Whitby Weekly News, 12 Sep 1963, p. 3

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------a----2 p.m. on Saturdsy, September OBITUARIES 7,9, jl iteet aIon ________________Lawn Ceanetery, Oshawa. Rev. J. MoLoeodl officiated. JACK FOREESTER-- The palibeas-eTs were James' Jack Lausrenice Fo-ester, 113 Sturgess, Herb Neale, Len Ricli, John St, E., Whitby, pees awa Haro1dl Crawforth, Edwin lain- sudderaly at bis residenLe on ory, eU of Whltby, eind Les Pür- Satbu:rdùy, Septeauber 7, 1963. rott of Oshawa. The late Jack Fosrester was a native cf Whitby amd receved DENNIS CONNOR his eduatiOn le-e, lie was a soin A native of Whiilby, Dennis of the late Mr. and, Mia. George Connor, 126 Ash Street, passed O. Forreste. In 1949 lienarried away i Oshawa Geneirail Hos- Mary Webb W"li of Oshawa. pitl on Wediiesclay, September' The deceaaed was a sergeant. 4. 1963, aâter a short illness. major in the R.C.C.S.' dusing Denrisa Connos- was a son of WorIld War Il, aud saw service, the late John sud Lydia Connes-. in Itaiy, Englaind, FrnSandHe receiveal hia eduostion in GerrnanY. He was formedny ai huîly schoc& lie wus ern-ploy- rnerber Of the 100F andl was ed as -a rechIanic for 39 years. Trustee Tom Edwards of the school field day champlonship for active in Braucl 112, Royal Cana- nhe deceased was a memàaber of Whitby Public School Board, ps-e- schools. Tommy Tushingham, das- Legion. St. John the Evangelist Ras-nain sents Principal Carmen Sarles, speclal speaker at the assemibly lan addItion o his wàdfe lie is Catholiec (hurclh, an-d was active of Coîborne Street Public School, field last fflday afternoon looks surviveal by thiree sisters snd one wit]h Brandi 112 of the Royal wlth the Campbell trophy, em- on as Trustee Edwards aad Ms-. brotbher, Mrs. J. C us h ing Caï-nacian Legioni Whîtby. He blematlc of the senior public Sasles re-enact the presentation. (Dorothy) Toronto; Min. G. Kng sea'ved overseas du ring tIhe ____ (Mary) OtIhawa; Mmra R. Jackson- Second World War wilh thse Mobile tea parties and coffee Pauline Jewett, M.P., w ili (Phyllis) Cobouirg, and George Royal Canadien Arrnoured Coin- ck1t<jsa wil be hek.I as the oc- cone to Witb7 next Thursclay, of Whitby. pany. cosion arisea September 19, toi take part in a The P«albeoasers were Joseph TIse la-te jr. Connor is sur- Sornelihissg to do at aI tuTSes, round cf tousasilli Mr. Hoâmligs- Cusiýhing, Toronto; George Myles, viveal by fouir saes-s, Mirs. B. but fleclble ta meet ohariging worlis. Bobby Attersley will set Scarbos-ouglh; Roy Jackson, Co- Lukse (Kate), Mira. J. Clarke situations is thse wordlng for tihe as master of ces-ernones, Dus-ing bous-g; George King, Oshawas; (Anu), Mira. S. Bragg (May), and and at 6.30 sif be at downtown thse mos-nag there will be vslits George Glbey anal Duticl R. Mor- ffeîleas, afil of Whitby. Tirees coring weak. to rixxt of tihe suibdivisionsa.In rLson, botl of WRùtby. brotihers also survive, 1tey are 1Tcirnorrow (Fiiiday), the bib- the afternoon thse group wil The fus-erai esrvice sans ield WJlanend James of Wlivby, eral candidate sill visit varjous s-ove isito Whitby aud East Whi ut- on Wednesday, Sepmibe 10, and- Johin of Sauk Cetre, Min- subdivisions of thse owan and thie by Townshipe. Tiey will be out- 1963, at *10 W- C. Town Fosserai nesta, USA. Blair Par-k Paza. At 4.00 lie will sidaé the Duadop plant at 4 o'clock Chapel with ites-ment ini st. Thse funieral services were hel be ut thse Dunlop gaVes. Bobby anal a 6.30 wiil be at clowntown Johns's Roman Oathcdiei Ceme- aVthie W. C. Town Fu-neral Atessley, who bedailaso been shopping