trees. Thus, a movement that. was staruea some seven .years ago at last' begins ta bear fruit. .It seelTs a long lime, seven years, ta get the Town niaving an a p~rogressive plan of replacing trees that have,' for varlaois rea-. .sons, to be cut down, and ta place trees lit open spaces where their $hade antd beauty, will be af benefit ta the whale Town. Some seven years aga5 former niayor Wil-~ liam -Davidson, alang witli his then chair- man af praperty, HIarold Mace, madie an et- tenlpt ta get: trees planted on the Town streets. They arranged for a large qûantity of smali trees te b. sent frans the Gavern- ment Refarestry., Landi at the eastern end of. Burns street was plawed by the Worka Department. Memffbers of the Garden, Club 1and sans. iembers af Cauneil took up ,the arçluôtu taak af -planiting the young trees., *The plan was tljât the Townwould keep the area free fram weeda ancd cultivateti se that the young trees would have a chance ta grow. 'However, as Cauncils changed, the litti trees were fargatten. Saine were win- ter-klled, others were daiuaged- by rabblts POETIC, GLEANINGS. IT'S TIME TO GQ TO WORK if busineso sieeme toa laclre» up 'Wheu bills are falling due, Don't lik. a xavege, chgae arouod, 1Or lot yourself ledl bl ne. Get out and do theo best you can; Your duty noyer ulslrk;- Wake up ansi gai a huetîs. on, It. Uis ta go to worL Reiaebor, wlsen yenu atrted out To malts yoiur wsy ln life, Slow obsstacles uemed atepping-stones, Get norne of tisat olet spirit now; No gloomy t1houghto Jet lurk; But witis a iiling face get Up, il.'. unis to go ta work. aIortHenry Todd THE WBUKLI NEWS Independent Weekly" la publiled, Ee Theuradaby. Whltby Printing CalA. MAuU, Plubuiser Foreign Mail, $1.00 Ver year will un-j -ther ho yclung or Gar- lmn'press nuat be fae Iaana si!cmuotam in NEWLY MINTED Ëvery trade, art or profession bau Ite jargon. Sports commeutatora have long beau fanious for the weil-worn cliché. But even olichu bave te be lnented sometime and a celebrated Canadien radio eportecaeler'reeutly outdtd himaesfitwtis: 4'He blew up 11ke tise proverbial atom bumb, as the aid adage bas it." Letté'esTeoThe- E ditor, OLD P'OST OFFICE Te The Editor The Weekly News What la gelng te happes ta the olil post office now that the new sue will sous lis ready toc occu- pancyl .I would liii. te ses ,the Town, taite ever that building. Itbas a lot of memorles for an awfui lot ef people. lu tlie Town of Whitby. Thora bas been a lot of gosd uews and bad newe coma througb the wickete ot tbai old building. (Net se old that It ws bulit lu .1908,) But there are ail sorts et thinge tise Town ceuld use the building for. The publie Iibfrary wante mare pare. Wisy net =iea the aduit library ita tis a ld post office and bave a chUidren'o. llbrary lu tise present building? Surelf tise Do-I inlein govierumesut would ceope- rate ait a suave et that sert. Tisa upper fleers et lh. builng euld lie uaed for mauy worthy crvie ac.ii- vitiee, suris se Scout Çouwci and comselttee Meetings, tise scoute bave ne bail ofthibir Owu lni Wiiby.- The VON, ansd tha Red Cros eboulil bave permanent mroose at a central loction thai eau bue xied, as werushopu or ln thse ces of aioergency a a castrai, office There siseuld aiso e ba civil 4dence orguatian .in whitliy, Wisitby got tagetiser and fsrmed e wbat botter place for its lisee- Muman Society te tait. cars of, quartero iban in tbe old pont office. "man's hest frieu!l" wbenever lie 1 baveu't heani suyibing. but neede help. surely eue lit esc local civie ergs- .--C.L.W. ulsations sbould lia woring very baud ai tise, prseat time te get tbat' building for the Tom ef Whitby. --ex-Ifesuter IýVMANE SOCIETY To The )fditor The Weekly News The recent rahles scere aud the comiug of upring bas nu douht tansad à lot ef atherwise kind- hearteel people ts complain abiout doge beiu2g baos. on tise etreet. W. diti net bave asy railsic lu this terrltary but the auuouncement test 'does muet lie kepi sff thse etreatu certainly disi not barsu sud mlglit bave preveuted au outbresk et test dresi deseasa. Bst doge cannt lia kept tied umd for erer snd muet bu allowed as mute iree- dean ma passible. < Tupellane stray doge sud hohle ol te inke cars et teem