2 WHITBY WEEKLY NEWS 7%¶uraday, October 4, 1962 6 ILG IE N W H R I ~B of M. Advoetis inu Laâst Thursday at St, John's - As Seeui In 'News" Parish Hall the following girls ST. ANDREWS , pnS . Gie opv tn Flew-Up ta Guides: Jane Hur- The vaariaus graups Wti ~ vnupKtn ley, Alaine AIlan, Catherine Andrews Presbyterian Churc MONTREAL - WNS - Top, Hendriks,,Pat-ty Tigge4ers, Mar- have resumned their actîvitiea for rating amoîng Canada'. eight gar-et Wolters, and Marie Ken- the fail and winter -qmri chartered banks has heen gîven on Two girls Walked-Up, ELsie The fuî'st meeting of "Children ta the Bank of Montreal foi- its Vand4k and Leah John.q-n. A of the Chura'wshi t41 advertising, according ta, a sur- number ci mathers were in al- p.m. on Wednesday 5.ft-iTo-i1 vey of financial advertising con- týMdqnce - aIs well as Mrs. Pit September 28, ini the Sundsy duerted by Vincent Edwiairds and chard, who is tihe L,ca1 Associa- 46 'r 1 UY& th tran Badge Secretary. s&sip cd Mrs. D. Warne, assnstedl The B of M also ranks sixth Mrs IL Duincan froin England, by Mra. W. Mowat, Mis. J. «OT among the 15,000 bank in Nui-th ~. bested two Guides, Paula Kaiser vie and Mrs. C. Sarlea. Included America, as reportedl in thse an- asnd Ana Marie Bardioel, for thier in tha group are boys and girls nuel '*Bank Ad-Views" review hoatesa badges. 7%ey served tise of grades 1, 2 and 3 - agea from o atid~i~ain and U.S. financia lunch, 6 ta 8 - who aire given iTisIWc- adveîrtising. Mr. Bill Allan showed movies tio>n in religion and crafts. Thse Bank ad Arnei-ica (San of tise Guide Camp. Carry Vell- Parents are asked ta renuind Frairco) plaoed fîrst amorig ail don sang and accoenpanied iser- lhiser child-en aof tîhis weekly Nonts Americas baaks. self onr thse guitar. meeting. New members will be First ilà Times welcomned. If ti'SiOSPOIlStion. i Wî'th the excePtion of only sînk ai-d your cooking ware required kindly Feiep}sone one of tîhi-e y'eara in the past 17, thse > proba>ly came from the Island; the leders. fM hi enrldfrs and that when you cross this Friday evenisg the first meelt-B iMhabe nadfît holiday paradise, you will enjoy ing cd the adýults "TwoD by T1wo"I amBng Ad-iaws surey indh every minute of it tilt yau try Club was held. An outdoor en- hak reevie "Srte A ad ta push tise olId bus up thse stiff tertamrment was planned lia takeachya.I196ad95,ts hilis just norts of the island ho- place ait Darlington Provincial ehk a n 96and is i954 tohe fore yu corne onta Highway No. Park but due ta weathe- condi- America and i-eceived the "Soc- 17 on your way west ta thse lions wais held in the church hall. rates Higs Awa-d of thse Yea-." "Sco". Then use iow gear as t.he Sunday morning, Setenber- TeBciM e deîsn sin say 30. the Sunday Saisool classes aThedBfolloMISthe winning of a Sault Ste Marie ils 150 miles witih Mr,. A. Anidiew, supeninten- award ai xcllecwt the à nofa West of the junction. Filty miles dent, and tihe teacisers, met with IIPR in Pinht" awrd program, alon th rod yu'Ilcone otIothecangi-egation for tise fail of thse Canadâan