo tetiesandtheise pr- a>', iv zsî.Tn, esono, i. W * îs'woie ir trst,-svil e fusx tehi thé,.5 ssubltilîi ePer-fthr o~iýLR ¶VJonfi B . Wbiott 1aerl, C . .,sete- -tirimnpeîance. remitoi tr hefrle t the alsoe.f elt îa;osof, or terbt cvereci b>a Poliy We1tl s ah haveth,)I flup et, Pc o, iîie a4sweh$enetrvllngagns tie ytie mai Cmpny Ifreeu'nuotO v l a "idoe grid tell gooci e(l1 , - ii ae tîp and acssile 00 , On t i iith d Y ., ebnitar>', i $bocme0a >..,~,t.a ee.a t.g~ P.t~for 160 tsu. Csgwbrm.rnf $75 ;n for 120 ditnd apg b ia mvr..blinnir e flu ufs at txn-'v f0f1 owiir-,nrnee tt de o l is zc>e»t&mi tîoîd om fts epnjv rvÉneIl 1 -, Mar> thesusanti Cansiarsmeubers iu van Parna et thse Provinco miglit hc neferrec te-t abuve being a feir, outeOf thse many wVhe have, lai 11 been inri 'tie-undèroigned in t he 1mai latIocatity where he resulcs. Agentat Rrooklin,- W7teittrj, C. W. wuil casi century il Milton,1 %vllin it de'velopm yet to tci n'latemr n Ira Wheelock, presr*ti Enstiins Vila&, V. P., Smith StilwelI, jr, RoyalVil»,B, philIijý A. hn V, nth David Cuschton, Williamn Bacont James G. Hopkins, Wl. Willion, Wm. E. Guest, Sarnel Pirtrhlge. %lce at Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1849. Ri'fereice. R. .Ferry, WIzit&!J. ýP. Perry, Dr. Allis;on, Samusel corhran, Jonathan Bartlett, 4 Jo:hn 11.1,-et ry, Noah Huckins, T'hornaisLiinssen, Joep lext. chelson -wm; Warrcen, port iivy. Nr,>ah Nacih' 11. R. CampheBBrokis Aloes aBartlett, *John Wiiei William Nichiola, ' brt G.Nichols,, John ee, Dr. Foote, s William Little, L-vi taKsPickering. John Clark, ' John Suddler,. 'é *Frederick Green, 4 Gerge MUne, 'rhlonasVardon, Roliert n. Vardoh, Johin Black, .Couls John Ilighland, Ã"&w 'LeWs *I î Icll Mrk4am. BrYee,>McMUurrch &-Co., Trnu Will 'am Rissock, *hydncY &Smith, Yaq., Coboeurg. Charles Mâater, Esq., IIowmc ville. FresPer A,. Hurd, . Rfaci. &mtucl Davidsen, Mara oàa. et Li4JSI3ý, works; Mis, Pei - Capbain i te lordBy quartereof ldsatbh ef1 telap"sin 5 t he poet.ap heeri bus>' Mloore ira lisheci corsg SVelume et pasages m assared Iàt Ci i hi L Ct 't $or 0£pli Tise.whv eare ailllct'ec l vtiSre Zyes. cari find a CIJEAP andi EFFECTUAL remne!> in fiE ýWellingtonE1ye Watoiri .Ni4nufactiiied an-d Jçept on band, for sale b>' the Pr priefor, aà foilleia: -- Oneucvial, 711 - - Two de. do, .. 13is. 3à1. N.B-scenecflivinir wiftes a-Iucedto t tesi!>' of tise etfflcaFy et ouveral of Nwlibrn steir reside 'itu<hi Baisam à U15b0 gmol fer Brssisee4 tien, Crarups, Ague la ýtise rleae Saddle-galIs, &C. &e, .Cksrk's Breuier, Wbitby Village 7th Jaruar>', 1850, Clou- the Traok I AR-y sut trac t-Il Iris Jettera l 1- la 1 if"

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