Whitby Weekly News, 1 Apr 1958, p. 3

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ONTA~IO LESLIE M. FROST, Bî'îme Minister of Ontario. To The Whitby Dulops: The celebrations Planned :tfor your home coming repre- ,sent te some extent, the 'Pride Ontario, and indeed, ail of Canada has for your suc- cesses at the recent World Hockey Chamnpionship Gaines un Norway. May 1 take this opportunity lof extending greetingsa nd best wishes to the entire teain, manager W.Aren Blair, Ith e ekecutive of the Whitby IDunîops Hockey Club, the Witby Arena Commission, and ail the others who played a part in aldlng the Dunnies 10 add lustre to the name of Canada throughout the world. WHITBY CITIZENS AND OFFICIALS OREET TII! WORD CHAMPIONS 13Y BETTY ODLUM Saturday riighb the Dunnies came home. It was the big mo- ment so eaur ny awaited bv the te anis own fans. At lasi thev rould express their delight and satisfaction to the young men who had brought such honor to the communit.v. There was pride a rd affection,-tonnont must beca use tey are a superb hockev tearn. but also because the Dunnies are thc kînd of people ihev are. a nd carry their responsibilitîes. and victories 50 gracefullv. At a quarter to eleven when the two ire trucks inched moito the shopping plaza. wîth t4S te am perched on board, the throng thai hart heen gathering ail evenmng roared their welcome, The band played. firecrackers popped. horns honked, belîs clanRed The loud- speaker rebroadcast winnlng plavs of the .final game against Rusma And Whitb.v's applause wvas given personali ' to the pflavers. Wren Blair called thSe teamn memberx tb the microphone and each, n his own wav. indicated he was glad to be home and happy with the rereption. The Dunnips' wivex. sharing the stage, radiated happmnesS. too. Scores of children who were allowed tO StaY up laie for thîs "peial, once-in-a-lîfetîme sort of event. mnade the most of It. Manv of them (somne wearing Dunnie caps and sweaters) clusiered arotind the oliatform. edglng close to their heroes. It was altogether informaI, wmîh the officia]i greetirigs brief and Ini the -spirit of the occasion. There would b. other festivllles and mnore time for ceremnony, wlti lb. holiday and parade on Wednes- 1957 Busiest Year Yet For Canada's Airport O-TTAWA-WNSç - Tht yeàr 1957 set a new record for Cana- dian airports ini termi of land- ings and take-offai. accordirig ta figures juat released by the De- partment of Transport. During the year under review the were 2,838,066 landlngs and figure was 2,225,384. control towers. an increteeof 26.6 percent over 1956 when the figure was 2.225,14. Durîng 1957, Vancouver &gain led all others In .number of land- insa nd take-offs---308,Il3: Mon- treai's Dorval Airport had 257.- 086. followed bv Cartierville with 229,245 and Ottawa 220,847. Scheduled airlIne landings and take-offs included ln the abois figures were ai folows-Montretl 51,335; Toronto, 150,970; Vancouv- Yer. 32.829 and Edmonton. 29.432. buring the month of February t.his year. Vancouvers control tower recorded 20,262 landings and take-offs. maklng it the but- lest forr that ionth. Second place went to Oftawa wLh 1304. fol- lowed by Saskatoonî, 14,102 and Montreai. 14.490. Totasl landinga and take-offo were 181).341 an inerease of 2 p*eret over thet mre month lai year. Welcome Home WORLD day. and a civic dinner later on. The main thmng was the boys were bock. triumnphant. after an ab- sence of rwo months and two dayg, Ail Sturdav W*nmbN, had been mn a flurry of preparation for the homecoming. Sunnrv skies. and beautiful sp)ring wealher \%ere in key xith 'he happ mood of thSe tom ri Goid and black. thSe 1teams'e rnlors,. appeared ail over tiSe place1 ai noon the presideîinI ftheiS Booster Club was seeu on a step- ladder ai the four corners. fasiet - îng bunting 10 s lamp-posi He had lots of iilling helpcrs, Be-j qide the nid lphît offtce. a replîca( ()f thSe world's charninio s h i v trophy revolved on top of) a pilon dècoràted wîth flage of thSe couni- tries represented ai Oslo, Dunnie hats burît on the scenp lîke sponne blossoms. The new model beare the legend -World Champions 198' Back felt alpine hats. bright wth vellow bands and feathers, were ail the rage. too. The nierchant who sold themn couldn'i keep up wîth the de- mand. . . . Stores did a boominu business in gold and black crepe paper, and rihbon rosettes. Posters deciared -Welcom.e home champs, we're proud of you- and so on. Business peoipie showed con- siderable originaliii in their dec- oirationh. A bakery had a î'îctorv cake