arae.. te, the fore ln tise recet discussions on rabies prevestion sud tise Town Coumil, mas uceble te do aa»'tlsin for tbeutrey doge. It la time tee d'og loyera, of liqusewlfa msY purcusase lier re- qulrements ln single or double .packago quantities iy. Thie pur- ,clisse muet lte repested on a week- ly, routine te supply lier needs. îu tii mauiner no adrantage la posible In the savlnga wbich ac- crue tromn 'case qkuantity buying or the further seringa ef "in seau»n" or low market price qusiqtity buy. ing for future requlremeis." "Ample storage at low cost and th? quality preserving fait freez- ink proceio maltes possible thèe savingo, Frozen food storage route are lèse than le per pound per monili in contrait to possible sav- lues of frein 3c to lic on quantity purchases. Pacticulas'ly on meats botter quality and an improved seloction ut clsolce tender ruts le a further advantage. Product; Development "lCommuulty Food P rodilucetea Limited, bave commenced e piro- duct developinent and reaearch program. te manufacture special cheiluos and food productes for tise baking, coufertiunerY ixnd dstry Industries."! AGAINST AWARD wusîe Mor, muslan s e n To Tisa Editor rosideut et Whitby for les zthan Thé Weekly News. ,two years lie derotes bis leisure TisÇýrç sbould net lie sey stward Unie te youth atti ities ans aSun- or elinfor, e --Peter Ferry" for Whitby lu 1956.,N trlG ~ Pa Se suhuy peuple have doue a N tr lG ePa great deel for tise Toms, sarhisnuT e ulie bis orhec swu field; t h It ould oB ,O tie lie (sud la) Impossibla te clisose A preview of the misole develop- 'ose man sr moman, deoerving ment of ustural gas lu the Whitliy- aliove ail athors. To single eut ose Ohawa ares avili lie givon on 'mau or woman wouid lie te siilit Thursdey, Aprit lOili, ai the dirot- the rosi, tare' meeting eftihe Osheawa Chem- ,Whitby> bad grown as s coin- bar uf Commerce. menlty, liy coensunity, effort. The The usuire dereopepts of nsa- adrent et Wbitby's msny aiew lu- tural gae miirl the .Consumera Cao duatries sud busineese did not Company ut Toronto plans te in- como s the rosait of eue msn'sastitute bers lu tisa uer futurs will mork ase. Our lump ln isouslng lie explained. Speakers mho will and population canuet b.e sti outilue te plan are Mr. Chsarles butasi te a single parson'a efforts. B. World, new manaer af this di- Rather Wbltby'e "Peter Ferry" vlii; Mr. P. W. Goldard, ougineer for 1956 ai lesot, uliould lie su in charge or distibution, sud Mr. ideal, a figurative persoan et gsod J. C. McCarthy, sales manager foc cltaracier, a gre's'lng, yousg pemoan tee Consumera Ces Company. ta ropresent Wisitby and Inspire Reprseniaticoo fcom Whitby s greater coiumueity effort. wmli lie aitendîng ihlo meeting lu Tise Wite et a Civir Worlcr -ortiec te boome Informred es te (Unpaiel) future deveopmenio. Spring Concert Next Thursday The Whiiliy brasa baud wîll pre- sent His opring concert at the iown hall sext Thursdsy night. This socles of concerte sud other activitios of thse band are beisa presented te liuild up the.insltru- ment tund of the band. A numbler fi the neoda of the junior band and these en only lie obtainod from. the brass biand. The policy bas been for the brase baud le 'buy uew instruments sud give theirs to the junior baud after they have licou repaired aud put into propor condition. The Oshawa string queciet, rosi- poacd of Kîsin Hambourg, Charleo Eder, John Dreivniay sud Michael Lupulicki will be on lîand for the evening. As accordion baud under .the leadership of Vladimir Dickin- son will also be featured on the procramn. Art Schatz, the ouly nither player known is Canada, wiil festloro a number of selectin on this old-time instrument that bas become popular again witiiî the ast few yearo. A silver collection wiii lie taren. MORE INIIUSTRY Iu the yease 1947--64, 5.7 billion was iuveeted lu uew pleut aud equipment lir tbe Canadien mauufarturing industry, employ- ment was increased by 10.8 per cent. In the period the volume ef manufscturing p road u ct ion ln- croasd by an average of 2.75 per ,crut per year, weekly wagee iii- creesed by an average of 7.75 AVERAGE FAMILY Average number ut peronil per feuîily iu Canada wae enlimated et 11.8 et Jane t, 1955.