Whitby Weekly News, 4 Oct 1962, p. 1

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Wýhitby Weekly News VOL. 8, NO. 3 Councillor Wants lIncroasi In Assessmnot Explaioed DosbtfLSl of the uaderstaning! ouf the town'a position in thia year's eemnet issorease, Coun- cir Newman bas skes i tat a public relations 9t"tment ha la- oued on the situation. Tht couascilior fait that iassy peopite disi not understand tht implication 0f the increase, ihi in lssne cases isas been as much as 20% on landi values. Ht en- deavo>uresi Vo have tht council 's indicate tsait, the taxses wouid rensam thse saine for 1963, aud wiouid not be establishesi on the present mli rate with tht ini- Creasesi assassinent as tht basic figure. 'lTht omfount of morsty r-aisesi by tht towni in taxes is the prodîuct of t assessnsent tîmes tht mil rate," said Reeve Quan- trili, "We don't know what mnoney we wiil neesi for 1963 andi go we cannait establish tht miii rate. Howaveîr we wili ha saving suoney for tht town in tihe long run. TIs increasa la to bring the landi and building asassesi values in kise witi cipalities in thet of the county. Cor Hepditch a'cded ax doollars o tht tom asseasment for cow Wa feel tsat this With tht ohange i to eonfoî'm more present regulations, in tht town's n& county purposes w $700000. Since vie county andi to the school boaîrd on an stssmant basis, thei save about $30000 ments. We bad a fevi years ago whic ihis principal." "Tht ntw assessn' equaiizes'in velati Courvty of Qntario," Martin. "What Ila no reaI probleen.F tispenSssof tiseos main about thsesw aluai cash paîi in pi'optrty owners, tise same." Industrial Credits By-Law Not A Bonus System-MA,, "Industrial credits under bY- town and sividing lavi shouisi not ha lookesi upon into t yenriy cosi as bonuses for t contiators to îng the municipalc allo âW to widlow ost Counilior New' eUowtissu o bsis lo ~ or clarification of howji*" declareud Mayor Stan tainMisbyar 9vsr, 9~*n. "i weslu, dutn~ h 'ISWJJ mat ccau-~ î pany,' l irÏ;' e*a under thse llown' inteirpmtatio&n of indus- t rial buldinsgs for firms vihicli vitre already establisses in the Town ci Wiiitby, nor woul, thty lie aliowesi Vo a firm conslucting business in tovin vihicli improved its ovin facilities by tht construc- tion ouf a building. Only if a on- tracter negotiates viith an indus- try flot at present estabishes hert, and, vias succesaful in bringing tisai insiustry to locate lis Whitby, viosild inbdustriai credlits ha aliowec. Usader tise Indlustriel Credits By - lavi no subdivision viith bouses undeir a certain aaatss- ment value wil1 ha authorîzesi by the tovin unless a designarted amounit of commercial or indus- triai assessmess inl "bsiilt or causei Vo be bui1t". 'fiera are ne restrictions under this by-iaw for tise constrction of bouses ouf isigi assesmexst value. "Thte Vtent 0f tise by-iaw la te encourage low-cast housing de- vtlopmeeets," asa i d CouncilorS Coati. "There are def inita cousis te, servie a hous. If tht taxes met 10w, then that type of hoSe Je mot dimirabie." It w'as indicaelis taI isouses sisa deairabla were Uic.. wiàhis li an assessed velue thet vicula give a rerturuof cl ia tisa $M0 a year in taxes befora pwsts frei ofiser governienta vitre allovies 6or Iis figure la "o tise rului ouf a atudy by qeieiata, bit la an amount arrivasi at by taklng thsa number of sasidencea in DGFIEST O Officel of tise Skier Furnîlture Compsny, Olympia andi York Develpnmt Comy sais tise Towin of Whitby, tonk part lu a «aemoniei "ity nserking tihe ~tr ci castructicas on tise build- Ing for tie Siai, Fimàuare Co., au Victoria etreet, eanI WedneS- daymomn WIIY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1962 10e PER COPY-$4.75 PER YT"«R e Town Wants Answer ncl DBdFo On 401 Crossovers Coune nORjOcts iFo The Town cif Whiiby willa tinue Vo press i provbncialéOrga izationai ure o àirmn- partnmist of highways, for thetS souhern part tablishinien't of ernergency erSs-1 A study of the ooWt of an ap- praisal. unty Assessor overs betweesi the nortîh and praisal of the jobs of heada of 41i would ike to have a firSa 3ut a mnillion sqouth lanes of 401 highway. civic departmnentýs ln relation to of management consultants look SOiS 'Pporte Some time ago the town, act- wages and salaries in compari- irito dhe affairs of the enginter- ity PurPos ing on a recommendetion f rom son with other municipalities of ing departmeMs and make sug- ia too much. tihe