Public Relation% thse joncthin with thse i-ced ta Rally Day Service at il arn. The Society, for ilts currency guide Elliot Lake phr h pret jtofcrmgiqùgt h repre CBC-TV's Festival series plana Aî-ouilh. In this scene frora .m cam wer lse uperet et ai leade s aianing uteaoheî-s ar fi- use by liravellers ta avaried season of dramins, thSe play, Joan oi Arc (played thne capwaaeru y h miladrbascndce b i a-iea. byth yun Aerca a-Governinent wlien the rc tise Rev. W. J. S. MeCitre, B .A., _______ concerts, ballIet and o p e i- a, yteyug mrcn~ uranium ore was discIovered followed by a sermon entitled "I heginning this lU. One of thse trff Katile Widdoeq) re- tselre. At thSe Soa, show tibe fam Will Build My Church". Mma DUPUIICATE BRIDGE SCORES os y podctinso TseLaik, ceives tise blessing of tise 11y the i-ealîy huge steel iins; Castie Sinitis, acaîsnpanied by Est and West paly sodu-o tisIe F rc Arilibishop, (Gillie Fenwîck) the canal and locks which hardie Mrs. P.' N.' Spratt an the argan, Mrs. Odiam and Mi& Wellsh, Il layabot te Fr eri h before lradînig the Frenchs ai-ny more taonnage than tu.e Pana&ma sang a solo -My Task". 741/2; Mr. and Mrs. Cunliffe, hleroine, Joan of Arc, hy Jean inta hattie. and Suez cambined, and WethUem- ST- MARK'S UNITED CHURCH 64½/; Mms. and Miss Bavay, 601tî; i- up ta Batchawana and have Thw falowisg children were Mm. Pringle and Miss Mdln- GRASS ROOTS LIVING a - inbLake Susperior an-d Presented hy their paents and tye '59W. lThe BMi U me Lake Superior or you could tnMarks Unitedl Churcs on Su- M d Mms. Winte, 75; Mrs. siudanates- spendrng adiay day ineamng.E -adM Paul Il-wîn, By GEO. A. ANDERSON Let's suppose, Dan anid MO'm, or sa camping and iising, yo T-dd Glen George Murrîson, 73; Mrs. Sp-att and Mss Wil- Thsis one ils for you Dada wiso that it's spring again an-d thSe fats could dr-op back ta Sudlbury and Son Of Mr. and Mrs. G. Murrâso; son, 691/2; Mr. and Mre. Frank have Isees woî rying about wisese in ltse fis-e for sure about where see thSe nickel mines and theri Care- Travis Garlad, soin of Wells 66%. to take thse wild Indiains an thleir to go this 9ome-. If YOU ever caine souih ove- higtsWay No. 69 Mi'. and Mm-. G. H. Garland; munanes holidays ta places whes-e had thse world's biggest chance tussougt Muakoka tasd homse wtis Br4-i Gregoy Wade, and Johsn W 11S A T ".tsy walu1d have a sts-y fia ieally ta be a hem, iis rigtd ait your only a few 'muez ecd day of Pae1 W e $a0" of Mm~ 0. B. C1>ts 1tct . e ef make tsern thse big sisota whess elbow naw- Even if you 0513' <riving ansd lots ai9 swimjag WwÉce'esHieeMia- ~ V. ýJHN, McLROD they get back tao sdcol, and have a couple of weeka li-days and fiasing as-d camnping and daugister of .