Whitby Weekly News, 4 Oct 1962, p. 6

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SWRITBY WEEKL'y NEWS Thursday, October 4, 1962 I HE CHlLDREN' CRNER donoe, for peupie in' ail parts of lOcal W a î su F r Pi ria the worid. n bei work, Mca. Pal- lerson bas t-avelled widely and sh bouhtseeri eat-ar-TO Caa~x~n ar Graves UlabHoland .he hdcnatdi ifrn street, Whîtby, is a member of varlous war cemetei es maintam... parts oif Canada and aLoi A f the ftrst pilgrimage froni Can- ed . in that country by the Im-~ rica, Korea, India andi Trinâdad. ada to the wa cenietaries and perl War Graves Commnission. In closing, Mrs. Patterson saidbtlf oHlan.Sei Mrs. Fallma andi the otheÉ that in think-ing oif ail the uriresthtefk fHoad.Sei membera of the Pilgrimage will tg,,,eta î, th, world, and the one of 79 Canadiens selected from ha tha guests of a voluntas-y or- many problenis, wha-t la needed I000 applicanta for inclusion on gasization ai Dutoh citizens arnd la the faith tif a lttie ohld, and the trip. will 'have free hospitality, includi- the Marching Orders are "Go ye Mra. Fa-ion wil! be visiting the issg 6oard andi iodging during the into ail thae World and preach thbe iedysainHln. Gospel to every creatu-re". Chris- grave cif lier son, Pte. M. F. Fal nn ýenysiveay an ofland. t tien women have takan Iliese or- Ion, a member of the Lake Su- to tha Canedian wair cemeteries ders, and tihea'e muet be no slack- prier Ragiment, wbo la buried anid battlefieldis bas been plan- aning alnmg itbe way, Mrs. Ollen- at IHoten Cemaetery. ned, as weil as sight-seeing trips Bîite on behalf of the members, The majority of those selectied to Arniterdam, The Hague and thanked Mrs. Patte'rson for mak- for the pilgrimage are mothers Aalsrneer, a fentous flower cene- ing the total mission of the LTCW and fattiers in their 70's and 80' tre.. The CanadIen Embassy at so clear lic everycea and she whose soidiar or airixien sons fell T h e Hague ia gaving a recep- alec, thankedi Mca. Edgeley for in action durieg thse iibeoation of tion for thie pilgrima before tlsey Sthel>eauttful piano selection. the Netiherlands li 1946. dLepai't on ilheir return journey to S The meeting closed witihte Ever since thse end cdthtAe war Canada on Octeher 6. W 'Mizpah' Benedctîin. M rs. J. ordinary Duteli families have Tha meanhera othe iaPIigrîi.- Brackenbridge and tia masnbess hown their gratitude te Canada age crossadi the A&latie via of Unit 2 wera ltes hosiesses. by 'adopting" Vte gravas of 6331 K.L.M. Royal Dutch Airines. ]Billy end Sue bave certainly caugist a big feIow-but te find Out whaî, you muet fill ln ail thse odd-nwrnbered box«.. Many Activmiti-es Un Octàbe For Cathoic Womem's Legu 'ibeGoutobar meeting cef St. Mrs. D. O'Hagan, Citzenalaip John the Evarigelist Rornan Cath- »COnvenar, advised thait 1four elic Churoh wonen's League wes 'ladies heiped et dia Redi Cross and Fairview Lode airaiy week, helM cn Tuasday, Ootmike 2, in and more were nkededi for visnt- the Pariait Hall1. ing thea Ontario Hospital eacii m G. Carter was coflgratma- Wednesday efliarnoon. )ated on being eted president Fates, Austin addreased tha cd dia Regional CWL. members briefly, congratamîtiang Mrs. W. Alan, education con- chain on thaîr nurnoarous activi- veser, advised thet anotiier 1£es-des, and resxcnded them cf tha dership Course an Public Spaak-. 