wîth "Go Dunnies Go" wrlt- ten i yellow icîng around the base. and tiers representi ns the rising progression of victorias from the ÇMA chamnplonsblp. ta the- AlLan ICiao.4, and tien the world's titlb of INS.Borne stores pasied score sheeta ai tie tourna- ment. One recepturcd &orne o! tic highlights witi newspaper head- Unes and Pictures. A JewcIer showcd souvenirs iroin Oso-. puck uWe in the. final gaine. badges of the competlng teains. seat stub and programa irom die Jnrdal Amti. and &amples of Nor- weglan handicraft. A barber &hop even advertised the -Dunnie haircut." Anoîher dmsoay had thc teai stting on top ai tht worid. Thts whcrc the, are--and their tans are going to dutre the pleesure of Il wlth ths'm for a long, long lime. Vacalloun sWamd Danger Frm Raiote 1 onfa the unpleasant thingi Canada hai to'fate la an occasion- al outbreak pi tables. While these epîdemnies are nôt irequent, they are difficult ta contraI, ince the ditease usually attacks wild ani- mals from which it spreads ta dornestic varietiès. Most people who *pend ticir summers or vacations in the country are thriiled by the smnall animaIs froin the woods who have developed bhe art of panhandling ta the nth degrec. But these same arimals are susceptible to rab- les. Dogs arid cats should not be al- lewed ta roam freely through Uic woods, and ît shoifid be remein- bered that a wide variety of ani- mals cari become rabid-includ- ini dogs. cats. small rodents, cows. deer. moose. anid mari himself. Rabies la spread by the bite. scratch or everi saliva of a rabid animal. Children should be cau- tioned against the chanec o! being bibten by any animais. The local Healbh o! Animais Veteririarian of the Canadian De- partmcnt of Agriculture shouid be notîfied of any suspected case of rabies in animaIs. The local game viarden, too. will know what ac- tion to taIse in such case. The city veterinarian will advise as tan the vaccination of the animal pets which are takeni on the vacation trip whether it ig a long stav at the summer cottage or a motor trip through rural areas. OVER CONFIDENCE Long experience as a driver or on some job involving machiner)- or chemicals. may make a person nver confident. While the right reacýions may be second nature ico a good driver, he should never rey, upon instinct to keep him naf f P rom arccdents-he should keep hix mind on the job to pre- vent accidents that cari happeri in a matter of seconds. While drivmng, or wcrkîng with machin- ery. chemnicals or drugs is no time to do the worr-.ing over domestic or financial problemrs. LIFE INSURANCE About 75.000W Canadians are owneru of lie insurince Policies. Life insurance in forte now totals about $34-5 billion. CIVIC HOUDÉAY1 MARKS DUNNY Travellers on Highway 401 or Wednesday aflernoon wlll b. a- ware that they, are in Whitby district. and that Whitby is the home of the Whitby Duniops, World Championship Hockeyî team. A calvalcade of crc and floats wîil travel to Ajax. then to Oshawa and back 10 Whitby, all via No 401. Provincial polce w») lead a.nd brlng Up thi eai« of the parade. Mtemibers ci the* Duanies wil b. hIopen cars for thi. parade, weatber p«mlttîng. They wîll ha accot4penied by a large numbei ai fla. "1l can't tell you right nof. jus' how many filoët tre are gol to be. 1 personally know of a. bout 8 or I0, but we expeci manc more titan that.- "id, Gordo: Hawee. parade charman. ýO course there wîli always b. tii.; who don't lot us know ahead o tin»ebut willcorne dowto 10 parade grourids on Wednesdaý aiternoon. The. rardb.lling point of th parade te ai lthe Dunlop ptant a Port Whitby. Lime-up wtlt a et 2.30 and lte par"#e wtlmov, oui promptly at 3 o'cloek.. Ontalo IIsItum ue.ay, pri 2, iNS WmMiTrTWEEKLY NEW@ I. Accord On bules CNAA1 UI~ SAE The. Ontario Legisiature, wbere, The Dunniel 12-1 win <Of an 13 Canada, Broden (Sinden) 14.40 matters of great importance are injury-weekened United 'Stat& Penalties; &roden. 2.43. Tom diseutied, laws are passed, OP- team- la the forgotten, gameW O'C<,nnor, 4.35; Petroske. 