S WB1TbT WEEKLTIIEWS Tu..ay, 1Arlemus OUTSIDE the Dunnied' dresa- ment fromMalton airport. Fans tô each other end littie grQups la rôom stands thc but that and members of thtetem with gathe.red over tic enire ares &round thc Arena and Whutby Imntat h@ai and mnlIf. .'uiD- their frienda lied much Vo miy Plaza. CANADA 6 - CZECHOSLOVAKIA 0_ Canada put themmelves ina reai good position for winning the~ World Hockey Championahlp whea they deteated thte Nghly rated CzechôsIovakia team via a 0-0 shutout. AIl the mort the Important tht win was, because the Czecils had held the Russians to a 4-4 tie, and even Icît they had beat the Russians, by a goal in the final moments ni play. how- ever the goal was disallowed by the referees. The action of the gaine was considered extremely important by fans, officiais and sporswrit- ers attending the tournament be- cause 1h 'vas tht firat opportuniy to compare the play o! tht Dun- nies against the team thai had, Rusuians. Tht decisive win added madle a goodshowing against the fuel to tht brightly burning hopes of Canadian fans who hud plactd their laith in tht Dunnies and atudied with intereui tht bei- ter record tht Whltby boys hac In England against teams thai hadt either beaten or tied the Russians In . the pre-tournament exhibition tour. As- with a number of other teamin nthe tournament, the Czecha skated with tht Canadians until the lait period and then taded rather badly. It waî the toughest gaine ho date for the. Dunnies but was cleanly fought wlth liveof -the seven penalties golng 'to Canada. The Dunnies took a firsi period iead of two goala and that iead was neyer really thrcatened. De- spite hard, fast work by the Czechs. who locked the best of any team opposing the Dunnies go far. they couldni score. The second period was acorelesa and then tht tent tel! in on Jaroslav Madrchai in the Czcch goal. Burnis rcored from the edge of thé crease when the third perin< wsî seconds nid. and Harry Sin- den picked up tht puck in his own end while helping to kilI Ted OConnor's mîinor penalty. Harry went the length of the Ire in a beautiful stick-haradling dispiay anîd scored very, very nicely. Thât seemed to break the spiri of tht Czeth. Goose Gos- selii3 came to the fore in the third period with the two goals to finish the 6-0 score Canada - Goal. Edwards. dé- fense. Lamnirande. Treen. Sinden, E. OConnor: forwards. Air. T. OConnor, Smnith, Burn5, Broden, Attersley. Gagnon, Gosselin, Me- Kenzie. Cztchosiovakla - Goal. Nadr- chai: defense. Gui. Tikal. Kasper, Samtk; forwards, Schwack. Vlach, Stari. Venek. Baciiek. Pantue- ,tek, Jlrik. Froehilch, Volt. Referees-Kurt. Hauser, Swit- zcrland, Toni Neumaîer. Wet Germany. First. Perind 1--Canada. Gagnon (Attersley) .--------2.40 2--Canada, Bi oden (McKentie) ------ 16:10 Penlties-E. O*Connor. 1216. Gagnon. 15:01: Sinden. 19-50. Second Period Scoring -N one. Penalty --S.arsi. 13-55. Third Pcriod 3--Canada. Gosselin (Burnas) 1.10 4-ýCanSda. Sinden ------ 506 5--Canada. i:ssc1i n (E. OConnor) -----9 59 6--Cs:îsda. Gosatlin (Burns. T. OConnor>- 14 Il Penalties-E. OConnor. 3 05. Jlrikç. 11.45; Treen, 16:00, Shots on goal- By Czechoslovskia 3 Il 1-16 By Canada ---- 17 14 17--M CANADA - 4 - RUSSIA 2 Por 0 Minutes and 7 mèeceot, whèn th*' DIU *the hearts of Dunny fana through- ta rall h. agil out the world pounded and at 16.20 to gi' thumped in ympathy with the proved to be Dunnies, btcaute the Rusalana Line ifiate Bt had taken a one-goal lead aU 2.35 th Ue lnchr Wf the tidt period. The Dunnies ter when Bob dld not tie the counrt until 18.42 an.amait. -Brc of the second period when Bobby the other CB Atteraley scored when the Rus- the t>ui«i Slana were short handed. The. through the ?Aumians had scored while Wbitby Lokîev iscor baud Gosslin In the sin bin, and for the Rùui ithat was an indication of the at two ail. .vennesa of the play thrdizghout for 4 minul .most of the gaine. But the fact and then Bol that the Dunnies were definitely Canada - the