Thureday, Septeiniber- 12, 1963 WIETBY WEEKLY NEWS 8 more runs m hie last tvio Iradr4&e -A good cr'owd le seýotn i Whitby Midgets Move To "Y'e Mitiet teain participaised m tise Provincial Semi-Finals Legin Pée Wee Tousrnent in mfa aaun mud=yes-e Thse Wiiby Mdgets a eball teamn behnd the strossg aria of Wikly Doleweerd, adliance to thse Ontaio serm-finajs when they ehiiinated Orila in two straight ganser. Whitby won mthse first gaine of thse best cf three OBA playoiffs in OrilUa last Mossday. Saturday asfternoon ait Hii1ret School the Whitby team shutout the visilsors 8-0. Whtby will now meet Tisoroad in the OntaikssesssI4ial&7%e finst gaine of this series wil be p1alyed in Wlitby Saturday, Sep- tember 14, at 2 p.m. at the HLU- Cree sdsoà lgrounsds. Thse Midéelai have now elumin- ated Port Hope andi OrIlia and have a very stsxmg cdiSo fbe- Ing able to go al thse way and bnng thse Ontarom AWget chain-1 pkendusp to VWhhby lfor thee <frt Uime in thse lown's hiatory. Tise sftond geme of thse Wha't- bY.T7%oeek serien will be playedj uns Sttrday, S&pteiber 21. Ins the second gnSe played here Satmuxday 'bg Wily Dole- weexd not oSdy ohut "iM the viai.j torm but 'oxly aoSeOrIlia playeri reacheri thà rd base and that was in the very fixait inning. Willy struck out ten mess along tise wïry and ait no tasse wass in any real trouble. Doleweerd, wiso staârted the season as thse teaina' catcher was lienf moyed into thse pitohing spot whes tise teains pftcising falliered and has pîtcied ever sisce. One cd Wily's big ganses was an 11-0 no ilt ehutxu't over Oahasva. Pat Whtters did thse catclsing for thse Whitby cluib and caughst a ..ry atroag gaine. Doleweerd got soasse great support frotsn ise rnicde of thse bail club as Bussly Bell at second base, Darmy Sandl- ford at short gtop andciPeuli Bo- dhuk in centre field casse up witls sonne gaod ddiesive plays. Tise Wlstby tem bmske up tise very close bail gansemn tie fourtisnnng whessBuny Bell tripleti ansiSony Sand6xrd dfr'pped a per<ect buuitot score Bell. Wbitb'y added tl~ monare in tise flftls wfth thebig baow being a liad bounce triple by Pat Whttema Wlstby added twp mûsre i tise mxth walfl pitchier Willy Doleweerd's long double bedng tise key hit.. Whatby adkmeid fswo Open House . NEW SCHOOL of NURSING and RESIDENCE ONTARIO HOSPITAL, WHITBY The P>ublic is invited to attend Open House at the School of Nursing and Residence, Ontario Hospital, Whithy. THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1963 from 7 t. 9 p.m. *Remindiers about your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE Always keep your Hospital Insurance Certificate handy. KEEP INSUREDI Separdte premniums are required for your insurance from now on. Obtain application form at a bank, a hos- pîtal or tise Commission. KREB INSUREDI The Fainily premium must be paid t0 cover husband and wife. Tell your group OR, if you pay yont premiums direct, notif y thse Commission. KREP INSUREDI Follow carefiilly the instruictions on thse back of the (ertifiLate of Payment s~Form 104, wbicis youLr employer is required to give you. 7 ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2196 VONQE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO Whitby Junior Girls Eliminate Brooklin The Whitby Juniior Girls' soft- bail teauin seon tIfirabit playcff round in thse Oâmawa and DIs- triet Ladïes Softbauil Legue by elinslnting Brekiin on Wednes- Tise second ganse c ieheemies &aY, September 4. Wlstby ioled was played ins Brooklissona Sun- up a 27-4 smore agahist fise visit- day afbernSon wiltls hitby grà ab ing Brooklil tearn. bing -a 14-3 decisicaL Barb War- Barb Warneur pitahed alltle ner pltched heir second wixi. way for tise Wlitby win wilh Whltby is ssow awmating tis Vivian Ta'een dlbing thse catchig. winner of t he Bcwnmnvillk- Barb picked up 17 st.rikeousts ansd Oshanvia serlea fSr their next cofn- walked four batteixa. Nancy Laiw- petition. son led tise Whitby offenre with five hits -in five turnes atbat witispvhao on ht eiga hrnse run. We ce TOWN L. Spencer siiarted pitchisng for Brool'in and lasted until tise FUNERAL CHPE fourdis, whsen S iiantile took over11 and tcsmpleted tise garne. C. 110 DUNDAIS STREET, EAST Greer did the oestîsising. 0Ft NIIRSING ONTARIO HOSPITAL WHITBY The Prime Minister and the Government of Ontario are proud to announce the opening of the new School of Nursing and Nurses' Residence. In it will be found al the facilities for the education and training of students in prepa- ration for the Registered Nurse examinations. Here too, nurses in training from many General Hospitals in the Province will receive their training in the care of Psychiatrie Patients; and more and more this is a part of the local Hospital function. These are oniy part of the benefits flowing from this new Million Dolar school which will accommodate 156 students; or a yearly graduating ciass of 50. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F HEALTH MMuawale Jol Ru aar ommb" Moaew B. DUiOMd, M.D. Pfiuu Mauhtw #inu~ f I horold Here Saturday -------- -- 1 1 1 ---------------------------------------------- 0 a OOL