Whitby Weekly News, 8 Dec 1955, p. 3

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__________ -s-s - ~ o, ______ EDITO CARL MANTZ, Editor A Backward Glance Elections for 1956 are over and we suggest that a short backward giance in review would be heipful for the weifare of Whitby. Not an historicai analysis by this paper, of what was done or not done, but a searching personal analysis by every citizen and weii- wisher of Whitby. It is the overali "weel" of the Town that is (and shouid be) the con- cern of us ail, whether we be candidate, elec- tion officiai, Mr. and Mrs. Citizen. Did you, Mr. Candidate, winner or loser, niake a worthwhiie contribution to the bet- THE WEEKLY NEWS "Whitby snd Southern Ontaneos Independent Weekly" [s published Every rl'lursday by Whitby Printing and Publiahiusg. Carl A. Mantz, Publisher Temporary Telephone to ail departments, MOhawk 8-3830 Subscription Rates 10c per copy $4.75 per year Foreign Mail, $500 per year Faith Baptist Annual Meeting The Fouuth Annual business meeting of Faith Baptial Churcci was helsi last week. Following thse dinner election of officera took place with Mrs. R. Wilde, Mis. D. Manning ansi Mr. A. Gillhani as scrutineers. Those electesi foc thse new rhus'ch yess are ChurrIs cierk, Mss. R. Fallow; church treasucer, Mca. Jean Munson; W.M.S. president, Mca. C. W. Milbuî'n; S.S. supecin- tendent, Mr. Wm. Wilde; assist- ent S.S. supeintendent, Mr. G. Baker; envelope steward, Mns. S. Wilde; Happy Hour leader, Mr'. G. Baker; auditor,, Mc. G. Baker sud Mr. L. Eddison; tIse deaconale, Mr'. C. W. Milburn, Mc. Wm. Wilde, Mc. S. Mann, Mc. G. Knudsen; radio ser.-treasursi Corbeli, snd builsi dent, Mr. G. Baker. le addition tlutIl ing comeillees wv Tellers, Mca. G. Me] Baker, Mc. L. Ede Edduson, Mca. R.1 Munson, Mc. Wnî. Mc. W. Motherubea( son, Mc. B. Wilde,e Mc. J. Rawae, Mc.1 G. Baker, Mr. A. G Main. Communion, Milbuirn, Mca. G. Y Baker, Mca. G. Mot B. Hardy, Mis. R.' Mca. G. MeManus,1 sen, Mc. G. Knudî arrangements, Mr. U. Eddison, Mr. G.1 W. MilIsurn, Mrs. R. THE WEEKLY NEW1-j RIALS Boy~ Scout Group8 EMBR MO. 83830The Fourth Group Comnittee ~f~.Ra U ~ 1 bomne of the chaicînan, Graham k.7aIStep F o w r Willan, and receivesi the reports i terment of the Town in your candidature. of Scoutmaster Clarence Freea1is4 ý .and Akela Claire G;odden. The re- We are convinced you did, that the Town is ports showed evidence of îîrogress better off because of your efforts, that your ie the Troop and Paris, ans it was An ** etig higihto willingness and desire to serve has been an- indicated Ihat new boys would be Aoutng setrey sîî glihte ifa receîved into bolh Cubs and Scouts Sth ng eactiviîya st at iwa other hand propeiling Whitby along its path after January lut. Asy boy desfir- otergeto ad th?efraoninu to better and better civic administration. ing to juin sbouîd have bis naineofSat. r ge s anaiClhesDraone. Did you, Mr. Election Officiai, through placed on the leader's waiîîsgIlisituriys at lu aae the carrying out of your duties, ensure that ,oon. Other Comnittee business This was a ro-operative effort included finances, badge board,, on the part of ail local Troops as every voter and every candidate Was fuiIY 'ansi Mothers' Auxiiiary. Scouts from each group hielpeel assured of their rights. Did you as guardian_______________I with the fabrication sndnarrlîed of our basic democratic privilege do ail that in tise parade. your p)osition wouid aiiow to assure that the BIRTHDAYS The Scouts extensi Ibeir thanks ________________________ Ito Harry Jermyn & Sons for- the voice of the people was the one that called ue of t>eir sbop, AIl Saint's An- the victors to the altar of service. We are Congratulations andi best ishgoes glican Cbucch for the use of the sure hat yu dilutoaur ceaders who aie celebiaîîng Parish Hall fui assembly work, sur tht yu dd.their bictbdays Ibis cumning week. ansi D. A. McNulty Co. Lîsi., To- Did you, Mr. and Mrs. Citizen, mnake that ronto, who donatesi the "Dragon litiesemson Teiy Faîlo\t', Fiidaîy, Deceiliber skie". Alsc appreciatesi were the liteadded effort that em necessary o th. sperial discounts un materiala the part of the majority of citizens, to