Whitby Weekly News, 8 Dec 1955, p. 4

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Conigrat ulatiins toMl snd Mirs. j , ii thie hîîîth of a iaugiter, Mjary i hi iii on suiiday. December 41k, tri V hi ().hiaÀa herierih Hospi. ' NI' i n I lii R. MiNeil <af i 111 einha.lulu as their guesta i îeek i aid Nus. R. Van- Give HM CufLnsO F QUALITYf FURNITURE lu.ecy mian appien aIes a fineD.ning Roomn Suites Chesterfield Suites daro Cf ikso re a.iaple E, pieces hy is s for thse first The famotis Feac" by aqihno & We hive nanyVstles to choose V li me niî Whiiîhv Cfford. "lxte"b aqhro froni ai -it handsonie pre sentalion case. Pnied lu VECA,:O R W Bedroom Suites Custom Mode I)i iaiudîig salues in qualitlvsslle, or1 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Ch iamplainî lied Nlaple. (hoose froua Chose ou, band or select your osun $2. 0 o O AT GROSLEAnd Another First For ROI, $ 1500 ~EASY CREDIT Ti V NO DOWN PAY M., y SIFor the firSt tinte in Our history w. j Credit Terms to Suit yC M. * <a..Many Other Famous Makers! I 11( <51K s,,asu' Away From The ihRn WHITBYDfIC Au [)iuds t. Poue 412j 216 MARY ST. W. WHITBY .. . . . .. . . USSEAU'S 'ERMS ,MENT con now allow FOU. ncluding Sklar SDistrict rui tE MO. 8-3483 i r,- - .......... Lq m P ER S O hA L S Joan Wilson Scottish concert sen Mr.hSarlpetSh osiw.ar. Je- Please phono M0hawk 8.3830. Prsne 1ih i 1 yS. n rwsW A Diamond, recently arrived firom Mca. T. D. Rae, Mr. George Rae Miss Ana Cuddy of Toronto A pleasant surprise was in store Scotland, sang several nunribers. Qsnd Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forbes of! University was home for the for' Miss Joan Wilson, daugliter of Tire Wo n's P ssoceiatn of St. upd t i rto! o Miss Sno hrley, Windsor were in North Bay for week-end visiting her parents Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson, lat Sun-_Ares iesisyo t erioab ncurtChondrac, h e d etio o iss hirlney Qie wedding o! F0 David Rse and and Mrs. F. A. Cuddy. day, when se attended St. An- peetdams noal ocr omcdne ctii acs Elsie Lorraine Robertson. Thea in tise Sunday School on St. An- Ail were able to take part In th? ~erernony took place in St. An- Miss Hazel Winters and Miss drew's Preabytecian Cisurch, Pick- dî'ew 's Night, Novemnber 3Oth. programme as Mr. Art Crawford <rew's United Cisucch, North Bay May Northup wece smong tise ering. Miss Wilson was preaented AiteSots okadtoeldteCmuiySn og Ohs Satucday, Novemnber 26tis. guests entertained recestly by with a hyma. nbook by the menibers AIl ishey cottiaisfok nd tisosedledtse Coanityng n g. er ers. P. N. Spratt, Kent St. spent Mca. L. Deline and Mc. and Mrs. of tihe choir. Miss Joan Wilson, w wih tey epattenPiera and Af te RScotavdMarshaln ti e do * ew days in Buffalo, N.Y. tisis Wmn. Storks at their home in New- ingnGulhSesagadt Donald, McLennan and Wilson as Master o! Ceremonies. ieek. castle. sdn nGeps h agade brought their stîs ring music. Befreasments wece served by Memec o Al aitswith Mca. Marion MeClemient at Frank Rosettani sang two Scottssh members o! tise W.A. Al sho Membrs f Al SantsWsmanas Mr. and Mis. Joe Wsrd had as tise annivecsary service la St. An- songa and Misa Masgaret Sleep, attended ststed that it was a grand xiliary will sold their meeting tseir guests atweM.adde' hic;Pceig ati iriiial anr aehreeig sls afternoon at 2.30 p.m. la tise s.FKnal week, Mr. aad daw' Chrch i ckrnmtinbriiiabemne av e nn ~as1is Hall. Election of officers Ma rn edl fUia udymrig _________________________________ tii1 take place at this time. Mc. and Mca. Walter Brown Bail attise Club Bayview lait Fni- MWr. and Mca. Stuart Roblin en- wece among tise guesta entertsined d y eei g f Lertained prior to tise Fireinan's cecently at the home of Mc. and Ch isng.