-Mr. and Mrs. N. C. wiselre they'd have a thrille-r of a and no matter vwthe- it's i wonderful aceeey. Murkar; Danna M a r i e Pye, Mnr. W. uimmera, A.ICJI.. tnip îh&y'd nover f orget. Nexî June or Juiy or Augu.s( os- Sep- Il1zc ather r'ote waukl be ta daugister of Mi-. and M-='. C. R. Organisi year. tisait is. tomber (especiallY ian SePtens- go nbom-ls tai Norths Bay and Te- Pye; Judiths Glanais Pa-kiuasan, t Dîn't laiak na>w, kids. Just bei-), yau cari taise lise uns-ly- magami. Spend a few ciy ait daugisier of Mm-. and Mr. S. R. 9:45 a.m. - Susdiay Scisol Pipe down and let Dimd read ibis or shouid we sey thist Weil main- oe place and take Use siî Par-kinsona; Lois Shirley Pansn, a sm. & 7 P.m. - "Giving averý Then anea-k a look and tuck Inered - mob ai digasafied young "ýCommanda" iron Nor-tii Bay to a <gtef Of Mi'. aMid Mi-. G. W. -hrkp ths thing .away tîlI spi-.ng when ipersans on lhiser isolidsys where thse Cliaudiere Ilails on the FrInaUs Par sons; Elabedh Anne Fice, 8-15 p.m. - Tise Young yOu cmr work an Mam la put aisey wîtl enjoy theiselveas and river, and aisa go doke augster af Mr. and Mrn. j. W. Pr -i-" Union Will Meet îLeLet n ae. Vsawot av ieally see a isuge %lice ai tiss Temgm ats udons Lak Fiee; John Muma .al [ ' Keep Yens- Appoimnestj imach trouble getitang hîn ail hot province tisey ha've been learn-P. Ba- Island. Dr. ami Mi-s. J. H. Wall; James Wit5 God" and botisered ta see these thanga' îng about in school, thon look Frocs tisere go nort loi Kirk- Fredierick L.angille, so- ai M,- hinseIlf but d-on't let, on it's reaily into one or bath of dt neally land Lake and maybe tun ast aind Mca. F. A. Languile, Paul à Sp*tCuc yau who seants la ho able tu teIl thrillsng roules whis ick off an 60 mîtes if yom want thse famnly WiamBryant, son af Mr. aid Fati the teache liSey i cal" dup juat Fregch gear rîgist Se-Bai tae téee aiel reale Frenci tawn whea' Mn.h W.r i R. 13-yanst. 419 Bi-ock St. N., Wlsitby i case she hasn'i learned tl for 1 tiawss Maybe 1 cauid diescnible m Real Caouette, tise prelsently Rev. John M. Ssîts wals as- JPauîor: Rev. E. Cai-bett B.Tls. Soi-self Wisen yau pull oui nexi very brief fasluan f irst one then fagnaus or notiorious potitician sisted by Eider Fred OUlen--Bittle1 surrmner. don t foi gel luo tuck i tise other jaunis w-ich cai be laves and wom'ks, hut tison go on T'he Sermon -as eniatîe m, heII a m. and] 7 p.m. tise îll swaîn troaaks and whaî oî,vet-4d eaIsily an lWo weeks and] ta Tîmmans and ses where Benny Promise" andl Use "hor under Rally Day Sundsy School a il tfw girls cail thea-, aea-faring not Se tisa mur-h ai a drain an Holinger dsscovered sucai f,,h- the leader-ship of Mra. j Bes-ton M ssionary Sunday duada and fuor g-ood-,os sake tise old pocket book because'ukous gald ares. Peshapa you sang~ Sibelius' 'Finlandia". Pastom' Johisto wangle a spot in Use cal for ba>th aif them cmn be a naxed - didn't know thiat just nais i Ofi-i SundaY eves-ang ihe Aduli Mass Ruths Green speeakang tise poocis Heil eîîjîîy tise tip -High Living" an the niceai, Matheson thse wonlid stopls sîloa- Bible Study Group and tSe HI-C m s nri as înuch aes yssu waîî if you arin. motels and caenp.ng beside tise a ng SautS. Fi-oeabore ail] the Gi'oup for toaln-agons met for- Fîrehe riceami8.pm gel, Dad wa ng up tise gear wnga a ae n tem tise vatm-r -uns mn-to th .ca. tht'ir firsi fai] mneetings. ieiesrieat .0pm yîau can t-aiîiP at lem -m