7:30 déaily Nouvene Mass fer tha ~ig and Parliamasatary Procedure succesaofthdi Ecumnenical Cour- seil hae gven by iha Ragional cil. Ha cloaged i-ha meeting witti CWL. This wd] I tart en March prayer and Mrs. J. C. McGe and if enough in4-est is de- played a hymn ta "Our Lady of seoped a follow-up course wiii Good Counicil'. Fai-her Austin ha available for îhoaa who have îhen întroduced dia judges fimn taken the firtsicoua-se She men- outsîde dia parish for a ganeral tio-nd -bai- sevai-al Fr-ench Ian- debatie Miss Verdis Pat-ker, Pick.. guaga Pai-oacals were mailed to emrig, Miss S. Sitiane, Eýnglasi Brother E Hoan. F'SC in Seaigon. teacher frori die Anderson Higli It waai-arpoîted diat dia CWL Sehool and Separite Sehoo'l pmîn- wil again hold Public Speaking!cipal, Mr. D. Ja.ck frorn Ux- Contesîs for grade 7 andI 8, and, bridge. pai job, conteats ishou1d tait place! The panel con.sisîm,.ed of on the bafîîre Christrmas, positive sida, M-. J. Ledden, Mis G. Carier, corivenes- cifMca P. Kaiser, Mis. Kaiser, ai the- Dec-nber fazaéim an-i4)fi(ed ihe ast momentl -ook dia place the eonvenis for dia dufferent tif Mis. J. Williams, who was ab- boollhs. and ti-nId membeas diere se-nt--becaue otf uleaThe rmod- woîid ha a i-gmonal meetfling on 'trai-or was Faiher Austin. Alter Sunday, October 21 ai St Marys -,a vmry îni-reaîing discussion, dia of the People Churcb iniOshawa. paneli iras thansked by Mm .E starig ai 3 p m with Bene-dîc- Fnan. lion. h was repori-ed thlait the&reý A tiasiy lunch was served by are 48 ladies in thbe tu-aveiilmng Mca KE Fînias assistmed by M-ra. H. Bridge and Euchlim Club. Waters Total Mission of Chuch, Iopic At UCW Auumn T"nkOffermg Tha Auturrin Thlank Offertng son, reud dia esson fr4xni Deu- aoeating cf dia Uniîed Chut-eh îeronomny. Mca MCaci apoke of Womeai was hald iathe Iha utoxld bie-saungs which asre Mark's Utied Cburch Hall onenjoyed ini dus land, and coin- Tuiedayafierceunai 30 'fiepared our kit. with tha people Tuesay fteeyxiir ai2 3. Ie !who h va i lands Whera theme is pm-esmdesîi, Mca H. T Faliaise suo muth si and suffering. She wemconad dia lad-ies end remimd-i said, -We lihould rernamber that ed thi-bthdey bail reacieiltdia Every gpod and perfect giffi, tee f yeor chen diey should 'comnes f rom our Heevenly Fal- givv sspatial tharikstw God. bar Mrs, 0 B. Egelay sang a Mca, FalIase te-nde-ced a warm vmry beau-tifu I piano salecioný word of appreciaLion tD ail seita The offeruig cas received and kbai worka-d tbmaka die Anti- IdedacaeM:i que Tes ueh. a compl&t*' sue_ Mrs. M G McCarty. ntoduc- ceem. and ai- to dia boar-d tf ed Mca C S Pati-arson, Po st ut&ewards cho bad buili ih-aeu P- preeidenit (f dia Dominion Board, board foi i-be hbary hoouks Mn who es noc on i-ha Board of Wo- Rosa Hall was appoii-d as diel- menri fthfdi U-cuta±d Churvh otf egateti-o die Regiontal creeting 'Canada Mca Pattarson spokie on which vAiha hll in Wstniountîthdia linussmon cf dia Church. Uui-ad Churci- on Octohar 23 Site saad, as woman their total Mmi R W McCarL, reacsen-, mission is vary broad, beging ting Uni-m 4 was .r charge (4tifha wit.h things ofcftoncerrain thaîr prograame. Mrs, W. EK David- uwu conun-tY, daey auld The new Canada Savings Bonds pay 4 /1ý%/ ini-erest for each of Lise firat three years; 6% for encb cd tise nexi- ihi-se years and 5!,% for sncb of tise final eight yenr -an average intereat te mltu- i-y in 14 yeamnrto 5.11% per year. In dollars and cents evsry $10-00you invest will grow with nccumuLit.ed interest te $172.50 at rnaturity. You cari buy a $100.00 bond for as little as 290 a day, througb tise convenient Payrofl Savinga Plan where you work. Canada Savinga Bonda can aise be bougist for cash, or on :usf ament at any bank, mnvestyrment deaier, stock broker, trust or Joan company. They are availnble in amounta as Iow as $50.00 te any Canadian resident-atlult or child-up te a limit of $10,M0.00 per person. Estates, tee, niay buy. Interest is payable nnnuaiiy by coupon, or on tise higiser denoiinations by cheque, if desired. You cari cash your Canada Savings Bonds at any time, at any bank, at full face value plus earsied interest. Buy new Canada Savinga Bonds today-best ever 1 Bon'S easy to buy simple to cash good to keep 1 B MOInMDOS

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