Romane- cheeee THE WEEKLY TIMES-7 - 12 APRIL, 1956 Sauté onien, garllc, green pep- pier and mroms in fat until WILD WEST *tender. Add, tomate puree, water In proportion te population Bni- ound eooig.Cvrand cook tieh Columbia has the highest fer 30.,Minutes.. Cooke spaghetti ratio of adulte convicted of indiet- ýaccording to package directions. able offenes, Prince Edward dain.' Serve with sauce and Island the, lowet. * cbeeae,.5 s ervings. -Quck Canadien Facto criap round crackcers ani germis *lth tiny pearl omions and chopped RMUBARB FREEZE 2 cups diced rhubarb, 13 cep sugar, iew graina of sait, 1 cep top milk, 2 boston egg yolka, t tssbleepopp lemon Julce.' U tee- speson anille, 2 egg whites, 14 cup Select tender, rosy rhubarb and do net pool. Combina rtsuberb, '/à cep 1sugar and. sait, ne voter, Cover and aboriner, tili tender. Ceol. Combine nfle,, egg yolks, vanille assd -lemon 'Juice. Add rhubarb and mlx e. Free In refrigerator inotil fine. Beet :egg whites, oidd 1/4 cup segar.ý Taris froen mixture into bowl and break in chunke; beetuntilfAulfy-ý amnoetb but net mne1ted itith rotary boston. ,Fold lde gg white mixture and roture te refrigeratorsak freezeý ffrm, 'iHlaARB CATSU1> 1. lb. rhuberb, 1 quert cbopped enionas, i plt vbneger, '5Ibs. bn2,wn ougan, 1 tableepoon sait, 1 teesoon ginger, i teaapueen cie- nemnen, 1 teaipoon'allspice, 1 tea- spoçon eloves. Chop nlaubarb and oniona, com nbine with the otseir lu-w gredients and bell until thick. Pour loto jare and seat. LEMON; FRENCH DRESSING %5 cep freols lemnon juice 35 cep selad oeh 2 tbsp. sugar' I tep. salt */ tep. paprika *5 top.. celery sait */ tep. muetard, edx togetteer. Serve cold. Stir weil beora puttlnig on salad. You11 11ke the appetiztng tang that lamais gilvs French dresesg, Se how it brings ouf ail the suc- culent gardon hlaver of vegetablas; snd greensel CORN CHOWDER 4 stripa bacon, eut into piecel i medium salon, cbopped 4 staîke celery, cloopped 214 cups (No. 2 cas) creeni style cern 1 14V2-ot. cae vapecatedl ,nlk 1 % ceps voter 115 teseesoona sait %5 teaipeen peppor Çeok bacen over 1ev béat until crlep. Itemove from paie sud keep vorm. 4dd enSin ansd celery te fat. Côotc untll tender. Âdd cern, ev4poiratgd milk, wAter. and sea- soniegs. Heat tiereegl. Before sarvlng, sprinkle wite crlep bacon. Iloka, fivo 1-cep servngs. MUSMIIOOM POTÀTOES Combine contente of a tin eh Cream of Muebrom Soep, un5- diluted, 15tep. popper and '/ cep 'BRIDGE-.SCORES lIn Whltby'x deplicate bridge withi 10 tables ptaying ýhaa thse foiloving tep scores:> N -ad a : Ms,. sudi lir. Thomas, 9935; Mr. and Mur. Devnis 89; Mr. and Mrs. Wele, $e4; lira. -P. Spratt and ira. J. Spratt, 82; lire. led- lamI sud 4mm. Davies, 7935. E ssd, W i.ansd Mise Bovay, 90; lira S.aderson and Mime Deneaneon, 89; )&r. sud Mmra King, 8235; lir- Watts and Mca. Welsts,* 80; lirm Chubb and lire. D. Mauindreit, 6815. Propertios Wasmtd wu or@e çgiily In oued of homnes and lond is eny price range in t4e Whitby and ouit lylng distlcim- Yenr praeof motogolle is ne pmul- lem, WC, refinonce. Roma Redl Estat. Ltd. Pluene MO. 8-3351 130 Brick se. N. Whiiby 810 BRAND BElF PRIME RIB ý,ËOAST STOKÉLY'S FMCY KERNEL CORN REAL V*44tIE, OAK LIAF BKANO, CI4OIC DESSERT 'PEARS SPECIAL OFFER-Geusinm CANNON BATH T lOWELS 59C wIfh every $5.00 Cash Poirchose A ~ C Voluas effective ot Whitby ____ until SATURDAY, APRIL 14, T lb.'C Dominion Storse Lt. nmmvc w.m lb ~7 Gise Fiee,, Irillient, Lestioen Skine LUQUID WAX ~E RLLS lb.37< pint tic 5 5c cake a puraptin Ple.TOKELY'S FANCY 2 Tins 35c PUMPKIN 2 Tis :x 35C MANNINGS'i CHOC0LATE COVERID Tin I. 23 COCONUT RINGS Fruits &..Vegetahies y"" Tandr « CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS Le. 23C fLORIPA No. I Mom l leua, GRAPEFRUIT 5 L90 ;'29c FLORIDA-F.ui ofJu. ORANGES bus 39c STOKELY'S MACARONI DINNER 29C 15-as. 2 Tin. 3C STOKELY'S AýPPLESAUCE SPECIALII 2 Ting 25c STOKELY'S TOMATO JUICE SPECIAL' 2 25c WIN $100OO every week for o fuit year. Enquire et yosar local Domninion Store for full particuliers. Il