5.45. dlscussed, laws are passed, ô:- the Oslo sertes so fer as Canadien Stops state which are ot vital concerfi fane are concernied. Just so long Ed ta the population, are thrashed as tueinnies won, nobody ad l 92 out gave officiai recognition to l~e Very sports paper of lthe Rigazio 17 il 15-43 a subject with which the popula- Metropolitan papers carried only tion happens ta b. vitally COnl- a paragrapi on the gaine, whule FEWER PRODUCE MORE crned. usually any game the Dunailes Altbough Canada'. total agri- The item discussed was the wvere in rated et îeast a column cultural production has beeri Whitby Dunlop Hockey Team, of Of sPace. steadily increasing, over the past course, and was introduced by the, But the anti-clîmax created 10' years the number of farnm Prie Mniser he on.L.M. with the results of the gaine workers bas decîiped by an Frost. The Prime ýMinister paid against Russia coming before aea f3.0 esn nuly warm and fîtting tribute t0 Our there were any Canadian editions Dunnies. and in.iormed the Legia-tu announce the resuits ai the lature that he had directed a gaine againat the Americans re- telegram to b. sent to Mr. Blair sijîted -in thé~ Satu.rday gaine which read: bclxmg lost sight of. It jufit didn't "«Hearty congratulations. A.ll matter te any one. Not even Canada thrilled with pride et Uic Americans. your vlctory. and the faine of For the mattèr Of the. record, Canada rings around the world." Connue Broden had bis best scor- Mr. F. R. Oliver, Leader Of the ing apree af the European trîp Opposition spoke next and ex- witen he scored four goals' and pressed bimseif as being in on Sid Srnlth'u goal. feet accord 7yth the Prime Mini- Gordie miles and Sa*iolenko R nies Ini glowing ternis. sitesiniS OConflor. Sid Smnith. Jack Mc- th.e service the teain has render- K«2le anid Allie Treen each got cd to amateur sport ini Canada a singieton. with their glorious VictorY. Mèridith irom Bill Christian Mr. T. D. Thomas of Oshawa scbred thc only goal for the Arn- then expressed bis agreemenit ericant. with both the Prime Minuster and There were îlve Penalties iri the Leader of the opposition. He the gaine with four of thein felt that the Dunnies had ac- going to the Dunnies. compllshed two things . ThtyC andy ol dad. e won the champlonship. and crea- Cada-Gl:Ewr:de ted a belter understanding be- ierice: Lamirande, Treen. Sinden. twen Russisanard our country. Ted O'Connor. forwards: Tom The Hon. M. B. Dymond. Min- O'Connor, Smith. Burns. Myles. addressed thc Assembly. beaping Gosselin. McKenzie. further praise on the Dunriies as United States - Goal: Rigazio. sportsmen and ambassadors of Aèfence: Zifcak. Miller. Lawrnàn. Canada. He f inished off hi; coin- Ètroske; forwards: Roger Chris- mentary by saying: tiant. Bill Christian, Gardon Chris- -J think il is very fitting in tien. Oison, JIohnson. Meredith. deed that saine record af their Mable, iachievemnent should b. written Referees: Andrei Starovoitov. lnt the officiai records ai the Rues!&s. Gosta Ahlin, Sweden. Hotise 'MM e There were no disseriting vol irst SUMMARY ces. a nd Uic fourth session of the 1Cad. moek ---14 Twenly-fifth Legislature then Cnd.Smlno ..-14 werit on wit) ius business a m&k - 2 Canada, Broden. (Smith) 6.30 ing laws and diseussing the pros 3 Canada. Ted OConnor -_- 13.34 eand cons of mAtters of stale, in 4 Canada. Treen -------- 1846 dlgniîcd sometimes heate-d words. Penalties: None. swith a "by your leave" te Mr Second Period Speaker. 5 Canada. McKenzie ---8.30 ON WEIESDAY Penalties: Treen, 8.30. . n t DAY 1HNWHITBY 7?Unitd Saeseredith C The route af the cavalcade wil 8 Canada. Myles l124 C b. west on Watson te Brock tûc (Alteraley) ------15 No. 401. Weut on H.Ighway 401 b *9 Canada, Myles- 7.47 PlN the Brock rond. thence througki 10 Canada. Broden (Me- Pickering via No 2 highway ta Kentie - -0.28 Harwood, Ajax. The parade wîl I Canada. Samolenko Imake a circuit thirouli the A)ax (Attersley) - - . 12-51 n Shoppin Centre and returri ta 401 12 Canada, Smith (Brodený 14.11 e r in tf be 9f Fe travel norti on Simce atreet. tam wesl on KLng le Park road. souti te 401 aMW ~cete Ercc& street i Whtby. la towne, tii.parade vil g« norti on Brock te stu.Lautremc, te Atbi. ta Dundas, te Cecih- rane, te Wainut.. te Broc* and ltai te WhItty Plu*. Durlni the cven.ing there yul b. flreworks and a dan«. Il 1i% expected (baltichedam w Il get u"deway bolweoei 8.1and 9 o*ciock. Na Urne bas Iaeên set for letting ait thé. fIrewer*s. but dut event viii te .plae as moon «s ît insuitaWly dark. it. bo * w») take plam Con lt ort ilsde ei the Arem aParking tl. The. dam ewIil ntinue le about 11.30. A loal band te sup- plyin th* muite. vti addittonal players beiag-brougili from To- ronto. congratulaionisI WHITBYUNLOPS A Coqqratulatto ns WORD HOCKEY 'CIAMPUON$SH1PS COURTICE PHA*RMACY 117 brnck St. N. Whltby MO. &2394 , fresh wth oui Lngr Beverages, Ltd.o ATONS OHAWA Wiskes to extenci H eqrt......... c TO THt for Pe rfsrm a-oece CHAMPiONS cHAS, IURCH ST. R OWtMKLLE LE i- MArkit 3,5$»% i ~1 H bmck ttSi

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