better teamin Im hown by the. lance:' Lamnirs gaves of tie goalies. Edwards Ted O'Connr mâd 18 gaves (shows good defen- O'Connor, Sn sive work) while Punchkov In Samolenko. goal for Russia had ta bandit 35 Gomieliti Me] ébhah on goal f rom the Dunnies. Rusais - tram tht blue Une. fence: Babait The backward lookq nt the doreikov, tM ~are ~cic~'t4- Du, sû%play- zarov, Guryt, i ' bc r n iii thi' (Wrs hait, panov, Alexa as ncr-ves and getieral tension tiukhOV. Kht1 took their toi!. Wtth thé Rus- Referees: 4 siens it was a came of pi8yrn.g over Wing, both theîr beach. They were reaily si giving aIl they lied and no MiW- iret period take. But uhey coulcin't keep it 1-Russa.J up and as the Dunnies pressure Peatis not oniy contînuoed but increamed, 0.57: MeKen: then tht final remuit becamfe obvi- 1.1 ous. «2VOflU z-l The Russis ns started slowing down toward the end of tie f irit period and the change was pro- gressive. They neyer got oc bad that they wererit in the gaine ai ail. But it was obviaus that t.hey. were a very tired teem when they finîshed. A lot bas been written about tht wonderful condition of the Russians. but what about the condition of the Dunnîta who de-. feated them. And after the game, there was nothing but tic greatest respect shown by ecd group of ployers for thte ther. Bobby Attersely Lied the score twlice Io keep the Dunnies slive. ina the second perlod h. scored unamssafed te tiê-thc cotant et 1-J anîd then in thc third pcriod -a Il TU.. ~ ~ w Moenl b ,dmt o Uw ' b.. Ne stopped tibm ht thgaruche l pt Wh o Pretd"eiby i.f.ueM..d a-1Wo b* Md"bc Tb*frcesmblmofat nsmode @mlbrOwo& Ow DM u 0w D"" wu Tlb 9o0 lmcky W..« c s b 0w "dn m M. forwo w.lkw 0w on"svu Té tha tua &Wve d ow-moi 2 Canada.j wNfllt w&I mstà lng ain meored ubtaissted re the Dunni-es what etht winning goal. us Gagnon mupplied Just,25 seonds lat- ýby set hlm Up with bdca of-course scored nfadian goal that met à ahead hall *sy thhrd peribd. *ed froin Clerepanov dana to tic Uic score It stayed that way Les and 14 seconds ebby broke looue. -Goal: Edwards; de- rande. Treen. Sinden. nor: torwards: Tomn nuith. Burns., iroden. Atteraley. Gagnofi .Kenzie. Goal: Puchkov: de- cubov. Tregubov. Si- 7kulov;. forwards: Eli- khev. Loktev. Chere- mndrov. Krvbov. Pan- Lystov. Kopyiov. Gosta Al4lin and 011. b of Sweden. UMMARY Alexandrôv .- - 2.à 5 Gosmelin 2.n05: BrndCn uzie 10.48, Lamîirande -lod Attericy- .18.42 izbov 10.43. W 'E R Thr boWERE RALLY PROUD 0F OUR 3--CanUà dtri------ 10.44 4-Auasià , Loktev (Chèe..--W h .,0 -Jn Danov)-------12.127 tl o S 5-Cainada. Attêrsley itaa~ L#4~~.O (Lamicand') --------16.26 $ê-Canada, Gagnon (At- Pen t: Tod OCôrinor 3.22. o g a u ton StopsOoqauain Udwards 5 5-18 Puchkov 14 12-35 1 gnc 131lie epetacyofGkicdys M. Da4iey 7.8 ySAiI ta680.5,years: Hif.e e- MULLINERY pectancy èf Canadian females ha, 112 br@«k St. N. Whitby ineré&sed in the period by il yèars to 7.1 yearq. Cong~ratuIaUions To The WIIITBY DU NLOPS WORLD HOCKEY CHAMPIONS WÇ-elcone Efo me McCULLOUGH LAND DEVELOPMÉNT Industrial - Commercicl and R.sidentiol Building Lots Avodoable SERVICED or UNSERVICEO 1270 SIMCOE ST. N. McCULLOUGH LUMBER CO. LIMITED Lumb.r and EBuildoeo'Supplies Oshom: NM. .301 OSHAWA RA. 5.3539 McCULLOUGH HOMES LIMITED 8.tter.Suilt Homes Osuwu: a 54539 t, il. WITHIN of the Ru champion,, SPONTAJ ions devi Mthof Ma had dcfei to gain t] By J< During ZETA, tht wam tht iii trol the hydrogen been said, "Zfeta's lihi And thai be Sceptri ZETA'S-ia give thteim pnergy f ro sta. Indeed, 1 preciated two scient Ihe- problg Power--an their own -.Bad plan tille brain. For these t in thUido tîii--their * -20 miles à * to ioive Oï by; uulng a4 Od. The'< -der fret-et * producedli more co.z 1The rcs work- la Z large mlit -ti texnpern LLOMdO WELL DONE WHITBY DUNLOPS BELL'S GARAGE 209-211 Dundoa E. Whitby MO. e.3693 Congratulations TO THE DU NLOPS HICK'S BSA SERVICE STN. Duttâos W. WKITSY MO. 8.9038 COGRA TAIN AND WELCOME ROUE- Drougui me &cam «Liu aw qgltuà ko-