À A 00 e aý]on Friday evening. Guesta Mca. Bill Lennon o! Kinsale. Mc. Herbert G. Cols focmecîy of C r s Bowmanvile mas GiftesApples eeM.and Mca. Heris Cole, Mr. Misa Vivian Sadier of Bowmsn- WiB waitle anrcieading ine er r htywats rhtc o ie Shipped by express to, an>' rail point n Canada and USA. gnd Mca. T. M. Moore and Mr. and ville was guest soîniat lat Sunday new Dalington Scisool. Me ivas fr au. E T A [t~ 31s .E. Simma. at Faits Baptiat Churcis. pînsent at Hampton foc tise opon- RED vIuuG EXT A FAN V APPLIE Mr. and Mca. Joe Luke anîd Mr. Whitby Baptist Chucci Ladies In g cecemsny whicis took place ; à Mca. H. Hopkins of Oshsawa Aid are holding their annual November 28th. ',/ Bushel Gift Package $3....... nreamong those seen at tise Christmas Party on Tuesday even- Mca. David Bush of Windsor (Plus Express Ciarge) $3 0 Ficemanas BaIllIsat Friday evening. ing, Decemnber i3tis, at 8 p.m. in lias been viiing hec parents, Mr.BuhlGf Mc. Max Ricis îttended tishe Snay cso al and Mca. Gordon Osbsorne at hir ( PackagxpeChre5 0 «enecal Motors Motorama in 'b- Among tisose who attended tise home on Henry St. this past week.(PuExrsChge ionto lait week. annual Firemans Bail at thse Club Mrs. F. H. Fallon was tise in- Mr. Emocy Southwell, Palace St.iMayor Hîrry Jermyn and Mrs. ene of the Ohw anDisecgua isad as guesta lait week, theic Jermyn M. and Mca. W. Hui-ley; trict Silver Cross Woren at tise peice, Mis. John Puckrinanmd hec Fice Chie! R. Hobbsanmd Mca. home of Mca. Thomas Loceno, son Ad Mcr.of.WFrha AulWatslon s, d swa Fion, efJac Osaawa oulevard S., Oshawa. Eacis apple cacefull>' aelected and packed la an individual ceil, 1 Wason d Mr. Wtson Jarardso tisat no appîe touches another. Tis new modern type of Yr. ad Mr. F. . Fr h oa d ;Fie Chief B. Corner and Misa Joan Wilson o! Guelpis was package jsa guarantee to safe arrivai in prime condilion. their giesi lait week-end his is- Mca'. Corner, Wiitby; Fice Captain home tfoc ise week-end visiting hec Cl ed hed' clohn nto ae fape ed -cMs agai-et Fry of Downi- B wei n c.Tweiprns5 c adMa o isn an atmo piere o! Chisitmas. Youc own personal card encloaed 11tw. ~~~Oshaja ;. «Fice Captain R. BcyaniRed Wng Orcisards. if desiced. S TA D R G A E Mirs. H. Maguire and hec daugis. ice aptaisn B. Binaing snd Mca. Dr. and Mca. S. L. Osborne en- A S T N A D G A E ter, Mri. I. Hicks, sitended tise Bcnnig, hty tectained tise gueit artiats, mem- WhoI.sal. or Reti - funecal of tise former'o brothei-'n- t rn ty becs of tise executive and other law, Mr. Jack Savin, la Toronto, M isses Sandra and Barbara fciends at their home last Friday &.00 arn -5.60 p.m. Daly Except Susiday lait Monday. Mc. Savin pasaed Robson aitended tise bicîisday evening following tise concert by as'ay on Fciday, Derember 2nd. pacty given by Dr. and Mis. Chas, tise Canadian Concert Association. Plione MO0 8-3311 This was tise second death la tise D. Russell, Oshawa, for tiseirl1N tamîily Ù10one week. Aiioîier, daugister Linda, lait week. Mr. Ivan Law showed han beau- brother-in-law of Mis. Maguire tiful coloced alidea of a trip, ta n'~urREDOW1_ Mi Hîr Rbetindîd n o- Mr. sind Mc. Fred BI-own and Wiilian-bug and Fiorida aàt,1Nh. tOofi D iîiito oni Friday, Noveiiber 25tb. Mc. and Mrs. Rari Bryat wece NoveMbr meeting oe theoise ýe <-a N6. 2 e miles Westo Whlthy seen dancing aItishe Fireman's Home and Scisool AeB&latîoaa. 9. L. Beaton, Henry St., iras thse wivnner o! s cake plate ini a draw held recently aItishe Court Chailene Baziar i 0shawsa. h I 111d baacr was in aid of lthe Cerebrl ai e l'alsy Associationî. LIW j i-TUE WEEKLY NEWS 8 DECEMBER, 1955 *SOCIAL ACTIVITIES 0F WHITBY AND DISTRICTe

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