f ire dipartmnent asked the similar st andi operating con- gestions for re - organization," ini a ,esnnt departmen't o set Up tisese cross- ditions as the Town 0f Whitby, said Councillor Bevan. exaotly with overs +ji> assist the f ire depart- has been authorized by tht own 'I can't set the value of hlring lhe inereas ment ini resching areas on the nouncil. someone to tell us that we need sessment for aouth snde cof the hghway be- The council rejeotesi a strong to hire someone tise,' said Mayor wiii be about tween thse sown and Ajax, and proposai by Couniilior Bevan Martin. "The clerk can oheck epay to the on thse north ide of thse highway that a study of staff require- with firms doing this type Of ?district high eat of the town. ments be included in tht ap- work and get an idea of tise csot a qualized as The firernen poirste'd osut that-- and that ns ail we want at the en we shouid i, one case, they wtre obigedToE froFr present time.' in our pay- to go t, Ajaix *0 reach a car tfrsat oEfreF e "We do flot have a budget for court case a wa on fire on thse south lane at Prevention 110108 thi, work ansi we do nos know ch establishesi a point just west of Henry stîtol. A sharp increase in ffmans.îai the coat. This is a blank order,» rientsare mre las as the resuit 0f f ire at "ne- eommented Reeve Evtratt Quan- areasmoire reauised In a tiiii, in a successuful move *0 ainto thse Appoint C m ît gi-eteýd hv h eomndto r 'saisi Mayor ~VUEhhLO5 recomnmenhlation to the town hvcttrcomn atingf os happensng is 0f Adiustmients couneil tisat a by-iaw be passesi tht finance commttet hne Prvdn h salsigsaa eïiain so thal i nslead of thetok e Proidg he Tht establishment ouf acm-stbîn spia rtS ing authorized, oniy tht obtain- irporation re- con for these areas. Li fcsso uhasre une, thon the teofadjustnins, o sut on origineî1y suggesatad by the Idg of obats0 i s asure tae b htrqutsts ansi comnplainte, regard- Whitby Fire Dtpartment, tht woiidb btiei i as b ot ing zoning areas in the town 0f move ha n4 it te upor A firm of speciaiists wili teal willbe aoutWhitby, wigl be sel up undoer of tht pr-otection of persons and i'ou that tht studu, wili neesi o - ___ e'w legisiatioon added to the prûpeîty comniittee 0f the town be made 0f the organization of provincial planning act. council. The neesi for, such a by- a department, flot tht intis- rTht subdivision comasatet of law bas been given special iîm- vduaiýs," said Couiscilior Bevan. tht co:uncii bas suggested ta t tiia year by tht hugt fîre "I amn especiaiiy conoerned about suais a committet be formed ansi bas at tht former Price Luinbei th ack 0f inspe 'tors for the av r that ont mtmber frîom the town; Yards location on Pîne st>n',et. îî works depart-nstnt. 'ayOr nouncil and ont member f 'rm1 is reporte-d that tisere aie a num Councîllor Bevan poinited out tist umtîth pînng ts~~i te niî~cs Iber of aea t whchth s hat ny tisousandis of dollars sts of operat- Sucis a eommibttte wii have generai condtions exiat. of work isas been donet tiis ytar corporation. wide powtrs ini vîtwiaig re-zoning In tht case of tht Pi ice Yards orthe town corporation. rman pressed applications andi under normai proptrty, tht pts'sons responsibit 1 bave triesi tu keep an eya thse intei'p5't- circumiatances would not, have for tlt affaira of t conspany o;_1 tl4ings, but tl"iss fot entirely v whiile ageet- beesifornme4 unUýît4 »offWal in jupuy ý Iu"' hesaid ."And 1feti - I mw. - _____ 1' sheasld -h10 nD0,00 gfkn 41e n W-laseýP"d sSe years - 1ft~I t, aego, buts not suppoa'ted by an "1%he by-lavi vas dsawn when official plan. At setitis by-iaw eê tht Industriel assessament of tiat thse adjustmenl cmm(îteSutL ln g e m nt Sg Whiby as bot 2 Or30 erwouid admnnster if it were cent of tise total assesanient," fiimed immediateiy. Pai Cutis o ucpal affarThe d* -,* For New M asonic lTempleP saisi Councilio of uia. 