and discharged hilgh-energy cur- rent through it. In the late sum mner of laat year, the group at Har- well-with their rrà itiine ZETA -ucceeded ln creating a control- led reaction. closely followed by the Aldermaston team working on Sceptre. But what Is flot gn widely known is the nature of the corn- plex difficuflies which even now have flot been fully resolved.- Earlv% attenmpts to produce high' ternperatureit in the O-tube - tec'hnieally called a *torus-fail- Pd hecauçe the discharge was hihulv unstable. Instead of re- nalning straîght. andi runniîng &round the rentre of the tube. t dev eloped "kînk.q" which grow at the fantastic' rate of two mil- linn mileit an hour, and touch the tube wnll!;.Thîs kinkîng. which the %cien'ss rail 'rgln.not n'v clauses seefrteheat bu',al4n aporî!teg the tube - Pt fiNe million degrres even the ltugho#'st material be-comes while Il inok- fou- t f"\e %ear% of pal'snrilresearch in overrorne th1s ci fficully- and much more re- mai' 10inhr donc Rnth ZFTA andi Sreplre hae naintainoei thri i teredotis irm-peraiureç for the çýcrnlifica'- 1% long lime of thru.sandq of a send thnLusai d; of fimes 1w'?- ter than thi, Aieriran5 mwho csn rna!t-ita thrîr r-artîon on1y for flot"m,5cf a fcond Rkit ha',(re hr clîncerr pe)%$Pr ran fn- hnn-,.ç ayr r ucir.N Ite 'ort- prýa1ire< îirtride ,he machwee mueît ha' far ear-sînrt arp ilkr'mg of crePîng temprra- ttirrc of :W0 million drgrto~-5 a'.ri i-muçîire mairr'aincd for far Cra".a tp' p<ririq On1% t hen will th#-'- eniachirincs . eraie mtirq Pový rr than tha'N con5tme- 7FTA fc- exanipie tuçes up a bîlîn This c ireh p (Crworcmv-e 1'a ftarch 1: Ra od ral- "ni.rthain ZE1A anîd vi far h'otvieldc'd such hîgh trri., pearr< but 'ha' trmpprmaltîres th..a*ttiïiar cdhiév.e been en- I> rrae<ir-n tîh nmore ecnm "l 1 o.' l 1 >p a ' N16 c vw1t1f. n c *l'ia* 'hr <inaller reacî.re .arce 'hr Imfre efficientin pi'a'tical luqe - thatever !hé noutr-(nuwhethet eîa(frtrr' f Ihe fuiture bc giants 'i r p g' <- '%hrbthrr he fîrsI * nu t b' Brîtaîn Huçsia or Aii'er- icà the wholte wrbrid o%%," or raliable debl tb the mer of - iarx% cil and Alde'rmaston aMndte file Ruîs'.i;îr i ti r q' a iî.îîîjînrs' rrIltî' f m-<<ar - p'(C) 1N,\ N1:À) t ,s 'lit , Ir v \ r'f.1 q"r Sii ir< a%1;a he - f « ilt 1 , '. l 1 ,4! ieta's Little Sister lU.1< HIN WN lI D t r. S 4 t d Il "d '; r i i 1 rt ' 1 '\r-r l; 't I, t i ii i r .. -%% r f r ,a 1 V r ll<'i t r ý (ilil h'l i % ta ?k lt r-Ilt tire , 11isi a't 1) g ) %.111iv 1 i' blrafî 21it nilis apari fbu t ha'. 'st i <u tA ol eota t h esaine hiw % IIr rîb 1il1 di b1Vw u11sii 19lih tl Y dîi(fferdei i e th oi -The tditcwhir-h '.'aaikaiui der frae-rnîerprisé condition'. bha- produreti what appearitotahc the more 4ecfjomri ~îniaehiia, The ' i'a'sulîs of the two trarni' work la ZETA -a 'arpriii large mrachinei whiî'h h.îs achiv (I Item»tr)ritreg nf ive miîllin degrecs, but uses millions, of tim- els more power than lt gereraîft -ani Scepiri a amalier machine wvhieh has achîeved nearl four million degreein return for tar les% power. The sîory of theise two temi began ten years ago. when pre- liminary work on thernionurilear power was started et Imperial College. by a team under Sir George Thomson .and ett he' Clar- endon Laboratory. Oxford, by an- other team under Dr. P.C. Thon,- Mann, By 1950 theidepetndent woTk ôt the two teams wasa bowing suih promise that the Govern- ment declded- to tranuter thein to places which could b. mort eofveniently guarded. Thus In 1951 the Offord group was mov.d to Mariweand lbé Imperlal Colloge group to the Asfocçýsted, U3ctflcal laddtri. 1aboratôvy,ýt- ai M shlMn. " xarwell-tuml ,wI* fuitGOVgp< Ment fliranclal basdtg, dWSIYI di<A 'r* 'fs i ri at'fà T-.1 !q k irit- S .'.i r. iara- i,' a< t i <' 1 <r t c-(; - -rî The' 1 u' - t ) f- 9 a.1. I i1 'rr rimnîsî-n à '.' t fi' ' ' ' ti b m k m t <<IN fir I r )r o ) aece. b1 'fia' <.;<'. err i ' f.N(cii <!f 'han x plih o '.l i -a1g'a-.4 lx .