e of th' oriels you*vo sec and heard Fions Cochriane tise rmadli-uns Service Ofi TSas-ksgiving and "vr'oyWloe Û-t nghish liasie tise rioi ih-n. atîiL,i i a u plm-niy ai wonderful west oveî* the northern O)ntaia Pi-aise wîlI be Seld nexi Sanday laJies.; bui "ki iagel ta ,«. i1 fîisiiig and swimiî.mig. roule Muai flkUs danit i-e0ir moî-nî-nig and on October 14 tise ail, uP go yu wat] 'itay Ln sonarj F'arst a ail yo>u mîghat nawoe have prairies in Ontaria, but1 Smrice aif Receptia>n cd New 5J MARK S UNITED classy s-pots and eai in same 'iwelý na-t ta No. 7 Highway and Pi'ettY -n you'Ul tara sautS ta, Mes-bers aîîd Sacrament af the Rev. J. M.SsIiBA greiaIy spausîs ai, Mon> sili - aniss ta) Bariie and] West to Npo.'Psre yo>u sho-uld toi-n Las-ds Sapper will Se o>bserved Rev. A. M. Butler, B.A. have s holiday irn getng yuur 1 Owen S'iîînd. Usa-a north lu Tab- wL9t ItO Port Arthsur and Fort Mr-. J. Boston. A.R.C.T siisadmakiag beds and ail t'rmi)rY and the ferriy acrosa ta William- It's anly 67 miles fi-rn More than 11.000 miles aiofans ti -Soi-y. wr r eeîup Siiurih &sy Mouts on Maai.toulin Nipigon and lise kîds and yoa -wire ai'e us-ea]ecsyai yGn Ofis cd la lei vuau an on this ffl tIhe Island whicts as tise largiet -Iss ul have a wsleof aiaUrne es- ci-ai Motoi- a Canada iii ii M NINl WORS- -st fo Dd Dunt et ivil aikr aîd an thSe world (wei-e pecially if tSe wiseaî as ataîî'ung eleitirical systems of ocas aend 'F'ORGETG NO GOD r o s a f o D d o - lot l onm -~t a t h t ' g r e s a , t t lh ,n g s l . t p o> u r i n o t e U s d p a w a i g t r u c s . S U N D AYE S CO o L theoi at î p d ya if og d M -Ybe Yo did t ù ta ie kt -ast and overseas. q -N A S H k0w tis5s 60 differeint arilada Iwhen o u- sIaan A A 9-45 am n. Junior, InteT-modj - - have bee-a fonrd an tale is.Iand Iyou'Ul ibrîli ta tise apec'tîcular, Nurey Senor- thiet 10.0Wh ycas ag ilh ai 1 'a.ljff c-swlIng' alasg tise sisore' 1 AIEIfLm FAITH 1 .-Nrey id, niv'liLalaon aÀi mts own. tisai 100 Oft Lakte Superuar rîght ai-ound 1 Mankind talday ta suspeadod gai-ton, Prima-y IYea is aga a tîealy a-as smgned 'ta Wawa and] f-maIl3' Use Soi Ai] 1belween twso, worlds; one that 1-) ytUe Milfflit.oulan Inatians <edn alanmg tise way yau have dandy is dyrtng. and tise other tisai is ali a .Mll peamnsula LO h fising ansd camping and won- stmuggling ta o bai-on. C muoU' 'un i] th- baelas tie Or iit re The real baIlle is not in Ber- T 1D E I -' - 'i-hie,Î- t,, hfa-o are 12 IndIa doensi up-ta-date motels and] lin, Algeria. or Arksansas; i is PR SY E II tleslandý thai aeyyrtm rly i the humain soul Il does not P EB TRA ~hý Nj l-- .s iknî,sî sîge a oVul sudderdy fin] youi- concen Capitalisrnor Comnu- Rev W. J.S McClure BA. (v ~ ~ ~ 11 i.'w -î-'r oild. Bayi L and 005t epn -.P N i-t 1]ii,'aa s nas ws"you're back in Whitby spiring orailnd tatgios Mrs PN patt, Orgainist air i a--..Ldh.,, îia~Pm- - nîi whîch is att-ring in 94 AM.(hmhScso , ~ ,y-.c.'. air60 (>00 luaicys, e\er hi fI 5tuman heai-ts everywhore, 4 M hrhSho - aaifîr~,Xaîpcsre ~ ~ * * *P~ lli ieBiaiWrdFats N.IIEYINFN AE