phluzas. tery. Rev. L. Austin offiiteil. Chapell on Foiday, Septesuber 6, nonsateil for the liberal can- 1963, at 9 ar.. ntermient wus ln didacy wiai st as master of cors- A PAPER ROUTE available nosa NMS. BERTHA PARKER St. John's Riosan Caitholc Ceuse- moies. in northl endl for girl or boy. Berthsa M. Pairker, 132 Perr tes-y, 'lisisilConcession. Rev. L. Saturday, MT. liodingsw<-th Must have bicycle. Papes-s de- sla-eet, Whuhiby, passed away at J. Austin ofcae will visit Sundeiasa, Oanning- livered to carriers homes every Oshawaa Gessenda Hospital on The palbeairers were Robert ton and Beaves-ton. lie ifi be Thus-sdey. 151 Brock St. North,- Tlsirsdxay, Septeusher 5, 1963- Adamn., Keith Lynde, Ma, Rieh, active at the Beaveston fais-. Whstby or cail 668-383. She was 69 yess 0f'age aud hail Samussel Tiorndykern, Carl Ross Mondsy, Septensber 16, Mr. beau il] for somne tusse. as-dilJamses Rosas nad Carl a X ' Olllngsqworth sii tour Bvock r.. Bertiha May liens-y was boras in bosky. Townsship, and in the evenâng 1 1 a e ù Whitby, a dbuglster cd Vie _________ take part in5 a public mneetinug at Janffesasnd Jenny Henr-y. She re- PROVINCIAL BL-ECTION Kathleen Rowe Schoel where W ed. to satSep oeîved ber edkses#ors- lu the town Contlnued fruin Page One Vaernon Singer, MPP, wtll be thse achools. TIn 1913 she niss-ed Johna Liberal Actlvity guegt speaklser. GREATEST AGRI( Poskikrl Tqnto. Tbe decetsses-, Sam fHtuilngwortJi, Libes-al Tuesd5aV wM l .et n RmaEASTERN CEN sans a membai- of Whithy lIsp- candidate for Onstariolo R& is l andl Thvmsa towsshlpa, andl Bea- 15 ACRES 0J tiat Chus-ch. 5h. wao afilfe memn- oerrying is<yn eptS-ni vfth verton. ber of thse W1115s ad bock an se- hrn as ha hraveis about the rt- Weilksesdy, Septembes- 18, will RCMP Apl tlve par th Ie cbhus'h dàoir aldin-llg. TeIâLbeqala haîve hls-ed a final Mr. Hclngsworth worklng Thuna Night, Fni. and Sa ladies' aid sgoclety. house traller complote vhtis a ils way south Viurough thse rîd'- Su-viving -are two àstes-s, Miss loud speaker syebem. fsrn wa"isk g. Laie in the day he siN ar- Also Vanlety Hazei Worfolk 0f Wtitby and Vthe canscldate Snu adidreas grofpa rive at Port Pes-ry fur en avers- Fr-ee Draw on Thurs., F Min. G. Mcrlde (Chas-otte) of lu any astion ci th is dlug, os- lng meeting at ths Mansaiester St. Tisoras. hold Mina recepticu aisde the Tas-e Hall whes-e James Trotter, "6PLAN TO Thse funeral service was held t0aler witfs literegted electora. MPP, will be tise guesti speaker- ELECI TO MWY WHITBY WEEKLY NEWS 13 Thurslay, Septesaber 12, 1963 WHITBY BAPTISI Coiborne Street W., at Coent REV JOHN McLEOD Mira. W. B. Suxnmers, A.T.C.M.. Organist il arn. & 7 p.m.- Gust Speaker Rev. Er c W. Smalley of Toronto. 9.45 arn. - Bible School ST. MARK'S UNITED EV J. M. SITH. BA., B.D. Mss la Newton, Deaaxmess f Mis. J. L. Beaton, KRjC.T, UCRN1NG WORSHIP 1ila U.C.W. A!NNUAL SERVICE S1TNiDAY SiCHjOL 9.45 a.m. - Juniors, kiter- mediates, Seniors il ar.- Nursery, Kider- garten, Prima-y Il a.m. - Infant S-e vhàle parents woiSuWp ST. ANDREWS Rev. W. J. S McClure B.&. &UNISTER A "Welcorne" for all Boys and Girls. Sunday Sohool Re-opens et 9.45 a.m. il arn. - 'Tm Leearnlng" EVERYONE WELCOME Pt. 18, 19, 20# 21 ,ULTURAL EX. IN TMAL ONTARIO F MIDWAXY >peaJing at. Af'ternoon and Evenlng yStage Show Fri. and %at. Evenings AND VOTE ED NEW D eMEDICARE ARDS 'EMOCRAT Not Semi-Care 0ea. TOM EDWARDS Sporisoreal by the Ontas-so Rding New Denucraic Ass. *ASSISTANCE FOR FARMERS.. *PORTABLE PENSIONS.. Belier Labour Legistration THE NEW DEMOCRATS WILL DO UT

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