'Thtrole. tiultede-tno 150w reconunenss a ratio of 4504 JOKe of the weec Ast lnaeetbeeenole. t stuateen t h ota- Indlustîriel atstn.Ifsdthse Touwn of Wh itby asi tise ing in ttareuntvoi i Whei itiesch t t aftn ~facitht use 0f a portiSofitise we oul aren orsusen tht construction of a mnasonic A by-Lavi is beîng prapared te "lîsndtria-lufrtakn. th temple on land niortis of Fair- amnensi tht towvianiîng by-iiuu 'Utt iheir asme nt otht f-vievi Lodge on Cochriane street, so tisai tht arts can ha sisesi for et ofs financiai affaira,"nsaisi wîii hasigned by uown officiais a Eiraternal building. At tise pres- Mor Ms fnia 'Tht st" aih i following tise authorization on tnt timne there is no ciassîficai' mient of an induti'y improvea Monday nîght by thse tovin coun- tion in th zoning regulations th financiai condition. i1de not cil. Tise agreem-kent wsLl bte regis- for tisa type of builinsg. set wiiy an indistry wouid viant teresi and becomne a part of te "Tisei' visa at onet ture a sys- toofe teavnbae hytiltle ci tht lands. ttm ciofiinitng tht people liv- Vod offet e asinîtgeds tre' Tht plan includes size, ioca- ing sitar an area that was asking hacrea otd yimnind tria tion. type 0f building matetrial for i'ezonsÀng, so as to make sure cltows Vo tht iaeptun,- f h qî-andi other items tisaittheplan- thty kntw about iK ansi thia U'E I '~i@ nîng board fait sisossis ha con- feelings in the malter. la thia ________________ - - i followed ouI sLs this caser- Attitude 0f Oshawa Coundi Failk To Do Justioe For Suppor Gained Fr.. OtherSectios of Comty hy CAEL MANTZ fair is basesi on a feeling devel- reidenla 0f tise other municipal 7Deay& over tachrucalitiies ands oped trougisost the years by areasa that niake up the Cotaity 1 other non-sensical itemsu on t the cily administration, that the 0f Ontario. Thse city dota not 1pait of tise Odieva Cty Counoil citir was paying toc mucis te- bava tise s'eponderaasct cd popu- are standing isnte way ai anrved tise cent of justice attse lation that wcouid give them inat agreensent between tha Comsty county level. Practically each righit tirouugs equai rapesenta- of Ontario and tise City ci O.l- ytar tht ity counci lihm beikesi lion, Ia addition tht city kn.aw avis for tise construction of a at paying lihe amouait assessesi the general allocation of costs new building for tihe asminwia- by tise county. Tht argunsent put whlen iA decided to vitissravi ttration of justice. forviard by tise ciîy's representa- fromn the counuiy systean a humn- Tiseliais oftise disagreemanit ives la that if tvio builings art ber of yesrs ago. la thet tihe caats wania te erect trectesi tley viii le sure that At the saine tme Il la true a joint justice admiistration they are neot paying anyliiing o- tsaIt the operatimo f the existing andi a c o unty adinistrations yard thse adnhnlts'tlve o0eils of cainty buildïng on Byron street, tbuilding. Tht city of Oshava ap- tht counîy. saitilia asel basa an ecoisom- kpeers o vient seç vie buildings. Tht cîty counil is e ithin It icai ont. ITht building la about The county q uit te oorrectly rigis to question tise oeass 108 yeers ago. Tiare lies been pointa out tisat tht construction ailocatasi by tise counîy, ansi if seuuling ansi excessive repaira, of aose building woulsi ha mort thty have amy reai basis fer tistir andi higisar justice aininistre- econciial. TIaithtie operation conspiinta thty can appeai for ton coats becme of lack of andi maintenance 0f tvio bî.std- retification of tesituation propar ts'cilies. il costs e lot 1ings voulu ha muais more six- lirougi tihe proper channeis. moret o heat an c&l building penisive tisas ont. Thisa makea But wbsatLse actually happen- tissesa nevi one (in most cases). coamos dense, and oaie voulsi ing ta dt itise resiesof tht Tht anavier of couse as fer as vionder vusat via s at vsh City of Oshawe ibrougis their maitenance conteare caiscarnas Mayor Christine 7%omas of Osis- rapresenvatives are tryusg o <ic- lis a nevi building. Tht people of av#& aSinsu * t tise viboula Ld ltaete tisepqreoenmteavsoui bai Coetiaued on Page 14 1 asked Reeve Quantrîli. It was indicatesit thtie people wouisi bave an opportunity te eXpress opinions vibti a publia iseaîring on the rtzoning requtat vis helel by the municipa boaud. Revive Coordinating On Services Group Feeling tistthe Ceasci lW- stauing hydro anti teiephSoo vires undergrounsd on Mary atret, eu*, as lias been sug- gestaci l tise traffic conmstt% town couistil nmSi has auatxws- izel thse PUC tc ouve tise hy"h poleas oe s te give a bettiar traffia flow aiea. Lm tihe maaatne, tht Services Co - Ordinating Coainxitte iwR ha revived te make e fusilsai stcicy 0f tise nsatE. The oo-oe'- dinatincoinsmttet la compoaed of representativea 0f the Wuîby PubVc Utilities CommiissIon, tise Beî Teieplsone, Coeoiasrs Gos andi ise lavasadmkàmiasiesorý.f tis purposes 0f giving sas order-- iy deîvelapmnert Vo thiInvt"l- lion cd undergroundervieon -uia" tii ý F

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