fThis la thse reetyled 1963 Aca- tures many design and eni- than Beaumnont convertible, gineering uhprovementa, in- oetotf il modela huit in Osh- cluding "air-washed" rocker awa y GeeralMotos of panels to help prevent corro- awa y GeeralMotos ~ sion, Positive crankease venuà - Canada. 7%e new Acadîsan fee- lation and a )edcotroas alter- na"ig current genes-at<sr for longer battery life. Self-ad- justilsg brakes and a 54-plate battes-y witb three-year wai-q- ranty are also standard equip-j ment. GARDEN NOTES WUITBY WEEKLY NEWS 3» Raina and heavy dews are Thursday, October 4, 1963 favorable for the black spot funt-wstbe gus on roses. was-ns Profeffsor ete suiphur or other funoi- C. B. Kelly, Depai-tm.ent of! t- ride recommendied for powdes7 mîldew. any, Onbario Agricultuiral Col- loge. Infection takes place while, Avoid applications d'uring, or thse rose foltage is wet, and be-JaLst before very hot weather to cause heavy and repeated ransavotd Possible "bui-ning" of the wash the proteet ire fungicide off fuliage. Sulphur co'rpoursds may thse leaves, aoother spray or dust hum 'nfoliage nt temperatures of should be applied before the next 8-5 tltg. F cOr isgher. Heevy duat weit period. Wihen g r o w t h is applicatioos are very likely te rapid, anovher spray is needsd to hum as well as disftgure the coat tIhe new I-aves which weie foliage. Ltght applications ap- not protîecied whess the older plied more fre<querttly are safer. Leaves were sprayed- How ofte-n yoa should spray will depessd on tie weather and iChieck your Chrysanthensuns for virus disease advise horticul- on tIse rate of growth. 'he maxi- tuists wtth thse Ontario Depa'rt- -um Protection against black ment of Agriculture. Stunit and spot ix obtained if the sr ai Mosaic are tIse most comnson ini applied, and dry, jutbfretl Ontario. Here's how to r-cognîze raina occur. them: Stun t- Plant-appears dwa'rf- Be sure tit Inspect your phlox ed in tee!, flow~er andpant.'Isey Plants regularly for powdery wiLl aIses bloorntestrler thon ncor- mildew disease, says J3rofessor mal and thse bbooqn is oeftess dis- C. B. Kelly of thse Ontario Agri- torted. cultural Colleges Botany De: Moasie - ie lliage show Partment. At tile first sign tif yellcswish-green mottling and le hits fungus disease, spray wtthaLso oftees distorted. LSxABR 2-rsoos HPRO5Top Ei(rrAs225 FIARDTOP <FD-%N f-atindow pillarless seda... onei of 7 LeSabre beauties for '63, 4-tisa, 6-ii dou, pi//ati/oiseadan ...aorw i/5 geai ew F/ot irai. ~oPQad~4« >Ckj6 6 Buick is a new breed of beauty for 1963. From its bold new grille to the sleekly handsorne rear deck, there's a new, longer silhouette that's distinctively Buick ... beautiftilly Buick. Bt styling is flot the only area of Buick advancems-nt. Youi'I1 hnd luxurious new interiors, with ncw fabrics and trim, elegansdy catering to your comfort. 'I'here arc newly desîgssed instrument panels, tocs, that further accentuate Buick'a inter jor reforement. And just as Buick has set a new standard in styling, Buick's engi- neering has also gone to greater heights. 'Therc are new and inighty Wildcat V8 engines. Unmatched smoothîîrss sith extclu- sive Turbine Drive (standard on ail fu-size Buit.ks). And LE.SABR£e sWILDCAT. INVICTA * ELECI-RA 225.- I// /:1A . SPt('IAL Advanced lhrust engineering gives you the maximumn car control whether on coi ves or in crosswinds. There are other Advancemnents like the os-w Delcotron generator that keepa charging your bat- tery evqeti vheno your engine is idling. 1 here's the new, improved heaLer and defroster with "cool air" defrosting. You'Ul have to sec thse ncw Buick to get the fult1963 story. There arces17 models in 5 distinct set iei this year. Sec thern aIl and youil know why you belong in a Buick Yom beloag in a for 1963. See, tocs, the nine happy tiimn- AfwI size Buick Specials. fthatewalil ires optimnal ai etira colt A (,LN I RAL NI (JI OR. '>ALUE 5 1630 NEW RIVIRA Here's the '63 car that's DoIdly advanced design and enginseering are NEW WILDCAT SERIES Wýildcat, the Illse new adjustable tii steering complcely unique-different (rom any through-the-Iinc characeristicsof Buick for star among thse '63 Buitk's hot perforiners wheel kls atoan6v oS seven othcr car in the world-the Rivicra. Ex- 1963. You sec more thats a hînt of both in cornes ini sparkling new 2 and 4-door hard- positions ta suit your desired clusive in design, fecatures and craftsman- thse hiindsome instrument panel, ais weil ai top@ and a flashing convertible Exiting diiving position ro git in or stiip, Riviera is assother clase uamerpicos thse distinctively appointed and upholâiered performance . .exhîliarating %port car teci out, jusî li~p thie sheri apý of Buick style ansd quality. interior of the Buick Riviera iibove. ... racy appearance ...that's Wildcatl *0ioa H. DICK PONTIAÀC -BUICK LTD. WHITBY, ONT.