à to i t 1 a a .ri ti ba % h 1 1 à iai' 1j f f'.i a t. 1 8 ; r 7i fà i el .' 1' a <r ri - t:ti b the"rr ,' t%*à 'î ra -, urm% ed ia'<«gr 4erupen r ca suie of 'bn. a' the cn uionofThe con'cg anm .ir'î.! irf< Tfa' Ia( Iq exu he' han,'.%ihb%.(ir ga"evr(icota: ned aauivi t suid spsrke of a te The Lacienrtit s Ili ereforp hbari tar gey,#rraa. hb#-,a 1 eq i %a1rie 1t t 'hat praaduà ced b'. ai,.A-tfsrnib ex- plior sîînt oirlcrta-re)pat-k rf f i h NOrarga'rî t aclin ond riA t thia -.acie lt i ne kri'p <'i r'. 'h . "gur.- (Itar '.a a f i d cl p (oUrt i rirr icatm eaatsa(-r 'b. rroblern in mut h the "iei ..a T'h.' ti h<' ei urerd 5nom aiiwcill ar" ,They htUl glass tube ftc ".'i hea.'î hy- tirrlgen ard rihapa'd !k.' an Ç. rem t>rhinatlhreeirrecn Br 1. hvhlmnad tha"m elth i rîtîfi roare p rouil Ihâv re ca or. inthe'a mav wf tell havei âfharge.d te fuLiture nthe .ri- analt fort thefnationsofproe- Congqrat u lati 9ons WHITBY DUNLOPS Vour dispiay on and off the ice in Oslo has thrilled ail Canada Redy«Mix Concrete Co. TuAM$IT lxi OCONCRUT 1270 siMOCi $1' N. b4. RA. S-YS41 ograttilatons TO THE WhithbyDunîlpa WORLD HOCKEY -CHnAMPl IS Tuesday, April 1, 1958 W1IITBY WBEKLY NEWS S AFER THE RUSSIAN GAMEI By JIM VrPONU That nid debil intangible, Pres- sure. came dramatically close t0 makîng the Dunnies' tour of Europe a dead loss yesterdav. Ever sance that Fridav nîuht in November when the tense Dun- nies spotted the Russians two earlv goals and then rebounded to win 7-2. the spotlight has been heatedly foc-used on Canada's hockey representatives f rom Whitby. Thix hockey team was bent on a mission far surpassing the ex- pressed menng of world hockey tournamentîs. Theirs was a Quest of lost prestige-. Andi thry tacklec the aqssgniment ».hnieheartediN from the moment the--% firrt laceci on Skates in Englandt some -weeks a go. Theirs was a triumnhant cours.e to Oslo and the conîraralirleî' easy manner in -which thev de- feated each s9uccessive nation w&s ainother exclamation mark in. their deiermination in do the job they set outi 10 do so man'< months ago. But it would a)! have e enr"iï vain hati theN not diretoed I. Russianiç n *hc clîmiatie tourna- ment finale .And wh-at a thriller that turned outIo b h Eath sceeîge'<n1 anti the rapt attention in %Nhich ,he riA. ers were held b% "n-thr-srroin' absent Wei lers rmîNmounte". the pre&aure asq the IMIPORTANT game apomorachv'd ITrure. e rN gaine %1-a % iinmo r,,a nt and a healthy cu.shion of g ais w'a ne<-esseary 1(b .ffsa'î the danger of a Ru.sian tlic But h%' the lime ndv or- îng dawned in Osîn, mianagerr Wren Blair. Plaia'. îngach Sid Smith Andi each of t16Iiohrr ('ANADIAN OWNED ('anada's rrimar% etN~ in- mIo abt R2 (>per- sorts in 700 establishmnents sprcad over the 10 Provinces The in - tiur i la MPer cent (7anadian- 0N%%nfM<cornPared tb 48 v'er cent for ail manufa*ciuring and min- QI)IRK mai., mi ral» -tfu Durh**Rkeh- &rd Ca rta MFred et Ne" Yoft City. ver t lantata eutadv by Dutcb a"obrftt., at RottMedam*ver lthe a rad. Tbey veo ehartd vi lb pembiq ont.r- fq4m -eIrAels k.u -art'. players assigned to duty were as taut as a high diver preparing to leap irito a thimbleful of iignîted ga sol ine. The pressure almost smothered the Dunnies with the effective- ness of an old-fashioned Nor- wegian blizzard. But to the credit of the crew they shook off the shakes and skated back to corn- plete the mission 10 the satbsfae- lion of everyone oulside the Iron 229 Broek St. S.Whltby C u rta i r C0 nqratu/att'ons AND 26com7e J+omne TO THE WHIIY DULoPs MIKE STARR MEMBiR 0F PARLIAMENT FOR ONTARIO RING MINISTER 0F LASOR w . a i a * s b . C . g.0 w. . Ow omusws Ou omi. wm NAMILY MURAIS OAWA> Con gra tu/at ibns!1 TO OUR DUNNIES 'VAN HEMMEN CLOTHING (jIf' ri<<. ,r l,1r Ou ~h* <~b~Wwoe*sr 1- âm-- Ilwagmeam, luw wwmmw *W,*