cast Mis. F. Laxsence, Tuesday, given by severai local firms and your ballot in the way that YOU wished. Deceotber i3th. of course the generous donations Did you encourage others to do the saine? Jonas enFa ms rdyfrom the Chamber of Commerce The ~ ~ ~ ~ Ja rihaovtenhdrvleet h Deem ean th ,Frda without whose belp the effort Tergt to vote he i yourstopotetect. Ms. th.would flot have been possible. responsibility tovt syust rtc. M-.Rsiph Westcotl, Salut day, Credit also to Sroutmastecs Bibl Did you protect it? We are sure that you did. Derember i0th. Jermyn, Bill Lawler ansi Clarence - Eileen Bsowoi, Saiurday, D)e- Freek wbo sud much of the basie el-, MIS. E. t NC. Ch rla,,t eber 101h. woris. We know i leasa une Scout- Navy haplan At Roger Crawford, Sati uday, De- master who stili bas a "dragon Jing supes usters- cember lOth. behissi". I.Ship Cereinoney Fanny Palotier, Saiurday De- The Third Whiîhy Troop pro- hese the foliot, cember 101h. videsi the colour party for tise cea ppines: Chaplaso A. E. Kemp, C.D., Gladys Disney, Sunday, l)ecetis, parade ansi Cuba of the First ,vr pone:Senior Chaplii, I-.M.C.S. York, ber lith. Whitby Pack escortesi St. George eManus, Mca. G. officiated at the Csmmissioning Elenor torreil, Suniday, Decem- ansi tbe Dragon. Idson, Mca. B. of the H.M.C.S. Loue in Toronto. ber 111h. Aisela Claire Gosiden or the Fallow, Mr. G. The ship, firal of the new Bird- Gordon Richards, Sunday, De- Fourth Whitby Cuh Pack inveateel Wilde. Ushers, Casas patrol ve8sels, is for- anti- cember 111h. two new Cuba, Bill Turiser and dM.G.Ms submarine ansi roastal work. It Sandra Robsini, Tuesday, De- Davîi McKay at the regula r t, et- aM.GMu-was lsuilt by the J. T. Taylor Boat cember i3th. ing lait Monday. Mr. L. Esidison, wocks, Toronto. Mark Baker-, Tuesday, Decettuber The Gcoup Commitîce of te W. Deweli. Mr. Before a gsthering of aume 200 131h. Fourth Witby Group belsi their Lillham, Mr. E. guesta, CapI. J. Dean, RCN, ar- Marilyn H-olde,,, Tuesday, De- cegular monthly meetinsg at the' jMca. C. W. ceptesi the ship from Sir Ells- cember illth. home of Chairman Graham Wîl. birGilI, Mss. G. worth Favelle. Capt. L. D. Stupari, Jimmy Quanirili, Tuesday, De- Ian laut Monday evening. Tihe bttecabeasi, Miss C.D., waa cepresenting the Chief rember itlth. meeting was weill stendeel ansi Wilde. Flowers of Naval Staff for tIse ceremony. Olive MrLean, Tuesday, Deceni- fucthec plans adse for the 5s tnp Mca. M. Kuud- Lieut A. J. Norman, RCN of Hali- ber- 13th. pcogram. Isen. Baptis3mal fax, assumed commandi Mca. A. Horwich, Wednseulay,l - _0 - W. Wilde, Mc. Thse officiais sud guesta were Deceruber i4tb. -GEN ODYPU Munson, Mr. C. entectaiuesi lu a ceception folios'- sCREW(DYPU . Fallow. îng lthe rommissioning. The Young People's Ur"')"i(>f BRIDGE bc,;.ý d Ibter meeting in BRD ESCORES t wj rth isembeis off neigh. 1boiiag socielies pueseni. tWhitby Duplicate Bridge scoires Guest speaker was a enissîssu iu.ttoge Te eett oafr Ibis week with 11 tables piuy vourer ,l:o bî,,ugl, asincesa TOP SCORES charge of the tiltsiolar otvetier, Norths snd Southl Len Walthaitt, asîsted br Das id Mi. and Mis. Wiister, 144, Mî l'erg. DOWNStiner atîdiMis. Bototh, 1-71 ; ,The teut uieetîu, i Sj1 e helsi aI Mr. Miller ansi Mr. Hermî,tt12-j' the l'ascite hotmte. N.H.A. ~15OO 6ROOM BRICK READY FOR OC(UPAN(Y COMPLETELY FINISHED FROM DECORATING TO GRAVEL DRIVEWAY A SMALL DEPOSUT WILL HOLD Open Nine a.m. To Nine p.m. Je P. ALLAN REAL ESTATE BROKER PMIOE MOIIWK 8-3564 -DAY OR NUGHT 104 DUNDAS STr. W. WHITBY Mr. andi Mia. Bowman,12;Mi andi Mrs. Thomnas, 116'- East and WesDA CN Mr. and MiS. MacLeod - niC ING Mrs. Rchardson ands . Odliti 1131; Mi-s. Watts and Mis.Mac Register 'Jow Wt dougail, 129; Mis. Kennsedy ood Shirley Cormack Mis. Pringle, 114; MI, andi Mis 713 ATHOL ST. - WHITBY Bos'ay, 113',., LEASE EXPIRING SPECIALS SIMPLICITY WASHERS From 99.50 AIRFOAM CHESTERFUELDS, 2 pieces 129.00 MATTRESSES From 19.95 KITCHEN SETS-Chrome 59.00 STROWGER'eS FURNITURE CO. LTD. 123 BROCK ST. N. MO. 8-3611 We %%ill move imb our new building OPPOSITE THE NEW POST OFFIC'E as soon as il is completed. BUNGALOW S 1

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